euro exam

Why do learners ______ exams?

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Why do learners ______ exams?

Why do learners hate exams?

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.■  They are trying to catch me out!

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.■  They are trying to catch me out!■  They’re so unpredictable.

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.■  They are trying to catch me out!■  They’re so unpredictable.■  It’s not real English.

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.■  They are trying to catch me out!■  They’re so unpredictable.■  It’s not real English.■  It’s not useful.

Why do learners hate exams?■  They want to find what I don’t know.■  They are trying to catch me out!■  They’re so unpredictable.■  It’s not real English.■  It’s not useful.■  (I hate all exams anyway.)

If an exam is good, then...

If an exam is good, then...… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material

If an exam is good, then...… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material

If an exam is good, then...… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material… it educates teachers in a more balanced approach

to communicative language teaching.

If an exam is good, then...



… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material… it educates teachers in a more balanced approach

to communicative language teaching.

If an exam is good, then...… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material… it educates teachers in a more balanced approach

to communicative language teaching.

What tasks represent that?

If an exam is good, then...… preparing for it is interesting… students enjoy the tasks in their own right… tasks reflect real world language needs… it provides good teaching material… it educates teachers in a more balanced approach

to communicative language teaching.

What tasks represent that?

How can we mark performance in these tasks?


TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Making notes from an extended monologue

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Making notes from an extended monologue

Write a memo

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Making notes from an extended monologue

Write a memo

Fill in forms

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Read a very long text and extract key ideas from it

Making notes from an extended monologue

Fill in forms

Write a memo

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Read a very long text and extract key ideas from it

Making notes from an extended monologue

Fill in forms

Write a memo

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Translate two-way in a problem situation

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Read a very long text and extract key ideas from it

Making notes from an extended monologue

Match text information to the subject (text, picture etc)

Make an oral presentation based on data

Translate two-way in a problem situation

Ask questions about what your partner

has said

Fill in forms

Write a memo

Find where certain

information is within texts

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

TasksA task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

Read a very long text and extract key ideas from it

Making notes from an extended monologue

Match text information to the subject (text, picture etc)

Make an oral presentation based on data

Translate two-way in a problem situation

Ask questions about what your partner

has said

Fill in forms

Write a memo

Find where certain

information is within texts

A task is defined as any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a desired result in the context of a problem to be solved.

How can we mark performance in these tasks?


Overall Spoken InteractionFluency and Coherence

Range and AccuracyPronunciation…


Overall Spoken InteractionCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.”

Overall Spoken InteractionCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.”

Overall Spoken InteractionCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Can interact with a fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible.”

Overall Spoken InteractionCommon European Framework

Level B2

You have had a drink at a café. You are in a hurry to leave. Ask the waiter for the bill.


You have had a drink at a café. You are in a hurry to leave. Ask the waiter for the bill.

You are in a hospital and are looking for the x-ray department. Stop a nurse in the corridor and ask for directions.


You have had a drink at a café. You are in a hurry to leave. Ask the waiter for the bill.

You are in a hospital and are looking for the x-ray department. Stop a nurse in the corridor and ask for directions.

You have to arrange a meeting to discuss something with a colleague. Suggest a meeting tomorrow at 3pm, in room 671.


“ Can interact with a fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible.”

Overall Spoken InteractionCommon European Framework

Level B2

Fluency and CoherenceCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Some hesitation while formulating language, but can effectively maintain flow of speech.

Fluency and CoherenceCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Some hesitation while formulating language, but can effectively maintain flow of speech.

Can link ideas into clear, coherent discourse although with noticeable jumpiness especially in extended contributions.”

Fluency and CoherenceCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ Some hesitation while formulating language, but can effectively maintain flow of speech.

Can link ideas into clear, coherent discourse although with noticeable jumpiness especially in extended contributions.”

Fluency and CoherenceCommon European Framework

Level B2

“ while formulating language, but can effectively maintain flow of speech.

Can link ideas into clear, coherent discourse although

especially in extended contributions.”

Fluency and CoherenceCommon European Framework

Level B2

A story

Speaking A picture story