evaluating running injuries in clinic

Evaluating Running Injuries in Clinic Jim Chesnutt, M.D. OHSU Sports Medicine Program OHSU Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation and Family Medicine

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Evaluating Running Injuries in Clinic. Jim Chesnutt, M.D. OHSU Sports Medicine Program OHSU Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation and Family Medicine. Common Running Injuries. Look at biomechanics of running Consider factors leading to overuse injury Identify common running injuries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Evaluating Running Injuries

in ClinicJim Chesnutt, M.D.

OHSU Sports Medicine ProgramOHSU Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation

and Family Medicine

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Common Running Injuries

• Look at biomechanics of running• Consider factors leading to

overuse injury• Identify common running injuries• Learn treatment and prevention


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Biomechanics of Running

• 1000 steps per mile• load is 2-3x body weight per stride• running shoes absorb shock but need new

shoes each 300-500 miles• shoes: cushion, support, traction• biomechanical abnormalities translate

forces up and down kinetic chain – Pelvis-hip-knee-ankle-foot

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Biomechanics of RunningThe Two Phases of GaitI. Support Phase- shock absorption

1. contact stage (25%)

-hip extended, knee flexed, foot supinated

2. midstance stage (50%)

-rapid pronation, shock absorption

3. take-off stage (25%)

-supinated, rigid foot, contracted gastrocs

II. Recovery Phase- airborne swing

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Mechanisms of Injury1. repetitive motion/ stress2. microtrauma3. stress or trauma >> adaptation or repair4. chronic or progressive pain and dysfxn or

mechanical failure (macrotrauma)5. phases of healing : I. inflammatory( 1-5 days)

II. regeneration( 3- 42 days)

III. remodeling( 14+ days)

Common Overuse Syndromes

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Common Overuse Syndromes

Stages1 : pain after activity only2 : pain during activity but not

affecting performance

3 : pain during activity causing restricted performance

4 : chronic pain, even at rest

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Common Overuse Syndromes

FactorsA. Intrinsic

1. Anatomical malalignment or defect

- e.g. flat foot, osteoporosis 2. Biomechanical dysfxn

- e.g. tibial torsion, over-pronation,inflexibility, muscle imbalance

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Common Overuse Syndromes

Factors B. Extrinsic1. Activity- related functional overload

- e.g. improper technique and training errors ( too fast, too long, too many)

2. Poor equipment or environment- e.g. inadequate support or shock

absorption or surface too hard

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Overuse Injuries: 5 Step Treatment (O’Connor FG et al, Phys and Sports Med 1992 ;21(7):128-142.)

Patho-anatomic Diagnosis (First step)A. Principle of Transition(Leadbetter)

Hx: change in mode or use of involved part

B. Principle of “victims ( injured site) and culprits(primary


PE: biomechanical exam to find injury/cause

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Running InjuriesRisks:

1) >40 miles/ wk2) previous injury3) >10% increase mileage per wk 4) foot, knee, and hip malalignment (hyper-pronation, weak hip flexor)

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Common Running Injuries

Most common:1) Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome 2) Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

(“shin splints”)3) Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome4) Plantar Fasciitis5) Achilles’ Tendinitis

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Common Running Injuries

6. Stress Fracture of Tibia7. Stress Fracture of Femur8. Exertional Compartment

Syndrome9. Female Athlete Triad10. Iron Deficiency

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Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

• Combination of various syndromes including patellar subluxation, pain and “chondromalacia”

• More common in females• Classical anterior knee pain,

crepitance, and occ. swelling as well as “positive theater sign”

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Anatomical Predisposing Factors– wide pelvis– femoral anteversion– tight hamstrings***– weak vastus medialis

obliques( VMO)**– weak hip flexor and abductors***– over-pronation of foot***– externally rotated tibia – lateral tib tubercle (large “Q- angle”)– lateral patella (subluxable)

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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Runner’s Exam• Inspect fro atrophy/ effusion/red• Squat double leg• Squat single leg• Sitting extension• Knee ligament meniscus exam• Hamstring flexibility• Ober’s Test: tight ITB or hip flexor• Hip abduction resistance

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Treatment– modify activity ( less flexion stress)– ice and NSAIDs (+/-)– bracing or taping (+/-), chopat strap– strengthen VMO and hip flexor/abductor– stretch hamstrings– orthotics– surgery (rare)

