evening star (washington, d.c.).(washington, dc)...

THE EVENING STAR. p*emth;ea!*ia. We would no more eonslder sex in di'termin- K( * fentker undoubted traitors «hould t * ar- rt.-ted iii their treason tar.n we woclil inquire daciding wii. ttn r a mi iesnake should go at lbrge, whether die reptile was a he* or & she .M. A Mr. Noble of Ohio aaye that "any v»«t-iMe pM(« is beuerthan thiawar." We dan t know what Noble's Christian name is, teat it ought imkmjjf. A telegraphic despatch to the Cincinnati Supers rays that Jim Clay is undur Humphrey [arehall. In ihatca6e, ihe poor fellow mint few cru«be<l as flat as a pancake. Jeff Davis has issued another address to his *eopla. If not a man of address, he is a man of aany addresses. Fcakcity or Gk*H!iba»k?.-It is an actual factnhat there is at the present timo an actual scarcity of Treasury notes in Baltimore. Th« agents of the Government tor the issue q; the e percent, bonds require payment of Treasury Mtrr, refusing thote of thebuuks, and the large tavestxnocts dniiy malting in these bonds nas dcubtlties caused the scarciW«.K.-M. Anurir-m. W3TA rebel newspaper announces that shoe pegs have been produced in South Carolina, if the war contlnaes two years longer, and the blockade puts the inventive and constructive fatuity of the rebels to its trumps they may yot rise to the dignity of clothes pina and ten- penny nail?. gyTtie Mobile papers sav that some fellow stele Jeff. Davis's how in Richmond the other day. The horse was a valuable,one, and there ia no telling now much it will cost Jeff. (Con¬ federate* notes*) to get another fogood. *7"Tbe policy adopted by the "Rebel Govern¬ ment in impressing negro laborers into its ^rvice, is loudly complained of by the planters mi Mississippi. It is ieared want of iaoor will cans*- want of food. WSSTDaniel S E. Starr, who emigrated to Ala¬ bama from Connecticut twenty-five years ago, was hong by a mob at Montgomery, Ala, ou the 14th ultimo, for having written a book against the South. The book was in manu- script. mr The Weonsocket cotton mills are re¬ ducing their hours of labor. Several of them this week commenced to run half time, and it is presumed that the others will adopt a sim¬ ilar course. tBTThe only bid for the Confederate bonds put op at auction in Halifax, on the ]orh inst.. was by a canny Scotchman, who offered five cents per pound weight for them, for packing papei. gy An effort is making to commence tne cul¬ tivation of the poppy in the South, m order to get a supply of opium. Tne rebel army Medical Departunnt is sending out poppy twos. ^"Prince "Alfred was in Paris recently, on a "bender." The Emperor and Empress and others of the quality called on him, but he was off bvulevarding. .^Several duels, a hor^e-whipping and a law buit, have arisen in Paris from a newspa¬ per critic's ridicule of an actor because iie was fat. .S7"Tbe office ot the Copperhead newspaper Sacramento Republican was destroyed at 1 o'clock on t he morning of the 22d, by a mob.it ia reported by soldiers from Camp Union. .9" The pressure for carrying merchandise and passengers from England to America is so great that extra boats have been put on all the lines. A flood in the Androscoggin, at Lewis- ton, last week, swept away 100,000 lags from the boom of the Steam Mill Co. .y The Government is now occupying and running trains over the Memphis and Ohio railroad. Block-houses are to be erected along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to guard the bridges and viaducts. 99"Rev. Mr. Parks, a Catholic priest of Par- kerfburp. Va, has been arrested on a charge of disloyalty. tgr The no cards" mania is extending, and the Canada papers attach "no cards issued'' to their funeral notices. J^Mohn Covode is a prominent candidate for the Union nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania. tOrAllegheny county, Pa., has a railroad debt ot over $1,000,000. f. W Ex-Senator Latham, of Cal., is about tan ing iv European tour ¦Sr Chicago has raised KiO recruits tor tne Maisachusetts colored regiment. ¦^"Heary de Hess, the great German battle .cene painter, has j ust died. l»-53ei Knam tf ""OTTSCHALK, \J CHICKERING'8 PIANO. The beautiful 7 octavo square Piano used at Gottscfealk's Concert's at Willard'a Hall. is one oi Chickering A Hons best Pianos, owned by up and for sale upon reasonable terms or discount for casn, alwayson hand the largest stock, and the greatest Tarb-ty of Pianos in this city. JOHN F. ELLIS, ' ap2?-3t 306 Pa ave. beCSth and l"th sts. Fob bale-an iron safe. W. C. FORD, 2*3 Pa. avenue, apffi-3t* ap stairs. MWEDVIXG PRESENTS. . W.GALT A CRUj cill attention to their assortment of SILVER WARE and PARIS FANCY GOODS, designed ^reaeai9- Jewellers, 354 Pencaylvauiaavenue, ap 26-gtif near the Metropolitan Holtel. Army corps badges, chevrons, 1 c.. on hand and made to order Abo. Braid for Striping, Military Buttons, Gold Laee 8houlier Straps, and Trimmings of all kindf-. Flags, Arc.. 4t., at BOSWELL'8 Military and Fancy Store .302 M street, near 14th, Sole Agent for Bonwetl & War¬ ner's celebrated Colorific or Hair Dye, a p iV 1 ir J A CARD. OHN McGREGOR, Family Physician and Sur¬ geon. late of Connecticut, may be found at his of- noe, at No. 45b 6th street, between D and K. mar Zr-lm AFCCSTFS JO H.I SO* * CO., PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. BxTwtia 9th ah» 10tb Sts.. BAYS BOUGHT AT THE RECEIVER'S SALE, THJ WH0LB BALANCE OF STOCK of the late firm of LEACH * CO., BALTIMORE. # consisting of; BERMETICALLY-SEALfcl* GOODS, , I .>' EVERY DESCRIPTION: MEATS, POULTRY, FISB* FRUITS, VEGETABLES, SOUPS, Etc.) WHICH IB 0FFSR TO THE TRADJS, DY THE PACKAGE, 9AB BELOW MANUFACTURER'S PRICKS, AUGUSTUS JOHNSON Jc CO., «pg-t/ 9S9 Pennsylvania Arena*. nrHiB IB TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscn- J 1. ber has obtained from the Orphans'Court ot Washington eounty, in the District of Colunibi., totters of administradon on tike persenal estate of Charles 8. Whitner, late of Washington county, deeeaaed. All persons having claims aeatnst the said dsoeased are hereby warned to «xhibit the with the voucher* thereof, to the subeoriber. .a er bafrra the 14th day of April next; thay may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. Given under my band this tub Sly of Aprtl^A. D. WL THOl/AS DJWSrS, i5-iawi9* Administrator. /ORPHANS' COURT, IharaiOT or Oolomsia \JWasktniito» CovHiy, to-wit:.In the case of , Jwka liitehie. Administrator of Sophia M. Ossein, aeeeased. the Administrator afor»<Mid baa, with the *oDrobation of the Orphans' Court of Washing- io*tenoonBty aforesaid, appointed Saturday,tb» t .thday of Mar next, for us final ¦ottiomeut and aw tribu tlon of the personal aetata of »aid deceased, If ua. MU in hsJT a. far as U^same hare beeo i:.i ud turned into m^nar, when »nd whera Tutks ora^Uarsaad heirs of said dee-aMd ar« noti- a«d to aXtead (at the Orphans' Court of Washing MMtrawtaCSld) wrth their- elaitne yreeerly Tooehed. or they o^ty atharwtaa bylaw beaxelttied ronahed, or they any otherwise 6rlaw beer eluded UmV»>>I> tk« .^14 Hear. DENTISTRY. UK. LOCK VVO^B, f^URGEON DE.VT13T. Wu.\ht*g«m Building, corner ha. avrtttu and X'.rentk st .Teeth tn*ertr-d on W.camz-rt Hubl* r.a ob«»P ar.d imjprovea plan. Also. Goli and Silver Flatus mudc In p&p.r'or style. Teeth extracted without pain. up t7-4«* jp^*w AAD lttfBOvii) invmnoft ARTIFICIAL, CHE0PL1STIC BORE TEETH, WlIHODI UlTik Fki.TI.OI OLAflra. DR. 8. B 3IQE8M0ND, 910 Jyfoadwot, N**r Ycrk. and 960 Pexnryrcsuri* i«MM, o*ixftn llik ai%4 \5ihtL'., WmxJu*M'oft, Cifcii« the attention cm tha pablic to th« fnllowlmg advantagt..* of ai* impsoved system : .. 1. The Teeth of sin manufacture wiH-4i£E2S oev-r «rsode nor eh an ice eok>i of ur *tcn" aai<ld being tl. re*-four the lighter tht.r an* oth-jr. I. No Wetli or reotN need be ax tinted, as tha artificial ones ean be inserted over ttera. 8. Th« roots win be made inoffensive, and never to ache. 4. No temporary teeth are needed, as permanent OMMtn bemaat immediately, thereby preserving the nltnral expressiftn of the faJvi.wlHcb under tfee old system ia frequently disfigured. t. This work baa been fully testo* orer five year* by many of the Brat chemists and physician* of tkia country. Dr. 8 ha* also invented a white nndestructive metal filling, with which the moat sensitive teeth can bo ft lisp without pain, and ean build ah a per¬ fect. sound tooth on any aide roots, wbiob will last through lifetetims. Call end examine for yourself. no ift-ton DENTIST.a Y. Call at 946 Pa. avenue,', between ITthand Itthats., and examine DP.. LEWIE'S New Method of Insert¬ ing Teeth, To do ao ia to bn convinced of its au- periorita orer all method* heretofore used. Also, Teeth Attracted without pain when deaired. Terma moderate. fe 12-lyr M TEETH . LOOM IS. M. D, the 1 area tor and Patentee Of the MI N SEAL PLATS TMTU.attendfl^g^ personally at hi* efflc.e In this rtty. Macym*B»# persona ean vear these teeth who cannot^4''1 ** wear, other*, and no person ean we* others who cannot wear these. Persons call in* at my offloe ean be accommodated wftb any »>le and prioe of Teeth they may deals*; bat te uu. i »So a--'" particular and wish the puroat, eiea: -*t. t at' i moat perfect denture that art oan nicdt^., t)-a illNIRAL PLATS will ha nor» .ally ».¦ ; -"re4. Boons ia ?i.i*rity.No. SJ«« Pennsylvania arena* oetfWMn itt- ana r"-'h atiecAlso, 907 Arch St., Fhiladelpl.a. mar 4-ly »>F THE DISTRICT OF 00 D PRKMK CH;IIT THE i.JTMBI A, Holding the Difitr.c. v. .riirt of th» U "led State-" for the Dis-i ct of Co1 .mbi, United Statcn vh. T.d' No. JO. .v.^u»re N «f»; Part of Lot No. 1, Square <-.4: P*1 of Lot is' i' No. 488: Part of Lot K«.. ii. Square No, 491; fart of Lwl No. 24, S<ia»re N-.. 4JI; Builii s,-'.'- mirntF. etc , iu the City ol Washin,. :. I < Whereas lot numbered ten. (H\) iu * . n biTed forty, (4 :> part of lot numwv. part of lot numbered fo> rtt;en,( IS.) in tertd four hundred an1! eighty-e>^bt, iiiutr at the southwest curner of !i cue, (1,> and runiiiufi; thtnee n-»rth oir feet three (3! inches, thence east twi " eight and three fourths (8^) inches, tn ninety-hve (t6) feet three (3) inches I r;orih K street, thence west by and with I--, ...-i of E street twenty (2ii) feet eight an.i .:aut «o;;rths<Sft() inches, to the he|{innin«'part of lot numbere<l twenty-thr»*e (23i and part of lot numbered twenty-four. (St.) in square numbered four hundrod and ninetv-one, (491.) begiiinintf for the aamrat the ?iorthea«t angle of said lot cumbered twenty-four. (24.) and running south twenty-thr* e (2*; feet thre*4 <:J) «i-hes. t hence west thirty-si\ (36) feet, thence northwestwardly thirty (30) feet threp (3) inches, i!ien-'A northw«-t- wardly thirty-six (36) feet thre»-fo»irtha (V ) of mt inch, thence northwestwardly iive (.'ji (fi t three (3) inches, thence north eleven (tt > ?>"«". thence ea^t one hundred and tw.-nty-tive (1113) feet, to the be- gitibing. a>. the sa^ie are known, marked an.i dis¬ til: gui-bed on the grt und [)la! aad pis:isof the city aj.fi county of Wasliington. Dislrict of Columbia, recorded iu the )and recordsof ssid District, to¬ gether wi-.h the improvements, buiidinta, rights, privileges, appurtenances and other hereditaments to thir fame hfjuupng or in ar.y wise appertaining, and all the right, title, interest and estate of Cor neliu> B'.yle thf rem, have been seized by the Mar¬ shal of the United Siatet- for the District of Colum¬ bia bv virtue of an act of Congress approved on the seventeenth dav of Juiv. inthevearot our l.ord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, entitled " An act at-l to suppress insurrection, to punish 1 treason s.nd rebellion, to seL.e and confiscate th'- j property of rebels, and for ether purpose ." And whereas the United States Attorney tor he District ofCulumMn, did on the 251.6 day of ApriK 4. D. 18KS, file an Information in this Court, prayinj the cor-deninsTion of >aid property and real estate ur.der the act aforesaid, and tnst pro^a»<( of moni- tlon i-'sue agsinsr the owner and «.>\v»# - of said property ant real estate, and all persoua interested or c»aiming an interest therein, warning them, at some early day. to appear and ans-.vcr said Informa¬ tion. It is therefore, ua this 2^5th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand oiir'nt hundred and sixty-three, ord. red tha! notice be given to the owner or owners of said property anc real es¬ tate. anrt all persons interested or claiming An iu terest therein to appear and auf.wor this Informn- tion on the tirst Monday of June, lsu, and show can»c. if any they have, why said property aa.l real estate, and thv right, title and interest of the said (."orneiius Boyle therein, should not becondemuoJ ar.d :*o 1 *f r.ccordit)!? to lav.; and that notice be given by posting a copy of this order on the front door of the court-house of the District of Columbia, and hy publication in the Evening Star twice a w.-k previously to said first Monday of June, 1H63, the tirst publication to be un or before the tliirtieUi day of A pri!. If63. By order of .he Court. April 25, 1863. Test: II. J. MKic.s. Clerk. ap2f'-?awtJel Copy.Teat: R J. MKIQ.-', C';; IBTRICT C^URTOF TiiK CNlieD ST AT KB FOR THK DIBTKICT «F COLUMBIA. L'nittd Stabs r*. V In Admiralty. Cargo of W\nku> Cof^e, to.