evaluation question six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Evaluation question six.

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Post on 14-May-2015




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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation question six.

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Me using Photoshop to create my magazine.

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Photoshop continued.

I have learnt a lot from Photoshop since I first started. At first I didn’t know how to use the software but now I have learnt how to. I have learnt how you can rotate an image so if the person is facing one way you can rotate it so they face the other side. I did this so I could put the writing on in a

better place. For example:

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Photoshop continued

I also learnt how to use the air brush tool. I wanted to use this to give my model clearer skin. For example my model had a big red birthmark on her shoulder and a mole on her arm and I managed to get rid of them. I did this because in magazines they use the perfect model that looks beautiful and has nothing wrong with them, so to get this perfect image that everyone aspires to, I used the airbrush tool.

Mole No mole

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Photoshop continued

I learnt how to change all the different colours and tones of the images. I made more contrasts and brighter colours in my pictures. I did this because in magazines the images aren't dull colours they are bright colours that stand out. It also makes the image look of a better quality.

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Photoshop continued

With the text on my school magazine I decided it blended into much. So I decided after experimenting with Photoshop that it works to outline and give shadow to the writing so it doesn’t blend in as much. This is better on magazines because if its not outstanding people wont see it as they are walking past so wont buy it but if they see it walking past they maybe intrigued and want to buy it. With my title I also wrote my initial text in red them by double clicking on the layer I could change all the effects of the writing. So I gave it a white outline then around that a black outline. Also I managed to make some writing go transparent.

Me editing the writing


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Microsoft Publisher

I used Microsoft Publisher to create my double page spread. I used it as I could have a double page and write large chunks of writing. I used the text box tool and put that I wanted four columns. I chose four columns as it was even so an equal number of columns could go on each page and not be folded in the middle. I could crop different pictures in it and change the contrasts and tones of the pictures.

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Word Press

I use Word Press to put my practical and theory work on. I have learnt to change all the different themes etc. Also to get people views I have previously put polls on there. I print screen when I am working so I post on there my progress in the process of making my magazine. I also upload images, videos, audio, slideshows and documents that’s I have done towards my magazine that are under the separate categories I have made for each individual part e.g research and planning, evaluation, final pieces. By uploading the different pieces of media I have had to create accounts on www.youtube.com and www.slideshare.com. For the videos I used my video camera at home to record me talking about my magazine but also feedback from my target audience on what they think.