evaluation question 3

Audience Feedback What have I learnt from my audience feedback? This is media evaluation question three, I will be discussing who my audience are, what I found out about what people like and what I can make better in my media productions. I have gone round collecting information from a variety of different people

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Page 1: Evaluation question 3

Audience Feedback

What have I learnt from my audience feedback?

This is media evaluation question three, I will be discussing who my audience are, what I found out about what people like and what I can make better in my media productions.

I have gone round collecting information from a variety of different people

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How I got my feedback

I was unable to upload my music video production onto blogger at this point as the file was to large and the movie stream clip came out with very bad quality, For this reason I went round individually showing my production to people on my laptop on final cut pro, Asking them to answer a few questions about my music video.

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Oppositional and Negotiated

The negotiated readings for my music video come from middle aged men and young females who are into mainstream chart music. These are a group of people who will listen when its on but would not find it themselves or really know who the artists are.

My oppositional audience are old men and middle aged women who would never even consider listening to this genre of music.

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Feedback 1

Jennifer, 36, White, New Zealand

I like the setting and the way the characters enter the setting at the beginning. Also the way they leave at the end making it feel very complete.

I think more variety is needed in the second verse.

I would never find this track myself, I would only listen to it via other people so it does not really appeal to my interest in music.

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Feedback 2

Tom, 18, White British, Hackney

The shots of the machines are good and the theme, also I like the fish eye lens, Also a great location.

Yes it does appealTo my interest in music.

I think the shots are too clear for the type of gritty music video youare creating, some sortof filter should be added.

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Feedback 3

Amena, 17, Mixed race, Irish/Indian

I like the location of the production, the Costumes, the comedy of the video, the props.

I would have changed some of the shots that I saw.

No it does not appeal to my interest

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Feedback 4

Kingsley, 18, Nigerian/British, Finsbury park

I like how you have used a fish eye lens, I really like these and do not see them used enough in media production that I am interested in.

Being a huge fan of underground music videos I noticed that your lip sync is not perfect, This could irritate fans.

Yes this does appeal to my interest in music.

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I did around 10 audience feedbacks but the rest have been placed onto my blogger, I have shown three that I believe all have very different interests in music. My feedback two tom, he is my preferred reading, who I am trying to aim to music production to. He Is in my primary target audience.

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Target Audience

The first thing I was trying to discover from my audience feedback was who my target audience are. By asking a large range of people of different ages and background I was able to create a rough target audience. As there are always outliers, as not all the same people like the same music. From the feedback I found that my main target audience for my music production and the genre UK Hip hop is 16-26 year old males interested in underground music, combined with an interest in modern street art.

That is the primary audience but there is definitely a secondary audience for adults who may have grow up along side some of the music and the small percentage of females interested into this genre of music.

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I asked my audience to tell me one thing about my video that they enjoyed, more than half my audience, target audience or not said they loved the location that I picked to film my production. This location was aimed at my target audience as it is what a lot of UK hip hop genres do, but I believe it was liked by everyone as it was original and represents the UK hip hop genre effectively.

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I also asked my audience to tell me one way they believe I could improve my production and make it more enjoyable for my viewers. A couple of people mentioned that I should filter my video as the filming is too clear when my video is in a broken down gritty environment. This is something I need to add to my video before my final draft.