evaluation question 1

Evaluation Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation question 1

Thriller Conventions

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The library is a strange setting for a thriller. This is because the normal idea about a library is that quite and not a lot happens. This is why our thriller is a real twist because it is set in a quite/dull setting however something exciting and thriller is happening inside. From the first view, it doesn't look like a library, it is only when she gets inside that we see the books.

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There are ways that the story could play out: First, the girl, who is a victim, after being kidnapped could fight her way out and return by her own struggle.


Second, there could be a hero that goes after her and rescues her from the dark figure. I think that this is more likely because the personality that the girl built for herself wasn't a fighting spirit but more that she was too scared and wanted to run.

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Our thriller hides the identity of our antagonist for a long time until the end when he strikes. This fits to the theme of a thriller because it is the antagonist that creates strong suspense and holds onto that until the climax when the antagonist cannot go any further because the protagonist wins the day. We have kept the conventions of a typical evil character. Faceless, dark and suspicious.

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ThemesThe missing poster gives the theme of the victim being captured. Someone who is attacked and needs to be rescued.

•Innocence•Surprise• Helplessnessare all the themes that you might expect to see in a thriller and we have used these and developed them.

The escaped paper focuses on the theme that someone dangerous is roaming loose. It doesn't give anymore information therefore the audience does not know who has escaped or what they look like.

•Danger on the loose• ominous presence in the backgroundAll help towards creating a theme of abduction and escape.

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As the audience the questions you would ask are:-Why did he come after her?-Who is he and where has he taken her?-Is he a serial killer/ kidnapper?-Will she come back and become the protagonist?-Is there another actor that will make an appearance as the protagonist?In other thrillers, these questions would be similar as the mystery would make the audience question them.

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Visual StyleThe dissolved picture transferring into each other shows a long period of time has passed by. This is a quick transition without having to show her falling asleep.

There is a shakey handicam moment when she looks at the door which helps connote a sense of confusion and fear.

The blurred hand keeps the antagonist’s identity hidden leaving it a mystery to the audience. This is a good hook because it leaves the audience wanted to find out more.

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The grand father clock ticking down time representing the last few minutes that the girl might be alive for.

The newspaper saying escaped, telling the audience that there is a killer on the loose. The word escaped but with no photo.