evening star. (washington, d.c.). 1933-12-10 [p ].the gridiron club, wives of officials who also...

. _ ...I ' SOCIETY SECTION ij---. Capitals Social 1..,^ Features for | Highlights IvOT Women | Part 3—12 Pages WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNTNO, DECEMBER 10, 1933. =s=asm MRS. HERBERT B. LUDLUM, JR., Wife of the deputy adviser to the administrator of division 1 of the National Recovery Administration.. —Harrls-Swlnc Photo. " -- t Smaller Entertainments > For Society Are Forecast After White House Lead The President and Mrs. Roosevelt Cut Reception List, but Will Invite Additional Guests to Musicales Later. THE SOCIAL season in Washington is well under way and for the next fortnight and until Ash Wednesday, there will be a con- tinuous round of parties. They are all smaller, for all Washington, if •—-not all the country, follows the lead of the White House. President and Mrs. Roosevelt have made each reception smaller, and have added to those asked for the programs after the State din- ners. thus pleasing everyone, for an in- vitation to a musicale at the White House Is one of the coveted things in Washington society. The much heralded “changes" in the arrangements for the annual reception to the diplomatic corps which Presi- dent and Mrs. Roosevelt gave Thurs- day evening were less radical than at first appeared. The only actual changes were the smaller number of guests, the reversing in the direction of the “line” of guests to be received and the serv- ing of light refreshments, which has not been done since the days of the late President Wilson. Each of these changes was for the comfort of the guests and the whole made a more de- lightful evening for all as well as eas- ing the burden of handshaking for the hosts. The guests Thursday evening numbered 1,000 and the President and Mrs. Roosevelt left the blue room just one hour and ten minutes after taking their places before the screen of palms and ferns. There was no long line moving slowly from one side of the building to the other forcing guests to walk four or five city blocks after they reached the east room. This arrange- ment in the past was necessary for the larger number of guests, that the weight on floors and walls was distributed. Smaller companies remove this neces- sity. % The annual dinner party in honor of the members of ^the Supreme Court, “beyond which there is no appeal,” will be given Thursday of this week, which will be the last of the State enter- tainments until after the New Year. First Lady’s Week Full. Mrs. Roosevelt sets a pace which is hard to follow, with her vast interest and sympathy and tireless energy. This week will be quite as full as last week for her, including the luncheon in her honor which Mrs. Dem, wife of the Secretary of War, will give Tuesday; hearing the first of Mrs. Lawrence Townsend's morning musicales Wednes- day, and the reception which the Wom- en’s National Democratic Club will give Wednesday evening in her honor. The luncheon Tuesday will be tiie third in the series of such parnes planned for her by the wives of cabinet officers and which follow a custom of some years standing. The Wednesday morning musicale arranged by Mrs. Townsend, wife of former United States Minister to Belgium and Portu- gal, Is visually attended by the First Lady, and the audiences are composed of the most prominent of the men and J women In official, diplomatic and rest* dent society of the National Capital. Many of them remain for luncheon afterward or entertain large parties. Mrs. Townsend always gives a large party in honor of the artists, Inviting, whan they are foreigners, the diplo- matic representatives of their countries. The Minister of Slam and Princess Damras will give a reception tomorrow afternoon in the legation to celebrate Siamese Constitution day. Princess Damras, the only princess listed In the diplomatic list today, is an interesting figure in her European dress, and the guests tomorrow will include members of the diplomatic corps, officials and a small number from resident circles. Debutantes Active. The debutantes have not as yet re- linquished the center of the social stage, although the official entertain- ments are edging them “back stage.” The buds, however, will have a "curtain call” during the Christmas holidays, when more than one, home from college, will make her formal bow and return to her studies early in January. "Each day one or more are presented at tea or dance, and there are Innumerable smaller and more informal parties planned for them In addition. Many of the debutantes will attend the first of the Washington Bachelors’ Cotillion tomorrow evening at the May- flower, when Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of the President, will be In the company to see her kinswoman, Miss Eleanor Roosevelt, debutante daughter of Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Henry Latrobe Roosevelt, dance with Gen. William E. Horton when he leads the figures. The Assistant Secre- tary is chairman of the Floor Com- mittee, and