everwise webinar: women in leadership pdf

October 14 Lauren Leader-Chivée Founder & CEO, All In Together ©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved. Women in Leadership Redefining the View Making the Real Change Featuring:

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www.geteverwise.com Hosted by Everwise CEO, Mike Bergelson, and joined by special guest Lauren Leader-Chivee, Founder/CEO All In Together Campaign Inc. Leadership and diversity are the key drivers for successful innovation in the workplace. Women now account for 57% of the national workforce, yet in the tech industry for example, only 23% of leadership positions are held by women. Gender diversity and innovation are hot topics today, but what does it really mean for the success of a business? Lauren Leader-Chivee argues that regardless of the size, industry, or business every company needs women at the top. In this webinar, we covered: - The connection between diversity and innovation - The quantitative benefits for organizations to have women in leadership - Suggestions for organizations to start implementing change to create a more diverse leadership team About LaurenLauren_Leader-Chivee: Lauren Leader-Chivee is the founder and CEO of All In Together, a nonprofit campaign connect women to civic engagement, and an Executive Advisor to Deloitte Talent. Formerly the President of the Center for Talent Innovation and Hewlett Chivée Partners, she speaks around the world on issues of diversity, innovation and economic competitiveness. Lauren is also one of Fortune's "55 Most Influential Women on Twitter". NOTE: You are free to share and adapt this deck for any purpose. We just ask you to attribute. For more information on how to properly attribute presentations under this license, please visit: wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Creators.


Page 1: Everwise Webinar: Women In Leadership PDF

October 14

Lauren Leader-Chivée Founder & CEO, All In Together

©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved.

Women in Leadership

Redefining the View – Making the Real Change


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Workplace mentoring.

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Trusted by the world’s most progressive organizations

You Need A Ment or!

Howard has one. Shouldn ’t you?!!

Accelerate your already fast -moving career !

Get Start ed Now!






Tracking Goals!

Everwise is using workforce science to reinvent the way that organizations develop their people. Our

mission is to connect employees directly to the mentors and insights that can help them be more

productive and successful at every stage of their career.

Introducing Everwise

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Committed to sourcing and sharing

compelling knowledge focused on


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We want to hear from


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We'll have Q&A time at the end of the presentation.

Submit your questions in the “Questions” panel.

Have a great mentoring story to share with others

attending today’s webinar, simply tag your tweet with…

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Women In Leadership Lauren Leader-Chivée,

Founder & CEO, All In Together

Executive Advisor, Deloitte aitogther

laurenchivee ©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved.

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The World Economic

Forum rates the US 23rd

globally for gender equality

behind Nicaragua, Burundi,

Cuba and South Africa.

Where are we succeeding?

Where are we failing?

WEF Gender Gap 2013 Measures Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival and Political Empowerment.

Women and Leadership Leadership is more than just the seat you occupy at work - For women to truly

own their full power as individuals and as a collective force, they must step up

and lead in a multitude of ways.

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Page 7: Everwise Webinar: Women In Leadership PDF

P ersonal American women have never been more personally empowered than they are today. We are CEO, CFO and COO at home.

Highly educated

In 2013, women earned 57% of all bachelor’s degrees

and 60% of all master’s degrees in the United States

40% of American household primary breadwinners are

now women

90% of healthcare decisions and 85% of the brand decisions

are made by women

Women Makes More


Man Makes More 26%

Couple Makes Them

Equally 31%

Who Makes the Decisions at Home?*

*Pew Research Social and Demographic Trends 2008 ©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved.

Page 8: Everwise Webinar: Women In Leadership PDF

• 70% of Americans in poverty are women and


• Women still shoulder the majority of child and

eldercare responsibilities

• 49% of women did housework compared to just

19% percent of men.

• Women are also more likely to cook dinner

• Women are less confident of their intellectual


• Women are more stressed – 45% women v. 32%

of men

Personal American women have never been more personally empowered than they are

today but there are still huge challenges…

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Personal 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence

1.3M women are victims of physical assault every year

85% of domestic violence victims are women

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P rofessional

In many ways

we’re doing better

professionally than


• Women are now 34% of the pipeline to top leadership

• Women are as ambitious as men (66% women/ 55% men*)

• Men and women view career as equally important

• Women are participating in the workforce in record numbers

• US rated the best country in the world for female entrepreneurs – 8

million American women lead businesses

* Pew Research Center ©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved.

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• Women are half as likely as men to have

a sponsor – a critical relationship for


• Women are not making it to top

executive roles

• Women increasingly see a glass ceiling

at work

• They are over invested in meritocracy –

which isn’t panning out

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The US Ranks 67th in

global wage equality

62% of minimum wage

workers in the US are


No mandated family


No universal childcare

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P ublic

Women hold more positions of elected office than ever before… we volunteer, we care, we vote, we give.

Turning Elections

In 2012 the gender gap in the presidential election was the

largest in history.

65.7% of eligible female voters voted in the presidential election

versus 61.5% of men – a difference of nearly 10 million voters.

Making a Difference

54% of women volunteer monthly or more v 43% of men

Women at every income level give more often to charity than

men do

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7 women in the cabinet

3 women on the supreme court

5 women governors

1789 (24%) women in state


13 women mayors in 100 largest


The 113th congress was the most diverse in history – 98 women including 20


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Public But the US is ranked 67th Globally in terms of women’s political

empowerment…what’s the problem?

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X Not running for office

X Not writing to our representatives

X Less likely to make political contributions

X Less likely to speak up at town hall meetings

X Less likely to call our representatives

X Less likely to believe we have a voice

X Less likely to believe we understand the issues

X Less likely to use social media to address issues

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Solutions Many organizations – many resources – many ways to lead

women leading change

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P rofessional

The most critical

solutions to the

glass ceiling at

work are within

your control.


Invest in building sponsor

relationships with leaders at least a

skip level senior to you, and mentor

relationships with people you


Master your executive presence –

be your best, most authentic self.

Seek feedback from your mentors

and sponsors on your

communication, gravitas and even


Change the paradigm – be a

champion and role model of

inclusive, collaborative leadership.

Speak up - show your colleagues

how it’s done and encourage them

to do the same

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P Do just one thing

this month to

advance a cause

that matters to



Pick one candidate you like,

anywhere in the country and make

a contribution to the campaign

Pick one issue that matters to you

and learn about the bills congress is

considering related to it

Write a letter to one of your

representatives about the issue

that matters to you.


VOTE!!!! ©2014 Everwise. All rights reserved.

Page 20: Everwise Webinar: Women In Leadership PDF

What Can We Do If We LEAD? If we step up and embrace our leadership potential in all three spheres there’s

nothing we can’t achieve!

Change Minds

Be a champion for women’s leadership –

show others how you lead

Change Policy/


Change Lives Change Outcomes

Change America

Change Engagement

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“When I grow up I’m going to be a leader,

want to follow me?”

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Overcoming Mentoring

Program Challenges

10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT

November 11, 2014

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