evaluation 2

Evaluation Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Evaluation Q2How does your media product represent particular

social groups?

Page 2: Evaluation 2

RepresentationThe Oxford English Dictionary defines representing as: “To describe or depict something, to call it up in the mind by description or portrayal… To place a likeness of it before us in our mind.” Every time we encounter a media text we aren’t seeing reality, but a constructed version of it.

Looking at my media product, we can learn about the social groups featured in my magazine. The band featured is made up of teenagers between the ages of 18 and 20. Teenagers are usually negatively represented as reckless, irresponsible people, and even more so in relation to punk rock music. However, I believe my magazine presents a positive, although stereotyped, view of the band and youth. The members are wearing clothes seen as punk rock style, such as skinny jeans, checkered shirts, Converse shoes

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and band hoodies. They are pictured calmly sitting or posing, and the article talks about the work they have put in to get to the point of being successful. They are photographed in an open outdoors space where the main colours are green, yellow and white, connoting a neutral, pure countryside tone. This was important as it reflectstheir story of being from Devon.

On the front cover they are pictured standing against a white wall, looking happy and youthful. They are all looking at the camera and looking happy and playful, connoting their personalities as a band. On the contents page we see them sitting down, looking more relaxed. They are sitting in a forest, which suggests they are quite open and calm.

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The image I used for the main article shows them sitting in a park on a bench. The whole picture is quite bright and vibrant, which contrasts with the punk rock style of the band. They are sitting down which, again, suggests they are quite calm and relaxed, but they do look as though they have a bit of attitude which conforms to the stereotypes of teenagers.

However, as they are smiling and looking happy, they subvert this stereotype. In general this band is presented as a hardworking – which the article tells us – and cheerful group of teenagers. As they are in a punk rock band they will be stereotyped as reckless, irresponsible teenagers, but they challenge this stereotype and will hopefully show society how they really are.