Mrs. Roosevelt will receive, assisted by Mrs. Curtis B. Dali, daugh- ter of the President, and Mrs. Donner Roosevelt of Philadelphia. Third Annual Holiday Sub-Debutante Dance The third annual sub-debutante dance will be held at the Shoreham Friday. December 29, at 10 o’clock, under the patronage of Mrs. R. Wilmer Bolling, Mrs. Hayne Ellis, Mrs. John S. Flannery, Mrs. Thomas L. Good, Mrs. Rudolph Max Kauffman q, Mrs. Clyde Kelly, Mrs. Royal T. McKenna, Mrs. Lloyd Burns Magruder and Mrs. William E. Pearson. The dance Is to be given for the younger girls and boys home from schools and colleges during the Christmas holiday and belongs en- tirely to them. The dance Is under the direction of Mrs. Helen Ray Hagner. Senora de Alfara to Be Honor Guest at Luncheon Senora de Alfaro, wife of the Minister of Panama, will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. Sher- idan O’Connell and her sister. Miss Julia Teresa Sheridan, Wednesday fol- lowing Mrs. Iawrence Townsend’s MRS. CHARLES E. PYNCHON, Wife of the assistant director of the housing division of th« Public Works Administration. ■yPndenrood Photo. MRS. WILLIAM E. BORAH, Who, with Senator Borah, is at their apartment * at 2101 Conn. ave. for the Winter. —Heuler-Henderion Photo. Mrs. Roosevelt Hostess To 250 Women Guests At White House Party Wives of Members of Grid- iron Club Are Among Those Entertained. Ml .A While President Roosevelt attended the Gridiron dinner last evening at the Willard, Mrs. Roosevelt was hostess at a delightful party at the White House, entertaining the wives of members of the Gridiron Club, wives of officials who also were guests of that club, and the women officials, who because of the rule that the Gridiron dinner is a stag affair were not included on the invita- tion list. The First Lady also had with her the teachers from the Todhunter School in New York, who are in Wash- ington, and the newspaper women who “cover" her oress conferences. The Todhunter School instructors were guests at dinner earlier in the evening (Continued on Page 4, Column 3.) Japanese Charge d'Affaires Will Entertain1 at Dinner The charge d’affaires of Japan and Mme. Taketoml will entertain at din- ner Thursday evening in the embassy, when the ranking guests will be the Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr and Dr. Stanley Horn- back, chief of the Far-Eastern Division of the State Department, v_- Death Brings Canceling Of Social Engagements Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. May Observe Mourning for Passing of Latter's Father* Member of French Senate. The Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. May have canceled their social engagements because of the death of Mme. May’s father, M. Raphael Georges Levy. M. Levy was an eminent author- ity on political economy and a member of the French Senate and in 1926 held the position of the president of the Institute de France. The Ambassador of Italy, Signor Au- gusto Rosso, will be host at the embassy tomorrow evening and again Tuesday evening. The Ambassador of France and Mme. de Laboulaye win entertain at dinner tomorrow evening in compliment to the Acting Secretary of State and Mra. Wil- liam Phillips. The Ambassador of Germany, Herr Hans Luther, will entertain at a small informal dinner Wednesday evening In the embassy in honor of Frau Kappel, who will give a program at Mm. I*w- rence Townsend’s morning musicals at the Mayflower Wednesday morning. The Minister of' ^enmark, lit. Otto Wadsted, will be Joined at the legation In about a week by Mine. Wadsted and their infant son, who are at Garfield Hospital. The Minister of Czechoslovakia and Mme. Veverka will be hosts to a small (Continued on Page 6, Column 4.) The Misses Moore Receive In Fairfax Home Today The Misses MOore, sisters of the As- sistant Secretary of state, Mr. R. Wal- ton Moore, will be at home this after- noon In their home In Palrfax, Va., when they win be assisted by Mrs. Wil- liam Earle, Mrs. R. B. Maxwell, Mrs. Beattie MOore, Mrs. IVancis Miller, lbs. George Robey, Mrs. Carey Brown, Mrs. P. S. McGandlish and Mrs. Charles T. Ho was. Miss Mary Walton MOCandUsh has returned to her studies at Sweet Briar Collage, having earns to attend the dip- lomatic reception with bar unde, Rep- resentative Moore. __ -Mile. Nella Veverka .Will Be Honor Guest Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman Will Entertain Party of Debutantes. < Mile. Nella Veverka, debutante daugh- ter of the Minister of Czechoslovakia and Mme. Veverka, will be the guest in whose honor Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman will entertain at lunch- eon today at the National Woman’s Country Club. There will be about 26 in the company, including debutantes of the season and their escorts. Miss Junia Culbertson,. daughter of the former United States Ambassador to Chile and Mrs. William S. Culbert- son, entertained at dinner last eve- ning when her guests were Miss Helen Walker, Miss Elizabeth Brawner. mi« Laura Tuokeraan. Miss Betty Shouse, Miss Frances