evaluation of english workbook published by pt....


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(A Content Analysis Based on Curriculum 2013)

A Skripsi













Anneesha Desha Fitriazmi, (NIM 11150140000105), Evaluation of English

Workbook Published by PT. Swadaya Murni (A Content Analysis Based on

Curriculum 2013). Skripsi of Department of English Education. The Faculty of

Educational Sciences, 2019.

Advisor : 1. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

2. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Keywords : Workbook, Curriculum 2013, BSNP, Content Analysis, English

Language Skills.

The objective of this research is to find out whether the quality of English workbook

published by PT. Swadaya Murni used in MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta fulfilled the criteria

in curriculum 2013. The researcher used qualitative method with content analysis

design as her way to evaluate the quality of English workbook. The instrument of this

research are BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) rubric assessment and to

make this research more valid, the researcher did some interviews to the teacher and

students of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta that used the workbook. Moreover, the researcher

evaluate the workbook by using Likert Scale to see the compatibility of the research.

The data was collected from “Bahasa Inggris” Workbook published by PT. Swadaya

Murni used in the eighth grade of junior high school in the academic year 2018/2019.

The workbook consists of 4 chapters as the focus of this research. Then, the

researcher also used Miles and Huberman’s model as the data analyzing technique.

The finding of this research showed that the workbook only reach 31,25% which

means that the workbook did not fulfill the criteria of BSNP standardization. Then,

the interview showed that the teacher and the students did not satisfy with the

explanation of the workbook. However, this workbook has fulfilled the need of

students’ English language need because the workbook is used the language that

related to the context of the material and compatible with the students’ level

knowledge. Also, this workbook is in line with the curriculum 2013, as the material

that is suitable to the English syllabus. Hence, the main four skills of English is also

contained in this workbook. All in all, this workbook is worth as the supporting

media in the learning process.



Anneesha Desha Fitriazmi, (NIM. 11150140000105), Evaluation of English

Workbook Published by PT. Swadaya Murni (A Content Analysis Based on

Curriculum 2013). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu

Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, 2019.

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

2. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Kata Kunci : Workbook, Curriculum 2013, BSNP, Content Analysis, English

Language Skills.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan apakah kualitas LKS Bahasa Inggris yang

diterbitkan oleh PT. Swadaya Murni yang digunakan oleh MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

memenuhi kriteria kurikulum 2013. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan

desain analisis konten sebagai cara peneliti untuk mengevaluasi kualitas LKS Bahasa

Inggris. Instrument penelitian ini yaitu rubrik penilaian BSNP (Badan Standar

Nasional Pendidikan) dan untuk membuat penelitian ini lebih valid, peneliti

melakukan beberapa interview dengan guru dan beberapa murid MTs Negeri 13

Jakarta yang menggunakan LKS tersebut. Selain itu, peneliti mengevaluasi LKS

tersebut dengan menggunakan skala Likert untuk melihat kesesuaian dari penelitian

tersebut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan LKS “Bahasa Inggris” yang diterbitkan

oleh PT. Swadaya Murni, digunakan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas delapan

tahun ajaran 2018/2019. LKS ini terdiri dari 4 bab sebagai fokus dari penelitian ini.

Peneliti menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman sebagai teknik untuk mengolah

data. Hasil penelitian ini hanya mencapai 31,25% yang berarti LKS tersebut tidak

memenuhi standar kriteria BSNP. Hasil dari wawancara juga menunjukkan bahwa

penjelasan dari LKS tersebut tidak memuaskan guru dan para siswa. Namun LKS

tersebut memenuhi kebutuhan berbahasa Inggris siswa dikarenakan LKS tersebut

menggunakan bahasa yang sesuai dengan konteks yang dipelajari den sesuai dengan

tingkat pengetahuan siswa. LKS tersebut juga sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 dan

silabus Bahasa Inggris. Karenanya, keterampilan utama siswa dalam berbahasa

inggris juga terkandung di dalam LKS tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, LKS tersebut

layak menjadi media pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world who gives the blessing and

the guidance for the researcher in writing this research paper entitled – Evaluation of

English Workbook Published by PT. Swadaya Murni (A Content Analysis Based

on Curriculum 2013). And also peace and blessing be upon to the prophet

Muhammad SAW who has led us from the darkness into the lightness.

The researcher would express her sincere honor and gratitude to her parents,

Mahyuni and Siti Masitoh, who always loves her unconditionally, motivate, and

support her from the very start in writing this research paper. And also for all her

sisters and brother, Marchia, Marshanda, Fathir, and Alexandra, who always motivate

and amuse the researcher through ups and downs to finish this research paper.

The researcher also wants to express her sincere gratitude to her advisors Dr.

Fahriany, M.Pd. and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed. for the valuable guidance, motivation,

and advices in finishing this research paper.

Futrhermore, the researcher would express the deepest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Educational Sciences Faculty,

2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the secretary of English Education Department and

also as the academic advisor of C class in the academic year 2015/2016,

4. All lecturers of English Education Department for the valuable knowledge,

guidance, and motivation during the learning process.

5. Drs. Nurul Huda, M.Si. as the Headmaster of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta for the

permission to conduct the research.


6. Reni Wahyuni, S.Pd. as the English teacher of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta for the

contribution and participant in conducting the research.

7. The students of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta in the academic year 2018/2019 for

the contribution and participant in conducting the research.

8. All beloved families who give the researcher support and motivation to finish

this research paper.

9. All beloved friends of English Education Department in the academic year

2015 especially C class for the remarkable journey.

10. The researcher best friends, Catur susilowati, Andin Zuraidah, Nadira Sekar,

Hanum Gusmawan, and Shely Oktaviani who always support the researcher

no matter what.

11. Everyone who has helped the researcher in finishing this research paper that

cannot be mentioned. In advance, the researcher also do apologize if she

misses anybody.

Eventually, the researcher want to make this research better and she would

like accepting any critics and suggestions because she realizes this research paper still

has some weaknesses and mistakes.

