evaluation scheme & syllabus for bachelor of technology (b

MAHARISHI UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus for Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)(Computer Science) On Choice Based Credit System (Effective from the Session: 2020-21) MAHARISHI SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

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Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus for

Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)(Computer Science)


Choice Based Credit System

(Effective from the Session: 2020-21)


Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Third Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category

Course Code

Course Title


CIA Marks

ESE Marks




Core Courses

EBD-301 Data Structure using C

3-1-0 30 70 100 4



Computer Organization and Architecture







Open Elective Courses

EBE-(031- 034)








School/ Domain courses

EBE-308 Electronics Engineering 3-1-0 30 70 100 4

5 EHT-301

Technical Communication






6 EBR-301

Robotics Modules-I 2-0-0 30 70 100 2

7 EBR-351 Lab Robotics Modules –I Lab 0-0-2 20 30 50 1

9 EBD-351 Data Structure

using C Lab 0-0-2 20 30 50 1

TOTAL 220 480 700 21

Qualifying non-credit courses


Self-Development courses/ Science for Consciousness (SOC)

TBC-301 Science of being for

effective communication






Open Elective Courses EBE-(031-034) Elective*

1. EBE -031: Data Analytics 2. EBE -032: Computer Based Optimization Techniques 3. EBE -033: Internet of Things 4. EBE -034: Parallel Algorithms


Course Title: DATA STRUCTURE USING C Course Code: EBD-301 Pre-requisites, if any: C Programming, Basic Mathematics, Logical Reasoning Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to provide basic concepts of data structures and algorithms. The main goal of the course is to teach the students how to select and design data structures for algorithms that are appropriate for problems that they might encounter. This course is also to learn abstracts data types, graphs, tree and its traversal, and different searching and sorting techniques. This also provides knowledge of hashing techniques and Garbage Collection and Compaction.

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of data structure. Each student will enable themselves: 1. To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms. 2. To understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques 3. To understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs. 4. To enable them to write algorithms for solving problems with the help of fundamental data structures 5. Introduce students to data abstraction and fundamental data structures.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Use and implement appropriate data structure for the required problems using a programming language such as C/C++. CO2: Analyze step by step and develop algorithms to solve real world problems. CO3: Implementing various data structures viz. Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees and Graphs. CO4: Understand various searching & sorting techniques.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction to C++ & Introduction to Data Structures C++ Basics, Structures, Variables in C++, References,

Functions, Function Overloading, Default Values for Formal Arguments of Functions, Inline Functions.

Introduction to Classes and Objects Constructors, destructors, friend function, dynamic memory

allocation, Inheritance, Overloading, Polymorphism, Templates. Definition of data structures and abstract

data types. Static and Dynamic implementations. Examples and real-life applications, Data Structures:

Arrays, Address calculation in a single and multi-dimensional array, Sparse matrices.

Unit-2: Stacks, Queues and Lists Definition, Array based implementation of stacks, Linked List based

implementation of stacks, examples: Infix, postfix, prefix representation, Applications: Mathematical

expression Evaluation Definition: Queues & Lists: Array based implementation of Queues / Lists, Linked

List implementation of Queues / Lists, Circular implementation of Queues and Singly linked Lists, Straight

/ circular implementation of doubly linked Queues / Lists, Priority queues, Applications.

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Running time & Searching Algorithms Time Complexity, Big – Oh - notation, Running Times, Best Case,

Worst Case, Average Case, Factors depends on running time, Introduction to Recursion, Divide and

Conquer Algorithm, Evaluating time Complexity.


Straight Sequential Search, Binary Search, non –recursive Algorithms, recursive Algorithms, Indexed

Sequential Search. Definition, Hash function, Collision Resolution Techniques, Hashing Applications.

Sorting Algorithms Introduction, Sorting by exchange, selection, insertions, Bubble sort, Selection sort,

Insertion sort, Pseudo code algorithm and their C++ implementation, Efficiency of algorithms.


Sorting Algorithms Introduction, sorting by exchange, selection, insertions, Bubble sort, Selection sort,

Insertion sort, Pseudo code algorithm and their C++ implementation, Efficiency of above algorithms, Shell

sort, Performance of shell sort, Merge sort, merging of sorted arrays, the merge sort Algorithms, Quick sort

Algorithm, Analysis of Quick sort, Picking a Pivot, A partitioning strategy, Heap sort, Heap Construction,

Heap sort, bottom – up, Top– down Heap sort approach, Radix sort.

Text Book(s):

1. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd Delhi India

References: 1. Lipschutz,“Data Structures ”Schaum’s Outline Series, Tata McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBD-351 Pre-requisites, if any: Basic knowledge of C Programming, Basic Maths, Logical Reasoning is desirable

Course Description:

The course is designed to develop skills to design and analyze simple linear and nonlinear data structures. It strengthens the ability to the students to identify and apply the suitable data structure for the given real-world problem. It enables them to gain knowledge in practical applications of data structures.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the practical knowledge of data structure. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Understand and remember algorithms and its analysis procedure. 2. Introduce the concept of data structures through ADT including List, Stack, Queues. 3. To design and implement various data structure algorithms.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Select appropriate data structures as applied to specified problem definition. CO2: Implement operations like searching, insertion, and deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data structures. CO3: Students will be able to implement Linear and Non-Linear data structures. CO4: Implement appropriate sorting/searching technique for given problem

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

List of Experiments:

1. Design and Implement List data structure using i) array ii) singly linked list. 2. Design and Implement basic operations on doubly linked list. 3. Design and Implement stack using i) array ii) singly linked list 4. Design and Implement Queue using i) array ii) singly linked list 5. Design and Implement basic operations on Circular Queue 6. Design and Implement basic operations (insertion, deletion, search, findmin and findmax) on Binary

Search trees. 7. Implementation of Breadth First Search Techniques. 8. Implementation of Depth First Search Techniques. 9. Implementation of Merge Sort. 10. Implementation of Binary Search using arrays.

Text Book(s):

1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India

References: 1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill. 2. Byron Gottfried, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, McGraw-Hil

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Assessment Scheme: Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of:

o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBC-302

Pre requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course begins with an introduction to organizational Basic building block diagram of a digital computer system. As the course progresses each major block ranging from Processor to I/O will be discussed in their full architectural detail. The course talks primarily about Computer Organization and Architecture issues, Architecture of a typical Processor, Memory Organization, I/O devices and their interface and System Bus organization etc.

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of digital computer system. Each student will enable themselves: 1. Explain the organization of the classical von Neumann machine and its major functional Modules. 2. Explain how an instruction is executed in a classical von Neumann machine. 3. Provide knowledge of computer system organization and structure through instruction cycles. 4. Provide knowledge of system interconnection and the different I/O techniques. 5. Explain the basic concepts of interrupts and how interrupts are used to implement I/O control and data

transfers. Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand and analyze computer architecture and organization, computer arithmetic, and CPU design CO2: Understand I/O system and interconnection structures of computer CO3: Understand and analyze different interrupts, I/O techniques, PLDs and memory. CO4: Incorporate independent learning skills and be able to learn more about different computer architectures and hardware.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: Functional UNITs of digital system and their interconnections, buses, bus architecture, types of buses and bus arbitration. Register, bus and memory transfer. Processor organization, general registers organization, stack organization and addressing modes.

Unit-2: Arithmetic and logic UNIT: Look ahead carries adders. Multiplication: Signed operand multiplication, Booth’s algorithm and array multiplier. Floating point arithmetic operation, Arithmetic & logic UNIT design. IEEE Standard for Floating Point Numbers

Unit-3: Control UNIT: Instruction types, formats, instruction cycles and sub cycles (fetch and execute etc), micro-operations, execution of a complete instruction. Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set Computer, Pipelining, Linear and Nonlinear Pipeline Processors. Hardwire and micro programmed control: micro programmed sequencing, concept of horizontal and vertical micro-programming.

Unit-4: Memory: Basic concept and hierarchy, semiconductor RAM memories, 2D & 2 1/2D memory

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organization. ROM memories. Cache memories: concept and design issues & performance, address mapping and replacement Auxiliary memories: magnetic disk, magnetic tape and optical disks Virtual memory: concept implementation.

Unit-5: Input / Output: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, I/O ports, Interrupts: interrupt hardware, types of interrupts and exceptions. Modes of Data Transfer: Programmed I/O, interrupt initiated I/O and Direct Memory Access. Memory Hierarchy Basic and Intermediate Concepts, Serial Communication: Synchronous & asynchronous communication, standard communication interfaces.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


EBE -031: EBE -032: EBE -033: EBE -034:


Open Elective Courses

Course Title: DATA ANALYTICS Course Code: EBE-031

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course prepares students to gather, describe, and analyze data, and use advanced statistical tools to make decisions on operations, risk management, finance, marketing, etc. Analysis is done targeting economic and financial decisions in complex systems that involve multiple partners. Topics include probability, statistics, hypothesis testing, regression, clustering, decision trees, and forecasting.

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Help students learn, understand, and practice big data analytics and machine learning approaches 2. Provide knowledge of modern computing big data technologies and scaling up machine learning

techniques focusing on industry applications. 3. Conceptualization and summarization of big data and machine learning, trivial data versus big data, big

data computing technologies, machine learning techniques, and scaling up machine learning approaches Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Ability to identify the characteristics of datasets and compare the trivial data and big data for various applications. CO2: Ability to select and implement machine learning techniques and computing environment that are

suitable for the applications under consideration. CO3: Ability to solve problems associated with batch learning and online learning, and the big data characteristics such as high dimensionality, dynamically growing data and in particular scalability issues. CO4: Ability to understand and apply scaling up machine learning techniques and associated computing techniques and technologies.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Introduction and Life Cycle Introduction: Big data overview, state of the practice in Analytics- BI Vs Data

Science, Current Analytical Architecture, drivers of Big Data, Emerging Big Data Ecosystem and new

approach. Data Analytic Life Cycle: Overview, phase 1- Discovery, Phase 2- Data preparation, Phase 3-

Model Planning, Phase 4- Model Building, Phase 5- Communicate Results, Phase 6-Opearationalize. Case

Study: GINA


Basic Data Analytic Methods, Statistical Methods for Evaluation- Hypothesis testing, difference of means,

Wilcoxon rank–sum test, type 1 type 2 errors, power and sample size, ANNOVA. Advanced Analytical

Theory and Methods: Clustering- Overview, K means- Use cases, Overview of methods, determining

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number of clusters, diagnostics, reasons to choose and cautions.


Association Rules and Regression Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Association Rules-

Overview, a- priori algorithm, evaluation of candidate rules, case study-transactions in grocery store,

validation and testing, diagnostics.


Regression- linear, logistics, reasons to choose and cautions, additional regression models. Classification,

Decision trees- Overview, general algorithm, Naïve Bayes – Bayes‟ Algorithm, Naïve Bayes‟ Classifier,

smoothing, diagnostics. Diagnostics of classifiers, additional classification methods.

Text Book(s): 1. David Dietrich, Barry Hiller, “Data Science and Big Data Analytics”, EMC education services,

Wiley publications, 2012, ISBN0-07-120413-X 2. Ashutosh Nandeshwar, “Tableau Data Visualization Codebook”, Packt Publishing, ISBN 978-1-


Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE-032 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is about the well-known population-based optimization techniques developed during last three decades. This course emphasizing on the advanced optimization techniques to solve large-scale problems especially with nonlinear objective functions

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of optimization technique. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To study concepts of Population based Optimization techniques 2. To understand the mathematical foundations for various advanced optimization techniques 3. To apply the algorithms to various, inter disciplinary applications

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Optimization problems defining, understanding and classification. CO2: Formulating Linear Programming problem and similar such problems into appropriate forms and problem solving. CO3: Working with Non-Linear Programming CO4: Queuing Theory an overview and problem solving.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Linear Programming-Graphical, Simplex, Two Phase & Big M Methods, Dual Linear Programming- Dual of a Problem, Dual Simplex Method.

Unit-2: Transportation Methods- North West Corner, Least Cost, VAM Methods, Optimal Solution by Modi & Stepping Stone Method, Assignment Problem.

Unit-3: Queuing Theory, Inventory Control- EOQ, Price Break, Production Inventory Model, Lead Time, Inventory Control System,

Unit-4: Inventory Models, Network Analysis-Time Estimation, PERT and CPM, Statistical Quality Control. Game Theory, Integer and Dynamic Programming, Quadratic Programming, Goal Theory, Simulation and Forecasting Techniques, Implementation in C.

Text Book(s):

1. Rajaraman V, “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”, PHI

Reference: 1. Gerald & Wheatley, “Applied Numerical Analyses”, AV.

L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: INTERNET OF THINGS Course Code: EBE-033 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is about the interconnection and integration of the physical world and the cyber space. They are also able to design & develop IOT Devices

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical knowledge of the interconnection and integration of the physical world and the cyber space. Each student will enable themselves: 1. Able to understand the application areas of IOT 2. Able to realize the revolution of Internet in Mobile Devices, Cloud & Sensor Networks 3. Able to understand building blocks of Internet of Things and characteristics.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand the definition and significance of the Internet of Things. CO2: Discuss the architecture, operation, and business benefits of an IoT solution. CO3: Examine the potential business opportunities that IoT can uncover. CO4: Explore the relationship between IoT, cloud computing, and big data.

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction to Internet in general and Internet of Things: Introduction to Internet: layers, protocols, packets, services; Local Area Networks, MAC level, link protocols such as: point-to-point protocols, Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11, cellular Internet access, and Machine-to-Machine (M2M).

Unit-2: IoT Technology Fundamentals: IoT definitions: overview, applications, potential & challenges, and architecture; Devices and gateways, Local and wide area networking; Data management, Business processes in IoT, Everything as a Service (XaaS), IoT Analytics, Knowledge Management. Unit-3: IoT-An Architectural Overview– Building an architecture, Main design principles and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards considerations. IoT examples: Case studies, e.g. sensor body area- network and control of a smart home.

Unit-4: IoT Architecture-State of the Art – Introduction, State of the art, Architecture Reference Model Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, IoT reference Model; IoT Reference Architecture.

Text Book(s):

1. Internet of Things: A hands- on Approach by Arshdeep Bahga (Author), Vijay Madisetti (Author)

2. IOT (Internet of Things) Programming: A Simple and Fast Way of Learning IOT by David Etter References:

1. Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiaotso’s, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Aves and, Stamatis Karnowski’s, David Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New

Age of Intelligence, 1st Edition, Academic Press.

L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: PARALLEL ALGORITHM Course Code: EBE-034 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

The aim of the course is to introduce principles and design techniques of parallel algorithms and data structures for various parallel architectures. Students can apply this knowledge when they develop algorithms and implement them in parallel computers. Theoretical aspect as well as empirical development of algorithms will be emphasized.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical knowledge of design techniques of parallel algorithms and data structures for various parallel architectures. Each student will enable themselves: 1. Introduce students to conceptual frameworks for parallelism. 2. Introduce students to various problem-solving strategies to achieve parallelism. 3. Introduce students to some basic parallel algorithms.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Describe and use the main design techniques for sequential algorithms. CO2: Design, prove the correctness and analyze the computational complexity of sequential algorithms; CO3: Understand the differences among several algorithms solving the same problem and recognize which one is better under different conditions. CO4: Describe and use basic sequential algorithms.

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Sequential model, need of alternative model, parallel computational models such as PRAM, LMCC,

Hypercube, Cube Connected Cycle, Butterfly, Perfect Shuffle Computers, Tree model, Pyramid model, Fully

Connected model, PRAM-CREW, EREW models, simulation of one model from another one.


Performance Measures of Parallel Algorithms, speed-up and efficiency of PA, Cost optimality, an example of

illustrate Cost-optimal algorithms- such as summation, Min/Max on various models.


Parallel Sorting Networks, Parallel Merging Algorithms on CREW/EREW/MCC/, Parallel Sorting Networks

on CREW/EREW/MCC/, linear array


Parallel Searching Algorithm, Kth element, Kth element in X+Y on PRAM, Parallel Matrix Transportation and

Multiplication Algorithm on PRAM, MCC, Vector-Matrix Multiplication, Solution of Linear Equation, Root

finding. Graph Algorithms - Connected Graphs, search and traversal, Combinatorial Algorithms

Permutation, Combinations, Derangements.

Text Book(s):

1. M.J. Quinn, “Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computer” by Mc Graw Hill.

2. S.G. Akl, “Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms”

3. S.G. Akl,” Parallel Sorting Algorithm” by Academic Press

L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4


1. Joseph JaJa,"Parallel Algorithms" Addison-Wesley Professional, 1992. 2. Michael T. Heath, Abhiram Ranade, "Algorithms for Parallel Processing", 1/E, Springer, 1998.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE-308

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course provides the student with the fundamental skills to understand the basic of semiconductor and components like diode, transistor, FET, MOSFET and operational amplifier It will build mathematical and numerical background for design of electronics circuit & component value

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical knowledge of design, development and operation in the different area of electronics system. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Impart a basic knowledge of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, energy and frequency to understand the impact of technology in a global and societal context.

2. Provide working knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used in electrical and electronic devices.

3. To explain the working principle, construction, applications of DC machines, AC machines & measuring instruments.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Characterize semiconductors, diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers CO2: Design simple analog circuits CO3: Design simple combinational and sequential logic circuits. CO4: Understand fundamental principles of radio communication Mapping COs with POs:

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CO 4 M W S

Course Content: Unit-1: PN junction diode: Introduction of semiconductor materials; Semiconductor diode: Depletion layer, V-I characteristics, ideal and practical, diode resistance, capacitance, diode equivalent circuits, transition and diffusion capacitance, Zener diodes breakdown mechanism (Zener and avalanche). Unit-2: Diode application: Series, parallel and series, parallel diode configuration, half and full wave rectification, clippers, clampers, Zener diode as shunt regulator, voltage-multiplier circuits special purpose two terminal devices : light-emitting diodes, Varactor (Varicap) diodes, tunnel diodes, liquid crystal displays. Unit-3: Bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistor: Bipolar junction transistor: Transistor construction, operation, amplification action, common base, common emitter, common collector configuration dc biasing BJTs: operating point, fixed-bias, emitter bias, voltage-divider bias configuration. Collector feedback, emitter-follower configuration. Bias stabilization. CE, CB, CC amplifiers and AC analysis of single stage CE amplifier (re Model), Field effect transistor: Construction and characteristic of JFETs. AC analysis of CS amplifier, MOSFET (depletion and enhancement) type, transfer characteristic Unit-4: Operational amplifiers: Introduction and block diagram of Op-Amp, ideal & practical characteristics of Op- Amp, differential amplifier circuits, practical Op-Amp circuits (inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, unity gain amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator, and differentiator), OpAmp parameters: input offset

L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4

voltage, output offset voltage, input biased current, input offset current differential and common-mode operation. Unit-5: Electronic instrumentation and measurements: Digital voltmeter: Introduction, RAMP techniques digital multi meters: Introduction Oscilloscope: introduction, basic principle, CRT, block diagram of oscilloscope, simple, measurement of voltage, current phase and frequency using CRO, introduction of digital storage oscilloscope and comparison of DSO with analog oscilloscope. Text Book(s): 1. Robert L. Boylestand / Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,” Latest Edition, Pearson Education. 2. H S Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, Latest Edition, TMH Publication.


1. Meetidehran/ A.K. Singh “fundamental of electronics Engineering”, New age international publisher.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EHT-301

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

The goal of this course is to prepare engineering students with the individual and collaborative technical writing, presentation, and research skills necessary to be effective technical communicators in academic and professional environments

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the knowledge of collaborative technical writing, presentation, and research skills. Each student will enable themselves: 1. Understanding the characteristics of technical writing and the importance of purpose, audience, and genre for

written communication in technical fields. 2. Recognizing ethical implications of technical communication in professional contexts. 3. Understanding the contemporary issues in engineering from an environmental, societal, economic, and global

perspective. Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Gain an overview of the technical skills required by professional communicators CO2: Learn the methodology for planning technical communication projects CO3: Understand and know when and how to use appropriate writing and formatting conventions CO4: Learn how to use industry-standard software to produce a project such as a manual

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

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CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Fundamentals of Technical Communication: Technical Communication: Features; Distinction between General and Technical Communication; Language as a tool of Communication; Dimensions of Communication: Reading & comprehension; Technical writing: sentences; Paragraph; Technical style: Definition, types & Methods; The flow of Communication: Downward; upward, Lateral or Horizontal; Barriers to Communication. Unit-2: Forms of Technical Communication: Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods; Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy, correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft. Unit-3: Technical Presentation: Strategies & Techniques Presentation: Forms; interpersonal Communication; Class room presentation; style; method; Individual conferencing: essentials: Public Speaking: method; Techniques: Clarity of substance; emotion; Humour; Modes of Presentation; Overcoming Stage Fear; Audience Analysis & retention of audience interest; Methods of Presentation: Interpersonal; Impersonal; Audience Participation: Quizzes & Interjections.