Brooks, Miss Frances Vir- tContinued on Page 6, Column 1.) Secretary and Mrs. Roper Hosts at Luncheon Today The Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Daniel C. Roper will entertain infor- mally at luncheon today in their home on Woodland drive. —crstary and Mrs. Roper-have with for tho week and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David R. Carolina. MRS. KENNETH SIMPSON, Who, with Mr. Simpson, deputy administrator of division 1 of the National Recovery Administration, has come to Washington for the season. —H*rrli-Jhrtn* Photo. Mrs. Dem to Entertain In Honor of First Lady Number of Out-of-Town Guests Will Come to Capital for Affair—Miss Betsy Dern to Return Tomorrow. I The Secretary of War and Mrs. George H. Dem will be Joined tomor- row by their debutante daughter. Miss Betsy Dem, who, with Miss Virginia McCaslln of Memphis, Tenn., is spend- ing the week end with Mrs. Thomas W. Murrell in her home, Westly, in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Dem will entertain at luncheon Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Roosevelt. A number of out-of-town guests will come to the Capital especially for the lunch- eon. The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Harold L. Ickes had with them for some time their daughter, Mrs. Requa Bryant, who returned to her hpme in Evanston, 111., yesterday. Mrs. Ickes plans to remain in Washington until her duties as member of the Illi- nois State Legislature call her to Springfield. Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia Is at the Willard and will stay for a short visit Senator and Mrs. A. H. Vsndenberg of Michigan are in Washington and are staying at the Willard^ Senator Vanden- berg came for the Gridiron dinner at the Willard last night Representative and Mrs. Frank H. Buck of Vacaville, Calif., with their daughter. Miss Margaret A. Buck, came East last week and are in their apart- ment at the Wardman Park Hotel for the season. Representative John H. Overton of Louisiana is in the city for several days and Is staying at the Willard. Hie director of the budget and Mrs. I^wlf H. Douglas are guests over Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Amory Perkins In their country home near Middleburg. The First Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral and Mrs. Joseph O’Mahoney are In Boston for the week end and will re- turn to their apartment In Wardman Park Hotel tomorrow. Mr. O’Mahoney went to address the Clover Club of Boston. The chief of naval operations and Mrs. William H. Standley will return this morning from Annapolis, where they went yesterday and are guests of the superintendent of the Naval Acad- emy and Mix. Hart. Hw major general aommaadant of the Marins Corps and Mrs. Ben H. Fuller win return to their quarters at > Marine barracks the first of next week from Haiti, where the former went on an inspection trip. Gen. and Mrs. Fuller left Washington Thanksgiving eve and their son-in-law and daughter, Lieut, and Mrs. Chester Fordney, and their children have remained In their quarters at the barracks during their absence. The surgeon general of the Army, Maj. Gen. Robert U. Patterson, has re- turned to Washington from Fort Ben- ning, Ga„ where he went to Inspect the Infantry School from the standpoint of a medical officer. Gen. Patterson was accompanied to Fort Bennlng by Col. Haywood L. Han- sel!, who Is on leave from Panama Canal Department, and Maj. Thomas L. Gore of Maxwell Field. Following the welcoming ceremonies Monday at the (Continued on Page 4, Column 7.) Republican Women Hold Reception Wednesday The League of Republican Women will give a reception In honor of the new members, at the league’s headquar- ters on Scott Circle, Wednesday after- noon from 3:30 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Charles J. Williamson, of the new Membership Committee, will act as hostess, and will be assisted by Mrs. Frank Mondell, Mrs. Virginia White Spec!, Mrs. McNary, Mrs. Pat- rick J. Hurley, Mrs. William H. Cul- bertson. Mrs. W. D. West, Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong, Mrs. Strickland Gillian and Mrs. Whitman Cross. Those alternating at the tea will be Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Mrs. James Parker, Mrs. Adam Wyant, Mrs. Wallace Dempsey, Mrs. Walter Tucker- man. Mrs. David H. Blair, Mrs. Charles Deming, Mrs. Richard Leak, Mrs. Har- vey Wiley and Mrs. J. J. Mack. Others assisting in the dining room will In- clude Mrs. M. M. Barnard, Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. Carl Casey, Mrs. Paul Llneberger, JUrp. J. Newcomb, Mrs. James Wentz, Mrs. G. M. Stoddard, Mrs. Thad Brown, Mrs. Lindsay Russell. Mrs. Cabot Stevens and Mrs. William N. Sleet. Mrs. Clarence J. Hendrickson will speak at the league's headquarters on Scott Circle, Friday morning at 11:30 o’clock on “District Home Economics.” Ihls will be followed by general dis- cussion. The tea r4om will be open on that day from 13:30 to 3 o'clock, for the members and their friends who care to luncheon. _j| ^