Jakarta, 20 September 2019

Anneesha Desha Fitriazmi



APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................................... ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI .................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ iv

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ viii

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. x

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ....................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ...................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ........................................................... 5

D. Questions of the Research ........................................................... 5

E. Objective of the Research ........................................................... 6

F. Significance of the Research ....................................................... 6

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................. 7

A. The Understanding of Workbook................................................ 7

B. English Workbook in Indonesia ................................................. 10

C. Curriculum 2013 ........................................................................ 12

D. Content Analysis Based on Curriculum 2013 ............................ 15

E. Previous Study ........................................................................... 23

F. Thinking Framework .................................................................. 24

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................. 25

A. Place and Time of the Research ................................................. 25


B. Method and Research Design .................................................... 25

C. Instrument of the Research......................................................... 26

D. Procedure of the Research .......................................................... 26

E. Data Analysis Technique ........................................................... 27

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................... 30

A. Research Finding ........................................................................ 30

B. Discussion .................................................................................. 55

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................ 63

A. Conclusion ................................................................................. 63

B. Suggestion .................................................................................. 63

REFERENCE LIST ............................................................................................... 64




Table 2.1 Scientific Approach for Learning Activities .............................................. 14

Table 4.1 The Feasibility of the Content Chapter 1 “Mr. Lanjar is a Farmer” .......... 30

Table 4.2 The Feasibility of the Content Chapter 2 “Bigger is not Always Better” .. 34

Table 4.3 The Feasibility of the Content Chapter 3 “When I was a Child” ............... 37

Table 4.4 The Feasibility of the Content Chapter 4 “Don’t Forget It, Please!” ......... 40

Table 4.5 The Feasibility of the Language of English Workbook ............................. 43

Table 4.6 The Feasibility of the Presentation of English Workbook ......................... 46

Table 4.7 Frequency Table of the Feasibility of Content, Language, Presentation ... 49



Figure 3.1 Miles and Huberman’s Model .................................................................. 27



Appendix 1 BSNP Rubric Description ....................................................................... 67

Appendix 2 Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs ....... 80

Appendix 3 Research Interview for the Teacher ........................................................ 85

Appendix 4 Research Interview for the Students....................................................... 87

Appendix 5 Interview Transcript of the Teacher ....................................................... 89

Appendix 6 Interview Transcript of the Students ...................................................... 92

Appendix 7 English Workbook by PT. Swadaya Murni ........................................ 120

Appendix 8 Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ..................................................... 121

Appendix 9 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ..................................................................... 122

Appendix 10 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ..................................................... 124

Appendix 11 Surat Keterangan Penelitian .............................................................. 125

Appendix 12 References Examination Paper .......................................................... 126




A. Background of the Research

In Indonesia, workbook is familiarly named LKS for Lembar Kerja

Siswa. Workbook plays an important role to support the teachers in the learning

process. And workbook are also known as a source in gaining the information and

as a leader in giving students’ exercises. Stephani et al said that workbook is used

to fill the need of integrated instructional material.1 Moreover, workbook is a

simple resource to be used in the learning process because it contains a brief

explanation about the material and the exercises related to the material. As Dwi

Wiji Astuti said that workbook is used by many school such as senior high school

and vocational high school as the common resource in the learning process.2 So,

as a simple resource in language learning, workbook is well-known in educational


Workbook is supported the textbook by the teacher and the student in the

learning process. According to Richards, workbook, CDs and cassettes, videos,

CD ROMs, and comprehensive teaching guides are frequently accompanied

textbook to provide a rich and various resources. As a teachers’ book, textbook

essentially provides the instruction for teacher in the learning process. While for

the students’ book, textbook could supply the major source of their language input

apart from the teachers’ input.3 Hence, the existence of workbook is important to

provide the learning process for the teacher and the students by doing some

activities in the learning process.

As day by day, the role of workbook at some schools in Indonesia as

students’ textbook is really important for some teachers in Indonesia. In addition,

1Stephanie Diah Pamelasari, et al., Developing Students Workbook Science Plus English

to Improve Students’ Mastery of Science Content in English, Malaysia: International Journal of

Engineering and Technology, vol. (7) 2.29, 2018, pp. 571.

2Dwi Wiji Astuti, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta: “The Content Analysisof

English Workbook Used in SMKN 1 Gombong”, 2017, vol. (3) 1, p. 8. 3Jack C. Richards, The University of Sydney: “The Role of Textbook in Language

Program”, 2015, pp. 1, (retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265455920 on

May 21st, 2019 at 8.33 p.m.).


workbook is used by some teachers as the main component in the learning

process. The learning process of English is based on textbook due to textbook as a

key component in language learning.4 As the result, the teacher usually just give a

brief explanation about the material and after that, they just asked their student to

do some exercises in workbook. Without knowing the student understand the

material or not after the student finishes their work, the teacher just moves on to

the next topic. Regard to workbook as one kind of textbook in Indonesia, it is used

as the main resource in learning English. To avoid the oversight from the role of

the workbook, the teacher must pay attention to the quality of the workbook they

have already used in the learning process. As stated by Nnamdi-Eruchalu, a good

English language book must be qualified by looking at the various communication

needs of the students.5 A good English workbook is a workbook that contains the

language needs of the student which cover the main four skills in language

learning which are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. But the question is,

does the workbook in Indonesia contains the main four skills above? In fact, those

four skills are in the Curriculum 2013.

Curriculum 2013 is the development from previous curriculum in

Indonesia which is KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or school-based

curriculum. Curriculum 2013 is wished to encourage students’ character building

in order to create student to be more active in the learning process. According to

Gunawan, “the newest curriculum in Indonesia or called Curriculum 2013 is the

curriculum that emphasize building students’ characters, developing relevant

skills based on students’ interests and needs, and developing a thematic approach

that benefits students’ cognitive abilities.”6 Curriculum 2013 is the renewable

curriculum from KTSP for school-based curriculum development. They are quite

different from one another. The difference between those two curriculums is in

4Fahriany, Alek, and Wekke, Gender Representation in English Textbooks for Islamic

Junior High School Student, Kafa’ah Journal, vol. (8) 2, 2018, pp. 155. 5Geraldine I Nnamdi-Eruchalu, Nigerian Journal of Curriculum and Instruction: “The

Role of Textbooks in Effective Teaching and Learning of English as a Second Language”, vol.

(20) 1, 2012, pp. 4. 6Imam Gunawan, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research:

“Indonesian Curriculum 2013: Instructional Management, Obstacles Faced by Teachers in

Implementation and the Way Forward”, vol. (128), 2017, pp. 56.


Curriculum 2013 the syllabus development is from the central government’s

authority. While in KTSP, the syllabus development is under education unit’s

authority (school).7 In addition, Hasan also stated that the aims of curriculum

2013 is develop students to be productive, creative, innovative, affective (religious

and social attitudes), and competent to contribute for the betterment of social,

national, and political lives, and humanity as their personal life skills.8 It can be

inferred that curriculum 2013 asks the student to be more creative and criticize

about the material so they can enrich their skills through the learning process. To

emphasize the character building, the student also has to learn actively because all

of the activities in the classroom should encourage the student to be active.

Besides, the activities must be integrated with the students’ interests and needs

that compatible with the students’ skills. By looking at the main characteristic of

curriculum 2013, commonly, some of the teacher only gives a brief explanation to

the student by using workbook as their resource in the learning process.