L T P C.U. 2 0 0 2

Unit-4: Technical Communication Skills: Interview skills; Group Discussion: Objective & Method; Seminar/Conferences Presentation skills: Focus; Content; Style; Argumentation skills: Devices: Analysis; Cohesion & Emphasis; Critical thinking; Nuances: Exposition narration & Description; effective business communication competence: Grammatical; Discourse competence: combination of expression & conclusion; Socio-linguistic competence: Strategic competence: Solution of communication problems with verbal and non-verbal means. Unit-5: Dimensions of Oral Communication & Voice Dynamics: Code and Content; Stimulus & Response; Encoding process; Decoding process; Pronunciation Etiquette; Syllables; Vowel sounds; Consonant sounds; Tone: Rising tone; Falling Tone; Flow in Speaking; Speaking with a purpose; Speech & personality; Professional Personality Attributes: Empathy; Considerateness; Leadership; Competence. Text Book(s):

1. Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, New Delhi.


1. Personality Development and Soft Skills by Barun K. Mitra, OUP, 2012, New Delhi. 2. Spoken English- A Manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.K. Bansal & J. B. Harrison, Orient Blackswan,

2013, New Delhi.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBR-301

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the knowledge of collaborative technical writing, presentation, and research skills. Each student will enable themselves: 1. To develop the student’s knowledge in various robot structures and their workspace.

2. To develop student’s skills in performing spatial transformations associated with rigid body motions.

3. To develop student’s skills in perform kinematics analysis of robot systems.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Understand the need of robotics.

CO2: Understand the basic motor operation, sensor, electronics components CO3: Understand basic concepts of robot, including the structure and operation of the relational data model. CO4: Understand and successfully apply logical design principles, including software structure

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Introduction to Robotics Definition of robots, Evolution of robots, Laws of robots, International Robotic Standards, Why Robots? Types of robots, Basic Electronics of components: Diode, Transistor, Capacitor, Resistance, Inductor, LED, Zener Diode. Unit-2: Digital Electronics, Basic Gate, Voltage Regulator 78XX, 79XX, op-amp-741, Traic BT-136, IC 7447: BCD to 7 segment display decoders, Electricity, Voltage, What, Polarity, Integrated Circuits (ICs), Logic Levels, Digital Logic, Analog vs. Digital.


Introduction of Electronics: Voltage divider rule, Active and passive components, Power supply, battery (types of battery and uses of battery), Motor, Types of motor (Servo motor, DC motor, Stepper motor) and its salient features, Motor Driver (L293D).


Embedded system Introduction to Embedded system, Microcontroller and microprocessor difference, Concept of hardware and software interface, Brief Introduction of Adriano?

Text Book(s):

1. Arduino.cc

2. Sanjay Sharma “Basics Electronics”, Katson Publications

L T P C.U. 2 0 0 2

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBR-351

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots.

Course Objective: This course is intended to provide you with an understanding of the current technology and practical knowledge of Robotics system. The course provides a solid technical overview of Robotics systems. These include basic of robot, types, working principle, different programming procedure.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Understand the need of robotics.

CO2: Understand the basic motor operation, sensor, electronics components CO3: Understand basic concepts of robot, including the structure and operation of model.

CO4: Understand and successfully apply logical design principles, including software structure

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

List of Experiments:

1-Working of Different types of motors, switches and sensors. 2-Assembling of a wired robotic car 3- Blinking LED. 4- Interfacing SPST switch. 5- Testing of IR sensors. 6- Using ADC facility of microcontroller. 7- Controlling brightness of LED using Potentiometer. 8- LDR based Automatic light control

Text Book(s):

1.Tocci R J and Widmer N S, "Digital Systems - Principles and Applications", 8th Ed., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2001). 2. Boylestad and Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", 8thEd., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2002).

Reference: 1. Bhargava-Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits, TMH 2. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4



Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-

curriculum development).


Course Code: TBC-301

Pre-requisites: NA

Course Description:

The course lays the groundwork for understanding the nature of life and living. It explains that life is dynamic, not

static and the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness which can be attained through the process of Cosmic

Evolution. This course enables the students to understand what others want, respond strategically to their wants

and needs, craft convincing and clear messages, and develop the critical communication skills you need to get ahead

in business and in life.

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to make them aware of the importance of “Self” through the scientifically proven

technique which empowers them to perform action in spontaneity. Also this course will bring the very important

aspect of mindful listening by which they can capitalize on their constructive communication and demonstrate the

ability to be self-aware.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Define the basis of all living and understand the value of relative and absolute life. CO 2: Discuss about communication in various facets which involves scientific studies on effortless communication. CO 3: Classify listening skills in the light of consciousness which enables them to imbibe the important aspect of mindful listening which is integral part of communication. CO 4: Demonstrate critical and innovative thinking, displaying an understanding of opportunity in the field of communication CO 5: List the important factors which enable the students to amplify their listening skill by undergoing into the depth of their own consciousness Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W S

Course Contents: Unit - 1: Science of Being Being, the basis of all Living, Being, the Absolute and the Relative, how to contact and live Being Unit - 2: Effortless Communication: Frictionless flow of Information What is Communication, Keys to effective communication, Consciousness as the basis of the Spontaneous Right Communication, Overview of Scientific Studies on Effortless Communication

Unit – 3: Listening Skills Listening as a process for Self-Regulation, Classification of Listening based on Conscious thinking, Purpose of Listening pertaining to expand Knowledge, Barriers and Measures to Mindful Listening, Listening is an important skill to enhance empathetic conversation

Unit - 4: Enrichment of Experiences III Advance Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Program, Follow-up Sessions and Group Checkings, Personal

L T P C.U. 2 1 1 4

Checking’s. Text Book(s):

Yogi. M. Maharishi. (1963). Science of Being and Art of Living. Plume; Reissue edition. Rosenthal Norman. (2016). Super Mind: How to Boost Performance and Live a Richer and Happier Life

through Transcendental Meditation. Tarcher Perigee Angelo Gabriel. (2014). The 7 Effective Communication Skills: How to Be a Better Communicator Now.

Createspace Independent

References: Strahan, J., Fogarty, G.J., Machin, A.M. (2005). Predicting performance on a situational judgement test: The

role of communication skills, listening skills, and expertise. Proceedings of the 40 Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, pp. 323-327, Sydney, Australia. Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 AC 1 X X X X X AC 2 X X X X AC 3 X X AC 4 X X AC 5 X X X X X

Details of Projects/Activities Effective Listening Activity Communication Game Balloon Activity listening skills Before the start of the activity (These instructions will be given)

The students will be given the flat balloons to blow up and tie the knot. They will be instructed to protect their own balloon The Instructor will give them only 1 min to save their balloons Whosoever remains last with their balloons safe and intact he/she will win the activity

Learning from this game During the activity of 1 min usually students tend to burst the balloons of others to protect their own. They were only instructed to save their balloon but due to passive listening instead they start bursting balloons of team mates and create mess. The goal is not to burst any balloons of your fellow participants but just keep standing still with their own balloon and by this whole class can be the winner. Knowledge: This activity teaches to be a mindful listener because if everybody listens carefully and imbibe this knowledge in themselves, they can be relieved from any suffering in near future. Another learning from this activity based class: When life becomes hard and uncertain, then listen to the voice of your inner consciousness to boost resilience and build persistence.

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

Human Tic-Tac-Toe

Line three rows of three chairs like a tic tac toe board. Divide the group into two teams of nine students on each side, one is noughts and the other is crosses Give them each numbers starting at one and so on, so that each team has one of each number. Have a team on each side of the chairs. Have someone or yourself call out a number. The two people with that number race to the chairs and take a seat. It is a race between the each member of

each team to get a seat and make their X or O first. Whichever one gets there first gets to stay Keep calling numbers until a team lines up three people from their team in a row.

Learning: God has bestowed upon everyone enormous opportunities to grow and evolve. It is our responsibility to recognize them, grab them and then act on them sensibly. Keep that in mind to avoid missing opportunity’s knock. So go ahead, grab the opportunity, step up to the challenges, hurdles and obstacles and add more meaning and value to life. Protect the Self In this activity 4 individual will participate and there can be multiple groups like this

2 person will be defender 1 person will be attacker 1 person will be protectee

How to begin this activity? The two defenders and the protectee hold hands of each other and the attacker from outside has to touch the protectee to win the game, simultaneously defenders defends him for about 2 minutes so that they can win the game. Learning There are no winners and losers in the game. The real teaching of this activity is that the protectee is your “Self” and the defenders are considered to be meditation and good habits in your life and attacker is nothing but the problems encountered. The problems can only be eliminated by making your defense system vigorous and powerful by regular practice of meditation, concurrently when your defense is not strong problems can travel to the nerves. Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the external environment (like village community, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Practice Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a day


2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say and contributes to the learning and knowledge.


Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation 6 4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to

the class 8

5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Other Details: While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.

Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Fourth Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category

Course Code

Course Title


CIA Marks

ESE Marks

Total Credit


Core Courses


Design and Analysis of Algorithms








Operating Systems

3-0-0 30 70 100 3

3 EBW-403 Web Technology 3-0-0 30 70 100 3


EBO-452 Operating Systems







5 EBW-453 Web Technology Lab






6 EBD-451 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab







Dept. Elective Courses

EBE-(041- 042)

Elective *







School/ Domain courses

SBM-401 Mathematics -III 3-1-0





9 EHU-401 Universal Human Values


50 50 2






Qualifying non-credit courses


Self-Development courses/ Science for Consciousness (SOC)


Art of Living for fulfilment of Life






Departmental Elective Courses EBE-(041-042) ELECTIVE *

1. EBE -041: Simulation & Modeling

2. EBE -042: Software Testing & Quality Assurance



Course Code: EBD-401

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course introduces basic methods for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms emphasizing methods useful in practice. Different algorithms for a given computational task are presented and their relative merits evaluated based on performance measures. The following important computational problems will be discussed: sorting, searching, elements of dynamic programming and greedy algorithms, advanced data structures, graph algorithms

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of design and analysis of the major classes of algorithms. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.

2. Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

3. Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Gain an Apply design principles and concepts to algorithm design. CO2: Have the mathematical foundation in analysis of algorithms. CO3: Understand different algorithmic design strategies. CO4: Analyze the efficiency of algorithms using time and space complexity theory

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: Algorithms, Analyzing algorithms, Complexity of algorithms, Growth of functions, Performance measurements, Sorting and order Statistics – Radix Sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Comparison of sorting algorithms. Unit-2: Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black trees, B – trees, Binomial Heaps, Representation of Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps.

Unit-3: Divide and conquer with examples such as Sorting, Matrix Multiplication and Searching. Greedy methods with examples such as Knapsack, Minimum Spanning trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms, Single source shortest paths - Dijkstra’s algorithms.

Unit-4: Dynamic programming with examples such as Knapsack. All pair shortest paths – Warshal’s and Floyd’s algorithms, Resource allocation problem. Backtracking, Branch and Bound with examples such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph Coloring, n-Queen Problem and Sum of subsets.

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Unit-5: Selected Topics: Algebraic Computation, Fast Fourier Transform, String Matching, Theory of NP- completeness, Approximation algorithms and Randomized algorithms.

Text Book(s):

1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice Hall of India.

References: 1. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", 2. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBD-451

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description: This course introduces basic methods for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms emphasizing methods useful in practice. Different algorithms for a given computational task are presented and their relative merits evaluated based on performance measures. Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of design and analysis of the major classes of algorithms. Each student will enable themselves:

4. Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.

5. Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

6. Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: - CO1: Gain an Apply design principles and concepts to algorithm design. CO2: Have the mathematical foundation in analysis of algorithms. CO3: Understand different algorithmic design strategies. CO4: Analyze the efficiency of algorithms using time and space complexity theory

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

List of Experiments:

1. Implement Recursive Binary search and Linear search and determine the time taken

to search an element

2. Sort a given set of elements using the Heap sort method and determine the time taken

to sort the elements.

3. Sort a given set of elements using Merge sort method and determine the time taken to

sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of

elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n.

4. Sort a given set of elements using Selection sort and hence find the time required to

sort elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements

in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n.

5. Obtain the Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph.

6. Implement All Pair Shortest paths problem using Floyd's Algorithm

7. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming.

8. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other

vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

9. Sort a given set of elements using Quick sort method and determine the time taken to

sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of

elements in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n.

10. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal's


Text Book(s):

1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice Hall of India.

References: 1. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", 2. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms”

Pearson Education, 2008.

Assessment Scheme: Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of:

o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-

curriculum development)


Course Code: EBO-402

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course introduces classical internal algorithms and structures of operating systems, including CPU scheduling, memory management, and device management. Considers the unifying concept of the operating system as a collection of cooperating sequential processes. Covers topics including file systems, virtual memory, disk request scheduling, concurrent processes, deadlocks, security and integrity.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of structure of Operating System. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To understand the services provided by and the design of an operating system. 2. To understand the structure and organization of the file system. 3. To understand what a process is and how processes are synchronized and scheduled. 4. To understand different approaches to memory management. 5. Students should be able to use system calls for managing processes, memory and the file


Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Describe and explain the fundamental components of a computer operating system CO2: Define, restate, discuss, and explain the policies for scheduling, deadlocks, memory management, synchronization, system calls, and file systems. CO3: Describe and extrapolate the interactions among the various components of computing systems. CO4: Design and construct the following OS components: System calls, Schedulers, Memory management systems, Virtual Memory and Paging systems

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: Operating system and functions, Classification of Operating Systems Batch, Interactive, Time sharing, Real-time System, Multiprocessor Systems, Multiuser Systems, Multi process Systems, Multithreaded Systems, Operating System Structure-Layered structure, System Components, Operating System services, Monolithic and Microkernel Systems. Unit-2: Concurrent Processes: Process Concept, Principle of Concurrency, Producer/Consumer Problem, Mutual Exclusion, Critical Section Problem, Dekker’s solution, Peterson’s solution, Semaphores, Test and Set operation; Classical Problem in Concurrency-Dining Philosopher Problem, Inter

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Process Communication models and Schemes, Process generation. Unit-3: CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Concepts, Performance Criteria, Process States, Process Transition Diagram, Schedulers, Process Control Block (PCB),, Threads and their management, Scheduling Algorithms, Deadlock: System model, Deadlock characterization, Prevention, Avoidance and detection, Recovery from deadlock Unit-4: Memory Management: Basic are machine, Multiprogramming with fixed partitions, Multiprogramming with variable partitions, Protection schemes, Paging, Segmentation, Paged segmentation, Virtual memory concepts, Demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement algorithms, Thrashing, Cache memory organization, Locality of reference. Unit-5: I/O Management and Disk Scheduling: I/O devices, and I/O subsystems, I/O buffering, Disk storage and disk scheduling, RAID. File System: File concept, File organization and access mechanism, File directories, and File sharing, File system implementation issues. Text Book(s)s:

1. Silberschatz, Abraham “Operating System Concepts”

2. DMD Hamdhere, “Operating Systems: A Concept based Approach”, 2nd Edition, TMH.

References: 1. Sibsankar Halder and Alex A Aravind, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Education

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T)


ESE S M S Note:

CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-

curriculum development).


Course Code: EBO-452

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course introduces classical internal algorithms and structures of operating systems, including CPU scheduling, memory management, and device management. Considers the unifying concept of the operating system as a collection of cooperating sequential processes Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of structure of Operating System. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To understand the services provided by and the design of an operating system. 2. To understand the structure and organization of the file system. 3. To understand what a process is and how processes are synchronized and scheduled. 4. To understand different approaches to memory management. 5. Students should be able to use system calls for managing processes, memory and the file system.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- 1. Describe and explain the fundamental components of a computer operating system 2. Define, restate, discuss, and explain the policies for scheduling, deadlocks, memory management,

synchronization, system calls, and file systems. 3. Describe and extrapolate the interactions among the various components of computing systems. 4. Design and construct the following OS components: System calls, Schedulers, Memory management

systems, Virtual Memory and Paging systems

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

List of Experiments: 1. Write a C program to Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms. a) FCFS b) SJF c) Round Robin d)


2. Write a C program to simulate producer-consumer problem using Semaphores

3. Write a C program to simulate the concept of Dining-philosopher’s problem.

4. Write a C program to Simulate MVT and MFT.

5. Write a C program to simulate the following contiguous memory allocation Techniques a) Worst fit b) Best

fit c) First fit.

6. Simulate all page replacement algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) OPTIMAL

7. Simulate all File Organization Techniques a) Single level directory b) Two level directory

8. Simulate all file allocation strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked.

9. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Avoidance.

10. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Prevention.

11. Write a C program to simulate disk scheduling algorithms. a) FCFS b) SCAN c) C-SCAN

Text Book(s)s: 1. Silberschatz, Abraham “Operating System Concepts”

2. DMD Hamdhere, “Operating Systems: A Concept based Approach”, 2nd Edition, TMH.

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

References: 1. Sibsankar Halder and Alex A Aravind, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Education

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBW-403

Pre-requisites, if any: CSS and HTML Course Description:

This course is intended to teach the basics involved in publishing content on the World Wide Web. This includes the ‘language of the Web’ – HTML, the fundamentals of how the Internet and the Web function, a basic understanding of graphic production with a specific stress on creating graphics for the Web, and a general grounding introduction to more advanced topics such as programming and scripting.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of web programming and scripting language. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Students are able to develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script and DHTML.

2. Students will be able to write a well-formed / valid XML document.

3. Students will be able to connect a java program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes. CO2: Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets. CO3: Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client-side programming). CO4: Create XML documents and Schemas.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: History of Web and Internet, Protocols governing Web, Writing Web Projects, Connecting

to Internet, Introduction to Internet services and tools, Introduction to client-server computing


Web Page Designing: HTML: list, table, images, frames, forms, CSS, Document type definition, XML: DTD,

XML schemes, Object Models, presenting and using XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Dynamic



Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions, objects; introduction to AJAX, VB Script.


Server Site Programming: Introduction to active server pages (ASP), Introduction to Java Server Page

(JSP), JSP Application Design, JSP objects, Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods,

Sharing data between JSP pages. Introduction to Servelets, Lifecycle, JSDK


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor): Introduction, syntax, variables, strings, operators, if-else, loop, switch,

array, function, form, mail, file upload, session, error, exception.

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Text Book(s)s:

1. Xavier, C, “Web Technology and Design”, New Age International

2. Deitel, “Java for programmers”, Pearson Education

References: 1. Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl &CGI”, BPB Publication.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBW-453

Pre-requisites, if any: CSS and HTML Course Description:

This course is intended to teach the basics involved in publishing content on the World Wide Web. This includes the ‘language of the Web’ – HTML, the fundamentals of how the Internet and the Web function, a basic understanding of graphic production with a specific stress on creating graphics for the Web, and a general grounding introduction to more advanced topics such as programming and scripting.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge of web programming and scripting language. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Students are able to develop a dynamic webpage by the use of java script and DHTML.

2. Students will be able to write a well-formed / valid XML document.

3. Students will be able to connect a java program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- 1. Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes. 2. Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets. 3. Build dynamic web pages using JavaScript (Client-side programming). 4. Create XML documents and Schemas.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

List of Experiments: 1. Write an HTML code to display your education details in a tabular format.

2. Write an HTML code to display your CV on a web page.

3. Write an HTML code to create a home page having three links: About Us, Our Services and Contact Us. Create

separate web pages for the three links.

4. Write an HTML code to create a login form. On submitting the form, the user should get navigated to a profile


5. Write an HTML code to create a Registration Form. On submitting the form, the user should be asked to login

with this new credential.

