evgning bullgt - university of...

M4OJ09CO19W Medium. Til . ,. A till fid R Pn U tes Advertising w...w.. w i v,s. If you Don't Head the Bulletin eVGNING BULLGT N Evening Paper Published you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL theTeople. iJltVJlsl IjJIIUH pi. I IIUJIHIK V iou0OtlC000"'l froooooaoott Vol. IV. No. 754. HONOLULU, H. L, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1897. Prum 5 Cents. GRAND I nl mini) I inn n I Imirn n lnm IttllUIIU At Cyclomere Park. Season of Three Weeks Saturday Evening,NoY. 6 AT 8 00 LOCK. &3ST DontB iippn at 7 1' M. General Admission, - 2jc. Admission and Grand Stand, - - - 30c. 'Boxes for Tarties of Six or Nine. Seal on Mile at Wall, Nichols Co. MlutifH run to the Gte 73S3w H.LGEAB, 0. D. BEAR, fill Saruomo St., 8. F. 210 KlriR St., 11 I. GEAR & GEAR lawyers. aii Francisco and jJonohilu Having offices In Sim Fnuiulsco and Honolulu we are prepared toatteml promptly to all mutter eutriMo'l to us In either of -- nl'l places. D. G-EA- , LAWYER. Comer of KIiir awl Bethel Streets, Second Floor. William A. Henshall, A-ttorne- y at Law 113 KiuiUumntra Street SAMUEL J. MACDOHALD, Counsellor at Law. 204 Merolinnt Street (ona dnor from Fort Btroot), llonolnln. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Attorney at Law and ISTotarv Public. Kiiatnimanu tret. GILBERT V. LITTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW IIILO, HAWAH A. C. WALL, D. D. S., DENTIST. 'Jew Lovo'g HulldlriR, Fort Btreet. FKLEl'HONK 434. DR. T. MoMILLAN, 01 tliH Royal Colieno of PhyHlclnus ami 8urgeoimof Edlnlmrg'i, Eto. Office: Berotania St., Opposite Hawaiian Hotel (Dr Ryder's.) Houus: 0 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 ami 7 to 8 p. m Telephone 244. DR. G WaLDJ BURGESS, Physician and Snrgann. Residence1 433 Punchbowl Street. Houus 10 a. m. to 12 ni.i 1 to3nna7to 7 .SO p. m TELEI-nON- 852. The Elite Ice Cream Parlors lOB HOTBI.. STRIiETS. Cakes and Candies, Fine Ice Cream. Our KstnUtslimeut ia tlio Finei.tltef.ort In tho City. Call nnd seo w. Open till 11 o'clock!'. 51, THE ART LEAGUE EXHIBITION Will Be the Most Elaborate Ever in Honolulu. Howard Hitchcock Will Hang Fifteen New Studies of Superior Merit -O- ther Con- tributions Hawaiian Scenery. In advance, it may bo stated that tlio Autumn exhibition of the Kilobnuu Art Lcnguo will bo the moat olnborato and interesting yet attempted. It will 'open a week from Mouday evouiug. Thero will bo much new work aud the public will bo treated to-- a surpriso in tho general advancement that hns been mndo nil along tho line. Mr. Hitchcock will display a vaiietyof striking subjects). His work, as tho average critic might view it,shows what may bo termed higher capabilities than ho has heretoforo exhibited. In tho selection of subjects nnd tho treat nieut of effects, his new work gives a fooling of ropoto nnd senti- ment that is vory pleasing. Tho (olection of titles of many of his paintings discloses tho ambition of each though many of thorn go beyoud tho moro objects taken ns subject matter. 'I ho ouo caDvas tho artist most enjoys is his"Symphouy" n study in greens aud grnyB tho subject boiug n liuuo oncoming wnvo at the uoiut of breaking. Another soft ntmospheric effect has for its subject a group of fishermen hauling a seiuo on tho bench. In this tho feeling of twilight aud the night stealing on is very wall expresbOd. "Eventide A Hawaiian Idyl," is, hounvor, his most ambitious canvas for tho coming exhibition. It bhoiva two tjpical Hawaiinns at the sonsido in tho uncertain light of the soft dusk. Other paintings show studios of skies with a fow bright, sunny views about Hilo. Noticeable among them will bo a sunset from Coconuut Islnnd; "Twilight," "Fiahormou," "Cascade," "In Pu- na," "Light and Shadow," a Punchbowl scouo, returning of a typical Hawaiian marine subject, "On the Island," aud a glowing picture of Iho Volcauo duriug its activity. Otboi prominent contributors to tho exhibition will be Mis3 Frouch, art iustruotor at Oahu College; Philip H. Dodge, Mrs. Graham and Mrs Tucker. m Dr. Carter. .Son lloiiae. Dr. Carter's fino house near Hauulu is finished aud will be occupied next week. It is a very large woodon structuro, one floor, and is built in tho form of three sides of a square. Tho dining hall is a large one, aud tho par- lors aud living rooms are emblems of convenieuco and comfort. Olnwulil Will lima Muter. 0. A. Fogarty has returned from Olowulu plantation, whero he has buou assisting tho Pacific Woll Boring Co. in sinking two ton inch wells. Ho roports that water wns struck in tho first woll last week. Mr. Fogarty is in bad health. m Tnko I'ormuiiciit Quarters. Captain Nichols, of tho U. S. S. Ueuuington, aud wifo took up their resideuco yestordny at tho Arlington hotel. They will re- main there duriug tho stay of tho tomporury flagship in port. Good baking powder h cheaper than " cheap " baking powder, because itdoesn'tmuke doctor's bills. "Cheap" baking powder generally contains alum bad for the stomach. Schillings I Best is at your ijfrocer's. A S. IiiI"iii. .S. C'nmiuii) ban riaiit.iiu i:oi .NO.TIK It IV A rt: STOCK MALUM. Illlf lllock ill I'lonerr Mill Olnuicc. iiiuiiu mi sino. Somo big private purchases of sugar stock wero mndo yesterday. Sountor J. A. McCaudless bought 140 shares of Pioneer Mill duriug tho day at S1G0. Other parties bought a total of 1G0 shnros at tho same figure, making 300 shares sold altogether. A block of 15 shares of nssosan bio Oahu, 835 paid, also found a purchaser at $50. Twenty-liv- e shares of Houoknn chauged hnuds at S200, a lino bar- gain. Five shares of People's Ico Company went for Slu'O. lrnirclirft on llio Wnrrlnioo. Twenty Klondikors from Aus- tralia are through passengers on tho Wurriuioo. Thoy are all miners aud are a hardy, dotormin-e- d looking set. Most of them are British, though there are some Americans, Germans aud Frouch men in tho party. Thoy intend to bravo tho ardors of wiuter, aud . will press us far into tho snows ns possible beforo tho trail opens up in April. ... WtIsM'h Villn, Wiilklkl. Tom. Wright has mndo great improvements to his bathing es- tablishment at Waikiki, tho principal of which is an addition in rear of tho house, supplied with four elegant bay windows, to be used as a sitting room. At this point a splendid viow of surf aud sen is obtained, aud tho plnco has tho full sweep of tho cooling winds from tho mountains. The .Tin. m In lliiiiuliilii. Davoy exhibits a large plato picturo of tho moon on a quarter taken by Prof. Holdeu and othon at the Lick Observatory a few mouths ago. Tho geographical lines aro clearly portrayed, nnd the mountains are quite promiu ent. Mr. Davey values tho pic- ture highly, it being quito an ad- dition to his col lent inn. Kn.tlii li llio Klmiillkc. Kealin, Kauai, will soud a party to the Klondike. No less n por-soun- go than Win. Eassio is at the head of it. He is solllug out now. The party will bo composed of some twelve persons, all moneyed men. They will lenvo in April for tho Coast nnd will lose uo time in getting to Diwkhu City. Green llorn rreiv OiBiled A green horn crow has boon put into active training' by tho Ilealaui Yacht aud Boat Club ns n menus of developing soma strong talent tor the noxt rauo moot. W. IS. Wall is coaching. Tlio crew practises on Tuesday and Thurs day evenings of eaoh week. Jliiy Nutlle Here. Charles Clark, n promiuont lawyer of Now York, is n Into nr-ri- vnl in this city. Though horo especinlly for tho henlth of his wife, whom ho accompanies, ho is looking up tho opportunities for his profeshion nud may douido to remain permanently in Honolulu. m iinrriiiilliii' U Tmiiurrotv. Tho qua'rnntiuo period on tho Jnpauosq. laborers brought by tho Riojun Mnru will bo up tomorrow. They will bo shipped out next Monday nud Tuosday. Tho pre- sent lot is an orderly ouo nud hns boon little tax upon buponutond-on- t McVeigh and his guards. Ileulunl lluiiee l'otuiiud. Tho danco committeo of tho Healani bont and Ynoht Club de- cided this afternoon to postpone tho hop scheduled for tonight for ouo week. Exteusivo piepara-tion- s will bo mndo for tho success of tho ntTnir at tho tirao Inst men tioned. For a nice cle"an shavo'drop in nt tho "Elito liarbor Shop," King streot, near Alakou. CLOSING ARGUMENTS NOW ON i Iwilel Murder Case Will Go to the Jury Tonight. More Complications In Sumner Estate Other Matters of Interest In the Higher Courts. In the Iwilei murder enso Chnrlos Oreightou commenced argument for 'tho defense this morning nnd nt 2:30 p. m. wns still talking, Ho will be followed by Deputy Attorney Genornl Dole, Judge Perry will deliver his charge, nud the enso will like- ly go to tho jury somo time this evening. Testimony is still being takou in tho case of A. Fernando, vs. S. O. Dwight, beforo Judge Stan- ley and a uativo jury. Deputy Mnrshnl Hitchcock hns mnde return of survico of sum rnotis on defendants in tho enso of Kailikolo Knihiknpu nud husbnnd ngaiust Kaulau Knikniunhnolo, executrix, nud others, mi notion iu ejectment to quiet title to laud known as tho "Apana Kalo," in Ewa district. Tho samo officer has also mado return of sorvico of summons in tho case of Maria S Davis, sister nud next friend of J. K. Sumuur vs. I. K. Sumner, iu which tho peti tiouor represents to tho Court nud says in rufereuco to tho motion on file iu tho suit of Sumner vs. Cruu dall mado bp J. K. Sumner for the discharge of tho receiver J. A. King, that tho said J K. Sumner is incapable of taking care of himself and is incompetent to manage, enro for nud protect his estato nud property by reason of mental decay aud loss of mem- ory duo to old ago, aud asks that as tho said J. A. King is unwilling longer to act as receiver of said estato somo compotout person bo appointed iu his stead as per- manent guardian or receivor and that the motion of the said J. K. Sumner for the discharuo of the receivor bo deuied. Kiuney it ballon for petitioner. In tho libel for divorce of Isabel E. Davis vs. L'ostor A. Davis, libollaut has Bled n motion that tho libellee bo ordered to pay an additional attorney's feo on tho ground that tho allowance heretoforo made was insufficient, nnd also that her former attorney, W. L. Stnuloy, hnviug been ted to the Circuit Court bench can uo longer nppenr ns her couiiboI. Tho nsHumpit enso of W. H. OiimraiugH vs. 0. Holt hns beon coutiuued for the term. Jns. A. Kim;, receivor of tho estato of J. K. Sumner, hns filed a statement of tho uccouuts of the estate from April 30, 1895, to November 3, 1897, showiug an in- debtedness of tlio estato amouut-iu- g to $20(1151. In Julia Spoonor Hico vs. Jona than Spoouor, defendant's attor- ney, A. S Humphreys, has filed a bill of exceptions to tho recent de- cision of Judge Perry iii favor of plaiutilT. The Kati3oho Ranch Co. by its president, J. P. Mendouca, has filed an nnswer to the complaint Royal makes the looj pure, wholcaomo and delicious. &AKiB0 PDWOER Absolutely Pur HOVAL BAMNO FOWOtD CO.. NfW V0RK. of Mary E. Foster nnd others. Its principal denial is of tho alle- gation that n leaso mndo by Mn knnui, of kuln land, to the de- fendant wns tho result of n con- spiracy to dofraud the Hui of Ku-hn- nn. Cecil Brown is attorney for defendant. mm tiik mtiLL i.Asr i'.vimm:. Anil Oilier Iiilcrekllni; ifnppeiiliis in .tlllllnry lrcli. Major Jones, nnd Inter Cnptnin Zeiglor, conducted tho drill of tho first battalion on Armory squaro Inst ovoning. Tho exercise was iu open order movements. All tho companies showed up woll aud tho drill wns very creditnblo to olllcors nud men. Arraugomeuts nro comploto for tho big pri.o contest between companies 13 nnd D nt Knknnko tomorrow afternoon. The final practise will tnko placo todny. a Scoring will begin at 1 p. in. sharp tomorrow. As yet Corporal Wright nud Sorgt. Athorton aro the only cnu-didn- tcs for tho lieutenancies in 13. Lieutenants Jncobseu nud Giles will both retire. Compnuy D's "HighJiuks" will take plnco a week from tonight. .Ilnrn illurllm Ituvl" 0iliim, In addition to tho elovon tins of opium fouud by luspector Mncuulny's watch last night near tho bark Martha Davis, twolvo more woro found upon sonrohiug that vessol by tho customs gunrds this morning. They wero fouud in tho forecastle, iusido of the false bottom of a chest belonging to a sonmuu named Franco. Tho fnlBO bottom was clovorly con- structed so ns to hold about thirty tins. France was promptly nud put in choky nnd n bail of 1000 is demanded for his release. m m Nmnll Oil Milpmeiit Arrive. Among tho imports by tho An- drew "Wolch, which arrived this morning, are 700 cases of Kero-se- uo Oil and 150 cases of Gaso- line. This shipment will tempo- rarily ward oil' tho famiuo which has threatened for some days. It will be several weeks beforo an- other lurgo lot urrivos from Nuw York. coLLKCiiiit jicvroi'iu:it. Haw Noniellilnu tu Sny on III ITHlllc III lllrd Mild l.lqiiiiroii Menmera. Collector General McStockor desires that the public may not bo misled by tho article iu this morn-iug- 's paper iu legurd to tho future entry through tho custom house of nil urticlos without exceptiou urrivinc fiom foreign ports. It is tho intention of tho customs bureau uot to placo obstacles in tho way of the importation of goods by merchants and others but to put n stop on the truflic which has tjeen goiug qu more or lebs iu such things ns birds, bottles of liquor aud small par- cels, many ot which should go through tho parcels post, thus snviug both tho consignee nud customs otlicor much troublo nnd bother. It is much cheaper to ordor small packages by purcelB post than by regular freight. WhIUhc l.ir it Sleiiuier. Tho Board of Health is on tho nlort for tho arrival of tho Lehua or tho'Kilauen Hou from Hawnii. Both mo ubout due, nnd tho first one in will be engnged for tho trip to Molokui. II eitnor nrrivo to- night tho Board will got nway at 9 o'clock Moudny evening. L t'olmed lMiolna. Wo desire to correct n fnlso im pression regarding colored rjholo8. Thoro is no such .thing ns photographing tho colors of natnro. Tho best that enn bo done iB to color tho photo uf tor it'a mndo and we Hint to do perfection. King Bros., Hotel streot. FOUL MURDER AT LAHAINA Japanese Plantation Laborer Cuts Hts Mistress to Pieces. And Then Makes a Bungling Attempt at Sui- cide- Yerdlct of Wilful Murder by the Coroner's Jury. Auother wilful murder at Ln-hni- was tho most important nows itora .brought by tho Mntvnn Lon this morning. Deptity Sheriff Omstod, who hf Id tho inquest on tho victim nnd enmo ovor on the steamer, was seen by a Bulletin' roportor nnd gnvo tho particulars of tho tragedy. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning Japaueso named Yoshidit sud- denly nttnckod tho woman ho vu3 living with, Yosho by name, with nu ordinary jack knife and cut hjr iu several places about the tin oat, breast aud arms. So furious was the attack aud no fast did tho blows of the kuifo' follow each other that, iu less than thrco minutes, the woaiau wns (lend. The murderer then turned tho knife on his own person, inflicting u fow cuts ou his throat and arms when a uum-bo- r of his countrymen who woro attracted to the seeue by tho wo-man- 's cries overpowered him nnd - took tho kuifo nwny. Deputy-Shorit- f Omstod wns sent for nud nrrested the murderer, nnd after lookiug him up had his wounds attended to. They wero found to bo iusiguiiicaut aud will probably heal up in n week. After arresting tlio murderor, tho de- - puty-B- Ut rill impaneled a jury una hold nu inquest, at which very little wns dovuloped. Tho parties wore plantation laborers li.viug together ns mnu nud wile, uud hnd heen celebrating tho birthday of tho bmperor of Japan the day heforo, duriui! which copious draughts off sake wero imbibed. Iu tho morn-iu- g thoy were still under its influ- ence nnd iu n suddou lit of jenl-ous- y tho deod wns done. Tho corpse, when viowsd by the jury, presented a horrible flight, the neck, arms, nud breast being cut" and slashed in a fearful mnuuor. Tho jury roturued nveidictof wil- ful murder ngaiust tfoshida. Tho preliminary examination ot tho murderer will come oil beforo the District Mngistrnto of Laua-i- na ns soon ns tho murderer's wouuds nro sufficiently healed for him to nttond court. Tho Bullutin'h Lnhainn cor- - , respondent bends further particu- lars, ns follows: The deed whs evidently premeditated hh the man had prepared his weapon. It wns an ordinary siugle blade I. X. L. knife aud ho bad wrapped cloth about it t" pi event slipping, and the clasp turning back upoii his hand. The woman was nlunn when attacked nnd wns first struck on the ack, between the shoulder blades. Then u large giwli across tlio throat wavered tlio artery nnd in throe minutes she nwis dead. First-oln- ss woik ib own best udvertisemout, is the motto of the Hawaiian Cycle it Manufacturing Company, and they allow no poor jobs to leave then shop. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Dlfc; CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. UiiiImWi .it lit U i . its . 3 1

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M4OJ09CO19WMedium. Til. ,. A till fid R Pn Utes Advertising w...w.. w i v,s.

