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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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euroquiz project




General knowledge questions in English

Set One1. In which country are Turin, Milan and Pisa? In Italy.2.When did the French Revolution occur (1789 or 1879)? 1789

3. Which country's currency was the drachma? Greece4. Which country's currency was the escudo? Portugal5. What is the capital city of Austria? Viena6. Of what country is Rome the capital? Italy 7. Of what country is Tallin the capital? Estonia8. Which is the longest river in France? Loire9. Does the European Parliament meet in Strasbourg or Brussels? Strasbourg10. In which city is the Uffizzi art gallery? Florence11. Which capital city stands on the river Liffey?Dublin12. In which country is the region called the Algarve?Portugal13. In which country is the region called the Pelleponese?Greece14. A British car abroad shows the letters GB, where do cars with I come from?Italy15. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands - where is the government based? The Auge16. In Belgium there are three official languages. One is French and the others are? German and Dutch17. Which national flag is made up of vertical black, gold, red bands? Belgium18. In which century did the Ottoman Turks conquer Constantinople?15th 145319. In which city did the Emperor Charlemagne have his base?Aaech20.Was Kandinsky a composer, writer or painter?Painter
NORTH EAST FESTIVAL OF LANGUAGESEuroquizAlphabet questions in French

Premier jeuA. Quel A est un monument clbre de Paris? Arc de TriompheB. C'est une des couleurs du Tricolore blueC. O est-ce qu'on achte le jambon?CharcuterieD. Ce n'est pas devant, cestderrireE. C'est le contraire de sortirentrerF. C'est le contraire de chaudfroirG. a sert ffacer une erreur GommeH. Pendant cette saison il fait froid hiverI. Elle soigne les malades InfiermreJ. Le jour aprs mercredi JeudiK. Ici on achte des journaux et des bonbons kioskereL. Un magasin o l'on achte des livres librieireM. Comment est-ce qu'on appelle une jeune femme? mademoiselleN. C'est loppos de sudnordO. Pour une rponse affirmative on dit OuiP. Un pays clbre pour ses moulins vent et ses tulipes Pays basQ. Le train part dici quaiR. a sert faire des lignes droites rgleS. On se lave avec a savonT. C'est le contraire de de bonne heure tardU. En Angleterre on le porte pour aller l'cole uniformeV. Le sixime jour de la semaine VendrediW. Le samedi ou le dimanche weekendX. Un instrument (de musique) xylophoneY. a ressemble au fromage frais yaourtZ. Une expression quon emploie quand on est fch Zut

Pablo Ramos Romero