evaluation #4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Who would be the audience for your media product?

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• My target audience would be from a range of different ages as certain things maybe interesting for certain age groups and people. Firstly, my production has a massive influence with culture and challenging social norms. Therefore, people whom are eager for the thirst of knowledge about how different cultures are, would like to watch this.

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• Secondly my production creates this confusing atmosphere which some people may find entertaining and would be attracted to the dream within a dream style narrative. My production is open to both men and females to watch, but personally I believe that mainly females would be attracted and interested in my production as it mainly features many females rather than males. As a part of my research I carried out two interviews with a fairly young target audience earlier on during the early stage whilst my production was being created. I showed them my treatment and asked them what they thought about it. As a whole this task allowed me to see who was enthusiastic and who thought it was a good idea. Furthermore, it was good hearing my target audiences personal opinion as it is them who will be watching it.

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• As a whole I believe that the target audience age range would be from 15-40 as it has many interests for certain age groups. A part of my audience research I created two questionnaires a soft copy electronic based and a hard copy physical copy. The research I did allowed me to see who would be most interested. Furthermore, a range of quantitative data and qualitative data was given to me to make a fairly reasonable judgement. After realising who my exact target audience was I decided to act upon the feedback which the respondents had told me to do as it would make my job of filming and helping to attract the audience a lot more better. One respondent said my storyboard should be more descriptive and more clearer, therefore I made amendments to my storyboard and over planning recourses