evaluation q5

Q5.) How did you attract/address your audience

Upload: aroosa3105

Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Q5.) How did you attract/address your


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In my main image on the front page the model is wearing fashionable clothes and has make-up on. I used a floral print for her as its up-to date with recent fashions so audiences can relate to her and I made her wear a colourful top so it stands out on the white background. I didn’t use that much jewellery in the shot as I felt that doing that would follow the stereotype of R&B/Hip Hop artists.

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Mode of address

All the models in my magazine use a direct mode of address. When the model is looking directly at the camera, it instantly makes the page look eye-catching because you feel as though they are looking straight at you. A lot of magazines do use this technique as it makes audiences feel involved with the artists. By using it in my image it allows everyone to see my ‘artists’ facial expression prompting them to figure out what they article may actually be about.

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In the text that I wrote throughout my magazine I used both standard English as well as colloquialisms. Even though my target audience was aimed between 13-20 I decided to use standard English to make it seem a bit sophisticated rather than informal. I used an emotive tone throughout the article on my double-page spread to make it seem more realistic and genuine, this way it would make the audience think that they are actually having a conversation with the artist rather than reading about her.Also with the questions and answers in the main article I tried not to make it differ that much, so I used the same consistency of language throughout so the audience would not get confused about what genre of magazine it actually was.

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Using too many colours in a magazine may put the audience of a bit as they would get confused as soon as they looked at it. So, in my magazine I used a minimal amount of colours so it didn’t look like a kids magazine as a huge variation in colours is normally used to attract children. Even though it was a pop magazine with a young female artist a tried not to use too many pinks and purples. The colours that I used I believe went well together and would attract both males and females.