evaluation question 1

WAYS IN WHICH MY MEDIA PRODUCT USES FORMS AND CONVENTIONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS One of the main conventions of Rap music magazines is placing the head of the model in the main image over the Masthead. This is usually done to connote dominance as it suggests that the model(who is a Rapper) is more important and powerful than the magazine. I have followed this convention by also putting the head of my actor over the Masthead of my magazine just as I’ve seen other Rap magazines like Vibe do. Rap magazines like Vibe and XXL use plain dark backgrounds on their front covers. This is done to make the model on the main image the main focus of the reader as if there is a graffiti/designed background, the reader’s focus might be diverted from the model/the fonts to the background. I have The forms usually used by other existing Rap magazines such as Vibe is positioning the isbn number on the far left and the rest of the cover lines on the left and right ends of the page. This is done to leave the chest area of the model (Rapper) bare which Existing Rap magazines use skylines on their front covers it sometimes contains of promotions or names of successful Rappers. I have followed this convention by using the names of other famous Rappers as my skyline which will

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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One of the main conventions of Rap music magazines is placing the head of the model in the main image over the Masthead. This is usually done to connote dominance as it suggests that the model(who is a Rapper) is more important and powerful than the magazine. I have followed this convention by also putting the head of my actor over the Masthead of my magazine just as I’ve seen other Rap magazines like Vibe do.

Rap magazines like Vibe and XXL use plain dark backgrounds on their front covers. This is done to make the model on the main image the main focus of the reader as if there is a graffiti/designed background, the reader’s focus might be diverted from the model/the fonts to the background. I have followed this convention by using a plain grey background.

The forms usually used by other existing Rap magazines such as Vibe is positioning the isbn number on the far left and the rest of the cover lines on the left and right ends of the page. This is done to leave the chest area of the model (Rapper) bare which connotes masculinity and power. I have followed the same form.

Existing Rap magazines use skylines on their front covers it sometimes contains of promotions or names of successful Rappers. I have followed this convention by using the names of other famous Rappers as my skyline which will attract my target audience.


Most Rappers on the front covers of Rap magazines wear gold, diamond and silver bling as seen on the front cover of XXL magazine. This connotes the wealth and power of Rappers and bling is stereotypical of Rappers to wear and is seen as a masculine way of showing wealth and power. However, the model/Rapper on my front cover wears a beaded necklace instead of a bling, I did this to challenge the stereotype that Rappers always wear bling. My model wearing a beaded necklace suggest that he has a feminine/soft side to him as beads are stereotypical jewelleries for women.

The facial expression of Rappers in the main image of Rap magazine front covers is usually tensed and aggressive with a direct mode of address. This is done to connote power, dominance and courage as these are stereotypical characteristics of the personality of Rappers. The Rapper on the main image of my front cover does not follow these conventions as his facial expression is smiley/happy and he is wearing glasses which obstructs a direct mode of address. I did this to challenge the stereotype that Rappers are usually tensed and bold with an aggressive look by making my model have a friendly look on his face which shows that he is bold but friendly. I prevented a direct mode of address by making him wear glasses to reduce the tension with the reader.

Rappers usually have their shirts off on the front covers of Rap magazines. Showing their masculine bodies connotes masculinity and dominance which is what Rappers stand for. However, the Rapper on my front cover challenges this convention by wearing a white vest which represents peace, friendliness and casualty.