Curriculum 2013 contains two competences that must be achieved by the

student in Indonesia, which are Kompetensi Inti (KI) or core competence and

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) or basic competence. This competence are designed to

the student for their character building.9 Moreover, curriculum 2013 is a set of

learning materials as a guide in learning process. If the workbook is compatible

with the curriculum 2013, it means that the workbook has fulfilled the criteria of


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan or we called it BSNP is a

professional and independent institution that carrying a mission to develop,

monitoring the implementation, and evaluating the implementation in the

educational system in Indonesia. Based on the government regulation No. 19 of

2005, BSNP have several tasks to be entailed in ensuring the educational system

in Indonesia. One of the tasks is assessing the feasibility of the book in Indonesia.

7Sri Wahyuni, Universum: “Curriculum Development in Indonesian Context”, 2015, vol.

(10) 1, pp. 6. 8Said Hamid Hasan, International Journal History and Education: “History Education in

Curriculum 2013: A New Approach in Teaching History”, 2013, vol. (14) 2, pp. 165 9Djuwariah Ahmad, Understanding the 2013 Curriculum of English Teaching through the

Teachers’ and Policymakers’ Perspectives, 2014, vol. (2) 4, pp. 7.


In assessing the book, the various criteria will be assessed, such as evaluate the

content of the book that being used in Indonesia.10

However, BSNP is used to see

the standardized educational system in Indonesia that integrated with the terms

and condition. In addition, a good workbook is a workbook that fulfills the terms

of BSNP which compatible to the curriculum 2013. However, many writers of the

workbook that have some mistakes which should be avoided before its being

published. And it can be assessed with BSNP standardization.

The researcher uses content analysis as the method in this research to

evaluate English workbook that published by PT. Swadaya Murni. The content

analysis method is used because the researcher analyze and evaluate the workbook

by using BSNP rubric to assess the workbook. Content analysis is a scientific tool

to analyze the context of particular object, such as the body of document, images,

and symbolic matter with systematic and objective way. Downe-Wambolt cited in

Bengtsson defined content analysis is a research method that means to make valid

inferences from verbal, visual, or written data to describe and quantify specific

phenomena with systematically and objectively.11

The researcher analyzes the

context of workbook which is the material of the workbook that divided into three

criteria. They are the feasibility of the content, language, and presentation. Those

feasibilities are mentioned in BSNP rubric and in line with curriculum 2013.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher decides to evaluate the

workbook for eighth Junior High School entitled “Bahasa Inggris” published by

PT. Swadaya Murni. The reasons why the researcher chooses this workbook are

this workbook is used by MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta, a school where the researcher

has been practiced as a teacher during the Introduction of the School Environment

– Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP). Without knowing the quality of the

workbook before, the teacher in this school just used the workbook as the main

resource in the teaching process. Because the curriculum 2013 asks the student to

be active, the teacher just explained briefly and then they asked their students to


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (retrieved from http://bsnp-indonesia.org/ on April

16th, 2019 at 1.09 p.m.). 11

Mariette Bengtsson, How to Plan and Perform a Qualitative Study Using Content

Analysis, Sweden: Elsevier Ltd., 2016, vol. 2, p. 2.


do some exercises in the workbook. And the researcher also spot some mistakes in

the workbook, such as the typographies and the grammatical errors. and make the

student confused about the information that given by the workbook. As the result,

the student were confused as their collect the information from the workbook. The

school also did not have a team in selecting the workbook and the teacher also did

not involve to do so. Coming up to those issues, the researcher is interested to

evaluate the workbook whether the workbook fulfills the requirement of

curriculum 2013 with the title “Evaluation of English Workbook Published by PT.

Swadaya Murni Based on Curriculum 2013”.

B. Identification of the Problem

From the background of the research, the researcher identify some

problems, such as:

1. Some schools used workbook as the main resource in learning English without

knowing whether the book is appropriate to be used in the learning process.

2. The stakeholders at the school have no team in selecting workbooks for the

learning process and even the teachers are not participated to do so.

3. There are some mistakes in the workbook made by the writer, such as the

typographies and the grammatical errors.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher only focus on analyze and evaluate Bahasa Inggris

Workbook published by PT. Swadaya Murni that used by the student in eighth

grade MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta in the academic year 2018/2019.

D. Questions of the Research

1. Does the workbook fulfill the criteria of BSNP rubric?

2. Does the workbook contain the main four language skills of English which

require the English curriculum 2013 by the criteria of BSNP?

3. How does the workbook help the teacher and the students in the teaching and

learning process?


E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate Bahasa Inggris

Workbook published by PT. Swadaya Murni whether appropriate to use as the

main resorce in learning English and fulfill the criteria of BSNP.

F. Significance of the Research

After finishing this research, the researcher hope that this research will

be useful for the teachers that commonly use a workbook as a main resource in

teaching English. This research hopefully can encourage English teacher to be

selective to choose a workbook that will be used in the classroom whether

compatible with the curriculum or not. Then, this research is expected to be

reference for the next researcher if they want to do similar research. Again, this

research may be encourage the publishers of the workbook to revise their mistakes

in publish the book. All in all, the researcher hope that this research can be useful

for all the readers that read this research because it will give some new

information and can encourage the readers to be more selective in choosing the





A. The Understanding of Workbook

Workbook is one of a printed media that usually use in learning process

to guide a teacher in giving some activities toward the student. Workbook as

defined by Özlem Ulu Kalin is a learning material that support student to provide

their knowledge and skills which compatible with the mandate of education

program.1 Workbook should be contains some skills that integrated to the material

so the student will learn based on the context and it will coherence with the

curriculum. Sometimes, workbook is well-known as a curriculum practice

resource because it will help the teacher to teaching, monitoring, and assessing the

students’ work.2 All in all, it can be inferred that workbook as an instructional

resource that coherence with the curriculum to help the teacher in learning

process. Also workbook plays important role because the teacher use it as their

guide in the learning process because it provides students’ need that integrated to

the curriculum practice.

In addition, workbook is a resource that require to reach Task-based

learning (TBL) approach by looking at the characteristic of TBL. According to

Douglas and Kim (2014), TBL is used to engage students to use the target

language as they learn through task so the students will learn based on the

context.3 Regard to the existence of workbook that must provide the students’

need, TBL is an appropriate approach to be used in the learning process. The

student will be more understanding as they learn by the context. Beside it, as they

learn by the context, the student will gain their target language by learn through

1Özlem Ulu Kalin, Journal of Education and Practice: “Creating Interactive Student

Workbook for Primary Education Social Studies Class and Researching Its Efficiency”, 2017, vol.

