evaluating the swat model to predict streamflow, nitrate … · groundwater and surface water...

Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019 https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-48-1-2019 © Author(s) 2019. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields in a small agricultural catchment Andreas Bauwe, Petra Kahle, and Bernd Lennartz Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany Correspondence: Andreas Bauwe ([email protected]) Received: 29 October 2018 – Revised: 21 January 2019 – Accepted: 19 March 2019 – Published: 4 April 2019 Abstract. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields for a small agri- cultural catchment in northeastern Germany. To this end, a 167 ha catchment was delineated consisting of 10 hydrologi- cal response units. Daily data for streamflow and nitrate load- ings from 2004 to 2015 were used to calibrate and validate the model, while annual values for crop yields (winter wheat, winter barley, rapeseed, maize silage) were available. In ad- dition, the detailed field maps provided by the local farmer were used to implement exact crop rotations and nitrogen fertilization into the model. Nash-Sutcliffe-Efficiencies for streamflow were 0.54 during the calibration and 0.57 for the validation period. The modeling performance for nitrate loadings were lower with 0.31 for the calibration and 0.42 for the validation period. The average crop yields were re- produced well, while SWAT failed to reproduce the inter- annual crop yield variations. A scenario analysis revealed that a slight decrease of nitrogen fertilization leads to sig- nificant reductions in nitrate loadings, while crop yields re- mained on a high level. The outcome of the study may help practitioners to operate according to an economic and envi- ronmental optimal N management. Nevertheless, experimen- tal studies with varying fertilization intensities at catchment scale are needed to underpin the modeling results. 1 Introduction A surplus of plant nutrients, in particular nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), can lead to pollution and eutrophication of surface waters. Numerous studies show that diffuse in- puts from agriculture are the main source of nutrients into groundwater and surface water bodies, including coastal wa- ters. The EU Water Framework Directive requires member states to achieve a good ecological status of water bodies by 2027 (European Parliament and European Council, 2000). To achieve this goal, Germany must make further efforts to re- duce nitrate pollution. For example, the permissible limit of 50 mg L -1 for NO - 3 is exceeded at 28 % of all groundwater- monitoring sites in Germany (BMUB, 2017). These limits are also often exceeded in surface waters as for example water analyses of small streams in intensively used agricul- tural catchments of the northeastern German lowlands indi- cate (Tiemeyer et al., 2006; Kahle et al., 2018). Various measures can contribute to the reduction of nu- trient pollution of water bodies. Land management plays a key role because it regulates how much nutrient is supplied to the soil. The intensity of land use and thus the fertilizer regime have an effect on the nutrient status in the soil and thus affect the magnitude of nutrient loss into surface wa- ter bodies. Several studies have shown that a reduced use of fertilizers may lead to an improvement of water quality. A decrease of the N surplus during the last two decades was ac- companied by a modest decrease of nitrate concentrations in surface waters in some European countries such as Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (van Grinsven et al., 2012). Another survey study highlights the importance of reduced N fertilization for reducing NO - 3 leaching (Di and Cameron, 2002). The fertilizer regime also influences the crop yield. A multi-year experiment in Iowa, USA, indicated that reduced N fertilizer rates led to a reduction of NO - 3 concentrations and losses in subsurface drainage systems along with a re- duced crop yield for corn and soybean (Lawlor et al., 2008). At the same time, a simulation study conducted in the same area for the same crops recommended reduced N application rates to reduce nitrate losses in subsurface drainage systems Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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  • Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-48-1-2019© Author(s) 2019. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

    Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadingsand crop yields in a small agricultural catchmentAndreas Bauwe, Petra Kahle, and Bernd LennartzAgrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany

    Correspondence: Andreas Bauwe ([email protected])

    Received: 29 October 2018 – Revised: 21 January 2019 – Accepted: 19 March 2019 – Published: 4 April 2019

