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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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In my coursework, I have researched the conventions of a general Teaser Trailer, and then also one that was more specified on our genre, which is Thriller. There were many common trends that appeared in all of the

films I analysed. The films I looked into were The Purge, Taken, and Black Swan. The effect of fast

paced and slow paced editing is something that came up a lot in all of the films. This was because there are commonly always some tense moments in films of the Thriller genre. I also noticed that sound effects are

also common conventions in these films, drums and piano sounds come up quite a lot when something exciting is about to happen. In Generic Horror films, creaky and sharp sound effects are included in the

trailers to also make the scene seem tense. 

Close ups are used a lot generically, because they are good at showing the emotion on the faces of the characters. You can see the pain they are

feeling and almost feel it yourself as a viewer. The camera angles are done to either make the viewer feel like there is power coming from the character, or

that the character has no power at all. This was done by the camera either being positioned in a high shot, or in a low shot. The high shot is where

the camera is being tilted down onto a person or item, and a low shot is where the camera is facing upwards from a low point. All these films have the

similarity of the use of zoom; the zooming gives an effect and can almost make the shot seem longer. This builds suspense and apprehension for the audience.

The films all include music at the beginning, and some have it at the end as well. The non-diegetic music used throughout would be put in to make the

trailers flow better, as well as building tension at certain parts where needed. The music could be easily changed or edited to be slower, faster or even

completely different at any time, which is an effective option to have. Where characters were seen to be running or moving at a fast speed, tracking is used

to make the audience feel as if they are moving with the character.

From these points, I can conclude that my Teaser Trailer I have used a lot of high shots, as I wanted the main

character to be seen as powerless and not in control of anything she does. I used a lot of fast paced editing

because I wanted to make the main character, Grace, look like she was having an episode where she was struggling. I

think this was portrayed well because of the fast paced editing used. I included sound effects that I made on an app

on my laptop; these made the scenes seem apprehensive and tense.




At the very of the film, I have included a close up of Grace, which is showed for a very short amount of time, played alongside is the creepy sound effect I have included at the start, so the trailer comes full circle, and is complete.


When making the Film Poster, I had to do some research into posters for Thriller films. I did this by analyzing three posters from films of the Thriller

Genre. I used the same films I chose for the analysis, as I thought they would all link well together and this gave me a head start when analyzing the

posters because I knew what the films were about so I could make a link when looking at certain parts of the poster.


Depending on what happens in each film, the way the colours tend to fade matches the way the events of the film follow. If it tends to be mysterious,

like Taken, then colours will fade into a darker colour. However if the events of the film are constant, the colour will tend to be shown in a block, like in

the Black Swan poster.

The way the title of all the film posters are shown in capitals, in a large and bold text in the middle of the page or somewhere where it will look bold

against the other features of the posters. It ensures it stands out against the page and is the first thing the audience looks at when it sees the poster. All

the text for the titles of the films are coloured in colours which stand out well against the rest of the page, they also don’t stray far away from the colour

scheme of each poster running throughout.


All posters feature smaller amounts of text, which give more information about the film. This normally consists of the actors, the date in which it is released, and maybe some quotes or clever lines from the film itself. Depending on the film and what the producer and marketing director prefer, there will either be

a lot of informative text, or hardly any shown on the film poster. Important pieces of information, like the date is released are seen to be presented in

bold and in a text that stands out against the background, in order to make it easier for the reader to identify.


In the Taken film poster, the use of the words 'HUNT', 'FIND' and 'KILL' presented tells the reader that this film is of the thriller genre. This is a clever way of informing the public, and attracting the target market. Throughout all the film posters, the texts

and font sizes change a lot throughout; this diverts the reader’s attention to all the different points throughout the page, which is a very clever effect to show.


Medium shots or close up shots are commonly seen on film posters of my genre, there is normally one main character in each film and these are pictured on the poster as

they are seen the most and the film tends to be based around them and what happens to them. Long shots and group shots are rarely used unless there is a few people that

the film is based around, or these people pictured cause trouble for the main character. In my film, I have used two medium shots to portray the two sides of my

main character, Grace. I have only pictured her as the film is based around her, and a large amount of the trailer is based around her. We have used the convention of the different sized texts; we have decided to keep the fonts the same throughout as we

thought they all linked well together. We chose to change the sizes to help divert the reader’s attention, as I thought this was a good idea shown in professional posters.