(8) 12, pp. 33. 2Ursula Hoadley and Jaamia Galant, South African Journal of Childhood Education: “An

analysis of the Grade 3 Department of Basic Education workbooks as curriculum tools”, 2016, vol.

(6) 1, pp. 1. 3Scott Roy Douglas and Marcia Kim, TESL Canada Journal: “Task-Based Language

Teaching and English for Academic Purposes: An Investigation into Instructor Perceptions and

Practice in the Canadian Context”, 2014, vol. (31) 8, pp. 3.


workbook. In line with Douglas and Kim, according to Ganta, task-based learning

develops students’ cognitive to have communicative skills in language learning.

This approach is intended the learner to focus on the usage of a language.4

However, workbook can be defined as a resource that require the task-based

learning approach because workbook contains the context that integrated to the


Because of workbook is designed to reach language skills which

integrated to the curriculum and syllabus, the quality of workbook is important to

be noticed by all of the teachers that use workbook as their instructional resource

in learning process. According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP),

each of educational system must provide the facilities, such as the use of media in

learning process which support to the standardized of BSNP. The main criteria

that should be noticed is the content of material, the content of a language, and the

content of presentation.5

In the use of English workbook, there are some criteria that should be

noticed by the teacher:6

1. English language teaching materials should be contextualized.

It means that the materials that are intended to be addressed should be

contextualized to the curriculum. Then, the material also should be contextualized

to the experiences, realities and first language of the students as it intended to

involve an awareness of the social-cultural of the students. In addition, the topics

and themes of the material should be contextualized that provide the meaningful,

purposeful of the use to students’ target language.

2. English language teaching materials should stimulate and generative.

4Tonia Grace Ganta, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies: ”The

Strengths and Weaknesses of Task Based Learning (TBL) Approach”, 2015, vol. (3) 16, pp. 2-4. 5Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Deskripsi Butir Instrument I, 2018 (http://bsnp-

indonesia.org/2014/05/28/instrumen-penilaian-buku-teks-pelajaran-tahun-2014/) 6Jocelyn Howard and Joe Major, Guidelines for Designing Effective English Language

Teaching Materials, p. 104-107, (retrieved from http://www.paaljapan.org/ on April 1st, 2019 at

11.10 a.m.)


Language teaching materials should provide the situations where the

students can interact with each other outside of the classroom. So the learning

process involves the students to explore their language proficiency.

3. English language teaching materials should develop learning skills and


The self-evaluation is providing the opportunities which encourage the

students to assess their language development by provide the necessary

metalanguage and incorporate activities. The aim of this guideline is to encourage

the students to be active and to be independent in learning a language. So the first

language of the students can be as well as English.

4. English language teaching materials should allow focus on form.

This means that the materials is necessary encourage the student to have

analytical approach of the language around them, and to form and verify their own

hypotheses about the work of a language.

5. English language teaching materials should offer opportunities for integrated

language use.

To become competent at integrating the extra-linguistic, the materials

should provide students opportunities in integrating all the language skills in an

authentic way.

6. English language teaching materials should be authentic.

Magazines and newspaper are commonly consider as the authentic written

material. And for the authentic spoken and visual material, the students need to

hear, read, and see the way how the native are communicate with each other


7. English language teaching materials should link between the progression of

skill and language items.

The materials should have coherence in design process because it will help

to ensure the objectives of the progress in learning process while giving the

opportunities for repetition and reinforcement of earlier learning.

8. English language teaching materials should be attractive.


The materials should be attractive in physical appearance because it is

important to be the first impression as the language teaching materials to be good

looking, such as in the type size, the cohesiveness and consistency of the layout.

Then, the materials should be attractive in the terms of the usability. Also the

materials should be considered to be made robust enough to last the required

distance. And the materials should have the ability to be reproduced.

9. English language teaching materials should have appropriate instructions.

The instruction should be clear, concise, and efficient as they should be

written in language that is appropriate to the target language of the students.

10. English language teaching materials should be flexible.

The material should be flexible in the terms of content, approach, level,

methodology, logistics, technology, teaching style, evaluation procedures and

expected outcomes.

B. English Workbook in Indonesia

As J. Howard said that each materials or syllabus must be considered with

the needs of analysis regard to English language skills – listening, speaking,

reading, writing, vocabulary knowledge, and grammar.7 As a major part in

learning English, workbook has been a main medium in learning process that used

by some teacher in Indonesia. The use of workbook as a learning material is

simply encompass the main skills of English language learning. Workbook in

Indonesia is believed as a source in gaining the information and doing some

activities to help the teacher in the learning process. As stated by Dewi et al,

workbook is helped the student in finding a concept, and also as the students’

guide in creating independent learning activities with the guidance of the teacher,

as well as increasing the student understanding from the concept of the material.

In addition, workbook is used as the resource to provide the students to be active

7Ibid p. 103.


in the learning process.8 Therefore, workbook is used by some teacher as the

main resource in teaching process because it help the teacher in the learning

process as provoke the student to be independent in the learning process.

Moreover, the importance of the content quality in English workbook is

needed. Prasetianto stated that “the content covers linguistic features and technical

terms of the topic. The materials still need linguistics because it deals with

English. The materials taught are four skills and grammar. Besides, technical

terms are also presented in the materials because it deals with content/subject. The

students can learn some definition related to the topic.”9 It is obvious that the

content quality of workbook must be qualified before its being used by the teacher

and the student because the content quality plays important role for any

workbook. The content quality of workbook must cover the main four skills in

English, so the student will learn communicatively.

With the concern of workbook in Indonesia, every publishers of each

workbook should take a look on several security procedure that should be applied

in the workbook. Depdiknas (Department Pendidikan Nasional) or national

education department stated that the workbook have to contain at least the title,

basic competencies that will be achieved, time regulation to finish the task in the

workbook, a brief information, instruction, and report that must be done by the


So it can be seen that the rules of composing the workbook is officially

declared by the government of Indonesia education.

Moreover, the rules in composing the content of the book is also written

by the government of Indonesia education. Nurkhimah cited in Jazadi “the content

of books should be in line with and not contradictory to Pancasila (the state

philosophy), UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution), Government policies, national

unity and security, laws, regulations, ethics, and that the content not exploits the

8Dewi Niken Ariyanti, Herpratiwi, and Undang Rosidin, FKIP Unila,” Pengembangan

Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Scientific Approach Mata Pelajaran Ipa Kelas VII Smp di Bandar

Lampung”, p. 3. Retrieved from https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/192061-ID-

pengembangan-lembar-kerja-siswa-berbasis.pdf 9Mushoffan Prasetianto, Language Circle Journal of Language and Literature: “CLIL:

Suggested English Materials For Curriculum 2013”, 2014, vol. (8) 2, pp. 153-154. 10

Dewi Niken Ariyanti, Herpratiwi, and Undang Rosidin, op.cit., p. 2-3.


sensitive issue of SARA (ethnics, religions, race, and intergroup relations).