\ Whereas the said cargo was captured a prize by the officers and crew of the United Ptates flotilla and brouMht into the port of Washington, Diftriot of Columbia, and brought within the inriisdiction of aaia Court, and on tha 2d day of M*rch, 1«6J, a libel was filed in said Court by the United States Attorney for said District praying the condemna¬ tion of Eaid cargo, aud that mouition and attach¬ ment issue against the cargo and the ownera there¬ of. and all persons interested or claiming an inter- ett therein, warning them at some early day to appear and Answer said liDel: It is t-herefore or¬ dered by this Court, in admiralty sitt^nir, this 31st da? of March, 1863. that notice be given to the own¬ ers of said cargo and all persona interested or elaiir.iHg an interest therein to appear and answer thia libel on the first Monday of May, 1863, and show caufe, ifany tfcey have why said cargo should not be condemned and aold according to law; and that said notice given by po?ting a copy or thia order upon the front doorol the Court House of xaid District, and by publication in the Evening Star twice a week previous to said first Monday of May. 1963, the first publication to be on or before the flrat Mondav of April 1963. By order of the Court. Test: B. J. MEIGS,Clerk. Copy.Teat :.R. J. MEIGS. Clerk._ ap 4 *aw DISTRICT COCBT OF THE UNITED STATB8 FOB THE DISTRICT Of COLUMBIA. United Slates vs. I 207 Cafes of Mr Ik Drink, part} I* ADirr»ALTV, cf the rnrjo nf the schooner | Tho. C. Worrell. j Whereas, thp said VO tisea of milk drink were, j on the 24th of February, 1963, seized for violation of the Revenue Law of the United States and ! brought within the Jurisdiction of thij Court, aud on the M6ond of March, 1863, a Libel waa filed by the United State* Attorney for the District of Co- lnmbia, in this Court, praying the condemnation 1 of said cases of milk drink, and that proce?e of ' monition and attachment i»rA5 a2*ill*t said cases of milk drink and tne ownera thereof, and all per¬ sona interested or claiming an interest therein, warning them at some early day to appear and an¬ swer taid Libel: It ia therefore ordered by this Conrt. in Admiralty sitting, this first day of April, 1863, that notice be given to the owners of aaia cases of milk drink and all persona interested or claiming an intereat therein to appear and answer this Libel on the tirst Monday of May. iau3, and show cause. If any they have, why said easea of milk drink shenld not be condemned and aold ac- cording to law, and that said notice be given by posting a copy of this order upon the front door o* the Court Bouse of said Dittriat, and bv publica tion in the Evening Star twic? a waek previous to said first Monday in May, the first publication to be on or before the second Monday of April, lt<3. By order 0/ tha Court: Tett: R. J. MBIG8, Clerk. Copy.1TestB. J MUGS. Clerk. ap4faw isirict court of the united states FOB THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Vnittd Slates TKt Schooner *Etmly Murray 1 lK Ad*irai***. and Cargo. j Whereas, the said schooner Emily Murray and aargo Tore captured as prise by the officers and craw ot tha U. B. steamer Coeur de Lion, attMhed to the Potomae flotilla, and brought into the port of Washington, District of Columbia, and Wrought within the jurisdiction of said Court, and on the 23d day of February, 1863, a libel waa filed in eaid Court, by the United States Attorney for the Dis- trlct of Columbia,-praying the condemnation of said sebooner aad eargo.and that process of meai- tion and attachment issue against aaid schooner 1 and cargo, and the owners thereof, and all persona interested or claiming an interest therein, warning them at some early day to appear and answer said libel: It is therefore ordered by this Court, in ad- miralty sitting, this 1st day of April,1883,thai notice be given to the owners of said schooner and cargo, and all persons interested or claiming Intereat therein, to appear and answer this libel on the 1st Monday of May, 1863, and shew cause, if any they have,why said schooner aad cargo should not be aondMtnod and sold aeeordlngto law, and that said notice be given by posting a copy of this order upon the front door of the court house of said District, and bp publication in the Bvenin g Star twice a week previous to said 1st Monday in May, the first pvbli. cation to be on or before the 1st Monday of April, IMS. By order of tin Court. * * _ Test: R. J. MEIGS,Clerk. True oojy-Teet.-.E. J. MEIG8,,Clerk. a»g-law JgT&lOTLT PURE^OALIFORNIA WINIS AND 8ol« agents for the District of Columbia for the sale of Messra. sohler k Erohling's pure CalifoT- aia Wtaee aad Brandies. The following are oar Wtnsb. & PBRRIB. Sole Agents, oorner 9th and E streets. D i JEUNKS ? .. dk: .»»-r TRUNKS! TBUJJKBI Bagsin great " L. BEILBBCN ft 00 * 50d Sevanth st:,betweenD Under Odd fellows'] fNo. 693.1 By tiijs president ok tiik united STATES. In pnrstjanee of It*, I. Abraham Liwcoi.*. Presiden" of the United Hta'esof America, 4o py rte< 'are and make known thatpr.Mie e*l*wiii be hel.l at the undermentioned La id Onioea in t TERRITORY OF WASHING TON. and th«^TATK3 efMI 11IGAN :.nd KAN8AS, at the period herein¬ after designated, to wit: IN TP* TERRITORY OF WASHINGTON.. Aftbe land Office at VANCOUVER. w arn'® iug «u MuU'l&y. the third (3d) day of -S'ifn- for the disposal « f the puMic J*!"1* i"!£^iS1^f «nd offered, situated in the following townships and part* of townnhipa, vit: \< fiorik tf iJu bat* hn« and *<ut*i/ '** Wtttmnuu* Fractional township 5"nori* of' Oolumbiari, including aH ot Vancouver Island tern extremity; townships 3, 4. .i,?-, TIV^T¦ Fractional townships Tnorth of Ootai .hia rivpt township* 2.3, and '; »e«Uons 13J4,and IJMJidsae tions 77 to SC, inclnstve. ef town:sn _. Fractional township 1. north o. H^ilti^n«iitn ?i' township!; sections 4 l«9.inchisive, sections 17 to 21, Inclusive, and heetion* 23 tc ^S'vnf I^tT^n ship 3; »eetioBi« 1 to 7. inclusive;!the N ft of secti m I, the N ftof section the N ft "f eeetion HI, w c- tfons 11 and 12: the 8 ft of wrtiou 17; sections 18 to 30, ixelusi*- and B^ctioui* 2JI to -O. inclusive, of township 4; sections 1 2; -tbe? ^. Jtf j'!1.1 i thr 8 ft of Jection »; the 8 ^ of section 9; the S ft of section K>; sections 11 to 15 inclusive; and section* 17 t«? as. inclusive, of townahip 5, of rnuge 3 Fractional township 1, north of Columbia river; auctions 13,14. and 15. and sections 17 te 35, inclu¬ sive. of township 2. or range 4. Fractional township 1, north of Columbia river; lections 17 to 21, inclusive, and sections 23 to 35, in¬ clusive, of township 2, of range 5. Fractional township 1, north - r rSlumbia river: sections 22, 25, 26, 27, M and .. , <".! township 2, or ran^e 6. Sections I, 2, 11.12, 14, 15 20, 21, 22. 29 JO, and lot 1, of section 31, of township 2, of rar.ge7. Fractional township 2 north of Columbia river; ef range 12. Fractional township 2, north and cast jl Columbia liver;and townships, of ranire J3. Fractional township 2, nortli of Columbia river; Including Babbit island; and township 3, of range 14. Fractional township 2 north of Columbia river; and townships 3 and 4, of range 16. Fractional townships 2 and 3, uorth of Columbia river, aj-'d township 4, of range 16. Township 5. of range 22. Township 5, of range 23. Township 7, ofranse 31. Tow nship 7. of range 32. Townships 7 and 8. of range 33. Township* 7, 8, and 9, of range 34. All of townships 7 and 8. except Fort Walla-W^lla military reservations; townships !», 10, and 11, of range 35. Ail of township 7, except military reservations on Mill creekjiowni-hip* 8,9, and 111,of range 36, Pectirns j to 15,5 elusive; sections 17 t>> 24, inclu¬ sive, and sections 2i to 34. inclusive,of township 7; townships R. 9, and 10. of ranee 37. Sections 1 to 8. inclusive, sections 17 to 20 inclu¬ sive and sections 29 to 32, inclusive, of tow nsliip 9, of range 53 Worth of the hate line and '.res! of '.he Willamette meridian. ".otional towr shipt-2, 3, 4,5, and (5, east of Col- o-i river; sections 6. 7. 1h 19. 30, 31, and 32, of ip 7: townships 9 and ill. of range 1. .. ." ic al township 6, east of Columbia river; il iovr^..]north and east, of Columbia frv section-" 1 to 15 inclusive; sec- !. ' ; n r.,)jiR?| l, 2a, inclusive; snetiouR .j, .!,.». i ,i j; sections ! to4.inclu siv<-; sr. ii«. J elusive; sections 21 to 28, inclusive; sections 33, at and 35, of township 10, of range 2. ? eciions 1, 2.6,7,3, 11, 12. 13. 14, and 15; sections 17 and 1H. sections20 to 27, inclusive; and fractional '-ti<.(!S o4 aii'i .*5, of township 8, of rang" i Fractir.nsl township8,north of Columbia river, of range 4. fractional "ections i;t, 10, and 30, of townships, of ri»:ig«,5 Fractional township 8, north of Columbia river, of range G. Frartior^sl t' wriKhip1', north of Columbia river; und toM-iiShip 10. of range 10. Fract ions! township tow nship 10; and fractional town-hips 11 and 12.01 range 11. At the I and Office at OLYMPIA, commencine on Monday, the thirteenth (loth) day of July next, for .be disposal of the public lands heretof<>re uu- ottered, situated in the followins? townsl.'ips and parts of townships, viz : Sort)i oj Ike ba*t line and east af the Willamette meridian. Th"' surveyed portion of tow nship 12; tow-uship 16; fractional township 17. xoutli and w<-st of the Mis- gualiy rivtr: fractional township 13, west of the Nis- qually riveV; all of township 19, except that portion east of Pojjet Sound and the Nisqually river, frac tional townships 20. 21. and 22; tnwnxhip 23; frac¬ tional townships 2-t, 25, 20 27, '£'¦! 29, JO and 31; frac¬ tional t.,vrnKhip 32, except so niu'n of township as is covered by i'tnn's Cove military reservation; fractional township 33; fractional township Jl, sou '.h of Uere ption Passage; section 1 to 15, inclu¬ sive, section* 17 to 24. inclusive; sections 21, 2rf,2U, T2. 33. and 34. of township 39 ofraiiif! Part of townahip south »nd westof the Xi'qtially river: N \ of Nf. the SE of N K \, tho N' K \ oi the N W , and lots 1, 2. S. and 4, of section 35, of township 17; lots 1 and 2 of section 6. and fractional seetioi-s 7 and 13. of township 3J; fraction*! town¬ ship- 2 ,22. 23, 2-1, 25. 26, 27.28,30, 31. 32, and 33, frac¬ tional sect ions 30 and 31 and lot- 1,2, 3.4. and 5, of sections 32, of tow nship 34; fractional sections 1, 2 11.12, 13,24, 25,2i, and 32,of township 37; sections 1 to 5, inclusive; sections 8 to 14, inclusive, and frac¬ tional sections 17, 23, 24, and 25, of townrdiip of rang)- 2. Fractional section* 5 and 6. of township 21; frac¬ tional townships22 and Zj; fractional township 24, east of Admiralty inlet; fractional towuship: t=>. 26, 27. 28, and 30; fractional township 31. went of Port Bu^ai: bay: eections 17 to 22 inclusive; lots 1.2. and 3, of section 36; sections 27 to 31 inclusive, of town¬ ship ,32; sections 4 to 9, inclusive: sections 17 to 21, inclusive. an«< sections Zi to 33, inclusive, of town¬ ship 38. of range 3. Township 23,1";actional townships 24 , 25, 26,27, 2S, 29, and 3u, of rairge 4. Nnrtfi of the batt line and tresl of the Willamette meridian. Fractional sections 1, 2, and 3. south of Cowlitz river; lots 1 and 2. of section 4; lota 1 and 2, th- S # '4 ef NE ,V, tfte N W 4. and the 8 ?a, of section 5; sec¬ tions 6.7. and 8; fractional sections 9 and 10, south of Cowlity river; sections 11 to 15 inclusive, and sec¬ tions 17 to 35. inclusive, of township 11; sections 1 to 15. inclusive: sections 17 to 24, inclusive; sections 2H, 29, 90. and 31, fractional seitiou Xi. north and west of Mission claim, of township 12: township 13, 16, 17, and 16: fractional townships 19,^0,21,22.25,26, and 27; all of tow nship 30. except Port Townst-nd military reservation {fractional townships 31, Si,39, and 40, of ransre 1. Townships 11, 12, and 13; sections 2 to II, inclu¬ sive; sections 13. 14. and 15, and sections 17 to 35, inclusive, of'township 1-4; sections 1 to 15. inclusive; sections 17 to 21, inclusive; sections 28 to 33, inclu¬ sive, of township 15; townships 16 17 and 18 frac tionai townships ljl, 2o, 21. and 22: sections 25,^6,^7, 34, and 35. . tovvnship25; fractional townships and 51, ot range 2. Township 13 and 14; sections 1 to 1.5, inclusive; sections 17 and 18; sections 22 to 27. inclusive: sec¬ tions 34 and 35. ol township L5; sections 1 to 4, inclu¬ sive: sections 9 to 15, inclusive; sections 17 to 35, in elusive, of township 16; township 17; sections 1. 12, 13,24, and 25, of township 18; fractional townsh ips 19, 20, 21, 28, end 30; sections 80, 31, 32, of township 31. of range 3. Township 13; sections 1 to 4, inclusive; sect:ons5 and 6, north of Chehalis river.-sections 9to 15, in¬ clusive; section 17; sections 19 to e5 inclusive, of township 15: sections li!, 19 and 25; sections 3>"> t - 35, inclusive, of township 16; townshipI9; sections! to 15, inclusive; section 17; the N ii of section 18; sec¬ tions 20 to 26. inclusive, and section 35, of towus.'iip Xy, sections 7 to 15 inclusive; sections 17 to 35, inclu¬ sive, of township 21 ^fractional township 3!i^f<ac- r J » « i vi wnuruiy *i ) uavuvum " unm y u"i ». tional sections 22 and 23; lots 1,2, 3. and 4; the SW :4 of PE ,'4 and 8 of SW L' of section 25; sections 2o, 27. 28. ,'i2, 33, 3». and 35, of township 31, of range 4. Ll .a! . 1 <> « I f A 1 «» 14 r»'» <14 Of «f» 1 C Sections 1. 2,11, 12. 13,14, 23, 24", 25. 26, and 35, of township 13; section* 1, 2, 3, 4; sections 9 to 15. inclusive, sections 22 to 27, inclusive; sections34 and 35,tow-n*nip 16, and fractional township 31, of range 5, Sections 1 to W, inclusive, of township 17; sections 1. 12. 