evaluating advertising creative proposal

BSBADV507B Develop a media plan

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Module 1


Page 1: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

BSBADV507B Develop a media plan

Page 2: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Welcome Advertising, especially TV advertising, is a huge investment a company is

making to grow the business. Hence it is crucial to evaluate whether the ad

will be effective or not. This module is designed as part of BSBADV507B

Develop a media plan where the trainees should be able to incorporate the

creative element of the advertising campaign into the media plan.

All case studies or advertising reels used in this module are intended for

academic or education purpose only. They are not meant to be an offense to

any groups.

All trainees will be sent the invitation to Wiki Spaces. And all trainees are

encouraged to participate in the discussion by posting their opinions or

questions at the Wiki Spaces.

At the end of the module all participants will find some questions to review

their understanding. All participants should email their answer to

[email protected] by 13 March 2011.

Trust you will enjoy the learning.

Page 3: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Netiquette guidelines

All participants of this course will be sent an invitation to Wiki Spaces. Guidelines of the netiquette are outlined below:

Not using someone else's name and pretending to be them.

Not posting or distributing material that is deemed illegal.

Not using abusive or threatening language.

Not posting racist remarks regarding people’s sex, race or gender.

Not spamming message boards or chat rooms with useless or repeated messages.

Not trying to obtain or use someone else's password.

Not trying to obtain personal information about someone.

It is important that all participants to adhere the guidelines to create a safe and enjoyable learning environment.

Page 4: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Learning goals

At the end of the lesson, the trainees will learn:

The steps on how to evaluate advertising campaign


The key elements on how to provide feedback to the

advertising agency

Page 5: Evaluating advertising creative proposal


After briefing the ad agency you will receive a proposal for your TV advertising campaign or normally called as the storyboard. So, what’s next?

You need to provide your advertising agency with your feedback whether the creative is accepted or rejected or some work need to be done to fine tune the creative.

The reels used as the cases in this module are intended to be the proposal from the advertising agency. Hence in the module we will treat them as a storyboard although they are finished ads.

Page 6: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Evaluating creative proposal –

Key questions to ask

Do you like it?

Is it on strategy?

Is the idea own-able?

Does the concept make you “aha” (mind/heart


BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing

Page 7: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

This question is about your feeling about the ad (storyboard) whether you like it or not.

It is frequently expressed in a scale of 5 points:1: Do not like it very much

2: Do not like it

3: It’s OK

4: Like it

5: Like it very much

It is also important to note that marketers normally demand the ad to achieve “5” (like it very much) because advertising is a huge investment.

Do you like it (the creative proposal or


Page 8: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Is it on strategy?

This question leads us to think about the strategic value of the creative proposal.

Specifically we ask whether the ad or storyboard communicates the product benefit(s) clearly. Ultimately customers buy the product benefit(s) not the other things to satisfy their needs.

The evaluation of this question is often expressed as simply Yes or No.

If the storyboard is NOT on strategy then the advertising agency should alter it.

Page 9: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Is the idea own-able?

This question is about whether the ad idea on the storyboard is unique to our brand. Someone else cannot use it.

The purpose of this question is to help our ad stands out of the clutter communication in the market.

The answer to the question is as simple as Yes or No.

Page 10: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Does the concept make you

“aha” (mind/heart opening)?

The creative proposal should provoke us to

think “yes – why not” or “aha”. This can be

achieved if the idea is unique, new or


Very often the answer is expressed in the

scale of 5 points (1 = low; 5 = high). Normally

marketers push to achieve the highest score

(5) since the market is very competitive.

Page 11: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Providing feedback to creative proposal

When the creative concept or storyboard is being presented, practice active listening: Defer judgement

Ask for clarity

Refer to the key questions as guidelines to evaluate the storyboard.

Consider to have huddle (a short internal meeting to formulate feedback). Very often the agency is asked to leave the room for about 15 mins.

Let the junior level speak first when giving feedback.

BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing

Page 12: Evaluating advertising creative proposal


Advertising involves a huge investment. Therefore marketers evaluate the proposal thoroughly. The evaluation revolves around the following elements: Strategy (benefit and own-ability)

Affection element (likability, mind/hear opening)

In the storyboard presentation, it is recommended to defer our judgement until we have internal discussion to formulate our collective thinking about the ad.

Page 13: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Case study (Magnum reel 1) You just received the following TV Advertising creative proposal:


Using the tools discussed above formulate your thinking whether you will accept or reject it.

For the case study the benefit of the brand is as follows:

Magnum is the ultimate temptation every woman wants.

Place your comment on the Wiki Spaces as follows: Like: 1 – 5

On strategy: Yes or No

Own-able: Yes or No

Aha: 1 - 5

BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing

Page 14: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Case study (Magnum reel 2) You just received the second TV Advertising proposals:


Using the tools discussed above formulate your thinking whether you will accept or reject it.

For the case study the benefit of the brand is as follows:

Magnum is the ultimate temptation every woman wants.

Comparing this ad with the first one, which one would you think you wish to proceed.

Place your comment on the Wiki Spaces as follows:

Like: 1 – 5

On strategy: Yes or No

Own-able: Yes or No

Aha: 1 – 5

Reel 1 or 2 (Which one would you proceed)

BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing

Page 15: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Case study (RTA reel)


Assuming you worked for the NSW RTA marketing department, review the above ad.

Your ad is controversial since it provoked criticisms from certain group. Using the tools discussed above describe your opinion whether you wish to proceed or not with the ad campaign. Further reading about the controversy could be found in the following link. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/pinkie-ads-slow-down-speedsters/2007/10/15/1192300647849.html

Post your opinion at the Wiki Spaces as follows: Proceed (or Not proceed) because ....

Page 16: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Quiz (True or False)

When evaluating a storyboard,

marketers could accept score 3 in terms

of they like the ad or not. (True / False)

When conveying feedback of the

storyboard to the ad agency the

Marketing Director is recommended to

speak first before the junior level. (True /


Page 17: Evaluating advertising creative proposal

Quiz (short answer)

Describe the steps when evaluating a


Email your response to

[email protected] by 13

Mar 2011 at the latest.

Page 18: Evaluating advertising creative proposal


See you in part 2 of this module:

“Integrating the creative requirement with

the media plan”