Ifyou Don't Head the Bulletin eVGNING BULLGT N Evening Paper Published

you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.

It Reaches ALL theTeople. iJltVJlsl IjJIIUH pi. I IIUJIHIK V

iou0OtlC000"'l froooooaoottVol. IV. No. 754. HONOLULU, H. L, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1897. Prum 5 Cents.

GRANDI nl mini) I inn n I Imirn n lnm


At Cyclomere Park.

Season of Three Weeks

Saturday Evening,NoY. 6

AT 8 00 LOCK.

&3ST DontB iippn at 7 1' M.

General Admission, - 2jc.Admission and Grand

Stand, - - - 30c.'Boxes for Tarties of Six or


Seal on Mile at Wall, Nichols Co.MlutifH run to the Gte 73S3w


fill Saruomo St., 8. F. 210 KlriR St., 11 I.

GEAR & GEARlawyers.

aii Francisco and jJonohilu

Having offices In Sim Fnuiulsco andHonolulu we are prepared toattemlpromptly to all mutter eutriMo'l tous In either of -- nl'l places.

D. G-EA-

, LAWYER.Comer of KIiir awl Bethel Streets,

Second Floor.

William A. Henshall,

A-ttorne-y at Law

113 KiuiUumntra Street


Counsellor at Law.204 Merolinnt Street (ona dnor from

Fort Btroot), llonolnln.


Attorney at Law andISTotarv Public.

Kiiatnimanu tret.




A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.'Jew Lovo'g HulldlriR, Fort Btreet.


DR. T. MoMILLAN,01 tliH Royal Colieno of PhyHlclnus

ami 8urgeoimof Edlnlmrg'i, Eto.

Office: Berotania St., OppositeHawaiian Hotel (Dr Ryder's.)

Houus: 0 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 ami 7 to8 p. m Telephone 244.


Physician and Snrgann.Residence1 433 Punchbowl Street.

Houus 10 a. m. to 12 ni.i 1 to3nna7to7 .SO p. m TELEI-nON- 852.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOB HOTBI.. STRIiETS.

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Cream.

Our KstnUtslimeut ia tlio Finei.tltef.ortIn tho City. Call nnd seo w. Open till 11

o'clock!'. 51,


Will Be the Most Elaborate Ever

in Honolulu.

Howard Hitchcock Will Hang Fifteen New

Studies of Superior Merit -O- ther Con-

tributions Hawaiian Scenery.

In advance, it may bo statedthat tlio Autumn exhibition of theKilobnuu Art Lcnguo will bo themoat olnborato and interesting yetattempted. It will 'open a weekfrom Mouday evouiug. Therowill bo much new work aud thepublic will bo treated to-- a surprisoin tho general advancement thathns been mndo nil along tho line.

Mr. Hitchcock will display avaiietyof striking subjects). Hiswork, as tho average critic mightview it,shows what may bo termedhigher capabilities than ho hasheretoforo exhibited. In thoselection of subjects nnd tho treatnieut of effects, his new workgives a fooling of ropoto nnd senti-ment that is vory pleasing. Tho(olection of titles of many of hispaintings discloses tho ambitionof each though many of thorn gobeyoud tho moro objects taken nssubject matter.

'I ho ouo caDvas tho artist mostenjoys is his"Symphouy" n studyin greens aud grnyB tho subjectboiug n liuuo oncoming wnvo atthe uoiut of breaking. Anothersoft ntmospheric effect has for itssubject a group of fishermenhauling a seiuo on tho bench. Inthis tho feeling of twilight audthe night stealing on is very wallexpresbOd.

"Eventide A Hawaiian Idyl,"is, hounvor, his most ambitiouscanvas for tho coming exhibition.It bhoiva two tjpical Hawaiinnsat the sonsido in tho uncertainlight of the soft dusk.

Other paintings show studios ofskies with a fow bright, sunnyviews about Hilo. Noticeableamong them will bo a sunset fromCoconuut Islnnd; "Twilight,""Fiahormou," "Cascade," "In Pu-

na," "Light and Shadow," aPunchbowl scouo, returning of atypical Hawaiian marine subject,"On the Island," aud a glowingpicture of Iho Volcauo duriug itsactivity.

Otboi prominent contributors totho exhibition will be Mis3 Frouch,art iustruotor at Oahu College;Philip H. Dodge, Mrs. Grahamand Mrs Tucker.


Dr. Carter. .Son lloiiae.

Dr. Carter's fino house nearHauulu is finished aud will beoccupied next week. It is a verylarge woodon structuro, one floor,and is built in tho form of threesides of a square. Tho dininghall is a large one, aud tho par-lors aud living rooms are emblemsof convenieuco and comfort.

Olnwulil Will lima Muter.

0. A. Fogarty has returnedfrom Olowulu plantation, wherohe has buou assisting tho PacificWoll Boring Co. in sinking twoton inch wells. Ho roports thatwater wns struck in tho first wolllast week. Mr. Fogarty is in badhealth.


Tnko I'ormuiiciit Quarters.

Captain Nichols, of tho U. S. S.Ueuuington, aud wifo took uptheir resideuco yestordny at thoArlington hotel. They will re-

main there duriug tho stay of thotomporury flagship in port.

Good baking powder hcheaper than " cheap " bakingpowder, because itdoesn'tmukedoctor's bills.

"Cheap" baking powdergenerally contains alum badfor the stomach. Schillings

I Best is at your ijfrocer's.A S. IiiI"iii. .S. C'nmiuii)

ban riaiit.iiu i:oi


Illlf lllock ill I'lonerr Mill Olnuicc.iiiuiiu mi sino.

Somo big private purchases ofsugar stock wero mndo yesterday.Sountor J. A. McCaudless bought140 shares of Pioneer Mill duriugtho day at S1G0. Other partiesbought a total of 1G0 shnros at thosame figure, making 300 sharessold altogether.

A block of 15 shares of nssosanbio Oahu, 835 paid, also found apurchaser at $50.

Twenty-liv- e shares of Houoknnchauged hnuds at S200, a lino bar-gain.

Five shares of People's IcoCompany went for Slu'O.

lrnirclirft on llio Wnrrlnioo.Twenty Klondikors from Aus-

tralia are through passengers ontho Wurriuioo. Thoy are allminers aud are a hardy, dotormin-e- d

looking set. Most of them areBritish, though there are someAmericans, Germans aud Frouchmen in tho party. Thoy intendto bravo tho ardors of wiuter,aud . will press us far into thosnows ns possible beforo thotrail opens up in April.


WtIsM'h Villn, Wiilklkl.Tom. Wright has mndo great

improvements to his bathing es-

tablishment at Waikiki, thoprincipal of which is an additionin rear of tho house, supplied withfour elegant bay windows, to beused as a sitting room. At thispoint a splendid viow of surf audsen is obtained, aud tho plnco hastho full sweep of tho coolingwinds from tho mountains.

The .Tin. m In lliiiiuliilii.Davoy exhibits a large plato

picturo of tho moon on a quartertaken by Prof. Holdeu and othonat the Lick Observatory a fewmouths ago. Tho geographicallines aro clearly portrayed, nndthe mountains are quite promiuent. Mr. Davey values tho pic-ture highly, it being quito an ad-dition to his col lent inn.

Kn.tlii li llio Klmiillkc.Kealin, Kauai, will soud a party

to the Klondike. No less n por-soun- go

than Win. Eassio is at thehead of it. He is solllug out now.The party will bo composed ofsome twelve persons, all moneyedmen. They will lenvo in Aprilfor tho Coast nnd will lose uotime in getting to Diwkhu City.

Green llorn rreiv OiBiledA green horn crow has boon put

into active training' by tho IlealauiYacht aud Boat Club ns n menusof developing soma strong talenttor the noxt rauo moot. W. IS.Wall is coaching. Tlio crewpractises on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of eaoh week.

Jliiy Nutlle Here.

Charles Clark, n promiuontlawyer of Now York, is n Into nr-ri- vnl

in this city. Though horoespecinlly for tho henlth of hiswife, whom ho accompanies, ho islooking up tho opportunities forhis profeshion nud may douido toremain permanently in Honolulu.


iinrriiiilliii' U Tmiiurrotv.Tho qua'rnntiuo period on tho

Jnpauosq. laborers brought by thoRiojun Mnru will bo up tomorrow.They will bo shipped out nextMonday nud Tuosday. Tho pre-sent lot is an orderly ouo nud hnsboon little tax upon buponutond-on- t

McVeigh and his guards.

Ileulunl lluiiee l'otuiiud.Tho danco committeo of tho

Healani bont and Ynoht Club de-

cided this afternoon to postponetho hop scheduled for tonight forouo week. Exteusivo piepara-tion- s

will bo mndo for tho successof tho ntTnir at tho tirao Inst mentioned.

For a nice cle"an shavo'drop innt tho "Elito liarbor Shop," Kingstreot, near Alakou.


Iwilel Murder Case Will Go to the Jury


More Complications In Sumner Estate Other

Matters of Interest In the

Higher Courts.

In the Iwilei murder ensoChnrlos Oreightou commencedargument for 'tho defense thismorning nnd nt 2:30 p. m. wnsstill talking, Ho will be followedby Deputy Attorney GenornlDole, Judge Perry will deliverhis charge, nud the enso will like-ly go to tho jury somo time thisevening.

Testimony is still being takouin tho case of A. Fernando, vs.S. O. Dwight, beforo Judge Stan-

ley and a uativo jury.Deputy Mnrshnl Hitchcock hns

mnde return of survico of sumrnotis on defendants in tho enso ofKailikolo Knihiknpu nud husbnndngaiust Kaulau Knikniunhnolo,executrix, nud others, mi notioniu ejectment to quiet title to laudknown as tho "Apana Kalo," inEwa district.

Tho samo officer has also madoreturn of sorvico of summons in thocase of Maria S Davis, sister nudnext friend of J. K. Sumuur vs.I. K. Sumner, iu which tho petitiouor represents to tho Court nudsays in rufereuco to tho motion onfile iu tho suit of Sumner vs. Cruudall mado bp J. K. Sumner for thedischarge of tho receiver J. A.King, that tho said J K. Sumneris incapable of taking care ofhimself and is incompetent tomanage, enro for nud protecthis estato nud property by reasonof mental decay aud loss of mem-ory duo to old ago, aud asks thatas tho said J. A. King is unwillinglonger to act as receiver of saidestato somo compotout personbo appointed iu his stead as per-manent guardian or receivor andthat the motion of the said J. K.Sumner for the discharuo of thereceivor bo deuied. Kiuney itballon for petitioner.

In tho libel for divorce ofIsabel E. Davis vs. L'ostor A.Davis, libollaut has Bled n motionthat tho libellee bo ordered to payan additional attorney's feo ontho ground that tho allowanceheretoforo made was insufficient,nnd also that her former attorney,W. L. Stnuloy, hnviug been ted

to the Circuit Courtbench can uo longer nppenr nsher couiiboI.

Tho nsHumpit enso of W. H.OiimraiugH vs. 0. Holt hns beoncoutiuued for the term.

Jns. A. Kim;, receivor of thoestato of J. K. Sumner, hns fileda statement of tho uccouuts of theestate from April 30, 1895, toNovember 3, 1897, showiug an in-

debtedness of tlio estato amouut-iu-gto $20(1151.

In Julia Spoonor Hico vs. Jonathan Spoouor, defendant's attor-ney, A. S Humphreys, has filed abill of exceptions to tho recent de-

cision of Judge Perry iii favor ofplaiutilT.

The Kati3oho Ranch Co. byits president, J. P. Mendouca, hasfiled an nnswer to the complaint

Royal makes the looj pure,wholcaomo and delicious.

&AKiB0PDWOERAbsolutely Pur


of Mary E. Foster nnd others.Its principal denial is of tho alle-gation that n leaso mndo by Mnknnui, of kuln land, to the de-

fendant wns tho result of n con-

spiracy to dofraud the Hui of Ku-hn- nn.

Cecil Brown is attorneyfor defendant.

m m

tiik mtiLL i.Asr i'.vimm:.

Anil Oilier Iiilcrekllni; ifnppeiiliis in.tlllllnry lrcli.

Major Jones, nnd Inter CnptninZeiglor, conducted tho drill of thofirst battalion on Armory squaroInst ovoning. Tho exercise wasiu open order movements. Alltho companies showed up wollaud tho drill wns very creditnbloto olllcors nud men.

Arraugomeuts nro comploto fortho big pri.o contest betweencompanies 13 nnd D nt Knknnkotomorrow afternoon. The finalpractise will tnko placo todny. aScoring will begin at 1 p. in.sharp tomorrow.

As yet Corporal Wright nudSorgt. Athorton aro the only cnu-didn- tcs

for tho lieutenancies in 13.

Lieutenants Jncobseu nud Gileswill both retire.

Compnuy D's "HighJiuks" willtake plnco a week from tonight.

.Ilnrn illurllm Ituvl" 0iliim,In addition to tho elovon tins

of opium fouud by luspectorMncuulny's watch last night neartho bark Martha Davis, twolvomore woro found upon sonrohiugthat vessol by tho customs gunrdsthis morning. They wero fouudin tho forecastle, iusido of thefalse bottom of a chest belongingto a sonmuu named Franco. ThofnlBO bottom was clovorly con-structed so ns to hold about thirtytins. France was promptly

nud put in choky nnd nbail of 1000 is demanded for hisrelease.

m m

Nmnll Oil Milpmeiit Arrive.Among tho imports by tho An-

drew "Wolch, which arrived thismorning, are 700 cases of Kero-se- uo

Oil and 150 cases of Gaso-line. This shipment will tempo-rarily ward oil' tho famiuo whichhas threatened for some days. Itwill be several weeks beforo an-

other lurgo lot urrivos from NuwYork.

coLLKCiiiit jicvroi'iu:it.