Judgement of this aspect is made by evaluators coming from Mabes ABRI,

Kejaksaan agung (Office of Attorney General), Lemhanas (National Defence

Institute) and Inspectorate General of MOEC (Ministry of Education and

Culture).”11 It is obvious that the content quality of workbook should be notice by

all the teachers in order to fulfill the needs of language proficiency based on the

criteria of curriculum 2013 and the standardized of BSNP. Therefore, workbook is

commonly used by the teacher in teaching English because it is easy to use as the

workbook contains English language skills. Then, the workbook also provoke the

students to be active as they were doing independent learning which is in line with

the curriculum 2013 that asks the students to be active in the learning process.

C. Curriculum 2013

Curriculum 2013 or K-13 is the latest curriculum that has been applied in

Indonesia. Indonesian government changed the previous curriculum was KTSP

(Kurkulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or school based curriculum into

curriculum 2013 and officially published on July 2013 named Curriculum 2013.12

This curriculum is hopefully can build the students’ character which can

encourage them to be more active in learning process. As Gunawan stated that the

aim of Curriculum 2013 is building creative, innovative by strengthening

attitudes, skills, and integrated knowledge for students.13

Hence, Curriculum 2013

is the development from KTSP curriculum which build the students’ character by

reinforced their attitudes, skills, and knowledge that can promote them to be more

active and creative in the learning process.

As the main purpose of Curriculum 2013 which wished to create student to

be more active and innovative in learning process, English in Curriculum 2013

contains many aspects that can create students to learn English to be active and


Wita Nurkhikmah, Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Medan: “The

Analysis of English Textbook Used in the First Grade of Senior High School Based on Curriculum

2013”, 2016, pp. 3-4. 12

Yenita Roza, Gita Satria, Syarifah Nur Siregar, Journal of Physics: “The Development

of e-tutorial Implementation National Curriculum 2013”, 2017, vol. (855) 1, pp. 1. 13

Gunawan, loc.cit. pp. 56.


communicative through their language needs. According to Ashar and Irmawati,

Curriculum 2013 is described English subject in Indonesia as an important

components because it will promote the students’ ability to use English with its

basic skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.14

Education law mandated about curriculum 2013 is evolved using the

competency-based curriculum that had been used by previous curriculum which is

KTSP. This competency-based curriculum provides student to develop their skills

to achieve competency level or higher in their learning process.15

In curriculum

2013, the main competence that will be assess is core competence or Kompetensi

Inti (KI), and basic competence or Kompetensi Dasar (KD). According to Yulia,

core competence or Kompetensi Inti (KI) contains four competences (KI 1 to KI

4). Each competences has its own aspect that can influence the learning outcome,

they are KI 1 defines spiritual aspects, then KI 2 defines social (behavior) aspects,

KI 3 defines knowledge aspects, and KI 4 defines skill aspects. While in basic

competence or Kompetensi Dasar (KD), for developing the competence from KI

that contains some indicators that must be fulfill in the curriculum 2013.16

Therefore, curriculum 2013 has its criteria to engage students in achieving the

competency level that has been determined by the government.

Curriculum 2013 is also called with “scientific approach” that can be

applied in each course because it has five activities that must be applied in

teaching and learning process. Those activities are observing, questioning,

exploring/experimenting, analyzing, and communicating.17


Ashar and Irmawati, ELT Worldwide: “The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum of

English at SMKN 1 Bantaeng: an Evaluative Study”, 2016, vol. (3) 2, pp.157. 15

Said Hamid Hasan, International Journal History and Education: “History Education in

Curriculum 2013: A New Approach in Teaching History”, 2013, vol. (14) 2, pp. 166. 16

Yulia Nur Ekawati, Pancasakti University of Tegal: “The Implementation of

Curriculum 2013: A Case Study of English Teachers’ Experience at SMA Lab School in

Indonesia”, 2016, vol (7) 1, pp. 86. 17

Hasan, op.cit., p. 167-168.


Table 2.1

Scientific Approach for Learning Activities

Activities for Scientific

Approach Competencies developed by the activities

Observing Students read/observe/listen to develop

patience, sincerity, to differentiate general

and specific information/feature/character,

think analytically, critically, deductive, and

comprehensive. In history, they observe

historical account(s) or text, document,

artifacts (physical, cultural, social).

Questioning Students ask questions from what is

observed, to develop ability to formulate

questions, creativity, curiosity, and critical

minds. They formulate questions

concerning an historical account.

Exploring Students explore or collect information

through experiment, read from other

sources of information, observe from

environment, interview human resources to

develop sincerity, honesty, respect other

opinions, communication skills, ways to

determine valid resources, work

cooperatively and collaboratively. In

history, students collect more resources

(documents or text), artifacts, or interview

resources persons especially the ones who

took parts in an historical event the students



Activities for Scientific


Competencies developed by the activities

Analyzing Students analyze information available

from exploring activities to develop

honesty, discipline, rule obedient attitudes,

hardworking, skills in applying scientific

procedures, analytical thinking, In history,

students reconstruct information collected

from data collection activity and make their

own history account.

Communicating Students communicate the result of analysis

they made, to develop honesty, sincerity,

systematic thinking, the use of proper terms

and language. In history, they communicate

what they have constructed as their own

history in analyzing activity that may take

the format of writing historical account,

video, photos, or other communication


However, curriculum 2013 is used scientific approach in the learning

process that suitable to core competence or Kompetensi Inti (KI) and basic

competence or Kompetensi Dasar (KD). This competence is designed by the

government to create student to be more active in the learning process. This

curriculum also well-known uses as student-centered approach because it can

create the student to be active in learning process.

D. Content Analysis Based on Curriculum 2013

According to Krippendorff, content analysis is the use of research method

for making the use of the context is replicable and valid inferences from texts.18



Klaus Krippendorff, Content Analysis an Introduction to Its Methodology (third

edition), United States of America: SAGE Publication, 2013, pp. 24.


line with Krippendorff, Colorado State University stated that content analysis as a

tool to define the relation of some words and concepts and make inferences of the

meaning within texts, the writer, the audience, etc. which is the part of this area.

The texts can be specify as books, book chapters, essays, interviews, discussions,

newspaper headlines and articles, historical documents, speeches, conversations,

advertising, theater, informal conversation, or really any occurrence of

communicative language.19

From the definition above, we can conclude that

content analysis is a scientific tool to analyze the concept of the specified text that

can be replicable and valid inferences from the texts.