6. Write an HTML code to create your Institute website, Department Website and Tutorial website for specific


7. Write an HTML code to illustrate the usage of the following: Ordered List Unordered List Definition List

8. Write an HTML code to create a frameset having header, navigation and content sections.

9. Write a Java script to prompt for user’s name and display it on the screen.

10. Design HTML form for keeping student record and validate it using Java script.

Text Book(s):

1. Xavier, C, “Web Technology and Design”, New Age International

2. Deitel, “Java for programmers”, Pearson Education

References: 1. Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl &CGI”, BPB Publication

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum




Departmental Elective Courses EBE-(041-042)


Course Code: EBE-041

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is to provide students with an opportunity to develop skills in modeling and simulating a variety of management-related problems. After learning the simulation techniques, the students are expected to be able to solve real world problems which cannot be solved strictly by mathematical approaches.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of modeling and simulating a variety of management-related problems. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Define the basics of simulation modeling and replicating the practical situations in organizations

2. Generate random numbers and random variables using different techniques.

3. Develop simulation model using heuristic methods.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and modeling paradigm. CO2: Conceptualize real world situations related to systems development decisions, originating from source requirements and goals. CO3: Interpret the model and apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real-world environment CO4: Apply random number variables to develop simulation models

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Topic Proposed Lectures I System definition and components, stochastic activities, continuous 8 and

discrete systems, System modeling, Types of models, static and dynamic physical models, static and dynamic

mathematical models, full corporate model, types of system study.


System simulation, need of simulation, Basic nature of simulation, 8 techniques of simulation, comparison of

simulation and analytical methods, types of system Simulation, real time simulation, hybrid simulation,

simulation of pursuit problem, single-server queuing system and an inventory problem, Monte-Carlo

simulation, Distributed Lag model, Cobweb model.

Unit-3: Simulation of continuous Systems, analog vs digital simulation, 8 simulation of water reservoir system,

simulation of a servo system, simulation of an auto-pilot. Discrete system simulation, fixed time stepvs

event-to-event model.

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3


Generation of random numbers, test of randomness, Monte-Carlo computation vs stochastic simulation.

System dynamics, exponential growth models, exponential decay 8 models, logistic curves, system dynamics

diagrams, world model.


Simulation of PERT networks, critical path computation, un- certainties in activity duration, resource

allocation and consideration, Simulation languages, object-oriented simulation.


1. Geoftrey Gordon, “System Simulation”, PHI 2) Narsingh Deo, “System Simulation with digital

computer”, PHI. 3)

2. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, “Simulation Modelling and Analysis”, TMH.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE-042

Pre-requisites, if any: Software Engineering Course Description:

This course is Technical and managerial aspects of testing and quality assurance in software development with emphasis on practical projects. Tools for testing and QA. Performance evaluation, verification and validation of software. Managing and documenting software testing and QA activities in local and outsourced projects.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of testing and quality checking of project. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Introduce basic concepts of software testing 2. Understand white box, block box, object oriented, web based and cloud testing 3. Know in details automation testing and tools used for automation testing

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Understand software testing and quality assurance as a fundamental component of software life cycle CO2: CO3: Understand scope of SW T&QA projects & Efficiently perform T&QA activities using modern software tools CO3: Estimate cost of a T&QA project and manage budgets CO4: Prepare test plans and schedules for a T&QA project

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Software Testing and Introduction to quality Introduction, Nature of errors, an example for Testing,

Definition of Quality, QA, QC, QM and SQA, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Quality Factors,

Verification and Validation: Definition of V &V, Different types of V & V Mechanisms, Concepts of Software

Reviews, Inspection and Walkthrough,


Software Testing Methods Testing Fundamentals, Test Case Design, White Box Testing and its types, Black

Box Testing and its types, Software Testing Strategies, Strategic Approach to Software Testing, UNIT Testing,

Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System Testing.

Unit-3: Software Metrics Concept and Developing Metrics, Different types of Metrics, complexity metrics. Defect Management: Definition of Defects, Defect Management Process, Defect Reporting, Metrics Related to Defects, Using Defects for Process Improvement Quality Improvement Introduction, Pareto Diagrams, Cause-effect Diagrams, Scatter Diagrams, Run charts. Unit-4:

Software Quality Assurance Concepts, Quality Movement, Background issues and SQA activities Software

Reviews, Formal Technical Reviews, Formal approaches to SQA Statistical Quality Assurance, Software

Reliability, SQA Plan, The ISO 9001 Quality Standard, six sigma, Informal Reviews Quality Costs Quality Cost

Measurement, Utilizing Quality Costs for Decision-Making Testing Tools (Introduction and execution only)

JUNIT, Apache Jmeter, Winrunner, Loadrunner, Rational Robot

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Text Book(s):

1. Software Engineering – A Practitioners Approach, Roger S. Pressman, Tata McGraw Hill

2. Software Engineering for Students- A Programming Approach, Douglas Bell,

Pearson Education


1. Quality Management, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2010. Donna C. S. Summers

2. Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall, 2003. Dale H. Besterfield

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: SBM-401

Pre-requisites, if any: Mathematics II Course Description:

This course is aimed to develop the basic Mathematical skills of engineering students that are imperative for effective understanding of engineering subjects. The topics introduced will serve as basic tools for specialized studies in many fields of engineering and technology. Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical basic tools for specialized studies in many fields of engineering and technology. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To develop logical understanding of the subject.

2. To develop mathematical skill so that students are able to apply mathematical methods & principals in solving problem from Engineering fields.

3. To make aware students about the importance and symbiosis between Mathematics and Engineering

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Apply the fundamental concepts of Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations and the basic numerical methods for their resolution. CO2: Solve the problems choosing the most suitable method. CO3: Understand the difficulty of solving problems analytically and the need to use numerical approximations for their resolution. CO4: Use computational tools to solve problems and applications of Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Partial Differential Equations: Origin of Partial Differential Equations, Linear and Non-Linear Partial

Equations of first order, Lagrange’s Equations, Charpit’s method, Cauchy’s method of Characteristics,

Solution of Linear Partial Differential Equation of Higher order with constant coefficients, Equations

reducible to linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients.


Applications of Partial Differential Equations: Classification of linear partial differential equation of second

order, Method of separation of variables, Solution of wave and heat conduction equation up to two-dimention

Laplace equation in two dimensions, Equations of Transmission lines.


Statistical Techniques I: Introduction: Measures of central tendency, Moments, Moment generating function

(MGF), Skewness, Kurtosis, Curve Fitting, Method of least squares, Fitting of straight lines, Fitting of second-

degree parabola, Exponential curves, Correlation and Rank correlation, Regression Analysis: Regression

lines of y on x and x on y, regression coefficients, properties of regressions coefficients and nonlinear


L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4


Statistical Techniques II: Probability and Distribution: Introduction, Addition and multiplication law of

probability, Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, Random variables (Discrete and Continuous Random

variable) Probability mass function and Probability density function, Expectation and variance, Discrete and

Continuous Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.


Statistical Techniques III: Sampling, Testing of Hypothesis and Statistical Quality Control: Introduction,

Sampling Theory (Small and Large) , Hypothesis, Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Testing a

Hypothesis, Level of significance, Confidence limits, Test of significance of difference of means, T- test, F-test

and Chi-square test, One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Statistical Quality Control (SQC) , Control Charts

Control Charts for variables ( X and R Charts), Control Charts for Variables ( p, np and C charts).

Text Book(s):

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9thEdition, John Wiley &Sons, 2006.

2. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book(s) Stall.

3. S. Ross: A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.

4. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rdEd., Wiley, 1968


1. Quality B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 35th Edition, 2000.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EHU-401

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

The methodology of this course is universally adaptable, involving a systematic and rational study of the human being vis-à-vis the rest of existence. It is free from any dogma or value prescriptions. This process of self-exploration takes the form of a dialogue between the teacher and the students to begin with and within the student himself/herself finally. Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of of the human being vis-à-vis the rest of existence. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Development of a holistic perspective based on self-exploration about themselves (human being), family, society and nature/existence.

2. Understanding (or developing clarity) of the harmony in the human being, family, society and nature/existence

3. Strengthening of self-reflection

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom and start applying them in their life and profession CO2: Distinguish between values and skills, happiness and accumulation of physical facilities, the Self and the Body, Intention and Competence of an individual, etc. CO3: Understand the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature. CO4: Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content and process for Value Education, Self-Exploration–what is it? - its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential Validation- as the mechanism for self - exploration, Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations, Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities- the basic requirements for Fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority, Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current scenario, Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony at various levels.

Unit-2: Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself Understanding human being as a co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material‘ Body’, Understanding the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’ - Sukh and Suvidha, Understanding the Body as an instrument of ‘I’ (I being the doer, seer and enjoyer),Understanding the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony in ‘I’ ,Understanding the harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Swasthya; correct appraisal of Physical needs, meaning of Prosperity in detail, Programs to ensure Sanyam and Swasthya.

L T P C.U. 2 0 0 2

Unit-3: Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human-Human Relationship Understanding harmony in the Family- the basic UNIT of human interaction ,Understanding values in human- human relationship; meaning of Nyaya and program for its fulfillment to ensure Ubhay-tripti; Trust (Vishwas) and Respect(Samman) as the foundational values of relationship, Understanding the meaning of Vishwas; Difference between intention and competence, Understanding the meaning of Samman, Difference between respect and differentiation; the other salient values in relationship, Understanding the harmony in the society (society being an extension of family).

Unit-4: Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence – Whole existence as Co-existence Understanding the harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment among the four orders of nature- recyclability and self-regulation in nature, Understanding Existence as Co-existence (Sahastitva) of mutually interacting UNITs in all-pervasive space, Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence.

Unit-5: Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics Natural acceptance of human values, Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct, Basis for Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order, Competence in Professional Ethics: a) Ability to utilize the professional competence for augmenting universal human order, b) Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of people-friendly and eco-friendly production systems, technologies and management models, Case studies of typical holistic technologies, management models and production systems, Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal Human Order.

Text Book(s):

1. Erwin R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, 2009, A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics

References: 1. Ivan Illich, 1974, Energy & Equity, The Trinity Press, Worcester, and Harper Collins, USA 2. E.F. Schumacher, 1973, Small is Beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered, Blond & Briggs,

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: TBC-401

Pre-requisites, if any: TBC-301

Course Description:

The core structure revolves and covers the basis aspect of Art of living which suffice the student to be strong, balanced

and successful in life by applying basic practice of Maharishi knowledge which focuses on physical, emotional, mental,

aesthetic development. It teaches us to live life in harmony and gain a greater vision of your own Self, confidence to

stretch and grow beyond limiting beliefs, and ability to lead the deep profound fulfilling life.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course is to establish Art of living in reference to the teaching of Maharishi’s knowledge where in

student not only inculcate the concept of better living but also they become much more professional and possess

leadership quality in much more efficient manner with stress free attitude to reach the peak performance.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Define various types of ways of art to living to improve the well being CO 2: Identify the various factors to achieve excellence in professional life CO 3: Explain the factors which lead to perfection in the field of leadership CO 4: Recognize the importance of daily practice of meditation which reduces stress at work place and activity becomes as such that student do less and accomplish more in life Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W

Course Contents: Unit - 1: Art of Living and Enjoying Fulfillment Art of Being: Harmony of Material and Spiritual Values, Art of Being: How to live life in Eternal Freedom while Accomplishing the Maximum in the World, Art of Thinking: Key to Clear, Powerful and Fruitful Thinking, Art of Speaking: Key to Speaking with Maximum Effectiveness, Art of Action: Key to Self-confidence, Increased Efficiency, and Success in undertakings, Art of Behaviour: Key to Fruitful Relationships, Life in Fulfillment: Fulfillment of Life, Religion, Psychology and Philosophy Unit - 2: Enrichment of Experiences IV Advance Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Program, Follow-up Sessions and Group Checking’s, Personal Checking’s Unit - 3: Achieving Excellence in Professional Life Introduction to Corporate Development Program, Stress Management at workplace, Achieving peak performance, Success belongs to the power of thought

L T P C.U. 2 1 1 4

Unit – 4: Perfection in Leadership Leading from the Unified Field, The Role of Consciousness in Creating Successful Leader, Structuring the Quality of Supreme Leadership, Ease in the field of achievement Marks the steps of a genius - Do least and accomplish most Text Book(s):

Yogi. M. Maharishi. (1963). Science of Being and Art of Living. Plume; Reissue edition. Dalio Ray. (2017). Principles: Life and Work. Simon & Schuster


Tomljenović H, Begić D, Maštrović Z. (2016) “Changes in trait brainwave power and coherence, state and trait anxiety after three-month Transcendental Meditation (TM) practice.” Psychiatria Danubina. Vol 28(1):63-72.

Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 AC 1 X X X X AC 2 X X X X AC 3 X X X X AC 4 X X AC 5 X X X X

Details of Projects/Activities Effective Leadership by Snake activity: Instruction of this activity

A group of 10 students will be in one team. Out of them 9 will be blind folded and one will be the leader Participants will stand in one line and the leader will be standing at the back Nobody is allowed to speak The person in the back of the line will guide the participants around a circle by simply tapping the shoulder of

the person in front of them, who will further tap the shoulder of the person in front of them, and then be guided to the desired object and the timer will stop the team who finishes first will win this activity

Learning of this activity This activity shows the trust among their fellow participants and leader has to show their strength, mental balance and subtle powerful thinking to lead their team all this they can achieve by regular practice of Maharishi transcendental Meditation. Hula Hoop Activity Instruction of this activity

Students will be separated equally in two teams and they have to make a human chain or form a circle, holding hands

Instructor will put 2 hula hoop at the same time over two student’s interlocked hands and they have to pass through it without using the hands

The team who finishes first win the activity

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

Learning from this activity This activity teaches students that you have to wait for your chance/opportUNITy patiently and when your chance comes to your way then you have to perform your best in limited amount of time so that your team can win. This activity gives the learning of team work and no matter teams win or not you are stress free and not disturbed by the outcome. Knowledge Tug of War

There will be two teams divided equally The box of goodies will be placed in between the two teams A set of questions will be asked by the instructor from both the teams To win the game, one team has to give five correct answers consecutively and the other team has to give five

wrong answers Learning from this activity The learning of this game is not only the knowledge they are going to get from this knowledge tug of war but the real knowledge will come when actually one team claims the prize and celebrate. The real leadership is that of sharing the resources and prizes with another team. Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the external environment (like village community, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks Sl. No. Rubrics for Practice Sessions % 1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a

day 2

2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say 10

and contributes to the learning and knowledge. Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation 6 4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to

the class 8

5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Other Details: While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.

Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Fifth Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category

Course Code

Course Title


CIA Marks

ESE Marks

Total Credit


Core Courses

EBD-501 Database Management Systems


30 70 100 3

2 EBI-502

Introduction to Java programming






3 EBT-503 Theory of Automata 3-1-0 30 70 100 4

4 EBO -504 Object Oriented

Techniques 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

5 EBS -505

Software Engineering

3-1-0 30 70 100 4

6 EBD -551 Database Management Systems Lab 0-0-2 20 30 50 1

7 EBO -554 Object Oriented Techniques Lab 0-0-2 20 30 50 1

8 EBI -552 Introduction to

Java programming Lab

0-0-2 20 30 50 1

9 Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)

EBP -556 Seminar

0-0-2 20 30 50 1

Total 220 480 700 21

Qualifying non-credit courses


Self-Development courses/ Science for Consciousness (SOC)


Enlivening the Inner Intelligence of the mind

and body







Course Title: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Course Code: EBD-501 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

Databases form the backbone of all major applications today – tightly or loosely coupled, intranet or

internet based, financial, social, administrative, and so on. Structured Database Management Systems

(DBMS) based on relational and other models have long formed the basis for such databases.

Consequently, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase etc. have emerged as leading commercial systems

while MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. lead in open source and free domain.

Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with an

emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively - information from a


Course Outcomes (COs): Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: CO1: Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems CO2: Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-relationship model, relational database design, relational algebra and SQL. CO3: Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios CO4: Convert the ER-model to relational tables, populate relational database and formulate SQL queries on data. CO5: Improve the database design by normalization

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S W M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M S W S

CO 5 W S M S M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system, Database system concept and architecture, data model schema and instances, DDL, DML. Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model, relationship of higher degree. Unit-2: Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints, entity integrity, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus. Introduction on SQL: Characteristics of SQL, advantage of SQL. SQl data type and literals. Types of SQL commands. SQL operators and their procedure. Queries and sub queries. Aggregate functions. Insert, update and delete operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus Procedures in SQL/PL SQL Unit-3: Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependence, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD,


MVD, alternative approaches to database design.

Unit-4: Transaction Processing Concept: Transaction system, testing of serializability, serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery from transaction failures, log-based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling. Unit-5: Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, Locking Techniques for concurrency control, Time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation-based protocol, Recovery with concurrent transaction.

Text Book(s): 1. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan,” Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill


2. Elmasri, Navathe,“ Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Addision Wesley

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: DBMS PRACTICAL Course code: EBD 551 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description: DBMS Practical course provides knowledge of the database creation using tools such My-SQL and student will learn about the hand on practicals to learn administrate the databases Course Objective(s): 1. To examine the SQL queries to manipulate and design the databases. 2. To elucidate the relations between the databases. Course Outcome (COs): CO1: Understand and apply oracle 11 g products for creating tables, views, indexes, sequences and other database objects. CO2: Design and implement a database schema for company data base, banking data base, library information system, payroll processing system, student information system. CO3: Write and execute simple and complex queries using DDL, DML, DCL and TCL CO4: Write and execute PL/SQL blocks, procedure functions, packages and triggers, cursors. Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Installing oracle/ MYSQL 2. Creating Entity-Relationship Diagram using case tools. 3. Writing SQL statements Using ORACLE /MYSQL:

a) Writing basic SQL SELECT statements. b) Restricting and sorting data. c)Displaying data from multiple tables. d)Aggregating data using group function. e) Manipulating data. f) Creating and managing tables.

4. Normalization 5. Creating cursor 6. Creating procedure and functions 7. Creating packages and triggers 8. Design and implementation of payroll processing system 9. Design and implementation of Library Information System 10. Design and implementation of Student Information System

Text Book(s):

1. Date, C. J. (1987). A guide to the SQL Standard: a user's guide to the standard relational language SQL. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.

2. Hursch, C. J., & Hursch, J. L. (1988). SQL: The Structured Query Language. Tab Book(s)s. Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 2

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4



Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: INTRODUCTION TO JAVA PROGRAMMING Course Code EBI-502 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course of study builds on the skills gained by students in Java Fundamentals or Java

Foundations to help advance Java programming skills. Students will design object-oriented applications

with Java and will create Java programs using hands-on, engaging activities.

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to cover: 1. Programming in the Java programming language, 2. Knowledge of object-oriented paradigm in the Java programming language, 3. The use of Java in a variety of technologies and on different platforms.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Learn features of object-oriented programming. CO2: Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of Java programming and the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. CO3: Identify Java code utilities in applets, Java packages, and classes. CO4: Write Java code using advanced Java features. CO5: Make Java to learn other advanced features of JDBC, JavaScript.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Core Java: Introduction to Java, Fundamental Programming Structure (Data types, Variables, Operators, Control Flow, Arrays, Big Numbers) Unit-2: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Objects & Classes, Constructors, Overloading Methods, Inheritance, Method Overriding, Using final and static keywords, Generic Array List, Object Wrappers and Auto boxing, Abstract Classes, Enumeration, String Handling, Package and Interface. Java Collections.

Unit-3: Exception Handling. Input / Output: File, Directories, Using Streams, File Management, and Serialization. Graphics Programming: Applet Fundamentals, Java Applet, Introduction to AWT, Event handling, AWT controls, Working with Frames, Graphics, 2D Shapes, Colors, Fonts, Displaying Images, Layout managers, Menus, Multithreading. Unit-4: Swings: Overview, Swing Components (JApplet, Icons, Labels, Text Fields, Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Combo Boxes, Tabbed Pane, Scroll Pane, Split Panes, Tables, Menus, Progress Bar, Toolbars), Pluggable Look and feel, Dialog Boxes, Inner frames Collections: Collection Interfaces, Concrete Collection, The Collections Framework.

Unit-5: JDBC: The Design of JDBC, Basic JDBC Programming Concepts, Query Execution, Scrollable and Updatable


Result Sets, java.sql package, connectivity to remote database, navigating through multiple rows retrieved from a database.

