evaluation of preliminary task - the interrogation


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation of Preliminary Task - The Interrogation

Section 1: Filming Progress-

What went well?

Considering we had to change our preliminary completely due to casting difficulties, I feel like the

whole process came together in our filming. With the equipment we used, our camera shots were

steady when they needed to be, and jerky to represent running at the appropriate times. We

managed to use the correct camera angles to represent either reactions, emotions or conversation.

We also managed to cast this video correctly (even though it took many takes) to achieve the

emotions and reactions to create the correct atmosphere.

What mistakes did you make?

In some of our shots, the mise-en-scene wasn’t

accurate. We had objects that don’t link to our

video in the background of some shots. For

example in this shot there are some objects

such as a phone, smoothie maker and other

kitchen utensils that shouldn’t be there. Also

we didn’t check the microphone sound so there

is parts of the video where you can hear a

background fuzzy noise which isn’t the same in every clip. Also in some clips we had the boom pole

included to we had to edit the clips so that they were cropped out which restricted the camera

angles available at times. Also we didn’t exactly focus that much on the lighting so in each clip it

doesn’t always match. One of the biggest mistakes was not giving ourselves enough time to film

which affected our overall production of the video.

What have you learned to take forward to your main task?

We need to make sure the mise-en-scene is accurate and that we don’t have random objects in the

background of our shots, also need to focus on lighting to create the atmosphere we need. We could

also explore more camera angles as we were limited due to mis-en-scene. We also need to check the

microphone is consistent and that there isn’t noticeable fuzzy sounds in the background between

dialogues. Another thing we need to do is making sure that when we cast, we have a solid cast and

our prepared if not as due to this reason, it didn’t give us long to shoot our actual video.

Section 2: Meeting the brief

Evaluate how well you have met the brief.

I think we did meet the brief– we used a variety of camera techniques such as shot reverse shot, 180

degree rule and the matching on action and we used several camera angles such as panning,

zooming and many still camera angles.

We showed the detective opening a door, matching on action, walking through the door and walking

towards the table but one thing we didn’t include in a camera shot was him sitting down but we

didn’t realise that until we were editing. But to cover this we used a fade to black to show time had

moved on where we show him sat down with the rest of the people so I feel like it wasn’t that much

of a problem. We reached the brief to the best of our ability at this current time.


Page 2: Evaluation of Preliminary Task - The Interrogation

Section 3: Technical Skills

Using titles appropriately according to institutional conventions

We firstly planned to put the title at the beginning of our video but we believed to achieve

the tone we wanted and due to the two different settings, it would look more effective in

between both settings to suggest that they are in different places but we still stuck to the

institutional conventions.

Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set

Due to us talking throughout shots, a lot of sound editing had to be done to achieve a decent

video. We didn’t realise about us talking throughout shots, in order for the video to work we

had to add sound effects which were meant to be diegetic. Firstly, the opening of the door

handle, we had to add a sound effect perfectly for this to work. During the running of the

dog walker, we had to cut a lot of the footage due to talking but luckily we didn’t have to

add sound effects for the footsteps. Finding suitable non-diegetic music for our video took a

long amount of time because many of the music clips had too much of a beat to it whereas

we wanted it to slowly increase in pace to create tension to match the action included in our


Shooting material appropriate to the task set, including controlled use of the camera,

attention to framing, variety of shot distance and close attention to mise-en-scene

Some of our shots had shaky footage to fit the purpose of the shot we were taking so this

could look like unsteady filming but hopefully in our main task, if we need that footage we

could make it less shaky. Our framing was consistently good during filming but we had a

problem with the boom pole being in some shots and due to editing this out of the shot, it

decreased the effectiveness of our framing, for example in some shots it was meant to be a

3 shot and only ended out having 2 people

so this limited our capability of the overall

performance of the video.

From this I have learned that whilst filming, we need to make sure that the boom pole isn’t

included in the shot to keep our framing as consistent as we want it and to create the right

affect with the camera shot planned.

Using editing so that the meaning is

apparent to the viewer and making selective

and appropriate use of shot transitions and

other effects

Our mise-en-scene lacked accuracy due to

the place in which we filmed, in the

background of our shots there is many

objects that aren’t relevant, we tried to cover

some (for example, we put a white sheet to

hide some of the background objects as you

can see in this shot). This was also due to lack of time to focus on the planning of location

This is an example of where we originally

planned for a 3 shot but due to ending out

the boom pole, it ended up being a two


Page 3: Evaluation of Preliminary Task - The Interrogation

and we will think about it more next time. In the main task we will need to focus more on

mise-en-scene and props to create the accurate setting in which we will film at. Editing was a

huge process in our production due to cropping shots, zooming in to avoid showing as much

inaccurate mise-en-scene (mostly the boom pole), speeding shots up to increase the

constant pace we needed in our video and slowing them down to keep a link with the non-

diegetic music (added during editing).

Our shot transitions were relevant to our video, even though many of our transitions were

cuts, this was to keep a constant pace to keep the audience interested and to match the

storyline. We used a couple of fades to make sure of a smooth viewing when appropriate

such as linking the scenes in the forest to show the dog walkers POV to make it more


Overall I believe that our preliminary task went well, especially due to the setbacks during

the process. We have many things to improve on for the main task such as mise-en-scene,

lighting and a wider variety of camera angles.