evaluation question two

Evaluation question two. How did you represent social groups?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Evaluation question two

Evaluation question two.

How did you represent social groups?

Page 2: Evaluation question two

Women in films:

The social group that my opening represents is women, as my main character is female.

My film opening only shows two characters, the main character and her daughter (for a few scenes).

Usually in horror and thriller movies women are portrayed as vulnerable and weak and normally end up needing the help of men later on in the film. There are some films with strong female roles in like alien, where the main character Ripley is portrayed as a very intelligent leader but in most horror movies the women usually get saved my a man.

Page 3: Evaluation question two

My film opening represents women in quite a different way to normal films. My opening shows the main character as independent and strong. At the start of the opening we see a woman grieving over her child, however towards the end we can see that she is seeking revenge and wants the killer of her daughter to pay.

My film opening:

Throughout the opening there is no male characters shown, this is because I wanted the opening to be mostly about the main character and allowing the audience to get to know her, I also don't feel as though there is any need for a male character in the opening as I think that the story works well without.