evaluation question 4

Evaluation Question 4 How did you attract/address your audience? Sana Gillani

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Evaluation Question 4How did you attract/address your


Sana Gillani

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Front Cover

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Masthead:My masthead is big and bold to make it stand out. I have used two colours, which are red and grey. Both of these colours are commonly associated with rock music and are bright enough to attract my target audience. These colours appeal to both male and females. It is one of the focal points of the front cover. The masthead informs the reader of which magazine it is. ‘FUSED’ is a recognised publishing magazine, which is why I have placed it behind the artist. The word ‘FUSED’ helps the reader to identify that it is a rock based magazine. It also has connotations of a guitar, which the artist is holding. My masthead helps to suggest due to heavy playing the fuse of an instrument breaks. My font style helps parallels the name and also relates to rock in a way of attracting my target audience.

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Cover lines:I have used cover lines to help the reader identify what they will find inside the magazine. Cover lines persuade the reader to buy the magazine. I have used the combination of two different colours which are red blue and red to add colour and to make my front cover look more appealing. I made sure that I left no gaps between the cover lines and the brief descriptions in red, so they look as though they belong together. I did not add too much description for the cover lines, because it would be too much for the reader to take in, which might confuse them. I had an example of a rock magazine opened whilst making my front cover to make sure that I am following the conventions of a rock magazine.

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Footer:In my footer I have included all the names of well known groups/artists who would also be featured in my magazine. This attracts my target audience, as it gives them more of a reason to why they should buy the magazine.It’s in black font, capital locks, and behind a yellow banner. All of these features help the footer to stand out on my front cover and helps to attract my target audience. I have included the names of the bands and artists that my target audience would be aware of and have an interest in.

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Colour Scheme:

The main colours that I have used on my front cover are, red, yellow, black and blue. All of these colours appeal to my target audience, as they are colours that show personality, excitement, enthusiasm, and also reflect the personalities of my target audience. These colours help to suggest that my magazine is not just aimed at females, but is aimed at males as well. The combination of colours go really well together and helps to compliment the image of my front cover. This attracts the target audience, because they are bold and bright colours, showing that the magazine is aimed at people who are full of life.

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Main Image:The main image of the artist is in front of the masthead and right in the middle of the page, which connotes that she is the main focal point of my magazine cover. This image is very appealing to the target audience, because the artist is making direct eye contact in a way of trying to connect with them. The image speaks for itself, so as soon as the target audience see this magazine stacked on the shelf, they would become aware of who the artist is and what type of magazine it is just by looking at the image of the artist.

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Pull Quote:The use of a pull quote helps to attract my target audience to buy the magazine, because it is a direct quote from the artist itself. It is in red making it eye catching to the target audience. The pull quote gains the reader’s attention and interest, because this feature is one of the main reasons why readers go on to purchase the magazine, because they are intrigued into reading the full article. “BIGGER” and “BETTER” are in capitals helping them stand out. The effect of this is to grab the readers attention.

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Contents Page

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Main Image:The main image used on this page is of the duo. This image is one of the focal points of my contents page. This attracts the reader, because they like to see and admire the kind of clothing that is in at the moment within the music industry. The two models in the image are wearing bold colours, which represents rock really well.

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Editorial:My editorial is quite informal and chatty. This makes the reader comfortable whilst reading, because they feel more involved. This is because the aim of an editorial is to make the reader feel as though the publisher is directly talking to them. This attracts the audience because it informs them of what their magazines will consist of - gaining the reader’s attention. They also feel more involved when the publisher asks them enter in a quiz.

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Pull quote:The pull quote attracts my target audience, as they become intrigued into wanting to read their full article. The pull quote is like a cliffhanger, as it doesn’t give too much away, and the reader has to keep hold of his excitement until he turns to the page to read the article. Although the pull quote is in black, it still stands out because it is placed on the main image.

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Colour scheme:I have carried out a combination of two colours from my front cover - red and black. I also used white colour for some of my font to make it stand out on the black banner. These colours attracts the target audience, because they are bold and bright. The use of these colours also keeps the reader informed that they are still reading a ‘FUSED’ magazine. Red and black promote rock really well, as they help to signify a sense of danger, fear, blood etc.

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Double Page Spread

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Colour Scheme:I have carried out similar colours from my other pages on my double page spread - blue, red, black, white and blue. I added an extra colour, orange, just to make the page look more interesting. Also, in my research into audience profiles, someone suggested to use this colour, so I have followed their feedback. By using similar colours throughout my magazine I am setting a general image for FUSED magazine and I am also attracting my target audience.

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Main Image:I have made the image of the artist as the main focal point in order to attract the audience. The image takes up almost half of the page. The artist is again making direct eye contact with the audience, as though she is trying to tell them a secret, which makes the reader enticed and interested into reading the full article. The artist wearing red lipstick, red and black top goes really well with the colour scheme of the double page spread, so the image fits in with the colour scheme and further gains the reader’s attention.

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Article:I have followed up the conventions of a typical rock magazine in order to attract my target audience. I have inserted my article in three columns making it clear for the reader to follow. I have used a drop cap to gain the reader’s attention and to make them aware of where the article begins from. I have used two different colours, for the questions and answers, blue and black. I have done this to attract the reader and to make it clear to them of when a new question start, to avoid any confusion.

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Layout:I have used a very simple and easy to follow layout in order to keep the reader engaged. I have done this with the help of my previous research into different types of music magazine. They all pretty much used a similar layout for the double page spread. I decided to place my image on the right side to make a connection with the masthead which is on the right corner. I placed my article right next to the artist on the left side to make it crystal clear to the audience that the full article is just of the artist itself. This sort of layout keeps the reader engaged.

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In Conclusion...I have followed up the conventions of a typical rock magazine in order to attract my

target audience. I have done this by taking every feature into consideration. For example, the colours, images, masthead, font, pull quotes etc. All of these features meet the conventions of a rock magazine and also helps to grab the reader’s attention as it relates to them, because it clearly resembles their lifestyle. The use of colours is one of the main feature which attracts the audience. The use of big images is also a main feature, as it draws the reader making them intrigued into reading the articles. My target audience will definitely buy and read my magazine, because I have used the correct the techniques to keep them engaged. My target audience can relate to one of the features I added on my double page spread ‘The reckless child’, as many people from the age group of 20 and above are free and are able to do as they please.