Text Book(s):

1. Java Fundamentals - A comprehensive Introduction, Herbet Schidt and Dale Srien, TMH.


1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Pearson Education.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: INTRODUCTION TO JAVA PRACTICAL Course code: EBD 552 Pre-requisites: NA Course Description:

This course of study builds on the skills gained by students in Java Fundamentals or Java

Foundations to help advance Java programming skills. Students will design object-oriented applications

with Java and will create Java programs using hands-on, engaging activities.

Course Objective(s):

1. To learn programming concepts and makes out the advantage of using OOPs concept over procedural programming.

2. To learn OOPs paradigm.

Course Outcome (COs): Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: CO1: Able to analyze the necessity for Object Oriented Programming paradigm and over structured programming and become familiar with the fundamental concepts in OOP. CO2: Demonstrate an ability to design and develop java programs, analyse, and interpret object-oriented data and report results. CO3: Demonstrate an ability to design an object-oriented system, AWT components or multithreaded process as per needs and specifications. CO4: Demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks like console and windows applications both for standalone and Applets programs Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Write a java program to find the Fibonacci series using recursive and non-recursive functions 2. Write a java program to multiply two given matrices. 3 3. Write a java program that reads a line of integers and displays each integer and the sum of all integers use

String Tokenizer 4. Write a java program that checks whether a given string is palindrome or not 5. A) Write an applet program that displays a simple message.

B) Write a Java program compute factorial value using Applet 6. Write a java program that works as a simple calculator. Use a Grid Layout to arrange Buttons for digits and for

the + - * Marks operations. Add a text field to display the result. 7. Write a Java program for display the exception in a message dialog box 14 8. Write a Java program that implements a multi-thread application that has three threads 9. A) Write a java program that connects to a database using JDBC 18 B) Write a java program to connect to a database using JDBC and insert values into it 10. Write a java program to simulate a traffic light.

Text Book(s): 1. Java Fundamentals - A comprehensive Introduction, Herbet Schidt and Dale Srien, TMH.

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 2

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: THEORY OF AUTOMATA Course Code EBT-503 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course of Formal Languages and Automata theory presents the theoretical aspects of computer

science, and helps define infinite languages in finite ways; construct algorithms for related problems and

decide whether a string is in language or not.

Course Objectives: This course focuses on the basic theory of Computer Science and formal methods of computation like automata theory, formal languages, grammars and Turing Machines. The objective of this course is to explore the theoretical foundations of computer science from the perspective of formal languages and classify machines by their power to recognize languages.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Able to Understand the basic properties of formal languages and grammars. CO2: Able to differentiate regular, context-free and recursively enumerable languages. CO3: Will make grammars to produce strings from a specific language. CO4: Able to acquire concepts relating to the theory of computation and computational models including decidability

and intractability. CO5: Describe the computational model used to design machines.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S W W M S CO 4 M M W M S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Basic Concepts and Automata Theory: Introduction to Theory of Computation- Automata, Computability and Complexity, Alphabet, Symbol, String, Formal Languages, Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)- Definition, Representation, Acceptability of a String and Language, Non Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), Equivalence of DFA and NFA, NFA with ε-Transition, Equivalence of NFA’s with and without ε-Transition, Finite Automata with output- Moore Machine, Mealy Machine, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machine, Minimization of Finite Automata.

Unit-2: Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular Expressions, Transition Graph, Kleen’s Theorem, Finite Automata and Regular Expression- Arden’s theorem, Regular and Non-Regular Languages- Closure properties of Regular Languages, Pigeonhole Principle, Pumping Lemma, Application of Pumping Lemma, Decidability- Decision properties, Finite Automata and Regular Languages, Regular Languages and Computers, Simulation of Transition Graph and Regular language

Unit-3: Regular and Non-Regular Grammars: Context Free Grammar (CFG)-Definition, Derivations, Languages, Derivation Trees and Ambiguity, Regular Grammars-Right Linear and Left Linear grammars, Conversion of FA into CFG and Regular grammar into FA, Simplification of CFG, Normal Forms- Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Chomsky Hierarchy.

Unit-4: Push Down Automata and Properties of Context Free Languages: Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata (NPDA)- Definition, Moves, A Language Accepted by NPDA, Deterministic Pushdown Automata (DPDA) and Deterministic Context free Languages (DCFL), Pushdown Automata for Context Free Languages, Context Free grammars for Pushdown Automata, Two-stack Pushdown Automata, Pumping Lemma for CFL, Closure properties of CFL, Decision Problems of CFL, Programming problems based on the properties of CFLs


Unit-5: Turing Machines and Recursive Function Theory: Basic Turing Machine Model, Representation of Turing

Machines, Language Acceptability of Turing Machines, Techniques for Turing Machine Construction,

Modifications of Turing Machine, Turing Machine as Computer of Integer Functions, Universal Turing

machine, Linear Bounded Automata, Church’s Thesis, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable language,

Halting Problem, Post’s Correspondence Problem, Introduction to Recursive Function Theory.

Text Book(s):

1. Introduction to Automata theory, Languages and Computation, J.E Hopcroft, R. Motwani, and

Ullman. 2nd edition, Pearson Education Asia

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code EBO-504

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course object-oriented approach, the focus is on capturing the structure and behavior of

information systems into small modules that combines both data and process. The main aim of Object-

Oriented Design (OOD) is to improve the quality and productivity of system analysis and design by

making it more usable.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course are to cover: 1. programming in the Java programming language, 2. knowledge of object-oriented paradigm in the Java programming language, 3. the use of Java in a variety of technologies and on different platforms. Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Learn features of object-oriented programming. CO2: Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of Java programming and the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. CO3: Identify Java code utilities in applets, Java packages, and classes. CO4: Write Java code using advanced Java features. CO5: Make Java to learn other advanced features of JDBC, JavaScript.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction: The meaning of Object Orientation, objected density, Encapsulation, information

hiding, polymorphism, generosity, importance of modeling, principles of modeling, object- o r i e n t e d

modeling, Introduction to UML, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.

Unit-2: Basic Structural Modeling: Classes, Relationships, common Mechanisms, and diagrams. Class &

Object Diagrams: Terms, concepts, modeling techniques for Class & Object Diagrams. Collaboration

Diagrams: Terms, Concepts, depicting message, polymorphism in collaboration Diagrams, iterated

messages, use of self in messages. Sequence Diagrams: Terms, concepts, depicting synchronous

messages with/without priority, call back mechanism, broadcast messages. Basic Behavioral Modeling:

Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, State Machine, Process and thread, Event and signals,

Time diagram, interaction diagram, Package diagram. Architectural Modeling: Component, Deployment,

Component diagrams and Deployment diagrams.

Unit-3: Object Oriented Analysis, Object oriented design, Object design, combining three models,

Designing algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment of inheritance, Object

representation, Physical packaging, Documenting design considerations. Structured analysis and

structured design (SA/SD), Jackson Structured Development (JSD). Mapping object-oriented concepts

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

using non-object-oriented language, Translating classes into data structures, Passing arguments to

methods, Implementing inheritance, associations encapsulation. Object oriented programming style:

reusability, extensibility, robustness, programming in the large. Procedural v/s OOP, Object oriented

language features. Abstraction and Encapsulation

Unit-4: Introduction to Java, History, Features, Object Oriented concept of Java, Classes and Objects,

Inheritance, Packages, Interface, abstract method and classes, Polymorphism, Inner classes, String

Handling, I/O, Networking, Event Handling. Multi- threading, Collection, Java APIs, Java Beans:

Application Builder tools, The bean developer kit (BDK), JAR files, Intro section, Developing simple bean,

using Bound properties, The Java Beans API, Session Beans, Entity Beans, Introduction to Enterprise

JavaBeans (EJB)

Unit-5: Java Swing: Introduction to AWT, AWT v/s Swing, Creating a Swing Applet and Application.

Utility of Java as internet programming language, JDBC, The connectivity model, JDBC/ODBC Bridge,

Introduction to servlets.

Text Book(s):

1. Java Fundamentals - A comprehensive Introduction, Herbet Schidt and Dale Srien, TMH.


1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”,

Pearson Education.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: OOPS PRACTICAL Course code: EBO 554 Pre-requisites: JAVA programming Course Description:

This course of study builds on the skills gained by students in Java Fundamentals or Java

Foundations to help advance Java programming skills. Students will design object-oriented applications

with Java and will create Java programs using hands-on, engaging activities.

Course Objective(s):

1. To learn programming concepts and makes out the advantage of using OOPs concept over procedural programming.

2. To learn OOPs paradigm.

Course Outcome (COs): Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: CO1: Able to analyse the necessity for Object Oriented Programming paradigm and over structured programming and become familiar with the fundamental concepts in OOP. CO2: Demonstrate an ability to design and develop java programs, analyse, and interpret object-oriented data and report results. CO3: Demonstrate an ability to design an object-oriented system, AWT components or multithreaded process as per needs and specifications. CO4: Demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks like console and windows applications both for standalone and Applets programs Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Write a java program to find the Fibonacci series using recursive and non-recursive functions 2. Write a java program to multiply two given matrices. 3 3. Write a java program that reads a line of integers and displays each integer and the sum of all integers use

String Tokenizer 4. Write a java program that checks whether a given string is palindrome or not 5. A) Write an applet program that displays a simple message.

B) Write a Java program compute factorial value using Applet 6. Write a java program that works as a simple calculator. Use a Grid Layout to arrange Buttons for digits and for

the + - * Marks operations. Add a text field to display the result. 7. Write a Java program for display the exception in a message dialog box 14 8. Write a Java program that implements a multi-thread application that has three threads 9. A) Write a java program that connects to a database using JDBC 18 B) Write a java program to connect to a database using JDBC and insert values into it

10. Write a java program to simulate a traffic light Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 2

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4



Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code EBS -505

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to present software engineering as a body of knowledge. The course is

designed to present software engineering concepts and principles in parallel with the software

development life cycle. The course will begin with an introduction to software engineering, giving you a

definition of this body of knowledge, as well as a discussion of the main methodologies of software


Course Objectives:

1. Knowledge of basic SW engineering methods and practices, and their appropriate application. 2. Describe software engineering layered technology and Process frame work. 3. A general understanding of software process models such as the waterfall and evolutionary models. 4. Understanding of software requirements and the SRS documents. 5. Understanding of the role of project management including planning, scheduling, risk management, etc. 6. Describe data models, object models, context models and behavioral models. 7. Understanding of different software architectural styles

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Able to learn Basic knowledge and understanding of the analysis and design of complex systems. CO2: Ability to apply software engineering principles and techniques. CO3: Ability to develop, maintain and evaluate large-scale software systems. CO4: To produce efficient, reliable, robust and cost-effective software solutions. CO5: Ability to perform independent research and analysis.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics, Software

Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering

Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall

Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement


Unit-2: Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation,

Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information

Modelling, Data Flow Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE

Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans, Software

Quality Frame works, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.

Unit-3: Software Design Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design:


Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs. Unit-4: Software Testing, Testing Objectives, UNIT Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing), Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, Code Inspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards. Unit-5: Software Maintenance and Software Project Management Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance: Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities, Change Control Process, Software Version Control, An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO), Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management Text Book(s):

1. K.K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International Publishers. 2. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering, Wiley.


1. R. S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, Mc-GrawHill.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: SEMINAR Course Code: EBP-556

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present something within a group. Seminar Course is an outcome of six months of study, exploration, survey and analysis of a particular topic. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation, Audience Engagement, Communication Skills. It also helps in building lifelong learning as a skill in the candidate.

Course Objective: This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present something within a group. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To the benefits of technical paper presentation. 2. Help the student increase self-motivation, personal responsibility, and understanding of his or her role in

being an informed participant in the educational process. 3. Create an environment that helps the student establish healthy relationships and support networks.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Identification of a domain specific scholarly topic CO2: Investigate and tabulate details and history about the selected topic CO3: Application of the selected topic in domain or real life CO4: Demonstrating the communication skills by good presentation and engaging the audience.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o File (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1


Course Code: TBC-501

Pre-requisites: TBC-401

Course Description:

The course discusses the basics of brain functioning which will make your mind-body system naturally calm and wise.

It further focusses on the well-proven effect of letting nervous system settle into a state of deep rest which will

automatically turn the notch down on your level of stress. The knowledge of brain functioning will make the students

wise and efficient, more creative, more able and discerning, will make smarter and effective decisions and reach their

full potential. The wisdom of the students mind simply starts to manifest itself when given a chance.

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course is to accelerate and ace personal growth and enhance mind-body coordination and takes

your development even further by culturing the ability to think and act from this level of profound silence. The result is

that your brain functioning becomes even more orderly, and thoughts and action arises from this level of Unified laws

of nature. It is a central feature, a scientific approach to produce integrity within the brain, personality and behavior of

the individual.

The coherence of brain waves excels your skills needed to successfully communicate in a modern world through

written materials.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Explain the basic functioning of brain CO 2: Classify different types of brain waves coherence CO 3: Illustrate brain pattern during Transcendental meditation along with numerous scientific research CO 4: Interpret expansion of conscious capacity of the mind and living fullness of life simultaneously having enlivening the inner intelligence of physiology CO 5: Compare different style of writing which reveals the character of balance and stable individual Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W S

Course Contents: Semester V Unit - 1: EEG Coherence & Development of the Brain Basics of Brain Functioning, Transcendental Meditation as a means to create Brainwave Coherence, Different types of Brain Waves, Demonstration of Brainwave pattern during Transcendental Meditation: Restful Alertness, Scientific Research showing Brain wave Coherence Unit - 2: Enlivening Full Mental Potential Coherence, Creativity & Problem-Solving Ability, Overview of Scientific Studies on Full Development of Mental Potential, Expanding Conscious Capacity of the Mind: the Container of Knowledge, Living Fullness of Life

L T P C.U. 2 1 1 4

Unit - 3: Perfect Health & Immortality Basis of Perfect Health- Enlivening the Inner Intelligence of the Body, Overview of Scientific Studies in the area of Health, Integration, Resilience and Balance: Good Health, Transcendental Meditation and Metabolic rate: Immortality, Introduction to Maharishi Ayurveda Unit - 4: Writing skills for professional enlightening students Documentary Screening of Age of Enlightenment, Maharishi knowledge tape Video Review, Render the knowledge of Professional Emails, Report on knowledge-based activities, Memo, Circulars and notices, Principles and practice of business letters Text Book(s):

Travis Frederick. (2012). Your Brain is a River, Not a Rock. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform King Stephen. (2010). On writing: a memoir of the craft. New York, NY : Scribner Pinker, S. (2014). The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century . New York,

NY: Penguin


Harung H, Travis F, Blank W, Heaton D. Higher development, brain integration, and excellence in leadership. Management Decision 2009 47(6):872-894.

Alexander CN, Kurth SC, Travis F, Alexander VK. Effect of practice of the children’s Transcendental Meditation technique on cognitive stage development: acquisition and consolidation of conservation. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 2005 17(1):21-46

Arenander A, Travis FT. Brain patterns of Self-awareness. In B Beitman, J Nair (eds), Self-Awareness Deficits. New York: WW Norton, 2004

Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 AC 1 X X X X X AC 2 X X X X X AC 3 X X X X X AC 4 X AC 5 X X X X X

Details of Projects/Activities Mind over body Activity Instructions of this activity

Students were divided into two equal groups A set of 10 identical tasks were given to each group which are supposed to be completed in one minute They have to read the instructions given on the paper carefully in which it is mentioned “ read the task and

then perform the task” The students followed the task written on the paper without using their knowledge and wisdom

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

The student who read the instruction and followed carefully will be the winner of the game because this game or activity is based on application of wisdom as in the last line it was clearly apprised that “Sign the paper and be the winner without performing any task”

Learning of this activity The learning of this activity is that student needs to be more aware in his life and he/she should read any document before jumping into the contract. Knowledge of anything is not sufficient but one should also focus on the implementation of the knowledge. Devil’s Advocate Instructions for the activity

Students are given several different topics and they have to choose one topic and they have to select a side of pros or cons

For example, you believe that every person should learn a second language. Take this belief, and write about it from the opposite point of view. In this case, you write about why everyone should not learn another language. This is, that you take a side you don’t actually believe in, just to see an issue from different point of view

Learning of this activity Aside from learning an English Skill, this exercise teaches a life skill, empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else feels, even if you don’t feel the same way. This skill is important as it enhances your thought process and writing can help you develop it. Idiom Soup

Write a story using clichés’ and idioms. For example “it’s raining cats and dogs” doesn’t mean animals are really falling from the sky but it just means,

it’s raining very hard. Keeping this in mind create a story with as many clichés and idioms you can.

Learning of this activity This will build your confidence, aggravate creativity, improve writing skills and your vocabulary as well as knowledge about the clichés and idioms Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the external environment (like village community, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Practice Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a day


2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say and contributes to the learning and knowledge.


Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation


4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to the class


5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Other Details:

While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.

Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Sixth Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category

Course Code

Course Title



Marks Total Credit


Core Courses

EBC-601 Computer Networks 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

2 EBC -602 Computer Graphics 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

3 EBC-603 Compiler Design 3-1-0 30 70 100 4

4 EBC-652 Computer Graphics Lab

0-0-2 20 30 50 1

5 EBC-651

Computer Networks Lab

0-0-2 20 30 50 1





EBE-(061- 064)

Elective *






7 School/ Domain courses

EBR-652 Robotics Module -II Lab

0-0-2 20 30 50 1

8 EBR-602 Robotics Module-II

2-0-0 30 70 100 2

9 Core Courses

EBC-654 Minor Project

0-0-4 50 - 50 2

Total 260 440 700 21

Qualifying non-credit courses



courses/ Science for

Consciousness (SOC)

TBC-601 Evolution to







Dept. Elective Courses (EBA-061-064 Elective *)

1. EBA061: Python programming

2. EBA-062: Big Data Analysis

3. EBA-063: Digital Image Processing 4. EBA-064: Agile Software Development



Course Code: EBC-601

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: The course emphasizes a fundamental understanding of basic network design, routing, dimensioning and

control. To introduce students to the design, analysis and performance evaluation of computer

communication and telecommunication networks through an understanding of their architectures and


Course Objectives:

1. Describe how computer networks are organized with the concept of layered approach. 2. Implement a simple LAN with hubs, bridges and switches. 3. Describe how packets in the Internet are delivered. 4. Analyze the contents in a given Data Link layer packet, based on the layer concept. 5. Design logical sub-address blocks with a given address block. 6. Decide routing entries given a simple example of network topology 7. Describe what classless addressing scheme is. 8. Describe how routing protocols work.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Analyze the requirements for a given organizational structure and select the most appropriate networking architecture and technologies. CO2: Have a basic knowledge of the use of cryptography and network security. CO3: Specify and identify deficiencies in existing protocols, and then go onto formulate new and better protocols. CO4: Analyze, specify and design the topological and routing strategies for an IP based networking infrastructure CO5: Have a working knowledge of datagram and internet socket programming.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:


Introduction Concepts: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and architecture,

Introduction Concepts: Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and architecture, The OSI

reference model, services, Network Topology Design-Delay Analysis, Back Bone Design, Local Access

Network Design, Physical Layer Transmission Media, Switching methods, ISDN, Terminal Handling.


Medium Access sub layer: Medium Access sub layer-Channel Allocations, LAN protocols-ALOHA


protocols- Overview of IEEE standards-FDDI. Data Link Layer- Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding

Window protocols, Error Handling.


Network Layer: Network Layer-Point-to Pont Networks, routing, Congestion control Internetworking -

TCP/IP, IP packet, IP address, IPv6.


Transport layer: Transport layer- Design issues, connection management, session Layer-Design issues,

and remote procedure call. Presentation Layer-Design issues, Data compression techniques,

cryptography-TCP- Window Management.


Application Layer: Application Layer: File Transfer, Access and Management, Electronic mail, Virtual

Terminals, Other application. Example Networks –Internet and Public Networks.

Text Book(s):

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, 3rd Ed. Tata MCGraw Hill, 2004.


1. A.S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”; Pearson Education Asia, 4th Ed. 2003.

2. William Stallings, “Data and computer communications”, Pearson education Asia, 7th Ed., 2002

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: COMPUTER NETWORKS PRACTICAL Course code: EBD 651 Pre-requisites: NA Course Description:

The course emphasizes a fundamental understanding of basic network design, routing, dimensioning and

control. To introduce students to the design, analysis and performance evaluation of computer

communication and telecommunication networks through an understanding of their architectures and


Course Objective(s):

1. To learn the protocols used in the communication of data over internet. 2. To elucidate learning of the tools NS, Wireshark.