13. and 14; sections 22 to 35, inclusive of town¬ ship 18, of range 6. Sectional to 16, inclusive,* sections 17 to 18, of towns.hip 17; sections 1,2, 11, 12,13. and 14; sections 22 to 27. inclusive; Bections34 and 33, of township 18, of range 7. Sections 1 to 15, inclusive; iections 17 to 24, inclu¬ sive, of township 17, of rango 8. Section 1 to 15, inclusive; sections 17 to 24, inclu¬ sive, of townbhip 17; township 18. of range 9. Fractional township 13; fractional section* 1,3, 4, 5.6, 13, 22, and 23; sections 24 and 27; fractional sec¬ tions 23 . 33, and 34, of township 14; fractional town¬ ship 15; sections 3 to 10, inclusive; section 1>, sec¬ tions 17 to 22, inclusive, and sections 77 to 35, inclu¬ sive, oftownship 16; fractional township 17; sections 1. 2, and 3; sections 10 to 15. inclusive; sectious 22 to 1.7. inclusive; sections 34 and 35, of township 18, of range 10. 18; townships 19 and 2»,of rang* 11 Fractional town hips 16,17, and 1%, of range 12. Lands claimed .idnr the donation laws will be excluded from the sales. No "mineral lands," or tracts containing mineral deposits. ar»-to be offered at the public sales, such mineral lauds being hereby expressly excepted and excluded from rale or other disposal pursuant t* the requirements of the aet of Congress approved February 14. 1853, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled An act to create the office of surveyor gen¬ eral of the public lands ic Oregon, and to provide for the survey, and to make donations to the set¬ tlers of the said public lands, approved September 27,1850." IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN At the I-and Office at IONIA, commencing on Monday, the thirteenth 113th) day of July n^xt, for the disposal of the vacant lands in the evrn num¬ bered sections and farts cdf sections, within the uuder- mentioned'Vrwnships, which remain to the United State#, within «ix miles on each tide of the railroad "from Grand naven and Pere Marquette to Flint, and thence to Port Huron/'fubject, as required by law, to a minimum Of t#o dollars and fifty cent# per acre,viz: North oftki bast Hue and vest ttf th* pi inn pal m -.n dian. The N >. of SW U and 8 W U of SW u of section 2; .he N* >4 and 8 & of flection 4; section 6; the N .Si, the N S BE "i, and_ the N V.of 8_Wj.», of section N1 l4 and 8 Ji of section 4; section 6; thi §">* £'BE W, and theN h ofSW L'oTf 8; the k Ji, the B ft of N W y», the BW^ofNW *, and the SW of section 10; secti >n* 12,14, and 18;. the NE $7the« l: «fNW and NW ofNW of section 3>; pertions it and j4:the8K\of NB the >E V. and tne B of BW »t,of. secuo^ Ai;.th« DEV or NE JU an4 B ilot section 28; the S»i« of e V E M f towa- NE ^ o/NE JU an-1 Bof Mction 28; the ii»U of BE Vofaertiou 30; the N h, of sec.tia» 32; the « W * of NE A,, the S « of NE'^the SW !i, the « \<} BE ^ and the £ of BW k, of Mftfan 84; the N B i. of^»X,8S ofVlE of NW '4.>E v. «.f 8W i^and BW ofSW ?n,of section;«,of t rh4?iE'l^nd^tye 8Hofsectio®2; the-'NE ^ of the»w\ofMB;^he8B\of N»* 4the*WV ofhW V.andS H«f 8W k, of section 4; th*W'ja*f section6: the NE V of aeetion 9ltk» WM of NE Hi the E>>SB%jLd NW^of lW V,o/sectton A ine JS.75 am jjjiMi ^"uW" section 12; the wfk of* NW ja, the 8 ft of^B and the SB Sk of fTW ft*, of section M: the W ft of NWft 1 ? ft of.,NB £,& Q o<NW INndther JeL«^tf,n «;tV.N wwkgtnvr ft»»Ift,th» wie n m. .14 01 rs in tv 01 wciron me w ^ 01 n k ,v or section 3i, anil the E of NE\ef *ectiun 36, of township lit, ©f range 5. Th" NE >4, the NE >4 of NW k. and 8W of NW >*. of s«-ctien 1: the N 7. the Nw ^ of SB U . .-tad the SW >«. of section 6, of township 15: sections 2, 4 and * th/c£-K,i*' N °r ?0WJ"- S*' -4 - » N W VMV >4 of f<« )«, and B ,^a of 8 W 3*, of section 8; sections 10. II. 14. and IS, the N the SE V, aud the N V, 0f , of section 20; sections ?2 ana ii- the N ,s; and N >3 of N K V, VW~\ o? N W V . 'and h .S »<f", and 8 '* of ?w W. <>f section K; the NW ** <>f NK the 8>a of NE,C, the NE jL of NW V.theg NW.V, and the B >«, of section 34; the N Va oTNE Jtf, the PS >4 of NB and the ft W ^4 of N W 3H, of sec¬ tion ;S, of township 16, of range (. At the Land OfiW at EAST SAGINAW, com mearins on Monday, the third (31) day of August next, for ttte disposal of the vacant lands in the *ren numbered section* and Mri; nf ttrtions, within the undermentioned townships^ which remain to the United 8tat.es, within six miles 011 each side of the railroads from "'Amhoy. by llilladale and Lan¬ ding, and from Grand Rapids to some ooint on or near Traverse Bay," and ''from Grand Haven and Pere Marquette to Flint, and thence to Port Hu¬ ron,'1 snbject, as required by law, to a rainirrfum of two dollars and fifty eenta per acre vis: North of tht bast lint and east nf tht principal mt- ridutn. The E ii of NE 3%, 8W Ji» of N1 Xi W X otVW >4,8E>4 of NW >4, lots 5 and 6, and* * of 8R V,of section 4;"fractional section It): lets 5 and 6 of sec¬ tion 24. of township 13; the 88 L of 8W>4 of seetioa SO; the N E !£, lots ? and 4. the »W of 8# V, and K of 8W h, of section 3"} the 8 H of If 8 Ag, 88 of KW >4, lot 1: SB it. and SB V of8W of section X:; th.-N^ offcwCandSW * of 8W* of aection 34. of township 14, ol rtnxe 2. The NEJL and SB V ofNWJ* of section 10: the SW >4 of IIB H of section ?»; the SE.'i of SB!*, of section 22; the 8 ii of NE X. E % of SE V, and N W >4« fSEJ4.vf section 34. «f township 9; fractional section 4. of township 12; the W H of 8E V and SW ?4 of section 18: the NW !4 and W X of8W M of sec¬ tion 3>; the W J* of SW a, ana SE U of SW of sec¬ tion 78; fractional sections 30 and si, of township 13, . W«o( i -4 . of sec- E *-«of8W 74. ar.d .sW!t, of SW J4, sf section 12; the W >i of NE ia. SE i, of NE i.', W % ofSE V, N E VofSE'*. end E }j of? W }9. o? section 14; the NE ^4, K ^ 01 N W hi of NW>4. and lot No. 4, of section 24, of t< wn(-hip 13; the 8E ^ of NE Vi, lots 4,5. and 6, and 8 of8E k. of seotion 10; the NK «. W % of 8E ,l4. NE >4 of SE >4. arid W h. of section 12; aection 14: lot* 3 and 4, and 8 fVactioual X of section Id; sertionH 2ii and 22; the N 34 of N E N W if. 8 of SE *4, snd E li of 8W .V, pf secUon 24; sections 26 section W. of township 14; the E h of SE V, E of SE la *nd fiW 3s» of SE %, of section 26; the N >* of section of township 15. of range 4. Lot 1 of section 8: fractional swtion 10 of town¬ ship 9; the E h of NE V, lots 1. 2, ^;.4nl,tth,!( E \ uf BE of section 20: the S l/z of 8E ,j of section 28- the F.l.ofNE V. ^tR - and4. and EW of8E H,! of secnon 32, of township 10; the of 8 W ^ of section .»; the W fractional h of NEVA, the W of K E 'n. and N E U of SE >4^'fsection 6; lot* 2. 3, 4, 5 6 8 ar.d P.an<I SW .V, of BE .U. of section 8; sec¬ tion 18 and fractional sedtion 2".of township U; sec¬ tion 4 N % of NE and lot 1 of section 6'the NE i'nk". if NW S.K K of SE >4,W XofSW '4, and SE '< of SW >4, of section 8; the W }* of NE V, SK^ of N E.*4 .SE'V.and W^of section lO'frac tional section the U of NE the \\ of 188 .4, and the W fractional Ji of section 18; tbeNfrac- ticnal 1 of NW >, of section 30. of towrwhin 14; lot No 2 P 1 ofPK'i ar.d 8 W fractional A4. of section 30- the E fractional part enst of Kawkawling river, the N h of SK and the W fractional Ji of section 32, of township 15, of ranee 5. «. IN TIIE STATE OF KAN8A8. At the Land flflice at TOI'EKA. commencing on Mondav. the third (3d) day of August next, for the disposal of the public lands heretofore unoff^red. situated in the following township* and parts of townships, viz : South of tht baft lint and ta« of the sixth principal meridian . The rmr's of townships 12.13. 14, and 15, inside of the 8hawnee reservation, of rans:e 2n; Thepirtsof township 12. inside of Shawnee re- siTvr.tion» townships 13 and 14; and the parts of townships 15 inside of Bhawnee reservation, ot raD (r^ 2 1 . Th<> parts of township 12 inside of Bhawnee re¬ servation; townships 13 and 14; and the part of town¬ ship 15 inside of the Shawnee reservation; and the parts of townships 18.19, and 20 inside of the Miami reservation, of range 2?. , The parts of townships 11 and 12 inside of the Shawnee reservation; townships 13 and 14; ana the part* of township 15 inside of the Shawue'y-eserva- tion. and the parts of township IS inside of the Miami ren^rvafion; t#wn«hip 19, 2n,Zl, and 22, of rBThe parts of township 11 inside of Shawnee reser¬ vation; townships 12, 13. and 14; the parts of town- ^hip 15 inside the Shawnee reservation; the parts of township 18 inside of the Miami reservation; townships 19. 50. 21, and 22, of range 24 The parts of township 11 inside of the hhnwne.fi reservation: townships 12, 13, and 14; the part of township 15 inside of the «hawnee reservation; the parts of township 18 inside of the Miami reserva¬ tion; townships 19,20,21, and 22. of ranije 26. At the Land Office at HUM BOX.DT, commencing on Monday, the thirteenth (13th) day of July next, fur the disposal of the public lands heretofore un- offered, situated in the following townships and parts <jf townships, viz ; South of tht bast lint and tast of thi sixth princtpa rntridmn. The parts of township 23 inside of the Miama re¬ servation, of range 22. _ . The p.irts of township 23 inside the Miami reser¬ vation, of range 23. The parts ot township23 inside of the Miami re¬ servation. of range 24. ... , M. The parts of township 23 mside of the Miami re- nervation, of range 25. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schooH, military and other purposes, or lands on which ap¬ plications have been flled under the provisions of the Homestead law will be excluded from the sales The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no salts fhallbelvpt open hmttr than tiro\ vetks. and no private entrv of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this twentieth day of March, anno Domini ene thousand eight'hundred and si xty-three. Bv the President: ABRAHAM LINCOLN. i. M. 8DMUK0S, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE T<D PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated, is required to estab¬ lish the same to the satisfaction of the Register ana Receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing thu notice, and before the day appointed for the com¬ mencement of the public sale of the lands embra^xng the tract claimed, othei wise such claim will be for¬ feited. J. M. EDMUNDS Commissioner of the General Land Office. fiott..Under the regulations of the Department, as heretofore and now existing, no payment can be made for advertising proclamations, except to such publishers as are specially muthortttd to publish by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. ap 4-wl.1w For the Holidays. i. h. BiniiflEE k ee., IlilOI OF Nos. 19 AID 31 BKOAO 8*., Hi* YOU OFFER FOR 8ALB AT THBIR STORE, H«. 837 PEPUXSYLVAMIA AVENUE, WEAR THIRTEENTH 8TRBET, SIGN OF THE OLD KNICKERBOCKER, the M08T OOMPL8TE ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS TO BB FOUND IN THB METROPOLIS, .ALSO- FINE GROCERIES, OAR GOODS, KITS AND KEGS No. 1 MACKEREL, KENNEBEC SALMON, BOUSED A PICKLED LAIJIBS' TONGUES, PIGS' FEET, ENGLISH. DUN CODFISH, Together with all the LUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASON ¦ Hmdi. A. M. B. A Oo. are also Sol* Proprietors «f BININGER'8 CELEBRATED LONDON" DOCK GIN, Pat up la Quart Bottles for medicinal m* Also, Bole Agents for OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GIN. MTA11 aiticl-s bought at their store warranted of the first quality, and forwarded toany »«rt ©f the sity free of expense. , As we intend to be perraanenthr located, we re* nieotfuUy request fainilies to give us aealL ABRAM M. BININttEtt, v HENRY T. OAPBN. WaBiukotos, P'0"mber. 1963. A. M. BINTNGER A 00. hare oo connexion with other Hocee. «J-tf ROLLIN OHUROH, Agent. OENTL*MEN>q£LOTHIN<*. mvitltm E have sow »n >lore a full stoch of (JIST'il- litest styles, manufactured with the same dogre# INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS, r* OF EVERY DENOMINATION; Oa»k>» had f.t alt times heseafter AT TBB OOLLEOrOR'S 0FFICS, No.4l6d*v«^*B87»i«T, ; Got lector of Iattrnal far tt? 'lUHIbMil' KK^UI.MATIO.N IN CHB TIMI .3 °Al T»YW)B. PROPOSALS. I c pKOFOBALB VOR HORSS8. * Osnr QtiiTiitxiETiiil Ornci, Dfpct nf Washington. tor. 18tA and O its.. _ Waa.iugmu D. C., April 38. 1863. . fiXALXP Proposal? will be received at thin office tfltil MHSIHY. the 4th day of May, at U ® clock M.. for furni^Kini the GoTiroraint with SJWM two thousand Horse*, of the fallowing de- ription, vis: CAVALRY. for Cavalry, lliii) obi- thousand (It# handled Horses, frem <16) fifteen to (16) sixteen hands high, between fie* and eight year* of ace, of dark colors, v*U broken to the saddle, compactly built, and free from all defects. ARTILLERY. 