evaluation q3

By Samantha Clarke

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation Q3

By Samantha Clarke

Page 2: Evaluation Q3

My target audience are 17 – 20 years old, boys and girls, also they would be Goths (but they don’t have to be strong to this genre). I have targeted them by using codes and conventions of the Gothic genre. I used the dark and old styles to make the more appealing to them.

Page 3: Evaluation Q3

I believe this to be the strongest media text that I have created for this project and the feedback for other people agree. The common good feedback that I get for the digipak is saying this like the colour scheme is good, and it suit the genre well. They also really like the wolf designs that I used for the digipak.

But there is some bad feedback as well, for example the wolf on the inside page could use some more shading, but nothing can be perfect.

Page 4: Evaluation Q3

This was also a very strong media text that I created for this project. The design, font and colour scheme are commonly liked by my audience. And they think that it fits the genre really well.

But there was one main improvement that they wanted, and that was to make some of the smaller text biggest so that it was easier to read.

Page 5: Evaluation Q3

This is the weakest media text that I created for this project, but it’s still pretty cool. The common good feedback was the high standard footage and the use of fire, and smoke for effect.

The improvements were to add more of the animated wolf, as he seems a bite random. But I didn’t want him there too much so it looks like I didn’t get the balance right.