Course Outcome (COs):

CO1: Simulate different network topologies. CO2: Implement various framing methods of Data Link Layer. CO3: Implement various Error and flow control techniques. CO4: Implement network routing and addressing techniques.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Implementation of Stop and Wait Protocol and Sliding Window Protocol. 2. Study of Socket Programming and Client – Server model 3. Write a code simulating ARP /RARP protocols. 4. Write a code simulating PING and TRACEROUTE commands 5. Create a socket for HTTP for web page upload and download. 6. Write a program to implement RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 7. Implementation of Subnetting. 8. Applications using TCP Sockets like 9. Echo client and echo server b. Chat c. File Transfer 10. Applications using TCP and UDP Sockets liked. DNS e. SNMP f. File Transfer 11. Study of Network simulator (NS).and Simulation of Congestion Control Algorithms using NS

Text Book(s):

1. Tanenbaum, A. S., & Wetherall, D. (1996). Computer networks. Prentice-Hall international editions, I-XVII.

Assessment Scheme: Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of:

o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBC -602

Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

Students will gain experience in interactive computer graphics using the OpenGL API. Topics include: 2D

viewing, 3D viewing, perspective, lighting, and geometry. This course will introduce students to all

aspects of computer graphics including hardware, software and applications.

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the basics of computer graphics, different graphics systems and applications of computer graphics. 2. Discuss various algorithms for scan conversion and filling of basic objects and their comparative analysis. 3. Use of geometric transformations on graphics objects and their application in composite form.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Ability to understand the various computer graphics hardware and display technologies. CO2: Ability to implement and apply various 2D and 3D objects transformation techniques. CO3: Extract scene with different clipping methods and its transformation to graphics display device. CO4: Explore projections and visible surface detection techniques for display of 3D scene on 2D screen. CO5: Render projected objects to naturalize the scene in 2D view and use of illumination models for this

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S M M S M CO 2 S M M W M CO 3 W S M M W CO 4 M M S S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:


Introduction and Line Generation: Types of computer graphics, Graphic Displays- Random scan displays, Raster scan displays, Frame buffer and video controller, Points and lines, Line drawing algorithms, Circle generating algorithms, Midpoint circle generating algorithm, and parallel version of these algorithms.


Transformations: Basic transformation, Matrix representations and homogenous coordinates, Composite transformations, Reflections and shearing. Windowing and Clipping: Viewing pipeline, viewing transformations, 2-D Clipping Algorithms-Line clipping algorithms such as Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm, Liang Barsky algorithm, Line clipping against on rectangular clip windows; Polygon clipping– Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping, Wailer and Atherton polygon clipping, Curve clipping, Text clipping


Three Dimensional: 3-Dgeometric primitives,3-DObject representation,3-DTransformation, 3-D viewing, projections, 3-D Clipping.


Curves and Surfaces: Quadric surfaces, Spheres, Ellipsoid, Blobby objects, introductory concepts of Spline, BSP line and Bezier curves and surfaces. Hidden Lines and Surfaces: Back Face Detection algorithm, Depth buffer method, A-buffer method, Scan line method, basic illumination models– Ambient light, Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection and Phong model, Combined approach, Warn model, Intensity Attenuation, Color consideration, Transparency and Shadows.


Text Book(s):

1. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson Education


1. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with Open GL”, Pearson education

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: COMPUTER GRAPHICS PRACTICAL Course code: EBC 651 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

Students will gain experience in interactive computer graphics using the OpenGL API. Topics include: 2D viewing, 3D viewing, perspective, lighting, and geometry. This course will introduce students to all aspects of computer graphics including hardware, software and applications.

Course Objective(s):

1. To examine the virtual design of the animation. 2. To learn the API related to 3D and 2D design.

Course Outcome (COs): CO1: Using OpenGL for Graphics CO2. Programming User-interface issues CO3. Concepts of 2D & 3D object representation CO4. Implementation of various scan & clipping algorithms Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Study of Fundamental Graphics Functions. 2. Implementation of Line drawing algorithms: DDA Algorithm, Bresenham's Algorithm 3. Implementation of Circle drawing algorithms: Bresenham's Algorithm, Mid-Point 4. Algorithm. 5. Programs on 2D and 3D transformations 6. Write a program to implement Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm 7. Write a program to draw Bezier curve. 8. Using Flash/Maya perform different operations (rotation, scaling move etc..) on objects 9. Create a Bouncing Ball using Key frame animation and Path animation.

Text Book(s):

1. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson Education Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W

ESL W Note:

CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Course Title: COMPILER DESIGN Course Code: EBC -603 Pre-requisites, if any: Knowledge of Theory of Automata and Formal Analysis is desirable. Course Description:

This course introduces the basic concepts and mechanisms traditionally employed in language

translators, with emphasis on compilers. Topics include strategies for syntactic and semantic analysis,

techniques of code optimization and approaches toward code generation.

Course Objectives: 1. To learn the process of translating a modern high-level language to executable code. 2. To provide a student with an understanding of the fundamental principles in compiler design and to provide

the skills needed for building compilers for various 3. situations that one may encounter in a career in Computer Science. 4. To develop an awareness of the function and complexity of modern compilers. 5. To apply the code generation algorithms to get the machine code for the optimized code. 6. To represent the target code in any one of the code formats 7. To understand the machine dependent code 8. To draw the flow graph for the intermediate codes. 9. To apply the optimization techniques to have a better code for code generation

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand the major phases of compilation and to understand the knowledge of Lex tool & YAAC tool CO2 Develop the parsers and experiment the knowledge of different parsers design without automated tools CO3 Construct the intermediate code representations and generation CO4 Convert source code for a novel language into machine code for a novel computer CO5 Apply for various optimization techniques for dataflow analysis

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Boot strapping, Finite state machines and regular expressions and their applications to lexical analysis, Optimization of DFA-Based Pattern Matchers implementation of lexical analyzers, lexical-analyzer generator, LEX-compiler, Formal grammars and their application to syntax analysis, BNF notation, ambiguity, YACC. The syntactic specification of programming languages: Context free grammars, derivation and parse trees, capabilities of CFG. Unit-2:

Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift-reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top-down parsing, predictive parsers Automatic Construction of efficient Parsers: LR parsers, the canonical Collection of LR (0) items, constructing SLR parsing tables, constructing Canonical LR parsing tables, Constructing LA LR parsing tables, using ambiguous grammars, an automatic parser generator, implementation of LR parsing tables. Unit-3: Syntax-directed Translation: Syntax-directed Translation schemes, Implementation of Syntax-directed Translators, Intermediate code, postfix notation, Parse trees & syntax trees, three address code, quad


rule & triples, translation of assignment statements, Boolean expressions, statements that alter the flow of control, postfix translation, translation with a top-down parser. More about translation: Array references in arithmetic expressions, procedures all, declarations and case statements. Unit-4: Symbol Tables: Data structure for symbols tables, representing scope information. Run-Time Administration: Implementation of simple stack allocation scheme, storage allocation in block structured language. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical Phase errors, syntactic phase errors semantic errors. Unit-5: Code Generation: Design Issues, the Target Language. Addresses in the Target Code, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Code Generator. Code optimization: Machine-Independent Optimizations, Loop optimization, DAG representation of basic blocks, value numbers and algebraic laws, Global Data-Flow analysis.

Text Book(s):

1. V Raghavan, “Principles of Compiler Design”, TMH 2. Aho, A. V., Sethi, R., & Ullman, J. D. (1999). Compiler Design. Pearson Education.

References: 1. Charles Fischer and Ricard LeBlanc,” Craftinga Compiler with C”, Pearson Education

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum






Dept. Elective Courses (EBA-061-064 Elective *)

Course Title: PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code: EBA-061 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course includes an overview of the various tools available for writing and running Python, and gets

students coding quickly. The course is designed to provide an introduction to the Python programming

language. The focus of the course is to provide students.

Course Objectives: 1. To acquire programming skills in core Python. 2. To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python 3. To develop the skill of designing Graphical user Interfaces in Python 4. To develop the ability to write database applications in Python

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Apply basic principles of Python programming language CO2: Able to implement object-oriented concepts, CO3: Able to implement database and GUI applications. CO4: Apply learning to machine learning and data analytics.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Content: Unit-1: Python Introduction: The Python Language, The Python Standard Library and Extension Modules, Python Implementation, Python Development and Versions, Installation from Source Code and Binaries, The Python Interpreter. Core Python Language and Built—ins: Lexical Structure, Data Type, Variable, Expression and Operators, Numeric Operations, Sequence Operations, Dictionary Operations, The print statement, Conditional Statements, Looping, Control flow Statements. Unit-2: Functions: Defining a function, calling a function, Types of functions, Function Arguments, Anonymous functions. Lists and Tuple: Introduction to List and Tuple, Accessing List and Tuple, Operations, working with List and Tuple, Function and Methods. Dictionaries: Working with dictionaries, properties and functions. Module: Importing Module, Math Module, Random Module, Package, Composition and The Distribution Utility (disutil). Unit-3: OOPs Concept: Class and Object, Attribute, Inheritance, Overloading and Overriding, Data Hiding, Meta classes, Exceptions: try Statement, Exception Propagation, Except Clause, Try-Finally Clause, User Defined Exception, The raise statement. Core Built—ins: Built—in Types, Built—in functions, The sys Module, The getopt Module, The copy Module, The bisect Module, The UserList, UserDict and UserString Module. Strings and Regular Expression. File and Text I/O Operations: The OS Module, Filesystem Operations, File Objects, Auxiliary Module for File I/O, The String IO and cString IO Modules, Compressed File, Text Input and Output, Opening and Closing File, Reading data form keyboard, Reading


and Writing a File, Copy the content from one file to another file. Unit-4: CGI: Introduction, Architecture, CGI environment variable, Get and Post Method, Cookies, File Upload. Database: Introduction, Connection, Executing Queries, Transactions. Time Operations: The time Module, The sched Module, The calendar Module, The mx.DateTime Module. Controlling Execution: Dynamic Execution and the exec statement, Restricted Execution, Internal Type, Garbage Collection. Thread and Process: Introduction, Starting a Thread, Queue Module, Threading module, Synchronization thread, Multithreaded Priority Queue. Unit-5: Networking and Web Programming: URL Access, Email Protocols, The HTTP and FTP Protocols, Network News, Telnet, The Socket Module, The Socket Server Module, Event—Driven Socket Program. MIME and Network Encoding: Encoding Binary data as a Text, MIME and Email Format Handling. Text Book(s): 1. Python in a Nutshell” by Alex Martelli, Oreilly Publication. 2. Think Python” by Allen Downey, Green Tea Press.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: BIG DATA ANALYSIS Course Code: EBA-062 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

Students will gain knowledge on analyzing Big Data. It serves as an introductory course for graduate

students who are expecting to face Big Data storage, processing, analysis, visualization, and application

issues on both workplaces and research environments.

Course Objectives: Understand the Big Data Platform and its Use cases

1. Provide an overview of Apache Hadoop 2. Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS 3. Understand Map Reduce Jobs 4. Provide hands on Hadoop Eco System 5. Apply analytics on Structured, Unstructured Data. 6. Exposure to Data Analytics with R.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Apply Identify Big Data and its Business Implications. CO2: Able to list the components of Hadoop and Hadoop Eco-System CO3: Apply Access and Process Data on Distributed File System CO4: Able to manage Job Execution in Hadoop Environment CO5: Develop Big Data Solutions using Hadoop Eco System

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: UNDERSTANDING BIG DATA 8 What is big data, why big data, convergence of key trends, unstructured data, industry examples of big data, web analytics, big data and marketing, fraud and big data, risk and big data ,credit risk management, big data and algorithmic trading, big data and healthcare, big data in medicine, advertising and big data, big data technologies, introduction to Hadoop, open source technologies, cloud and big data mobile business intelligence, Crowd sourcing analytics ,inter and trans firewall analytics Unit-2: NOSQL DATA MANAGEMENT 8 Introduction to NoSQL, aggregate data models, aggregates, key-value and document data models, relationships, graph databases, schema less databases, materialized views, distribution models, sharding, master slave replication, peer-peer replication sharding and replication, consistency, relaxing consistency, version stamps, MapReduce, partitioning and combining, composing map-reduce calculations Unit-3: BASICS OF HADOOP 8 Data format, analyzing data with Hadoop, scaling out, Hadoop streaming, Hadoop pipes, design of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), HDFS concepts, Java interface, data flow, Hadoop I/O, data integrity, compression, serialization, Avro file-based data structures Unit-4: MAP REDUCE APPLICATIONS 8 Map Reduce workflows, UNIT tests with MRUNIT, test data and local tests – anatomy of Map Reduce job run, classic Map-reduce, YARN, failures in classic Map-reduce and YARN, job scheduling, shuffle and sort, task execution, MapReduce types, input formats, output formats.


Unit-5: HADOOP RELATED TOOLS 8 HBase, data model and implementations, Hbase clients, Hbase examples – praxis. Cassandra, Cassandra data model, Cassandra examples, Cassandra clients, Hadoop integration. Pig, Grunt, pig data model, Pig Latin, developing and testing Pig Latin scripts. Hive, data types and file formats, HiveQL data definition, HiveQL data manipulation – HiveQL queries

Text Book(s): 1. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Timothy Andres Pabon, et al., Everybody Lies — Big Data, New

Data, and What the Internet 2. Victor Mayer-Schonberger, A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Course Code: EBA-063 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

Describe and explain basic principles of digital image processing. Design and implement algorithms that perform basic image, Ability to learn digital image processing techniques and apply in practical problems.

Course Objectives:

To introduce the concepts of image processing and basic analytical methods to be used in image processing. To familiarize students with image enhancement and restoration techniques, To explain different image compression techniques. To introduce segmentation and morphological processing techniques.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Apply Explain the fundamentals of digital image and its processing CO2: Perform image enhancement techniques in spatial and frequency domain. CO3: Elucidate the mathematical modelling of image restoration and compression CO4: Apply the concept of image segmentation. CO5: Describe object detection and recognition techniques.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Introduction and Fundamentals Motivation and Perspective, Applications, Components of Image Processing System, Element of Visual Perception, a Simple Image Model, Sampling and Quantization. Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain, Basis of Filtering in Frequency Domain, Filters– Low-pass, High-pass; Correspondence Between Filtering in Spatial and Frequency Domain; Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters–Gaussian Low pass Filters; Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian High pass Filters; Homomorphism Filtering. Unit-2: Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain Introduction; Basic Gray Level Functions–Piecewise- Linear Transformation Functions: Contrast Stretching; Histogram Specification; Histogram Equalization; Local Enhancement; Enhancement Using Arithmetic/Logic Operations–Image Subtraction, Image Averaging; Basics of Spatial Filtering; Smoothing- Mean filter, Ordered Statistic Filter; Sharpening– The Laplacian Unit-3: Image Restoration A Model of Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of Noise Only-Spatial Filtering–Mean Filters: Arithmetic Mean filter, Geometric Mean Filter, Order Statistic Filters– Median Filter, Max and Min filters; Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering– Band pass Filters; Minimum Mean-square Error Restoration. Unit-4: Morpho logical Image Processing: Introduction, Logic Operations involving Binary Images, Dilation and Erosion, Opening and Closing, Morphological Algorithms–Boundary Extraction, Region Filling, Extraction of Connected Components, Convex Hull, Thinning, Thickening. Unit-5: Registration Introduction, Geometric Transformation– Plane to Plane transformation, Mapping, Stereo Imaging– Algorithms to Establish Correspondence, Algorithms to Recover Depth Segmentation Introduction, Region Extraction, Pixel-Based Approach, Multi-level Thresh holding, Local Thresh holding, Region-based Approach, Edge and Line Detection


Text Book(s):

1. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K. Jain. Published by Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

2. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, R.J. Schalk off. Published by: John Wiley and Sons, Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBA-064

Pre-requisites, if any: Software Engineering Course Description:

Students will be able to appraise the business value of adopting Agile approaches and development

practices. Apply design principles, refactoring version control and continuous integration to achieve

Agility. Implement testing activities within an Agile project using various testing strategies.

Course Objectives:

Agile software development is now the de-facto standard for software development used by companies

ranging from start-ups to large corporations. This class will make students familiar with the most

important agile approaches and use exercises and projects to introduce the three roles in agile -

development team, scrum master, and product owner - as well as the process and the most commonly

used tools. The course will also introduce related concepts in software development such as design

thinking, Kanban, lean, and scaled agile.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand key principles of agile software development; CO2: Be an effective member of a scrum team; CO3: Apply modern software engineering techniques commonly used in agile software projects; CO4: Utilize principles of process improvement in software projects; CO5: Implement current enterprise-grade techniques for continuous development, testing, integration, and delivery.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:

Unit-1: Fundamentals of Agile: The Genesis of Agile, Introduction and background, Agile Manifesto and

Principles, Overview of Scrum, Extreme programming, Feature driven development, Lean Software

Development, Agile project management, Design and development practices in Agile projects

Unit-2: Agile Frameworks: Introduction to Scrum, Project phases, Agile Estimation, Planning game,

Product backlog, Sprint backlog, Iteration planning, User story definition, Characteristics and content of

user stories, Acceptance tests and Verifying stories, Project velocity, burn down chart, Sprint planning

and retrospective, Daily scrum, Scrum roles – Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Team, Scrum case

study, Tools for Agile project management, Introduction of Kanban and compare it with Scrum

Unit-3: Agile Testing: The Agile lifecycle and its impact on testing, Test-Driven Development (TDD),

xUNIT framework and tools for TDD, Testing user stories - acceptance tests and scenarios, Planning and

managing testing cycle,

Unit-4: Exploratory testing, Risk based testing, Regression tests, Test Automation, Tools to support the

Agile tester.

Unit-5: Agile Software Design and Development: Agile design practices, Role of design Principles


including Single Responsibility Principle, Open Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface

Segregation Principles, Dependency Inversion Principle in Agile Design, Need and significance of

Refactoring, Refactoring Techniques, Continuous Integration, Automated build tools, Version control.

Text Book(s):

1. Ken Schawber, Mike Beedle, Agile Software Development with Scrum, Pearson

2. Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams,

3. Addison Wesley

4. Robert C. Martin, Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices, Prentice

5. Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Addison Wesley

6. Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied: For Agile Software, Addison Wesley. Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBR-602 Pre-requisites, if any: Knowledge of ROBOTICS MODULE –I.

Course Description: Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots Course Objectives: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the business organization & management. Each student will enable themselves:

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1- Understand the need of robotics.

CO2- Understand the basic motor operation, sensor, electronics components CO3-Understand basic concepts of robot, including the structure and operation of the relational data model. CO4-Understand and successfully apply logical design principles, including software structure

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

Course Contents:

Unit-1: Introduction to Robotics

Definition of robots, Evolution of robots, Laws of robots, International Robotic Standards, Why

Robots? Types of robots, Selection of robots, Application of Robotics: Industrial, Medical,

Entertainment, New and upcoming technologies.

Unit-2: Robot Classifications: Degrees of freedom; degrees of movements, robot configuration; accuracy and repeatability,

specification of a robot, drives and transmission systems used in robotics. Analysis of Humanoid

robots (HOAP, ASIMO, NAO), Industrial Robot and Service Robot.

Unit-3: Introduction of Electronics

Introduction to electronics, Applications of electronics, Electronics components explanations,

Voltage divider rule, Introduction to analog circuits, Basics circuits development, Input output

processing in electronics circuit, Operation of active and passive components, Introduction to

Autonomous robot, Power supply, battery (types of battery and uses of battery.

Unit-4: Embedded system

Introduction to Embedded system, Microcontroller and microprocessor difference, Concept of

hardware and software interface, working on digital and analog signals, PCB designing, Motor,

Types of motor (Servo motor, DC motor, Stepper motor) and its salient features, Screw type.

Unit-5: Elements of robots Position and orientation of a rigid body, Homogeneous transformations, Representation of joints,

L T P C.U. 2 0 0 2

link representation using D-H parameters, Examples of D-H, parameters and link transforms

Text Book(s):

1. Tocci R J and Widmer N S, "Digital Systems - Principles and Applications", 8th Ed., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2001).