'or Artillery, (500) fire hundred Homes, front *JO fifteen and one-half to (16) sixteen hands »gn. between fire and eight years of aire, of dark cn.ors, tree from all defects, well broken to har¬ ness, compactly bnilt, and to weigh not leas than l.P pounds. PROPOSALS. The fall name and post office addreee of the bid¬ der muet appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of i Arm, the name* of all the parties mast apnear, or the bid will be considered aa the individual proposal of the party .igninglt. Proposals from (Msloyal partus tpill not btctn- '%d*r«4, and an oath of allcgianoe will be required from nieces* ful bidders before signing the oeo- trect. Proposals mast specify elearly whether the bid U for Cavalry or Artillejy Horses, and «n no cast most both be bid for on the same paper. If any bidder wishes to propose for both classes, he must forward two distinct proposals.one for ea£p class, tomplete in itsM^taA having no refer¬ ence to any other proposal by the saiue party Proposals most be addressed te C«l. D. H. Rook- ir. Quartermaster D. 8. Army, Washington, D. 0., and ah en Id be plainly marked "Proposals for Horres " r bonds equal in amonnt to half the sum to be re¬ ceived on the contract. signed by the contractor and twe responsible securities, will be required of .cceaaful bidder a. Bidders must be preaent in person when the bida are opened. Blanks for bonds can be procured upon applica¬ tion being made at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph INSPECTION. DELIVERY. Ac. All Horses contracted for under tnis advertise¬ ment will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those not conforming to the specifications will be re¬ jected. No Marts will be received. The Horses must be delivered in this eity, within twenty days from the date of the oontract. Payment te be made upon the completion of the contract, or so soon thereafter aa the Chief Quar¬ tet master shall 1 e m f undsL The CAVALRY Horaes will be .awarded in lqia of (2*K)) two hundred ea#h, and the ARTILLERY Horses in lots of (251') two hundred and fifty eaih, unless the Chief Quartermaster should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the number. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. D. H. RUCR1R, ap 28 6t Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. ITNITED 8TA1E8 PATENT OFFICE, April 90, 1883. Prop'baL8 will be received by the underiigned until the 10th day of May next, for repairing and painting the saloon in the old portion of the Patent Office Building, making cases. Ac. PprciOtationH can be seen at this office. For "repairing srd painting'' bids can be made for work by the day. or for the Job. ap2l-td D. P. HOLLOWAY, Commiss'oner. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED Af^THE * Mayor's office i .itil .Saturday. 9th May. at 12 o'olock M., for the erection of an Engine Huiise, fortheuse ofthe Metropolitan Hook and Ladder Company, in accordance with plans and specifica¬ tions on file in the Mayor's Onice, which maybe seen from and after this day. RICHARD WALLACH, Mayor. LEWIS CLEPHANE, Board of Aldermen. CHA8. H. UTBRMEHLEt Common Council. ap29-dtd (Intel., Rep. & Chron.) R0P08AL WILL BE RECEIVED at the Mayor's Office nntil 12o'clock M. on Monday, the 4th of May for grading ind gravelling L street north, from Fourth t«< Fif; i street west. Bidders will state the price per cubic yard for giad ing, and square yard for graveling. The gr&vtl mu-t be nine inches in depth in the center tapering to four inche» at the aides, after which to l»e thoroughly raked and rolled. No part of the appropriation will be paid except upon the certificate o' the Commissioners that the work baa been properly executed. WM. DOUGLAS. Commissioner of the Fourth Ward, A. {.MALL G, SAVAGE, ap 29-St Assistant Commissioners. DEPOT QCARTKRM ASTER'3 OFFICE. Corner Eizhtunth and G streets. W ashi:sgto.\. D. C., April 28,1863. Proposals Will be received at this office until TUESDAY. May 5, at 12 o'clock, for one Worthing ton Steam Pump (No. 2.) similar to the one now in use at Monnt Pleasant U. S. Hospital, and the necessary pipes and plumbing to carry the water from the pump honse at Mount Pleasant Hospital to the tank in the center of Carver U. 8. Hospital fn unds, and for distributing the same to the itchens. Plan and specificntions can be seen at Carver Hospital on Saturday, May 2, between the hours of 12 and 2 p, m. Proposals must be addressed to Captain E. E, Camp. Assistant Qaarteribaster, U. 8. Army, and tbeuld be plainly marled "Proposals for Plumbing at Carver fj. 8. Hospital." E. £ CAMP, ap 29-5t Captain and A. U. M. M~~ AYOR'S OFFIC IT, Apr?!., WS3. Proposals will be received at the Mayor's Office nntil 12 m. Saturday. May 9th, for grading and graveling Ninth street went frouiG to N sts. nor h, under Acts approved 30th May and 9th Nov., 1C82. The gravel must be nine inches in depth in the center, and tapering to four inches at the sides; and the street, after being graded and graveled to the entire satisfaction of the Cominis'iocer of the Ward and Assistant Commissioners, shall be thor¬ oughly raked and rolled Bidders must state the price per cubic yard for grading and per square yard for graveling. No part of the appropriation will be paid except upon the certificate of the Commissioners ihit the work is properly done. JNO. T. GARNER. Commissioner Third Ward. THOMAS LEWIS, q W DRAINS ap27-10t [Int., Cbron. A Rep.] A-st Coni'rs. A U ARTEKM ASTER GENERAL'8 OFFICE. VjL Wabhisqtok Citt, March 19.1863. Owners of steam vessels are invited to send to the Siartftrmaster General'a Office tenders for their arter or sale. Tenders should contain descriptions of the vessels, their dimensions, enrolled or registered tonnage, aetnal carrying capacity, material, whether coppered, whether side-wneel or pro¬ pellers , whether iron or copper fastened, sixe and power of engines and boilers; and should state the price at which they are offered for long or short eh arter .with the estimated value of the vessel in ease of loss, or in case the Government should prefer to purchase instead ef chartering. Owners ef steam vessels already in the service of the Quartermaster's Department are requested to make known to the Department any redaction in their present rates which they may be willing to grant, and also the priee at which they will be willing to sell them. All such tenders should be addressed to the Suarteraiaster General of the United States, at Washington, and ahould be endorsed "Proposals for charter o: sale of steamers." When received, they will be considered, and the Department will endeavor to reduce the heavy expense attending army transportation upon the ocean and tide-watera, by substituting, wherever it eando so, cheaper vessels of equal capacity for ihose new employed. M. 0. METUS, mar 23 3m Quartermaster General. PROPOSALS FOR HAY, STRAW, AND GRAIN Assistant QcartehmastirV Office, For okt JMpartment. Cor. O and 2id street.*, _Washihgtoh, D. C, April 16,1863 , ^Wsjttkh Proposals are invited for furnishing HAY, STB AW, OATS, and CORN, for the uae e? this Depot, to be delivered at the Railroad Depot, or atany of the Government wharves In this city. The proposals to be he dressed to the under signed, and they should state the quantity of each article offered, also the prize and the date delivery. Proposala will ba received for five thousand (5,000) bnshels of Cora or Oats, and fifty (5») tons of Hay or Straw, and upwards, unless it should be for tbe interest of the Government to contract for a less amount. All grain to be pnt ap in good racks, of about two (S) bushels each, which are to be furnished at the cost cf the contracter. Tne Hav and Straw to be securely baled. All Oral a and Hay offered to be subject to a rigid inspection by the Goverment Inspector. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to tbe lowest responsible bidders, as the intertstsof the servlcqpmay requi-e. Good security will be required for the faithful fulfillment of any contract made under this advertisement. Payment to be made at the completion of the contract. 8. L. BROWN, ap 17-3m Captain and A. Q. M. U. B. A. A PIANOS. NEW Assortment of Steinway Sc Son's Pianos has been received to-day. These l'ianos_-^^^ are admitted by all musicians to be supe-||aSSB rior to all others. The first premiam has* II . always been awarded to Steinway A Sons, wherever and whenever they have come in competition with others.as at the World's Fair in Loudon, of la*t year, and all exhibitiens in this country. Several second hand Pianos for sale upon easy terms, at the warerooms of W. G. MSTZEROTT. ap 10 corner of Pa. a*, and llth street. TFINE horses. , 4 HE 8nbseriber is constantly in Peceipt of *ery fine HORSES for sale, single and matched, - harness and riding horses. They are se¬ lected b> himself at the North expressly for this market, and some among them cannot Sail to please any one Who wishes te purchase nuch stock He will sell them low for eish, and respect¬ fully invitee all who want either Buggy Oarriage, Draft or Riding Horses to give him a call atfiii pales and exchange stables, on Louisiana avenae, oath 'side, between dth and 7th ate _mra_ mar 7-tf JOB L HEI8B. fcjOUTH DOWN MUTTON, JVU "VEAL AND BEE*, Alse, BUTTER, EGOS and MILK, wholesale and retail, at No. 334 D street, near Tenth street. ap3-eolm* B. FK^NFB. IJ0W TO BAVJ YOUR MONEY .Call at Ih fA Central Hotel, on the European plan, 3.W. cor. ner Pa. av. and 6th st > where comfortable lodging* can be had at AO cents per day. The Restaurant aV taohed to the hotel has been most handsomely fitted up. regard leca of expeDse, where ak the delicacies, ana mnstantials of the markst* can he had. in every irtjrle, at allhoars, with promptness. Bill of far* *** H. D. &Xtjg¥oH,vPr<7»rfcto*, CLOTHING, fcc. rpo TH1 CLOTHIERS OF TH« DISTRICT I The undersigned would moat respectfully infa kii frlesds, wl the Trade itMnllr, tk«t kit la prepared to offer on* of the flneat Sprint Stocks of READY-MADS CLOTHING ever offerea la thia city. Ha nasuiee those la van* of » stock that they will do well to five him ft eftll. Bespeet'ully. B HBRZBBRG, Me. 8 Mftrket Bpaee, next to eoraer of Baltimore street. Baltimore, Mftreh, BUB. mar IStm* U U B B A H FOB 8MITHI1 460 8BVINTH STRUT. Ho U aellinc Isamenae Barfaias b CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, HATB, GAPS, Ac., fte. For ft few days more we wiH offer oar lmmcne* ¦took ftt froftt hftrfftisa to make room for oar SPRING STOCK, To those ia w»nt wo ftftT, now ia the time to hay, Remember that SMITH'S U Headfuartera bf Cloth in,.480 Seventh atrcet, tvo doors abort f Bruce ft Co.'a. J. H. SMITH, Olothlor, Ho. 466 Seventh meet, mar IT and eorner »th «t. and Pa. a*M qHBAT PICO LIMBINGOLCI Ia order to reduee oar present stock we hare REDUCED THB PRIOB OF OUB CLOTHIWG and are *ow selling off at rapid ratee. The people find that. J. BRUOB & OO.'fl lathe place to bay GOOD CLOTH IMG at LOW RATES! Call and secure aoma of the Great Barrtflna now offered at No. 464 BBYENTH 8TftEET. two door» below Smith's. J. BRUCB ft 00., mar 17 Clothiers. 464 Seventh at., near F. rklSOHABGED SOL DIE R8 Lr are all invited to oaH at SMITH'S, Ho. 460 Bmiri Stiiit, Opposite City PoH Qfiu, and get their . CLOTHING AT LESS THAN NBW YORK PRICKS. Soldiers can raly on Fair Dealing at SMITH'S, Mo. 460 BBYENTH STRXRT, nnd OOBMBR SOTH BTRBBT AMD PA. AT. mar 17 DRY GOODS, &c. C NKW DRESS GOODS. VOLORED ALPACAS, PLaIN and FIGURED MOUSLINS, MOZAMBIQUE^. POPhlNS. VA- LENTIAE, POIL DE OHIVIR8, GINGHAMS, LAWNS. JACONETS. ORGANDIES. BAREGES, CKA-E feARTZ, SPRING BALMORALS Alas, MOURNING GOODS in great variety and of tho bett makes. ap21 M TAYLOR ft CO. lYl BW OOODS I NBW GOODS! i>i NBW GOODS I Will open this day a magnificent stock of POINT THREAD and MEDALLION COLLARS,SBTSand HANDKERCHIEFS, INFANT ROBBS AND WAISTS 0AMBRIC B 4NDS. THRBAD, PUSHER and GRENADINB YEILS. PLAIN and HM- BBOIDBBBD UAN DKERCHlEFh. HEADDRESSES and NETS.latest style. Also, a large stock of rteel. JetandToituise Shell BAR- CROPS, PINS and BELT 0LABl»8, PORTEMON- NAIE8, FANS. Ac., Ac .which will be sold at Terr low prices, at WM. WEINBERG'S, apis IS Market Space. GREAT BARGAINS ~ DRY 0*0 O D S, ~ At 324 Pa. avenue, between Oth and 10<A ju. The balance of the DRY GOODS stock at CHA8. L. LOCK WOOD'S (formerly John B. 01igett}must be closed ont by the Is: of M»y, in order to mako room for a large stock of GENTLEMENS FUR¬ NISHING GOODS. Great bargains in DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, ftc. Alflo.alarge assortment of HOSIERY. OOT- T0N8 and WHITE GOO*>8, at leu than wholesale- prices. ap 11 2w EMBROIDERIES.A splendid assortment just received at 8. ft W MKYEN8KRG. 4(« Market Spaee, betw 7th and (PLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, NEW O YORK MILLS, WAM8UTTA and other va ua- ble fabrics, at manufacturers' prices. Also. IrinU SHIRTING LINEN, very lew^at S. A W. MEYENBBRG'8, 48 Market Space, between 7th and 3th sta., mar 28 Under the Avenue House. AUGUSTUS JOHNSON ft CO., IN PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Brwui 9th A 10th Bra., (COMBS' BUILDING.) Have Juft Received 100 CABB8 01 ST. MABCEAUX CHAMPAGNE » "RED L«AC," IN QUARTS AMD PINTS. Till Wine ia pronounoed by oonnoisiteara superkxr to uy otker brand ia the market, and prom¬ inent oa the Wiae list of drst-daM Mow York Hotela aad Restaurants. ALSO 100 CABM CRCEN SEAL, QUARTS. Besides the above Winea, we have constantly at> .aad ft fall supply of ftU ether well-known bran da- PIPER HBIDSICK, HBIDS10B * CO MOBT ft OH AN DON CUQUOT, G H. MUMM ft 00.,fft«. Wt" An inspection of oar stock, wbieh is bow replete in every branch, ie respeetfolly solicited. »-tf AUG. JOHNSO* ft. C4J, .I COMB WHBBBf Wky, to tke Central Hotel Rertanrant. Yh«» Mr, that's tk* plan, for the old and powular eorner kaft been fitted up in the moat costly style, witB marble counter*, tiled Boors, fte. Choioest b'aaiJ of Lienors at tke bar ftnd every deiiaaerofthaaaa- aon ean ke .kftd ftt »U hours, intha moat cleanly manner .at the akorteet aotlee. Prioea moderate. ¦.D. OklSTON^Proarietor. Booms for privato parti* a. Central^Hotel, 8.W. eorner of Penna av. and gth et. lapvjm* ap 15-11 ' . Corner lif fctk and B.

