europa · web viewmember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to...

Spatial Data Services – a discussion paper Version 0.4.1 (30-04-2015) Christina Wasström for MIG-T Definitions Spatial data services means the operations which may be performed, by invoking a computer application, on the spatial data contained in spatial data sets or on the related metadata (INSPIRE directive, art 3) Network service is a spatial data service of the service type; discovery, view, download or transformation. The service shall be conformant regarding the specific requirements in regulation 976/2009 (amendments included) Invocable spatial data service means all of the following: (a) a spatial data service with metadata which fulfils the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008, (b) a spatial data service with at least one resource locator that is an access point, (c) a spatial data service in conformity with a documented and publicly available set of technical specifications providing the information necessary for its execution Interoperable spatial data service means an invocable spatial data service which fulfils the requirements of Annex VI (EU Regulation 1312/2014, amending Regulation 1089/2010, art 1) Harmonised spatial data service means an interoperable spatial data service which fulfils the requirements of Annex VII (EU Regulation 1312/2014, amending Regulation 1089/2010, art 1) Agreed interpretation of the definitions: Spatial data service (SDS) is a general term within Inspire for all services used for exchanging, sharing, access and use of spatial data. All services within Inspire shall be discoverable, both Network services and other SDS. Based on different regulations, SDS is divided into two major groups; “Network services” and “Other discoverable spatial data services”. The other discoverable SDS are

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Page 1: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

Spatial Data Services – a discussion paperVersion 0.4.1 (30-04-2015) Christina Wasström for MIG-T

DefinitionsSpatial data services means the operations which may be performed, by invoking a computer application, on the spatial data contained in spatial data sets or on the related metadata (INSPIRE directive, art 3)

Network service is a spatial data service of the service type; discovery, view, download or transformation. The service shall be conformant regarding the specific requirements in regulation 976/2009 (amendments included)

Invocable spatial data service means all of the following: (a) a spatial data service with metadata which fulfils the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008, (b) a spatial data service with at least one resource locator that is an access point, (c) a spatial data service in conformity with a documented and publicly available set of technical specifications providing the information necessary for its execution

Interoperable spatial data service means an invocable spatial data service which fulfils the requirements of Annex VI (EU Regulation 1312/2014, amending Regulation 1089/2010, art 1)

Harmonised spatial data service means an interoperable spatial data service which fulfils the requirements of Annex VII (EU Regulation 1312/2014, amending Regulation 1089/2010, art 1)

Agreed interpretation of the definitions:

Spatial data service (SDS) is a general term within Inspire for all services used for exchanging, sharing, access and use of spatial data. All services within Inspire shall be discoverable, both Network services and other SDS. Based on different regulations, SDS is divided into two major groups; “Network services” and “Other discoverable spatial data services”. The other discoverable SDS are then divided into three different categories depending on level of interoperability; Invocable spatial data service, Interoperable spatial data service and Harmonised spatial data service.

Different Inspire spatial data servicesIn the amending Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 it states that the network services is not affected by the amendment; "This Regulation does not apply to the network services falling within the scope of Commission Regulation (EC) No 976/2009". But it is important to note that the regulation for Network services is changed to allow for the discovery and availability of the new metadata elements with the Member States discovery services (Commission Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 Article 2(7)).

Page 2: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

Other discoverable SDS is divided into three categories to define the level of interoperability; Invocable service, Interoperable service and Harmonised services. The Network services are divided into four different categories depending on type of service.

In the Technical Guidance for INSPIRE Spatial Data Services and services allowing spatial data services to be invoked (TG SDS v 3.1) figure 2 illustrate the different categories for other discoverable SDS and it also illustrate that Network services and not Invocable SDS are not affected by the amendment.

Figure 1: Inspire services, highlighting the services affected by the amendment INSPIRE Spatial Data Services and services allowing spatial data services to be invoked.

Scope of “Spatial data service”

Network services vs. other SDS servicesMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire directive art. 11(1), to discover, view, download or transform a data sets. These services shall follow the requirements of regulation 976/2009. All other services related to the spatial data sets shall follow the requirements of regulation 1089/2010, and thus be defined as Invocable Discoverable spatial data service.

How to decide if a service is an spatial data service?It is up to the Member state to decide if a service is within the scope of other discoverable spatial data service. As a helping guide the following steps should be regarded;

1) The service provider has a responsibility according to the Inspire directive, art 4.2) The scope of the service is INSPIRE data, at least one INSPIRE theme is included, but it could

also include other data.

Page 3: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

Figure 2: Scope of a other discoverable spatial data service

3) The service is of interest for more than your own organisation. Since both national and European infrastructures benefits of having more services, a general rule for the member states should be to try to include more services than less.

Service useful for; Within the scope?

EU level Yes

National level Yes

Limited number of organisations Maybe, MS decide

Own organisation No

Figure 2: Level of usefulness to decide of scope for Discoverable spatial data service

4) If a member state already has a Network service for a specific theme, e.g. download service, the MS can decide to have additional similar services that are not conformant to Regulation 976/2009. Such services will also be considered as a discoverable spatial data service and shall follow the requirements in Regulation 1089/2010.

Requirements and deadlines regarding SDSNetwork service and other discoverable spatial data services shall have metadata according to Regulation 1205/2008 and Regulation 976/2009 Article 2(7). Other discoverable spatial data services shall have additional metadata according to the amendment in Regulation 1089/2010, Annex V-VII.

