evaluation 1

I tried to make my magazine similar to other magazines of my genre (R&B) for example magazines like VIBE or Billboard so that it would attract my target audience for example if they were to see it on a shelf and they picked up the magazine they would know the genre straight away. I notice that often a sans serif fit is used on them type of magazines as it is bold and can be seen from far. However, I changed my font to more of a graffiti type font to make it look more edgy and represent the ‘straight from the streets background’ that I’m trying to portray. As you can see from my Photoshop Stages I started with THEDROP then I added a pound sign to portray the sense of wealth which relates to my genre were a lot of rappers would have the slogan of coming from ‘nothing to something’. Furthermore, I kept my masthead distinct and I used the same font however used the colour on my contents page to match the theme of red which vibrant colour and perhaps represents danger. Additionally, I used various types of research to give me a good understanding on how I was going to lay out my front cover, double page spread and contents page. For example, in my header I involved names of famous R&B artist who would immediately catch the eye of a reader and this would forward to the niche within R&B as not all fans like all artists. Furthermore, I used cover stories which would Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Upload: dynamiteblogger221

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Evaluation 1

I tried to make my magazine similar to other magazines of my genre (R&B) for example magazines like VIBE or Billboard so that it would attract my target audience for example if they were to see it on a shelf and they picked up the magazine they would know the genre straight away. I notice that often a sans serif fit is used on them type of magazines as it is bold and can be seen from far. However, I changed my font to more of a graffiti type font to make it look more edgy and represent the ‘straight from the streets background’ that I’m trying to portray.

As you can see from my Photoshop Stages I started with THEDROP then I added a pound sign to portray the sense of wealth which relates to my genre were a lot of rappers would have the slogan of coming from ‘nothing to something’. Furthermore, I kept my masthead distinct and I used the same font however used the colour on my contents page to match the theme of red which vibrant colour and perhaps represents danger.

Additionally, I used various types of research to give me a good understanding on how I was going to lay out my front cover, double page spread and contents page. For example, in my header I involved names of famous R&B artist who would immediately catch the eye of a reader and this would forward to the niche within R&B as not all fans like all artists. Furthermore, I used cover stories which would link with artists which would mainly attract to my audience. I made sure my main cover line stood out on the page and I done this by it having the biggest text as it also relates to my central image. I thought that my star was effective as the tattoos and the way that he dressed portrayed this perhaps hood celebrity. I made sure I focused on his wealth as he gazes directly at his designer belt and jeans presumably creating a mood of ‘look at my wealth’ making the reader gaze as the designer clothes as well. Also I added a barcode at the bottom right of my magazine to show that it ready for sale. In addition, I placed the web address of how the reader could look at the magazine online perhaps if they weren’t able to buy the magazine at the store the next time but however I placed it under my masthead in a small text to make sure it did not take the attention off my masthead as it is one of the most important conventions on my page. As it would be something that sets my magazine different from other magazines (a unique masthead).

Evaluation 1: In what ways does

your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation 1

The layout of my double page spread was a huge part of the success of making my article because then I knew where I would be able to know where my drop quotes and pictures went. As you can see I aspired for my double page spread to suit the one on the right. As I wanted it to look as professional as I could I made sure I was strict with the use of colour on my double page spread. Red, black and white; and I made it consistent throughout. I made sure my introduction was clear in difference to the interview and I used a drop capital to make it clear that it was the start of my article. For my main image I used a two shot of my star and his son. It was at a mid-shot and I made it like that to show that they were the main focus on the page. I placed the web link at the bottom left of the right side of my double page spread to give an alternative. Further through my headline I made sure it related to my main image and I used play on words in my drop quote next to my main image to create a sense of humour. The headline “Nino’s World” directly links to my star as the whole of the double page revolves around him.