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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THE EVENING STAR.p*emth;ea!*ia.

We would no more eonslder sex in di'termin-K( * fentker undoubted traitors «hould t * ar-rt.-ted iii their treason tar.n we woclil inquiredaciding wii. ttn r a mi iesnake should go at

lbrge, whether die reptile was a he* or & she.M.A Mr. Noble of Ohio aaye that "any v»«t-iMe

pM(« is beuerthan thiawar." We dan t knowwhat Noble's Christian name is, teat it oughtimkmjjf.A telegraphic despatch to the Cincinnati

Supers rays that Jim Clay is undur Humphrey[arehall. In ihatca6e, ihe poor fellow mint

few cru«be<l as flat as a pancake.Jeff Davis has issued another address to his

*eopla. If not a man of address, he is a man ofaany addresses.

Fcakcity or Gk*H!iba»k?.-It is an actualfactnhat there is at the present timo an actualscarcity of Treasury notes in Baltimore. Th«agents of the Government tor the issue q; the e

percent, bonds require payment of TreasuryMtrr, refusing thote of thebuuks, and the largetavestxnocts dniiy malting in these bonds nas

dcubtlties caused the scarciW«.K.-M. Anurir-m.

W3TA rebel newspaper announces that shoe

pegs have been produced in South Carolina,if the war contlnaes two years longer, and theblockade puts the inventive and constructivefatuity of the rebels to its trumps they mayyot rise to the dignity of clothes pina and ten-

penny nail?.gyTtie Mobile papers sav that some fellow

stele Jeff. Davis's how in Richmond the otherday. The horse was a valuable,one, and thereia no telling now much it will cost Jeff. (Con¬federate* notes*) to get another fogood.*7"Tbe policy adopted by the "Rebel Govern¬

ment in impressing negro laborers into its^rvice, is loudly complained of by the plantersmi Mississippi. It is ieared want of iaoor willcans*- want of food.WSSTDaniel S E. Starr, who emigrated to Ala¬

bama from Connecticut twenty-five years ago,was hong by a mob at Montgomery, Ala, outhe 14th ultimo, for having written a bookagainst the South. The book was in manu-

script.mr The Weonsocket cotton mills are re¬

ducing their hours of labor. Several of themthis week commenced to run half time, and itis presumed that the others will adopt a sim¬ilar course.tBTThe only bid for the Confederate bonds

put op at auction in Halifax, on the ]orh inst..was by a canny Scotchman, who offered fivecents per pound weight for them, for packingpapei.gyAn effort is making to commence tne cul¬

tivation of the poppy in the South, m order to

get a supply of opium. Tne rebel armyMedical Departunnt is sending out poppytwos.^"Prince "Alfred was in Paris recently, on

a "bender." The Emperor and Empress andothers of the quality called on him, but he wasoff bvulevarding..^Several duels, a hor^e-whipping and a

law buit, have arisen in Paris from a newspa¬per critic's ridicule of an actor because iie wasfat..S7"Tbe office ot the Copperhead newspaper

Sacramento Republican was destroyed at 1o'clock on t he morning of the 22d, by a mob.itia reported by soldiers from Camp Union..9" The pressure for carrying merchandise

and passengers from England to America is so

great that extra boats have been put on all thelines.

A flood in the Androscoggin, at Lewis-ton, last week, swept away 100,000 lags fromthe boom of the Steam Mill Co..y The Government is now occupying and

running trains over the Memphis and Ohiorailroad.

Block-houses are to be erected along theBaltimore and Ohio railroad to guard the bridgesand viaducts.99"Rev. Mr. Parks, a Catholic priest of Par-

kerfburp. Va, has been arrested on a charge ofdisloyalty.tgr The .» no cards" mania is extending, and

the Canada papers attach "no cards issued'' totheir funeral notices.J^Mohn Covode is a prominent candidate

for the Union nomination for Governor ofPennsylvania.tOrAllegheny county, Pa., has a railroad

debt ot over $1,000,000. f.W Ex-Senator Latham, of Cal., is about

tan ing iv European tour

¦Sr Chicago has raised KiO recruits tor tneMaisachusetts colored regiment.¦^"Heary de Hess, the great German battle

.cene painter, has j ust died.


tf ""OTTSCHALK,\J CHICKERING'8 PIANO.The beautiful 7 octavo square Piano used at

Gottscfealk's Concert's at Willard'a Hall.is one oi Chickering A Hons best Pianos,owned by up and for sale upon reasonableterms or discount for casn, alwayson hand thelargest stock, and the greatest Tarb-ty of Pianos inthis city. JOHN F. ELLIS,' ap2?-3t 306 Pa ave. beCSth and l"th sts.

Fob bale-an iron safe.W. C. FORD, 2*3 Pa. avenue,

apffi-3t* ap stairs.

MWEDVIXG PRESENTS.. W.GALT A CRUj cill attention to their

assortment of SILVER WARE and PARIS FANCYGOODS, designed ^reaeai9-

Jewellers, 354 Pencaylvauiaavenue,ap 26-gtif near the Metropolitan Holtel.

Army corps badges, chevrons, 1 c..on hand and made to order Abo. Braid for

Striping, Military Buttons, Gold Laee 8houlierStraps, and Trimmings of all kindf-. Flags, Arc..4t., at BOSWELL'8 Military and Fancy Store.302M street, near 14th, Sole Agent for Bonwetl & War¬ner's celebrated Colorific or Hair Dye, a p iV 1 ir

J A CARD.OHN McGREGOR, Family Physician and Sur¬

geon. late of Connecticut, may be found at his of-noe, at No. 45b 6th street, between D and K.mar Zr-lm


BxTwtia 9th ah» 10tb Sts..



of the late firm of


consisting of;









SOUPS, Etc.)



AUGUSTUS JOHNSON Jc CO.,«pg-t/ 9S9 Pennsylvania Arena*.

nrHiB IB TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscn- J1. ber has obtained from the Orphans'Court otWashington eounty, in the District of Colunibi.,totters of administradon on tike persenal estate ofCharles 8. Whitner, late of Washington county,deeeaaed. All persons having claims aeatnst thesaid dsoeased are hereby warned to «xhibit the

with the voucher* thereof, to the subeoriber..a er bafrra the 14th day of April next; thay mayotherwise by law be excluded from all benefit ofthe said estate. Given under my band this tubSly of Aprtl^A. D. WL THOl/AS DJWSrS,i5-iawi9* Administrator.

/ORPHANS' COURT, IharaiOT or Oolomsia\JWasktniito» CovHiy, to-wit:.In the case of ,Jwka liitehie. Administrator of Sophia M. Ossein,aeeeased. the Administrator afor»<Mid baa, withthe *oDrobation of the Orphans' Court of Washing-io*tenoonBty aforesaid, appointed Saturday,tb» t.thday of Mar next, for us final ¦ottiomeut andaw tribu tlon of the personal aetata of»aid deceased,If ua. MU in hsJT a. far as U^same hare beeoi:.i ud turned into m^nar, when »nd wheraTutks ora^Uarsaad heirs of said dee-aMd ar« noti-a«d to aXtead (at the Orphans' Court of Washing

MMtrawtaCSld) wrth their- elaitne yreeerlyTooehed. or they o^ty atharwtaa bylaw beaxelttiedronahed, or they any otherwise 6rlaw beereluded

UmV»>>I> tk« .^14


DENTISTRY.UK. LOCK VVO^B,f^URGEON DE.VT13T. Wu.\ht*g«m Building,

corner ha. avrtttu and X'.rentk st .Teethtn*ertr-d on W.camz-rt Hubl* r.a ob«»Par.d imjprovea plan. Also. Goli andSilver Flatus mudc In p&p.r'or style.Teeth extracted without pain. up t7-4«*

jp^*w AAD lttfBOvii) invmnoft


WlIHODI UlTik Fki.TI.OI OLAflra.

DR. 8. B 3IQE8M0ND,910 Jyfoadwot, N**r Ycrk. and 960 Pexnryrcsuri*i«MM, o*ixftn llik ai%4 \5ihtL'., WmxJu*M'oft,

Cifcii« the attention cm tha pablic to th« fnllowlmgadvantagt..* of ai* impsoved system : ..y»

1. The Teeth of sin manufacture wiH-4i£E2Soev-r «rsode nor ehan ice eok>i of ur *tcn"aai<ld being tl.re*-fourthe lighter tht.r an* oth-jr.

I. No Wetli or reotN need be axtinted, as thaartificial ones ean be inserted over ttera.

8. Th« roots win be made inoffensive, and neverto ache.

4. No temporary teeth are needed, as permanentOMMtn bemaat immediately, thereby preservingthe nltnral expressiftn of the faJvi.wlHcb under tfeeold system ia frequently disfigured.

t. This work baa been fully testo* orer fiveyear* by many of the Brat chemists and physician*of tkia country.Dr. 8 ha* also invented a white nndestructivemetal filling, with which the moat sensitive teethcan bo ft lisp without pain, and ean build ah a per¬fect. sound tooth on any aide roots, wbiob will lastthrough lifetetims.Call end examine for yourself. no ift-ton


Call at 946 Pa. avenue,',between ITthand Itthats.,

and examine DP.. LEWIE'S New Method of Insert¬ing Teeth, To do ao ia to bn convinced of its au-periorita orer all method* heretofore used. Also,Teeth Attracted without pain when deaired. Termamoderate. fe 12-lyr

M TEETH. LOOMIS. M. D, the 1area tor and Patentee

Ofthe MINSEAL PLATS TMTU.attendfl^g^personally at hi* efflc.e In this rtty. Macym*B»#persona ean vear these teeth who cannot^4''1 **

wear, other*, and no person ean we* others whocannot wear these.Persons callin* at my offloe ean be accommodated

wftb any »>le and prioe of Teeth they may deals*;bat te uu. i »So a--'" particular and wish the puroat,eiea: -*t. t at' i moat perfect denture thatart oan nicdt^., t)-a illNIRAL PLATS will hanor» .ally ».¦ ; -"re4.Boonsia ?i.i*rity.No. SJ«« Pennsylvania arena*

oetfWMn itt- ana r"-'h atiecAlso, 907 Arch St.,Fhiladelpl.a. mar 4-ly




Holding the Difitr.c. v. .riirt of th» U "led State-" forthe Dis-i ct of Co1 .mbi,

United Statcn vh. T.d' No. JO. .v.^u»re N «f»; Part ofLot No. 1, Square <-.4: P*1 of Lot is' i'No. 488: Part of Lot K«.. ii. Square No, 491; fartof Lwl No. 24, S<ia»re N-.. 4JI; Builii s,-'.'-mirntF. etc , iu the City ol Washin,. :. I <

Whereas lot numbered ten. (H\) iu * . n

biTed forty, (4 :> part of lot numwv.

part of lot numbered fo> rtt;en,( IS.) intertd four hundred an1! eighty-e>^bt,iiiutr at the southwest curner of !icue, (1,> and runiiiufi; thtnee n-»rth oirfeet three (3! inches, thence east twi "

eight and three fourths (8^) inches, tnninety-hve (t6) feet three (3) inches I r;orih Kstreet, thence west by and with I--, ...-i of E streettwenty (2ii) feet eight an.i .:aut «o;;rths<Sft() inches,to the he|{innin«'part of lot numbere<l twenty-thr»*e(23i and part of lot numbered twenty-four. (St.) insquare numbered four hundrod and ninetv-one,(491.) begiiinintf for the aamrat the ?iorthea«t angleof said lot cumbered twenty-four. (24.) and runningsouth twenty-thr* e (2*; feet thre*4 <:J) «i-hes. t hencewest thirty-si\ (36) feet, thence northwestwardlythirty (30) feet threp (3) inches, i!ien-'A northw«-t-wardly thirty-six (36) feet thre»-fo»irtha (V ) of mtinch, thence northwestwardly iive (.'ji (fi t three (3)inches, thence north eleven (tt > ?>"«". thence ea^tone hundred and tw.-nty-tive (1113) feet, to the be-gitibing. a>. the sa^ie are known, marked an.i dis¬til: gui-bed on the grt und [)la! aad pis:isof the cityaj.fi county of Wasliington. Dislrict of Columbia,recorded iu the )and recordsof ssid District, to¬gether wi-.h the improvements, buiidinta, rights,privileges, appurtenances and other hereditamentsto thir fame hfjuupng or in ar.y wise appertaining,and all the right, title, interest and estate of Corneliu> B'.yle thf rem, have been seized by the Mar¬shal of the United Siatet- for the District of Colum¬bia bv virtue of an act of Congress approved on theseventeenth dav of Juiv. inthevearot our l.ord onethousand eight hundred and sixty-two, entitled" An act at-l to suppress insurrection, to punish

1 treason s.nd rebellion, to seL.e and confiscate th'-j property of rebels, and for ether purpose ."And whereas the United States Attorney tor heDistrict ofCulumMn, did on the 251.6 day of ApriK 4.D. 18KS, file an Information in this Court, prayinjthe cor-deninsTion of >aid property and real estateur.der the act aforesaid, and tnst pro^a»<( of moni-tlon i-'sue agsinsr the owner and «.>\v»# - of saidproperty ant real estate, and all persoua interestedor c»aiming an interest therein, warning them, atsome early day. to appear and ans-.vcr said Informa¬tion. It is therefore, ua this 2^5th day of April, inthe year of our Lord one thousand oiir'nt hundredand sixty-three, ord. red tha! notice be given tothe owner or owners of said property anc real es¬tate. anrt all persons interested or claiming An iuterest therein to appear and auf.wor this Informn-tion on the tirst Monday of June, lsu, and showcan»c. if any they have, why said property aa.l realestate, and thv right, title and interest of the said(."orneiius Boyle therein, should not becondemuoJar.d :*o 1 *f r.ccordit)!? to lav.; and that notice be givenby posting a copy of this order on the front door ofthe court-house of the District of Columbia, andhy publication in the Evening Star twice a w.-kpreviously to said first Monday of June, 1H63, thetirst publication to be un or before the tliirtieUiday of A pri!. If63.By order of .he Court. April 25, 1863.