Haw Noniellilnu tu Sny on III ITHlllc

III lllrd Mild l.lqiiiiroii Menmera.

Collector General McStockordesires that the public may not bomisled by tho article iu this morn-iug- 's

paper iu legurd to tho futureentry through tho custom houseof nil urticlos without exceptiouurrivinc fiom foreign ports. Itis tho intention of tho customsbureau uot to placo obstacles intho way of the importation ofgoods by merchants and othersbut to put n stop on the truflicwhich has tjeen goiug qu more orlebs iu such things ns birds,bottles of liquor aud small par-cels, many ot which should gothrough tho parcels post, thussnviug both tho consignee nudcustoms otlicor much troublo nndbother. It is much cheaper toordor small packages by purcelBpost than by regular freight.

WhIUhc l.ir it Sleiiuier.

Tho Board of Health is on thonlort for tho arrival of tho Lehuaor tho'Kilauen Hou from Hawnii.Both mo ubout due, nnd tho firstone in will be engnged for tho tripto Molokui. II eitnor nrrivo to-

night tho Board will got nway at9 o'clock Moudny evening.


t'olmed lMiolna.

Wo desire to correct n fnlso im

pression regarding coloredrjholo8. Thoro is no such .thingns photographing tho colors ofnatnro. Tho best that enn bodone iB to color tho photo uf tor it'amndo and we Hint to do perfection.King Bros., Hotel streot.


Japanese Plantation Laborer Cuts Hts

Mistress to Pieces.

And Then Makes a Bungling Attempt at Sui-

cide- Yerdlct of Wilful Murder by

the Coroner's Jury.

Auother wilful murder at Ln-hni-

was tho most importantnows itora .brought by tho MntvnnLon this morning. Deptity SheriffOmstod, who hf Id tho inquest ontho victim nnd enmo ovor on thesteamer, was seen by a Bulletin'roportor nnd gnvo tho particularsof tho tragedy.

At 9 o'clock yesterday morningJapaueso named Yoshidit sud-

denly nttnckod tho woman ho vu3living with, Yosho by name, withnu ordinary jack knife and cut hjriu several places about the tin oat,breast aud arms. So furious wasthe attack aud no fast did thoblows of the kuifo' follow eachother that, iu less thanthrco minutes, the woaiauwns (lend. The murdererthen turned tho knife on his ownperson, inflicting u fow cuts ouhis throat and arms when a uum-bo- r

of his countrymen who woroattracted to the seeue by tho wo-man- 's

cries overpowered him nnd -

took tho kuifo nwny.Deputy-Shorit- f Omstod wns sent

for nud nrrested the murderer,nnd after lookiug him up had hiswounds attended to. They werofound to bo iusiguiiicaut aud willprobably heal up in n week. Afterarresting tlio murderor, tho de--puty-B- Ut rill impaneled a jury unahold nu inquest, at which very littlewns dovuloped. Tho parties woreplantation laborers li.viug togetherns mnu nud wile, uud hnd heencelebrating tho birthday of thobmperor of Japan the day heforo,duriui! which copious draughts offsake wero imbibed. Iu tho morn-iu- g

thoy were still under its influ-ence nnd iu n suddou lit of jenl-ous- y

tho deod wns done. Thocorpse, when viowsd by the jury,presented a horrible flight, theneck, arms, nud breast being cut"and slashed in a fearful mnuuor.Tho jury roturued nveidictof wil-

ful murder ngaiust tfoshida.Tho preliminary examination ot

tho murderer will come oil beforothe District Mngistrnto of Laua-i- na

ns soon ns tho murderer'swouuds nro sufficiently healed forhim to nttond court.

Tho Bullutin'h Lnhainn cor-- ,

respondent bends further particu-lars, ns follows: The deed whsevidently premeditated hh theman had prepared his weapon.It wns an ordinary siugle bladeI. X. L. knife aud ho bad wrappedcloth about it t" pi event slipping,and the clasp turning back upoiihis hand.

The woman was nlunn whenattacked nnd wns first struck onthe ack, between the shoulderblades. Then u large giwli acrosstlio throat wavered tlio artery nndin throe minutes she nwis dead.

First-oln- ss woik ib own bestudvertisemout, is the motto of theHawaiian Cycle it ManufacturingCompany, and they allow no poorjobs to leave then shop.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.Dlfc;



A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.


UiiiImWi .it lit



. its.







Dri Boiler Fee


A. lull


A 3


', wwc ," r

y 'lr


in a. .

arc; to0 P is run




S( le A



Wo av ."Now

d Crusherprepared furnish freshly 'round FEED

ALL KINDS. Our Holler

Electric Power and Not by Steam



G lornTelerhonft 121.



JONES-T- wo Firsts






SILTA-- Om la IlealPacific Cycle Manufacturing Co.


line of

on hand.

CompQueen Street.

Fastest Oiie-- M Pro--


Ehlers Building, Fort Sreet.

& Co., Lt'd,-srents.


SCHLITZ BEERIs a Voicano of Health ! ! I

On Account of Its Purity lit

SchSitz Beer


To the Ribs of its Consumers.




PICTURE MOULDINGS,They al-- n make tpecialtles of

Vacuum Oils, Cyclone Windmill, Howe's Scales,Giant and Blasting Powder, Fuse and Caps, Etc.

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd"Fort Rtreet.

Bulletin. 75c. Per Month

.11 a ittt rw ain'h. m:h iiihhc,

III CiiiiIhIm Kltiil WuriN mill I'utlic-il- r

Murl f Iliimill.Aii iijjetir in on tlm Hlii'ets of

Honolulu taking mlvuuco sub-scriptions for Murk Twniu's newbook, "Following the Equator."Critics who havo be, u euppli.ilwith niivniii'i HlnH'ta of tho worktleau ibc Mr. OIhiucub' lntet effortiid n iniuvt'l of vig i mid wit.

Mr. Bliss of Now York, whorend tin proofs, says, iu speakingof tho work: "IHh wit is assprightly ns ovnr." This Into mis-fortunes of tho niswl humoristhavo uot stnjrd his lmnd, mid thownmo soul thut divined 'ltouyliiii:It" and "Tom Sawyer" can botrnced in Inn Intent produutiou.

Tho author's lofeii'iices to Ha-waii uro brief, but veiy friendly.On one of the piies ho speaksfueling!) of the work of Jj'utherDatnieu, and follows it up with npathetic story of ti young man,"Billy" Itasdale, a Hawaiiuncourt iuterproter, who, on almosttho ovo of his imirriiige, foundhimself to bo n It pur nud his hap-piness shuttered forover.

The book is on tho press anilshould mrivo hero dutiu thidwinter.


Why tlm Ntr ft Cnr Cii'.nltirtnr Wnuld NotCut tl.ti l'.i'.'imit In Tln.

A lioiiin trowed tlm tincK ami tlmnintoueer put o.i tlm br.il.-c-s ko smith uhthat tho cur ntiuly idood on its noe.Then lio sut ilnun on tho front pent tonwnit tlio ii.ihiuB of tho loiitfHtihiRofcnrriimi's lollowliiR tho black drnixilvchiclo.

A fut iiuiu who had nciily Leciithrown over tho front rail by tho Mid-

den stopping of tho car snorted un-ril- :

"Why don't you rut ncioss? I'vo potto catch u train. T can't wait hero nilday "

"Can't help It. bos. You'll lmvo towait and catch another train."

"Well, I'll repoit jon to tho com-pany. That procession will t.iko flvominutes in passing us."

"Ilcport away. I can't help it if thoprocccsion tal.es 20 minutes. Yoncouldn't hiio mo to run this car acrossthat funeral procession for tho best jobon the line. Tlint'H tho worst hoodoo aman conld mu up apaim-t- . "

"Buhl" Faid Iho fat mail,"All right, bu-- s. I know what I'm

talking about. Ouo of tho best mcu onthis line crossed n funeral processiontoon after tho trolley system was putin. A live wlru dropped on tho back ofhis neck nud electrocuted him bofureho'd gono a block. A littlo wlillo latiranother poor fellow cut acros b.ick ofa hearse. Ho rau over thrto ehiltlrcu inas many weeks. IIo quit tho road ascrazy as n loou. Now tho conductor onthat sjuio cur Ii.tj lost every cent hehud in tiio world, and his wife andchild lmvo died. Bah, youiself! I'd hkoto seo you get off this car and walkacross in front of onoof thosocarriagis.I'll bet you'd bo eatchiu your last trainin this world pretty quick. Jest hop offand try it now,"

But tho fat man only shifted uneasilyabout on ll.o hard car seat and waitedsilently until tho lat carrlugo hadpassed. Now York Telegram.

Ills Littlo MUtake.

"John," sho said, aud she lookod athim rathor sharply as sho said it, "Ihave an idea thut you didn't behavoyoursolf very well whilo you weroaway."

"Kow nb,urdl" ho protested "Whatin tho world has given you that idea?"

"Well," sho returned iu a quizzicalkind of a way, yi noticed in tho tele-gram yon fcut mo you had paid thbregular tariff chargos ou tho words 'ex-cuse, writiug. ' " Chicago Fost

The Uuncu Man Id I'olltlo.Walts Tho business muu iu politics

is h doal pf a fiilo. What can a businessman know about politics?

I'otts At least you must admit thatn good business man would not soil n$1,000,000 frauchii-- for a paltry littlo$3,000 or so. Indianapolis Journal

Tho biggest prico over paid for nboreo in America was $125,000, givenby J. Malcolm Forbes of Boston for

Stuufoid's Ariou, a trotter

Tho enterprising highwayman re-

lieves many a man the doctors cauuottouch. Ilarrisburg Patriot.

Not So Iu Practice."Do you accept tho theory that man

is a fron ninrnl nireiit?""Well, it may bo all right iu theory,

but I'o been married U0 years." Chi- -

euyo .Toinn i!

i'orcolniu coins wero for a long timecurrent in Siniu.

Inland VIohh.

Ovor our establish mont on Hotelstreet is tho Bigu Inland Views.For tho benefit of those who maynot know, King Bros.havo oponedtho placo as a branch to theirstore. Colored and uncoloredphotos, oil paintings, water colors,pnstels and menu cards of Islandsceuory ivro specialties.

iFor a nice clean shavo drop in

at tho "Elite Barbor Shop," Kingstreet, near Alakoa.




Dry GoodsTO


J. M.

No 316 Fort

Made of Hnuuiinn Siivor Coinsfind R"nuti fully incolors. Soo his Show

Funs and Curios,Sheet Musio,

Papers andSchool


IFlmvo a good W'rd fur uste nil youi fnoiidH.If ou fi ill tt fault,tnll us nli'Uti,Wo can direct it Bonhortli it M your fnomls

Shirtvn lues dpou ti dy.Open tho door ofto thoTho lussoiis ou good olothosshould bo his first.It's tlm ii, b, o,of cirumon sensoand vu aru helping hiuito that economy.


9 Hotel Street : : Block

AecntH for Dr. Llnen-Mn- sh

Underwear. Send fur Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Cm ! What a Drop !

These blejclcs wero uot nindo to sell atBUi.li a low price but nro regular SS5.00, 1S'J7stock, and tlm remains ol a Chicago bauU-ru- pt

stock. Wo liavo only got a fow nrnlthoy won't last long at our price, H7.U0.Come In and get 3 oar pick of three color forGent's wheels; maroon ilnleli for tho Ladles'Wheels.

For $50.00 will furnish Lamp and Dell,

231 King St., oppo. Arlington Hotel.



Next v Sixty y Days

Entire StocTwI Be Sold

Commencing Monday, Nov. 1st.

J. J. EGAN,lort




mm Sorair Pins and

CnlV Mons


Books, Stationery, Island Views,


Prices Always Right




"The Kash,"Wayerley

$85 Bicycles

for $47

Honolulu Cyclery,


Street.Landlord's Sale.

Public) imtloi Ih lierpby given thattho uuilerHlgii.il tlieO.hu Lumber &BulMIni; C.,IjI, liuwiliNlrum.il upontho following gnoiiH and clm'teli nfTil Slug & ('n , lot rem in in rear umlduo l lie mild 0liu Lumber & Buildlllg Cll.. L'.l, l).V IllHMllll T..1 dlllK &Co , uiU'iuutiiig ti Four Hundred umlEighty Dollar., for I lit- - rent nf eerlulu

Fieinl-t- s kimwii uh (Iih "New ReHlail-runi- ,"

mid Hitimte on Bethel ntreet,in Honolulu O.iIhi, to wit: I Imxrugur, img rlcf, 2 , 1 lookingg as-- , 2'li x-- lii,3:t barso p, 25 tinsvegetubu-.- , ,J bug yugur, 4 puiiti 2 try)hiib 1 lure iit, 47 cli Iih, 10 cruet

stuml- - uml cruei, 17 nugir bowN, 2large tuble-- , (18 knlve , a tot Wotce-te- rrhlrt-- siiict u d uu'eup, 301 spoou, 3plcturer, 12 -- u t i elluiM, 62 litrgf plalt-s- ,

(iO mii-.I- hi' , 2 up- -, 1 wiiler pllelier, 6 potM, 209 iiltiif. 1 ife i hem, gio-Curl-

1 boil' r, 0 curving kui vep,2 Iiuuh rail, 10 tiim ineui and Hull,box tea, & dip uif, 1 suv, 8 llv olib'k-eii-

1 illiei, 13 iiniiiii uible-- , 62 fork",itiuger le, 8 Ii iih vliieK ir, G I uirucke,70 tumliler", 2 eyiun pitchers, 62 fau-eei-

0 milk plic'i' n, Ctf itiblocloti 8,21uliairx, 0 bugs cum iuu.1. Ai.d noticeIs llellllj given thut ettl I goods UtlllOlat oIh will Iih sold ut publiouu--tio-

nf the ii tii-- i Ion room ol Juh. FMorguu, nu Quern utieel, Ho mlulu,H I , on Momiiy, November 15, 1897,at 12 o'clock I ti, lo eailrfy Hie rentdue and in utiear uh a o.o-iii- logeth-e- r

with the iitK of i ires-mi- d su'e.OaIIU I.UMI1EU & BlJII.DINO ("O , L'D.

1,i:k n kw, Pro-lilei- n

Honolulu, O. t 29, 18117 748-t-

W. C. ACH1 & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATECiT We will Bay or Bell Heal Estate in

ill parts of the groan .

"tST We will dell Properties on Reason-ibu- T


OFFICE. 10 West King Street

Building Lots!Kt WAIEIK1 on car line and on PA

LAMA HOAD near fertilizingPlant.

Fhese Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andithor Properties for sale.

BBUCE, WAKING & CO.,Denlerg in ljotB and Lnntls,

312 Fort Street, near KingrntiKPIIONK 607 P. O. Box 821.

To Let.

Two Houses on Punaliou street,opposite College buildings, containingseveu and nine rooms, Puutry, Bath,Closets, etc., with Stable. Apply oupremises to

J. A. BUTTERFIELD,713 8m 470 Punuhou street.

For Rent.

Two Unfurnished Rooms on, Kingstreet, near Alakea street. Apply at

A. V. GEAR & CO',712-t- f 210 King street.

High Grade



Atlantic Red Engine.Especially Adapted to Centrifugal

Machinery uml High SpeedEngines.

Capitol Cylinder.For Cylinders, Etc.

Castor Mineral.For Stoum Plows. ,

Summer Black.Fur Cat BoxevEtc.,


Coal Tar,

Stockholm Tar;

Fire Clay.


Graphite Compound.For Ben rl n us.

Dixon's Belt Dressing.Containing uothlng Injuiloui to the

leath.r; Strengthens it uml pre-vents trom slipping

Graphite PaintFor Iron Rnofn, 8mokpstnck8, Boilers,

All Iron work exposed to heat orwet; Also for exposed wood

work, h bridges,hnuseH, pileH, HlC.

Color Curds und Directions on ap-plication.

