european design study on neutrinofacilities - euronu within fp7

European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu within FP7

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Page 1: European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu within FP7

European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu

within FP7

Page 2: European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu within FP7

FP7Call for DS onlySubmission deadline 1st MaiContribution from EU will not exceed 4M€=>A High Intensity Neutrino Oscillation Facility in

Europe EURO

Coordinator: Rob Edgecock

Page 3: European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu within FP7

Proposal abstract…..The construction of such a facility in Europe would reassert Europe’s

position as the lead region for high energy particle physics and it would be in line with the strategy for the future of European particle physics, as recommended by the CERN Scientific Policy Committee.

The design study will review the three currently accepted methods to realize such a neutrino facility (the so-called neutrino Superbeams, Beta Beams and Neutrino Factories) and do detailed studies of potential show stoppers, it will define the detector options necessary to measure the neutrino oscillation parameters and it will perform a critical physics evaluation of these facilities. The design study will also perform a cost assessment, that coupled with the physics performance, will permit the European research authorities to make a timely decision on the lay-out and construction of the future European neutrino oscillation facility. Doing this

work now will enable Europe to secure the lead in this field.

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Participant no. Participant organisation name Part. short name Country

1 (Coordinator) STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory STFC UK

2 Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique CEA France

3 European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN Switzerland

4 University of Glasgow GLA UK

5 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine ICL UK

6 University of Valenica IFIC Spain

7 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS France

8 Cracow Poland

9 University of Durham DUR UK

10 Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN Italy

11 Neutrino Factory Muon Collider Collaboration NFMCC US

12 MPI Germany

13 "The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford"


14 Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Switzerland

15 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski UniSofia Bulgaria

16 University of Warwick UK

17 Université Catholique de Louvain UCL Belgium

Page 5: European design study on Neutrinofacilities - Euronu within FP7

Work packagesWork packageNo

Work package title Type of activity

Lead participant





1 Management and Knowledge Dissemination

MGT 1 109 1 48

2 Super-Beam RTD 2 371 1 48

3 Neutrino Factory RTD 5 333 1 48

4 Beta Beam RTD 3 288 1 48

5 Detector Performance RTD 4 198 1 48

6 Physics Reach RTD 6 211.5 1 48

TOTAL 1510.5

Approximately a total of 1M€ will be available for each of WP2,3,4 for 3 years

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Objectives (WP3)

The International Scoping Study of a future Neutrino Factory and Super-Beam facility (the ISS), in which BENE played both seminal and leading roles, established the baseline specification for the various accelerator systems that are required to produce high-intensity, high-energy neutrino beams in the Neutrino Factory. The ISS also established that the remaining crucial issues that must be addressed through the Design Study are: the muon front-end, including the ionisation-cooling channel; the large-aperture, rapid, acceleration systems; and the handling of the high-power proton beam that emerges from the pion-production target. In addition, in order to assess quantitatively the performance of the Neutrino Factory it is essential to develop an end-to-end simulation of the accelerator complex.

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Description of workCoordination task: leading the task, with responsibility for ensuring that the specification of the muon front-end and acceleration systems are compatible. It is also responsible for ensuring that an appropriate framework for the end-to-end simulation is available (participant 5)

Muon front-end task: The muon front-end task will provide a detailed evaluation of the performance of the muon front-end and determine its cost (participants 1, 3, 5, 13,16)

Acceleration task: The acceleration task will develop a detailed definition of the acceleration scheme that is matched to the muon front-end and evaluate both its performance and its cost (participants 1, 3 ,5 ,7,13)

Decay ring task: The decay ring task will provide a detailed evaluation of the performance of the decay rings and determine its cost (participants 1, 5)

Proton-beam handling task: will develop a detailed concept for the handling of the spent proton beam that emerges from the target taking into account health and safety issues and determining a baseline cost. & Pion decay (participants 1, 14, 16)

Integration task: The integration task will deliver an appropriate end-to-end simulation of the accelerator complex that will allow the performance of the facility to be determined (participants 1, 3, 5)

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•Completed review of ionisation-cooling and muon acceleration options, 15 months

•Completed simulation of baseline and alternative ionisation-cooling channel (report). Recommendation of reference design, 30 months

•Cost and performance for reference muon front end (report), 30 months

•Completed simulation of baseline and alternative muon acceleration system. Recommendation of reference design. Cost and performance for reference muon acceleration (report), 38 months

•Completed simulation and cost and performance analyses for decay rings (report), 38 months

•Completed evaluation (cost and performance) of reference design for spent proton-beam handing system (report), 38 months

•Completed end-to-end simulation and evaluation of the performance of the Neutrino Factory as input to the comparison, 40 months

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Participant no. /short name

WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 Total person months

1 STFC 85 137 78 0 0 0 300

2 CEA 0 48 0 48 0 0 96

3 CERN 12 0 78 90 0 1.5 181.5

4 Glasgow 0 0 0 0 42 0 42

5 IC 0 0 90 0 0 0 78

6 IFIC 0 0 0 0 60 60 120

7 CNRS 12 126 36 78 48 0 300

8 Cracow 0 60 0 0 0 0 60

9 Durham 0 0 0 0 0 30 30

10 INFN 0 0 0 0 0 60 60

11 NFMCC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 MPI 0 0 0 0 0 60 60

13 UOXF.DL 0 0 12 0 0 0 12

14 PSI 0 0 12 0 0 0 12

15 Sofia 0 0 0 0 48 0 48

16 Warwick 0 0 29 0 0 0 29

17 UCL 0 0 0 72 0 0 72

Total 109 371 333 288 198 211.5 1510.5