evaluation question 6

Evaluation Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Upload: chloeditchh

Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Evaluation Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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When making the background of my magazine I decided to make a sound bar that shows the beats of music so that it would fit into the genre music that my magazine. I used the rounded-rectangle tool to create the boxes and copied and pasted them to ensure that each box was the same size and equally spread out. I then went into the warp settings and used the perspective tool to make the 3D look of the drawing. The tools I used to make the final image was by decreasing the fill bar to around 35% and then reducing the opacity to make the background look noticeable but not stand out onto the page but making sure it’s not the main focal point. The effects that I used to finalise this drawing is the gradient overlay to make it grey and the drop shadow to make the image look like its fading away.

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Another tool that I used on my front is the Pen tool to cut out the text of the cover line to make sure that the main cover line stands out from all the others, by doing this I first had to use the text tool and then by rasterizing the layer it made the text easier to cut out of. By doing this makes the front cover look better and the main focal point being in the middle with the cover line. With using the effects on the options I used the stroke and learnt how to make a faint but effective line around the main cover line.

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More tools that I used to finish the production of my front cover was by using the text tool and then by using the fx tool to see the ways in which I could make my cover lines stand out make them a focal point on the front cover. By adding a black outline, the stroke tool, shows a big impact on the cover lines making them look better and also make them look like the main part of the front cover.

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I then decided to add a puff to my magazine to advertise an incentive that would draw the readers attention knowing that they are getting something free by using the ellipse tool and also using the shift key I created the perfect circle. Then by using the colour sample tool

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I used quark for my double page spread and also for my contents page, by using quark it meant that my page would be set up into equal columns making the symmetry in the pages equal and not looking off-balanced and everything in line. To create my final product for my double page spread I used lots of different tools and effects to make the final design look like a real magazine. By using the Picture tool (3.) it allowed me to import images into the box and let me scale and fit the image together so it looked better and neater.








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