Moreover, the content analysis is systematic analyzing of reading the body

of texts, images, and symbolic matter.20

The items that can be analyzed in the

content analysis divided into five types, which are:21

1. Written texts – documents, books, papers, newspapers, etc.

2. Oral texts – sound, speeches, audio-messages, lectures, etc.

3. Iconic texts – graphs, painting, posters, drawing, etc.

4. Audio-visual texts – films, MMS, videos, etc.

5. Hypertexts – texts from the internet.

Based on the various content analysis items above, this research uses

written text of the books which means this research analyze the content of the

material of the workbook. The workbook commonly is analyzed by the rubric of

the education standardization. This research uses Badan Satuan Nasional

Pendidikan (BSNP) rubric to analyze the material of the workbook whether in line

with the standardization which has been specified by the government especially

government of education in Indonesia.

In Badan Satuan Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) instrument, there are three

categories that used to analyze the content of the kind of textbook, they are the


Colorado State University, Content Analysis a Writing Guide, 2019, p. 1, (retrieved

from https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=61 on April 23rd, 2019 at 9.15 p.m.). 20

Klaus Krippendorff, op.cit., pp. 10. 21

Huma Parveen, Pathshala: Content Analysis, India: Aligarh Muslim University, 2017,

vol. 27 (2), pp. 5.


feasibility of the content, the feasibility of the language, and the feasibility of the


I. The Feasibility of Content

This part is covered by three sub-components which are the compatibility

of the material with KI and KD, the accuracy of the material, and supporting


A. The Compatibility of the Material with KI and KD

1. The completeness of the material

A textbook must contain and requires the student to explore at least some

usual texts that used in English communication to allow them to understand and

produce some expressions in line with social function interpersonal by oral and

written, to get interaction with their environment that related to the context of


2. The depth of the material

a. Exposure

To learn every kind of English texts, a textbook must contain and requires

the student to explore more about text that related to their life in order to make

them familiar with those kind of English texts, especially for the moral value,

social attitude, and spiritual attitude that related to the English texts which delivers


b. The retention of text formation

To learn every kind of English texts, a textbook must contains a guideline

in order to give student explicit understanding about three main element of text

formation, (which are social function, element and structure of meaning, and

linguistic feature), when the student get used to interacting with the moral value of

the texts, social attitude and spiritual attitude that related to the texts.

c. Production

To learn every kind of English texts, a textbook must contain a guideline

to promote student to produce oral text/written text to achieve social function

which related to the texts. With looking at both element (element and structure of


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, op.cit.


meaning and linguistic features), when the student has the explicit understanding

about three main elements of text formation, social attitude and spiritual attitude

that related to the texts.

d. Extension

To learn every kind of English texts, a textbook must contain a guideline

to make the student do some activities which promote oral text/written text that

they have been mastered to achieve the higher level in creating a social function

that related to the text. With looking at both element (element and structure of

meaning and linguistic feature), when the student has the explicit understanding

about three main elements of text formation, social attitude and spiritual attitude

that related to the texts.

B. The Accuracy of the Material

1. Social function

Texts that have been given in the book or the result of students’

exploration are directed to achieve a social function that related to their life.

(1) Interpersonal communication

To establish interpersonal relationships (through interpersonal texts) and text as a

communication tool to fulfill the needs (through transactional texts). The depth of

material is adjusted with every level of X, XI, and XII class.

(2) Transactional communication

Asking/giving services/things/facts/opinion related to students’ life and other

subjects by oral and written.

(3) Functional communication

Play a special function in a short functional text and monologue that

related to each kind of texts as it follows:

(a) Recount: tells about a personal experience, such a success story, biography,

unforgettable experience, etc.

(b) Narrative: to amuse and teach about moral value.

(c) Procedure: to give the instruction of something, such as instruction for an

assignment, manual recipe, warning, etc.


(d) Descriptive: to give, identify, distinguish, offer, commend, criticize, etc.,


(e) Specific text in the form of greeting card, label, recipe, advertisement, fairy

tale, information report, etc.

2. Element and structure of meaning

Texts that have been given in the book or the result of students’

exploration are directed to thinking skills development coherently and


(1) In interpersonal and transactional texts, these elements minimal includes some

interactive activities that consist of initiative communication and asking and

giving a response of information/things/services.

(2) In short functional texts and monologue, at least covers elements of meaning

that contain in each short functional texts and kind of texts monologue which are:

(a) Recount: covers at least orientation and series of activity/event which

delivered chronologically.

(b) Narrative: covers at least orientation, complication, and resolution.

(c) Procedure: covers at least steps to do an activity, with or without explicitly

mentioned some items needed.

(d) Descriptive: covers at least some elements that contain people/things/animals

also description of each (character, behavior, action) that which is considered to

be delivered to play the social function.

(e) Specific text in the form of greeting card, label, recipe, advertisement, fairy

tale, information report, etc.

3. Linguistic feature

Texts that have been given in the book or the result of students’

exploration are directed to communication skills development with the accurate

language quality, appropriate with ongoing communicative context also kind of

texts that used to achieve every social function.


C. Supporting Material

1. Relevance

Source of teaching media (texts, table, picture, appendix, etc.) and learning

experience for each text are taken that relevant to the topic.

2. The development of life skills

Texts and students’ communicative action is encouraged them to do

something for their life skills development, they are:

(a) Personal skills: identify the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and others

and also develop them to explore more as independent individuals, social beings,

and creatures of God.

(b) Social skills: cooperate, tolerant, respect gender equality, peace, and anti-

violence for having communication and interaction with another social-beings.

(c) Academic skills: explore and utilize the information, problem-solving, and

decide on scientific work.

(d) Vocational skills: having competency, attitude, and skills that required to do a

particular duty/profession.

3. The development of diversity insight

Texts and students’ communicative action is encouraged them to do

something for diversity insight development, they are:

(a) Appreciation for every culture diversity and the plurality of society which

covers every culture value and local, national, and global wisdom.

(b) Awareness of potential and wealth area to promote local and national


(c) Appreciation for democratic values that suitable to the socio-culture context.

(d) Understanding about national insight to extend the love for nation and country.

II. The Feasibility of Language

This part consists of three sub-components which are the compatibility

with students’ development level, communicative, and coherence and unity of


A. The compatibility with students’ development level

1. The compatibility with the level of students’ cognitive development


The use of language is suitable with the explanation and instruction of

students’ cognitive development. The level of difficulty and the familiarity of

language is facilitated explicitly.