2. Boylestad and Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", 8thEd., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2002).

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5


Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: ROBOTICS MODULE II-LAB Course code: EBR -652 Pre-requisites, if any: ROBOTICS MODULE –I Course Description: Robotics is a lab-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, focusing on the construction and programming of autonomous mobile robots. Course Objective(s): This course is intended to provide you with an understanding of the current technology and practical knowledge of Robotics system. The course provides a solid technical overview of Robotics systems. These include basic of robot, types, working principle, different programming procedure. Course Outcome (COs): At the completion of this course, students should be able to do the following: CO1- Understand the need of robotics. CO2- Understand the basic motor operation, sensor, electronics components CO3-Understand basic concepts of robot, including the structure and operation of the relational data model. CO4-Understand and successfully apply logical design principles, including software structure Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S CO4 S M S

List of Experiments:

1. Assembling of a robotic car 2. Interfacing components like resistor, capacitor, LED etc. 3. Types Of PCB 4. Working of Different types of motors, switches and sensors 5. LDR based Automatic light control 6. Controlling brightness of LED using Potentiometer 7. Testing of IR sensors 8. Working of DPDT switch.

Text Book(s):

1. Tocci R J and Widmer N S, "Digital Systems - Principles and Applications", 8th Ed., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2001).

2. Boylestad and Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", 8thEd., Pearson Education India, New Delhi (2002).

3. Bhargava-Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits, TMH

Assessment Scheme: Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of:

o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4



Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-

curriculum development).

Course Title: MINOR PROJECT Course Code: EBC-654 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course is designed to encourage experiential and wholesome mini projects where students take what they’ve learned throughout the program and apply it to examine a specific idea. It aims to provide the students an exposure to gain proficiency in modeling, implementing and testing nontrivial software applications. It must include a design component, User interface and usefulness for the society or the profession

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of quantitively methods and techniques for effective decisions–making; model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To understand and select the task based on their core skills.

2. To get the knowledge about analytical skill for solving the selected task.

3. To get confidence for implementing the task and solving the real time problems.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Identify and formulate the problem

CO2: Analyze the problem and collect necessary data.

CO3: Design and develop the project using appropriate software by applying the programming skills.

CO4: Implement, evaluate and generate reports.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 10 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 10 Marks o Project Record (R) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-

curriculum development).

L T P C.U. 0 0 4 2


Course Code: TBC-601

Pre-requisites, if any: TBC-501

Course Description:

The course makes the platform for the students to enter into the different realms of life with a new perspective in

mind and heart that life can be lived in unison of harmony and peace with ever evolving nature of existence. This

course will focus on one of the most important aspect of that expansion of happiness is the purpose of life. If we

are happy from within, we are able to enjoy everything in life. They will develop the ability to perceive what is

relevant in a given situation and then use the information they gather to form appropriate responses. One purpose

of assigned academic readings is to give students exposure to different viewpoints and ideas which will help you

wrestle with ideas and beliefs in new ways and develop a better understanding of how others’ views differ from

your own.

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is drive the students through advance techniques of Transcendental Meditation and

give them the perspective to think beyond their actual capacity of their mind and also let them know about how to

unfold the full value of life to be more open, more clear and more harmonious. Self-development through reading

of research articles, Book(s) reading and journals will be the key components of this course which stabilizes the

ability to reflect on and evaluate learning and performance and set goals for progress, demonstrate behavior and

attitude appropriate for outside world.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Define variegated advance technique of Transcendental Meditation CO 2: Explain the importance of advance technique, siddhi and yogic flying CO 3: Understand the fundamental concepts of growth to enlightenment which leads into refinement of perception and concurrently grow the life in higher states of consciousness CO 4: Experiment with reading with conceptual comprehension for the evolution of the students for the holistic development of well being CO 5: Develop confidence in their ability to read, comprehend, organize and retain written information Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W S

Course Contents: Unit - 1: Effortless Pace towards Evolution Introduction to Advance Techniques, Significance of Advance techniques, Transcendental Meditation Siddhi program and Yogic Flying Unit - 2: Enrichment of Experiences VI Advance Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Program, Follow-up Sessions and Group Checkings, Personal Checking’s

L T P C.U. 2 0 2 0

Unit – 3: Understanding the Growth of Enlightenment Enlightenment: a living reality, Evolution: the nature of life, Higher stages of Human Development, Living 200% value of life, Refinement of Perception, Life in UNITy Unit – 4: Choice of Any one (Designed by Department wise) National Law based on Natural Law (LAW), Creativity amplification by going within (ANIMATION), Understanding numbers in the light of consciousness (DATA SCIENCE) & (ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY) & (COMPUTER SCIENCE), Basis of all Sciences (SCHOOL OF SCIENCES), Fundamentals of Invincible Management (COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT), Science of Well Being through Maharishi Knowledge (PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES), Enhanced Social Behavior by practicing Transcendental Meditation (HUMANTIES AND ARTS) Unit – 5: Reading Skills Purpose and types of reading for evolution and broadening intellectual ability, Technique for effective reading in practical life for enhancement of personality Text Book(s):

Freund F Peter. (2018). Yogic Flying According to Yoga Vasishtha. Independently published Freund F Peter. (2015). Varuna Purana: Illustrating Higher States of Consciousness with Stories of Lord

Shiva. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform Henry D. J. (2014). The Effective Reader. Pearson


Harung H, Travis F, Blank W, Heaton D. Higher development, brain integration, and excellence in leadership. Management Decision 2009 47(6):872-894

William H. Rupley, Timothy R. Blair, William D. Nichols. (2009). Effective reading instruction for struggling readers: The role of direct/explicit teaching. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 2009 - Taylor & Francis

Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 AC 1 X X X X X AC 2 X X X X X AC 3 X X X X X AC 4 X X AC 5 X X X X X

Details of Projects/Activities Savage hunt of knowledge Instructions of this activity

Student will be divided in group of 5 There will some beautiful quote of Maharishi which instructor will not reveal them

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

They have to collect 10 items which are commonly used in daily life Once they have collected the items the instructor will reveal quote of Maharishi and they have to correlate

those things with those quotes Learning of the activity The learning of this activity is to correlate and connect the dots which is hidden in life and also from real insight by acknowledging and appreciating the value of supreme knowledge videlicet going inwards to bringing the things and connecting it to the relative life. Searching of items is consider as going in wards within and introspecting, correlating it to Maharishi quote is consider to be bringing out the value of absolute to relative life. Snakes and ladders in innovative way of learning Instructions of the game

Students will be divided into two equal groups There will be real replica of Snakes and Ladders game Both the team will volunteer one candidate to be pawn Instructor will have 2 dice To roll the dice the students of both the teams have to answer some questions which will be asked by the

instructor The one who reaches at the end first will be the winner

Learning of the activity The learning of this activity is that student learn and digest the knowledge what teachers have imparted in the theory class and get them a revision of the whole course in a quiz manner. Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the external environment (like village commUNITy, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme.

Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks

Sl. No.

Rubrics for Practice Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a day


2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say and contributes to the learning and knowledge.


Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks

Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation


4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to the class


5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Other Details: While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.

Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Seventh Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category

Course Code

Course Title



Marks Total Credit


Core Courses

EBD-701 Data Warehouse and Mining 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

2 EBA-702 Artificial Intelligence 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

3 EBC-703 C#.Net 3-0-0 30 70 100 3

4 EBE -704 E-Commerce

3-0-0 30 70 100 3

5 EBC-751 C#.Net Lab 0-0-2 20 30 50 1

6 EBP-725 Industrial Training / Internship Assessment

0-0-4 50 50 2





EBE-* (071- 074)











EBT 072 Total Quality Management






Total 250 450 700 21

Qualifying non-credit courses


Self-Development courses/ Science for Consciousness (SOC)


Coherence-Harmony between Individual &







Dept. Elective Courses EBE-* (071-074)


1. EBE - 071: Cloud Computing

2. EBE - 072: Blockchain Technology

3. EBE - 073: LAMP Technology

4. EBE - 074: Natural Language Processing



Course Code: EBD-701 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: This course gives an introduction to methods and theory for development of data warehouses and data analysis using

data mining. Data quality and methods and techniques for pre-processing of data. Algorithms for classification,

clustering and association rule analysis. Practical use of software for data analysis.

Course Objectives: 1. Be familiar with mathematical foundations of data mining tools. 2. Understand and implement classical models and algorithms in data warehouses and data mining 3. Characterize the kinds of patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining, classification and

clustering. 4. Master data mining techniques in various applications like social, scientific and environmental context. 5. Develop skill in select

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand the functionality of the various data mining and data warehousing component. CO2: Appreciate the strengths and limitations of various data mining and data warehousing models. CO3: Explain the analyzing techniques of various data. CO4: Describe different methodologies used in data mining and data ware housing.

CO5: Compare different approaches of data ware housing and data mining with various technologies. Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:


Data Warehouse Introduction, Concept Hierarchy Generation Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology - A

Multidimensional Data Model Stars, Snow flake and Fact Constellations Schemas for Multidimensional Databases,

OLAP operations.

Unit-2: Datawarehouse Architecture Introduction to data mining kinds of data, relational databases, traditional databases, advanced database systems. Data Mining functionalities and patterns generated. Data Pre-processing: - Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction.


Data Discretization, Associations and Correlations- The Apriori Algorithm, Finding Frequent Item Sets Using Candidate

Generation Mining, Frequent Item sets without Candidate Generation Mining, Frequent Item sets Using Vertical Data


L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3


Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification Rule-Based Classification, Associative

Classification Prediction- Linear Regression and Non -linear Regression Clustering.


Partitioning and hierarchical Methods Mining Social Network, spatial databases, multidimensional

databases, text databases and World Wide Web.

Text Book(s):

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques.

2. Margaret H. Dunham and S. Sridhar Data Mining Introduction and Advance Topic.


1. Sam Anahory and Dennis Murray Data Warehousing in the real World. Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBA-702 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of

artificial intelligence.

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to provide graduate students of M.Sc. Information Systems with comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of AI principles and techniques by introducing AI’s fundamental problems, and the state-of-the-art models and algorithms used to undertake these problems. This course is also designed to expose students to the frontiers of AI-intensive computing and information systems, while providing a sufficiently strong foundation to encourage further research Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Compare AI with human intelligence and traditional information processing and discuss its strengths and limitations as well as its application to complex and human-centered problems.

CO2: Discuss the core concepts and algorithms of advanced AI, including informed searching, CSP, logic, uncertain knowledge and reasoning, dynamic Bayesian networks, graphical models, decision making, multiagent, inductive learning, statistical learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, natural language processing, robotics, and so on.

CO3: Apply the basic principles, models, and algorithms of AI to recognize, model, and solve problems Min the analysis and design of information systems.

CO4: Analyze the structures and algorithms of a selection of techniques related to searching, reasoning, machine learning, and language processing.

CO5: Design AI functions and components involved in intelligent systems such as computer games, expert systems, semantic web, information retrieval, machine translation, mobile robots, decision support systems, and intelligent tutoring systems.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 W M M W CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W W M M M

Course Content:


Introduction: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Foundations and History of Artificial Intelligence, Applications of

Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Structure of Intelligent Agents. Computer vision, Natural Language Possessing.


Introduction to Search: Searching for solutions, Uniformed search strategies, Informed search strategies, Local search

algorithms and optimistic problems, Adversarial Search, Search for games, Alpha-Beta pruning.


Knowledge Representation & Reasoning: Propositional logic, Theory of first order logic, Inference in First order logic,

Forward & Backward chaining, Resolution, Probabilistic reasoning, Utility theory, Hidden Markov Models (HMM),

Bayesian Networks.



Machine Learning: Supervised and unsupervised learning, Decision trees, Statistical learning models, learning with

complete data-Naïve Bayes models, Learning with hidden data-EM algorithm, Reinforcement learning.


Pattern Recognition: Introduction, Design principles of pattern recognition system, Statistical Pattern recognition,

Parameter estimation methods- Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA),

Classification Techniques–Nearest Neighbour (NN) Rule, Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K– means


Text Book(s): 1. Rich and Knight,” Artificial Intelligence 3rd Edition”, Mc-graw Hill Education

References: 1. Dan W. Patterson, “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”, Prentice Hall of India,

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum development).

Course Title: C#.NET COURSE

Code: EBC-703

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: This course introduces students to the basic the .Net framework, problem solving, and learning methods of C#.

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to cover:

1. Design and Implement Windows Applications using Windows Forms, Control Library, Advanced UI Programming & Data Binding concept.

2. Design and Implement database connectivity using ADO.NET in window-based application. 3. Identify and resolve problems (debug /trouble shoot) in C#.NET window-based application 4. Identify Industry defined problem and suggesting solution(s) using .NET application

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand code solutions and compile C# projects within the .NET framework. CO2: Design and develop professional console and window-based .NET application CO3: Demonstrate knowledge of object-oriented concepts Design user experience and functional requirements C#.NET

application. CO4: Construct classes, methods, and assessors, and instantiate objects. CO5: Understand and implement string manipulation, events and exception handling within .NET application

environment. Create and manipulate GUI components in C#.

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M Course Content:


The .Net framework: Introduction, The Origin of .Net Technology, Common Language Runtime (CLR), Common Type System (CTS), Common Language Specification (CLS), Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), Just-In –Time Compilation, Framework Base Classes.


C -Sharp Language (C#): Introduction, Data Types, Identifiers, Variables, Constants, Literals, Array and Strings, Object and Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Operator Overloading, Interfaces, Delegates and Events. Type-conversion.


C# Using Libraries: Namespace- System, Input-Output, Multi -Threading, Networking and sockets, Managing Console I/O Operations, Windows Forms, Error Handling.


Advanced Features Using C#: Web Services, Window Services, Asp.net Web Form Controls, and ADO.Net. Distributed Application in C#, Unsafe Mode, Graphical Device interface with C#.



.Net Assemblies and Attribute: .Net Assemblies features and structure, private and share assemblies, Built-In attribute and custom attribute, Introduction about generic.

Text Book(s):

1. Balagurusamy,” Programming with C#”, (TMH). References:

2. Wiley,” Beginning Visual C# 2008”, Wrox. Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: C# and .NET PRACTICAL Course code: EBC 751 Pre-requisites: NA Course Description:

This course introduces students to the basic the .Net framework, problem solving, and learning methods of C#.

Developing the web application using C# and .NET technologies.

Course Objective(s):

This Lab course will help students to achieve the following objectives:

1. Introduce to .Net IDE Component Framework. 2. Programming concepts in .Net Framework. 3. Creating website using ASP.Net Controls.

Course Outcome (COs):

At the end of this Lab course students will be able to: CO1: Create user interactive web pages using ASP.Net. CO2: Create simple data binding applications using ADO.Net connectivity. CO3: Performing Database operations for Windows Form and web applications

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2 CO 1 M W S M CO 2 S M M CO 3 M S

List of Experiments:

1. Create a windows form with the following controls Textbox, Radio button, Check box, Command Button. 2. Write a program for Menu option. 3. Create a program to connect with database and manipulate the records in the database using ADO .NET. 4. Create a program to implement the concepts of OOPS for creating class, inheritance. 5. Create a program to perform input validation using procedure. 6. Write a program to open a file and using I/O operations write contents into a file and read the contents from the

file. 7. Create a window form using HTML controls. 8. Create a program to perform validation using validation controls. 9. Create a program in ASP .NET to connect with the database using ADODB connectivity and manipulate the records. 10. Write a program to store the employee details using class and methods in C# .NET

Text Book(s):

1. Balagurusamy,” Programming with C#”, (TMH). 2. Wiley,” Beginning Visual C# 2008”, Wrox.

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 5 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 5 Marks o Laboratory Record (R) 10 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 30 Marks

L T P C.U. 0 0 2 1

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4



Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: E-COMMERCE

Course Code: EBE-704 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: This course focuses on principles of e-commerce from a business perspective, providing an

overview of business and technology topics, business models, virtual value chains and social innovation and marketing

strategies. In addition, some of the major issues associated with e- commerce—security, privacy, intellectual property

rights, authentication, encryption, acceptable use policies, and legal liabilities—will be explored. Students will build

their own web presence and market it using an online platform.

Course Objectives: This course provides an introduction to information systems for business and management. It is designed to familiarize

students with organizational and managerial foundations of systems, the technical foundation for understanding information systems

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:- CO1: Understand how the digital transaction works.

CO2: Understand the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information Systems. CO3: Have the knowledge of the different types of management information systems. CO4: Understand the processes of developing and implementing information systems. CO5: Be aware of the ethical, social, and security issues of information systems.

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M

Course Content:


E-commerce and its Technological Aspects Overview of developments in Information Technology and Defining E-

Commerce: The scope of E commerce, Electronic Market, Electronic Data Interchange, Internet Commerce, Benefits

and limitations of E-Commerce, Produce a generic framework for E-Commerce, Architectural framework of Electronic

Commerce, Web based E Commerce Architecture.


Consumer Oriented E Commerce E-Retailing: Traditional retailing and e retailing, Benefits of e retailing, Key success

factors, Models of e-retailing, Features of e retailing. E services: Categories of e-services, Web-enabled services,

matchmaking services, Information-selling on the web, e entertainment, Auctions and other specialized services.

Business to Business Electronic Commerce.


Electronic Data Interchange: Benefits of EDI, EDI technology, EDI standards, EDI communications, EDI

Implementation, EDI Agreements, EDI Security. Electronic Payment Systems, Need of Electronic Payment System:

Study and examine the use of Electronic Payment system and the protocols used, Study Electronic Fund Transfer and

secure electronic transaction protocol for credit card payment.



Digital economy: Identify the methods of payments on the net – Electronic Cash, cheques and credit cards on the

Internet. Security in E Commerce Threats in Computer Systems: Virus, Cyber Crime Network Security: Encryption,

Protecting Web server with a Firewall, Firewall and the Security Policy, Network Firewalls and Application Firewalls,

Proxy Server.


Issues in E Commerce Understanding Ethical, Social and Political issues in E-Commerce: A model for Organizing the

issues, Basic Ethical Concepts, Analysing Ethical Dilemmas, Candidate Ethical principles Privacy and Information

Rights: Information collected at E-Commerce Websites, The Concept of Privacy, Legal protections Intellectual Property

Rights: Types of Intellectual Property protection, Governance


Text Book(s):

1. Elias. M. Awad, " Electronic Commerce", Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd.

2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston, "Electronic Commerce-A Manager's guide", Addison-Wesley.

3. Efraim Turban, Jae Lee, David King, H. Michael Chung, “Electronic Commerce– A Managerial Perspective".

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBT 072

Course Description:

Quality management is a system that serves to control Quality in the critical activities of an organization by bringing together resources, equipment, people and procedures. It uses techniques and principles such as quality function deployment, Taguchi method, service quality management, quality audits and Six Sigma to control quality in every sphere of activity in an organization.

Course Objective(s): 1. The overall purpose of the course is to provide an understanding of the process of managing quality and managing

services. 2. The principles of Quality, Quality Assurance, and Total Quality Management will provide an insight into the concepts of

Excellence and Best Value and the contribution of quality to strategic management. 3. This course aims to show how all the fundamental disciplines of business are intrinsically linked with the concepts of

service excellence and quality. Because these concepts are so interrelated they can be shown to have a strategic importance to the culture and success of any organization.

4. There are many tools and doctrines that can be used for assessing product/service quality and selection of these tools can help in the pursuit of excellence. This course is designed to provide a valuable perspective for future business managers.

Course Outcome (COs): On completion of the course, the student will be able to CO1: Evaluate the principles of quality management and to explain how these principles can be applied within quality management systems. CO2: Identify the key aspects of the quality improvement cycle and to select and use appropriate tools and techniques for controlling, improving and measuring quality. CO3: Critically appraise the organisational, communication and teamwork requirements for effective quality management CO4: Critically analyse the strategic issues in quality management, including current issues and developments CO5: To devise and evaluate quality implementation plans.

Mapping Cos with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO1 PSO2






Course Contents:

Unit 1 Quality concepts: Evolution of quality control, concept change, TQM modern concept, quality concept in design, review of design, evolution of proto type. Control on purchased product Procurement of various products, evaluation of supplies, capacity verification, development of sources, procurement procedure. Manufacturing quality Methods and techniques for manufacture, inspection and control of product, quality in salesand services, guarantee, analysis of claims.


