eugene yao business profile


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Post on 03-Feb-2016




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Eugene Yao Business Profile, Interview with Eugene Yao


Page 1: Eugene Yao Business Profile
Page 2: Eugene Yao Business Profile

About “Interview with Eugene Yao”

Traditionally, corporate news can be classified into 2 categories: ‘company written’ and

‘journalist written’. ‘Company written’ news is considered close to the source, but

sometime viewed as biased; whereas ‘journalist written’ news is considered to be

objective, but often deemed as lacking in authority.

“Interview with Eugene Yao” is a series of interviews designed to bring the two together,

providing the market with information that is close to the source, non-biased and positive.

We will work together with you to make sure we showcase the best of your company to

the public. It is my goal that these interviews will serve as a platform for you to connect

with your existing and potential shareholders.

After all, people are not investing into the merchandise or equipments you have in your

company, they are looking to invest into your management team; investing in the real

people. By interviewing different people in your management team, I believe the

“Interview with Eugene Yao” will give your corporate news the personal touch that it

needs to reach to the heart of your investors.


Mr. Chris Selby, Managing Director of Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management

“Eugene spent considerable time understanding the subject matter and ensuring the message was thorough and complete. I was impressed by his attention to detail and professionalism. I was also surprised by the depth of coverage the article attracted with media outlets such as Bloomberg and Reuters. I would be happy to discuss any further matters of interest with Eugene, knowing it will be taken professionally and appropriately.”

Mr. Raymond Chan, Head of Asian Desk, ABN Amro Morgans

“Today the investment environment is overloaded with information, and a major problem facing investors is sifting the useful information from the useless. “Interview with Eugene Yao” provides the market with information that is close to the source, and yet from a non biased 3

rd person view point. I will not hesitate to

recommend you to read his articles and accept his interviewing offer.”

Page 3: Eugene Yao Business Profile

關於關於關於關於“姚梓賢的採訪姚梓賢的採訪姚梓賢的採訪姚梓賢的採訪” 傳統上,企業新聞可分為兩類“公司對外新問”或“記者撰寫新問” 。 “公司對外

新問”具有最接近消息來源的優點,但往往給與人一種過於偏私的感覺; 而“記者



不偏私 及 正面的市場信息。我們將與您一起合作,以確保我們幫助您把公司最






Mr. Chris Selby, 美林證券美林證券美林證券美林證券 全球財富管理 董事總經理





Mr. Raymond Chan, 荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行.摩根摩根摩根摩根 亞洲部主管


可從中選擇可靠並有用的資料。 “姚梓賢的採訪”從一個第三身的角



Page 4: Eugene Yao Business Profile

About ACN Newswire ACN Newswire supports Asian companies and organizations with press release

distribution to stakeholders in Asia and worldwide -- institutional investors and

analysts, individual stakeholders, financial & trade media and the Internet. Today,

ACN Newswire is the globally recognized press release distributor from the region, in

simplified & traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese as well as English.

ACN distributes press releases in XML format for direct, real-time delivery to financial

terminals, syndication partners, news databases and services, and websites around

the world. In all, ACN Newswire delivers press releases to more than 3,500 websites,

8,000 media organizations & publications and 1.5 million professional desktops in 70


關於關於關於關於 ACN Newswire ACN Newswire向亞洲和全世界範圍的股東、企業機構投資商、分析師、獨立股東財經和貿易媒

體以及因特網提供新聞稿分發。今天,ACN Newswire已經是全球著名的亞洲地區新聞分發商,以


ACN通過 XML格式發出消息,有效地實時向全球主要新聞數據庫、合作夥伴、財經頻道、網站和

專業信息終端發布新聞稿。 ACN Newswire總共向 70個國家,至少 3,500家網站,8,000

家媒體機構和出版商以及 150萬專業桌面提供新聞分發。

ACN Newswire’s Partners List 媒體合作夥伴媒體合作夥伴媒體合作夥伴媒體合作夥伴

Page 5: Eugene Yao Business Profile

About Eugene Yao Eugene Yao, financial journalist, conducts interviews regularly

with listed companies’ management, CEOs, CFOs and directors

from around the world. He has written numerous articles for

many Multi-national companies, promoting their companies’

value to institutional and retail investors from both overseas

and the domestic markets. Among them include leading

Financial institutions, ABN AMRO, Macquarie Bank, Merrill

Lynch, World largest mining company BHP Billiton, World

leading telecommunication operator China Unicom and many

small to mid cap companies including Xtep International,

Kingsoft, Inspur International….

His articles can also be found on most of the international recognized financial

terminals and media including Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg Professional, Dow Jones

Factiva, Financial Times, Google News and Finance, Yahoo News and Finance, Baidu

News and Finance, Eastmoney and more.

關於關於關於關於 姚梓賢姚梓賢姚梓賢姚梓賢

姚梓賢姚梓賢姚梓賢姚梓賢, 財經評論員及作者,曾採訪多間大型上市公司高層,首席執行官,


對他們公司的認識。曾被採訪企業包括全球知名的金融机构 荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行荷蘭銀行,麥格理銀行麥格理銀行麥格理銀行麥格理銀行,

美林證券美林證券美林證券美林證券,全球最大的礦業公司-必和必拓必和必拓必和必拓必和必拓, 世界領先的電訊供應商 -中移動中移動中移動中移動, 並多間

中小型上市公司如特步國際特步國際特步國際特步國際,金山軟件金山軟件金山軟件金山軟件,浪潮國際浪潮國際浪潮國際浪潮國際 等。

他的文章更多次被轉載到國際知名的金融終端和媒體包括 湯姆森路透社,

彭博專業板,道瓊斯 Factiva公司,金融時報,谷歌新聞和財經網,

雅虎新聞和財經網,百度新聞和財經網,東方財富網 等。

Interview can be arranged upon request

如獲取進一步詳情如獲取進一步詳情如獲取進一步詳情如獲取進一步詳情, 請與你的請與你的請與你的請與你的 公關部門公關部門公關部門公關部門 聯繫聯繫聯繫聯繫