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Page 1: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.). 1933-12-10 [p ].the Gridiron Club, wives of officials who also were guests of that club, and the women officials, who because of the rule that the

„ . „ _ ...I ' SOCIETY SECTION ij---. Capitals Social 1..,^ Features for |

Highlights IvOT Women | Part 3—12 Pages WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNTNO, DECEMBER 10, 1933.


MRS. HERBERT B. LUDLUM, JR., Wife of the deputy adviser to the administrator of division 1

of the National Recovery Administration.. —Harrls-Swlnc Photo.

" --


Smaller Entertainments >

For Society Are Forecast After White House Lead

The President and Mrs. Roosevelt Cut Reception List, but Will Invite Additional Guests

to Musicales Later.

THE SOCIAL season in Washington

is well under way and for the next fortnight and until Ash Wednesday, there will be a con-

tinuous round of parties. They are all smaller, for all Washington, if

•—-not all the country, follows the lead of

the White House. President and Mrs.

Roosevelt have made each reception smaller, and have added to those asked for the programs after the State din-

ners. thus pleasing everyone, for an in-

vitation to a musicale at the White House Is one of the coveted things in Washington society.

The much heralded “changes" in the

arrangements for the annual reception to the diplomatic corps which Presi-

dent and Mrs. Roosevelt gave Thurs- day evening were less radical than at first appeared. The only actual changes were the smaller number of guests, the reversing in the direction of the “line”

of guests to be received and the serv-

ing of light refreshments, which has not been done since the days of the

late President Wilson. Each of these changes was for the comfort of the

guests and the whole made a more de-

lightful evening for all as well as eas-

ing the burden of handshaking for the

hosts. The guests Thursday evening numbered 1,000 and the President and Mrs. Roosevelt left the blue room just one hour and ten minutes after taking their places before the screen of palms and ferns. There was no long line moving slowly from one side of the building to the other forcing guests to walk four or five city blocks after they reached the east room. This arrange- ment in the past was necessary for the larger number of guests, that the weight on floors and walls was distributed. Smaller companies remove this neces-

sity. % The annual dinner party in honor of

the members of ^the Supreme Court, “beyond which there is no appeal,” will

be given Thursday of this week, which will be the last of the State enter- tainments until after the New Year.

