evaluation part 1


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Page 1: Evaluation part 1



Page 2: Evaluation part 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products?

Questions One

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The Boogeyman

A spooky empty closet in the room which is very mysterious. And opens and closes on its own with no one there - scary

They use the conventions of a thriller by using shock from the doors opening on their own, However, develop forms of editing by having a computerised demonic hand coming out from the inside

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The woman in blackBuild climax through the non-diegetic sound to build tension and make the audience feel uncomfortable as they are anticipate to see what's about to happenThey use the conventions of a

thriller by using anticipation as the lamp is spinning with the non-diegetic sound is building, However, develop forms of editing the sound to make it sound fast and faster even though the lamp isn't increasing speed

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Paranormal Activity

The way the films narrative starts very calm and normal but then tension seeps up throughout the film to the highest scare, then switch it of in a cut and the use of false hope

They challenge the conventions of a thriller filming the whole film as it were a home made video and makes it seem more real to the audience, and use forms by having basic camera shots and angles and minimal sound effects

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InsidiousNon-diegetic sound of whispers while the woman was listening through a baby monitor and the volume control of when it got louder and louder then the whisper became a shout, to frighten the audience.They use the conventions of a

thriller by using climax as the whispers are getting louder and louder to a clear shout, However, develop forms of camera angle as it was spinning above her head making the sense of being surrounded and costraphobic

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How we use/devlop/challenge the formsCAMERA ANGLEWith the camera angles we develop it by have more interesting angles where you could see the blood dripping from under the table onto the table then the floor creating that mystery to what's making it drop. Also when she was walking up top her door a low angle as she walked further away to emphasise the bag.

HOWEVERThis is different to films such as paranormal activity, where the camera is mostly in a position where by the whole room is seen, and the paranormal phenomena happening is shown which would be challenging the angles usually used in a thriller

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How we use/devlop/challenge the forms

CUTSWe use the form of eye line match to get the audience excited about what they’re about to see and why the character (Laura) is so terrified at what she is looking at.

SIMULARLYThe in the woman in black they use eye line match during the opening sequence when the little girls are looking off screen then out the window leaving all to the audiences imagination till later in the film

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How we use/devlop/challenge the forms‘DREAM’ SPECIAL EFFECTWe have developed the look of a possession by putting a special effect called ‘Dream’ onto our clip to present to the audience there is someone else in her, and its not her normal state as well as filming in from different angles from when she was herself to show a change.

HOWEVERIn paranormal activity the woman is on her bed and they use the form of her being possessed by changing her voice and leave the same angle and shot while it happened

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How we use/devlop/challenge the forms

NON-DIEGETIC SOUNDWe use the non-diegetic sound to build up tension and suspense at most times of the opening sequence. Also its to create a eerie mood for the audience, for example our background music, our sudden shock music and our thunder and rain sound effectsSIMULARLY

The woman in black use this form to create the eerie atmosphere when the actually woman in black is around and the wind sound effects around the house create a spooky feeling towards it for the audience

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How we use/devlop/challenge the formsELLIPSISWe use ellipsis to show continuous time, cut into most significant movements so the audience can see it’s a calm setting and she's taking slow nonchalant movements

HOWEVER In Insidious during the opening sequence they don’t use any kind of ellipsis as they very slowly moved around the sound with intense, uncomfortable music therefore not making it boring

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How we use/devlop/challenge the conventions

SUPERNATURALWe developed the convention of the supernatural as we not only has things just moving, we heard sounds, visuals and actual ghost abuse towards the character.

HOWEVER In Paranormal activity the use the convention by not showing the ghost activity, however unlike our film they did not show sound or an actual a visual of the ghost

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How we use/devlop/challenge the conventionsSUSPENSEWe use the convention of suspense as we created a lot of suspense at the end of our opening sequence when the screen was black the audience is kept on the edge of their seats of the unknown

HOWEVER In the boogeyman they use the convention of suspense when the little boy is in bed and he can see a figure getting closer but when he switched the light on its just a piece of furniture/clothing in his room – creating suspense to know what it is, as the audience know there's something wrong

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How we use/devlop/challenge the conventions

FLASE HOPEWe developed the convention of false hope as when we build it up, we drop the tension (false hope) and then straight after show the ghosts

SIMULARLY In in Insidious use the convention when the boy went into the attack there was diegetic sounds of creaking hands (of the devil), putting the audience at the edge of their seat to a cut into the living room giving false hope to see something frightening

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SHOCKWe use the convention of shock by have a black screen with eerie non-diegetic music with a sudden flash of Laura and the ghost behind her to make the audience jump and leave a lasting impression so that they want tot watch the rest of the film

SIMULARLY In the Bogeyman they use the convention similarly by at the end of their opening sequence its silent then the dad gets pulled into the closet by the bogeyman and frightens the audience to which they watch more

How we use/devlop/challenge the conventions

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Narrative structure of our filmWe used a non-linear narrative, even though our film starts

at the beginning of our story leading to the end – like a story book – we show the past of why the ghost are there

and what happened for them to be so angry and threatening to Laura dating back to the 19th century.

We have an explicit narrative by clearly through the difference in mise-en-scene, for example, costume, props and setting to establish the time period in contrast to the

modern day where Britain has developed immensely.


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Narrative structure of our film

However, in our opening sequence itself we used a linear narrative as we wanted to establish the setting of the film in present 21st century and emphasise a mood for the film and start with a calm but spooky start to build into a fast climax, as going into the past will disrupt the audience to

engage with the Laura’s feelings throughout –

This is similar to paranormal activity and women in black, where they started with a calm feeling, building to tension

and thrill to a climax.

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USE - howWe use this narrative structure as we only go to the same timer period in the past, its very explicit and clear

Narrative structure of our film

USE - whyWe use because we want the audience to understand the message and idea of our film. Rather than focus on confusing structure, we want them to be frightened and thrilled throughout

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We applied our film to the Vladimir Todorov theory as..

Equilibrium – Laura has just moved in and her life is normal

Disequilibrium – She realises she's being haunted and they disrupt her life

New Equilibrium – She thinks she let the sprits go and moves house and her life is equal again

We challenge this theory as, although it does apply to our film, however, when we reach the new equilibrium, its only for the

character Laura who thinks she has let the ghost free – whereas they’re still there presenting a false ending

Theories of our film

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Questions Two

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Who is being represented and Why?

Name : Laura Hibbit

She is represented as a quiet British girl, who doesn't like to stand out too much shown through her simple clothing. She is shown to come from a working class family and area from her setting and location.

She is represented this way because we want the audience to sympathise with her situation and almost put themselves in her position as the audience can relate to her and be even more frightened as she would seem more vunerable.