    Abstract. This study aimed to evaluate the applicabilityof the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predictstreamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields for a small agri-cultural catchment in northeastern Germany. To this end, a167 ha catchment was delineated consisting of 10 hydrologi-cal response units. Daily data for streamflow and nitrate load-ings from 2004 to 2015 were used to calibrate and validatethe model, while annual values for crop yields (winter wheat,winter barley, rapeseed, maize silage) were available. In ad-dition, the detailed field maps provided by the local farmerwere used to implement exact crop rotations and nitrogenfertilization into the model. Nash-Sutcliffe-Efficiencies forstreamflow were 0.54 during the calibration and 0.57 forthe validation period. The modeling performance for nitrateloadings were lower with 0.31 for the calibration and 0.42for the validation period. The average crop yields were re-produced well, while SWAT failed to reproduce the inter-annual crop yield variations. A scenario analysis revealedthat a slight decrease of nitrogen fertilization leads to sig-nificant reductions in nitrate loadings, while crop yields re-mained on a high level. The outcome of the study may helppractitioners to operate according to an economic and envi-ronmental optimal N management. Nevertheless, experimen-tal studies with varying fertilization intensities at catchmentscale are needed to underpin the modeling results.

    1 Introduction

    A surplus of plant nutrients, in particular nitrogen (N) andphosphorus (P), can lead to pollution and eutrophicationof surface waters. Numerous studies show that diffuse in-puts from agriculture are the main source of nutrients intogroundwater and surface water bodies, including coastal wa-

    ters. The EU Water Framework Directive requires memberstates to achieve a good ecological status of water bodies by2027 (European Parliament and European Council, 2000). Toachieve this goal, Germany must make further efforts to re-duce nitrate pollution. For example, the permissible limit of50 mg L−1 for NO−3 is exceeded at 28 % of all groundwater-monitoring sites in Germany (BMUB, 2017). These limitsare also often exceeded in surface waters as for examplewater analyses of small streams in intensively used agricul-tural catchments of the northeastern German lowlands indi-cate (Tiemeyer et al., 2006; Kahle et al., 2018).

    Various measures can contribute to the reduction of nu-trient pollution of water bodies. Land management plays akey role because it regulates how much nutrient is suppliedto the soil. The intensity of land use and thus the fertilizerregime have an effect on the nutrient status in the soil andthus affect the magnitude of nutrient loss into surface wa-ter bodies. Several studies have shown that a reduced use offertilizers may lead to an improvement of water quality. Adecrease of the N surplus during the last two decades was ac-companied by a modest decrease of nitrate concentrations insurface waters in some European countries such as Belgium,Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom(van Grinsven et al., 2012). Another survey study highlightsthe importance of reduced N fertilization for reducing NO−3leaching (Di and Cameron, 2002).

    The fertilizer regime also influences the crop yield. Amulti-year experiment in Iowa, USA, indicated that reducedN fertilizer rates led to a reduction of NO−3 concentrationsand losses in subsurface drainage systems along with a re-duced crop yield for corn and soybean (Lawlor et al., 2008).At the same time, a simulation study conducted in the samearea for the same crops recommended reduced N applicationrates to reduce nitrate losses in subsurface drainage systems

    Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

  • 2 A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields

    while maintaining the yield (Liang et al., 2018). A Europeanstudy concluded that N fertilizer rates for maize could be re-duced without affecting yield and net return (Basso et al.,2012). A literature survey revealed that the application of aprecision N management of wheat could save N fertilizersfrom 10 % to 80 % and reduce residual N in the soil by 30 %to 50 % without reducing yields (Diacono et al., 2013). Theseexamples illustrate that an optimized N management couldboth keep crop yields at a high level and minimize negativeenvironmental effects on surface waters.

    Simulation models are suitable tools for assessing the im-pact of various land use scenarios on water quality and har-vested yield. A prerequisite is that a model in question isable to describe the hydrological processes in the landscapeand the agricultural processes (e.g., fertilization regime, croprotation) with sufficient precision. The widely used Soiland Water Assessment Tool (SWAT; Arnold et al., 1998)potentially meets these requirements. SWAT has been ap-plied worldwide under a large range of climatic conditions,watershed sizes and a variety of research questions. How-ever, mostly the model was applied to catchments >1 km2

    (Gassmann et al., 2007). These model applications usuallyrequire a generalization and simplification of land manage-ment. The advantage of constructing a model for small catch-ment areas is the ability to reproduce accurate farming prac-tices.