First Lady’s Week Full. Mrs. Roosevelt sets a pace which is

hard to follow, with her vast interest and sympathy and tireless energy. This

week will be quite as full as last week for her, including the luncheon in her honor which Mrs. Dem, wife of the Secretary of War, will give Tuesday; hearing the first of Mrs. Lawrence Townsend's morning musicales Wednes- day, and the reception which the Wom- en’s National Democratic Club will give Wednesday evening in her honor.

The luncheon Tuesday will be tiie third in the series of such parnes planned for her by the wives of cabinet officers and which follow a custom of some years standing. The Wednesday morning musicale arranged by Mrs. Townsend, wife of former United States Minister to Belgium and Portu- gal, Is visually attended by the First Lady, and the audiences are composed of the most prominent of the men and

J women In official, diplomatic and rest*

dent society of the National Capital. Many of them remain for luncheon afterward or entertain large parties. Mrs. Townsend always gives a large party in honor of the artists, Inviting, whan they are foreigners, the diplo- matic representatives of their countries.

The Minister of Slam and Princess Damras will give a reception tomorrow afternoon in the legation to celebrate Siamese Constitution day. Princess

Damras, the only princess listed In the diplomatic list today, is an interesting figure in her European dress, and the guests tomorrow will include members of the diplomatic corps, officials and a

small number from resident circles.

Debutantes Active. The debutantes have not as yet re-

linquished the center of the social stage, although the official entertain- ments are edging them “back stage.” The buds, however, will have a "curtain call” during the Christmas holidays, when more than one, home from college, will make her formal bow and return to her studies early in January. "Each day one or more are presented at tea

or dance, and there are Innumerable smaller and more informal parties planned for them In addition.

Many of the debutantes will attend the first of the Washington Bachelors’ Cotillion tomorrow evening at the May- flower, when Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of the President, will be In the

company to see her kinswoman, Miss Eleanor Roosevelt, debutante daughter of Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Henry Latrobe Roosevelt, dance with Gen. William E. Horton when he

leads the figures. The Assistant Secre-

tary is chairman of the Floor Com-

mittee, and Mrs. Roosevelt will receive, assisted by Mrs. Curtis B. Dali, daugh- ter of the President, and Mrs. Donner Roosevelt of Philadelphia.

Third Annual Holiday Sub-Debutante Dance

The third annual sub-debutante dance will be held at the Shoreham

Friday. December 29, at 10 o’clock, under the patronage of Mrs. R. Wilmer Bolling, Mrs. Hayne Ellis, Mrs. John S. Flannery, Mrs. Thomas L. Good, Mrs. Rudolph Max Kauffman q, Mrs. Clyde Kelly, Mrs. Royal T. McKenna, Mrs. Lloyd Burns Magruder and Mrs. William E. Pearson. The dance Is to be given for the younger girls and boys home from schools and colleges during the Christmas holiday and belongs en-

tirely to them. The dance Is under the direction of Mrs. Helen Ray Hagner.

Senora de Alfara to Be Honor Guest at Luncheon

Senora de Alfaro, wife of the Minister of Panama, will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. Sher- idan O’Connell and her sister. Miss Julia Teresa Sheridan, Wednesday fol- lowing Mrs. Iawrence Townsend’s

MRS. CHARLES E. PYNCHON, Wife of the assistant director of the housing division of th«

Public Works Administration. ■yPndenrood Photo.

MRS. WILLIAM E. BORAH, Who, with Senator Borah, is at their apartment

* at 2101 Conn. ave. for the Winter. —Heuler-Henderion Photo.

Mrs. Roosevelt Hostess To 250 Women Guests At White House Party

Wives of Members of Grid- iron Club Are Among Those Entertained.

■ Ml .A

While President Roosevelt attended the Gridiron dinner last evening at the Willard, Mrs. Roosevelt was hostess at a delightful party at the White House, entertaining the wives of members of the Gridiron Club, wives of officials who also were guests of that club, and the women officials, who because of the rule that the Gridiron dinner is a stag affair were not included on the invita- tion list. The First Lady also had with her the teachers from the Todhunter School in New York, who are in Wash- ington, and the newspaper women who

“cover" her oress conferences. The Todhunter School instructors were

guests at dinner earlier in the evening (Continued on Page 4, Column 3.)

