evaluation of lyrics

Presentation Laura Burroughs

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Post on 01-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Evaluation of Lyrics


Laura Burroughs

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Cover Line









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Masthead:Masthead: The point of the masthead is to enable the reader to instantly recognise the style of the magazine, it engages the reader and shows them the magazine genre. In like, I have followed this and aimed to show my reader just what my magazine is like. Positioning it in the top Left corner of the page, also part of the left third, so it is easily identifiable. I chose this style of font as it is free flowing, representing the freedom in music.

Main Image: Main Image: This follows the house style of the magazine and aims to show the reader a particular genre type represented in the magazine. Majority of magazines such as: Kerrang and Q use the main image as the focal point and the size of the entire front cover. I have followed this convention to make my audience see the leading artist for the magazine, looking to the audience’s preferences in music.

Main Article: Main Article: I have then followed the main image with the main article headings, this reflect the artist and the main image. The main article is there to entice you into the magazine, and I do just this. The use of selective colouring to highlight important information, in this case the artist’s name.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions?

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Main Image



Main Headings


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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

Conventions?Main title:Main title: the main title for the contents page is most commonly used

at the top of the page, this is where I challenge the conventions, I place the heading at the bottom left corner. I did this to show the individuality of my magazine and how it differs from other magazines out there today.

Main Image:Main Image: I used the entire contents page to show my image, this is to again show the importance of the artist and how he is main article throughout the magazine. The focus entirely on him.

Pull Quote:Pull Quote: the idea of the pull quote is to give an insight into what is too come, this is where I took the focus away from the main artist and have shown the audience there is more to come. Using attractive language such as “electrifying” to help the audience feel for the magazine.

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Main Article Heading



Article, Flush Left



Stand First and Drop Cap

Double Page Spread

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

Conventions?StandfirstStandfirst: An introduction to the article itself, it’s a chance to

summarise the article and give the audience an idea as to what’s too come. I particularly used this as the rest of my article is in conversational style drawing attention to the change in language.

Drop capDrop cap: Indenting the first paragraph with a bolder, larger letter to draw attention to the fact it’s the beginning. This is a very conventional way of starting off your first paragraph as it shows the audience where to follow from, many magazines as well as newspapers use this style.

Article flush leftArticle flush left: Keeping my article in columns, with flush left to show order to my magazine, this is again a common convention. Columns is a popular layout for an article as it allows you to fit more on the page and it organises the information clearly.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As my target audience was 16-22 year olds who wereinterested in R&B music my main focus was to convey this through the use of imagery and language. Throughout the imagery I tried to focus the attention on a laid back attitude yet re-evaluating the old style of R&B. My attention was aimed at not the new style of hip hopR&B but the old school style aimed at just music. I usedthe imagery to instantly reflect the idea of R&B whilst using the language to portray the old style. The fresh tone to the article allows my audience to feel at ease within the magazine and can easily relate to their own lives. This produces a friendly approach as the audience can understand the artist’s point of view.Stylising the artist to look casual yet hip can enable my audience to connect to the artist, as it is a common look. Showing how down-to-earth my artist is allows the audience to feel they can aspire to be whatever they like, no matter what their background is.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

16-22 year olds16-22 year olds

< this was my initial first mood board.

My magazine’s aim at the start of the project was:My new music magazine is an R&B based magazine, appealing to

its target audience of 16-22 year olds due to little mainstream magazines in this category. It will offer the latest, exclusive

interviews in media; looking into the future and being the first to show off new acts. Presenting its style through the use of red

and black, with a hint of gold to highlight and bring together the look. Keeping the tone and register mainstream and fresh it will

encapsulate my audience.

I feel I have stuck to this quite clearly and my audience have been addressed to appropriately >

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Audience feedbackFrom the masthead can you tell what the magazine offers?

Do you think the Double Page Spread's language represents the idea of R&B well? Why or Why not?

Of the pictures used do you think they represent my r&b look? Why or Why not?


















Of the pictures used do you thinkthey represent my R&B look?

40% of the above thought my photo’s were more suited for a jazz music magazine however the other 60% said the way the model was stylised suits the R&B look.

Although all thought my magazine’s target audience was 16-22 year olds – which was the aim.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

- Colour scheme, inviting yet individual. The use of red and black symbolises the R&B look and presents the magazine in this visual way. The gold brings in the individuality and sets the tone to the magazine

- Imagery, relaxed yet cool. The tone of the images was to give a laid back approach, making the artist seem care-free and easy going. This is a common factor amongst R&B lovers.

- Language; conversational and laid back. I did this to make it easy to read for my target audience as this suits their lifestyles for not being lovers of reading long lengths of text.

- Creating a house style throughout aimed at my target audience’s needs to show continuity through my magazine.

- A main focus on music as this is aimed at the aspirations of my target audience, music lovers and their desire to be famous for it.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this

product?The use of blogger throughout the project has allowed me to make my work

available to everyone and since technology is always developing and too keep up with this fast-tracked media style, blogger seems a good way to update readers with information for your magazine.

Photoshop is a technique, up until this project I have never used before, being given the preliminary exercise, it gave me the chance to become aware of Photo shop had to offer. I was able to use tools such as history brush and changing the opacity, this was able to make my product more professional and much more attractive.

Throughout the project I posted surveys onto my Face Book to gather feedback from my preferred target audience. This however, was successful and non-so successful, the people who were willing to fill in my questionnaire did not necessarily take it seriously. I feel what would’ve been suited better was if I went out and personally surveyed people for my target audience.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer MediaBauer Media

This magazine publisher would be idealistic to publish my magazine as they choose to be different. Q in particular represents a range of music, it is individual and takes on a challenge of meeting everyone’s desire to music. My magazine, although typically categorized to a particular genre it challenges music lovers and music readers. It again is individual and represents the diversity of music.

Bauer magazine would be best to publish my magazine as it has an individual discrepancy. My magazine is different.

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What have you learnt?

Throughout this project I have learnt; the technical codes that have to be considered when putting together a magazine. There is almost a set of rules you have to follow to get your magazine known, the conventions that all magazines use. There is a lot to consider when drafting up your magazine from; layout, mastheads, cover lines, article layout, pull quotes.

Also, technically I have learnt how to use Photoshop, before I had no idea how to even attempt to create something in Photoshop. The preliminary task itself was a challenge for me as my knowledge was of very little substance in this area. From this though I feel I have excelled and been able to use a variety of techniques and used Photoshop productively.