evaluation question two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Upload: charlottesummers

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social


Page 2: Evaluation Question Two

Whilst thinking about how my magazine would represent particular social groups, I used the

information I gathered on my market research survey. From this, I found that the people who prefer rock music also prefer conventions such as bold fonts, darker

colours etc. I also discovered the biggest age group that would be interested in my

magazine is ages 18-25, so I have attempted to target my magazine toward them.

Page 3: Evaluation Question Two

An example of this is the bands and artists I have

featured on my magazine, such as The

1975 and Arctic Monkeys; bands that are very popular with

this particular age group. I have also

featured bands on my magazine such as

Fleetwood Mac and Nirvana, who were

popular in the 1990’s. Therefore by doing this

I have attempted to attract an audience of

older generations aswell as younger