Test: II. J. MKic.s. Clerk.ap2f'-?awtJel Copy.Teat: R J. MKIQ.-', C';;


r*. V In Admiralty.Cargo of W\nku> Cof^e, to.\Whereas the said cargo was captured a prize by

the officers and crew of the United Ptates flotillaand brouMht into the port of Washington, Diftriotof Columbia, and brought within the inriisdictionof aaia Court, and on tha 2d day of M*rch, 1«6J, alibel was filed in said Court by the United StatesAttorney for said District praying the condemna¬tion of Eaid cargo, aud that mouition and attach¬ment issue against the cargo and the ownera there¬of. and all persons interested or claiming an inter-ett therein, warning them at some early day toappear and Answer said liDel: It is t-herefore or¬dered by this Court, in admiralty sitt^nir, this 31stda? of March, 1863. that notice be given to the own¬ers of said cargo and all persona interested orelaiir.iHg an interest therein to appear and answerthia libel on the first Monday of May, 1863, andshow caufe, ifany tfcey have why said cargo shouldnot be condemned and aold according to law; andthat said notice b« given by po?ting a copy or thiaorder upon the front doorol the Court House ofxaid District, and by publication in the EveningStar twice a week previous to said first Monday ofMay. 1963, the first publication to be on or beforethe flrat Mondav of April 1963.

By order of the Court.Test: B. J. MEIGS,Clerk.

Copy.Teat :.R. J. MEIGS. Clerk._ ap 4 *aw


vs. I207 Cafes ofMr Ik Drink, part} I* ADirr»ALTV,cf the rnrjo nf the schooner |Tho. C. Worrell. jWhereas, thp said VO tisea of milk drink were, jon the 24th of February, 1963, seized for violation

of the Revenue Law of the United States and !brought within the Jurisdiction of thij Court, audon the M6ond of March, 1863, a Libel waa filed bythe United State* Attorney for the District of Co-lnmbia, in this Court, praying the condemnation 1of said cases of milk drink, and that proce?e of '

monition and attachment i»rA5 a2*ill*t said casesof milk drink and tne ownera thereof, and all per¬sona interested or claiming an interest therein,warning them at some early day to appear and an¬swer taid Libel: It ia therefore ordered by thisConrt. in Admiralty sitting, this first day of April,1863, that notice be given to the owners of aaiacases of milk drink and all persona interested orclaiming an intereat therein to appear and answerthis Libel on the tirst Monday of May. iau3, andshow cause. If any they have, why said easea ofmilk drink shenld not be condemned and aold ac-cording to law, and that said notice be given byposting a copy of this order upon the front door o*the Court Bouse of said Dittriat, and bv publication in the Evening Star twic? a waek previous tosaid first Monday in May, the first publication tobe on or before the second Monday of April, lt<3.

By order 0/ tha Court:Tett: R. J. MBIG8, Clerk.

Copy.1TestB. J MUGS. Clerk. ap4fawisirict court of the united statesFOB THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.

Vnittd Slates

TKt Schooner *Etmly Murray 1lK Ad*irai***.

and Cargo. jWhereas, the said schooner Emily Murray and

aargo Tore captured as prise by the officers andcraw ot tha U. B. steamer Coeur de Lion, attMhedto the Potomae flotilla, and brought into the portof Washington, District of Columbia, and Wroughtwithin the jurisdiction of said Court, and on the23d day of February, 1863, a libel waa filed in eaidCourt, by the United States Attorney for the Dis-trlct of Columbia,-praying the condemnation ofsaid sebooner aad eargo.and that process of meai-tion and attachment issue against aaid schooner 1and cargo, and the owners thereof, and all personainterested or claiming an interest therein, warningthem at some early day to appear and answer saidlibel: It is therefore ordered by this Court, in ad-miralty sitting, this 1st day of April,1883,thai noticebe given to the owners of said schooner and cargo,and all persons interested or claiming Intereattherein, to appear and answer this libel on the 1stMonday of May, 1863, and shew cause, if any theyhave,why said schooner aad cargo should not beaondMtnod and sold aeeordlngto law, and that saidnotice be given by posting a copy of this order uponthe front door of the court house of said District,and bp publication in the Bvening Star twice a weekprevious to said 1st Monday in May, the first pvbli.cation to be on or before the 1st Monday of April,IMS. By order of tin Court. * *

_ Test: R. J. MEIGS,Clerk.True oojy-Teet.-.E. J. MEIG8,,Clerk. a»g-law

JgT&lOTLT PURE^OALIFORNIA WINIS AND8ol« agents for the District of Columbia for the

sale of Messra. sohler k Erohling's pure CalifoT-aia Wtaee aad Brandies. The following are oar


& PBRRIB. Sole Agents,oorner 9th and E streets.



JEUNKS? .. dk:




L. BEILBBCN ft 00 *50d Sevanth st:,betweenD

Under Odd fellows']

fNo. 693.1By tiijs president ok tiik united

STATES.In pnrstjanee of It*, I. Abraham Liwcoi.*.

Presiden" of the United Hta'esof America, 4opy rte< 'are and make known thatpr.Mie e*l*wiiibe hel.l at the undermentioned La id Onioea in t

TERRITORY OF WASHING TON. and th«^TATK3efMI 11IGAN :.nd KAN8AS, at the period herein¬after designated, to wit:


iug «u MuU'l&y. the third (3d) day of -S'ifn-for the disposal « fthe puMic J*!"1* i"!£^iS1^f «ndoffered, situated in the following townships andpart* of townnhipa, vit: \<fiorik tf iJu bat* hn« and *<ut*i/ '** Wtttmnuu*

Fractional township 5"nori* of' Oolumbiari,including aH ot Vancouver Islandtern extremity; townships 3, 4. .i,?-, TIV^T¦Fractional townships Tnorth of Ootai .hia rivpt

township* 2.3, and '; »e«Uons 13J4,and IJMJidsaetions 77 to SC, inclnstve. ef town:sn _.

Fractional township 1. north o. H^ilti^n«iitn ?i'township!; sections 4 l«9.inchisive, sections 17 to 21,Inclusive, and heetion* 23 tc ^S'vnf I^tT^nship 3; »eetioBi« 1 to 7. inclusive;!the N ft of secti mI, the N ftof section the N ft "f eeetion HI, w c-

tfons 11 and 12: the 8 ft of wrtiou 17; sections 18 to30, ixelusi*- and B^ctioui* 2JI to -O. inclusive, oftownship 4; sections 1 2; -tbe? ^. Jtf j'!1.1 ithr 8 ft of Jection »; the 8 ^ of section 9; the S ft ofsection K>; sections 11 to 15 inclusive; and section*17 t«? as. inclusive, of townahip 5, of rnuge 3Fractional township 1, north of Columbia river;

auctions 13,14. and 15. and sections 17 te 35, inclu¬sive. of township 2. or range 4.Fractional township 1, north of Columbia river;

lections 17 to 21, inclusive, and sections 23 to 35, in¬clusive, of township 2, of range 5.Fractional township 1, north - r rSlumbia river:

sections 22, 25, 26, 27, M and .. , <".! township 2, orran^e 6.Sections I, 2, 11.12, 14, 15 20, 21, 22. 29 JO, and lot

1, of section 31, of township 2, of rar.ge7.Fractional township 2 north of Columbia river;

ef range 12.Fractional township 2, north and cast jl Columbia

liver;and townships, of ranire J3.Fractional township 2, nortli of Columbia river;

Including Babbit island; and township 3, of range14.Fractional township 2 north of Columbia river;

and townships 3 and 4, of range 16.Fractional townships 2 and 3, uorth of Columbia

river, aj-'d township 4, of range 16.Township 5. of range 22.Township 5, of range 23.Township 7, ofranse 31.Tow nship 7. of range 32.Townships 7 and 8. of range 33.Township* 7, 8, and 9, of range 34.All of townships 7 and 8. except Fort Walla-W^lla

military reservations; townships !», 10, and 11, ofrange 35.Ail of township 7, except military reservations on

Mill creekjiowni-hip* 8,9, and 111,of range 36,Pectirns j to 15,5 elusive; sections 17 t>> 24, inclu¬

sive, and sections 2i to 34. inclusive,of township 7;townships R. 9, and 10. of ranee 37.Sections 1 to 8. inclusive, sections 17 to 20 inclu¬

sive and sections 29 to 32, inclusive, of tow nsliip 9,of range 53Worth of the hate line and '.res! of '.he Willamette

meridian.".otional towr shipt-2, 3, 4,5, and (5, east of Col-

o-i river; sections 6. 7. 1h 19. 30, 31, and 32, ofip 7: townships 9 and ill. of range 1.

.. ." ic al township 6, east of Columbia river;il iovr^..]north and east, of Columbia

frv section-" 1 to 15 inclusive; sec-!. ' ; n r.,)jiR?| l, 2a, inclusive; snetiouR

.j, .!,.». i ,i j; sections ! to4.inclusiv<-; sr. ii«. J elusive; sections 21 to 28,inclusive; sections 33, at and 35, of township 10, ofrange 2.

? eciions 1, 2.6,7,3, 11, 12. 13. 14, and 15; sections17 and 1H. sections20 to 27, inclusive; and fractionals« '-ti<.(!S o4 aii'i .*5, of township 8, of rang" i

Fractir.nsl township8,north of Columbia river,of range 4.fractional "ections i;t, 10, and 30, of townships, of

ri»:ig«,5Fractional township 8, north of Columbia river,

of range G.Frartior^sl t' wriKhip1', north of Columbia river;

und toM-iiShip 10. of range 10.Fract ions! township tow nship 10; and fractional

town-hips 11 and 12.01 range 11.

At the I and Office at OLYMPIA, commencine onMonday, the thirteenth (loth) day of July next, for.be disposal of the public lands heretof<>re uu-ottered, situated in the followins? townsl.'ips andparts of townships, viz :Sort)i oj Ike ba*t line and east af the Willamette

meridian.Th"' surveyed portion of tow nship 12; tow-uship 16;

fractional township 17. xoutli and w<-st of the Mis-gualiy rivtr: fractional township 13, west of the Nis-qually riveV; all of township 19, except that portioneast of Pojjet Sound and the Nisqually river, fractional townships 20. 21. and 22; tnwnxhip 23; frac¬tional townships 2-t, 25, 20 27, '£'¦! 29, JO and 31; frac¬tional t.,vrnKhip 32, except so niu'n oftownship asis covered by i'tnn's Cove military reservation;fractional township 33; fractional township Jl,sou '.h of Uereption Passage; section 1 to 15, inclu¬sive, section* 17 to 24. inclusive; sections 21, 2rf,2U,T2. 33. and 34. of township 39 ofraiiif!Part of townahip south »nd westof the Xi'qtially

river: N \ of Nf. the SE of N K \, tho N' K \oi the N W , and lots 1, 2. S. and 4, of section 35, oftownship 17; lots 1 and 2 of section 6. and fractionalseetioi-s 7 and 13. of township 3J; fraction*! town¬ship- 2 ,22. 23, 2-1, 25. 26, 27.28,30, 31. 32, and 33, frac¬tional sect ions 30 and 31 and lot- 1,2, 3.4. and 5, ofsections 32, of tow nship 34; fractional sections 1, 211.12, 13,24, 25,2i, and 32,of township 37; sections1 to 5, inclusive; sections 8 to 14, inclusive, and frac¬tional sections 17, 23, 24, and 25, of townrdiip ofrang)- 2.Fractional section* 5 and 6. of township 21; frac¬

tional townships22 and Zj; fractional township 24,east of Admiralty inlet; fractional towuship: t=>. 26,27. 28, and 30; fractional township 31. went of PortBu^ai: bay: eections 17 to 22 inclusive; lots 1.2. and3, of section 36; sections 27 to 31 inclusive, of town¬ship ,32; sections 4 to 9, inclusive: sections 17 to 21,inclusive. an«< sections Zi to 33, inclusive, of town¬ship 38. of range 3.Township 23,1";actional townships 24 , 25, 26,27, 2S,

29, and 3u, of rairge 4.

Nnrtfi of the batt line and tresl of the Willamettemeridian.