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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Iliotibial Band Syndrome

• lateral knee pain during flexion( 30deg)• worse with banked or downhill running• over-pronation with int. tibial rotation• ITB tightness--pos. Ober test***• RX: NSAIDs (1 wk) or steroid injection• stretch, ice, friction rub, US• fix pronation(orthotic) or hip mobility

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“Shin Splints”Exercise- related lower leg pain


Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome • pain medial-posterior tibia diffusely • soleus insertion periostitis

– plantar flexor and invertor• x-ray: neg or diffuse periosteal reaction• bone scan: diffuse late- phase only

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Medial Tibial Stress SyndromeFactors

•runner, hard surface, poor cushion

•poor conditioning, sudden increased intensity and duration ( > 10% per week)

•excessive and rapid pronation, tight Achilles

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Medial Tibial Stress SyndromeTreatment

• better shoes– medial

stabilizer – cushioning

• not surgery

• relative rest(5-7d)

• ice massage• NSAIDs• Achilles stretch

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Lateral Tibial Periostitis• pain lat-ant tibia diffusely• tibialis anterior insertion

– dorsiflexor, evertor

• x-ray/ bone scan : same• factors:

– tight Achilles***– increased hills/dorsiflexion

• Rx: same

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Exertional Compartment Syndrome

• pain increases with activity• resolves after rest, not immediate• no bone pain• muscle herniation is diagnostic• elevated compartment pressure(>30mm hg)

– anterior 50-60%– deep posterior 20-30%– all others 20%

• factors: non-traumatic, unknown• Rx: fasciotomy or limit activity

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Nerve and Vascular Entrapment

• Peroneal Nerve– Lateral post knee pain – Lateral calf / foot pain and numbness– Peroneal weakness and foot drop

• Posterior Tibial Artery– Compressed in the popliteal region – May be positional– May cause pain and numbness

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Tibial Stress Fracture

• focal tibial pain (esp with 3 pt bending)

• medial or lateral (different types)• bending force from muscle tension

– tension: ant-lat, mid– compression: post-med, distal/ prox

• pain despite rest/ treatment for 2 wks

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Tibial Stress Fracture

• xray: – medial: focal periosteal thickening

(post-med)– lateral: “dreaded black line” fracture


• bone scan: focal uptake( all phases) – positive 3-5d post pain increase– key study to diagnose

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Imaging in Stress Fracture

• bone scan: ( $500)• focal uptake( all phases)

– positive 3-5d post pain increase– key study to diagnose– Sensitive but not specific

• MRI: ( $1500+)– Early-( 1-3 days) focal T2 increase signal in area

of edema in marrow and bone– Later- low T1 signal indicates feacture line– Sensitive and specific and anatomic detail

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Tibial Stress FractureFactors• hard surface, poor shoes• anatomical malalignment

– foot pronation – leg length, rotation, or hip problem

• abrupt training increase• osteoporosis• jumping sports (esp ant-lat tibia fx )

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Tibial Stress Fracture

• Ant-lateral: caution!!

– higher rate nonunion– 20% to full fx– average 1 yr off sport– consider bone stimulator, IM rod

• Medial:– more common– heals with 4-6 wks rest, slow progress

**Often bilateral and recurrent**

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Treatment• improve shock absorbing or reduce stress

- shoes , surface, rest, modified activity

• long air casts• orthotic• augment bone healing

– No NSAIDs– calcium 1200 mg/day– estrogen status/eating disorder/ osteoporosis

Tibial Stress Fracture

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Orthotics• Have been shown to

treat 75% of injured runners successfully

• Mechanism: limitation of abnormal pronation and subtalar motion

• Off -the -shelf models can be as effective, less costly as custom

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Stress Fractures

• Incidence: track( 13-52%)- tibia, navic

ballet( 22-45%)- MT, fibula

• Most common sites: tibia( 30-50%), fibula, metatarsal, femur, tarsal (navicular).