    The calibration of crop yield is not often taken into ac-count in SWAT studies to date (Sinnathamby et al., 2017).These authors focused on simulating crop yield for corn andsorghum by using field data and recommended crop-yieldcalibration to reduce systematic errors of hydrological pro-cesses such as streamflow. A calibration of crop biomass andyield in order to represent correctly the watershed hydrol-ogy and the nutrient balance is also suggested by Nair etal. (2011). Our literature review revealed that SWAT stud-ies simulating crop yields focused mostly on US watershedswith the main crops corn and soybean (e.g., Srinivasan etal., 2010; Nair et al., 2011; Guo et al., 2018). However,some researchers simulated yields for major crops in Euro-pean watersheds, either at a continental scale (Abbaspour etal., 2015), for large river basins as the Danube (Malagó etal., 2017) or for mesoscale catchments (Maier and Dietrich,2016).

    In this study, SWAT was utilized to (i) test its applicabil-ity in predicting NO−3 -N loadings and crop yields for a smallagricultural catchment. To this end, we built a SWAT modelbased on real land management data from 2004 to 2015. Inaddition, we estimated (ii) the influence of the amount of Nfertilization on crop yields and on nutrient losses at the catch-ment outlet. By doing so, we were able to evaluate simulta-neously the impact of N management on crop yield and onsurface water quality.

    Figure 1. Study area including catchment boundaries (red), stream(blue), and arable fields (numbers).

    2 Materials and methods

    2.1 Study area

    The study area is located in northeastern Germany near thecity of Rostock (Fig. 1). It is 167 ha in size and under in-tensive agricultural use and contains a small proportion offorests (5 %). The crop rotation is typical for the regionand comprises mainly winter wheat, winter barley, rapeseed,and maize silage. The catchment is located in a glaciallyformed landscape with a flat topography and only gentleslopes. Mineral soils are characteristic of the area, with a pre-dominance of Luvisols (48 %), Gleysols (43 %), and StagnicGleysols (9 %). The four agricultural fields in the study area(Fig. 1) are tile-drained to improve soil aeration and agri-cultural management. Water originating from the tiles flowsinto a main ditch that crosses and eventually leaves the catch-ment (Fig. 1). Mean annual precipitation was 675 mm andthe mean annual temperature was 8.8 ◦C (2004–2015). Dueto low temperatures, the region is occasionally covered withsnow in winter. Due to the high proportion of tile drainage,discharge is mainly controlled by tile flow and groundwaterflow (Bauwe et al., 2016). In contrast, surface runoff is onlyobserved during heavy storm events.

    2.2 Land management

    The field maps of the local farmer that included all agricul-tural measures were used to implement crop managementinto SWAT. Figure 2 provides an overview of the planted

    Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019 www.adv-geosci.net/48/1/2019/

  • A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields 3

    Figure 2. Crop rotations during the investigation period and for all fields.

    crops on the individual fields covering the investigation pe-riod. Typical crops were winter wheat, winter barley, rape-seed, and maize silage. Occasionally, sugar beet and legumessuch as peas were also grown. With a strong focus on cere-als, maize and rapeseed, the cultivation plan represents thetypical conventional farming practice in northern Germany.

    The crops received average annual N and P fertilizer ap-plications of 180 and 16 kg ha−1, respectively (Table 1). TheN fertilizers were applied three to four times a year, mostlyin mineral form. P was only applied as organic fermentationresidue. Winter wheat and winter barley were seeded usuallyin the second half of September, while rapeseed was seededabout one month earlier. Maize silage, the only crop har-vested in the same year, was seeded in late April. The cropswere harvested from mid to late summer. Average yields forwinter wheat, winter barley, rapeseed, and maize silage were7492, 7962, 4331, and 14 241 kg ha−1, respectively.