2. The compatibility with the level of students’ social-emotional development

The use of language is suitable with social-emotional of adolescence.

B. Communicative

1. The readability message

The presentation of message is clear and easy to comprehend.

2. The accuracy of language rules

The presentation of message is suitable to English language rules.

C. Coherence and unity of ideas

1. The coherence and cohesive meaning of each chapters

The relation between each chapter for the meaning of message by text,

picture, and illustration is logic.

2. The coherence and cohesive meaning of each sentences

The relation between each sentences of the passage for the meaning of

message by text, picture, and illustration is cohesive and coherence.

III. The Feasibility of Presentation

This part is also covered by three sub-components which are technique

presentation, learning presentation, and the completeness of presentation.

A. Technique Presentation

1. Systematic

The material and task are presented in text form, communicative, and also

the illustration or icon uses systematic pattern and sequence which appropriate

with material characteristic at least contains orientation, content, and closing.

2. The equilibrium of each chapter

The material and task are presented in text form, communicative, and also

the illustration or icon uses systematic pattern and sequence equals in each



B. Learning Presentation

1. Student center

The presentation of English material and task provokes the student to have

interaction with student-student, student-teacher, student-environment.

2. Develop students’ initiative, creativity, and logical thinking

The presentation of material and task provokes the student to do some

activities in oral and written communicatively on the initiative in creative and

critical ways.

3. Develop students to be independent in learning

The presentation of material and task provokes the student to be

responsible for their learning process.

4. Develop students to reflect or evaluate themselves

The presentation of material and task provokes the student to recognize

their strengths and weaknesses in learning and communicating process.

C. The Completeness of Presentation

1. Introduction part

(a) Preface: contains some information that tells the reader to know the purpose

and dedication.

(b) Table of content: contains the list to help the student to find a chapter, sub-

chapter, and also the topic.

2. Content part

(a) Introduction: contains an intro to tell the writing purpose, how the book is

organized, which learning style must be used, and also some important

information to the student.

(b) Reference: contains text, table, picture (include the information of the picture),

number of picture/table, and reference.

(c) Conclusion and reflection: conclusion is a key concept of each related chapter

which described briefly and clearly that helps the student to understand the whole

content of each chapter. Reflection contains a conclusion of good attitude and



3. Closing part

(a) Glossary: contains some important name in the text with the explanation and

arrange in alphabetically.

(b) Bibliography: contains the list of book resources that writer used in compiling

the book usually start with the author of the book resource (alphabetically),

publication year, book title, country/city, and publisher.

(c) Index (the subject and the author): subject index contains a list of important

words that followed by the page of that word. Author index contains a list of

authors that used in compiling the book.

E. Previous Study

There are some research who conduct qualitative method by doing a

content analysis. The first is the study from Universitas Islam by Nana Pratiwi

entitled “Analysis of English Workbook for SMP/MTs by Using Revised Bloom

Taxonomy”. This study used descriptive analytical study which describe and

elaborate the data by analyze English Workbook “Can Do 2” by using cognitive

domain levels of Revised Bloom Taxonomy. The result of this study is “Can Do

2” Workbook did not appropriate with Revised Bloom Taxonomy because it did

not cover the entire of criteria in Revised Bloom Taxonomy.

The next is the study from Sanata Dharma University which conducted by

Stephanie Dian Prasetyawati in 2016. She conduct a qualitative research entitled

“Content Analysis on Canggih Bahasa Inggris Workbook for 7th

Grade of Junior

High School”. This study investigate and describe whether the workbook has

fulfilled the requirement of the School-Based Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat

satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or not. The result is the workbook has fulfilled the

requirements of the curriculum KTSP that used by the school.

The last study from Fahru Kamaludin Madjid entitled “The Feasibility of

Content Analysis of English Textbook Based on Curriculum 2013”. This is an

analytical research of the “Contextual English” textbook that used in the tenth

grade of Senior High School for the first year. He used the standardized of BSNP

(Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) as a standardization to assess the textbook.

Again, he also used Likert’s scale to integrate with BSNP’s rubric assessment as


the instrument use in this research. The result of this study is the textbook has

fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013 of feasibility content. But there are

some materials that not suitable to the requirement of feasibility content. This

result reach the number of 60,41% which means that the textbook still acceptable

to use in the school.

F. Thinking Framework

Workbook plays an important role in teaching a language because it

contains some integrated skills related to the learning objectives and curriculum.

The use of workbook in the learning process is crucial to guide the teacher and the

student achieves their learning objectives. However, it is not easy to choose the

best workbook that suitable to the curriculum. Curriculum is a set of plans that

contain learning materials and it is well-known as the guidance to help the teacher

achieving the learning objectives. The curriculum contains some skills that

integrated to the language proficiency needs. The quality of workbook must be

noticed by all the parties that contribute to choosing the workbook as English

language teaching materials. Therefore, the researcher studied the quality of

workbook whether it is suitable to the curriculum, especially curriculum 2013 –

the latest curriculum in Indonesia educational system. The quality of workbook

should be based on the needs of a language proficiency which means should

contain at least the main four skills in English, they are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. In order to find out whether the workbook has fulfilled the

requirement of curriculum 2013, the researcher analyzes the content of the





A. Place and Time of the Research

This research is conducted in August until September 2019 without being

determined by exact place.

B. Method and Research Design

This research uses qualitative research as the method of this research.

Qualitative research is a research that focus to analyze the larger meanings to

understand each words to group and this research need to explore the problems as

it could obtain a deep understanding.1 The reason why the researcher choose this

method because the researcher wants to analyze the content of Bahasa Inggris

Workbook that used in MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta. The researcher found some errors

of that workbook. Which means, the qualitative method is suitable to the topic of

this research because the content analysis is one of kind in qualitative research.

Content analysis is focused on analyze and interpret the materials that can

be reduced to describe research phenomenon.2 This research uses content analysis

method to analyze the workbook “Bahasa Inggris” for the second year of eighth

grade in MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta. The researcher analyzes this workbook by using

the standardization of BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). BSNP is used

in this research to assess the criteria of textbook or teaching material that is

suitable to curriculum 2013 or not. In addition, the researcher will analyze the

entire chapter of the workbook which consists of four chapters as a sample of this

study. Moreover, the researcher will use Likert’s scale as the instrument of this

research. The Likert’s scale will integrated with BSNP to assess the content of the

workbook. As Miles and Huberman’s model instruction to collect the data, this

research will be collected by sampling, selecting, displaying drawing, and

verifying conclusion.

1John Cresswell, 2012, Education Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating

Quantitative and Qualitative Research, fourth edition, Boston: Pearson, pp. 19. 2Satu Elo et al, SAGE Open : “Qualitative Content Analysis: Focus on Trustworthiness”,

2014, pp. 1, (retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com on July 9th, 2019 at 9.45 p.m.).