GRAPHITE Is 0110 of the purest.formH of earlmu nud is Impervious t,

cold, alkali, unit air, acld-- i andrust, and It Is claimed will lait longerthan any other imlot.

p&to&ii&n FertilizingCOMPA.JSTY

Is prepared to furnish

Nitrate of Sodafor fertilizing.

In Quantities to Suit:

liTery.Orders Bollcltod for a future de. A

A. F. COOKE, Manager,




Ban lancbco Agcntnlaa Nevada Bank orBan Fbancisco.

draw exciianob onBan Francisco Tho Ncvadn Dank of Ban

Francisco.London Tie Union Dank of London, Ltd.New Yohk American Kxcbnimo National

Unnl;.Chioaoo Merchant National Dank.I'Amu Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Berlin Drcsdncr HankiHonokono and YoKonAMA Hongkong &

Shanghai Uanklng Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Banking awl Eichange Business

Dcpolsts Received. Loans mudo on Ap-

proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchanpo boughtand pold.

Collections I'romitlt accounted For.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.

Stock BrokersAND

Eire Insurance Agents.

Anyono wishing to oithor buyor sell Stocks or Bonds would dowoll to givo us it cull.

Wo h.ivo Sato Doposit Rosos ofseveral sizes for rentoithor by thomouth or your tit vory reasonablerates. Mom-y- , jowolry, nud valu-

able pnpci'8 doposittd in otio oftheso boxes will be nuifoctly safefrom buiglaraand fire.

UJF" Monny to loiuonapprovcd security.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Holekauwila Sts.

' Las a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on band,

Eatiinutos givon for house wir-

ing aud Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingand iUxchnnge .Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail- -'

ablo in all the principal citiesof tho world.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1807, $118,708.25.

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Dank for Monthly Doposits.Houses Built on tho Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Serios of Stoek now open.

For furtbor particulars apply to

A. V. G 15Alt, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Office hours. 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f


Paper Hanger and OecoratO'Island Orders attondod to with dlspatob

All work oarefully and promptly eiccutod.

CiT Office! Smith street, with SamtuKabolnokalanl Pna. Residence: Palami

Kona CoffeeFOR SALE.

SJST Apply to730- - tf W. O. ACHT & CO.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Appraisement of RealEstato and Furniture.

Your money back at your if you don'tthink that Scfiiiliiiifs Best is the of all thebaking powders that you knew of.

11 But," you may say, "I can get baking powder .

for half theYes, but Schillings Best is worth more than twice

as much, because it does more work and does noharm as alum and other cheap baking da

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED,

Subscribed Capital Yon 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yon 7,500,000KosorvoFnnd Yen 0,464, COO


DRANCIIES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex- -

chungo Business.Agoney Yokohama Specie Dank

New Republic Ballling. ill mi St, Honolulu

S. KICKI,(Jiipanotto)

Sign Painter & Paper Hanger

133 Nuuami Avenue, Ilonolulu,ILL

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - Gold & Sil- -

ker, M versmith.

No. 417 Nnuanu street, next to Love'sBakery.

RT Cheapest i.v Town jgl

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and iu tho vorylatest style. . , .

A. Perfect Kit(Guaranteed



Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty


SING CHAN CO109 King St., near Muutuiltea.

TKLEI'IIONE 015. P. O. Box 222.

Tinware, Glassware,China ware, Hardware,

Stoves ami Hoihh Furnlaliliii; Arllolesof all kinds.

Wo nro prepared to do

First-cla- ss PlninMng and742-3-

Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatestStyles

iijll Furniture..AND..

Of all kinds.

Port Street, opp. Club Stables

NEW STORE.Imported Dry Goods, Em;llsh, American

and Chinese,

Dre83 Making a Specialty.Low Prices to suit tho times.

f?f Come In and eco our New Stock andStore.

WingHingLoyNuuanu near Hotel street, opposlto W. W.

Almna.TELEPHONE 157.

T This tlrm was formcrlr known as'Shun Lov," Fort street.

Just ReceivedCrookory and Ivorywaro,Embroidered Fans,Shmvla, dorcous,Wicker and Stottmor Obtiirs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Street, tlonolnln.


Bath Tubs, Kitchen Utensils,Lamps, Etc. .


No. 321 Nuuanu Street. 715-C-









Wilder) Steamship Go's


Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

Stmr. "KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Ilonolulu at 10 a. m., touching r4Lnlmina, Maulaca Bay and Miikenn tUtsumo day; llnhukoua, Kavmihno und Lan.ptibooUoo tlio following day, arriving atUilo the Bamo evening,


Friday Nov. 12 Tuesday Nov. 9Tuesday.... Nov 23 Friday. Nov. 1!)

Friday Deo. ;i Tuesday... .Nnv MTuesday... l)eo. 14 Friday Uco, 10

Iteturnlng, will leave iiilo at 1 o'clockp. m., touching at Laupakockoe, Mabnkona and Kawaihno biuo day; JIakcna,Msaluea Hay and Lahuinn tho followingday; arriving at (lonolulu the afternoonof I neatlny nud Fridays.

Will call at Poholki, Pnna.lOHo Freight will be rccsived aftai

9a.m. on day of silling.

Stmr. HELENE,FREEMAN, Commander,

Will leave Ilonolulu Tuesday at Gp.m.itouching at Kahului, iiaua, IlamoaandKipabuln, Maui, Returning arrives atilonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nun, Kanpo, on second tripof each month.

KTNo Freight will bo received afloi4 f. M. on nay of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomake changes in the timo of departure andarrival of its uteamors without notice auriit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive thoir Freight! this Company willnot hold itself responsible for froight aftoiIt has been landod.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be rosponsibli

for Money or Valuables of passongennnless placed in tho care- of Pursers.

Passongeni are requested to purchasetiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per oent.

S c s8i-ss--o g Og B M

lican 5;o amuJ" O ff JJ. G

?! SO L VHr --

.i.i ,

s -




Only $1

.Per WeekAnd you can wear tho Finest Clothes

by Joining our


Holiday Goods Just Opened !


The Hotel St. Tailors,Wavcrlvy llulldlui;.

Telephone Oil. P. O. Box

A.oriu:it oviu.ii m:iziikk.

Kli'vcii TIiih ,'niluri'il ail ii I )Mtr 4lirtill ,1liirUii llnvlx.

At 8 o'clock lust niyht ctiBtornaguard liiinuu suw n miui Inndfrom tho bark Martha Davis nt theFishmarkot wharf, nod as he act-

ed suspiciously headed him oSnud searched him but found no-

thing. He afterward searched apile of waterpipo which tho innnhud passed and found a parcel.K'liiun then notified InspectorMmviulny, captain of the firstttiiii'li. 'At 12 o'clock Macaulayrelieved guard Kitiiuu but southjui buck to the wharf aud placedhim so aB to bo able to see anyono coming to take the parcel.Two guards wero also placed towat'h tho ship. Nothing occurred,howevor, and at daylight the in-

spector and guards went and tookthe parcel, which turned our to boeleveu tint) of Houukoug opiumtied up iu un old undershirt. Athorough was givou thoMartha Davis again this morning.


Till Story nt tlm I.'itnc florae ami tliYnunc Doctor.

"Ono rc;ul.i so liumy stories about mii-nu- il

intelligence that it would bo hazard-ous for u (louhter to express his disbe-lief in nhiiot any ;;:tlicriiif- - of men nttlio present day," rvniurkcd Dr. W. W.

Wntkius. "A littlo instance caiunwithin iny own observation a numberof ycarc ngo when I was HtudyiiiK moil-iciu- u

nud whicli convinced mo that tlmlui'iub a of tlio horso family nt lraxtmiglit to bo credited with the possessionof ii very considerable quantity of

power. It was tho custom fortho BtudcutA nt tho medical institutionat which I pursued my studies to weara small badge upon their coats to dis-tinguish them from others at tlio colIcfje. A horso belonging to tho establishment was utcil n great deal abouttlio medical department, nud tho auiinul seemed to have a special prcfcrcncofor tlio embryo doctors moro than fornuy other people about tlio establish-ment.

"Ouodny, whllo a number of us werogathered in a littlo knot upon a smallcampus in tlio rear of tlio college, theanimal iu question, which used to niptlio grass in tiio location, caiuo towardtho group limping very badly. Ho camoto u stop a dozen or moro feet from thocrowd and, carefully surveying tho lotof us, finally niiulo up his mind as towhat ho wanted to do find without anyhesitation limped directly to my side,whinnied, stuck his uoso against mybody and hold up his left foreleg. Look-ing down, I discovered a largo nail im-

bedded in tho frog of his hoof. Thishad evidently caused tho lameness. Ithen realized tho interesting fact thattho animal desired attendance. I ex-

tracted tho mill with somo difficulty,und tlio horso whimpered with reliefand wnlked away. Rather curious as towhy tlio beast had picked mo out to at-

tend to his wound, I glanced at theboys aud found tlio solution to the prob-lem. Not otic of tlio group had his med-

ical badgo upon his coat but myself.The horso hud recognized tho insignia,rea lived its significance and noted ac-

cordingly." Now Orleans Tlmos-Dom- -


A Theatrical Term.

Kfr torn ri,;,-A5-f


mmmmrfi,iAr- -

WWiwK ,;1!

"tih: w iiiul or tiii: towk."Now York Journal.

For Bnlo nt tho Pnoifio Oyolo itManufacturinc Company's store,Ehlors building, tho greatest lu- -U.;nn.n II nt 1, nrrn "ft in 1UllUlllIU "II V. MW '?") v

Oity Ourriage Co.. J. 8, And.ratio, manager. If you want a

hack with good horBO and oaro-f- ul

driver ring up folopbono 113,corner of Fort and Merohnntitreetp. Hnolt at all hours.

Tho Oliver Typowntor is pro-nounced by oxperts, the best ma-

chine in tho world. It has manyvalnablo features, whioh have tobo seen in ordor to bo appreciated.Tho Oliror can bn Beon nt thoonico of A. V. Goar, No. 210King street.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at and

Loave This Fort aB Hcrouudor.

From San Francisco:



In connection with tho sailing of tho stennierp, tho Agentsaro prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon throughtickets by any railroad from Snu Francisco, to all points in theUnited States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Canadian-Australi- an Royal Mail Steamship Co.


C toSuva.




of the above Lino in with the


Suva nnd Z,,

KCOasrOIjTT3LiTTor about tho dates below viz.:

I'roui Sydney. Wellington anit Kun, forVlrtitrln II. C.i

Stmr 2CStinr"MIOWEHA" Deceniber2l




For San




Victoria Vancouver,Wi'llliiKlou Hyilneyl

"WARKIMOO" NovemberUeccmbcx'21

Freight rnesofjo bHGeneral Informntiou, apply

THEO. DAVIES CO.,Aeontu for Hawaiian Inlands.

Hteamors running connection

Between Vancouver, Sydney, calling Victoria,(Fiji), Wellington,

u-i- HDTTE --A-O?

On stnted,


"AOHANGI" Kovembcr



Tlirough Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Uniimltt,United States ami Kuroito.

D. MoNiooll, Montreal,Hoheut Kr.mi, Winnipeg, Onnndn.

M. Stp.kn, San Francisco, Cnl.K. J. Vancouver, B. O.

From It.


For and andto

H. &

and 8. B.Honolulu,








(Jurry Powder ns made 'y ub is prepared after the Originak.Kecipo from tho Purest Ingredients.

isr THY IT OJSTO ll -- 3

BENSON, SMITH & 00.527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

Since Wc Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the TSest.

Just Ouened "Up anInvoice of . . .


Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give thorn a trial. Money back it yon don't liko tbeui, Also, jnst received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hums, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beof,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to tho Arlington.

Main OfHco Telephone No. 53. P. O. Box No. 222 Kronen Offlco Telephone No. 858.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., Ld.





Lumber Merchants, Can,tractor & Builden.-I- MPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hardware, Wall Papers and ,.Matting, Etc. Mnnufnotiiro All Kinds of Moulding. ,

Main Offlco. Icleo, King street. Branch Offlco unit IManlnR Mill, comer TUng andBethel atreots. Lninber Vards, Leleo and Lot near It. U. Douot. lrivnt traok connect.Inn with O. It. & L. Co. K. K. rnnn thronRh onr ynrrtH to 11, B. wlmri unit any part of St

Ewa nnd Wftiauae Btations.



US' Tut? rMrjMiM--- " nut ptimK? inC CVC1NUNVJ DULLCIII1.






Pdbllshcd every day except Sunday nt210 KinR Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Par Month, unywhere In the lln- -

wni Inn Islands 8 76P- -t Year BOOPor Yenr, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico ID IK)

Per Year, nootpnld, Cihor ForeignCountries 13 00

Pnynlilo Invnrlablr lu Advances

!25fi. P. O. Oox 104.

A. Y. GEAR. Manager.DANIEL LOQAN, Editor.

. .Wll Mi Ill I. II ,H... ..!.If 111 DAY, NOV. .",, 18!)7.

it is very gratifying to record

the continued pUcOpba of tho kind

ornnrten movement in tin citymid coii'itry. ' doubt it tills n

hinhly iniportuut function in (liv-

ing children n good start iu mi ml

mid manners

Doubtless the Government in

noting ns ns possible,"under till the citoumstancos, in itR

dealing with the doiuaud of thoplanters for more labor. Thocountry is in u sort of Iraiiyition

stnge. There must coino bomochnup.e iu the regulation of labor,annexation boon or Into iu thefuture. Any ngitntiou nt thisjuncture, however, would bo bootloss ns well as cnlculnted to pro-du- co

injuiiouH compliuntions.

A contemporary prints n homorecipo for diphtheria, uuder theimprimnturof tboLondou Lancet.It in sulphur stirred up iu waterub n gargle, ami, where tho throatis cloned ngaiust gnrgling, tho sul-

phur blowu into the thront witha quill or other tube. This is nnold uewepnper rounder, but in notto bo despised for thnt. Twoutyyears ngo tho writer published tho

ealno mutter to the samu credit ex-

actly, nud received the thanks ofn mother for the saving of n child,ns sho firmly believed, by thousoof tho remedy. Aa tho woman hadnlrendy suffered tho loss of a childfrom tho fell disense, when tho

-- best skill nvnilablo wns employidin vain, perhaps hor testimony

""had especial value.

Tin: vnr.i: HiMii:uAiti-Ks- .

, liltrrc'Hliic rrniiaiictliin nt MoutlilyJlrt'liiii; ol Miprrvlnora,

Tho regular monthly meetingof llio Board of Supervisors of theFreo Kindergarten Associationwas held at Queen Emiuii Hullthis morning. There wiib a largeattendance, presided over by Mrs.W. F. Alleu, iu the absence .!Mrs. Hyde, president. Rendingof minutes, receiving of reports

nd now business mndo a buxysession.

From the visiting committeesthe reports on the various kinder-gluteu- s

were for the most part encournging. Very few requisitionsfor repairs were presented. ThePortuguese school is full to overflowing, and nn nfteruoon sessiouwjaa suggested. This wns fouudimpracticable, as Mrs. Tnrbollwould not bo ablo to do tho extrawork, besides the funds beingwanting. Tho idea may bo enrried out Inter.

Ew plantation kindorgartenwas in a tlourishing condition, al-

though the attendance was not solarge as it is hoped to become.Special mention was mnde of thoemployment there of a Japauosewoman ns janitor and nursorymaid, which was deemed au ex-

ample worthy of following iuother schools.

Dr. Howard had examined alltho children in tho kindergartens,vacoiumiug (lijio weeding thatdone. '

Mrs. O.B.Cooper was put on thopublication eommiteo in place ofMis- - O. P. Emerson. Mrs.Arthur B. Wood wns nssigned totho Japanese committee in placeof tho Into Mrs. Henry Water-Loo- se.

Mibh Frances Kinuoy wnsplnced on tho Kindergarten Clubcommittee instead of Mrs. Dumas,who has left the country.

