everyone deserves a future they ... - colgate communication

www.colgateprofessional.co.uk www.colgatetalks.com Colgate’s portfolio of products for treatment and prevention Everyone deserves a future they can smile about

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Colgate’s portfolio of products for treatment and prevention

Everyone deserves a future they can smile about

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225 ppm Sodium Fluoride


Colgate® Duraphat® VarnishClinically proven caries control7

37% reduction in dmfs7

43% reduction in DMFS7 Patients aged 3 years+

Legal classification: POM PL No.: PL00049/0042

22,600 ppm Sodium Fluoride

Colgate® Duraphat® 5000 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste

Prevents cavities by arresting and reversing primary root and early fissure caries lesions10-13

Legal classification: POM PL No.: PL00049/0050

5000 ppm Sodium Fluoride

Colgate® Duraphat® 2800 ppmFluoride Toothpaste

Provides 20% reduction in DMFS increment9,¥

Legal classification: POM PL No.: PL00049/0039

2800 ppm Sodium Fluoride

Dental caries


Colgate® Maximum Cavity Protection Kids 3+

Daily fluoride toothpaste for children4 x greater remineralisation4,‡

Up to 20% fewer new cavities in 2 years5,6,~


Gum problems

Colgate® Peroxyl®

Relieves mouth and gum irritations

Legal classification: GSLPL No.: PL00049/0038

Colgate Total®

Superior reduction& of gum problems with

34.4% plaque reduction14,†

Kids 3+10 years and over 16 years and over

Children aged 3+3 years and over

Colgate® FluoriGardAids in protection

against dental cariesLegal classification: GSL

PL No.: PL00049/0012

6 years and over

225 ppm Sodium Fluoride

Suggested product recommendation according to patient risk status¶


Colgate® Maximum CavityProtection Kids 3+

Sugar Acid Neutraliser™ Technology to directly fight sugar acids in plaque2,3

4 x greater remineralisation4,‡

Up to 20% fewer new cavities in 2 years5,6,~

Maintaining oral health / prevention

Colgate Total®

Superior reduction of bacteria on 100% of mouth surfaces

(teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums), 12 hours after brushing1,¶

Children aged 3+ Kids 0-2

Colgate® 0-2 years Contains recommended

fluoride for 0-2 year oldswith 1000ppm F-8


Colgate® Duraphat® VarnishClinically proven caries control7 as part of a preventive programme8

37% reduction in dmfs7

43% reduction in DMFS7

Legal classification: POM PL No.: PL00049/0042

22,600 ppm Sodium Fluoride

At-home In-surgery


Sensitive teeth


Instant15,* and long-lasting16,§ sensitivity pain relief



Repair and PreventInstant15,* and long-lasting16,§

sensitivity pain relief Helps to strengthen gums and

prevent gum recession17,^

Sensitivity +

gum problems

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Colgate Total® Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief Toothpastes

Colgate® Duraphat®

Fluoride ToothpastesColgate® Duraphat®

Fluoride Varnish

KEY BENEFITS • Superior reduction of bacteria on 100% of mouth surfaces (teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums), 12 hours after brushing1,#

• Weakens to kill bacteria

• Creates a protective barrier on hard and soft tissue to protect against bacterial regrowth

• Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief provides instant15,* and long-lasting16,§ sensitivity pain relief

• Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT* Relief Repair & Prevent provides instant15,* and long-lasting16,§ sensitivity pain relief + lasting gum protection

• Colgate® Duraphat® 2800 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste Provides 20% reduction in DMFS increment9,¥

• Colgate® Duraphat® 5000 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste prevents cavities by arresting and reversing primary root and early fissure caries lesions10-13

• Colgate® Duraphat® Varnish reduces caries by 37% in primary dentition and by 43% in permanent dentition7

• Clinically proven caries control6

• Medicinal license for caries control

CONTAINS • Dual-Zinc + Arginine

• 1450 ppm F- (as NaF)

