evaluation of contents page

Evaluation of contents page

Upload: paige17

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Evaluation of contents page

Evaluation of contents page

Page 2: Evaluation of contents page

Question 1, In what ways does your media product use, develop pr challenge forms and conventions of real media products?This part of my media product, I believe that it does not challenge real forms and conventions of real media products. I believe this because of the quality of this part of my product, the images used and the layout of this page shows that not much thought has gone into the detail and therefore this part of the media product has been rushed. In other ways, this part of the media product challenges the conventions of real media products by having two images placed on the contents page, and no explanation to go with it, i.e. slogan, sentence that interests the audience into reading about them. I believe that this convention will immediately interest the reader, of the curiosity of who these artists. Or it could go the other way, with losing the interest of the audience. The bright colours used on the font, again establish colour onto my page, making the text stand out. Another convention I have developed to challenge conventions used in real media products, is using different colour fonts, to establish each section in my magazine. I believe that this is a success as it clearly sections the different sections of text and makes it easier for the reader to pick out certain parts of information they wish to read.

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Question 2, How does your media product represent particular social groups? Again, this part of my final media product, represents the particular social groups through images. The image of Jasmine, ( Top right image)creates a sense of identity. Her pose and outfit shows that she is a ‘misfit’ rebellious teen, leaning on the wall, stating the fact that she is in fact alone, creates the identity of a ‘misfit loner’, ‘her against the world’. The audience could immediately connect with her, if they feel that they are a ‘misfit’ and alone in the world, hence boosting the magazines readership profile. The other image placed on this page is of Steph (bottom right) lounged on a sofa surrounded by balloons and holding a can of fosters. This image clearly shows that Steph is at a house party, enjoying life. Steph also represents the ‘rebellious’ teen however, in a more fun crazy lifestyle. These two images are so contrasting, yet link together so easily. Both images show the different aspects of a teenagers life. Jasmine representing the emotions, alone, ‘me against the world’ scenario, while Steph is representing the fun easy going lifestyle every teenager experiences, parties, gigs etc. Jasmine representing the dark side of teenage life, while Steph representing the bright side of teenage life.

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Question 3, Who would be the audience for your media product? I believe my final product would have two target audiences, a Niche market audience, an a general audience. The Niche music audience would be indie and alternative music, these two contrasting music genres are represented by the two images placed on the page; Jasmine (top right) representing alternative music and Steph (bottom right) representing indie music. As I explained earlier in question 2, both images represent the different elements surrounding a teenagers life. Emotions, life style etc. The ideal audience for my media product would be teenagers interested in new music and indie music. Teenagers wanting to have a crazy fun lifestyle and teens who want to escape from the aspects of reality. From this part of my final media product, it can be hard to decipher who my target audience is and by first looks, it can be overlooked as just appealing to a female audience, however this is not the case. My media product is targeted for older teenagers, particular college and UNI students, even young adults of all genders. I believe that this part of my final product, does not clarify that, as it does not show aspects of an older teenagers music lifestyle. To change this, I could have added the image of a music festival, Crowds, tents, live bands etc. I also could have added images of Live bands on stage playing to an audience. This would have clarified who my audience would have been and made it more appealing to my target audience.

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Question 4, How did you attract/ address your audience?Again, I believe that I did not address my target audience correctly in this part of my final media product. I added images which represent teenagers on a basic and deeper level, this being one of my major points in addressing the audience. I added different colours for different sections, this attracting the audience, making it easier for the audience to find what they are wanting to read, more easier. This attracting my audience. Overall I believe that this part of my final product has failed in attracting and addressing my target audience correctly.

Question 5, What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?The conventions I have learnt from using certain technologies are fairly complicated however, after having past experience from my years in secondary school, I find certain technology software easy to use . I used the software Photoshop to construct and produce my final design of this part In my final media product, using Photoshop to design my layout and manipulate the images to fit in with the design of the page. I used the internet site Blogger, to record the research I constructed in order to complete this part in my final media product. This site was very easy to use and I found this part of my project quite successful. To complete my Photoshop I used the digital camera software in order to get the results and images I wanted and needed for my final design.

Question 6, Looking back at your preliminary task ( the college magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product? I have found the editing and layout to be challenging in my main product. I found It hard to place certain images and text to create the certain effect I would have liked to achieved. By producing my preliminary task before my music magazine, it taught me some of the methods I later used on my music magazine, for example, manipulating some of the images so comparing my Preliminary task to my main media product it showed me that the Preliminary task wasn’t so complex. The layout of my front cover in my Preliminary task and my music magazine front cover are somewhat similar. The additional information are placed in a column like style, a main image is used as an dominant image, creating the mood and scene of my magazine. My front cover for my main media product, was a simple design, however having the same appeal I would have expected. My knowledge developed by learning throughout lessons, looking at examples of real media products and researching information from the internets, for example layouts of different genres of magazines, use of images, how which images appeal to certain targeted niche markets, colour schemes and niche markets of certain media products. My technical skills developed by making my preliminary task giving me a taster of what I would be doing and use the preliminary task as an experiment to spot what errors I would not do on my final product . Example: Adding more colour onto my final product, adding more images on to the front cover to make the cover more appealing. Also the other way I learnt my technical skills was by making the product and using trial and error, then re-doing mistakes on my mistakes on my full product, to get it to the best overall quality.