Fractional sections 1, 2, and 3. south of Cowlitzriver; lots 1 and 2. of section 4; lota 1 and 2, th- S # '4efNE ,V, tfte NW 4. and the 8 ?a, of section 5; sec¬tions 6.7. and 8; fractional sections 9 and 10, southof Cowlity river; sections 11 to 15 inclusive, and sec¬tions 17 to 35. inclusive, of township 11; sections 1 to15. inclusive: sections 17 to 24, inclusive; sections2H, 29, 90. and 31, fractional seitiou Xi. north andwest of Mission claim, of township 12: township 13,16, 17, and 16: fractional townships 19,^0,21,22.25,26,and 27; all of tow nship 30. except Port Townst-ndmilitary reservation {fractional townships 31, Si,39,and 40, of ransre 1.Townships 11, 12, and 13; sections 2 to II, inclu¬

sive; sections 13. 14. and 15, and sections 17 to 35,inclusive, of'township 1-4; sections 1 to 15. inclusive;sections 17 to 21, inclusive; sections 28 to 33, inclu¬sive, of township 15; townships 16 17 and 18 fractionai townships ljl, 2o, 21. and 22: sections 25,^6,^7,34, and 35. . tovvnship25; fractional townshipsand 51, ot range 2.Township 13 and 14; sections 1 to 1.5, inclusive;sections 17 and 18; sections 22 to 27. inclusive: sec¬

tions 34 and 35. ol township L5; sections 1 to 4, inclu¬sive: sections 9 to 15, inclusive; sections 17 to 35, inelusive, of township 16; township 17; sections 1. 12,13,24, and 25, of township 18; fractional townsh ips19, 20, 21, 28, end 30; sections 80, 31, 32, of township31. of range 3.Township 13; sections 1 to 4, inclusive; sect:ons5

and 6, north of Chehalis river.-sections 9 to 15, in¬clusive; section 17; sections 19 to e5 inclusive, oftownship 15: sections li!, 19 and 25; sections 3>"> t - 35,inclusive, of township 16; townshipI9; sections! to15, inclusive; section 17; the N ii of section 18; sec¬tions 20 to 26. inclusive, and section 35, of towus.'iipXy, sections 7 to 15 inclusive; sections 17 to 35, inclu¬sive, of township 21 ^fractional township 3!i^f<ac-r J » « i vi wnuruiy *i ) uavuvum "unmy u"i ».

tional sections 22 and 23; lots 1,2, 3. and 4; the SW :4of PE ,'4 and 8 of SW L' of section 25; sections 2o,27. 28. ,'i2, 33, 3». and 35, of township 31, of range 4.Ll .a! . 1 <> « I fA 1 «» 14 r»'» <14 Of «f» 1 ?» CSections 1. 2,11, 12. 13,14, 23, 24", 25. 26, and 35, oftownship 13; section* 1, 2, 3, 4; sections 9 to 15.inclusive, sections 22 to 27, inclusive; sections34 and35,tow-n*nip 16, and fractional township 31, of range5,Sections 1 to W, inclusive, of township 17; sections

1. 12. 13. and 14; sections 22 to 35, inclusive of town¬ship 18, of range 6.Sectional to 16, inclusive,* sections 17 to 18, of

towns.hip 17; sections 1,2, 11, 12,13. and 14; sections22 to 27. inclusive; Bections34 and 33, of township 18,ofrange 7.Sections 1 to 15, inclusive; iections 17 to 24, inclu¬sive, of township 17, of rango 8.Section 1 to 15, inclusive; sections 17 to 24, inclu¬

sive, of townbhip 17; township 18. of range 9.Fractional township 13; fractional section* 1,3, 4,

5.6, 13, 22, and 23; sections 24 and 27; fractional sec¬tions 23 . 33, and 34, of township 14; fractional town¬ship 15; sections 3 to 10, inclusive; section 1>, sec¬tions 17 to 22, inclusive, and sections 77 to 35, inclu¬sive, oftownship 16; fractional township 17; sections1. 2, and 3; sections 10 to 15. inclusive; sectious 22 to1.7. inclusive; sections 34 and 35, of township 18, ofrange 10.

18; townships 19 and 2»,of rang* 11Fractional town hips 16,17, and 1%, of range 12.Lands claimed .idnr the donation laws will be

excluded from the sales.No "mineral lands," or tracts containing mineral

deposits. ar»-to be offered at the public sales, suchmineral lauds being hereby expressly excepted andexcluded from rale or other disposal pursuant t*the requirements of the aet of Congress approvedFebruary 14. 1853, entitled "An act to amend an actentitled An act to create the office of surveyor gen¬eral of the public lands ic Oregon, and to providefor the survey, and to make donations to the set¬tlers of the said public lands, approved September27,1850."

IN THE STATE OF MICHIGANAt the I-and Office at IONIA, commencing on

Monday, the thirteenth 113th) day of July n^xt, forthe disposal of the vacant lands in the evrn num¬bered sections and farts cdf sections, within the uuder-mentioned'Vrwnships, which remain to the UnitedState#, within «ix miles on each tide of the railroad"from Grand naven and Pere Marquette to Flint,and thence to Port Huron/'fubject, as required bylaw, to a minimum Oft#o dollars and fifty cent# peracre,viz:North oftki bast Hue and vest ttf th* pi innpal m -.n

dian.The N >. of SW U and 8W U of SW u of section 2;

.he N* >4 and 8 & of flection 4; section 6; the N .Si,the N S BE "i, and_ the N V.of 8_Wj.», of sectionN1 l4 and 8 Ji of section 4; section 6; thi§">* £'BE W, and theN h ofSW L'oTf

8; the k Ji, the B ft of NW y», the BW^ofNW *,and the SW of section 10; secti >n* 12,14, and 18;.the NE $7the« l: «fNW and NW ofNWof section 3>; pertions it and j4:the8K\ofNBthe >E V. and tne B of BW »t,of. secuo^ Ai;.th«DEV or NE JU an4 B ilot section 28; the S»i« of


V E Mf towa-

NE ^ o/NE JU an-1Bof Mction 28; the ii»U ofBE Vofaertiou 30; the N h, of sec.tia» 32; the«W *of NE A,, the S « of NE'^the SW !i, the « \<}BE ^ and the !» £ ofBW k, of Mftfan 84; the N Bi. of^»X,8S ofVlE of NW '4.>E v.«.f 8W i^and BW \« ofSW ?n,of section;«,of t

rh4?iE'l^nd^tye 8Hofsectio®2; the-'NE ^ ofthe»w\ofMB;^he8B\of N»* 4the*WVofhW V.andS H«f8W k, ofsection 4; th*W'ja*fsection6: the NEV of aeetion 9ltk» WM of NE Hithe E>>SB%jLd NW^oflW V,o/sectton Aine JS.75 am jjjiMi ^"uW"section 12; thewfk of* NW ja, the 8 ft of^Band the SB Sk of fTW ft*, of section M: the W ft ofNWft1 ? ft of.,NB£,&Qo<NWINndther JeL«^tf,n «;tV.Nwwkgtnvrft»»Ift,th»

wie n m. .14 01 rs in tv 01 wciron me w ^ 01 n k ,v orsection 3i, anil the E *« of NE\ef *ectiun 36, oftownship lit, ©f range 5.Th" NE >4, the NE >4 ofNW k. and 8W of NW

>*. of s«-ctien 1: the N 7. the Nw ^ of SB U . .-tad theSW >«. of section 6, of township 15: sections 2, 4 and* th/c£-K,i*' N °r ?0WJ"- S*' -4 - » N W VMV>4 of f<« )«, and B ,^a of 8W 3*, of section 8; sections10. II. 14. and IS, the N the SE V, aud the N V, 0f

, of section 20; sections ?2 ana ii- the N ,s; and

N >3 of N K V, VW~\ o? N W V . 'and h .S »<f",and 8 '* of ?w W. <>f section K; the NW ** <>f NKthe 8>a of NE,C, the NE jL of NW V.thegNW.V, and the B >«, of section 34; the N Va oTNE Jtf,the PS >4 of NB and the ftW ^4 of NW 3H, of sec¬tion ;S, of township 16, of range (.At the Land OfiW at EAST SAGINAW, commearins on Monday, the third (31) day of Augustnext, for ttte disposal of the vacant lands in the

*ren numbered section* and Mri; nf ttrtions, withinthe undermentioned townships^ which remain tothe United 8tat.es, within six miles 011 each side ofthe railroads from "'Amhoy. by llilladale and Lan¬ding, and from Grand Rapids to some ooint on ornear Traverse Bay," and ''from Grand Haven andPere Marquette to Flint, and thence to Port Hu¬ron,'1 snbject, as required by law, to a rainirrfum oftwo dollars and fifty eenta per acre vis:North of tht bast lint and east nf tht principal mt-

ridutn.The E ii of NE 3%, 8W Ji» of N1 Xi W X otVW

>4,8E>4 of NW >4, lots 5 and 6, and* * of 8R V,ofsection 4;"fractional section It): lets 5 and 6 of sec¬tion 24. of township 13; the 88 L of 8W>4 of seetioaSO; the N E !£, lots ? and 4. the »W of 8# V, andK of 8W h, of section 3"} the 8 H of If 8 Ag, 88of KW >4, lot 1: SB it. and SB V of8W V» of sectionX:; th.-N^ offcwCandSW * of8W* of aection34. of township 14, ol rtnxe 2.The NEJL and SB V ofNWJ* of section 10: the

SW >4 of IIB H of section ?»; the SE.'i of SB!*, ofsection 22; the 8 ii of NE X. E % of SE V, and NW>4« fSEJ4.vf section 34. «f township 9; fractionalsection 4. of township 12; the W H of 8E V and SW?4 of section 18: the NW !4 and W X of8W M ofsec¬tion 3>; the W J* of SW a, ana SE U ofSW of sec¬tion 78; fractional sections 30 and si, of township 13,

. W«o(i -4 . of sec-E *-«of8W

74. ar.d .sW!t, of SW J4, sf section 12; the W >i ofNE ia. SE i, of NE i.', W % ofSE V, N E VofSE'*.end E }j of?W }9. o? section 14; the NE ^4, K ^ 01NW hi ofNW>4. and lot No. 4, of section 24,of t< wn(-hip 13; the 8E ^ of NE Vi, lots 4,5. and 6,

and 8 of8E k. of seotion 10; the NK «. W % of8E ,l4. NE >4 of SE >4. arid W h. of section 12; aection14: lot* 3 and 4, and 8 fVactioual X of section Id;sertionH 2ii and 22; the N 34 of N E N W if. 8 ofSE *4, snd E li of 8W .V, pf secUon 24; sections 26

section W. of township 14; the E h of SE V, E ofSE la *nd fiW 3s» of SE %, of section 26; the N >* ofsection of township 15. of range 4.Lot 1 of section 8: fractional swtion 10 of town¬

ship 9; the E h of NE V, lots 1. 2, ^;.4nl,tth,!( E\ uf BE of section 20: the S l/z of 8E ,j of section28- the F.l.ofNE V. ^tR - and4. and EW of8EH,! of secnon 32, of township 10; the of 8W ^of section .»; the W fractional h of NEVA, the Wof K E 'n. and N E U of SE >4^'fsection 6; lot* 2. 3, 4,5 6 8 ar.d P.an<I SW .V, of BE .U. of section 8; sec¬tion 18 and fractional sedtion 2".of township U; sec¬tion 4 N % of NE and lot 1 of section 6'the NEi'nk". if NW S.K K of SE >4,W XofSW '4,and SE '< of SW >4, of section 8; the W }* of NE V,SK^ ofN E.*4 .SE'V.and W^of section lO'fractionalsection the U of NE the \\ of 188 .4,and the W fractional Ji of section 18; tbeNfrac-ticnal 1 of NW >, of section 30. of towrwhin 14; lotNo 2 P 1 ofPK'i ar.d 8W fractional A4. of section30- the E fractional part enst of Kawkawling river,the N h of SK >« and the W fractional Ji of section32, of township 15, of ranee 5.«.

IN TIIE STATE OF KAN8A8.At the Land flflice at TOI'EKA. commencing on

Mondav. the third (3d) day of August next, for thedisposal of the public lands heretofore unoff^red.situated in the following township* and parts oftownships, viz :South of tht baft lint and ta« of the sixth principal

meridian.The rmr's of townships 12.13. 14, and 15, inside of

the 8hawnee reservation, of rans:e 2n;Thepirtsof township 12. inside of Shawnee re-siTvr.tion» townships 13 and 14; and the parts oftownships 15 inside of Bhawnee reservation, otraD (r^ 2 1 .

Th<> parts of township 12 inside of Bhawnee re¬servation; townships 13 and 14; and the part oftown¬ship 15 inside of the Shawnee reservation; and theparts of townships 18.19, and 20 inside of the Miamireservation, of range 2?.

,The parts of townships 11 and 12 inside of theShawnee reservation; townships 13 and 14; ana thepart* of township 15 inside of the Shawue'y-eserva-tion. and the parts of township IS inside of theMiami ren^rvafion; t#wn«hip 19, 2n,Zl, and 22, of

rBThe parts of township 11 inside of Shawnee reser¬vation; townships 12, 13. and 14; the parts of town-^hip 15 inside the Shawnee reservation; the partsof township 18 inside of the Miami reservation;townships 19. 50. 21, and 22, of range 24The parts of township 11 inside of the hhnwne.fi

reservation: townships 12, 13, and 14; the part oftownship 15 inside of the «hawnee reservation; theparts of township 18 inside of the Miami reserva¬tion; townships 19,20,21, and 22. of ranije 26.At the Land Office at HUM BOX.DT, commencing

on Monday, the thirteenth (13th) day of July next,fur the disposal of the public lands heretofore un-offered, situated in the following townships andparts <jf townships, viz ;South of tht bast lint and tast of thi sixth princtpa

rntridmn.The parts of township 23 inside of the Miama re¬

servation, of range 22._ .The p.irts of township 23 inside the Miami reser¬

vation, of range 23.The parts ot township23 inside of the Miami re¬

servation. of range 24.... , M.The parts of township 23 mside of the Miami re-

nervation, of range 25.Lands appropriated by law for the use of schooH,

military and other purposes, or lands on which ap¬plications have been flled under the provisions ofthe Homestead law will be excluded from the salesThe offering of the above lands will be commenced

on the days appointed, and will proceed in the orderin which they are advertised, until the whole shallhave been offered, and the sales thus closed; but nosalts fhallbelvpt open hmttr than tiro\ vetks. and noprivate entrv of any of the lands will be admitteduntil after the expiration of the two weeks.Given under my hand, at the city of Washington,

this twentieth day of March, anno Domini enethousand eight'hundred and si xty-three.Bv the President: ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

i. M. 8DMUK0S,Commissioner of the General Land Office.

NOTICE T<D PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS.Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption

to any of the lands within the townships and partsof townships above enumerated, is required to estab¬lish the same to the satisfaction of the Register anaReceiver ofthe proper land office, and make paymenttherefor as soon as practicable after seeing thunotice, and before the day appointed for the com¬mencement of the public sale ofthe lands embra^xngthe tract claimed, othei wise such claim will be for¬feited. J. M. EDMUNDS

Commissioner of the General Land Office.fiott..Under the regulations of the Department,

as heretofore and now existing, no payment can bemade for advertising proclamations, except to suchpublishers as are specially muthortttd to publish bythe Commissioner of the General Land Office.ap 4-wl.1w

For the Holidays.i. h. BiniiflEE k ee.,









Together with all theLUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASON¦ Hmdi. A. M. B. A Oo. are also Sol* Proprietors«f BININGER'8 CELEBRATED

LONDON" DOCK GIN,Pat up la Quart Bottles for medicinal m*

Also, Bole Agents forOLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GIN.MTA11 aiticl-s bought at their store warranted

of the first quality, and forwarded toany »«rt ©f thesity free of expense. ,

As we intend to be perraanenthr located, we re*nieotfuUy request fainilies to give us aealL


WaBiukotos, P'0"mber. 1963.

A. M. BINTNGER A 00. hare oo connexionwithother Hocee.


OENTL*MEN>q£LOTHIN<*. mvitltmE have sow »n >lore a full stoch of (JIST'il-

litest styles, manufactured with the same dogre#

INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS,r*OF EVERY DENOMINATION;Oa»k>» had f.t alt times heseafter

AT TBB OOLLEOrOR'S 0FFICS,No.4l6d*v«^*B87»i«T, ;

Gotlector of Iattrnal far tt?'lUHIbMil' KK^UI.MATIO.N IN CHB TIMI.3





pKOFOBALB VOR HORSS8.* Osnr QtiiTiitxiETiiil Ornci,Dfpct nf Washington. tor. 18tA and O its..