• PRO-ARGIN technology and 1450 ppm F- (as NaF)

• PRO-ARGIN technology + zinc and 1450 ppm F- (as NaF)

• 2800 ppm F- (as NaF)

• 5000 ppm F- (as NaF)

• 22,600 ppm F- (as NaF)

ADDITIONALINFORMATION Colgate Total® with Dual-Zinc +

Arginine proactively works with the biology and chemistry of the mouth

PRO-ARGIN technology provides superior dentine tubule occlusion

Zinc helps to strengthen gums and provides lasting gum protection and 25% reduction in gum problems after 6 months17,&

‘Delivering better oral health’8 recommends prescribing 2800ppm F- (as NaF) or 5000ppm F- (as NaF) Toothpaste as a way of increasing fluoride availability to prevent caries

Children and adults with increased caries risk should receive 2-4 and 2 applications per year, respectively††

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Colgate® 0-2 years Colgate® Maximum Cavity Protection Colgate® FluoriGard Colgate® Peroxyl®

KEY BENEFITS • Provides cavity protection

• Gently cleans teeth and protects young gums

• 0% artificial, baby friendly natural flavour

• Sugar Acid Neutraliser™ Technology powered by arginine to directly fight sugar acids in plaque

• 4x greater remineralisation4,‡

• Up to 20% fewer new cavities in 2 years5,6,~

• Protection against dental caries

• Fluorigard Daily Rinse can be prescribed from the Dental Practitioners Formulary within the BNF

• Available in regular and alcohol-free

• Ready to use antiseptic mouthwash with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide

• Delivers a rapid release of oxygen that has an antibacterial effect18,19

• Clinically proven to reduce gum inflammation20

CONTAINS • 1000 ppm F- (as NaF) • Arginine

• 1450 ppm F- (as NaF)

• 225 ppm F- (as NaF) • Hydrogen peroxide 1.5%

ADDITIONALINFORMATION Specially formulated for children

aged 0-2 as per recommended fluoride concentrations in ‘Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention’8

Colgate® Maximum CavityProtection PLUS Sugar AcidNeutraliser™ toothpaste is proven to provide greater caries protection than a regular 1450ppm F- (as NaF) toothpaste4

‘Delivering better oral health:an evidence-based toolkit for prevention’8 recommends0.05% sodium fluoride mouthwash to aid in protection against dental caries

Relieves mouth and gum irritations by killing germs and/or preventing them from spreading and causing infection20

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¶ patient risk status identified by a combination of clinical and patient factors during oral health assessment.‡ results from a remineralisation study vs a regular fluoride toothpaste, both with 1450ppm fluoride.~ results from two 2-year clinical studies vs a regular fluoride toothpaste, both with 1450ppm fluoride.* for instant relief, apply directly to the sensitive tooth with finger tip and gently massage for 1 minute.§ lasting relief with 2x daily continued brushing.^ with twice daily brushing.¥ vs a fluoride toothpaste with 1100 ppm fluoride.& vs ordinary non-anti-bacterial fluoride toothpaste. † at 6 months. # statistically significant greater reduction of cultivable bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums with Colgate Total® vs non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste at 4 weeks, 12 hours after brushing.†† usage as according to the summary of product characteristics.