Beside the extra metadata in the amendment, an Invocable spatial data service has to have;

At least one resource locator that is an access point The service shall be in conformity with a documented and publicly available set of technical

specifications providing the information necessary for its execution

Other discoverable SDS

Other data

Annex III

Annex II

Annex I

Page 4: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

An Interoperable spatial data service fulfil all requirement for Invocable spatial data service but will also have additional metadata elements described in Regulation 1089/2010, Annex VI.

A Harmonised spatial data service fulfils all requirements for Invocable spatial data service and Interoperable spatial data but will also have additional information described in Regulation 1089/2010, Annex VI. A Member state decides if the service also will follow the specific regulation for harmonised SDS, e.g. Quality of service and output encoding.

Note that there are no extra requirements for Network services due to the amendment.

Figure 2: Extra metadata for other discoverable SDS

Out of Scope

Extra metadata requirements according to 1089/2010, Annex VII

Extra metadata requirements according to 1089/2010, Annex VI

Extra metadata requirements according to 1089/2010, Annex V

Metadata requirements according to Regulation 1205/2008 and Regulation 976/2009 Article 2(7)

Not Invocable Services

Transformation Services

Download Services

View Services

Discovery Services

Network Services

Harmonised Spatial Data Services

Interoperable Spatial Data Services

Invocable Spatial Data Services

Other Spatial Data Services

Page 5: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

DeadlinesRegulation 1312/2014 is adopted in accordance to Article 7(1) in the Directive.

Article 7(3) says: ”Member States shall ensure that all newly collected and extensively restructured spatial data sets and the corresponding spatial data services are available in conformity with the implementing rules referred to in paragraph 1 within two years of their adoption, and that other spatial data sets and services still in use are available in conformity with the implementing rules within seven years of their adoption.”

Regulation 1312/2014 was adopted on 10 December 2014, hence + 2 years is 10 December 2016 and + 7 years is 10 December 2021.

The same understanding was taken for granted regarding the implementation of Regulation 102/2011.

Deadlines for implementing the amended requirements are therefore as follow;


Invocable spatial data service shall have the additional metadata elements according to Regulation 1089/2010, Annex V


All invocable spatial data services related to Annex I spatial data sets shall be conformant with Regulation 1089/2010 Annexes VI, it will then be called Interoperable spatial data service. A Member state can decide to also follow the requirements according to Annex VII in the same regulation, the service will then be called Harmonised spatial data service


All Invocable spatial data services related to Annexes II+III spatial data sets shall be conformant with Regulation 1089/2010, it will it will then be called Interoperable spatial data service. A Member state can decide to also follow the requirements according to Annex VII in the same regulation, the service will then be called Harmonised spatial data service

Practical issues concerning metadata and servicesIn practice the type and category of a particular SDS is described by using three mutual independent metadata elements;(a) Spatial data service type, see 1205/2008, part D, no 3(b) Conformity, see 1205/2008, part B, no 7.1(c) [Invocable] Category, see 1089/2010, Annex V Part B, no 1The practical implementation of these metadata elements will be described in TG Metadata. There are some alternative ways of implementing category using conformance classes or keywords. The final implementation will be documented in TG Metadata.

Page 6: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

Spatial data service type (a)Metadata element (a) Spatial data service type can have the following values;(3.1) Discovery(3.2) View(3.3) Download(3.4) Transformation(3.5) Invoke (The value (3.5) Invoke should no longer be used within Inspire, since it has no significant meaning. The last amendment to Regulation 1089/2010 describes SDS in a more useful way by the Invocable Category.)(3.6) Other

Agreed interpretation of the regulation and ISO standard:

The main appropriate value that describes the service should be used. If a service is conformant to the regulations for Network services or not is not in the scope when deciding the service type.

Conformity (b)Metadata element (b) Conformity is used to separate Network services from other SDS1. It is done by the two sub elements Degree and Specification. A Network service is specified by

Degree = .true

Specification =title: COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and servicesdateType: publication

date: 2010-12-08

Invocable Category (c)Metadata element (c) [Invocable] Category can have the following values;(1.1) Invocable (1.2) [Invocable and] Interoperable (1.3) [Invocable and] Harmonised

Examples of other discoverable SDS

Oil spill serviceA Member State institution is making available on the internet an oil spill service that predicts the fate and effects of the spilled oil and for the time being it uses wind and current, coast line and sea depth data in their original representation.

1 See point 2.8 in Technical Guideline document” INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119” v. 1.3.

Page 7: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

Flood mappingA Member State institution is making available on the internet a service performing flood mapping using a Digital Elevation Model

Finnish Forest Park and Service – excursion mapThis is an example of other discoverable SDS because; Finnish Forest Park and Service is Inspire organisation. In the application is Inspire relevant data

NLS Finland – file download serviceThis is an example of other discoverable SDS because; NLS Finland is Inspire organisation. In the application is Inspire relevant data, but not harmonised.

Page 8: Europa · Web viewMember states shall establish and operate at least one (but may decide to establish and operate more than one) of each type of network service defined in Inspire

ArcGIS Server – REST APIThese kind of service are other discoverable SDS if; the service is exposed by an Inspire organization. In the service there is Inspire relevant data, but not harmonised.

WMS, WFS, WCS, W*S, ***These kind of service are SDS if; the service is exposed by an Inspire organisation. In the service there is Inspire relevant data, but not harmonised. Not following IR Network services regarding view Services or download Services.

Examples of services that is out of scope, i.e. not an SDS

Embedded maps : service pointsThis is NOT SDS because; In the web application is Inspire relevant data, but a Member State has decided it is not giving any extra value to SDI/Inspire community.