eve bunting author study unit plan [1]

The Luck of the Irish (A study of Eve Bunting’s point of view) Created By: Krystle Bull Intended Grade level: Fourth Grade Introduction This Author Study Unit Plan focuses on the author Eve Bunting. Eve Bunting has written over a hundred children’s books and has won many awards for the outstanding children’s literature she produces. I have chosen Eve Bunting because she is an author that truly cares about her readers. She intentionally writes about as many topics as possible so she can appeal to a wide array of children. I have fallen in love with many of her books including Smoky Night and Going Home. The books that she writes are about such diverse topics, and they appeal to almost every child so it would be easy to use her as the author for a unit plan for any grade level. However, for this specific unit plan fourth grade would be best. This Unit plan will take place during the literacy block over the period of one week. Guiding Questions How has Eve Buntings past influenced her writing? Do you think where she lives and how she feels influences her writing? Do her grandchildren help her think of ideas? What other information is important to share?

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This is an author study unit plan on Eve Bunting.


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The Luck of the Irish

(A study of Eve Bunting’s point of view) Created By: Krystle Bull Intended Grade level: Fourth Grade

Introduction This Author Study Unit Plan focuses on the author Eve Bunting. Eve Bunting has

written over a hundred children’s books and has won many awards for the outstanding

children’s literature she produces. I have chosen Eve Bunting because she is an author

that truly cares about her readers. She intentionally writes about as many topics as

possible so she can appeal to a wide array of children. I have fallen in love with many of

her books including Smoky Night and Going Home. The books that she writes are about

such diverse topics, and they appeal to almost every child so it would be easy to use her

as the author for a unit plan for any grade level. However, for this specific unit plan fourth

grade would be best. This Unit plan will take place during the literacy block over the

period of one week.

Guiding Questions

How has Eve Buntings past influenced her writing?

Do you think where she lives and how she feels influences her writing?

Do her grandchildren help her think of ideas?

What other information is important to share?

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About the Author

Eve Bunting grew up in Ireland. She was Protestant and well educated. Protestant

children were not supposed to talk to Catholic children when she was growing up. Eve

Bunting says she “was aware of discrimination but didn’t know if anything could be done

about it.” Later Eve Bunting moved from Ireland to the United States with her husband

and three children because of religious and political troubles between the two

denominations. Eve Bunting in an interview said “We had it pretty hard in the beginning,”

“ At least we spoke the same language. But I do feel I’m entitled to write about migrant

workers and immigrants.” She settled in California with her husband and three children.

She became homesick and decided to enroll in a creative writing class at a nearby

college. The first book she published in America was The Two Giants, which is an old

Irish tale. Eve Bunting said she wrote this book because she thought everybody in the

world knew this tale and if they did not they should. After publishing that first book, she

began writing many more books and has not stopped ever since. Eve Bunting now has

four grandchildren and lives in Los Angeles.

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Introductory Lesson Plan: Anticipatory Set: The teacher will have 10 books (for her class of 20) displayed on a table at the front of the classroom. These books are listed in the Annotated Bibliography. Materials: The book Smoky night by Eve Bunting Lesson Procedure/ Teacher Facilitation

After the class has settled into the classroom, the teacher will raise her hand to get the students attention.

Then the teacher will stand behind the desk of books displayed.

The teacher will tell the class that they will be reading these books.

The teacher select the book Smoky Night

The teacher will gather students together and do a picture walk, then read aloud the story.

Afterwards, engage students in a group discussion by asking them some of these questions:

o “What were your impressions of the author” o “What do you think the author is like” o “Why do you think that” o “What do you think the author is interested in” o “Why do you think that” o “Where do you think the author gets their ideas from” o “Why do you think that” o “Where do you think the author comes from” o “Why do you think that”

The teacher will then tell the students that they are going to use this information in a later lesson.

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Annotated Bibliography of Authors works that will/might be used in Unit Plan: The Two Giants: Eve Buntings first book. Its focus is an Irish folktale about a boy who out smarted a giant.

