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  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20071

    IPv6 TutorialIPv6 TutorialCataniaCatania

    0066/0/066/2007/2007Gabriella Paolini

    [email protected]


  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20072

    Why do we need IPv6 ? (1/2)

    A bigger address space

    From 32 bits to 128 bits: A true global connectivity

    No more hidden networks or hosts

    All the hosts can be reachable (From Client-only to Server!)

    Security systems End-to-end

    Auto configuration Opportunity to use 64 bits for host (uniqueness guarantee)

    "plug and play"

    Opportunity to manage Multihoming in an easy way Renumbering in an easy way

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20073

    Why do we need IPv6 ? (2/2) IP Header efficient and extensible:

    Less fields in the basic header Routing efficiency Performance Header extendibility Better options management

    No more packet fragmentation during routerstransitReal implementation of:


    Mobility Multicast Replace broadcast

    More efficient use of the network

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20074

    IPv4 Header(1/3) 20 bytes without options field

    Ver IHL TOS. Total length



    32 bits Source Address

    32 bits Destination Address


    Flag Fragment offset


    In yellow fields that are no more included in IPv6

    IP Options Padding






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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20075

    IPv4 Header(2/3) Version. 4 bit.

    IP header format

    4 - IP, Internet Protocol. IHL, Internet Header Length. 4 bit.

    Packet Header length in 32 bits groups. Minimum value is 5. TOS, Type of Service. 8 bit.

    Type of Service required. To define the packet management

    during its transport. Total length. 16 bit.

    Total packet length. Identification. 16 bit.

    To identify packet fragment during fragmentation.

    Flags. 3 bit. To control packet fragmentation

    Fragment Offset. 13 bit. To order fragmented packet rebuilding.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20076

    IPv4 Header(3/3) TTL, Time to Live. 8 bit.

    To track packet Time to live.

    Protocol. 8 bit. Next protocol used in the higher level.

    Header checksum. 16 bit. IP header Checksum, options included .

    Source IP address. 32 bit. Source IP address. Destination IP address. 32 bit.

    Destination IP address.

    Options. Variable length. Padding. Variable length.

    Useful to create a 32 bit compliant packet header.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20077

    IPv6 Header(1/3) 40 byte without other header extensions

    Ver Traffic Class Flow Label

    Payload Length

    128 bits Source Address

    128 bits Destination Address

    Next Header Hop Limit

    In yellow fields that are already present in IPv4

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20078

    IPv6 Header(2/3)

    Version. 4 bit.

    6 - IPv6. Traffic Class. 8 bit.

    To identify packets priority (IPv4 TOS)

    Flow Label. 20 bit.

    To identify flow. Mobile IPv6.Payload Length. 16 bit.

    Data Length in the packet

    Max size 64 KB. For packets bigger than 64K, use Jumbo

    Payload option.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/20079

    IPv6 Header(3/3)

    Next Header. 8 bit.

    Next header value. If its a higher level protocol, value is thesame that in IPv4.

    To identify extension header.

    Hop Limit. 8 bit.

    Replace the IPv4 TTL.Source address. 16 byte.

    Source IPv6 address.

    Destination address. 16 byte.

    Destination IPv6 address.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200710

    Extension Headers (1/6)

    A new method for implementing options

    After the IPv6 header

    IPv6 Header

    Next Header

    = TCP

    TCP Header Data

    DataTCP Header

    IPv6 Header

    Next Header

    = Routing

    Routing Header

    Next Header

    = TCP

    DataTCP Header

    IPv6 Header

    Next Header= Routing

    Routing Header

    Next Header= ESP

    ESP Header

    Next Header= TCP

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200711

    Extension Headers (2/6)

    00 = Hop-by-Hop Options

    43 = Routing 44 = Fragment

    51 = Authentication 60 = Destination Options 50 = Encapsulating Security Payload xx = Higher level protocols, like in IPv4 58 = Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6)

    59 = No next header

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200712

    Extension Headers (3/6)

    Hop-by-hop options (00)

    All the information will be managed by each node duringpacket path.

    Some options: Router Alert

    Jumbo Payload

    Routing (43) Like IPv4 option Loose Source Route

    It specifies a list of routers to jump

    mobile IPv6 & multihoming Header valued only by routers in the list

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200713

    Extension Headers (4/6)

    Fragment (44)

    Used only by host (not by Routers!!) Minimum MTU of 1280 byte (68 byte in IPv4) Link without this capacity have to manage fragmentation at data-link level

    Destination Options (60) Used to transport optional information (managed only by

    destination host)

    In the Daisy Chain: Before Routing Header

    Or at the end of Daisy Chain

    Used for Mobile IPv6 With the Routing header

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200714

    Extension Headers (5/6)

    Security is embedded in IPv6:

    IPsec native on IPv6

    Authentication Header (51) To manage authentication: verifying source address and

    integrity of the packet during the pathEncapsulating Security Payload (50)

