evaluation question 4

Evaluation Question 4 How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Evaluation Question 4How did you use new media technologies in the

construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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The role of Media Technologies

Media Technologies helped in the construction of our groups research, construction and planning as without these the production of our products would be extremely difficult to create. When using these Media Technologies, they have also provided me with a great deal of knowledge and which will benefit my experience when further using these Media Technologies.

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Photoshop was used to build and construct our Print products for the magazine covers and our each individual posters. Within Photoshop, there are a variety of tools which help create more professional products. These include of filters, brushes and adjustments to the brightness and contrast of the photo’s taken as well as a great deal more. With Photoshop being used on my print products, we also used Photoshop to help in the production of our film trailer too with the creation of the intertitles. Therefore, Photoshop has played a key role in our groups work and this has given me a wide range of knowledge and enhanced my work.

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Final Cut Express

Final Cut Express has allowed me to produce a film trailer which looks of a professional quality and has provided me with much more knowledge of the techniques used in the production of our film trailer. Final Cut Express was used to edit film footage and put certain sequences together. Also, not only was the film trailer produced using Final Cut Express, the animated logo which features at the beginning of the film trailer was also created using Final Cut Express. By using Final Cut Express, it has provided me with efficient knowledge in altering key frames and certain shot types and creating shot transitions which without Final Cut Express would limit the chances of this. I am also much more aware of how to portray certain genres through the use of editing and certain shot transitions.

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Using iMacs have been necessary in the production, research and planning of our film trailer as it has given me access to a wide range of software to use in relation to the film trailer. A prime example is both Photoshop and Final Cut Express as these need a great deal of space in the hard-drive to function to the best of its ability and iMacs allow this.

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Prezi has given me the possibility to present my work much more creatively. It has been extremely helpful during research, planning and evaluating as it helps presenting your views of various ideas put forward by fellow peers and yourself both efficiently and to a professional level. Prezi allows you to go into great depth with your conclusions as well as including a variety of other techniques such as videos, photos and links to other websites. Thus making it a great method to use in the research, planning and evaluating process.

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Microsoft PowerPoint has allowed me to present my planning and research in a different format than using the same methods throughout planning and research. Also, PowerPoint has helped in the evaluation process of my work which therefore provides further technology software used in the production, planning, research and evaluating of our film trailer.

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Slideshare has helped upload my created PowerPoint’s into Blogger. It is very easy to use to display my research, planning and evaluating effectively. Slideshare is a professional way to present ideas and due to this has been used many times in my production processes, specifically the evaluation process , being used effectively and correctly.

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Photo Booth

With Photo Booth being accessible on iMacs, I have been able to produce video updates of myself giving feedback about my work and updating what currently still needs to be done in relation to the coursework. By having regular updates, this has allowed me to develop and plan my work efficiently throughout the production. Also, Photo Booth has allowed me to take photos and record audience feedback from my print products, which helps see faults and strengths in my work and build on this to create a professional end product.

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Blogger has allowed me to regularly keep up to date with work. Using Blogger has also helped clearly structure and organise my work efficiently in a neat and tidy way. Blogger is easily useable and given me more awareness on what it has to offer such as creating blog posts and posting images. Blogger has further made me more able to use HTML which could be an advantage and strengthen my knowledge for future use.

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Google has assisted me in mainly both the research and planning stages of my production process as it has made it accessible to browse for other professional film magazines and film posters to compare and inspire me on how to create my own print products. Therefore, benefitting our groups work on what looks professional and other techniques.

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The use of Facebook has helped given me audience feedback on my print products. Also, it has enabled our group to organise filming dates and photo shoots. Even though the use of Social Networking Sites like Facebook may not be a professional technique in the organisation of our production, it has benefitted in certain circumstances which have helped progress and keep up to date with our coursework.

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YouTube has allowed me to upload videos created from Photo Booth onto the internet which enables me to embed them into Blogger. Without YouTube, it would not be possible to upload videos of focus groups or production updates into Blogger. YouTube is an extremely useful piece of software and has benefitted me on the progression of my print products and film trailer. YouTube specifically helped me through the research process at gathering various viewpoints from fellow peers on what techniques make a successful trailer. Also, YouTube benefitted me in making my ideas fit into the forms and conventions of a typical comedy genre.

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Grab has benefitted me throughout my work as it allows me to take regular screen shots of my work progression and helps update my work on a regular basis. Therefore, keeping my work in a professional way and making my work easily accessible to be analysed in depth.

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GarageBand has played a key role in the creation of our group film trailer’s soundtrack as it allowed me to test and investigate various musical beats and sounds to help create a soundtrack which would fit in with the forms and conventions of a comedy genre. GarageBand has made me more aware of how easy creating a soundtrack is. By using GarageBand, I feel our film trailer will be much more appealing to the target audience. I now feel comfortable using this software for creating soundtracks and I’ve also took into consideration of what elements of soundtracks fit other specific genres as well.

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Dafont.com was extremely useful when researching into font styles which could be used for our film’s title, production company logo and film magazine’s name and to check if they are appropriate to be used within our groups chosen genre. Dafont.com has benefitted my work as it has enabled my film poster, film magazine and film trailer to maintain its professional look by fitting in with the forms and conventions of also having a professional font for our groups chosen genre. By having a professional font alongside other professional aspects, it helps create realistic products which therefore attract and appeal to my target audience.

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SLR Cameras

SLR Cameras have benefitted my production, specifically print products as they have allowed me to take many professional photos which result in my print products being of a professional quality. They have also been used to photograph us as a group individually and together filming our trailer and organising our actors. This was done to show evidence of each group member taking part of the filming process.

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A tripod is key to ensuring the steadiness of particular shots. This made our group’s trailer look of a professional standard. Also, tripods can be used to create panning shots as well which are evident in our trailer, therefore having a variety of shot types and shot movement will provide a professional film trailer.

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Video Cameras

A video camera was used to film our group’s trailer. Without this, the production would not be of a professional standard. Using a video camera has allowed us to bring our group’s storyboards into action and also see what shots would work and what shots would not. Therefore a video camera has helped me to develop and plan a trailer based of the storyboard.

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Digital Camera

Digital cameras work in similar fashion to SLR cameras as again it has been used to help update my work with regular pictures of evidence of each group member individually contributing to the production process of the film trailer. Digital cameras are portable and are therefore can easily be used to take pictures effectively, which therefore allows our group to be much more organised with the production regularly.

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The reason for the use of iPhoto was to keep our group’s photos from our photo shoots and evidence of each group member filming in an organised format which will be easily accessible when needed. This was done to make sure that the research and planning of our group’s work was successful.

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