evaluation post 3

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? After finalising, editing and creating my music video as well as my ancillary text, I conducted an online survey regarding my audience's feedback on whether or not I was successful in meeting my genre’s generic conventions. In order for me to collect my feedback, I created a survey on SurveyMonkey, which I then handed it out to a range of different people who have seen my music video and ancillary texts. After receiving my results, I then reflected and analyised the results to get a better understanding of how my audiences felt about my project. 1. What genre do you think our music video was? The first question I asked was to see if I had made my music video clear enough to my audiences that it is hip- hop/r&b. My survey was handed out to people ranging from the ages of 17-20, both male and females. My responses were good as 83% of the respondents said they thought my music video was hip-hop/r&b and the other 17% thought it was pop. This is a great response as it meant it was clear that my music video fits in with our chosen genre. From this result, I can see that the use of costumes, narrative and locations used in the music video link clearly to other hip-hop/r&b music videos. 2. Was the narrative clear in the music video? This question was a simple yes or no answer with the option to write an opinion on whether or not the narrative was clear. 100%

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3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After finalising, editing and creating my music video as well as my ancillary text, I conducted an online survey regarding my audience's feedback on whether or not I was successful in meeting my genre’s generic conventions. In order for me to collect my feedback, I created a survey on SurveyMonkey, which I then handed it out to a range of different people who have seen my music video and ancillary texts. After receiving my results, I then reflected and analyised the results to get a better understanding of how my audiences felt about my project.

1. What genre do you think our music video was?

The first question I asked was to see if I had made my music video clear enough to my audiences that it is hip-hop/r&b. My survey was handed out to people ranging from the ages of 17-20, both male and females. My responses were good as 83% of the respondents said they thought my music video was hip-hop/r&b and the other 17% thought it was pop. This is a great response as it meant it was clear that my music video fits in with our chosen genre. From this result, I can see that the use of costumes, narrative and locations used in the music video link clearly to other hip-hop/r&b music videos.

2. Was the narrative clear in the music video?

This question was a simple yes or no answer with the option to write an opinion on whether or not the narrative was clear. 100% of the respondents said the narrative was clear and understandable. This was great to analysis as it meant the music video was not confusing and was clear to the audiences. This tells me that the music video was planned out, filmed and edited well. It was important for me to know this as it shows I have a clear understanding in how to direct and plan a hip-hop/r&b music video. This also shows me that the research I conducted earlier in this course has helped me and allowed me to create a music video that fits in with the typical conventions of this genre.

3. Does my magazine poster grab your attention?

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Once again 100% of the respondents who took this survey say that my magazine poster grabbed their attention. This is shows me that my design, layout and edit worked well in the sense of attracting audience members. I tried to include as many conventions shown in a magazine poster such as, social media links, big fonts, record label logo and a copyright sign. From this feedback I can see I successfully reached my goal of being able to attract audience members which means one of my ancillary texts was victorious.

4. Is there any improvements I could make to my magazine poster?

For this question I received a mixture of responses from my audiences. Two people responded saying no, which tells me that they liked magazine poster and that I did a good job. However, some other respondents thought otherwise and gave me some useful feedback. One of the feedbacks I received said “Not to have words covering the artists.” Although I tried to use the writing as a representation of a barrier between the two artists, this feedback shows me that this was not made clear enough to my viewers. As well as this, another respondent said “Keep the fonts the same”. This feedback was helpful to me as I am aware of what I need to do in the future if I were to create another magazine cover. Having analysis the feedback received on improvements I could make has helped me in understanding how to connect and attract more audiences.

5. Does my Digipak grab your attention?

Once again, 100% of the respondents said yes it does which shows me my digipak was successful. Having seen this feedback reassures me that my digipak was successful in attracting my audience members.

6. Is there any improvements I could make to my Digipak?

For this question, I once again received a mixture of responses which I have analyised and reflected on. Three people responded with the answer “No”, which tells me they liked my digipak and are happy with it. However other respondents wrote back saying, “Make the back

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text the same colour but still visible against the background.” Having read this feedback shows me that some audience members do not like the idea of having two different colours for the text. Once again the two different colours were used to show a contrast between good and bad in the two artist. Having read the other feedback has given me an eye opener in how to improve my digipak and make it more attractive to audience members.

7. Does my magazine poster fit in with the typical conventions seen in other magazine posters?

This question was a simple yes or no answer with the option to write a comment if they clicked no. 100% of the audiences members who took this survey believe my magazine poster does fit in with the typical conventions shown in other magazine posters. This is a positive response which tells me my research was useful in helping me to design this magazine poster. I am able to see that my audience member’s can see clearly it is a magazine poster and that they understand it belongs to the hip-hop/r&b genre.

8. Would you buy a digipak based on a poster you saw about it?

From the results I got back, I can see that a 100% of my audience members would buy a digipak based on a magazine poster. This shows me how important it is for a magazine poster to be attractive and eye catching in order to get more buyers or viewers. I can see that having a well done and finalised poster can make a difference in the amount of buyers an artist can get.

9. Does our music video fit in with the typical conventions of a hip-hop/r&b music video?

The responses I received for this question was very satisfying as 100% of the feedback said “Yes”. This tells me that I succeed in my research and planning for my music video as I was able to use the right conventions in my music video. Having reviewed this feedback tells me it was clear to my audiences that my music video belongs in the hip-hop/r&b genre. This is a positive response which shows me the conventions I used were done correctly and was made easily justifiable to audience members.

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Having created this survey and reviewing the responses received, has enabled me to gain a wider perspective on how audience members viewed my project. I was able to obtain a better understanding on who my audience members are and how I can relate and attract them more with future projects. This survey has enabled me to receive useful information on how I did on the music video along with my ancillary text I created.