evaluation q4


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Can you tell the movie is a horror movie?

Yes, the typeface and photo

Yes, looks scary

Yes by the effects used

Yes, the whole look of the poster shows that it is a horror

From all the people asked they all said that they could determine the genre of our film from the poster. This is a good thing to make sure that the genre of our film is recognisable.

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Do you think the fonts fit with the movie genre? If not, why?

Yes, very effective

I think it does

Yes, fits with the title of the film

Yes, I think that the font works really well with the title and genre of the film.

Well, it’s a good font but some of the writing could be clearer if a different font could have been used.

The majority of the people that we asked agreed that the font we chose was good. However we have had some feedback saying that the font could have been clearer and this is a practical element that we adjusted.

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Does the colour scheme fit with the genre? If not, what colours would you

suggest?It does

Red goes well with the horror genre

The red used is good but other darker colours could have been used to add to the effect.

From the feedback we have received it has been noted that we could have added some more darker colours to add to the red. This may have helped to increase the professionalism of the poster.

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Do you think the tagline is appropriate? What sub-genres would

this lead you to believe it is?Yes – makes you think of a new kind of horror

Yes, supernatural!

Yes, paranormal

Yeah and the ‘possess’ makes it sound ghostly and paranormal

All of the feedback that we got about our tagline was positive. This shows that it would be a good tag line to entice the audience to watching the film.

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Do you think the composition of the poster is well thought about? If not,

why?Yes. Although the small font is patchy and hard to read

Yes, I like that the figure is positioned to the right

Yes, I think that the composition of the is good however the photo could have been a bit clearer

Most of the feedback that we received was positive and this meant that we didn’t have to change anything on our layout when making our final copy. However the quality of the photo was commented on and this could be changed by using a better camera.

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Do you think the poster and magazine cover are working in synergy?

Yes, they work very well together

Yes, I like the way they have both been edited in a similar way

Yes, they use the same colour scheme and fonts etc.

Definitely. I like how you’ve used the same model in both but changed angles and compositions

From all the audience feedback that we received, we found out that everyone asked thought that our poster and magazine worked in synergy. This means that there are clear links between the two print media aspects.

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Do you think the public would use the social links to interact with the movie?

If not, why?

Yes they would

Most probablyYeah!

People like to get involved with things and this gives them a way to feel part of the film

We thought that due to the technological age that our target audience are in adding the interactive links would be appropriate. From the feedback we received this was a good thing.

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Front Cover

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Does this cover show you that the featured film is a horror?

Clear iconography is presented.

Very Clear with the hooded figure, gives an element of mystery

It is dark and dingy

The woods are iconic of the horror genre so I recognised from that

Although its quite light there are elements of darkness

The overall look gives off connotations of horror

These results show that the majority of people asked could recognise our front cover as that of a horror film. The only criticism is the lightness of the image as horror front covers are stereotypically dark. We felt that it was important to go against this convention so that everything on our front cover is seen.

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Does the colour scheme work well?

I think the colour scheme works well throughout.


The colours really compliment the images on the front cover.

I think darker colours could work well to follow the conventions of a typical horror.

From our audience feedback we have learnt that most people agree that our colour scheme works well. Although it could be darker and include more variety. We used the colours we did as we feel that they add to the professionalism and interest to our magazine cover.

Yes it looks professional but not boring.

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Are the fonts clear to read?Yes, the fonts are clear and easy to read. Yes, the typography that has been

used follows the themes of the magazine as well as being easy to read.

Yes, I can read all text

All of the people that we asked agreed that the font we used was clear to read. This is vital to our magazine as the audience need to be able to read the text on the front.

yes, they add to the effect created by the front cover.


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Does this magazine have conventions similar to other magazines?

Yes there are large amounts of shared conventions between this and that of a real magazine.

Yes, this magazine looks really professional.

Yes, on this magazine there are lots of conventions that other magazines have such as puffs and plugs

No, there are not enough plugs and puffs to make it look good.

Yes, that balance between text and image is just right.

This analysis told us that most people asked agreed when we asked about convention sharing. It shows us that excluding the one negative comment we received our magazine is thought to look professional. If we wanted to improve we could ensure that we addressed the negative comments and made sure that we made the balance betwen plugs and puffs right.

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Does it fit your expectations of a film magazine?

Yes, the way that is laid out looks similar to a real magazine.

All of the practical elements have not been forgotten.

Yes, the layout looks familiar to ones I have seen in shops before.

The magazine looks interesting and resembles what I would expect a real magazine to look like.


From the feedback that we have received it shows that our magazine fits most peoples expectations and resembles layouts similar to that of other magazines. We have remembered to include all of the practical elements to ensure that our magazine looks the best it can be.

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What do you think of the balance of text

The balance is perfect.

It is good, the cover doesn’t look to overcrowded but isn’t too bare.

There could be more text but the cover isn’t lacking anything.

The image is so detailed that a large amount of text is not needed.

The balance of text to image is fine.

This feedback shows all of the people that we asked said that we have got the balance right. Although some of the feedback said that we could have used more text this could be in the form of plugs puffs or general text about the features in our magazine.

The top of the magazine cover looks a bit bare compared to the bottom.

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What do you think of the title of the magazine?

I like it.

It has a good ring to it.

It works really well with the slogan, and is memorable for target audiences.

It is similar but slightly different to other film magazines so may be mistaken for other magazines.

Its short and sweet

Due to the importance of the title to our magazine it was important that it was appealing to the audience. With the feedback that we received it is clear that the title that we chose was attracting to the audience. The audience said that they would automatically know what to expect and this is good for our magazines reputation. Although some of the feedback we got said that it similar to other magazines, which may cause a problem if its too similar.

I would know what to expect instantly.

Its fantastic, I am really impressed.

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Does this trailer portray conventions of a horror teaser trailer?

Yes, the hooded figure adds to the atmosphere and is very common in horror

Although there is small amounts of blood, if more blood was used then it could have been more like other horror trailers

The darkness and the woods are good

We tried to include as many conventions as possible to ensure that the feeling of a horror trailer was achieved through the watching of our trailer. The feedback that we received complimented this, apart from the thought of adding more blood but as we were trying to achieve more of a pyscological horror we didn’t think this was appropriate.

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Let the text last longer

Larger texts on the text frames

Better image quality

More scenes in the car

The acting could be improved on

Is there anything that we could improve on?

We received a large amount of feedback on how to improve our trailer. One of the main points we found was that the text at the start of the trailer does not last for long enough. We want our audience to have the best understanding of the setting of our trailer so this is something that we have amended.

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‘When the possessed girl is walking towards the car holding the cross’

‘The breathing which follows out with the screen shot of ‘four friends went on a trip of a lifetime’

‘The cross which is represented in the movie poster, the movie magazine and the teaser trailer’

‘When the possessed girl turns round and the title of the film comes up’

‘The title font’

Is there anything that work particularly well?

We found knowing what parts of the trailer the audience liked useful as it helped up to create the final trailer. It also helped us to know what parts of the trailer to keep in.

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Are the sounds effective?Yes they really add to the trailer and help to build tension

Yes, I like the heartbeat that is heard The breathing really adds

effect to the trailerThe dialogue of the actors is good and lets the audience know part of the storyline without giving away to much

The sound is such a large part of the trailer that we needed it to be right. The feedback that we received is all positive.