Unit 2 Quality management Organization structure and design, quality function, decentralization, designing and fitting, organization for different type products and company, economics of quality value and contribution, quality cost, optimizing quality cost, seduction program. Human factor in quality Attitude of top management, cooperation of groups, operators attitude, responsibility, causes of apparatus error and corrective methods.

Unit 3 Control charts: Theory of control charts, measurement range, construction and analysis of r charts, process capability study, and use of control charts. Attributes of control chart Defects, construction and analysis of charts, improvement by control chart, variable sample size, construction and analysis of c charts. Unit –4 Defects diagnosis and prevention defect study, identification and analysis of defects, correcting measure, factors affecting reliability, mttf, calculation of reliability, building reliability in the product, evaluation of reliability, interpretation of test results, reliability control, maintainability, Zero defects, quality circle.

Unit –5 ISO-9000 and its concept of Quality Management ISO 9000 series, Taguchi method, JIT in some details.

Text Book(s): 1. Lt. Gen. H. Lal, “Total Quality Management”, Eastern Limited, 1990 Reference Books: 1. Greg Bounds, “Beyond Total Quality Management”, McGraw Hill, 1994. 2. Menon, H.G, “TQM in New Product manufacturing”, McGraw Hill 1992

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO 5 C S S S M S H M M M

Sessional Exam (T) W S W ESE M M S M


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum development).





Dept Elective Courses EBE-* (071-074)


Course Code: EBE- 071

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

Explain core concepts of cloud computing, its services and models. Discuss systems, hardware and application virtualization and outline their role in enabling cloud services. Explore the issues related to cloud computing and its application. Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to build and deploy cloud applications.

Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to cover:

1. To provide students with the fundamentals and essentials of Cloud Computing. 2. To provide students a sound foundation of the Cloud Computing so that they are able to start using and

adopting Cloud Computing services and tools in their real-life scenarios. 3. To enable students exploring some important cloud computing driven commercial systems and applications. 4. To expose the students to frontier areas of Cloud Computing and information systems, while providing

sufficient foundations to enable further study and research. Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud computing.

CO2: Apply the fundamental concepts in datacenters to understand the tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost. CO3: Identify resource management fundamentals, i.e. resource abstraction, sharing and sandboxing and outline

their role in managing infrastructure in cloud computing. CO4: Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

Course Content:

Unit-1: Cloud Fundamentals and Virtualization: Introduction and understanding of cloud computing, concepts and

models, Cloud enabling technologies and fundamental cloud security and requirements, virtual machines and

virtualization of clusters and data centers, Applications of Virtual Machines, Implementation levels of virtualization,

Virtualization structures/Tools and Mechanism, Virtualization of CPUs, Memory and I/O devices.

Unit-2: Cloud delivery model: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, Cloud delivery model with the perspective of cloud provider and


the cloud consumer. Cloud Computing Mechanisms: Cloud Infrastructure, Logical Network Perimeter, Virtual Server,

Cloud Storage Device, Cloud Usage Monitor,

Unit-3: Specialized Cloud Mechanisms, Load Balancer, SLA Monitor, Failover System, Hypervisor, Automated Scaling

Cloud Management Mechanisms, Resource Management System, SLA Management System,

Unit-4: Cloud Computing Architecture: Fundamental cloud architecture, Dynamic Scalability Architecture, Elastic

Resource Capacity Architecture, Service Load Balancing Architecture, Cloud Bursting Architecture, advanced cloud

architecture, Zero Downtime Architecture, Resource Reservation Architecture, Dynamic Failure Detection and

Recovery Architecture, Storage Workload Management Architecture.

Unit-5: Working with the cloud: Cost metrics and pricing models, , Cloud usages cost metrics and SLAs, service quality

metrics, Security: Introduction, Cloud Storage: from LANs to WANs, Technologies for Data Security in Cloud

Computing, Security Concerns, Legal issues and Aspects, Securing the Private and Public Cloud Architecture.

Text Book(s):

1. John Ritting house & James Ransome, Cloud Computing, Implementation, Management and Strategy, CRC Press, 2010.


1. David E.Y. Sarna Implementing and Developing Cloud Application, CRC press 2011. Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE- 072 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: At the end of the course, students will be able to

1. Summarize the concept of Block chain technology

2. Develop the structure of a Block chain network

3. Evaluate security issues relating to Block chain and crypto currency

4. Design the applications based on Block chain technology

Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students will be able to

1. Understand how blockchain systems (mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum) work, 2. To securely interact with them, 3. Design, build, and deploy smart contracts and distributed applications, 4. Integrate ideas from blockchain technology into their own projects.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Able to learn design principles of Bitcoin and Ethereum and consensus algorithm. CO2: Apply to the Simplified Payment Verification protocol. CO3: Able to list and describe differences between proof-of-work and proof-of-stake consensus. CO4: Able to interact with a blockchain system by sending and reading transactions. CO5: Apply to the Design, build, and deploy a distributed application and evaluate security, privacy, and efficiency of a

given blockchain system. Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M

Course Content:


Introduction to Block chain: Need, Block chain 1.0 to 5.0, types of block chain, Generic elements of a block chain, digital

money to distributed ledgers, design primitives, protocols, security, consensus, permissions, and privacy.


Block chain Architecture, Design and Consensus: Basic crypto primitives: hash, signature, hash chain to Block

chain, basic consensus mechanisms, requirements for the consensus protocol for permission less environment, PoW,

PoS, PoB, PoET, and scalability aspects of Block chain consensus protocols.


Permissioned and Public Block chains: Design goals, Consensus protocols for Permissioned Block chains, Hyper ledger

Fabric, Decomposing the consensus process, Hyper ledger fabric components, Smart Contracts, Chain code design,

Hybrid models (PoS and PoW)


Block chain cryptography: Different techniques for Block chain cryptography, privacy and security of Block chain,

multi-sig concept.



Recent trends and research issues in Block chain: Scalability, secure cryptographic protocols on Block chain,

multiparty communication, FinTech and adoption of block chain technology in various applications.

Text Book(s):

1. Narayanan, Arvind. et al, Bitcoin and crypto currency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton

University Press.

2. Wattenhofer, Roger, The science of the block chain, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

3. Bahga, Arshdeep, and Vijay Madisetti,. Block chain Applications: A Hands-on Approach, VPT

4. Nakamoto, Satoshi, Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system, Research Paper

5. Antonopoulos, Andreas M, Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the open blockchain, O'Reilly Media, Inc

6. Diedrich, Henning, Ethereum: Blockchains, digital assets, smart contracts, Decentralized autonomous

organizations, Wildfire Publishing (Sydney)

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE- 073

Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

At the end of the course, students will be able to –

1. Describe and interpret the basics of open source and LAMP technologies

2. Manage web server for different application scenarios

3. Design and develop applications using open-source technologies.

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge to design and develop dynamic, database-driven web applications using PHP version 5. Students will learn how to connect to any ODBC-compliant database, and perform hands on practice with a MySQL database to create database-driven HTML forms and reports etc. Students also learn how to configure PHP and Apache Web Server. Comprehensive lab exercises provide facilitated hands on practice crucial to develop competence web sites

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Learn features of web technology programming. CO2: Describe and interpret the basics of LAMP technology CO3: Correlate the Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP for building an application. CO4: Implement application using JSP technology. CO5: Make Java to learn other advanced features of JDBC, JavaScript.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M

Course Content:


Introduction to LAMP Technology: Characteristics and Advantage of LAMP, Installation and Configuration of LAMP

stack. Understanding of Apache Web Server, Understanding and setting of various configuration files of LAMP stack,

Configuring nginx server.


PHP Programming fundamentals: Understanding syntax and variables of PHP, Control statements and functions,

passing information between PHP pages, String Handling, arrays, improving PHP/MySQL efficiency.


MySQL: Introduction to MySQL, Creation of MYSQL database, Creating tables, Implementation of DDL and DML queries

on MYSQL database. phpmyadmin to manage MySQL database. MySQL database administration.


Object Oriented programming with PHP: What Is Object-Oriented Programming? Basic PHP Constructs for OOP,

Advanced OOP Features, OOP Style in PHP, String and Regular Expression Functions, Handling Session and Cookies in



File Handling: Understanding PHP File Permissions, File Reading and Writing Functions, File system and Directory



Text Book(s):

1. PHP MYSQL Bible: Steve Suehring, Tim Coverse, Joyce Park, John Wiley & Sons

2. Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web Development: Timothy Boronczyk, Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann

Le Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz,Michael K. Glass,Wiley

3. Eric Filson, Erick Rosebrock, setting up LAMP: Getting Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Working Together, SyBex

4. Jason Gerner, Elizabeth Naramore, Morgan L. Owens, Matt Warden, Professional LAMP Linux, Apache, MySql and

PHP5 Web developent , Wiley

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBE- 074 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: At the end of the course, students will be able to –

1. Discuss about major NLP issues and solutions

2. Illustrate computational methods to understand language phenomena of word sense

3. Design and develop applications with natural language capabilities.

Course Objectives:

1. Each students the leading trends and systems in natural language processing. 2. Make them understand the concepts of morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the language and that

they are able to give the appropriate examples that will illustrate the above-mentioned concepts. 3. Teach them to recognize the significance of pragmatics for natural language understanding. 4. Enable students to be capable to describe the application based on natural language processing and to show the

points of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic processing. Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Learn features of natural language processing. CO2: Understand approaches to syntax and semantics in NLP. CO3: Understand approaches to discourse, generation, dialogue and summarization within NLP. CO4: Understand current methods for statistical approaches to machine translation. CO5: Understand machine learning techniques used in NLP, including hidden Markov models and probabilistic context-

free grammars, clustering and unsupervised methods, log-linear and discriminative models, and the EM algorithm as applied within NLP

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2 CO 1 S S M S M CO 2 S M M M M CO 3 S M S M CO 4 M W S

CO 5 W M M W M

Course Content:


Introduction and Text Classification: NLP overview, Text pre-processing, feature extraction from text, Neural networks

for words and characters, Text Mining case study


Language Modelling: N gram models, Smoothing, Part of speech tagging, Hidden Markov models, Viterbi algorithm,

Forward - backward algorithm, EM training, Models for Named Entity Recognition, Neural Language Models -

Recurrent Neural Networks and Long Short-term Memory networks.


Vector Space Models: Matrix factorization, Word2Vec and Doc2Vec, Word - character and sentence embedding, Topic



Maximum Entropy Classifiers: The maximum entropy principle, and its relation to maximum likelihood. Maximum

entropy classifiers and their application to document classification and sentence segmentation



Sequence to Sequence Modelling: Introducing machine translation, Encoder-decoder architecture, Attention

mechanism, implementing a conversational chat-bot

Text Book(s):

1. Jurafsky, David, and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural

Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition, PEARSON

2. Manning, Christopher D., and Hinrich Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

3. James Allen. Natural Language Understanding. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc..

4. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper. Natural Language Processing with Python – Analyzing Text

with the Natural Language Toolkit

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/INTERNSHIPS ASSESSMENT Course Code: EBP-725 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present on topic, which carried the industrial presentation. Seminar Course is an outcome of six months of study, exploration, survey and analysis of a particular topic. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation, Audience Engagement, Communication Skills. It also helps in building lifelong learning as a skill in the candidate.

Course Objective: This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present something within a group. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation. Each student will enable themselves:

1. Expose the student to the benefits and expectations of a Herkimer College education, and promote academic success.

2. Help the student increase self-motivation, personal responsibility, and understanding of his or her role in being an informed participant in the educational process.

3. Create an environment that helps the student establish healthy relationships and support networks.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

1. Identification of a domain specific scholarly topic 2. Investigate and tabulate details and history about the selected topic 3. Application of the selected topic in domain or real life 4. Demonstrating the communication skills by good presentation and engaging the audience.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 10 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 10 Marks o File (R) 30 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4


ESL W Note:

CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


L T P C.U. 0 0 2 2


Course Code: TBC-701

Pre-requisites, if any: TBC-601

Course Description:

This course will enlighten the process, application and the significance of an individual in the society to make the

nation invincible by doing actions from the level of natural law. In addition this course will also illuminate the student’s

quality of life in freedom which is free from fear, anxiety, stress, depression and all sort of negativity to increasing

positivity by creating peace in life and to culture the awareness of the state of enlightenment. The path to understand

that when pure consciousness, the home of all laws of nature, is established in his awareness, the student

spontaneously ceases to violate the Laws of Nature which ends all his struggle and suffering. Further, the focus of this

course is to help students understand, evaluate, and improve their interactions with others in their personal and

professional lives.

Course Objectives:

This course ensures that the students assimilate and integrate what they have learned in their classes at the deepest

level of their consciousness and physiology. Through this practice students easily experience the most creative,

intelligent, powerful, and blissful field of their own awareness, Transcendental Consciousness. Exploring his own

consciousness as a field of all possibilities, students finds he can create anything from that level, any desired result can

be achieved. Regular experience of the Unified Field will dissolve deep-seated stress in the individual, bringing marked

reductions in hypertension, stroke, heart disease, and other stress-related illness. When practiced collectively in

groups, effectively reduce societal stress and tensions, causing associated reductions in crime and social violence, and

an upsurge of peace and positivity throughout the population. Students will develop and present original speeches

applying these ideas and the principles of organization, clarity, vitality, and ethics. When speaking, students will learn

effective ways to use voice and body language to communicate a message.

Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Identify their personal communication style and communication strengths and weaknesses CO 2: Recognize several techniques for improving their listening, response, and feedback skills CO 3: Analyze an audience and adjust communication style and delivery accordingly CO 4: Value to establish peace, harmony and coherence in the society Create a favorable environment and eliminate resistance to take the mankind from darkness to dawn Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W S

Course Contents: Unit - 1: Individual and Society Maharishi Speaks on the Role of Students in Making the Nation Invincible, Individual and Cosmic Life, Action in accord with Natural Law: Criterion and Discrimination, Life in Freedom (Peace in Life, elimination of fear, tension and suffering; the Problem of World Peace)

L T P C.U. 2 1 1 4

Unit – 2: Enrichment of Experiences VII Advance Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Program, Follow-up Sessions and Group Checkings, Personal Checking’s Unit – 3: Increasing Positivity & Coherence in the Society II How an Individual Can Help the Growth of Peace in the World, Group Coherence & Invincibility Number, Extended Maharishi Effect, Defense & World Peace, Freedom behind bars, Health Care: Healing the healers, Changing the life of Veterans, Empowering victims of Violence/ assault Unit – 4: Oral Communication Skills Oral Presentations for comprehensive and integrative development of students, Purpose_ Audience Locale, Research & planning in accordance of Natural Law, Structure and Style of the epitome of Research, Delivering a presentation and leading towards highest potential of an individual, Interview Preparation: fruitful practice for their sprouting, development and finally employment Text Book(s):

Yogi Mahesh. (1997). Maharishi Speaks to Students: Mastery over Natural Law. Maharishi Vedic University Press.

Wallace. K. Robert. (2016). Maharishi Ayurveda and Vedic Technology: Creating Ideal Health for the Individual and World, Adapted and Updated from The Physiology of Consciousness: Part 2. Dharma Publications

Schwartzman Roy. (2010). Fundamentals of Oral Communication. Kendall Hunt Publishing References:

Travis F. Brain functioning as the ground for spiritual experiences and ethical behavior. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 2009 78(5):26-32

Travis FT, Tecce J, Arenander A, Wallace RK. Patterns of EEG coherence, power and contingent negative variation characterize the integration of transcendental and waking states. Biological Psychology 2002 61(3):293-319

Dannels, D. P. (2001). Time to speak up: A theoretical framework of situated pedagogy and practice for communication across the curriculum. Communication Education.

Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 AC 1 X X X X AC 2 X X X X AC 3 X X X X AC 4 X AC 5 X X X X

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

Details of Projects/Activities Walk and Stop activity Instructions of this activity

Tell people they will be following simple commands. The first two: When you say “walk” they will start walking around the space. When you say “stop,” they will stop where they are.

Call out “Walk.” Then “stop.” And repeat as desired. Next, tell everyone you are going to switch those two commands. Now when you say “stop” they should start

walking and when you say “walk” they should stop walking. Call out “Stop.” Then “Walk.” And repeat as desired. Next, let them know you’re adding two more commands. When you say “Name” they say their name out loud,

when you say “Clap” they clap once. The other two commands stay the same, so “Walk” means stop, “Stop” means walk, “Name” means say your name, and “Clap” means clap.

Call out a combination of “Walk,” “Stop,” “Name,” and “Clap.” Repeat as desired. Finally, let them know you’re switching the last two commands. So “Walk” means stop, “Stop” means walk,

“Name” means clap, and “Clap” means say your name. Repeat as desired. Learning of the activity The learning of this activity is that the students need to be focused in life and alert at the same time because life can take any turn at any point of time to combat that situation they need to be on their toes to deal with those sort of crisis and if life hit hard on them time and again they can fall back on real life time tool which this University is providing that is going back to self by practicing Transcendental Meditation and eradicate any problems that arises due to weakness of mind. Extempore Challenge

Students will be divided equally into two groups All the students in each group will be given a unique number starting from one and so on There will be a bowl with lots of topics written on chits with numbers Instructor will take out one chit and tell the number and from each team the same guys will come who is having

that number They will have 30 seconds to speak on that topic Those who speak confidently and effortlessly win the point for their team

Learning of this activity The learning of this activity is that student will become fearless in speaking and he/she will be able to grow in confidence which is need of an hour in the corporate world along with that student will be able to present themselves and put their ideas in front of management effectively and efficiently with vibrancy and confidence. Confidence, conviction, sharp intellect and presence of mind comes from within and they can access that very easily by practicing Transcendental Meditation twice daily by 20 minutes. Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the

external environment (like village community, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Practice Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a day


2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say and contributes to the learning and knowledge.


Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation 6 4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to

the class 8

5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Other Details: While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.

Evaluation Scheme

B. Tech. (CS) Eighth Semester

Sl. No.

Course Category


se Code

Course Title



Marks Total Credit


Core Courses


Awareness on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Law

3-1-0 30 70 100 4

2 EBS-802 Software Quality Management

3-0-0 30 70 100 3

3 EBP-853 Project 0-0-12 100 100 200 6

EBS-854 Seminar 0-0-4 50 50 100 2

4 EBC-803 Cryptography &

Network Security 3-0-0 30 70 100 3






Operation Research






TOTAL 270 430 700 21

Qualifying non-credit courses



courses/ Science for

Consciousness (SOC)

TBC-801 Coherence- Yoga and

Vedic Expression








Course Code: EBA-801 Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This Course Is to Enable Learner to Understand, Explore, And Acquire A Critical Understanding Cyber Law. Develop Competencies for Dealing with Frauds and Deceptions

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of internet, communication technology, technological and electronic elements including hardware, software, computer and information systems, and their resolution. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To introduce the cyber world and cyber law in general

2. To explain about the various facets of cybercrimes.

3. To enhance the understanding of problems arising out of online transactions and provoke them to find solutions

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understanding concepts related to cyber world and cyber law in general CO2: Develop competitive edge on various facets of cybercrimes CO3: Problems arising out of online transactions and provoke them to find solutions CO4: Intellectual property issues in the cyber space and the growth and development of the law

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Introduction Computers and its Impact in Society Overview of Computer and Web Technology Need for Cyber Law,

Cyber Jurisprudence at International and Indian Level. Security Threat Management: Risk Assessment - Forensic

Analysis - Security threat correlation –Threat awareness - Vulnerability sources and assessment- Vulnerability

assessment tools –Threat identification - Threat Analysis - Threat Modeling - Model for Information Security



Cyber Law -International Perspectives UN & International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Initiatives Council of

Europe - Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Organization for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank• Commonwealth of Nations. E-Crime on Online

social media, Social Network Analysis, Weblog analysis, Cyber laws: IT act 2000 overview.


Constitutional & Human Rights Issues in Cyberspace Freedom of Speech and Expression in Cyberspace Right to

L T P C.U. 3 1 0 4

Access Cyberspace – Access to Internet, Right to Privacy, Right to Data Protection Cyber Crimes & Legal

Framework Cyber Crimes against Individuals, Institution and State Hacking Digital Forgery, Cyber

Stalking/Harassment, Cyber Pornography, Identity Theft & Fraud Cyber terrorism• Cyber Defamation• Different

offences under IT Act, 2000.