Mrs. A. Mackintosh, in chargoof tho Foreign Kindergarten coinniittee, having much to tho Asso-ciation's regret been obliged toroeiAn, Mrs. H. W. Schmidt wnsgiven ' tho chairmanship, while i


Mrs. T. May was ndded as tho(iftli member of the committee

Homo changes of kindergartendirectors woro mnde. Mrs. Ilraywns transferred fioiu uhnrgo oftin Palamn to that of the Hawai-ian room, iu phice-o- f Miss Kin-ney, whoso resignation was ten-deie-

nt Inst meoliug. Miss AunE. Pope, who comes from Chica-go, was placed in charge of Paininn.

A series of recommendationswas mnde by Mrs. Colemau, finan-cial secretary, relative to increas-ing tho salaries of tho variousteachers. It was agreed to adopta schedulo of salaries, graded ac-

cording to nequiremenH and ex-- pt

rienee, like that lately adoptedfoi the public schools.

The question of assuming thehitpport of tho Paladin kinfieigfU'-to- u

tor the euhUiiiL' year came up.Just n year ago the Associationwas tendered tho use of the oliup 1

building during school hours bytho Central Uuiou church, andsuHicieut money to carry it on fora year wns raised nud tendered tothe Association. The Board ac-

cepted the tender of the chapel,and with tho fund so kindly pro-vided the school has thus far beenmaintained. A motion was nowcanted thnt the Association assumo the suppoit of thoPalntim kindergarten forthe curreut year, as nn experimout, the sum of $200 having nl-

rendy been rnised for tho pur-pose.

Donations and ordinary re-ceipts have amounted to S1001 fortho past month, which is gratify-iug- ly

largo iu comparison withtho monthly avorago of tho year.Pledges nud donations countedup so well that the salary raisedeoided upon is regurded as a safomeasure.

This afternoon tho members oftho kindergarten truiniug schoolare (jiving a treat in tho ChildGarden. Beretauin streot, to thoteachers of the first gindc iu thovarious bchools of the city.

I'Kiiir I'AK.ti I'ou waiii;.

Product) rr Couni ,11 y Noon Ciii IIIons nni MilpluHiU.

D. G. Camariuos, tho Kingstreot fruit merchant', is negotia-ting with local pnrties for thepurohnso of a very large traot oflaud near tho city to bo used fortho cultivation of small and largofruits for foreign markets. Therowill bo 500 acres in the tract.

Mr. Camariuos has tho bestchannols to the eastern markets,and will undoubtedly make a bigsuccess of his enterprise. Hepurposes establishing a generalagency in San Fruncisco to connect directly with the trade.

Pineapples, raeloub of all kinds,bananas, beriics and vegetableswill ho specinliies. Strawberries,tostiiko between seasons, will boa strong card. Experiments willbe made in the cultivation to aprofit of apples, peaches, ornnges,dates and grapes.

If successful iu getting tho land,tho tihoino will doubtless go intoeffect enrly in tho coming yenr.

Tin: roiiuiuiiKNK ixlmiiiation.Cnnimltlrp AppolnK'd to

fur lildi'jH-llilpiici- ) Day

Tho oflicera of tho PortuguesoUnion and a few friends held ameeting last night to urrango fortho proper observance of their in-

dependence day, which falls onDecember 1.

M. A. Gonsalves, J. P.Kodrigues and 0. Perroira woroappointed a committee to raisemoney and arrange a programfor the celebration.

In view of tho mauy demandsupon the colouy during tho yearfor charitable and other purposes,it has been practically decidedthat the progiam shall not bo soelaborate as beforo. It will, how-ever, includo a number of inter-esting events and tho observancewill be entered upon with thocustomary eclat and spirit.

Denied II y tile HIuruiil.Marshal Brown denies that any

Jnp turned up at tho polico stationyesterday morning with a eakoyarn to tho effect that he had boonrobbed of S2000 but had recoveredthe amount ii3 stated in this morn-ing's paper. Tho Marshal saysthat tho dreaming waadono by thereporters who got badly scoopodby two afternoon papers, andvouohes for the correctness of thoBtory of tho robbery at Miss Pea-bod- y's

place as told by them, .


'jWf T WsWF irwJF$rwwrn --w'f'TW'fF w'wmKfW '''W, K f '


wiui.t ii itKMiiir.s niis.

lint llii! J'll.v 1 lli Milium" Mini WaNot There.

A Koua man nud n denizen ofOlna had a button hole apioco ontho strnugor from Colorado. '

''Coffee," began tho first man,"Coffeo, I Bay, will grow any whoroaud under all conditions iu Koua.It will grow from tho sands of thobeach to tho mountain tops. Itwill grow in Koua straight orsideways, or if planted bottom upit will grow. I kuow n man whocut, soaped, painted nud enrriodn doffee slick for two yenrs. Oueda he stuck it iu the ground, andin two weeks it had spiouted out."

"Nothing," reported tho manfrom tho uew colTo" bolt, with adisdaiufdl grin; "why, Olna coffeebticks bprout aud bear while theycarry tlieni around in Hilo."

ihu party loilhnilli oupaiatcdnud tool; tho three roads to thoraces at Cyclomore park.

HY P0L1CK A.T CALLAO.Inquiry hero conllrins tho Hory com.

liif fioni Limn to the effect that theState Department tins lodged de-

mand with the United States chargeof legation at Lima for tho rclcise ofthe mute of the American bark "UncleJohn." Ua "'s arliore on DecemberID lust at CallLo, nnd was nrrested

of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On taj, or in lxttles at theCriterion Saloon.


Over our establishment on Hotelstreet is tho sign Island Views.For tho bouefit of thoso who maynot kuow, Kiug Bros.havo openedtho place ns a branch to thoirstore. Colored and uncoloredphotos, oil paintings, water colors,pastels nnd menu cards of Islandscenory are specinlties.



N'veiniiei 4, 1897 f

Notice It ntou tlit iutero-.- !

from Jniiuury 1, 18!)8, still mil lie hIlowed in xci-si- i Five Humlred Dol- -

lire, on lllH IoIIOaI )j PrtHS Il'mk-- ) nfthe Purtttl riuviiigs Bituk, lepreoeullundoM'altn numbered us brlow mentipned

LS'l J03. M. OAT,


Sd IS M. Damon,Minister of Finance.

No Amount No. Amount.Hint .fI,'J3ll 118 2891.1101 I l'J3 t!7 JOUl 2,133 110

1284 1,13(1 7o 2!i95 l,3iK) 03131)7- - - l,lb!l 75 3o2) ..- WKI III)

MH2 1,028oH3o82 1,157 8131 2,131 2.1 oM4i b'l) 711

1014 1,(177 .(i 33!J(J h73 7310i7 5014033 8 7n3 7U1(181 321ftl 3101 5J1 15Ki'tl 2,082 01131(1(1 538 351750 l.hW Kl 3482 1,5013(11871 fi(l'l4l 3MW 2,tl!M 5lh98 "' 919 14 3013 1,13! 3j1040 Oil O 3(174 :','.'5(l8(ilOlU - 1,259 6J 3MI2 1,01.3031059 1,310 115 3010 1230 14

2010 592 0(1 019 920 01213.2 1,3.12 0 40V1 1,30.5 H7

2250 1000 00 4291 520252284 505 85 4338 lO'OOO2310 2,350 93 475 50(1 00.'344 080 33 6394 2 100202527 2,400 00 5395 2 257 742528 2 lOOtm 558 8 21

2558 '.. 2.377 00 5540; 2,025 00LH.41" U 2,141 02 014' 1 130 332'75 .... 1,62(1 95 G278 2,500 002J02 ...; 2,155 00 0453.. 780 702707 1,01195 6768 777 802720 650 29 7010 2,532 052740 1,003 03 7201 020 2)2h21 1,811 90 7343 900 002623 CU3 28

754 It

Judicial Notice.

In tho mutter of tho Estate ofJohn Grace, Into of Honolulu,O ihu, deceased, intosiuto. Petition having been filed by SiraliJ. Graco, widow of u.iid iutcstnto,praying that Letters of Adminis-tration upon said Estate bo is-

sued to herself, uotico is herebygivon that Monday, tho 6th dayof Docomber, A. D. 1897, at 10o'clock a. oi., in luo uudioiuiyBuilding, Honolulu, is uppointedthe timo and placn for hoaringsaid petition, wuou und where allpersons concerned may appearand show cause, if auy thoy havo,why said petition should not bogr.mtod.

I3y tho Court:GliOKGlS J.UOAS, Clerk.

Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1897. 5t)l-3- t



OrriOEi 208 Merchant street, CampbellElook rear of J. O. Carter's offloe. P. O,Box 338

The STERLING Still Leads

GEOKGE SUAllAOK with a sprained foot, tnkes second plncoiu tho third milo nud third plnco in the two-mil- e hnudicnp, startingfrom scratch.

GEORGE MAltTIN takes second placo iu tho milo.

FHED DAMON won tho half mile amateur aud milo amatour,starting from scratch iu both oveuts.

STERLING ROADSTERS are as strong and easy runuiugrond wheels as tho rnccrs air on tho track.

KG)" Sold ou tho instalment plau or a discount for cash.

Household Supply DepartmentOastle & CJooke, Ltd.

h C. A.Tl-li3RTO.- N, : : Aiient.EST Try the STERLING TANDEM thnsn moonlight uiuhts.




jnsfc wo allowed jyou how you tho g

saddle gtoday you can see how jof nn improvementthe new saddlessuch tho Christy, liny jBeck, etc., are the j

hard uft'uirs.is no case recotd of" a Jjthrough tho top of Jhead aa modern saddle Our

Colunibins and Umnblers have on saddles. ;Jand you can have nny of the best modern on r2J; want. Many like Sprint; Sat Posts well, wo soil 53 them Tr the latost thing in chain denning J

rushes, they clean a chain thonughly and ZZS

J; quickly. Up to-dat- o Wheels and Sundries at 5

g E. d. HALL SON'S,2

Again the CLEVELAND Wins !

ALLEN JONES, p iced by Whitman and Sharack onthe " Cleveland Worm's liecord Tandem " lowered tho Prof-

essional ;?j Milo record from 40 sec to 39 sec. flat.

The Cleveland Tandem is Fast.WM. LYLE wins tho One Mile Handicap on a" Clove-land.- "

WM. LYLE on a " Cleveland " paoed by Fred Damonand H. K. W.nlkor the " Cleveland faiidoiu " lowered thoAmateur J Vlile rec rd from 43 3-.- 1) sec. to 41 sec.

Lyle and the Cleveland are Champions.

tor They cost no more than other wheels.


H. E. WALKER,A.lakea Sr.reor.

HodoIuIu Undertaking Co.ED.

Tho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands. Every-thing New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Specialty! No Bungling! No Failures!NOTE: Mu. Ed. Williams Is a Graduate of Clark's Hctiool of Perfect

by which proctitis tiiu body retalun Its natural appearance foryears.( Ifiice and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel.

Telephone 179. Residence and Night Telephone 815.

Pure Willi ami t'roli L'uiin.

What is nicer nnd more refresh-shin- g

than a ogc shaken upwith puro milk, shavod ico andflavored suit your taBto withfresh syrups; invest 10c. and tryono. Also shako made with puro

and any desired flavor Co.Palaua Grooeiiy,

Opposito Itailway Depot, Kingetreot. '

The Evening BtUletin, 75 eentiper wonth.


old fashioned and

much -- gstylo -


old There Jon

mini's spine coming outhis

after century on rgoptions



& 3

on4-- 5



Masonic Temple.


Eleotion of Officers.

Tho following Officers of Hart & Co.,Ltd., havo been elected to servo until thoFirst Annual Meeting:

Jan. Steiner PresidentGeo. W. Bmith Vico PresidontJ. P. Clay SecretaryO. J. Luil wigsen TroasnrerA. V.Qear Auditor

The abovo with Ed. Towso and Wm.Savldga will constitute the Board of Direc-tors. J.P CLAY,

Socretary.Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1897, 7M-3- t

mely JopiejNovember 4, 1S97.

"Fourteen dollars a month iswhat it cobts me lor electriclights for my house, and I wishI had never had them put in,"said a lady yesterday when shewas giving us her experienceson the question of lights. I heseare long nights and the house-keeper may well worry overher lighting bills.

Electric lights are all verywell for people with long pursesbut for people of average meansthere is nothing like the old-fashio-


lamps. They give asofter light, are not so wear-ing on the eyes, and are notall the time jumping and bob-bing about. Of those whostill use coal oil lamps we askattention to a stock that can-I- V

it be excelled in Honolulu.They come in all sizes, st) les,and prices. We have Hang-ing Lamps, from moderatecost to elaborate designs; HallLamps; Piano Lamps; ban-quet lamps; lamps for the bnu-do- ir;

nickel-plate- d lamps forstudents; bracket lamps; two,three and four-lig- ht chande-liers. We have mammothRochester Lamps and littlemetal night lamps that are veryconvenient where there arechildren around.

Piano lamps are still asfashionable as ever. We havethem in new and attractivestyles, together with a largeassortment of beautiful shadesin culors to suit.

If there is anything requiredin the shape of a lamp for out-side use, on the verandah orabout the stable, we have tnemin stock and at very low rates.

No trouble to show our lampsor anything else we have instock.

TfcL K

Hawaiian Hardware lo,LIMITED,

NO. 307 FORT STHET,Oipositp Sprockels' Bank


Store.In ono of our windows we aro

displaying a fow samples fromwhich our Holiday Stock of

Cards and Calendars


Santa Claus' Headquarters hasalways carried tho largest andmost select stock in tho city. Thisyear we have had tho advantageof buying early direct from thoEastern markets nud at bettorprices, and patrons will receivetbo benefit of this.

Wo havo largo invoices of dollsdirect from Europe's Doll Centrealready nt hand, with others ontho way from I ho Eastern markets,consisting of Fine Leather Goods,Souvenirs, Books, New Styles andDesigns in Stationery and every-thing in tbo Toy Lino.

We respectfully ask ourpatrons to examine our largostock beforo purchasing olso-who- ro.

Tho Leading Toy and Sta-tionery House.


Ice Cream Par'orlas RBopeaeti at tta did Slani,

ItBformrr excellence with improve-ments is guaranteed for the future.

E. Poppleton,73Wm Manager.


Chicken tit Occidental tomor-row.

The Knsh bus a" change o mu-fl- ic

today.The Hculani tlimco is tho ovont

of tonight.Cheater A. Doylo returned on

ihoMauun Lou today.

Officers of Hart & Co., Ltd.,aro eloowheio advertised.

Court Luunlilo, No. G000, A. O.F., litis rcuulnr meeting touiyht.

J. A. Maunou baa Govornrauntbonds of 188G for side. Sou notice.

Tho Immigration Boitrd is in'session this nfternoou it tho In-

terior Oflieo.

F. W. McCheanoy ie homoagain aftor a business trip to thoother islands.

Mrs. A. Mo Way no and tamilyand Mrs. E. EI. Wodehouso cutneovor on lliu Manna Lon.

Tho Sharack Jouns race willbo the leudor at tho Cyclomcroraco track tomorrow evening.

Doputy Sheriff Otnstcd saysthat a very heavy rain fell onMaui last Vodu('Kl..y., extendingto all parts uf the island.

Secretary Colemnu found aplace yentorday for a worthyyoung man whoao uamo was onthe employment list of iho Y.M.0. A.

Fraua Forroira, tho noted run-away catcher, has been given aspecial police commission with,duties in tho department of Sam3Incy.

It is more- - than likely that thedairy business projected by tbolate Jahn Gruco will be continuedby friends for tho benefit of hisfamily.

Kalusi, a 13J year old trnnnt,vhib committed to tho Industrialfichool by .ludgo Wilton thismorning for tbo balance of idsminority.

Tho charge of gross cheatagainst Ah Yon and t'nalicionemischiof agaiubt Manual Bishnworo both dismissed in tbo policecourt today.

The franchise of the HawaiianTramways Company will be oneof tbe important mattors to occu-py tbo attention of tbo comingLegislature.

