evaluation question 7 looking back at your preliminary task1

Evaluation Question 7-Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

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Evaluation Question 7-Looking back at your preliminary task,

what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from

it to the main task?

This is my prelim magazine cover and


My Final Product..

I have developed my skills so much in the production of my product and its easy to see when i put my prelim task next to my final product.

I have learnt a lot through doing research and planning. I have looked at so many other existing products that now when i

look at them i have a clear understanding of how they have been made. I have

begun to understand the reasons behind layout, colour choice, font size and


I have learnt lots about using a camera and taking an interesting looking

photograph. I have learnt to experiment with the image and get the models to

do all different poses and stand on different levels in order to see variety

and find the best shot possible.

I have looked at various different locations for the shoot

and experimented with different scenery and

backgrounds. I have begun to understand the importance f lighting and how it can effect how well a picture will take.

I have learnt lots from the different softwares used (question6) and it has made me a lot more

confident in using a variety of programmes and it has made me understand that i should experiment

more in order to be more capable of creating interesting and professional work. Photoshop

allows to to create the perfect image for what you are creating and the more you play around with it the more capable you become and familiar with how it works. Blogger allows you to keep a blog

and it is so basic to use yet i have benefitted from it so much.

I have learnt about layout and how it is very important that things are straight and in

line in order for it to reach professionalism. Sell lines must be a certain distance from

the edge of the page and evenly spaced out. They must be covering the key feature of the magazine (the models face). The title must be paced near the top but leaving

enough room for the skyline. The barcode should be visible yet not getting in the way

of any text or image.

I have experimented with various different fonts and discovered other ways

of finding the right font for you, an example is “Dafont” a website that has

lots of fonts free to download. I have understood how to find the font that is

clear enough to read from a distance and that is quirky at the same time.

I have learnt the impotence of managing my time and have understood that if i get behind there is a rush

when it comes to deadlines and it can cause a lack in


My product was well planned and prepared

for construction. I achieved my goal and it has turned out exactly

how i have wanted it to!