evaluation question 5 - final products

Front Cover: I decided to use the forms and conventions that I did to appeal to existing audiences. I used a three colour pallet consisting of black white and red. Black and white balanced out the background and made sure that the boldness of the red is prominent. Red connotes passion, anger and determination that my magazine represents aiming at my target audience. I used fonts to represent the genres of my magazine. I chose fonts with a distorted look to show and represent the attributes of the rock/punk genre. I chose my model to be posing in this particular way because it connotes the drama and passion for music my magazine represents. I decided to have her wearing band merchandise to show how the people in the magazine are people and aren’t mega famous superstars. I chose to have popular well known artists featured on the cover because they are what readers look for. Featuring an unknown band wouldn’t encourage someone to purchase a magazine because they won’t know who

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Page 1: Evaluation Question 5 - Final Products

Front Cover:I decided to use the forms and conventions that I did to appeal to existing audiences. I used a three colour pallet consisting of black white and red. Black and white balanced out the background and made sure that the boldness of the red is prominent. Red connotes passion, anger and determination that my magazine represents aiming at my target audience.I used fonts to represent the genres of my magazine. I chose fonts with a distorted look to show and represent the attributes of the rock/punk genre.I chose my model to be posing in this particular way because it connotes the drama and passion for music my magazine represents. I decided to have her wearing band merchandise to show how the people in the magazine are people and aren’t mega famous superstars. I chose to have popular well known artists featured on the cover because they are what readers look for. Featuring an unknown band wouldn’t encourage someone to purchase a magazine because they won’t know who they are.I chose to have my sell-lines and masthead bold and prominent like best selling magazine such as Kerrang! And Rocksound that way they instantly draw the attention of a buyer.

Page 2: Evaluation Question 5 - Final Products

Contents Page:For my contents page I used the same fonts as my front cover to keep the continuity. I also kept the masthead on there as well as the word ‘contents’ into the same font. The colours on the contents page are the same as my front cover, this creates continuity.My models are both wearing band merchandise, this is the same prospect as the front cover, it’s to show that people in bands are real people. The gesture and pose they have also represents the loudness, friendship and enjoyment that they get out of music. Both of which are elements that I wish my magazine to represent. I included an editors, copying of both professional magazines Kerrang! And Rocksound because this gave my magazine a more realistic effect.I added a puff to the bottom with an e-mail and website to create a more professional appearance. It mimic’s the layout and conventions of real media products.

Page 3: Evaluation Question 5 - Final Products

Double Page Spread:

-I used the same font for the main sell line as I did on my front cover and contents page to create continuity.-I included the same 3 colour pallet on the double page spread as I have done through the rest of the magazine.-The text is all set to one page so it doesn’t look clustered and messy.

-I placed the photos around the outside with the band photo as the biggest, more dominant photo because it allows the audience to see and understand who it’s about.-I chose to have these images because I found that they represented the band, their liveliness and hyperactivity.-The content of the interview is very personal, my audience wanted a magazine that would connect with them as a reader and I think that my interview is very personal, it speaks to the reader in a conversational tone.

Page 4: Evaluation Question 5 - Final Products

What my audience want.Front Cover-My audience wanted at least one colour that would be bold and stand out.-They found that the photography was the first thing so I’d have to take this into

consideration.-The content had to be up to date and current with the genres I am representing.Contents Page-My contents page had to have continuity with my front cover.-The photos had to be eye grabbing but not too dominating over the page-I had to include categories, it was easier for my audience to locate things if they

were organized.Double Page Spread-The photos and text had to be equal, there had to be a balance between the two.-The content of the interview had to be personal and connecting with the readers. -Any extra callouts etc. will have to fit with the colours of the entire magazine.