.Mtiuiiaiiiutf H mo, corui-- i Hoteland Nuuanii struts, lodging byday, week or month. Tortus: 25and 50 cents por night. $1, and$1.26 oer wni-k- .

Harry Corson Olaiko, ono oftho most valuable members of tboFrawley company, will havo somestrong character parts during thocoming season.

Tho third team of football play-or- sof Oabu College and tho team

of tho High School will have agarao on Makiki grounds at 3o'clock this afternoon.

A. N. ,Hayselden will bo ap-pointed deputy-sheri- ff of Labaina,to succeed Win, Sheldou, resign-ed. He has been for two yearspostmaster at that place.

David Watson, aon tho Pali road, is having troublowith bis Japanese laborors andhas asked for polico protection.Non-paym- ent of wages due ap-

pears to bo tho cause.

At Thrum's thoy havo boon on-ga- ged

savorul uveuingo openingtho splendid assortment of Christ-mas novoltioB purchased by tbohead of tho house during his re-

cent visit to eastern markets.Eroegor Fianos.Bwootost in tone,

Jas.W. Bergstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atG. Wost's, Masonic Temple. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. W& Tele-phone 347.

Shenandoah, tho second play tobo presented by tho Frawley Co.,will recoivoan elaborate represen-tation FpRrk Worthing shouldbe particularly well suitod to tborolo of Kerchival West, tho mili-tary horo, and Gladys Wallis willprove a delight as tho little soldiergirl whoso ono rogrot is that showas not born a boy.

A common orror that pooplowho own oil painting mako, is inallowing them to go too long with-

out uttention. A paintings shouldnovor go moro than a year with-out overhauling especially in thiscountry whero the air is so ladenwith salt, thoy should bo protect-ed with varnish. King Bros, dothis kind of work at very rooBon-abl- o


TUB ttV.V. VKVH AdtlN.

Mr. Itloiiuiir .Italic Miiionii'iil Itcs.licctlnir llin C'lnn.

Tho articlo in Wednesday's is-s- uo

of this paper, auent tho nowhospital being built in Falama fora sect of Chinese, with commentsupon tho customs and rolativoposition of tbo clan with respectto tho race, created an interestingflutter among tbo sous of thoFlowory Kingdom in tho westernhalf of tho city.

Tho article was road far andwide, and copies of tbo paper willbo sout to all parts of tho world.

Mr. Mouwar, Paul Neumann'sright bower, called at thin officoand rouueoted that tbe public bogiven a few additional facts aboutthe Soo Yops, the clau that is nowat work upon tho beautiful homofor tho unfortunate nmoug tbaircountrymon. The statement howishes to mako is as follows:

"The See Yeps occupy Cantonprovinoa togothor with threo othorclans, spoakiug diffeient dialects.Thoy aro an honest, industriousand rospootcd people. Tbe clauis frequontly honored by tbo Gov-ernment, tho present Minister totho Unitod States, Mr. Wu TingFang, boing an instance. Thoylivo in pcaco with thoir neighbors:

Mr. Monwar belongs to tboclan, and is an oxcollent exampleof its thrift and progressivespirit.

A Naval Clinuicc.

Dr. Howard E. Ames, recentlyattached to tho United Statescruiser Detroit, has been appoint-ed to succeed Dr. Fitzsimmons incharge of the United States NavalHospital at Yokohama. Dr. Amesis of tho expedition that foundJLioutonant Peary and tho survi-vors of his Arctic expedition.


Will He n Fine Simp.

Tho now Pecbeco & Fernandezbarber shop in tho Hotel strootArlington building will bo quitoelaborate. Work of remodel-ling tho promises and painting upis aow undor way. Tbo shopwill carry five chairs and willhave an up to data boot black ar-rangement in front.



StandardDictionary wlUD

Wall, Nichols Co., Proprietors.

Great Amount of Knowledgefor tho Least Monoy.

ONLY $1.00 A WEEKAnil You Soon Heuome the Owner

of Thin Great Work.


Standard DictionaryHas No Real Competitor.

247 Editors;301,805 Vocabulary Terms;

6000 Illustrations;2238 Quarto Pace.

fir Book" on exhibition and fur-ther information at

WallicMsCoN. R. Our solicitor. Mb. II. E.

KELSEY, will soon ctiil on you withproHpectU!).





Every boing who has sufferedfrom sicU-ho;idn- elui caused by

of tho stomach canappreciate a propitiation whichwill at onco give relief and doosnot, los its effect aftor taking afow (Iohos, the result generallyexperienced after' taking manysalino aporionts.

MagnesiaTho cooli. g and rofroshing

ofl't-c- t produced by taking a dosoon rising will convinco cvon tboskcptin that it ia just the thingfor this climnto. It hits u pleasanttasto and novor fnls to not. Adoso taken before breakfast rogn-lar- ly

will insuro good health.

SalThe ingredients that eutor into

tho composition of MAGNESIASAL FltUTAS aro salts obtainedfrom fruit and arc harmless wlxntaken into the system. Tho pre-paration can bo tukon indefinitelywithout injury.

Frutas.The sale for this preparation

has surpassed all others of a simi-lar nnturo. Put up in two sizesGOo and 1.00 Don't forgot thonumo MAGNESIA SAL FllUTAS.

Hollister Drug Go,


EHLERSFort Street.


Lace Curtains and Curtain Materialsat

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street, : : Honolulu!FINE CURTAINS,

50ots. on the Dollar.NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS,

Extra quality, 31 yards Iour and full width, $1.50 a pair.DOTTED SWISS CURTAINS,

All ready made, finished with rullles, 3J yards long, CI incheswide, for $ 1.5(1 a pair.

Our Stock of Fine Curtains.Point De Esprit, Brussels Net.

Battenberg and Ourtaimj,For 50cts. on the Dollar.

fHfiMf9tmmmmmktmn i- -"



Grocer fo- r-

ovhtrhvtWI CAM

uiwtnco . iifga'immMdMiZ-j'Z-fJ l .Lwrzis' fRANK

COMTyyt en

J.A.FAELA,200 Hotel Street,



ttaf Money returned If you are notati-llu- l. All work guaranteed.

The Honolulu SanitariumKing Street.

A Qulot, Uomellko Place, whoro TrainedNurses, Mnnsaee, "Swodish Movement,"UntlM, Eloctrkity and 1'hynlciJ Trainingmay bo obtained.

Ult. O. L. GARVIN,Telopbono 639. In Charge.

& CO.

FRENCH ORGANDIESIn entirely now designs, aro tho latest conceits in Dress Goods for tho present season.THEY WILL BE NEW IN PAK1S NEXT SPRING.

Our store is headquarters for LADIES' CLQTH" and COLORED CASH-MERES. "Wo havo these in beautiful shades, tho bottlo green boing especially beau-tiful. This lino is entirely now Wo havo secured advance shipments and thoy willnot bo worn on tho Coast until next year.

Our New PortierresImported to replace tho old stylo chenille curtains that aro to bo found ovory whero.

These Are New Goods

HANDSOME SHADES and DESIGNS. If you aro refurnishing, now is tho oppor-tunity to secure absolutely now stylos.






Hn'Vrr'BBlB.VT .---:.kia vki2Smmu&ssB&Eam




B.PCTER50 aCO.ACtllli

it. iw riuaMA

Great Reduction in Pxino

of Salt.

The unduralftned Is preparedulsljcd Fine and Conree Unit in JtiUoriuliHgj, at from $6 00 to 510 O parton of 2 000 ivoumls.

J. I. nOWgBTV.Honolulu, Oct. 16, 1807 76J- -

For Sale.

Hawaiian Government G rr cefitItomN (10 Wu). iBBue 1660. DuotnVnntlniiH $1,000 and $5,000. Anply to733-t- f J. ALFRED MAGOOH.


i w

W-- r

! .. Y

..- - V ' jVp..'tM ' .' va:'.. - ... .t it.fts.j'.!lf Jti't .yi&'-- ,;. jii.'iiX-- ' "iMiikwiiw.lS-V- . ': . ' --, stUhu lC!4Aur' CWifc8SU












$!-. s. M








HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories of

I---a Intimidad,La EsiDanola,3La African a,TnTenrv Clay & IBocik & Co.

Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,Now Gcods Itocoivod by Every Packet from the Eastern Stntes and Europe,

FEE8H CALIFOIINIA PEODUOK BY KVERY STEAMElAll Oidora inltbiuUy attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of tho City FUEEbusa Oarau nolioird SAtisrAcrioB QgAKtra.!


P. Oi Box 480.


Housekeepers wishing to buy NEW or FIRST-CLAS-S

SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURETu Bedroom Sets, Sidobonrda, Wardrobes. Tables, Chairs, Icot,;,( M(bcf9' Mntbletop Bowl WnahstanclH, Bod Lounge,

Honmng Lumps, Writing Desks, Book CasesCounters, etc etc will 8vo money by buying ut tho I. X. L., cor-ner Nim.inu nnd King streets.

E" Amorican nntl HawaiianSnstcrn prices.

108 KING STREET.G. J. Wallkii - . . .Manaohii.



lav Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry .



ftoopolita ISJe&fc Go.

Telephone 45.

BIN8 UP J04"!

Ifhe Central Meat Market214 Stheet.

73 or Your OlioiceOrders

Tho finestOF

leMgefated .--. Msafig

Always on Hand Orderspromptly and enref tilly attend-ed to

HERBERT GARES.tiole Proprittor.

1LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy hist sleamer from the Const.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my Htore, whore the

OEST CUSTOA1 WORKIs ilone ami new work

- both. Tins, rings, bracelet-- , whIuIi- -'maklufr, etc.

1'd.jG. B1ART, - 404 Fort St.

Subaoribe for tho IIl'iZflTVJ 7G oenta nci m.mtli... , ... ..,.fftrn-rMfl'-- l mrfl- - "

Tklkpiio.sk 478.



L Corner KingSts.

and Nuu-an- u

Flags nil sizos sold cheaper than



is slill in the Jield,and leads all otherbrands for qualityand purity.

It is vol offered asthe cheapest, but asabsolutely the bestBeer in tho market,and will be sold atfair mar feet ralesas heretofore.



Sole Agents.


Owing to tho illness of Jas.Nott, Jit his Tinsmith andPlumbing Business will beclosed until further notice.

UY POLICE VT CALLAO.Inquiry hero confirms tho s'ory com-in- r

fiom Lima to the elVect that theState Department has lodged 'i de-mand with tho United States chargeof legation at Lima for the rele-vs- ofthe mate of tho American bark "Uncle.lohn." He s achore on DecemberId Inst at CallLO, and wns nrrested lie- -

of his constant demand for "Hal-nle- r

Kecr." On tap or in bottlea at thoCrlti-rlo- n Saloon.

ilrVy 'aL'iiiij,wjurfjifefe1iAa


5. 18!)7.

HAW tll'S (JOVI.It.MHt.

Any Alllcrlciiii rilixpn In Mlglhlc lorIII ii lllull I'iiiIIIdii.

Any of tho childrau now run-niu- g

about the strootn of this citymay livo to becomu Governor oftho State of Hawaii and a futurePresident of tho United Stateamay be hoi u iu these inlands. ThoAmerican syBtem loavcfltho very lnglient positiou in theland open to the very loweat ofits citizens.

Take tho nowly Goveruor of the of Alaskaas an Hid unmo inJohu Buuly and he was one of anumber of street arabs sent to In(liana thirty yours ngo by a chilIreu'a aid sooiety of New York.Ho is 'fluid to have boeii tho most

one of the lot,nit had the good fortune to boakou by a kiud hearted judge,

wijo gave mux every

Tho Mitlio.l l,y Wlilih tin. Incct rmlliIU INauIlful Light,"By what prorem do ilicflies prod.tho beautiful (binbes nf light?" That

question fi fluently asked, and as rntautological books fail to give a satis-factor-

reply tho following cxplauatiovmay bo

I have. malo a special Mtidy of tinlight, mid carefully examinedof tho segments in

both initio and female specimens 'fliclight emitted, when tcSted by tho fikc- -

troscopc, gives a brilliant spectrum,Which is continuous through all thecolors from tho red to tho violet raysTho organs consist of dis-tiu-

Kplierical cells, each ono ofwhich is about 1.2000 of an inch inammeter, mill tho beetlo has power toilluminate ono or many of thou cells atWill, producing light ofintensity. Tho cells contain a fluid

with and tho coveriug of tho cell is mi thincoming in contact with it m.v nT.itho contents.

It has been Micncstrd Hint tlm imnri .

produces tliu Hashes of light or renduatho phosphorm suddenly luminous byelectricity by tho injection of warmfluids or by friction. But it is certainthat tho llah of l.ght is niudu in

way. Wo may cleaily trace u con-nection between tho fcpiraclcs midtrachea (spiral air tubes) of tho heotloand each of tho cells, andfind that tho littlo creaturo renders thophosphorus contained in tho colls lumi-nous by forcing air upon them. Tho collswhen thus excited emit light from thoirsurface.

Wo may imitato tlm net nf tlm iwntinby dissecting ono and placing the

organ under a microscope, covered by a thin glass cover. When thocover is lifted so as to admit a littlo air,tho colls become luminous.

Wo may add that tho nanio "firefly"is a monomer, as tho "lightning bug"is a true beetle, belonging iu tlm naturalorder ealeoptera, ami in tho familylampyrida-- . D K. Winder in DetroitFrco Pi ess.

A Mlllliiimlre' Kxtrutusnuiu.An example of CNtriiviigiiiicu by a

woll known millionaire who built himFclf a castlo in ono of the Engli.ili mid-land counties is reported by Tho UrgJishIllustrated Tlm im.ii- - V ,i,place was pure mid suilicicnt, bat a caseoi scanet lever occurring iu tho villageat a littlo distance from his resilienceho took a disliko to tho local water hupply and ut a cost of over 100,000 provided himself with a fresh supply fioma distance of 18 miles. Without childrenor wifo and a great traveler, lie doesnot inhabit his own country phico formoro than threo months iu the yauAlthough ho drinks no wine, his wateris an expeusivo beveragu Allow ingonly0 per ;ent on tho money, with I percent sinking fund, his water coMs him

for every day ho vibits his caslloThis supply, it hhould bo milled, is Jimited to tho ono hoiihu Thrm in nmiivno reason why it should bu shared withothers, for tho local supply is amplouud of good quality

Aro is a matter of feeling, not ofyears. - -- Qeorpe William Cm tin.


the Aiiclinr.i-


1. '11l. uynn-

fltill ei)iitinueB inelmrce o the Aiiohor ami is ablynsBistPil by William Carlylo. Atthe Anolior, Seattle heor ondraught rim nlwiys ho had ns wellus the hest hrftndfl oetc, John Dewnr'sScotch whirtlcy. A full Htook ofother linunra. winen. oto.. is bnnton hum) al-- o

Join our Suit Olub at oneo.MedeiroB .fe Decker, SI perweek.

.Nicely funuslmil roomn (it thePopnlnr Houi-e-, 154 Fort atroot,from Sl.flO nor weed uii

diugorb ieuil tUo world. Overmude uud sold. Hiyh-ea- t

RwardB at tho World',for of

of motion,eufiO of motion, irrnnt- Hnnnrl nrl.

easo' ofnud convomonoo of ar- -

raueomoiit B. arnt.16J Bethel Htrootu.










tliomecb-nnihii- iilluminating







13,000,000uolum-liiii- n

Expoaitiou excollonee('.oiiBtruction, regularity

justnbility, durability,lenruiug


ltictioii Sales by Jas. 1 Morgan,

Auction Sale-- OF-

0 ,G m (

WARE!Uuder iuBtruetione from tho

Hawaiian Government, I will soilnt Public Auction, at my Sales-room, Queen street, Houolulu,

On THURSDAY, Nov. 18,


Glass Ware, China WareSilver Ware,

And other Historic, ArtinlpR.from tho Hoifjne of the Kameha- -moha's and Kalakaua.

