evaluation of summer stop motion project

TOM BUTTERWORTH Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Upload: tommyb4128

Post on 24-May-2015



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Page 1: Evaluation of summer stop motion project


Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Page 2: Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Evaluation of summer project

How did you use technologies to create a product(just give a brief outline)

-digital cameras-uploading to slide share/ YouTube-embedding in blogHow did these technologies enable you to be


Page 3: Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Digital cameras

Digital cameras and SLR high resolution cameras where used to capture the images, for stability the use of a tripod was used, this made it easier to capture images with out moving the camera.

For my project I used a Nikon d3100 high res camera, this was to get the best picture quality and made it also easier using the burst setting, this enables me to take pictures just clicking the button or holding down for multi shot.

Using a high resolution camera proved o be more difficult then I thought as each picture would require a different rate of focus, also the light balance in the room was hard to keep the same making some pictures darker than others.

Page 4: Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Uploading to and

Uploading stop motion to slide share makes it easier to watch your slide show, this is also easier to access .

Uploading to YouTube would give people the chance to view my animation and also make it smooth, make the animation run easier.

There are millions of stop motions on the world biggest video sharing site

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Embedding in blog

The idea of embedding my animation on a blogging site makes it easier to show work and preparation I

have put in, this can show step for step how and what I have done.

This is my video done through slide share, uploaded to Blogger.

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How did this task enable us to be creative

This task allowed us to do a stop motion on anything, this was purely a task to show some imaginationBuilding a narrative made it quite hard but at the same time gave the piece more depth

I decided to use a pool table as it was flat and easy to keep the balls still on the table, making it easy and fast to move.

{Note: light balance isn't very good}

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Me and my partner Sam...had quite allot of ideas such as someone playing the guitar, due to problems syncing the music over the top I didn't go with that.

I also made a small test animation using a Zippo lighter, the proved hard with a moving background that could not be controlled.

Also my idea was someone playing the drums

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Where there any limits?

We had quite a strict time deadline, also the lighting balance could not be controlled, the auto focus was hard to keep the camera in focus, also we did not have a tripod so I was left holding the camera for 3 hours.