    2.3 The SWAT model

    The Soil and Water Assessment Tool is a physi-cally based, semi-distributed and process-oriented eco-hydrological model designed to simulate discharge, sedimentyield, nutrient and pesticide loads, crop growth or manage-ment activities for river basins over long periods of time ona daily basis (Neitsch et al., 2011). The model divides thecatchment in its entirety into sub-catchments, which are thensubdivided in hydrological response units (HRUs). An HRUas the smallest calculation unit is defined as a unique com-bination of soil type, land use and slope class for each sub-basin. The hydrological cycle simulated in SWAT comprisesprecipitation (including snowfall), evapotranspiration, riverdischarge, and groundwater recharge. Plant growth in SWATis based on the accumulation of heat units. Nitrogen is mod-eled by SWAT in the soil profile taking into consideration fivedifferent organic and inorganic pools. Nitrogen may be trans-ported into rivers via surface runoff, lateral flow, tile drainagewater, and the shallow aquifer. A detailed model descriptioncan be found in Neitsch et al. (2011).

    2.4 Input data

    Land use types were derived by analyzing aerial photographswith a high spatial resolution (Fig. 1). Soil data were takenfrom a regional soil map (LUNG-MV, 2010) with a scale of1 : 25000. A digital elevation model with a 25× 25 m gridcell resolution was used to delineate the catchment and thestream (LVA-MV, 2000).

    A weather station at the catchment outlet run by our work-ing group recorded temperature, wind speed, and precipita-tion. Precipitation was measured in a 0.1 mm resolution us-ing a tipping bucket rain gauge and was aggregated to dailyvalues. Relative humidity and global radiation data were ob-tained in a daily resolution from a nearby weather station(Groß Lüsewitz, 12 km away) maintained by the GermanWeather Service.

    The ditch at the catchment outlet is equipped with an auto-matic, ultrasonic, water level measurement device. We con-ducted frequent (usually once per week) discharge gaugingwith an inductive flowmeter to develop rating curves. Dailydischarge data from the ditch over a 12 year period from1 January 2004 to 12 December 2015 were used to calibrateand validate the model. Water samples were taken automati-cally at least twice a week. Nitrate was analyzed by ion chro-matography.

    Daily NO−3 -N loads were obtained as follows: (1) for days,at which NO−3 -N concentrations were measured, the dailyload may be simply calculated by multiplying streamflowand concentration. (2) for days, at which no nitrate concen-trations were measured, nitrate loads were calculated usingregression equations based on the relationship of nitrate loadsto streamflow.

    2.5 Modeling approach

    The study catchment was delineated using ArcGIS 10.4, Arc-SWAT Version 2012.10_4.19 and consisted of one subbasinand consequently one stream (Fig. 1). Ten HRUs capturedthe spatial variability with regard to land use, soil types, andslope gradients. We followed in principle the four-stage cali-bration approach suggested by Nair et al. (2011).

    www.adv-geosci.net/48/1/2019/ Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019

  • 4 A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields

    Table 1. Cultivated arable crops and crop management including average seeding/harvesting dates, fertilizer application and yields. The yieldis given as dry matter.

    Fertilization (kg ha−1)

    Crop Seeding date Harvest date N P Yield (kg ha−1)

    Winter wheat 21 September 10 August 221 8 7492Winter barley 26 September 13 July 176 12 7962Rapeseed 19 August 19 July 204 22 4331Maize silage 25 April 27 September 117 20 14 241

    1. Parameter selection: Based on previous simulationstudies in the same area (Bauwe et al., 2016, 2017) weselected 27 parameters for sensitivity analysis. We per-formed a global sensitivity analysis using SWAT-CUP(SWAT-CUP 2012, version, Abbaspour, 2014).Sensitive parameters with a p-value 0 indicateunderestimation and values

  • A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields 5

    Table 2. Calibrated parameters for streamflow and NO−3 -N loadings. The range illustrates the chosen calibration range for each parameter.v – absolute change, r – relative change.

