evaluation question 3 audience feedback

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Evaluation- Question 3 audience feedback

Question 1- What is your gender?

This shows us that it will be women that are more likely to watch our documentary than men and it.

It also say that are target audience should be more women because more were interested in watching our documentary.

Question 2-How old are you?

This says that it hits our target audience of 15-35 because the majority of people who watched it 15 who watched the programme.

More people watched it that are over 41 than 36-40 which suggests that it might interest the over 40 and they are might be willing to watch it.

Not many people under 15 watched the programme which i expected because they don't really drink coffee so this means that they would be less inclined to go and watch a programme about coffee.

Question 3-On a scale of 1 - 5 (with 5 being very and 1 being not at all) how informative did your find the extract of the documentary?

This suggests that people thought our documentary was very interesting and this says to us that the information that they thought it was worth watching.

Nobody said that it didn't interest them which is good because it means that is people will watch it.

Very few people said that it wasn't that interesting which says that it isn't there sort of programme or they don't think we did enough to make it entertaining for them.

Question 4-On a scale of 1 - 5 (with 5 being very and 1 being not at all) how entertaining did your find the extract of the documentary?

This also fits with people thinking it is interesting because more people were entertained by the programme than that weren't so this says we made it up beat and made it look good.

Only a few people said they weren't entertained which means that they might not be that interested in watching it and wouldn't be wanting to come back and watch it.

Overall I think it good that more people said they found it entertaining because it shows that it was a well put together and that it looked good so people will watch the documentary.

Question 5- Do you think the documentary extract looked professional?

Everybody that watched the documentary said that it looked professional which is goods because it means that we followed the codes and conventions of a real TV documentary.

It is good also because it shows that we didnt make it look like it was an armature production and that it looks good and has the content to keep people wanting to watch the rest of the programme.

Question 6- If you answered "No" to question 5, why did it not look professional?

Even though nobody said no to question 5 somebody did say the background voice needed to be clearer.

This tells us that even though they thought it was good this person thought that the sound quality wasnt great for the background voice.

This says that the sound will need to be improved more if it was to be published and put on the tele.

Question 7- During the interviews, did the background imagery look well suited to the occupation of the interviewee or relation to the documentary?

Everybody agreed that the background imagery was relative to the occupation and what is being said.

This is good because it meant that we got the rule of thirds correct for the interviews because it made sure that all of the background was relevant to what the person is doing.

This also says that the cutaways that we got to avoid jumpcuts were good and were relevant to what the person is talking about and this makes it easier to be

Question 8- Do you think the editing of the documentary is of a high standard?

This is good because the majority of the people who watched our programme thought that it was good editing and was seen to look professional.

The people who thought that sometimes it looked well edited tells us that there are some parts that might need to be better edited which means that we will have to look more closely at it.

http://report.evalandgo.com/files/img_rapport/rapport_JTk5cCU5N3AlOUY=/graph_718111.png?1460375182Question 9- After watching the first 5 minutes of the documentary, would you watch the full programme?

This is good since only one person said that they wouldnt watch the full programme which means that we made in interesting enough for people to want to continue to watch the programme.

This is also good because it means that the content, visuals and the edit are what the audience that did the survey wanted to watch and this is good because it means we have captured the audience attention and made them want to watch the rest of the programme so this will mean more people might want to go and watch the programme.

Question 10- If you answered "No" to question 9, tell us why you wouldn't want to watch the rest of the documentary?

The one person who said they did like the programme wasnt because they didnt like any of the feature its just they arent interested which means that they arent interested in coffee.

It also tells me that it wasnt the way we edited or the content it was just they dont think coffee is something they want to watch.

Question 11- What do you think we could add or change to improve the documentary?

The main thing that the audience wanted us to change was the sound quality which could easily be done and this tells us that there are certain things that would make it better. They also think that we could improve the music which means that they think it wasnt a good choice.

Another improvement the audience said we could improve on was that we could look at the history of coffee which suggest that people may be interested In how coffee is made and where it originates from so this means that there is something else that we can add to the documentary.