References1. Prasad K et al. J Clin Dent 2018;29 (Spec lss A) A25-32. 2. Wolff M et al. J Clin Dent 2013; 24 (Spec Iss A): A45-54. 3. Santarpia P, Lavender S, Gittins E et al. Am J Dent 2013. 4. Cantore M et al. J Clin Dent 2013; 24 (Spec Iss A): A32-44. 5. Hu DY et al. Data on file. Colgate-Palmolive Company, 2013. 6. Kraivaphan P et al. Caries Res 2013;47:582–590. 7. Marinho VCC, et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD002279. DOI:10.1002/14651858 CD002279.pub2. 8. Delivering better oral health, an evidence-based toolkit for prevention, Third edition, Public Health England, June 2014. 9. Biesbrock AR, Gerlach RW, Bollmer BW et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2001;29:382-389. 10. Baysan A et al. Caries Res 2001;35:41-46. 11. Schirrmeister JF et al. Am J Dent 2007;20. 212-216. 12. Ekstrand et al. Geodent 2008;25:67-75. 13. Ekstrand et al. Caries Res 2013;47:391–8. 14. Li X, et al. J Dent Res 2019;98 (Spec Iss A):3444. 15. Nathoo S, et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20 (Spec Iss):123 –130. 16. Docimo R, et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20 (Spec Iss):17– 22. 17. Lai HY, et al. J Clin Periodontol 42 S17 2015. 18. Blasco CG, et al (1984) Clin Prevent Dent; 6: 21-25. 19. Boyd RL (1989) J Clin Periodontol; 16: 557-562. 20. Gomes_Clinical Preventive Dentistry, 01 May 1984, 6(3):21-25).

Prescribing InformationColgate® FluoriGard Daily Rinse - Name of the medicinal product: Daily Rinse 0.05% w/w Dental Solution. Active ingredient: Sodium Fluoride 0.05% w/w (225ppm F). Indication: To aid in protection against dental caries. Dosage and administration: For use by persons aged 6 years and over only. Not to be swallowed. Use once per day, preferably after brushing teeth. Rinse 5-10ml around and between teeth for one minute and then spit out. Do not eat, drink or rinse mouth for at least fifteen minutes afterwards. Contraindications: Do not use this product if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to the active substance or to any of the excipients. Special warnings and precautions for use: FluoriGard Daily is not intended for use in children under the age of 6. Excess dosage may cause nausea, and in children under seven, dental fluorosis. This product contains Sodium Benzoate. Sodium Benzoate is a mild irritant to the skin, eyes and mucous membrane. Undesirable effects: None. Legal classification: GSL. Product licence number: PL00049/0012. Marketing authorisation holder: Colgate-Palmolive (U.K.) Ltd. Guildford Business Park, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8JZ. Recommended retail price: £4.49 (400ml bottle) Date of revision of text: May 2015.

Colgate® Peroxyl Mouthwash - Trade name of medicinal product: Peroxyl Mouthwash. Active ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide 1.5% w/v Indications: As a cleanser in the symptomatic relief of minor mouth and gum irritations. Dosage and administration: Peroxyl is ready to use. Adults and children over 12 years rinse with 10ml (one cap full) for approximately one minute, then spit out. Use 3 times daily (after meals and at bedtime) or as directed by a dentist. Children between the ages of 6-12 use under the supervision of an adult. The duration of the treatment should not exceed 7 days. Do not use in children under the age of 6. Contraindications: This medicinal product must not be used in cases of hypersensitivity of the active substance or to any of the excipients. Special warnings and special precautions for use: Do not swallow. Interactions with other medicines: None known. Undesirable effects: Some cases of mucosal irritation and swelling of the oral tissues have been reported specially with high doses or in continued use. The symptoms will resolve on stopping treatment with Peroxyl. Legal classification: GSL. Product licence number: PL00049/0038. Marketing authorisation holder: Colgate-Palmolive (U.K.) Ltd. Guildford Business Park, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8JZ. Recommended retail price: £4.79 (300ml bottle). Date of revision of text: 31st October 2018.