Smoky Night: A young boy watches the Los Angeles riots from his window. One day the city starts to burn and everyone has to flee and find shelter. The young boy and his mother cannot find their cat. Their neighbor, whom they dislike because of cultural differences, is also missing her cat. In the end, the cats teach humans a lesson. Going Home: A Mexican-American family who visits their grandparents and cousins in a Mexican village. They watch as their parents are filled with excitement to be “home.” Market Day: A woman and a boy who walk through an Irish village on market day. This special day happens only once a month and there are many things to do and see. There are sword swallowers, fortunetellers, and animals of all kinds. Fly Away Home: A book about a young boy and his father who live at the airport. They are homeless. For many days, the young boy watches a small bird trapped in the airport. The bird is finally able to fly away home. How Many Days to America: A story of an immigrant family who flee from there home to start over. They have many troubles along their way to the new land. They finally reach the new land and are greeted with a Thanksgiving dinner. Ducky: A book about a duck that is being transported by ship to land. The duck and thousands of other toys are washed overboard. The duck cannot swim, but can float. This story is based upon real events.

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Moonstick: A Native American tale of the moons. This story is about a father and son who watch as the moons pass while marking their moonstick. Jin Woo: A little boy named Davey is going to have a new baby brother from Korea. At first, he is reluctant, but when he realizes his parents still love him, he is excited. Dandelions: A book about a family that is moving. The family settles on a prairie. Everyone adjusts except mama, who is feeling homesick and lonely. Mama is unhappy with the way her new sod house looks and feels like it is not home. Her daughter Zoë put a few of her dandelions on the roof, and soon they take root. At the end of the story, the dandelions cover the roof of the sod house. Objectives:

Students will respond/discuss some literary works by Eve Bunting Students will determine patterns (themes, characters, emotions) in literary works by Eve Bunting Students will predict/discuss the types of literary works Eve Bunting might create using background knowledge Students will discuss/determine how Eve Bunting’s life was influential in the story “the two giants.” Students will justify their predictions and ideas using the literary works and background knowledge of Eve Bunting

Sunshine State Standards: LA. The student will identify the authors’ purpose (e.g., to inform, entertain, explain) in text and how an author's perspective influences text LA. The student will identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, sequence of events) and explain how it affects meaning in text LA. The student will listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text Lesson plan 1

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Anticipatory Set: The teacher will show the students the children’s book The two giants. The teacher will say we are going to read a different kind of story today. The instructor will ask the students if they if they have ever written an essay, or made up a story about their life. The teacher will also ask if they always write about their life. Objectives: Students will predict/discuss the types of literary works Eve Bunting might create using background knowledge Students will discuss/determine how Eve Bunting’s life was influential in the story “the two giants.” Materials: 6 The two giants books (one for each group) Six sheets of paper Six pencils One expo marker One white board Assessment: In groups, students will present the predictions and answers to the questions they have come up with to the class. They will also justify their answers and predictions using the book and the background knowledge of the author. Teacher Procedure:

The teacher will ask the students if they have ever written a story about their life, or an essay about something in their life. The teacher will also ask the students if they always write about their life.

The instructor will allow a few students to respond to the question.

Then instructor will tell the students that they are going to read a book by an author that they are going to learn about.

Tell the students that they will first hear a few clues about the author’s life before they read the book.

The instructor will read the biography attached of the author to the students.

Then the instructor will hand each group of students the book “The two giants.” (The students are already in their groups)

Tell the class that each student will have a role in the group.

Tell the class the roles are writer, reader, and two thinkers.

Then tell the class to discuss amongst themselves for two minutes who will take on what role.

Then tell the class the reader from the group will now read aloud the book to their group members.

As the students are reading, the instructor will write down the things that students are to do next. These things are: discuss why Eve Bunting wrote this book.

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Discuss how her life may have influenced this book. Predict what types of themes, elements other books of Eve Bunting’s might have.

After writing, these three things on the board circulate the class to make sure every group is reading the book.

Look for groups that finish reading early and point their eyes to the board. Tell them this is what they are doing now.