    Parameter Description Range Calibrated value

    r_CN2.mgt SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II (–) −40 % to 0 % −25 %

    v_GWQMN.gw Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for return 0 to 5000 1919flow to occur (mm)

    v_DEP_IMP.hru Depth to impervious layer (mm) 2000 to 4500 2243

    r_OV_N.hru Manning’s “n” value for overland flow −50 % to +50 % +23 %

    v_ESCO.hru Soil evaporation compensation factor 0.7 to 1 0.80

    v_EPCO.hru Plant uptake compensation factor (–) 0.01 to 1 0.51

    v_CANMX.hru Maximum canopy storage (mm) 0 to 7 3.0

    v_SMTMP.bsn Snow melt base temperature (◦C) −5 to 5 1.1

    v_SMFMN.bsn Minimum melt rate for snow during the year (mm per ◦C d) 1.4 to 6.9 5.0

    v_CDN.bsn∗ Denitrification exponential rate coefficient (–) 0 to 3 0.1

    v_SDNCO.bsn∗ Denitrification threshold water content (–) 0 to 1.1 0.09

    ∗ These parameters were used to calibrate NO−3 -N loadings.

    Table 3. Default and calibrated plant parameters. BIO_E Plant radiation use efficiency for corn (MJ m−2), HVSTI Harvest index (–), CNYLDNitrogen content in yield (kg N per kg yield).


    Crop Default Calibrated Default Calibrated Default Calibrated

    Winter wheat 30 36 0.40 0.57Winter barley 30 35 0.025 0.019Rapeseed 34 36 0.038 0.037Maize silage 39 47 0.90 0.95 0.014 0.010

    3.2 Nitrate

    The magnitudes and dynamics of NO−3 -N loadings over timecorresponded roughly with the shape of the hydrograph. Thisbehavior was not surprising, since NO−3 -N loads arise fromthe multiplication of streamflow and NO−3 -N concentration.The consequence is a major loss of NO−3 -N in winter, whilelosses in summer are marginal (Fig. 4). Generally, the tempo-ral dynamics of NO−3 -N loadings were reproduced correctly.However, it is striking that major NO−3 -N peaks were notcaptured adequately by SWAT. Two reasons may explain thismodel behavior. (1) Due to the dependency of NO−3 -N load-ings on streamflow, NO−3 -N loadings were underestimatedwhen streamflow was underestimated. This was for exam-ple the case in March 2005, when measured streamflow was0.24 m3 s−1, while SWAT only simulated 0.1 m3 s−1 (Fig. 3).Consequently, observed NO−3 -N loadings were much highercompared to the simulated ones during that time (Fig. 4).(2) Although simulated NO−3 -N concentrations reflected the

    actual field conditions surprisingly well, NO−3 -N concentra-tions were not always adequately portrayed by SWAT duringdischarge events (Fig. 5). This was for example the case fora discharge event in January 2007, when maximum losses of1.5 kg NO−3 -N d

    −1 were observed, while SWAT only simu-lated 0.3 kg NO−3 -N d

    −1. During that time, NO−3 -N concen-trations in the ditch have risen up to 28 mg L−1, while SWATcalculated only 8 mg NO−3 -N L

    −1 (Fig. 5). These differencesin NO−3 -N concentrations were also the reason for underes-timating NO−3 -N loadings in November 2010, when NO

    3 -N concentrations of 19 mg L−1 were measured, while SWATsimulated only 7 mg L−1. A strong increase in NO−3 -N con-centrations during high flow rates in this catchment has al-ready been thoroughly described by Tiemeyer et al. (2006).Apparently, SWAT was not able to simulate the underlyingprocesses in this tile-drained catchment that led to a sharprise in NO−3 -N concentrations during discharge events thatusually last only a few days. Due to these reasons, perfor-mance statistics were lower compared to streamflow. NSE

    www.adv-geosci.net/48/1/2019/ Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019

  • 6 A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields

    Figure 3. Observed and simulated hydrographs at a daily time scale during the calibration and validation period.

    Figure 4. Observed and simulated NO−3 -N loadings at a daily timescale during the calibration and validation period.

    Figure 5. Observed and simulated NO−3 -N concentrations at a dailytime scale for the entire study period.

    reached a satisfactory value (0.31) for the calibration periodand a good value (0.42) for the validation period. Due to theunderestimation of NO−3 -N peaks, PBIAS was positive andreached a very good value during calibration (13.7) and asatisfactory value during validation (20.2).