_ Waa.iugmu D. C., April 38. 1863. .

fiXALXP Proposal? will be received at thin officetfltil MHSIHY. the 4th day of May, at U® clock M.. for furni^Kini the GoTiroraint with

SJWM two thousand Horse*, of the fallowing de-ription, vis:

CAVALRY.for Cavalry, lliii) obi- thousand (It# handled

Horses, frem <16) fifteen to (16) sixteen hands high,between fie* and eight year* of ace, of dark colors,v*U broken to the saddle, compactly built, and freefrom all defects.

ARTILLERY.'or Artillery, (500) fire hundred Homes, front*JO fifteen and one-half to (16) sixteen hands»gn. between fire and eight years of aire, of dark

cn.ors, tree from all defects, well broken to har¬ness, compactly bnilt, and to weigh not leas thanl.P pounds.

PROPOSALS.The fall name and post office addreee of the bid¬

der muet appear in the proposal.Ifa bid is made in the name of i Arm, the name*of all the parties mast apnear, or the bid will beconsidered aa the individual proposal of the party.igninglt.Proposals from (Msloyal partus tpill not btctn-

'%d*r«4, and an oath of allcgianoe will be requiredfrom nieces*ful bidders before signing the oeo-trect.Proposals mast specify elearly whether the bid

U for Cavalry or Artillejy Horses, and «n no castmost both be bid for on the same paper.If any bidder wishes to propose for both classes,he must forward two distinct proposals.one forea£p class, tomplete in itsM^taA having no refer¬ence to any other proposal by the saiue partyProposals most be addressed te C«l. D. H. Rook-

ir. Quartermaster D. 8. Army, Washington, D. 0.,and ahenId be plainly marked "Proposals forHorres " r

bonds equal in amonnt to half the sum to be re¬ceived on the contract. signed by the contractorand twe responsible securities, will be required of.cceaaful biddera.Bidders must be preaent in person when the bida

are opened.Blanks for bonds can be procured upon applica¬

tion being made at this office, either personally,by letter, or by telegraph

INSPECTION. DELIVERY. Ac.All Horses contracted for under tnis advertise¬

ment will be subject to a rigid inspection, and thosenot conforming to the specifications will be re¬jected.No Marts will be received.The Horses must be delivered in this eity, within

twenty days from the date of the oontract.Payment te be made upon the completion of the

contract, or so soon thereafter aa the Chief Quar¬tet master shall 1 e m f undsLThe CAVALRY Horaes will be .awarded in lqiaof (2*K)) two hundred ea#h, and the ARTILLERY

Horses in lots of (251') two hundred and fifty eaih,unless the Chief Quartermaster should deem it forthe interest ofthe Government to vary the number.The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the

right to reject any or all bids that he may deem toohigh. D. H. RUCR1R,ap 28 6t Colonel and Chief Quartermaster.


Prop'baL8 will be received by the underiigneduntil the 10th day of May next, for repairing andpainting the saloon in the old portion of the PatentOffice Building, making cases. Ac.PprciOtationH can be seen at this office.For "repairing srd painting'' bids can be made

for work by the day. or for the Job.ap2l-td D. P. HOLLOWAY, Commiss'oner.PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED Af^THE* Mayor's office i .itil .Saturday. 9th May. at 12o'olock M., for the erection of an Engine Huiise,fortheuse ofthe Metropolitan Hook and LadderCompany, in accordance with plans and specifica¬tions on file in the Mayor's Onice, which maybeseen from and after this day.


Board of Aldermen.CHA8. H. UTBRMEHLEtCommon Council.

ap29-dtd (Intel., Rep. & Chron.)R0P08AL WILL BE RECEIVED at the Mayor'sOffice nntil 12o'clock M. on Monday, the 4th

of May for grading ind gravelling L street north,from Fourth t«< Fif; i street west.Bidders will state the price per cubic yard for

giad ing, and square yard for graveling.The gr&vtl mu-t be nine inches in depth in the

center tapering to four inche» at the aides, afterwhich to l»e thoroughly raked and rolled.No part of the appropriation will be paid except

upon the certificate o' the Commissioners that thework baa been properly executed.

WM. DOUGLAS.Commissioner of the Fourth Ward,


ap29-St Assistant Commissioners.DEPOT QCARTKRM ASTER'3 OFFICE.

Corner Eizhtunth and G streets.W ashi:sgto.\. D. C., April 28,1863.

Proposals Will be received at this office untilTUESDAY. May 5, at 12 o'clock, for one Worthington Steam Pump (No. 2.) similar to the one now inuse at Monnt Pleasant U. S. Hospital, and thenecessary pipes and plumbing to carry the waterfrom the pump honse at Mount Pleasant Hospitalto the tank in the center of Carver U. 8. Hospitalfn unds, and for distributing the same to theitchens.Plan and specificntions can be seen at Carver

Hospital on Saturday, May 2, between the hours of12 and 2 p, m.Proposals must be addressed to Captain E. E,

Camp. Assistant Qaarteribaster, U. 8. Army, andtbeuld be plainly marled "Proposals for Plumbingat Carver fj. 8. Hospital." E. £ CAMP,ap29-5t Captain and A. U. M.

M~~ AYOR'S OFFIC IT,Apr?!., WS3.

Proposals will be received at the Mayor's Officenntil 12 m. Saturday. May 9th, for grading andgraveling Ninth street went frouiG to N sts. nor h,under Acts approved 30th May and 9th Nov., 1C82.The gravel must be nine inches in depth in the

center, and tapering to four inches at the sides;and the street, after being graded and graveled tothe entire satisfaction of the Cominis'iocer of theWard and Assistant Commissioners, shall be thor¬oughly raked and rolledBidders must state the price per cubic yard for

grading and per square yard for graveling.No part of the appropriation will be paid exceptupon the certificate of the Commissioners ihit thework is properly done. JNO. T. GARNER.

Commissioner Third Ward.THOMAS LEWIS,q W DRAINS

ap27-10t [Int., Cbron. A Rep.] A-st Coni'rs.A UARTEKMASTER GENERAL'8 OFFICE.VjL Wabhisqtok Citt, March 19.1863.Owners of steam vessels are invited to send to the

Siartftrmaster General'a Office tenders for theirarter or sale.Tenders should contain descriptions of the

vessels, their dimensions, enrolled or registeredtonnage, aetnal carrying capacity, material,whether coppered, whether side-wneel or pro¬pellers , whether iron or copper fastened, sixe andpower of engines and boilers; and should state theprice at which they are offered for long or shorteh arter .with the estimated value of the vessel inease of loss, or in case the Government shouldprefer to purchase instead ef chartering.Owners ef steam vessels already in the service of

the Quartermaster's Department are requested tomake known to the Department any redaction intheir present rates which they may be willing togrant, and also the priee at which they will bewilling to sell them.All such tenders should be addressed to the

Suarteraiaster General of the United States, atWashington, and ahould be endorsed "Proposals

for charter o: sale of steamers."When received, they will be considered, and the

Department will endeavor to reduce the heavyexpense attending army transportation upon theocean and tide-watera, by substituting, wherever iteando so, cheaper vessels of equal capacity forihose new employed. M. 0. METUS,mar 233m Quartermaster General.

PROPOSALS FOR HAY, STRAW, AND GRAINAssistant QcartehmastirV Office,Forokt JMpartment. Cor. O and 2id street.*,

_Washihgtoh, D. C, April 16,1863 ,^Wsjttkh Proposals are invited for furnishingHAY, STBAW, OATS, and CORN, for the uae e?this Depot, to be delivered at the Railroad Depot,or atany of the Government wharves In this city.The proposals to be he dressed to the undersigned, and they should state the quantity ofeach article offered, also the prize and the datedelivery.Proposala will ba received for five thousand

(5,000) bnshels of Cora or Oats, and fifty (5») tons ofHay or Straw, and upwards, unless it should be fortbe interest of the Government to contract for aless amount.All grain to be pnt ap in good racks, ofabout two

(S) bushels each, which are to be furnished at thecost cf the contracter.Tne Hav and Straw to be securely baled.All Oral a and Hay offered to be subject to a rigidinspection by the Goverment Inspector.Contracts will be awarded from time to time to

tbe lowest responsible bidders, as the intertstsofthe servlcqpmay requi-e. Good security will berequired for the faithful fulfillment ofany contractmade under this advertisement.Payment to be made at the completion of the

contract. 8. L. BROWN,ap 17-3m Captain and A. Q. M. U. B. A.

A PIANOS.NEW Assortment of Steinway Sc Son's Pianos

has been received to-day. These l'ianos_-^^^are admitted by all musicians to be supe-||aSSBrior to all others. The first premiam has* II l» .always been awarded to Steinway A Sons, whereverand whenever they have come in competition withothers.as at the World's Fair in Loudon, of la*tyear, and all exhibitiens in this country.Several second hand Pianos for sale upon easy

terms, at the warerooms ofW. G. MSTZEROTT.

ap 10 corner of Pa. a*, and llth street.

TFINE horses. , 4HE 8nbseriber is constantly in Peceipt of *eryfine HORSES for sale, single and matched, -harness and riding horses. They are se¬lected b> himself at the North expresslyfor this market, and some among them cannot Sailto please any one Who wishes te purchase nuchstock He will sell them low for eish, and respect¬fully invitee all who want either Buggy Oarriage,Draft or Riding Horses to give him a call atfiiipales and exchange stables, on Louisiana avenae,oath 'side, between dth and 7th ate

_mra_mar 7-tf JOB L HEI8B.


wholesale and retail, at No. 334 D street, nearTenth street.

ap3-eolm* B. FK^NFB.IJ0W TO BAVJ YOUR MONEY .Call at IhfA Central Hotel, on the European plan, 3.W. cor.ner Pa. av. and 6th st > where comfortable lodging*can be had at AO cents per day. The Restaurant aVtaohed to thehotel hasbeen most handsomely fittedup. regard leca of expeDse, where ak the delicacies,ana mnstantials ofthemarkst* can he had. in everyirtjrle, at allhoars, with promptness. Bill of far*

***H. D. &Xtjg¥oH,vPr<7»rfcto*,


The undersigned would moat respectfully infakii frlesds,wl the Trade itMnllr, tk«t kit la m«prepared to offer on* of the flneat Sprint Stocks of

READY-MADS CLOTHINGever offerea la thia city. Ha nasuiee those la van*of » stock that they will do well to five him ft eftll.

Bespeet'ully. B HBRZBBRG,Me. 8 Mftrket Bpaee, next to eoraer of

Baltimore street.Baltimore, Mftreh, BUB. mar IStm*U U B B A H FOB 8MITHI1

460 8BVINTH STRUT.Ho U aellinc Isamenae Barfaias b


For ft few days more we wiH offer oar lmmcne*¦took ftt froftt hftrfftisa to make room for oar

SPRING STOCK,To those ia w»nt wo ftftT, now ia the time to hay,

Remember that SMITH'S U Headfuartera bfClothin,.480 Seventh atrcet, tvo doors abort fBruce ft Co.'a. J. H. SMITH, Olothlor,

Ho. 466 Seventh meet,mar IT and eorner »th «t. and Pa. a*M


Ia order to reduee oar present stock we hareREDUCED THB PRIOB OF OUB CLOTHIWGand are *ow selling off at rapid ratee.The people find that.

J. BRUOB & OO.'fllathe place to bay


LOW RATES!Call and secure aoma of the Great Barrtflna now

offered at No. 464 BBYENTH 8TftEET. two door»below Smith's. J. BRUCB ft 00.,mar 17 Clothiers. 464 Seventh at., near F.rklSOHABGED SOLDIER8

Lr are all invited to oaH atSMITH'S,

Ho. 460 Bmiri Stiiit,Opposite City PoH Qfiu,

and get their. CLOTHING

AT LESS THAN NBW YORK PRICKS.Soldiers can raly on Fair Dealing at



mar 17


lYl BW OOODS I NBW GOODS!i>i NBW GOODS IWill open this day a magnificent stock of POINT


a large stock of rteel. JetandToituise Shell BAR-CROPS, PINS and BELT 0LABl»8, PORTEMON-NAIE8, FANS. Ac., Ac .which will be sold atTerr low prices, at WM. WEINBERG'S,

apis IS Market Space.GREAT BARGAINS


DRY 0*0 O D S,~

At 324 Pa. avenue, between Oth and 10<A ju.The balance of the DRY GOODS stock at CHA8.

L. LOCKWOOD'S (formerly John B. 01igett}mustbe closed ont by the Is: of M»y, in order to makoroom for a large stock of GENTLEMENS FUR¬NISHING GOODS.Great bargains in DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS,

ftc. Alflo.alarge assortment of HOSIERY. OOT-T0N8 and WHITE GOO*>8, at leu than wholesale-prices. ap 11 2w

EMBROIDERIES.A splendid assortment justreceived at 8. ft W MKYEN8KRG.

4(« Market Spaee, betw 7th and

(PLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, NEWO YORK MILLS, WAM8UTTA and other va ua-ble fabrics, at manufacturers' prices. Also. IrinUSHIRTING LINEN, very lew^atS. A W. MEYENBBRG'8,

48 Market Space, between 7th and 3th sta.,mar 28 Under the Avenue House.



Brwui 9th A 10th Bra.,


Have Juft Received

100 CABB8




Till Wine ia pronounoed by oonnoisiteara superkxrto uy otker brand ia the market, and prom¬

inent oa the Wiae list of drst-daMMow York Hotela aad Restaurants.




Besides the above Winea, we have constantly at>

.aad ft fall supply of ftU ether well-known branda-





G H. MUMM ft 00.,fft«.

Wt" An inspection of oar stock, wbieh is bow

replete in every branch, ie respeetfolly solicited.

»-tfAUG. JOHNSO* ft. C4J,


COMB WHBBBfWky, to tke Central Hotel Rertanrant. Yh«»

Mr, that's tk* plan, for the old and powular eornerkaft been fitted up in the moat costly style, witBmarble counter*, tiled Boors, fte. Choioest b'aaiJof Lienors at tke bar ftnd every deiiaaerofthaaaa-aon ean ke .kftd ftt »U hours, intha moat cleanlymanner.at the akorteet aotlee. Prioea moderate.¦.D. OklSTON^Proarietor. Booms for privatoparti* a. Central^Hotel, 8.W. eorner of Penna av.and gthet. lapvjm*

ap 15-11 ' . Corner liffctk and B.