• Female > male by 3-10x• High risk in amenorrhea, high mileage

– 37% of college women, 50% amenorrheic

- Female Athlete Triad -anorexia, amenorrhea, osteoporosis

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Female Athlete Triad

• Low energy balance/ Eating disorder– Overtraining– Undereating of calories

• Amenorhea– Fewer that 4 menstrual periods/ yr

• Osteoporosis

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Low Iron: Runners Anemia• Runners consume more iron that general

public• Low iron effects performance• Screen females/?men with ferritin

– Level above 30-60 is probably best

Iron is best taken as food items: meats, fish, legumes, greens, tofu, eggs ,nuts, dried fruits

Supplement if low: caution for overload

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High Risk Stress Fractures

• Femoral neck• Anterior cortex tibia• Tarsal navicular• Base of 5th metatarsal

-Often delay in diagnosis-Poor outcomes if not treated with proper

immolization and non-wt bearing

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Femoral Neck Stress Fractures

• Vague anterior thigh or groin pain• Pain with extreme IR/ER or hopping on leg• Average 3 month delay in diagnosis, AVN risk• Lateral -superior, tension side -- serious• Medial, compression---less serious• MRI superior to bone scan

– 1: edema only– 2: fracture line less than 50%– 3: fracture line > 50%

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Femoral Neck Stress Fractures

• Non-wt bearing until asymptomatic– Usually 4-8 weeks initially

• Progressive functional rehabilitation • Re image if not progressing as expected• Refer to orthopaedic surgeon if fracture

line is >50% to consider immediate pinning

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Stress Fractures

• Healing- average 3-6 weeks2 wks: metatarsal and fibula6-8 wks: most other bones 4+ months: anterior tibia,

navicular, Jones fx• Localized SF heals 2x rate of complete

SF• Recurrence: 50% overall (13% at 1yr)

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Plantar Fasciitis• most common cause of heal pain• medial calcaneal tubercle, origin of

central band of plantar fascia

• painful first step of the morning• relieved with exercise, pain resting• no pain with lateral compression• xray rarely useful, spur irrelevant

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Plantar Fasciitis

Factors• excess pronation or high, rigid arch• women > men• overweight and/or overtraining• poor arch support or cushion• tight heel cords

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Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment• modify activity and weight• orthotics, arch support, or heel cups• ice and NSAIDs• stretch Achilles and calves• cortisone shot (caution fat pad atrophy)• nite splints (83% effective if used right)

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Achilles Tendinitis

• 15% of all running injuries• mostly males• Achilles takes highest force in the body-

up to 8x body wt , running• combined gastrocs and soleus• occurs 2-6 cm above calcaneus at site

of low blood flow• usually tendinosis when chronic

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1. poor body mechanics- poor flexibility or alignment

2. training errors3. environmental factors4. athletic shoes

Achilles Tendinitis

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Treatment• Physical therapy

– specialized stretch program– ice and/or ultrasound

• NSAIDs but no cortisone injections• Orthotics and initial heel lift• Surgery- 90% to full activity and 75% to

high level

Achilles Tendinitis

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Running Shoe Prescription

• Evaluate shoe wear pattern and foot type

– Rigid foot– Normal foot– Floppy Foot

• Shoe type

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Running Shoes

• Rigid foot: lateral tilt and wear– Cushion shoe

• Normal foot: lateral heal strike with minimal excess motion– Stability shoes

• Floppy foot: rolls to midline with wt bearing; medial tilt and wear pattern– Motion control shoe, anti-pronation

Goal: Happy Feet = Happy Runner

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References• Asplund C, Brown D. The Running Shoe

Presciption. The Phys and Sportsmed. Vol. 33 (1), Jan 2005.

• Cole C, Seto C, Gazewood J. Plantar Fasciitis: Evidenced-Based Review of Diagnosis and Therapy. Am Fam Phys. , Vol 72 ( 11), Dec 2005.

• Hreljac A. Impact and Overuse Injuries in Runners. Med Sc in Sports & Exercise. Vol 36 (5), 2004.

• Hurwitz S. Athletic Foot and Ankle Injuries. Clinics in Sports Medicine. Vol 23 (1), Jan 2004.

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• Kennedy J, et al. Foot and ankle injuries in the adolescent runner. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. Vol 17,2005.

• Lun V, Meeuwisse WH, et al. Relation between running injury and static lower limb alignment in recreational runners. Br. J. Sports Med. Vol 38, 2004.

• Mellion M,et al. The Team Physician’s Handbook, 2nd ed. Hanley and Belfus. 1997.

• Niemuth P et al. Hip Muscle Weakness and Overuse Injuries in Recreational Runners. Clin J Sports Med. Vol 15 (1), Jan 2005.