, B Articles on viow at Sales-room on Wednesday, Nbv. 17,from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in.

JAS F. MORGAN,"50-t- i! Auctioneer.

Auction Sale ofThe Property of the


Kona, Hawaii.

I havo received instructions to hell ntpulillu auiitlon ut my sales-

room In Honolulu, on


All the property of the above Com-pany, comprising about 790 ucres oflean"! luuiln ami 182 acres In iW Simple OI the above area, about 'JOOaeresaro planted in eolIVe, t he I rei-- varyingfrom nbout 1 tofiyeais In ago.

There Is a lam.- - mill on the place,fully equipped, from which an Ineomocan he Derived liii'leuiiinguiKl market-iiit- f

i'iiUjh finni tlicti'jueeiit plaulers.The plieo is well equlppvil with waterlank-- , tools and Implement, wagons,hor-e- e, mules, maiiager'H aim laborer'slioief, pIplliK, otlicu luriilture, etc.,eta

The cofTee fieliic aro well fenced midroads built to the various portions ofthe ostuto.

A large portion of the cofleo troes aroDOW ill hesrllil' hiiiI itn nriiirlntr fliunCTM td nrniltlnil muYlninm nrrinu:." .7 "." '"I . .rur lunnor ptriieinars in regani 10lea-e- s and all necessary information,apply

JAS. F. MORGAN,750-t- d Auctioneer


OaliTornia,French andGerman

Wines kd LiquorsQuarts and Pints by (he Case or

by tho Keg, vuch asCabernet, Biiwunily, Zliitainlel, Sau-tern-

Yimem, Guteilel,Nierslelner, Llebfrnueii-milc- h

Miiiqaux Pootel Cnet Brnuneberger, Gmcher Himmelreioh, Uerzl- -

ger Herzloy Port, .Madeira, Sherry,etc.

Latou rot Ills Cognac, Quid MedalHour Mash, Kentucky Beaoh Fork.Hibernian and Ry0 VVhUkf-y- , Black-berry Gold Finch and PulinTree Gin, eli;., etc. Also,

Louis A. B.C. Beer, Rainier Beer,

QimriH and PIiuh.

Commencements WillSoon Be Coming Of

Graduating classes wantclass photos made. Lowerclasses ought to havothem, too. Wo want todo all tho college workthis year. Our posingand grouping aro not sur-passed anywhere.Y) know our prices arc

as low as tho finest workis worth.


Fort Street. Honolulu.

4FV-- '

Club Stables,Limited.FOOT STREET,

Telephone 477


'Breaking HorsesA SPECIALTY.

Finest Turnouts in City.Wagonettes and Surries

With Careful Drivers always onham).



Stand: Fort anil Merchant ritreot?.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND REFAIREII.

Bhcksmithing in All Sts branches.

W. W. WllIUHT, Proprietor.(Successor to (i. West)

AMERIOANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Itlcbards Sts.

LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES.J3T Carriages, 8urrcy and Hackn at all

bourn. TELEPHONE 4!W.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

B. .1. NOLTE, Proprii-to- .

The Best, Lunch in Town

Tea and CoOgcAT ALL UOTJliS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWArB ON riANll.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL,Comer King and Alakca Streets,

Honolulu, H. IMrs. Gns FrotionsB, Proprietress.

RooniH Em-uit- or RIiikIo, with orwithout Boanl,f5.50 per week ami

a cording to reciulr meiita ofthe giieHtx.

The only Promeumle Roof GardenIn the uliy. Call ami examine the pro-ml-e-

evt-r- y comfort guaiunUtd. Hotand cold

MRS.GUSFROBOESE,PO. Box 475. 'IVleiiniiie 051


Pot Day c 2.00

The Best of Attendauco, the Bodt Situu-tio- n

and the Finest Meala iu this Oit

J. S. WALKER,Oeneiui. Agent roa Hawaiian Islands.

itOVnl IllSlll-iinP- flnmtmnuAlliuuco Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and General Assurance

Company,Bnu Lifo Assurance Company of Canada.Wilbolma of Madgeburg Insnrunoe Com-

pany.Scottish Dnion nnd Nntional Insurance


Koom 12 flpreckcls Block, Honolulu, H. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Of'oki Merchant street, Honolulu

David Dayton,Keal Estate Broker.

209lt Morohnnt Street.

FOR SALE.12 Ohiueso Granito Hitching Posts; $5each1 Surrey in lino order; prico 5200.Ilouso and Lot, 75x155 ft., on No. 71

Voting street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , cfo.

Lot on Wilder nvonno 100x300 ft., fenced:prico $2100.

TO LET.,P?nso ! Robello Lane; dining-room- ,

kitohou, bathroom, oarrlago houso nndstables; large yard.

Evening Bulletin- 7Bo per month.

J. S. Walker,ll



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sulu mid Lcnfce on

Liberal Terms.


1. 2 Houses and Lot on Nnuann streets,between Viueyanl ami School streets.

2. 1 T.nrnn T.nl nn X'.i.i...... ni...i t.- -twecn Vineynrd nud School streets.

3. Largo Lot, Mukiki Btioet. foncod, 228

4. Lot on Kiunu strict botweeu Alnpalnnd Knpiolaui streets 140 ftet frontngo.

0. Lot on Lnunlilo strtut between Alnpaland Buckfeld streets

6. 3 largo Lota on Prospect street.7. The llnildlng known niThoiniis'Block,

2 stories and 'embracing 5 (leuted) storegon leased ground.

8. Bico Lund at Wnllinno, Koolnn.0. Lot on ccrner of Benin and Koeou-mok- n

street- - between resilience of W. Allowen mid lot of W. M. Giffard, havinefrontage on Beiilu stroet SCO feet.wnf0'8,0 "ud 7 w,lh IIonf,e. Kalia.road.

11. Half Aero Lot in Bllo Town.


1. 3 Cottnges nt Old Wulkiki.2. Storo nnd Dwelling, corner Wyllle

nud XHuiiuuii, ready lor ocenpnnoy.3. Lot corner Mcrcbnnt nnd Bichnrdistreets .

Properties Mannged, Collec-tio- r.

of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances nmdeonReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P.O.Box. 331). Tel. 331.

John Mott,importers nnd Dealers in

10Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 h 123 King Street.

.'. Ml

HAVING ESTAUUSHED A MODERNplant for hnlling, polishing nnd nssortinircoffee, we nro prepared to buy and cleaacouoo In tho parchment.


OoJECeo !IW Apply to


Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Alien & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


Hawaiian Soda Works,

Factory: Sunny South.



Book and Job PrinterM'erchuut Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Ovor Hawniinn Novs Company'sBook Store. mv 13,

aemmMarMMVKfmtni0mmi ncmmaunwtaTTnvu trtvtntmjmBittitimt

ft flu vy

..DKALEKb IN ....


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Strcot, ... - Telephone 20,

W. G Irwin &6o.Limited.

Agents forWvstora Sugar Refinery Oo. of Son

FrnuciscoBaldwin Locomotive Works ot 1'hlln--

dolphin, Pino.. U H ANowell Uulvortal Mill Co. (National

t!ano Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N.Ouluudt & (Jo's Ohoudcal Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Sous, high grade fertU- -

izors for Uaue and Coffee.Reeds Stcnm t'ijio Covuriug

AlsoOffer for SaleParufflno Paint 0 i's P & 15 Pain ta and

Paix-rn- ; Lucol and Linsoed olla, rawuud bodud.

Indarine (n cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filtor Prosti Cloths, Coment, Lime andHrickH.



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company'of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, Prcsidont nnd ManagerClans Sprockets, nt

W. M. Giflurd, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

Sugas? FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOENT8 OV THE




Queen street, Honolulu, n.I.

AGENTS FORHawaliin Agricultural Company, Onomea SugarCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, MakeeSugar Company, IIMcalcala Ranch Company, Ka.papala Ranch. Planters' Line San FranclacoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BoltonPackets "Agent Boston Hoard of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board or Underwriters.


P 0 Jones, President; Georgo H Robertson,Mauagerj E F Bishop, Treasurer and

Ool. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,H WaterUonso, A W Carter, Directors,



Oor. Fort and Qneen Streets, Honolulu,


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

Baropean and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Doalors in Lumber and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Qaeen Shoot, Honolulu,

Just Like Gold Coin,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that aroso essential to Uocp at hand in

the home.It is not a now fanglo remedy

nor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of the ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghubituully inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly givo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used ir,

and found it beneficial.Why experiment with some

remedy that is new and its effecton the system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

ttf The new 35c. size con-

tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Solo Agents for tho Islands.



The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .




225 Queen street, Honolulu, H. I

Just received ex Imrk "MarthaDnvin" a fresh lot of

Hay and Feed StuffsOF ALL KINDS.

Corner Fort Queen Sis.

H. MA.Y $ CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries,

515 & 517 Port St.. HonoluluTVlnjihoner 22 P.O. Box 47(1


Contractor and Builder.OQlces and Stores lit ted up and

Estimates clvcn on


3T OUlcu and Shop: No. 010 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wrifjlit's Carrlaire Shop.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewooo

Cnt and Split ready for tho Stove).AlbO.



At Lowest Prices, dollvcrod to any part olthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Qneen Street.

Dandruff Killer!A New and Thoroughly Effluent Des-

troyer for all

Dandruff In the Head.Guaranteed to Cuto tho Sculp ol all BUn Di-

seases. 1'nt up In ooo size liottlo only.

Criterion Barber Shop,PA0HECO& FERNANDAS, Prop.

Fort St., Opp. Pantheon Stables.



Queen. Street.



No scarcity of material, no-

thing lucking in colors and de-

signs complete. TJio opportu-nity for bargains N here.

We h.-iv- a new lino ofHoneycomb and ToiletQuilts, a little better than thoordinary and at less cost.

Linen, Turkish, CottonTowels at way down prices.

Our Silk counters are re-

plete with tho finest grades ofsilk ever shown in Honolulu.These include light or heavy-weights and in all colore, thecombination of which wouldrival a rainbow in beauty.

Black and Figured Silks.It is possible to have shirts

made to order in Honolulu forless than ready-to-we- ar pricesand you can have a choice ofdesigns. We sell

Ceylon Shirting Flannelsin a hundred different designs.

Native-mad- e Hats variousshapes.



Notice to Mariners.Fixed while Unlit have lieeii es-

tablished on the Islands uf Kuuul uuiltin nini nt foU'iW'f:

(1) Nlulnl point, north of tlio entruiiee to Niviliwili buy, Island nfKtunl Tower mi open wooden frame,wuriuoutited iy mi oncloed luiuroom, pulnied white. Lut 21 57 N,Long 151) 20 W. Elevation abovesua level "(lit. Visible 10 mllee.

(2) On Keawemuu, near Allu point,Huwuil, ulno unleH N J W from IiiloBuy ninl N. 3 W magnetic) fruuiIlKlit ou Paiikiia Bluir anopen wooiltin frunir--, ruriiiounteil ljan ouoione i luinprooiij, (minted whit-La- i'.

19 51 N, Louie. 165 0 V

Elevuil'ou uiiove oca level 65ft. Vialbio 10 wiles.

(3j Ou Kuuholu point, west of Keokeu hurbor, District of Kohalit, Hawuii Towir uu open wooden fruoie,surmounted hy uu enclosed lumproom, painted white. Lut. 20 15 N,Long. 155 IB W. Elevutlou 00ftVivlule 10 mile

JAME- - A. KING,Minister of thb Interior.

Department of the In'erin , Hmio-ltil- u,

H. I., November-!- , 1897 753 3t

Notice to Tax Payers.The Tux Payers are hereby notified

that tho Property Tuxes for 1S97 arenow due uud payable to the DeputyAiHrssors of the sevorul districts, utthe times uud places ineutlonedlu theuotices posted throughout the dis-tricts.

Seetloti 29, Act 51, Session Laws,1890 "If any Property Tux shall in

unpaid utter the 15th duy ofNovember lu uuy year 10 per cent ofthe amount o' neh tuxei hImU headded by the Assessor io the amountof suoh TuxeH at said dute, and ahullbecome due and be collected as partof such Tuxes."

All Property Taxes not paid by Nov-

ember 15th will be doliuquout.The Delinquent List will bo pub-

lished after December 1st, 1897.

JONATHAN SHAW,Assessor, 1st DIvIbIoii, Island of Ouhu.

753 81,

For Sale.House and I ot on King street. a.

Lot 75x150 feet. A bargain,A. V. GEAR & CO.,

723-t- f 210 King streot.

rA!iii:uH' Assort t nor.

I lerllnii nrilllli him! Oilier I'riiccril-liisr- t

l.u.t Mrnlimi.At the annual meeting of tho

Honolulu Touchers' Associationhold liiht evening, it wiih arrangedUnit Deputy - luapeutor'-Gonor- al

Qibsou bIiouIiI ivo Inn fiist leo-tu- ro

to teachers oif the uewcoursoof study adopted for tho schoolson Thursday next at 2:I?0 p in. ntthe Uiyb school.

At tho biwiik plnct uud hour onMondtiy nftt'iu on I'tofcHsor M.iM Kcott will oiuiiize ti historyclnBH uud Mr. Htukor ono in m

On Tuchdtiy at 2:1)0 p.m. Dr. O. T. llodyptb will takeup a c!hh in phyHiolng and by(iicno at the? ollico of the Board ofEducation. MisH Latuptnun willliavn charyp of a uiamtiinr cIiihb ut3 oVInck ou WodtiL'day; MissllociH will havo iicltiBrt forarithuiolie for primary and grammartil mien and Mihh Ki'lloy in roadmg and dictation at it p. in. ouTuesday, all at tho Hjgh Schoolbuililiug.

T. H. Gibson was elected presi-dent of the Amouiutimi for thoenduing jear, Mih. Fraihor vice-pit'Miil- fnt,

11. M. Welltt, secretaiy,and Mtris Julia Peiry tieasurur,and together coustitute tho execu-tive committee.


UIil on licnrubouttliutlucllii Ulllvtlle-u- tlio- -

llendHow tu coinlnt'iutK cruel foiiKlit tlw IlKlit

unto tliu vnd;Uow they .ct tlio women scrinmln nt the

donlly (jUtol'd koutkIAnil w ouiuUil nil tlio barn doors for many

)uriU n round?

Tlio mayor hid told tha major lio wns no rrIn tho wir,

Had iicmt liuinl n drum beat or n battlo ciinlion ronr.

Had Btnld nt homo hnrrnlilni; hilo bin rountry fnuijht nnd bled.

And tlio imjor In hi anger broko a feneo r.illon hU head

Then tlio mayor ho wnt a challunKU for tolluht till thoy wcru blue.

And both Bclcoted pUtoli and a whisky Juk ortuo,

And tlity Kt a dozen umplrcti nnd stood uhiutho Mjuaro

And ih'pim red ivcry thing In Klelit nnd woundcd lotM of air.

They shot a train n runnln and left It tu tholurch,

HroLo his iiostolllco windowH und tvlngeil thoRiptlst Uiurih,

And ll funirnl proceinlon tint v.n btrUKKlwi;through tho tlironu

Had hovornl tnourncru w oundi d nnd took onoluoio corp'-- atonic.

They find for an hour as fust an they couldload.

They wounded nil tho wiikoiis that wcro rum- -

bill) down tho rond,Tlicy xliot tho ishcrltf In tho Ux nnd rolled lum

on llioLlovir,And thin they lilt tho coronir nnd

tumid him over.

Tlio peopto w lred tho governor, ho calleil outtha brlKiidm,

And tho boys bora down upon 'cm with muvkits nnd with bladCH,

And tliu wild inn) or nnd tho major thoy lefttho town by stenlth,

But not 'foro tluy hnd both fIiooIc liands nnddrunk e.uli other's huiltli.h U, titnntoii In Atlanta Constitution

Tlio rrnf(Ksorit AlUtahv"- -

An nniusnii! story is told about ti

profet-sor- . Tliu lcnriicil guiitli'iuuu has uwifu mid family; but, ptofcssorlike, hiitbouguts tiro always with li is book.