Japanese Charge d'Affaires Will Entertain1 at Dinner

The charge d’affaires of Japan and Mme. Taketoml will entertain at din- ner Thursday evening in the embassy, when the ranking guests will be the Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr and Dr. Stanley Horn- back, chief of the Far-Eastern Division of the State Department, v_-

Death Brings Canceling Of Social Engagements

Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. May Observe Mourning for Passing of Latter's Father*

Member of French Senate.

The Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. May have canceled their social engagements because of the death of Mme. May’s father, M. Raphael Georges Levy. M. Levy was an eminent author- ity on political economy and a member of the French Senate and in 1926 held the position of the president of the Institute de France.

The Ambassador of Italy, Signor Au- gusto Rosso, will be host at the embassy tomorrow evening and again Tuesday evening.

The Ambassador of France and Mme. de Laboulaye win entertain at dinner tomorrow evening in compliment to the Acting Secretary of State and Mra. Wil- liam Phillips.

The Ambassador of Germany, Herr Hans Luther, will entertain at a small informal dinner Wednesday evening In the embassy in honor of Frau Kappel, who will give a program at Mm. I*w- rence Townsend’s morning musicals at the Mayflower Wednesday morning.

The Minister of' ^enmark, lit. Otto

Wadsted, will be Joined at the legation In about a week by Mine. Wadsted and their infant son, who are at Garfield Hospital.

The Minister of Czechoslovakia and Mme. Veverka will be hosts to a small

(Continued on Page 6, Column 4.)

The Misses Moore Receive In Fairfax Home Today

The Misses MOore, sisters of the As- sistant Secretary of state, Mr. R. Wal- ton Moore, will be at home this after- noon In their home In Palrfax, Va., when they win be assisted by Mrs. Wil- liam Earle, Mrs. R. B. Maxwell, Mrs. Beattie MOore, Mrs. IVancis Miller, lbs.

George Robey, Mrs. Carey Brown, Mrs. P. S. McGandlish and Mrs. Charles T. Ho was.

Miss Mary Walton MOCandUsh has returned to her studies at Sweet Briar Collage, having earns to attend the dip- lomatic reception with bar unde, Rep- resentative Moore.


-Mile. Nella Veverka .Will Be Honor Guest

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman Will Entertain Party of Debutantes.

< Mile. Nella Veverka, debutante daugh-

ter of the Minister of Czechoslovakia and Mme. Veverka, will be the guest in whose honor Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman will entertain at lunch- eon today at the National Woman’s Country Club. There will be about 26 in the company, including debutantes of the season and their escorts.

Miss Junia Culbertson,. daughter of the former United States Ambassador to Chile and Mrs. William S. Culbert- son, entertained at dinner last eve-

ning when her guests were Miss Helen Walker, Miss Elizabeth Brawner. mi«

Laura Tuokeraan. Miss Betty Shouse, Miss Frances Brooks, Miss Frances Vir-

tContinued on Page 6, Column 1.)

Secretary and Mrs. Roper Hosts at Luncheon Today

The Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Daniel C. Roper will entertain infor- mally at luncheon today in their home on Woodland drive.

—crstary and Mrs. Roper-have with for tho week and their son-in-law

and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David R. Carolina.

MRS. KENNETH SIMPSON, Who, with Mr. Simpson, deputy administrator of division 1 of

the National Recovery Administration, has come to Washington for the season.

—H*rrli-Jhrtn* Photo.

Mrs. Dem to Entertain In Honor of First Lady

Number of Out-of-Town Guests Will Come to

Capital for Affair—Miss Betsy Dern to Return Tomorrow.

I The Secretary of War and Mrs.

George H. Dem will be Joined tomor- row by their debutante daughter. Miss Betsy Dem, who, with Miss Virginia McCaslln of Memphis, Tenn., is spend- ing the week end with Mrs. Thomas W. Murrell in her home, Westly, in Richmond, Va.

