evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Upload: katietrotter

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

List of media technology used:

• Blogger• Adobe Photoshop• Adobe Illustrator• Premiere Pro• Prezi• Animoto• SlideShare• Youtube• Safari• Scribbless • Social Network e.g. Facebook/Twitter

BloggerBlogger was the main resource I used for making and updating my blog. I decided to use this as I think it is one of the most efficient blogging websites, and I was familiar with it after using it for the majority of last year.

Every time i had an update on my work, I made sure to document it onto my blog, in order to give the viewer a clear understanding of my thought processes and progression. I made sure to update my blog quite regularly, in order to keep on top of my time management.

Adobe PhotoshopPhotoshop is the program I used when making both my final ancillary tasks; my poster and magazine front cover. I am very familiar with Photoshop after using it during AS and in my other A-level subjects, therefore I was very comfortable with using it for my final products as I was confident they could be made as successful as possible. I used the tools on Photoshop to my full creative ability, in order to get the best outcome for my final products.

Adobe Illustrator I wanted to use other creative software as well as Adobe Photoshop, therefore I also used Adobe Illustrator. I am not as confident with Adobe Illustrator as I am with Photoshop, therefore I only used it as a one-off to make my institution logo, and left all the main work for Photoshop.

Premiere ProPremiere Pro is the software I used to create my final film trailer. After filming all my shots with the Canon Camera, I uploaded them onto Premiere Pro in order to edit all of the shots to create the finalized trailer. I didn’t make a moving image last year, therefore I was fairly inexperienced with using premiere pro, however, by doing my reconstruction tasks earlier in the academic year, I managed to gain some practice experience.

PreziPrezi is an online software I used during my research and planning. I like prezi because it is a fun way to present information, and is a very effective alternative to just uploading text onto my blog, as it has a lot of interesting visual transitions and effects; making it entertaining to the viewer. I have used prezi a lot of times in the past, therefore I was able to use it with a lot of ease to get some very effective results.

AnimotoI used animoto a couple of times throughout my blog, but the first time I used it was for my Pitch presentation earlier in the year. I knew my peers would be giving me feedback for my pitch, therefore I wanted to make it as entertaining as possible for them, and I felt as though animoto would be a very effective tool to use. I really like using animoto, as it works more as a video than a presentation, and it looks really creative.

SlideShareSlideshare is an online tool used to present and publish my PowerPoint presentations online (including this one!). It is a really simple and effective tool to use, and I like to use it to upload presentations rather than having large bodies of text on my blog.

YoutubeYoutube is what I used to upload my final trailer before uploading it to my blog. I chose to use youtube because I like that you can change the quality size to 1080p, as it is very high quality and I wanted my film trailer to look as professional as possible.

Safari As the majority of my work was done on Apple Mac computers, I used Safari as my internet provider for all my research and planning. Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers, therefore I enjoyed using it a lot more than internet explorer, Firefox or Google chrome.

Social Networking Social Networking came in very useful when doing work on my blog. I used Facebook chats/group chats to get feedback and response from my friends, as well as arranging times and dates to film. I also used Twitter to post my online survey to my followers as a way to get the public to fill it out and give me audience feedback and responses.

ScribblessScribbless is an online checklist that I used at the start of the project in order to refer back to it and be able to update my progress digitally. I felt like this would be a much more effective way than doing it by hand and uploading scans/different photos every time I had ticked something off.

Overall, I have enjoyed using a range of technology to make my blog as

media rich as possible, as it created a much more interesting and effective

way of presenting my information and findings.