    3.3 Crop yield

    Simulated crop yields were similar to observed val-ues (Fig. 6). Simulated average yields for winter wheat(7730 kg ha−1), rapeseed (4221 kg ha−1), and maize silage(14 023 kg ha−1) fitted very well to the observed values witha deviation of +3 %, −3 %, and −2 %, respectively. Simu-lated yield for winter barley (6941 kg ha−1) was 13 % lowercompared to the measured value. The best fit regarding therange of yields was achieved for winter wheat. For the threeother crops, the temporal variation of measured yield waslower compared to the simulated values, which was most ap-parent for maize silage.

    Figure 6. Boxplots of measured (obs.) and simulated (sim.) cropyields for winter wheat, winter barley, rapeseed, and maize silagecovering the entire simulation period 2004–2015.

    In comparison to streamflow or nitrate, it was more chal-lenging to capture high or low yield years with SWAT. For allmajor crops, there was no relationship between measured andsimulated crop yields (Fig. 7). On the contrary, it appears thathigher measured yields for winter barley correspond withlower simulated yields. The difficulties in capturing tempo-ral variations of crop yield have been described for exam-ple in Srinivasan et al. (2010). The researchers comparedmeasured and simulated corn and soybean yields and pre-dicted the yields averaged over ten years well. Nevertheless,SWAT failed to capture the temporal variation in crop yields,which was explained with lacking information on manage-ment practices at farm level (Srinivasan et al., 2010). Thisreason is ruled out for our very small study catchment, sincewe defined exactly the management conditions prevailing onthe fields in the model. We rather assume that the relation-ships and interactions of biotic and abiotic factors influenc-ing plant growth are too complex to being portrayed exactlyin SWAT equations. However, there are a few examples inthe literature, in which simulated temporal variations of cropyields (corn, soybean) were simulated fairly well (Hu et al.,2007; Nair et al., 2011).

    Our data show that the temporal variation in crop yield isusually smaller for actual yield compared to simulated yield(Figs. 6, 7). That gives the impression that plant growth inSWAT is more “weather-sensitive” than in the field. Thismodel behavior seems to be valid also for other regions andcrops. For example, large simulated yield reductions for cornand soybean due to drought stress that were not supported

    Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019 www.adv-geosci.net/48/1/2019/

  • A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields 7

    Table 4. Daily model performances with regard to streamflow and NO−3 -N loadings during the calibration (2004–2009) and validation period(2010–2015). NSE Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency, PBIAS Percentage bias.

    Calibration (2004–2009) Validation (2010–2015)

    Streamflow NO3-N loadings Streamflow NO3-N loadings

    NSE 0.54a 0.31a 0.57a 0.42b

    PBIAS 12.1a 13.7c 14.4a 20.2a

    a Satisfactory, b good, c very good (according to performance ratings put forward by Moriasi et al.,2015).

    Figure 7. Relationships between measured and simulated cropyields for winter wheat, winter barley, rapeseed, and maize silage.

    by the yield statistics are reported by Guo et al. (2018). Ithas also been argued that the impact of soil drought on plantgrowth and in the following on crop yield might be overesti-mated by SWAT (Sinnathamby et al., 2017).

    3.4 Reduction of N fertilization

    Based on the calibrated SWAT model, N fertilizer rates werereduced in 10 % steps in order to analyze the effect on cropyields and NO3-N loadings (Fig. 8). Generally, yields de-creased with decreasing N fertilizer rates for all four crops.When N fertilization was completely dispensed with, cropyields were in the range from 10 % to 20 % of the referenceconditions. The reduction of N fertilizer rates had a tremen-dous effect on NO−3 -N loadings. A moderate 10 % reductionof N Input led to a 24 % reduction of NO−3 -N loadings atthe catchment outlet. If N fertilizer rates were reduced by50 %, NO−3 -N loadings only amounted to 30 % compared tothe reference condition.