In order to make this research valid, the researcher also uses the

questionnaire as the additional instrument to interview the teacher and some

students at MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta that used this workbook as their main media in

learning English. The questionnaire of this research consists of some questions

that related to the criteria of content analysis of workbook. After doing the

interview, the researcher elaborates on the respondents’ answer and describe

whether the answer fulfills the criteria of content analysis or not.

C. Instrument of the Research

The first instrument of this research is BSNP rubric to analyze and

evaluate workbook because BSNP is used to measure the content of workbook.

However, the data is collected through curriculum 2013 which has been integrated

with BSNP.

The second instrument of this research is the interview with the teacher

and the students of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta. The researcher did some interviews to

the English teacher and 10 students that asked them some questions related to the

evaluation of English workbook which in line with the criteria of BSNP.

D. Procedure of the Research

The procedure of this research starts with identifying the research question

that integrated with the data. Then, the researcher takes a look to BSNP rubric that

integrated into curriculum 2013. This rubric is used to find out whether the

workbook has fulfilled the criteria of BSNP or not. The focus of this research is

analyzed the content of the workbook has fulfill curriculum 2013 through the

content of the workbook.

Next, the researcher takes the entire chapters of the workbook that only

consists of four chapters. After that, the researcher follows the instruction of Miles

and Huberman’s model. The data is obtained by analyzing and evaluating the

workbook. After the researcher has collected the data by analyzing and evaluating

then the researcher can move on to the interpretation. The researcher will interpret

the data by descriptive and numerical. Numerical is chose because this research is

used as the percentage as evident to make it clear.


Then, the interview is used to make the result of evaluating this workbook

is valid. The researcher analyzes the respondents’ answer and then interpret it to

describe the result of the interview. After the interview has been analyzed, the

researcher draws the data that has been collected and then comparing to the BSNP

criteria of evaluating English workbook.3

E. Data Analysis Technique

Based on Buku Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, this research will be suitable

to Miles and Hubermans’ model. As the steps are sampling, selecting, displaying,

drawing, and verifying conclusion. The model of Miles and Huberman instruction

is totally appropriate to this research as this research use qualitative method. So

this is the following of Miles and Huberman’s model in graphic.

Figure 3.1

Miles and Huberman’s Model

In this research, the researcher uses Miles and Huberman’s model as her

step in doing this research, the step as it follows:

1. Data Collection

The researcher collects the data by comparing the instrument which is

“Bahasa Inggris” workbook to the BSNP rubric that integrated with the Likert’s

scale. The researcher uses Likert’s scale of assessing the quality of workbook. In

addition, to make this research valid, the researcher doing some interview by

3Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri

Syaruf Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019. pp. 52-54.


asking some questions to English teacher and some students that used “Bahasa

Inggris” workbook in MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta.

2. Data Display

This step is displaying the data by analyzing and describing how high the

result of point content quality of workbook with BSNP rubric. The researcher

presents each chapter of the workbook in the table with Likert’s scale. The scale

consists of one to five scale. The researcher evaluates the data by giving the score


1: Poor

2: Fair

3: Good

4: Excellent

Then, the interview asks some questions related to evaluating the content

quality of this workbook. The result of the interview is also presented in this step.

After that, the data that has been evaluated with the Likert’s scale and the result of

the interview presented descriptively.

3. Data Reduction

The researcher does this step based on the purpose of this research which

is to evaluate the content of the “Bahasa Inggris” workbook. The researcher only

collects the data that is suitable with BSNP rubric. Then, the data only used to

answer the research question.

4. Conclusion: Drawing/Verifying

The researcher verifying the data by interpreting the result of data that has

been analyzed and reduced. This step is to draw the result of the compatibility or

“Bahasa Inggris” workbook toward curriculum 2013. The percentage helps the

researcher to show the result of this research. The data that has been analyzed will

be presented numerically at the end of the research. The total score of each

chapter will be presented with the percentage. The percentage of the data is

calculated manually as it follows.



P: Percentage

F: Frequency

N: The sum of frequency

Then, the researcher also verifying the result of the interview that has been

analyzed and interpreted which will help to answer the question of the research.




A. Conclusion

After doing the whole step of the research, the researcher drew a

conclusion based on the findings of the research. The result of this research which

is Evaluation of English Workbook Published by PT. Swadaya Murni showed that

the workbook did not fulfill the criteria of BSNP rubric because the percentage

only reached 31,25% which means the book did not sufficient to be used as the

main resource in learning English. The material of the workbook is complete but

the depth of the material did not rich as the findings showed that the depth did not

reach the perfect score and the interview of the teacher and the students showed

that they disappointed with the lack of the explanation of the workbook. Because

this is only a workbook, so the explanation only a brief. But this workbook has

fulfilled the need of students’ English language need because the workbook uses

the language that related to the context of the material and compatible with the

students’ level knowledge. Also, this workbook is in line with the curriculum

2013, as the material that suitable to the English syllabus. Hence, the main four

skills of English also contained in this workbook. It can be considered that the

workbook should not to be the main resource in the learning process as the

percentage did not reach half of the criteria. Meanwhile, this workbook is worth as

the supporting media in the learning process.

B. Suggestion and Implication

Based on the finding and the conclusion above, the researcher has some

suggestions for the related parties. Firstly, for the teacher that used the workbook

as the main resource in teaching English. The researcher found that the workbook

only reaches 31,25% of the criteria. Which means the teacher should not use the

workbook as the main source in teaching English. Although some components of

the workbook is fulfilled the criteria and the workbook is contained all the English

main skills, the teacher should use another book, maybe a textbook for the main


media in teaching English. Fortunately, the workbook is compatible with the

curriculum 2013.

For the school that chooses the workbook, especially for the headmaster

and the head of administration, they should be more careful in choosing the media

for the learning process. Also, they should notice if the teacher did not only use

the workbook as the main resource in the learning process. They should warn the

teacher to be more creative in the teaching process.

For the publisher, they should improve the weaknesses of the workbook,

especially the presentation of the workbook. Because it is the key to engage the

student in the learning process. Again, the publisher should be more thorough

before publishing the book because the researcher found some typographies that

can make student misunderstood about the material. Beside it, the publisher

should be considered about the BSNP criteria to make a better workbook. Hence,

the publisher or the writer of the workbook should take a look and revise the

missing element that did not fulfill the criteria of BSNP rubric to avoid the bias of

the researcher in evaluating the workbook. All in all, in choosing the workbook,

the school have to consider about the quality of the book and the students’ need.



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