As students engage in collaborative discussion look for participation from all group members, and make sure students are factoring in the background knowledge given at the beginning of the lesson.

After each group is finished reading, look at the clock and give the class fifteen minutes of discussion from that point on.

Then circulate and tell each group that the writer should be writing down the group’s ideas, and predictions.

Make sure that the groups that finished later are also using the background knowledge.

After fifteen minutes, raise your hand to halt the discussion.

Then tell the writers to keep the ideas and predictions paper because it will be useful to their group later on.

Call on one group to tell the class the predictions and answers to the questions that they came up with.

Have each group tell the class what they have brainstormed. Then tell the class that their group might have a great advantage if they were to gather some more information about Eve Bunting and some of her books. Lesson plan 2: Anticipatory set: A while you wait will be posted at the front of the classroom


Students will respond/discuss some literary works by Eve Bunting Students will determine patterns (themes, characters, emotions) in literary works by Eve Bunting

Assessment: Students will be asked numerous questions relating to Eve Bunting and her literary works. Students will be asked to respond to those questions in both group and small group discussion.

Please write down what you know about the author Eve Bunting Write down books, write down topics, etc. Try to collect as much information as possible because this will help you with today’s challenge.

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Materials: At least 10 books written by Eve Bunting (2 for each group of four students) Facilitation:

Have one student from each group of four collect two books from the table up front.

Then tell the students that they will use the information from the last two lessons to help them with their challenge.

Ask the students to read both of their books and write down as many things they notice about the books.

Tell them that they can use the questions posted on the board to guide their group discussion.

Make sure the students know that they do not have to answer all of the questions.

Tell the students to write down some things there group did find when comparing the two books. They can write down the answers to the questions etc.

Post the questions below somewhere visible such as an overhead projector or write them on the dry-erase board.

o What is the story about? o Are the two stories similar? o How can you tell they are from the same author? o Do the stories deal with the same issues? o Are the issues controversial? o Does Eve Bunting’s life influence the story? o What elements in the story are similar to Eve Bunting’s life? o What would help you analyze this information further?

While students discuss the literature, circulate the classroom listening to each group.

Make sure students are on task

Make note of things students found for further discussion

While listening to students ask them why do you think that? Can you explain that to me?

After 30 minutes of reading and discussing ask students some follow up questions:

o What did your group find out? o Did Eve Buntings life influence her work? o Did her life always influence her work? o What parts of her life influenced her writing? o Did your stories relate? o In what ways did the story relate?

Lesson 3 Anticipatory set: As students enter the room they will hear a tick-tock sound, the teacher will be standing at the front of the room waiting for all the students to sit quietly.

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Objectives: The student will research the author Eve Bunting and explain what influence her life has had on her writing. Assessment: Students will turn in a paper explaining how Eve Bunting’s life influences her literary works Materials: A computer lab Paper and pencils Facilitation:

After students have settled into their seats, tell them that they are going to do a web quest on the author they have been learning about.

Tell them that they are only allowed to go on the three websites listed and that if they stray from those other websites they will automatically reap the consequences of a zero.

Walk around the room handing each student a slip of paper with the websites listed and the paper with the information they must fill out

This paper looks like this:

The names of the websites are: o http://www.bookpage.com/9705bp/childrens/evebunting.html o http://www.friend.ly.net/users/jorban/biographies/buntingeve/index.html o http://books.google.com/books?as_auth=Eve+Bunting&sa=X&oi=print&ct=t


The author is from: __________ The author wrote many books relating to where she is from three of those books are: ___________, _____________, ______________. The author now lives in _____________. What was the author’s first book? _____________________ Why did she write it? ____ _______________________________________________________________________ When did the author start writing? ____________. How did the author feel when she first arrived in America? _________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ One book that the author wrote about was written about the riots in the town she now lives in, what is the title of that book? _______ What kinds of topics does the author like to write about?__________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ What else did you learn about the author?___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Tell the students that they are allowed to work together to find the answers. Tell them that they have 25 minutes to complete their challenge.

