europe. wind currents wind currents are responsible for creating different climate patterns


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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Wind Currents•Wind currents are responsible for creating different climate patterns.

Mediterranean Climate•Parts of Europe that have a Mediterranean climate usually has warm and dry summers.

Language in Europe• The population is largely multilingual, meaning

they speak many languages.

Pull Factors•A pull factor for people in Europe migrating from east to west is because they were seeking better economic opportunities.

The Euro•The Euro in the currency of the European Union.

•The creation of the Euro has removed trade barriers and has united trade zones across Europe.

European Union•Many living in the European Union are experiencing a loss of economic power because they are experiencing globalization.

European Union•Because of the creation of the European Union it has created political stability through out Europe.

Roman Catholicism•Roman Catholicism has remained influential in much of Europe.

Islam•The religion that is growing in Europe is Islam because of the current immigration trends.

High Speed Lines• The High Speed Lines in Europe is a railroad that

travels at a high speed.

• The development of the HSL has contributed to the coming together of the economies.

Population Pyramid•The Population in Europe has slowly declined in the last 40 years.

Closing Task•Page 310 Under Reviewing Facts # 1-3 & 6-8

Latin America

Argentina• The northern region of

Argentina offers access to freshwater and a warmer climate which influenced the settlement pattern.

Peru• The Atacama Desert in Peru is

one of the driest place on the earth because of the mountain barriers.

• Spanish explorers wanted to colonize (modern-day Peru) during the 16th century in order to access deposits of gold and silver.

Trading Patterns• The introduction of sugarcane to Latin America

created a migration pattern in Brazil because of number of enslaved Africans that were brought to work in the plantations.

Terrace Farming•The use of terrace farming by the Incas was an adaptation to the demand of energy.

Natural Disasters• In the Pacific waters, El

Niño caused devastating earthquakes and lots of flooding in Central America.

US & Canada

American Southwest• The Southwest of the USA

the climate is hot, arid and dry which makes the access to water an important issue for the people living in the area.

Winter in the Great Lakes Region

•During the winter time the air that passes through the Great Lakes region is a lot colder than the water in the lakes.

Population Density Maps• In order to determine which services a region may need, a geographer would need to look at multiple population maps in order to decided which region has the greater need.

Modification of Environment

•People in Canada and the United States modified their environment by building dams with reservoirs.

Democratic Institutions• The geographic region of

the United States and Canada have a democratic form of government.

Population Pyramid•The US has had a slow population growth in the last four years.