Mrs. Dem will entertain at luncheon Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Roosevelt. A number of out-of-town guests will come to the Capital especially for the lunch- eon.

The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Harold L. Ickes had with them for some time their daughter, Mrs. Requa Bryant, who returned to her hpme in Evanston, 111., yesterday. Mrs. Ickes plans to remain in Washington until her duties as member of the Illi- nois State Legislature call her to Springfield.

Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia Is at the Willard and will stay for a short visit

Senator and Mrs. A. H. Vsndenberg of Michigan are in Washington and are

staying at the Willard^ Senator Vanden- berg came for the Gridiron dinner at the Willard last night

Representative and Mrs. Frank H. Buck of Vacaville, Calif., with their daughter. Miss Margaret A. Buck, came East last week and are in their apart- ment at the Wardman Park Hotel for the season.

Representative John H. Overton of Louisiana is in the city for several days and Is staying at the Willard.

Hie director of the budget and Mrs. I^wlf H. Douglas are guests over Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Amory Perkins In their country home near Middleburg.

The First Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral and Mrs. Joseph O’Mahoney are In Boston for the week end and will re- turn to their apartment In Wardman Park Hotel tomorrow. Mr. O’Mahoney went to address the Clover Club of Boston.

The chief of naval operations and Mrs. William H. Standley will return this morning from Annapolis, where they went yesterday and are guests of

■ the superintendent of the Naval Acad- emy and Mix. Hart.

Hw major general aommaadant of the Marins Corps and Mrs. Ben H. Fuller win return to their quarters at >

Marine barracks the first of next week from Haiti, where the former went on an inspection trip. Gen. and Mrs. Fuller left Washington Thanksgiving eve and their son-in-law and daughter, Lieut, and Mrs. Chester Fordney, and their children have remained In their quarters at the barracks during their absence.

The surgeon general of the Army, Maj. Gen. Robert U. Patterson, has re- turned to Washington from Fort Ben- ning, Ga„ where he went to Inspect the Infantry School from the standpoint of a medical officer.

Gen. Patterson was accompanied to Fort Bennlng by Col. Haywood L. Han- sel!, who Is on leave from Panama Canal Department, and Maj. Thomas L. Gore of Maxwell Field. Following the welcoming ceremonies Monday at the

(Continued on Page 4, Column 7.)

Republican Women Hold Reception Wednesday

The League of Republican Women will give a reception In honor of the new members, at the league’s headquar- ters on Scott Circle, Wednesday after- noon from 3:30 to 6 o'clock.

Mrs. Charles J. Williamson, of the new Membership Committee, will act as hostess, and will be assisted by Mrs. Frank Mondell, Mrs. Virginia White Spec!, Mrs. McNary, Mrs. Pat- rick J. Hurley, Mrs. William H. Cul- bertson. Mrs. W. D. West, Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong, Mrs. Strickland Gillian and Mrs. Whitman Cross.

Those alternating at the tea will be Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose, Mrs. James Parker, Mrs. Adam Wyant, Mrs. Wallace Dempsey, Mrs. Walter Tucker- man. Mrs. David H. Blair, Mrs. Charles Deming, Mrs. Richard Leak, Mrs. Har- vey Wiley and Mrs. J. J. Mack. Others assisting in the dining room will In- clude Mrs. M. M. Barnard, Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. Carl Casey, Mrs. Paul Llneberger, JUrp. J. Newcomb, Mrs. James Wentz, Mrs. G. M. Stoddard, Mrs. Thad Brown, Mrs. Lindsay Russell. Mrs. Cabot Stevens and Mrs. William N. Sleet.

Mrs. Clarence J. Hendrickson will speak at the league's headquarters on

Scott Circle, Friday morning at 11:30 o’clock on “District Home Economics.” Ihls will be followed by general dis- cussion. The tea r4om will be open on that day from 13:30 to 3 o'clock, for the members and their friends who care to luncheon. _j| ^