Cyber Torts Cyber Defamation, Different Types of Civil Wrongs under the IT Act, 2000, Intellectual Property Issues

in Cyber Space Interface with Copyright Law, Interface with Patent Law Trade% & Domain Names Related Issues

Module VII: E Commerce Concept E-commerce, Applicability of Indian Contract Act, 1872, Dispute Resolution in

Cyberspace 1. Concept of Jurisdiction 2. Indian Context of Jurisdiction and IT Act, 2000. 3. International Law and

Jurisdictional Issues in Cyberspace. 4. Dispute Resolutions.


Crime Prevention - Crime and sense of security - Social control and crime prevention -. Community and Privacy in

online data collection, email, searches, online marketing and advertising, social media threats, MySQL, Mongo DB,

Crowdsourcing, Policing and Online social media

Text Book(s):

1. Chris Reed & John Angel, Computer Law, OUP, New York, (2007).

2. Justice Yatindra Singh, Cyber Laws, Universal Law Publishing Co, New Delhi, (2012).


1. Verma S, K, Mittal Raman, Legal Dimensions of Cyber Space, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi,


2. Jonthan Rosenoer, Cyber Law, Springer, New York, (1997).

3. Sudhir Naib, The Information Technology Act, 2005: A HandBook, OUP, New York, (2011)

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S

Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Course Code: EBS-802 Pre-requisites, if any: Basic knowledge of Software Engineering is desirable.

Course Description: This course is aimed at introducing the primary important concepts of project management related to managing software development projects. They will also get familiar with the different activities involved in Software Project

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of concepts of project management related to managing software development projects. Each student will enable themselves:

1. A general understanding of software process models such as the waterfall and evolutionary models.

2. Understanding of software requirements and the SRS documents.

3. Understanding of the role of project management including planning, scheduling, risk management, etc.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Identify the different project contexts and suggest an appropriate management strategy. CO2: Practice the role of professional ethics in successful software development. CO3: Identify and describe the key phases of project management. CO4: Determine an appropriate project management approach through an evaluation of the business context and scope of the project.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content :


Software Quality Concept: Software Perspective: Components, Characteristics, Types, Myths; Software Quality Overview: Concepts & Models; Software Quality Measurement and Metrics; Software Quality Assurance: Goals & Responsibilities; SQA Life Cycle & Activities. Value of a Quality Software: User’s Perspective.


Quality Assurance: Planning & Standards: Need for SQA plan: Tools & Techniques; Risk Management; Importance of Software Quality; Quality Standards and Best Practices; SQA Standards: Requirements & Activities; ISO 9000 series for Quality Standards.


Software Quality Metrics and Models: Software Metrics: Definition & Examples; Quality Metrics: Features & Framework; Development & Selection of Quality Metrics using different approaches. Need for Good Quality Model; Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Quality Models; Characteristics of Quality Models; Capability Maturity Model.


Object Oriented Software Design: Quality Metrics & Measurement: Object Oriented Design & Paradigm; Metrics for Object Oriented Software Design & Selection Criterion; Quality Model for Object Oriented Design; Assessment of

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Object-Oriented Design & Quality Attributes.


Software Security Testing of Web-based Systems, OS Kernel Security and Exploitation, Architecture/Design

Analysis for Security Attack Patterns, Dynamic Analysis for Security

Text Book(s):

1. Software Quality: Concept and Practices, R A Khan, K Mustafa, S I Ahson

2. Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation, Daniel Galin


1. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Stephen H. Kan

2. Quality Assurance: Software Quality Assurance Made Easy, Solis Tech.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum



Pre-requisites, if any: NA Course Description:

This course is aimed towards the introduction of network security using various cryptographic algorithms. Underlying network security applications. It also focuses on the practical applications that have been implemented and are in use to provide email and web security.

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of concepts of project management related to managing software development projects. Each student will enable themselves: 1. To understand basics of Cryptography and Network Security.

2. To be able to secure a message over insecure channel by various means.

3. To learn about how to maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of a data

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Understand the most common type of cryptographic algorithm and Public-Key Infrastructure ·

CO2: Understand security protocols for protecting data on networks and digitally sign emails and files

CO3: Understand vulnerability assessments and the weakness of using passwords for authentication and configure

simple firewall architectures

CO4: Be able to perform simple vulnerability assessments and password audits also understand Virtual Private


Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Threats & Counter measures, Terminology: Security Objectives and Services, Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols,

Cryptography and Cryptanalysis, Primitives: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption / Signing, Modification

Check Values, Random Number Generation, Cryptographic Protocols, Access Control, Network Security Integration and

Link Layer Security Protocols, Basic Design Space of Security Integration, Pragmatic Internet Computing Model and

Different Security Requirement Levels.


Basic Security Deficits of the Internet Protocol, Security Objectives of IPSec, Overview on Concepts: Security

Associations, Security Association Database, Security Policy Database, Security Protocols, Transport Mode and Tunnel

Mode, Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Authentication and Key Management, Secure

Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), Secure Shell (SSH).


Firewall Concepts, Firewall Architectures, Packet Filtering, Proxy Services and Bastion Hosts, Specific Threats in Mobile

L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Communications, Security of Wireless Local Area Networks, GSM/GPRS/UMTS Security Concepts and Protocols.

Conventional Encryption: Classical Techniques; Modern Techniques; Algorithms; Confidentiality Using Conventional

Encryption. Public-Key Encryption and Hash Functions: Public-Key Cryptography.


Introduction to Number Theory; Message Authentication and Hash functions; Hash and Mac Algorithms; Digital

Signatures and Authentication Protocols. Network Security Practice: Authentication applications; Kerberos, X.509

Directory Authentication Service. Electronic Mail Security; Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME, IP Security; IP Security

Architecture, Combining Security Associations, Key Management, Web Security.

Text Book(s):

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principals and Practice”, Pearson Education.

References: 2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of: o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum development)

Course Title: OPERATION RESEARCH Course Code: EBM-088 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description:

This course is helps in solving problems in different environments that needs decisions. The module converts topics that include: linear programming, Transportation, Assignment, and CPM/ MSPT techniques. Analytic techniques and computer packages will be used to solve problems facing business managers in decision environments.

Course Objective: This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of quantitive methods and techniques for effective decisions–making; model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To impart knowledge in concepts and tools of Operations Research

2. To understand mathematical models used in Operations Research

3. To apply these techniques constructively to make effective business decisions

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to:-

CO1: Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of decision-making environments

and the appropriate decision-making approaches and tools to be used in each type

CO2: Be able to build and solve Transportation Models and Assignment Models.

CO3: Be able to design new simple models, like: CPM, MSPT to improve decision –making and develop

critical thinking and objective analysis of decision problems.

CO4: Be able to implement practical cases, by using TORA, WinQSB.

Mapping COs with POs: PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Course Content:


Introduction: Basics of Operations Research, Application Area, Models, Advantages and Disadvantages of

Operations Research. Linear Programming: Introduction & Scope, Problem Formulation, Graphical Method,

Simplex Method, Duality in Linear Programming, Artificial Variable Method, Degeneracy.


Assignment Problems: Mathematical Formulation, Hungarian Method for Minimization and Maximization

Problem, Degeneracy in Assignment Problem Transportation: Matrix Form, Feasible Solution, Basic Feasible

Solution and Optimum Solution, Degeneracy in Transportation, Unbalanced-Problems, Travelling Salesman

Problem, Redundancy.


L T P C.U. 3 0 0 3

Dynamic Programming: Multistage Decision Problems & Solutions, Principle of Optimality. Decision Theory:

Steps in Decision Making Approach, Decision Making Under Conditions of Certainty, Uncertainty & Risk,

Maximum Likelihood & Expected Value Criterion, Decision Tree. Game Theory: Two Persons Zero Sum Game,

Solution with/Without Saddle Point, Dominance Rule, Different Methods Like Algebraic, Graphical, Linear

Programming Methods. Approximation Method for Solution of Game.


Sequencing Problem: Introduction, Assumption, Johnson’s Procedure for N Jobs on Two Machines and N Jobs

on Three Machines. Stochastic Inventory Models: Single & Multi Period Models with Continuous & Discrete

Demands, Service Level & Re-Order Policy. Simulations: Simulation V/S Mathematical Modeling, Monte-Carlo

Simulation, Simulation Languages, Uses, Advantages and Limitations.


Queuing Models: Introduction, Poisson distribution, Exponential Distribution, Characteristics of Queuing

Models, Single Server and Multiple Servers Models, Cost Consideration. Project Management: Basic Concepts,

Rules for Network Drawing, CPM Calculations, Pert Calculations Such as Different Times and Different Floats,

Crashing, Probabilistic Model.

Text Book(s):

1. Gupta Prem Kumar, Hira D.S., “Operations Research”, S. Chand & Co.

2. Taha, Hamdy A., “Operations Research”, Prentice Hall International Publications. References:

1. Wagner, Claire, “Principles of Operations Research”, Prentice Hall International Publications.

2. Buffa, Edwood, “Production Planning of Operation Management”, TMH Publications.

3. Rao, S.S. “Optimization Techniques”, Wiley Eastern Limited.

Assessment Scheme: Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIA) consisting of:

o Class Attendance (C): 5 Marks o Home Assignment (H): 5 Marks o Sessional Examination (T): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 70 Marks Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 CO5 C S M S M S H S M M

Sessional Exam (T) S M W ESE S M S


CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


Course Title: PROJECT Course Code: EBP-853 Pre-requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: This course is designed to encourage experiential and wholesome projects where students take what they’ve learned throughout the program and apply it to examine a specific idea. It aims to provide the students an exposure to gain proficiency in modeling, implementing and testing nontrivial software applications. It must include a design component, User interface and usefulness for the society or the profession

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide a better understanding of theoretical knowledge of quantitive methods and techniques for effective decisions–making; model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To understand and select the task based on their core skills.

2. To get the knowledge about analytical skill for solving the selected task.

3. To get confidence for implementing the task and solving the real time problems.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

1. Identify and formulate the problem

2. Analyze the problem and collect necessary data.

3. Design and develop the project using appropriate software by applying the programming skills.

4. Implement, evaluate and generate reports.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 20 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 20 Marks o Project Record (R) 60 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 100 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W


Note: CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


L T P C.U. 0 0 12 6

Course Title: SEMINAR Course Code: EBP-854

Pre, requisites, if any: NA

Course Description: This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present something within a group. Seminar Course is an outcome of six months of study, exploration, survey and analysis of a particular topic. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation, Audience Engagement, Communication Skills. It also helps in building lifelong learning as a skill in the candidate.

Course Objective:

This course is designed to help the student obtain skills to discuss or present something within a group. It is designed to test the skills of the candidate in making a good presentation. Each student will enable themselves:

1. To the benefits of technical paper presentation. 2. Help the student increase self-motivation, personal responsibility, and understanding of his or her role

in being an informed participant in the educational process. 3. Create an environment that helps the student establish healthy relationships and support networks.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of this course, students will be able to: -

CO1: Identification of a domain specific scholarly topic CO2: Investigate and tabulate details and history about the selected topic CO3: Application of the selected topic in domain or real life CO4: Demonstrating the communication skills by good presentation and engaging the audience.

Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 PO6 PSO 1 PSO 2

CO 1 S S M S M

CO 2 S M M M M

CO 3 W M M W

CO 4 M W S

Assessment Scheme:

Internal Assessment (IA) consisting of: o Lab Attendance (L) 10 Marks o Quantity and Quality of Experiments Performed (Q) 10 Marks o File (R) 30 Marks

External Assessment o End Semester Lab-Viva/Test (ESL) 50 Marks

Mapping Assessment Components to COs:

CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO4 L S S W Q M R W

ESL W Note:

CIA can have more components depending on the nature of course. The guidelines for all assessment components are as per MUIT Guidelines & Rules (2.3-curriculum


L T P C.U. 0 0 4 2


Course Code: TBC-801

Pre-requisites, if any: TBC-701

Course Description:

This course will undertake a close reading of origin of Yoga as presented in the traditional and ancient Hindu

scriptures, where it is defined as the stilling of all states of mind. The course will additionally trace the development

of representations of Yoga from these pre-modern expressions, through its appropriation and reconfiguring by

Hindu nationalists, and into its modern Western transplanted form as primarily postural exercise. Further it gives

the total knowledge required to maintain the holistic balance of the functioning of mind and body. In addition to

their focus on experiences during reading, students will learn about Yoga in the context of Maharishi Vedic Science

and Professor Tony Nader’s research on Yoga in human physiology. It further probes on organizational need

assessment and methods for improving communication in an organization as a process and skill that can enable

individual and their organization gain competitive advantage.

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is the spiritual development practices to train the body and mind to self-observe and

become aware of their own nature. The purpose of yoga is to cultivate discernment, awareness, self-regulation and

higher consciousness in the individual. The students will learn to unlock the secrets of this powerful scripture

“Maharishi Bhagwad Gita” which will take students into those teachings in a way that allows understanding not only

intellectually, but also intuitively and practically. It further facilitates to provide an outline to effective

organizational communication and to draft effective business and organizational correspondence with brevity and


Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of this course students will be able to: CO 1: Define Vedic expression in the notion of Maharishi Vedic Science CO 2: Evaluate Vedic scriptures in relation with modern world CO 3: Describe the real nature of Yoga as elucidated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi CO 4: Value of Maharishi Bhagwad Gita in view of their practical practice of Transcendental Meditation CO 5: Construct the practical standard model to communicate in the organizational structure by the principles of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi CO 6: Compare approaches to conflict management and emotion in the workplace CO 7: Analyze role of workplace diversity and communication processes involving a diverse workforce Mapping COs with POs:

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO5 CO 1 M W CO 2 S CO 3 M CO 4 W S

L T P C.U. 2 1 1 4

Course Contents: Unit - 1: Significance of Vedic Expressions in Contemporary times Origin of Vedic expressions, Understanding Vedic Expressions in the light of Maharishi Vedic Science, Reading Vedic Scriptures Unit – 2: Enrichment of Experiences VIII Advance Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Program, Follow-up Sessions and Group Checking’s, Personal Checking’s

Unit -3: The Nature of Yoga-Unification Understanding in its fullness, Misinterpretations of Yoga Unit – 4: Total Knowledge and Bhagavad Gita Maharishi’s precious insights into the Bhagavad-Gita, Understanding the Bhagavad Gita in the light of Transcendental Meditation Unit - 5: Organizational communication Communication Network in Organization and evolution of Self, Personal communication for better harmonious association with mates, Horizontal Communication for compatible relationship in the environment, Diagonal Communication for considerate balance among the peers Text Book(s):

Yogi M. Mahesh. (1990). Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita: A Translation and Commentary, Chapters 1-6 (Compass) Paperback. Penguin UK

Griffin, E. (2006). A first look at communication theory (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. References:

Nykodym, N. (1988). Organizational communication theory: Interpersonal and non-interpersonal perspectives. Communications, 14(2),718.

Assessment Scheme:

Mapping Assessment Components with COs

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 CO7 AC 1 X X X X X X X AC 2 X X X X X X X AC 3 X X X AC 4 X X X AC 5 X X X X X X X

Sl. No. Component Weightage (%) AC 1 Participation in Practice 20 AC 2 Teachers’ Evaluation 20 AC 3 Outbound Visit & Report 10 AC 4 Field Based Project 20 AC 5 End Semester Examination 30

Details of Projects/Activities Concentric Circles Instructions of this activity

Two circles of chairs are set up, one inside the other. Participants who sit in the middle are ‘talkers’ while those in the outer ring are ‘watchers’, and these roles

should be allocated prior to the exercise. Armed with their handouts, talkers begin to engage with the topic. They use the goals as a guide for the conversation, while the watchers listen carefully and make notes. After five minutes of discussion, the watchers and talkers switch circles—those who were listening before

now sit on the inner circle for a five-minute conversation. It can be on the pre-chosen topic or on a different one, but the activity must conclude with a debrief. During this debrief, they reflect collectively on the experience itself After the time is up, instruct students in one of the circles to move one or two spots to the right (or left) so

they are now facing new partners...Then repeat the previous step with a new question. Repeat this process until your students have answered the questions that you prepared.

Learning of the activity The learning of this activity is that the students get to know each other through interaction, started building relationships, stimulates the mind, promotes understanding, exposed to different cultures helps you embrace and appreciate people that are different from you and an ideal way of challenging your thought development and enhancing how you refine information to get better perception of others thinking process also at the same time we recognize our potential of expansion of awareness by going inwards to the un-manifest level of thinking. Concept Mapping

Instructor provides students with clear instructions on the principles and guidelines for concept mapping.

Instructor provides students with a topic, question or problem to base their concept maps on. Concept maps

may be based on (a) a singular question, (b) a single concept, (c) multiple concepts to compare and contrast,

or (d) an explicit list of concepts and/or sources to be incorporated.

Students, individually or in groups, identify the key components of their concept map; they discuss

relationships between components and the meaning of the links

Students compare, contrast and justify their concept maps

Students/groups of students annotate and peer review their colleagues’ concept maps, making suggestions

for alterations/improvements.

Individually or in groups, students analyze their existing concept maps, adding, organizing and linking

additional materials.

Instructor reviews student concept maps, providing feedback on ways to improve the map.

Learning of this activity Concept mapping helps to elicit students' thinking and relationships between concepts and ideas. It is a brainstorming activity to generate ideas and provide a visual break down of complicated and complex concepts. They are especially useful to structure knowledge because they provide a method to understand how different concepts can be related and affect each other. The learning to be disseminate that “Whole is greater than sum of its parts”. The learning of this activity also includes a very subtle part of knowledge where it emphasizes on working of the brain neurons in a coherent and synchronized manner. Video testimonials: Students have to give video testimonials of their learning and what they like in this subject along with suggestions so that we can inculcate those feasible ideas in our teaching methodology Video shall be of minimum 2 minutes. Each student (individually or in groups of 2-3 students) will undertake a project where they will be working in the external environment (like village community, MSMEs, NGOs, civil authorities etc.) on identified issues. They will work under the guidance of an assigned faculty member and will be assessed on the basis of how they are able to effectively understand their relationship with the external environment. Students will have to prepare the schedule of interaction with the identified external contacts and execute the assigned task keeping in mind the intended learning outcomes. They will maintain a project diary/ register as per following format and this will be scrutinized by the faculty guide weekly/ fortnightly as decided.

Sl. No.

Topic Learnt in Class or Practice of TM

How I applied it during project/ field practice/

Outbound visit

My Understanding


1. 2.

Outbound Visit/ Activity: One Outbound Activity/Visit every month of Institutional, Corporates, Seminars, Conferences or (Guest Lectures (Inside or outside)) to be organized and conducted by Teacher’s. It is mandatory that all students will have to participate in outbound visit/ activity and attend all the planned activities strictly. With the guidance of faculty members, the will participate with clear cut intended learning outcome and submit a report on completion so that attainment of outcomes can be assessed. This assessment will have weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme. Class Participation: Student’s participation in practice Sessions: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Practice Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the practice session once a day


2 Student regularly attends the practice session twice a day


3 Student attends the session regularly but does not initiate contribution & needs instructor to solicit input.


4 Student’s comments are constructive, with signs of insight and relevant to discussion


5 Student listens attentively and hears what others say and contributes to the learning and knowledge.


Student’s participation in the Theory Classes: 10 Marks Sl. No.

Rubrics for Theory Sessions %

1 Student regularly attends the class but is quite disruptive


2 Student attends the class but does not listen to others, both in groups and in class


3 Student attends the class with some participation 6 4 Student attends the class proactively and contributes to

the class 8

5 Student attends the class proactively, consistently and add value to the learning


Attendance in all the classes and practice sessions is mandatory. Participation will be evaluated based on attendance, active engagement in discussions and interaction and contribution towards overall learning. This component will have 20% weightage as mentioned in the assessment scheme.

Other Details: While it is expected that students should attend all classes but to cater to emergencies, illness, unavoidable social commitments and family responsibilities, a relaxation of up to 25% may be considered. Under no circumstances, attendance should fall below 75% else they will be debarred from taking examinations and will be declared fail in the course. Students can meet the faculty/ guide for consultations between 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM or else with prior appointment. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities including completion of work, submission schedules, appointments etc. and should be professionally dressed. Important Note for faculty: Assessment rubrics will have to be written for each Assessment component.