Ouu evening his wifo. wlio had boonout for houio liouw, rrtnrncd to Had thohouse remarkably (pilot, o had lefttho diildrcu plnyiiiR about, but nowthov were nowhoro to bo sieu.

Slio demanded to bo told what hndbecome of them, nnd tlio professor ex-

plained that as they hud uiado n gooddeal of uoixu liu had put them to l:cdwithout waiting for her or culling umaul.

"1 hope they ruvo you uo troublo,"slio h.i id.

"No," replied tlio professor, "withtho uxcoptinu of the ono in tlio cot hero.Ho objected a good deal to my undress-lu- g

him and putting him to bed."Tho wifo went to inspect tho cot."Why," sho exclaimed, "that's littlo

Johnny Green from next doorl" Tit-Bit- s.


Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Terms: 25And 50 cents por night. $1, and51 '6 ner w-k- .

First-clas- B work is its own bestadvortisoraont, is tho motto of thoHawaiian Oyclo & ManufacturingCompany, and thoy allow no poorjobs to leave thoir shop.

Kroogor Pianos,sweotoBt in tone,Jas.W. liorgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atG. West's, Masonio Teraplo. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. WST Tolo-phon-o


A common orror that pooplowho own oil painting mako, is inallowing them to go too long with-out attention. A paintings shouldnovor go moro than a yoar with-out overhauling espoomlly in thiscountry whero tho air is so ladonwith salt, thoy should bo protect-ed with varnish. King Bros, dothis kind o work at very roaBon-abl- o


Removal Notice !

The City Furniture Store

Undertaking PallorsHavo romoved from the Old Stand, corner Port nnd Brw-tani- n

Street, to tho

Hove Building, Street.





- The UNDERTAKINO DEPA11TMENT isfully equipped with all tho Latest in its lino.

II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager,Undertaker nndi Embuluicr.

Rksidknok: KIiik Mreet, near Rich I Ofkioi:: Ijovc niilMlnc. TeWnltoiioards. Telephone No. W0 No. 810.

Ieo. . Diim$ Co51?;.




Dry Goods,

Hardware and



-- Importers and


. i . .

in- -


201 to 215

M Fort and

Is opou for of every upon the bestMezzo tint, and all other papers

known in lievt at prlren.from $6 00 per Dozen. Pictures made Life Size direct.

mudo by 402. 8olo of theand Iridium Large of recent Island

Views.can be seen on the ground

Saw FilerUll of








Photoaranh Com--oanv. Ltd.


This Country


Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Fortv Street.

'SSVCorner Hotel Streets.

business. Portraits descriptionPapers, Flatluum, Iridium, Carbon,

Photography, uork!uaraiitred moderateCabinetsAppointments Telephone proprietors

Bas-lteli- ef processes. collection

Specimens Hoor,MO'rr-BMIT- H HuiLDg.


inKinds Saws Sat,

FilBd RBtnatliBd.

Call and Seo

GEO. W. LINCOLN, Builder,King Strootr

f.a w V'.nivJi .3W "&" tW!ja A, i ibhW$M'M$itfwvt,M .;

T.I. . J i . .




3 "



ft v







Br ',f







i jji

ft. '

WF'WWM'Frmy3l'wp'"JH"' '"'? W' ?Tl!$!iWvmr 'raHnBHBjpJBJBJBJBjPJBJBJNBTWV'WjWn'? SBJBMBKKf)7j!7J 'H!W,WrwmBHBpBJBlMPW



Our Prices Have Made Known

JUboplr Appreciate Good Value !We Have Been Crowded All Week!

Our Warfare on Prices Continues !

We Mean to Sell Cheap !

As Special Muceieitts for tie Week We Offer:

LADIES' ALL PATENT GALE FKENOH HEEL OXFORDS.Hhud Turned Soles iimdo by Lnird, & Co.; novor sold bo-- ro

for lean thnu S5.00 now SIJ.Do.

LADIES' FINE VICl" KID OXFOKDS, Cloth nnd Kid tops.Sainted nud Squnro toos, piiti'tit lenthor tips; nil sizes reduced to SI .95

jar ii; cold olsewbero for $3.00.

L D1ES' ItUSSET nud TAN OXFOKDS. Pointed nnd squnrofoes, nt COo., 95c. nnd $1.15. Ensily wortb double

MISSES TAN GOAT, SPUING HEEL BUTT. Best wearingdfcoo rnndr; reduced to S1.85 pair.

Eual Bargain in Infants' and Children's Shoes !

In Men's Shoes We are Offering Special Prices I

MEN'S OASCO CALLS' NEW COIN TOES. This linoWO menu to closo nt S'2.45.

Wo buvo n lino of Men's Tnu Laco Shoes iu pointed, Bqunro nndYule toes. All now blocks. Small sizes, Is, 5s, nnd Gs. Wo have cutlUem to 2 95. Exceptional value.

You know tho Tnu Shoes you hnvo boon paying 80.50 for hure intown? Wp will soil tho eiuue shoes iu nil shapes aud toes threoabodes tor $3.95.

KJ57 Como get tho beueiit of our "Opening Prices." Wo giveVuliiL-- cut pneos to tho coro.


JC J. Mnui'liv fe .7. S. Lvnch, Mnnncers, 12G and 12GA Fort street,Corner of Hotel street.


The Manufacturing Harness Co.

Telephone 228. FORT &



, Spues,

; Price,



It is vary fino to seotho and the dow

like yoms intho enrly morn iu thohut n little Inter in thoday com os that

A offoods will nssist nature

iu your stny iutho

sizedtins of meat nud littlotins of fruits and8 mull tins ofnnd puree of foio grns,

bottle- - olivos for nor

Tho latest infor


Trie on Jmlil Htrcet known3D ft'e Diukou Outrun, i.ci'iirlvetjitd liy Mr. S. M. Hullmi Apply to


Over Wallop & Co 'a Hunk.7!flMm

rmnrrwif, w



f Carry ui Sell Only Harness Our Own laiofactare.



hungry feeling.

hpuutiful supplyhearty

mnkiugcountry pleasant.



individualbioycle luncheonexcursion.

novolty biscuitsEspecially bicyclists.

LEWISEioncline: Ctvocjovs.



?w mM!






KING STS. P. O. Box 1122.

For those nwny from homowh olIV r perfected fucilili'Mfor prompt shipmont of mnil

orders.small orders shipped quickor

thnn bigones nnd just ns cheerfully.Do nn wo do got tho bent foryour money.Qimntity counts; but what is theuhh of food if it isn't good?Truo of Hnwaii nndthe wlinli oouutry:Plenty of food, not plontyof good food.To livo well need not menu ex

travnganco; it means good tnsteand knowing where to buy.

Our storo is tho whore to buy.It's big, bright, up to dnto, bu-- y,

alivo to tho march of prosperity;importing direct from the fountainheads of production, nud boilingdirect to fnmilios

That ought to count, and it does.Our prices tiro tho lowest.

& CO.,ill WW I tl-OP-

For SaleTwo Houses contulm'ti f) u.ui 7

itom nltilute on Putmlinti itrent opim--U- h

Puimlinu Mlt-i- Prices, $4000-- ml S'fiOO Term-- , $1000 chhIi euiihami lialiuiiio In niiiri8iH Apply to

A V. GBAH&CO.,707-t- f 210Kluir street.

tfrJL v ' I'iV. ' iirtff Vuirti' thMmfiib$is

tfW'"i ?


Liner Warrimoo and Bark Andrew

Yelch Arrived In Port.

Kaala's Log Kona-Ka- u Notes By the Hauna

Loa Plenty Rain Bark Ircdale

From Liverpool.

Cruiser Biiltimoro Sundny.Bniuing torrouts nt Wuinlun,Kough weather on Konn const.All tho sugar in Kau is cleared

up.Pallida mill has finished grind-

ing.Plonty of rain in Uonokun nud

nil over Hawaii.Tho stoamor Nooau is,discharg-

ing coal at Lahaiun on her way tollamnkua.

Considerable damage has beendone to tho rice crop on this isl-

and by the wind nud rain..Tho long bridgo nt Puunluu has

settled down on tho mnukn sideoven with the water nnd tho foun-dation is gone.

Captain Simerson of tho MnuunLoa sprained his nuklo severelythis morning by slipping on thodeck of that steamer.

The steamer Mnuun Lou, 30hours from Houunpo, is at Fortstreet wharf with a small enrgo ofPallida aud Houunpo sugar, Konncotfen nud 28 hend of Nnpoopoocattle and a number of pusseugers.

What was written in a certainparagraph yesterday was that thosteamor Knoua went nlongsido thedisubhd stenmer Iwn "aud wnsrequested to enrry word to Hono-lulu for a machinist to come downimmediately Captaiu Parker oftho KneiiH offered n tow to Hono-lulu, which was declined," etc.The printer left out nil tho wordsbetween "Honolulu" in tho firstsentence and "which" in tho sec-ond.

The steamer Kuala five hoursfrom Puuiki empty arrived lastniulit leporting rough weather onthe windward Oahu coast siucolast Monday. After finishing

cargo at Kahuku ouWednesday tho Kaala moved tothe inner ancnoinge there" nudromninod until the next day whenan unsuccessful attempt was madeto laud freight nt Puunluu. ThoKuala will sail again for wind-ward Oahu ports next Mondayand try ignin to land the lumberaud Puunluu freightstill on board.

Purser Uelleinaiun fumishostho following meinornudum: Aftera quick run from the Colonies tho11 M S Warrimoo, Clns WinHay, cominaudei, arrived herothis morning at 8:30 o'clock, hav-ing left Sydney at 1:-15 p m Oct18, experiencing uortuorly to NW winds and moderate sen toWellington, N Z, which wnsreached at 10:30 p in Oct 22. Leftagain at 1 p in following day, en-countering 6troug N W nnd west-erly winds up tho Now Zealand.coast, thenco linn weather to ar-liv- nl

nt Suva, Fiji, at 7:30 a in Oot28. Proceeded ou name voyagent uoou same day, parsing xilofaIslaud nt noon uext dny. Moder-u- to

to fresh trade wiuds with'fiuoweather wero experienced fromSuva to nrrivnl as above.


From the Colonies, per 11 M SMiowora, Nov 5 Mr Geo Gurr.

From Hawaii aud Maui, perstmr Mnuun Loa, Nov 50 ADoyle, E Otiwted, G I Sawyer,l'' W MoChertiiey. Mr Euan, A KA wick, U Lee, Mrs A MoWnynonud child, Muster McWuyue, .MrsWodehouse, Miss L Ward, MissP Hurrison, Miss J Murray, -- MrsLewis, and 49 on deck.

From San Francisco, per bkAudrow Welch, Nov G -- M LLuther, Mrs E M Scholefield, HSoholefield


KxBlnir .Mniiii.1 (,u.i iia'jj Iu.jj siiur, lU"JPi bills !ihl-- , 2$ liuad cuttle, loo

As HuniliiCD.

In- - Aiiilmr.

P. T. Rynn still continues iuchargo of thu cYuohor and is ablyassisted by William Cnrlylo, Attho Anchor, buattlo beer oudraught enn alwnys bo had ns wellas tho best brnudB of whiskies,etc., including John Do war'sScotch whisky. A full stock ofother liquors, winea, etc., is kopton hand also.



Dlnmomt I trail Signal Station, Nov 5, 1

p m, The wentber liayt tlnd ll;ht N E.

MOVEMKNT8 OK 8TEAJIE8.Bteamors ituu ami to tall tomorrow nnd (or

the next six iliiyn nro as (ollowt,


Steamf.iih. Kiiom. Due.Uellc -- nil rrnncleo Nov 11

Moknlll MnlnKal NovflKiilitilul Nov"

Kltmu llllo ami windward ports Nor U

AKntralln San Frnnclnco Nov U

Hlo dn Janeiro Yokoliamn Nov U

IV O linlt-Ki- iinl Vov 7Manna Loa - Kona Nov U

Mariposa San Krnncljco., Nov 11


Stcami:iis. Foil. Hails.lklnlc Yiikonatnn Nov 5Moltolll Molokal and l.anal Nov 8llclvnc Knhululand way ports... Nov U

lilo tie Janeiro Sun Francisco Nov U

Klnau-l- lll Nov 13IV (1 Hall Leeward Kamil ports .... Nov U

Mariposa Colonics Nov II


Stmr Kacna, Parker, from Watalua. 'Htmr Koala. Moslier, from Ualiu ports.CASS Warrimoo, Hay, 17 days from

Sidney h Wellington N '., pacnj;era nudmuse lo T 11 Dalles iV Co l.hl.

Stmr Mauna l.oo, Simerson, from Hawaiiand .Mam.

IHw bk Andrew Weleb, Turner, !Jo daysfiom San Franclseo, pass nud mdsu to CIlrenerAOo Ltd.

lir bk Iredale, 1'lunkettt, 14o days fromLiverpool mdse to llnckleld A Co.


StmrKaena, l'arkcr, for Walalua, l'uulkl,and Jfukulcla.


Am bk Columbia, (love, l'ort Tonncend.O A S o Warrimoo, Hay, for Vancouver

i la Victoria.


Ex schr Alice Cool.e-C- M OJrt ft rousli and3IU.I: It Uresed lumber, fl pickets,

i,W lalhs, VJ5.ll ui shinnies nml I5u cedarpoles for Lower it Cooke.

Ev W (! Irwin 'i bxs apples, S curbotsacid, II tanks, llloo lbs beans, bio ells barley,40,s.;o lbs rolled uirlcj-- , MU lbs bread, I'.'osks bran, J liules lidtlng, U colls cordnne, lotctls corn, liDto lhs eiuekcd corns 6 Co chjar-ttlL-

lit tons ciml, ,'o pills randy, 8cs cann-ed kooiIs, n pkus tiilua iiulsu, i cs dryp;ooJs, o lbs drlul fruit, 5 ukirs electriclioods, SJpk furniture, a pkgs ulassnarc,l!l pk;s II 11 Knods, Ho pktts hardware. 4obaU hay, a borje , I o cs brandy, 7 cs drygoods, aurii lbs lard, loo pkijs machinery, 1

pkts musical Instrument, la mules, 21 kei;snails, 1 cs nil, J? cllsoals, 15 pkjjs provisions,'Jl rolls paper, I pki;s print lti(; mitel, lad pespipe, la bxs aslc, ,in cika rosin, IU pkusstiitionarp, U.")i'J His soda, !17 cs scwiiiKmachines, 35 bbls salmon, 5 )$ bbls, ai pkusmnU'l tank, ao,..'o Ins tobacco, U,&jo lbs tea,55 bids tar, HI pl to, 15 kcs venlaar, 0etls wheat, l'Js'jfjaU wine, I pkffs hardware,

Kals wine.


A Full


"Ex Irmgard"

R fam Shipment of thefamous

AflMIM- -1 H


to bo



Guaranteed Absolutely WithoutAdulteration.

HACKFELD & CO,.Sole Agents.

Papa PaystThfit Rilkt




H M H H-4- -



t$$tH. I.

f H h:f


New Patterns

Tho wholo family wear shoes. Thero maybo halt a dozen pairs all going along on thewide to destruction at once half a dozen

pairs of foot holping to pilo up tho figures on

tho expense side of Papa's ledger.

Papa is tho one who knows what it is worthto save a quarter on the price of overy pair nfshoes ho buys. Hence Papa buys hero.

The Shoe

TH- -H- -H- r- - H-




- - - - -

of P. D.

Doylies and Tea Cloths,


4H 4H




Line Corsets.Fine Black Laces.

Work Slipper Patterns.

Iloniton and Jiattenberg Lace Braid.Linen Lace Thread, Draper Silcs.Roman Stripe and Plaid Ribbons.

Gloves, New Sliades, FullAssortment of Colors


SPECIAL M INTIOISriWo Have at tho Present Time tho


Evor Shown in Honolulu.


lOJForfc Street.







jlfV-r- t i