Colgate® Duraphat® 5000 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste - Name of the medicinal product: Duraphat® 5000 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste. Active ingredient: Sodium Fluoride 1.1%w/w (5000ppm F-). 1g of toothpaste contains 5mg fluoride (as sodium fluoride), corresponding to 5000ppm fluoride. Indications: For the prevention of dental caries in adolescents and adults 16 years of age and over, particularly amongst patients at risk from multiple caries (coronal and/or root caries). Dosage and administration: Brush carefully on a daily basis applying a 2cm ribbon onto the toothbrush for each brushing. 3 times daily, after each meal. Contraindications: This medicinal product must not be used in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients. Special warnings and precautions for use: An increased number of potential fluoride sources may lead to fluorosis. Before using fluoride medicines such as Duraphat, an assessment of overall fluoride intake (i.e. drinking water, fluoridated salt, other fluoride medicines - tablets, drops, gum or toothpaste) should be done. Fluoride tablets, drops, chewing gum, gels or varnishes and fluoridated water or salt should be avoided during use of Duraphat Toothpaste. When carrying out overall calculations of the recommended fluoride ion intake, which is 0.05mg/kg per day from all sources, not exceeding 1mg per day, allowance must be made for possible ingestion of toothpaste (each tube of Duraphat 500mg/100g Toothpaste contains 255mg of fluoride ions). This product contains Sodium Benzoate. Sodium Benzoate is a mild irritant to the skin, eyes and mucous membrane. Undesirable effects: Gastrointestinal disorders: Frequency not known (cannot be estimated from the available data): Burning oral sensation. Immune system disorders: Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000): Hypersensitivity reactions. Legal classification: POM. Marketing authorisation number: PL00049/0050. Marketing authorisation holder: Colgate-Palmolive (U.K.) Ltd. Guildford Business Park, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8JZ. Recommended retail price: £7.99 (51g tube). Date of revision of text: February 2015.

Colgate® Duraphat® 2800 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste - Name of the medicinal product: Duraphat® 2800 ppm Fluoride Toothpaste. Active ingredient: Sodium Fluoride 0.619%w/w (2800 ppm F-). Indications: For the prevention and treatment of dental caries (coronal and root) in adults and children 10 years of age and over. Dosage and administration: Use daily instead of normal toothpaste. Apply a 1cm line of paste across the head of a toothbrush and brush the teeth thoroughly for one minute morning and evening. Spit out after use; for best results do not drink or rinse for 30 minutes. Contraindications: Individuals with known sensitivities should consult their dentist before using. Not to be used in children under 10 years old. Special warnings and precautions for use: Not to be swallowed. Undesirable effects: When used as recommended there are no side effects. Legal classification: POM. Marketing authorisation number: PL00049/0039. Marketing authorisation holder: Colgate-Palmolive (U.K.) Ltd. Guildford Business Park, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8JZ. Recommended retail price: £5.10 (75ml tube). Date of revision of text: January 2015.

Colgate® Duraphat® 50mg/ml Dental Suspension - Trade name of medicinal product: Duraphat® 50mg/ml Dental Suspension. Active ingredients: 1ml of suspension contains 50mg Sodium Fluoride equivalent to 22.6mg of Fluoride (22,600ppm F-). Indications: Prevention of caries, desensitisation of hypersensitive teeth. Dosage and administration: Recommended dosage for single application: for milk teeth: up to 0.25ml (=5.65mg Fluoride), for mixed dentition: up to 0.40ml (=9.04 Fluoride), for permanent dentition: up to 0.75ml (=16.95 Fluoride). For caries prophylaxis the application is usually repeated every 6 months but more frequent applications (every 3 months) may be made. For hypersensitivity, 2 or 3 applications should be made within a few days. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to colophony and/or any other constituents. Ulcerative gingivitis. Stomatitis. Bronchial asthma. Special warnings and special precautions for use: If the whole dentition is being treated the application should not be carried out on an empty stomach. On the day of application other high fluoride preparations such a fluoride gel should be avoided. Fluoride supplements should be suspended for several days after applying Duraphat®. Interactions with other medicines: The presence of alcohol in the Duraphat® formula should be considered. Undesirable effects: Oedematous swelling has been observed in subjects with tendency to allergic reactions. The dental suspension layer can easily be removed from the mouth by brushing and rinsing. In rare cases, asthma attacks may occur in patients who have bronchial asthma. Legal classification: POM. Product licence number: PL00049/0042. Product licence holder: Colgate-Palmolive (U.K.) Ltd. Guildford Business Park, Midleton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8JZ. Price: £22.70 excl VAT (10ml tube). Date of revision of text: November 2014.

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