evaluation 1

1) In what way does your media products use, develop or challenge forms conventions of real media products?

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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1) In what way does your media products use, develop or challenge forms conventions of real media products?

When creating My film “Ominous” I had to make sure that conventions of real life style models. By conducting research within how horror films are created I was able to gain a better understanding of typical convections such as the (The Mis En Scene, Camera Shots movement and Angles, Dialogue and narrative structures. The main conventions used were within camera shots movements and angles.Within the top screenshot of (Rec3) and my own creating “Ominous” the main convention used is “The over the shoulder shot “ this instantly highlights what is either in front or behind the character this helps the audiences adrenaline levels to increase due to the fact that they know what is coming which could effect lone character. This is used within (Rec3) because it helps highlights what has happened within the scene and give the audience a brief overview of the zombie destruction underneath the male character. I have developed this convention within my film because it give the same effect as it does to “Rec3” of fear and danger as Kaylah is unaware what is behind her until she looks into the mirror. This allows aided my because it aided us to recorded within the mirror to catch the perfect shot of Kaylah catching the ghost as she looks into the mirror which is effective and creates that scare factor towards the audience

(REC 3)

Ominous (my Film)

Another convention which I used was a close up shot as you can see by Rory's and Kaylah's face being closened up into the camera lens this helps the audience to see the facial expression of the characters and allow the audience to think what is coming next and also serves as a scaring factor for the audience. By also using the fake blood it gives a greater effect because blood indicates harm which the audience may fear also blood may also cause them to become very sheepish when watching the film . This is the effect which I wanted to put across towards my audiences.

This is very similar to the research which I did on “Paranormal activity: The chosen ones” the director used close up shots in order to create scenes which are instant and catch the audiences of guard causing them to become afraid and jump out of their seats. The convention of the close up shot served a great purpose for allowing this film have a horrific feel toward it which help its effectiveness.

This was an convention which was adopted by myself to create a film which was scary and effective when viewed towards an audience.

Paranormal activity: The chosen ones

Ominous (My Film)

We used the convention within the Mis En Scene which was Props , This was imported because it helped fit the nature of the film, e.g. “Ominous” was set within a school.So Props which were needed were , table chairs and books. This did challenge the normal conventions of a real horror film because most films focus on more horrific props e.g. knives, guns and spears. As shows by the images these are traditional props which would be used within horror films which would give a scarier effect toward there chosen audiences .

I do believe by not using more props it did cause the film to become less effective when trying to scare them. However one prop which was used which was affective was (Fake Blood) Used within most horror films it help five the effect of gore and pain and death which I tried to create when Rory, Kyle and Kaylah were bring murdered by the “Ghost of the school” this was effective due to the audience feedback which I received when showing my movie to family and also friends.

Ominous (my film)

General film props


Books Tables

When creating my poster I had to conduct research to find a style model which was suitable to the specific style in which I wanted to use . The main style model which I chose was , “The Scream Poster”, I like this poster because it allowed the audiences to create meaning from the look of this poster which was that the victim was being consumed by darkness due to the fact that the shadow and the hand is covering the main characters face and the eyes of the character portrays sorrow and fear which can be picked up by my chosen audience.

As you can see by my “Ominous” film poster I have tried to replicate the same effects from the style models and reapply it to my actual design. By using Black, white and red I was able to create effects which had many different representations towards the film e.g. Red for the title help give the representation of fear, death and blood which was natural towards to most horror films . I also believe that the use of imagery really helped by using the close up shot conventions I was able to show the audience some of the expressions of “Kaylah” the victim which helped the audience to gain a sense of sympathy towards her

I believe that I have use my research effectively when creating this horror film poster because it uses all the conventions used within real horror posters including the used of dark colours , positioning images closer for the audiences to see and also positioning text in order to highlight key information for my audiences e.g. Title and Release date which as you can see is distinguished from the rest of the text due to an increase in size and the change of colour to red because red stands out more which has a greater effect

When creating my review I also used research which gave me ideas into the types of conventions used . There were many different conventions such as . E.g. Camera angles, Strap lines, Font uses and colour schemes. I also had to remember that my review had to link in with my horror poster so I made sure fonts and images were similar. When researching I found this review which highlighted a huge image of the main character at the front this allowed me to gain an insight into how to structure my review. I also used a verdict section which highlighted to audiences the average rate of the film by fellow directors and critics which was I used because it allowed the audience to find out if the film was good enough to watch. I also included facts about creating the film such as what went wrong and what went will this shows the audiences just how much effort was put into the film and how we managed to overcome barriers when producing the film . Also the use of images was another convention which I adopted from my research. By using images from the actual it allows the audience to see the specific scenes which are going to be embedded within the film . Also, it allows the audience to feel special because they will believe they are the only people privileged enough to see the scenes within the film . I do believe that the review was hard to create however I do believe that the style model was hard to use also because it didn’t have that much convections of a “HORROR FILMS” which was essential to create this film .

Salt Review

Ominous Review