Walk the students to the computer lab and remind them once again that the websites you have given them have all the information they need to answer the questions. Remind them that id they stray from the website they will deal with the consequences.

Give them 25 minutes. As they work walk around the room helping students with questions and making sure that all students are able to complete the task at hand.

Make sure students are aware of the time and the task at hand

After 25 minutes, tell the students to start logging off and packing up to go.

Raise your hand until all students have stopped talking and ask them politely to line up at the door, and walk nicely to the classroom.

Then ask the students to sit quietly.

When all students are seated have the table leader for the day hand you the web quests from their table.

Ask the students if they had questions that they had trouble answering

Ask the students if they found anything they think is interesting

Ask the students if anything they found related to anything they already knew

Try to make other connections

Culminating Activity After all three lessons have, the students use what they have learned to create their own mini-book reflecting things they learned about Eve Bunting and her writing styles. Students will have to include a justification paper for their work. They will justify why and how their work reflects Eve Buntings style. They will include elements that are likely to be in Eve Buntings literary works (for example, Ireland, Los Angeles, controversial issues, immigration, morals etc.).

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Works Cited

Author Study: Improving Reading Comprehension Using Inference and Comparison. Information retrieved from http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=906 on May 29, 2008.

Cary, A. A Talk With Eve Bunting: From the Titanic to Ancient Egypt. Information retrieved from

http://www.bookpage.com/9705bp/childrens/evebunting.html on May 29, 2008 Eve Bunting. Information retrieved from http://www.friend.ly.net/users/jorban/biographies/buntingeve/index.html on MAY 29,2008

Google. Information retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?as_auth=Eve+Bunting&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title&ca d=author-navigational&hl=en on May 29, 2008.

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Florida Educator Accomplished Practice (FEAP) Reflection

By creating an original author study unit plan for students in fourth grade, I believe

I am preparing myself to become a great teacher. I believe I have progressed in many

ways. The Florida Educator Accomplished Practiced I believe I have progressed in are

planning, suiting the needs of diversity and knowledge of subject matter.

This is the first unit plan I have thus far created. I have done many individual

lesson plans and I have linked lesson plans but I have never created a unit plan based

solely upon the same concept. Through trial and error, I worked to make this unit plan

the best it could be. I revised, re-planned, and reworked this unit plan from front to back.

I gathered more knowledge and experience planning lessons. I planned activities to

engage students in learning activities and employed strategies to re-engage students

who are off task. Some of these strategies include while you waits, raising my hand to

get students attention and asking a variety of planned questions to regain students’

focus. I planned this unit and identified the performance and learning outcomes for the


I have not only progressed in planning lessons but I have also progressed my own

knowledge of subject matter. I do not remember doing an Author study unit plan in

school. I knew authors’ lives were sometimes reflected in their works, and I knew they

sometimes has a certain style and flare to their work. I think if I had done a author study

unit I would have learned more about how and why their life was sometimes reflected in

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their work. By creating a unit focusing on one author, Eve Bunting, and her literary

works I gained valuable knowledge that will help me be a better teacher. I gained

knowledge about not only this author and her works, but knowledge about the questions

I need to ask to stimulate reflective answers. I learned how closely we need to relate our

students’ writing to their own lives, experiences, passions, and likes.

Lastly, I have gained a better understanding of how to accommodate diversity in

my classroom. I selected appropriate culturally and linguistically sensitive materials for

use in the learning process. I selected Eve Bunting because I knew she would relate to

a diverse group of learners. I knew her literature would be touching, and interesting to

many. I also knew that she was qualified to write about immigration, controversial

issues, and topics that are current. I selected her books because they were multicultural

and I believe they are a valuable resource for my students. Eve Bunting’s literature can

help students see the world through other children’s eyes, and other experiences. The

literature is truly diverse in every sense.

In conclusion, I have progressed as a preprofessional educator. I have learned

many things upon completion of this unit plan. I have grown in the areas of planning,

diversity, and knowledge of subject matter. I have worked to create a unit that can and

will be used in my own classroom.