A few of the people who responded to the question said that it was good and even made one person who doesnt like coffee want to watch it which means that it was good because it means the programme did entertain them.

Question 12- On a scale of 1 - 5 (with 5 being very and 1 being not at all) How professional does our Print Advert look for the documentary?

This tells us that people thought that our newspaper advert was very good and this suggests that it caught peoples eye and made them look twice at the picture which was the idea of what we wanted to happen.

Nobody said the advert wasnt professional which is good because it means that we managed to do a good job on it and make it look like a professional had done it.

Question 13- Do you think that the print advert related to the theme of the documentary well?

All of the people that answered our questionnaire said that it did look professional which says that what we did made it look like a professional had done it and this also made it look good.

It is also good because nobody thought it was bad and this would also mean that they thought that it was good.

Question 14- Would the print advert make you want to watch the documentary?

This tells me that the print advert caught people attention and made people want to watch it because it stood out and made people be interested in what it represents and this is good because it means they are interested.

The fact only one person said they wouldnt watch the programme says that it was well made and looked professional.

Question 15- If you answered "No" to question 14, tell us why not?

This has told me that it has caught there attention because its arty which means that this person looked and analysed it in depth because it shows they thought about the picture and looked in depth at it and this shows that It did catch people attention.

As she said it was artsy was good because that means that it will catch people attention and this means that they might be more inclined to go and watch the programme.

Question 16- How do you think we could improve the Print Advert?

This tells us that there are ways in which that could make the print advert better and this tells us what the audience think that it could be improved so that it can grab more people attention.

I think the idea of putting a swirl in the coffee would have made it look a little better and this would have made the picture sand out more and would have caught more people attention.

Question 17- On a scale of 1 - 5 (with 5 being very and 1 being not at all) How professional does the radio trailer sound?

This tells me that the audience thought our radio trailer was good and that it was professional.

Most people from our audience feedback said they thought it looked professional which tells us that we made the radio trailer to a high standard and that it shows that people are interested in watching it.

Only 1 person sad that it wasnt professional which suggest that they might have not thought it was done well or they just didnt like it.

This tells me that more people think that it is a good trailer and this shows that its good.

Question 18- Do you think the radio trailer clearly linked to the theme of the documentary?

This says that the people who answered our documentary thought that we linked the radio trailer with the programme.

It also says that all the people asked think that is good because it represents what the audience think of the production and the fact all of them said that it was good shows that the audience think its good.

Question 19- If you answered "No" to question 18, tell us why you thought not

This is good because it shows that nobody thought that there is something that we could improve anything and this means that they all thought that it was a good production.

This links with people thinking that it links to the documentary which says that everyone that answered the questions thought that it is was well linked to the documentery.

Question 20- Did the radio trailer make you want to watch the documentary?

This tells me that more people thought that it did make them think that it is worth watching and this means that we made it interesting so that the people who responded said they are able to watch it.

The people who said that it didnt make them want to watch it may have found it not entreating enough to watch which means that we could have used different clips to make them more interesting.

Question 21- If you answered "No" to question 20, tell us why?

This tells me that it isnt that they think the radio trailer isnt good but that it isnt there sort of thing.

I think that we could change the voiceover because it could be more enthusiastic and this means that people may feel more enthusiastic and want to watch the programme.

Question 22- How do you think we could improve our radio trailer?

This tells me that there are things that the audience think we could improve on the documentary. This will mean they will are inclined to go and watch the documentary.

I think that we could change the voiceover because the audience didnt think it was very clear and wasnt enthusiastic. This says they might be less likely to want to watch the programme.

Feedback from the audience on social media


Overall the audience feedback was very helpful because it told us that a lot of the respondents to the questionnaire liked the products we made and this shows that it was done well and was liked by a lot of the people. It also told us areas that could be improved or changed.

The audience feedback tells me that there are things in the documentary that we can change to make people more likely to watch it. The little changes that the audience said we should change would make the documentary more appealing to audiences and this means that they would recommend it to other people and this mean our audience would be larger.

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