    Figure 8. Crop yield and NO−3 -N loadings as functions of N fer-tilization given as percentages. The gray lines indicate the largestdifference between crop yield and NO3-N loadings. 100 % corre-spond to the actual conditions.

    Optimized N fertilization that considers both economicand environmental aspects can be estimated by displayingthe crop yields and NO−3 -N loadings in one diagram (Fig. 8).In this sense, optimum N fertilization is achieved when thedistance between the “yield curve” and the “NO−3 -N loadingcurve” is greatest. This point is crop-dependent and is locatedbetween 50 (winter wheat, rapeseed, maize silage) and 70 %(winter barley) of the actual N fertilization. If this optimizedfertilization strategy would be applied, the NO−3 -N loadingswould only amount to between 30 % and 44 % of the ref-erence condition, which corresponds to a drastic reduction.At the same time, the yield reductions would be moderateranging from 12 % (rapeseed, maize silage) to 21 % (winterwheat) compared to the reference condition.

    Our scenario analysis shows general trends of the effectsresulting from reduced N fertilizer rates on crop yield and onNO−3 -N loadings, but conditions on the field are much morecomplex. Optimum N fertilizer rates that both guarantee high

    www.adv-geosci.net/48/1/2019/ Adv. Geosci., 48, 1–9, 2019

  • 8 A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields

    yields and minimize negative environmental impacts such asNO−3 leaching may vary within the same field due to theheterogeneity of soil properties. In addition, they depend oninter- and intra-annual weather patterns (Basso et al., 2012).However, our modeling results indicating a slight decrease ofN fertilizer rates leading to moderate reductions in crop yieldbut significant reductions in N losses are consistent withother studies. For example, Wang et al. (2017) reported onslightly reduced N application rates while keeping the wheatyield nearly constant but reducing significantly the NO−3leaching rates in north China. A worldwide meta-analysiscomprising a large number of European studies (Sweden,Germany, Spain, Italy, UK, and Denmark) has revealed thatlowest yield-scaled NO−3 leaching losses were observed withslightly suboptimal N fertilization rates that corresponded to90 % and 96 % of maximum maize and wheat yields, respec-tively (Zhou and Butterbach-Bahl, 2014).

    Due to the simplifications that are inherent for crop mod-els and eco-hydrological models like SWAT, practical fieldexperiments at catchment level are needed in order to under-pin the results of simulation studies. The combined assess-ment of optimized N management strategies due to scenarioanalyses performed with simulation models and experimentsconducted at farm scale could help practitioners to operateaccording to a both economically and environmentally opti-mal N management.

    4 Conclusions

    The SWAT model predicted streamflow and nitrate loads sat-isfactory in a very small catchment

  • A. Bauwe et al.: Evaluating the SWAT model to predict streamflow, nitrate loadings and crop yields 9

    103–111, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2012.06.012,2012.

    Bauwe, A., Kahle, P., and Lennartz, B.: Hydrologic Evalua-tion of the Curve Number and Green and Ampt Infiltra-tion Methods by Applying Hooghoudt and Kirkham TileDrain Equations Using SWAT, J. Hydrol., 537, 311–321,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.054, 2016.

    Bauwe, A., Tiedemann, S., Kahle, P., and Lennartz, B.:Does the Temporal Resolution of Precipitation Input Influ-ence the Simulated Hydrological Components Employing theSWAT Model?, J. Am. Water Resour. As., 53, 997–1007,https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12560, 2017.

    BMUB: Nitratbericht 2016, Bundesministerien für Umwelt,Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit und Bundesministeriumfür Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Bonn, Deutschland, avail-able at: https://www.bmu.de/fileadmin/Daten_BMU/Download_PDF/Binnengewaesser/nitratbericht_2016_bf.pdf (last access:2 October 2018), 2017.

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    AbstractIntroductionMaterials and methodsStudy areaLand managementThe SWAT modelInput dataModeling approach

    Results and discussionHydrologyNitrateCrop yieldReduction of N fertilization

    ConclusionsData availabilityAuthor contributionsCompeting interestsSpecial issue statementAcknowledgementsReview statementReferences