eugenics and euthanasia

Eugenics and Euthanasia Mommy killed my dog

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Mommy killed my dog. Eugenics and Euthanasia. Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911. I believe in: Superiority of the races Positive eugenics We should start encouraging people Sideburns rule I am Darwin’s cousin and he would be proud I have modified his Theory. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Eugenics and EuthanasiaMommy killed my


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Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911

I believe in: Superiority of the races

Positive eugenicsWe should start encouraging people

Sideburns ruleI am Darwin’s cousin and he would be proud

I have modified his Theory

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Pay attention how each contributes something to eugenic thought

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Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

I believe in social Darwinism because we can apply

Darwin’s ideas to society and politics and the state should

interfereBaldness is cool!

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Richard Dugdale 1793-1875

Studying inheritance of degeneracy or what is

inherited in families because some people are non-social

contributors. We begin studying prisoners because many are related. Please do

not confuse me with…

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Any character from the original Planet of the Apes

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Charles Davenport 1866-1944

I am a eugenics college professor at Harvard. We can expand what we know about plants and animals to human

being. My course is generating money and I will fund some research by establishing the

Eugenic Record Office. Do not confuse me with…

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Henry Laughlin 1880-1943

My research involves the researching of families. I am a one of Professor Davenport’s

students. My goal is to get state legislation requiring

sterilization in America. And no I am not NFL Network

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Henry Goddard 1866-1957I am the Director of Vineland

Training School for the Feebleminded. We need to

study mental retardation and IQ tests. Some people are

simply just morons. Not me! I mean check out the tie. I studied the Kallikak Family

and discovered a family with close relations were all

linked to a Revolutionary War soldier. And yes he was

a moron.

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Kallikak Family

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Moron and morons

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Stop Reproducing!

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VA, NJ, CA, Indiana pass sterilization laws

Buck vs. Bell: State sterilization does not conflict with the 14th Amendment

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Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.We have seen more than once that

the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the

State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those

concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is

better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate

offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can

prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The

principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover

cutting the Fallopian tubes

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William Shockley

1956 Nobel Prize in physics for his co-invention of the transistor

Wanted to prove that black Americans were suffering from “dysgenesis,” or “retrogressive evolution,”

Advocated replacing the welfare system with a “Voluntary Sterilization Bonus Plan,”

Another word for eugenics reduction of traits over time

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Public Enemy Lyrics

• Man, you ain't gotta worry 'bout a thing'Bout your daughter, no, she's not my type(But suppose she said she loved me?)Are you afraid of the mix of black and white?We're livin' in a land where the law sayThe mixing of race makes the blood impureShe's a woman, I'm a manBy the look on your face I see ya can't stand it

• Black man, black woman, black babyWhite man, white woman, white babyWhite man, black woman, black babyBlack man, white woman, black baby

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GermanyHereditary iLLA=SocialsAlcoholicsCriminalsHomosexuals

Kill or Sterilize?

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