    Only the destination host will be grant to open the packet

    Like IPv4 there is two model: transport or tunnel

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200715

    Extension Headers (6/6)

    An example:


    Hop by hop







    Upper Layer






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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200716

    Addresses IPv4 = 32 bits

    IPv6 = 128 bits 4 times the numbers of bits! ~3,4 * 1038 of usable hosts (theoretical max)

    1030 addresses for each person in the world

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  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200718

    IPv6 Address Format (2/2)

    More close fields only with zero are represented by

    a :: (double colon symbol) but only once in anaddress. Es:2001:0:1234::D0:ABCD:532

    This notation is not valid:

    2001::1234::C1C0:ABCD:876 This notation is valid:

    2001:760:2:0:0:0:0:0 => 2001:760:2::

    FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 => FF02::1

    0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 => ::1 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 => ::

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200719

    IPv6 address in a URL In an URL IPv6 addresses have to be represented

    between square brackets. http://[2001:1:4F3A::206:AE14]:8888/index.html

    Software that uses URL (browser, etc.) has been

    modified to be IPv6 compliant, but: uncomfortable for the users Used only for diagnostic

    More useful with a domain name.

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200720

    Type of Addresses

    IPv6 divides addresses in:

    Unicast: node addresses

    Multicast: group of nodes addresses

    Anycast: services addresses

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200721

    IPv6 addresses architecture (1/2)

    To calculate on the first 16 bit

    es. 2000-3FFF --> 0010 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200722

    IPv6 addresses architecture (2/2)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200723

    Unicast AddressesUnspecified

    Loopback IPv4 Compatible

    IPv4 MappedScoped Addresses :

    Link-local Site-local

    Aggregatable Global Addresses

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200724

    Unspecified 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 or simply ::

    Its used to specify the absence of an address

    It can be used in the initial request for DHCP toobtain an address

    Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

    Like in IPv4 ::/0 is the default route

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200725

    Loopback 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or simply ::1

    To identify node itself

    Like in IPv4 (localhost)

    To test if IPv6 stack is working : ping6 ::1

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200726

    IPv4 compatibleUsed to insert IPv4 addresses in IPv6 addresses

    The first 96 bits are equal to zero, the other 32 bitsspecify the IPv4 address 0:0:0:0:0:0:


    ::C0A8:1E01Used for IPv4-IPv6 transition

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200727

    IPv4 mapped They permit to define IPv6 addresses for nodes that

    support only IPv4 The first 80 bits are equal to zero, the next 16 bits

    are equal to 1 (FFFF) and, the last 32 bits specifythe IPv4 address

    0:0:0:0:0:FFFF: ::FFFF:


    Used for IPv4-IPv6 transition

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200728

    Subnet Prefix and Host Identifier IPv6 unicast addresses are divided in two parts:

    Subnet Prefix (first 64 bits)

    Host Identifier (last 64 bits)

    The host can be identified : Manually.

    Using the Interface ID (mac address): the mac address (or

    EUI 48/64) is ricalculated and used as host identifier in theIPv6 address.


    Subnet Prefix (64 bit) Host Identifier(64 bit)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200729

    EUI-64 format The Interface ID :

    Identifies univocally an interface

    Has to be univocal on a link

    Can be obtained starting from EUI-64 identifier.

    EUI-64 identifier is based on the same base of MAC

    address (Its an evolution) It identifies the manufacturer and the serial number of aninput/output interface using 64bits

    There is a procedure to move from EUI-48 ID (mac-

    address) to EUI-64 ID

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200730

    Interface ID from mac-address From MAC address (EUI-48 ID) insert the sequence

    FF-FE after the first 24 bits.

    cccccc00 cccccccc cccccccc xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

    24 bit 24 bit

    11111111 11111110cccccc00 cccccccc cccccccc xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

    0xFF 0xFE

    cccccc1c cccccccc cccccccc 11111111 11111110 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Interface ID

    EUI-64 Address

    IEEE 802 Address

    MAC Address: 00-AA-00-3F-2A-1CEUI-64 Address: 00-AA-00-FF-FE-3F-2A-1CU/L complementation: 02-AA-00-FF-FE-3F-2A-1CIn IPV6 notation: 02AA:00FF:FE3F:2A1C

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200731

    Link and Site For link we mean a unique physical network like a

    LAN or a point-to-point connection. Nodes on thesame link are named neighbor.

    A site is a group of link managed by a unique

    authority (ex. A University campus)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200732

    Link-local (1/2) Its a Scoped address (new with IPv6)

    Scope = local link (i.e. LAN, VLAN) It can be used only between nodes in the same link No routing

    Automatically configured for each interface good to start communication. Using the interface identifier



    1111111010 0 interface ID

    10 bit 54 bit 64 bit

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200733

    Link-local (2/2)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200735

    Site-local (2/3)Used for an address plan in a whole site

    Examples : Numbering for a site before to be connected to the Internet. Privet addressing (ex. Local printers)

    Format: FEC0:0:0::

    Subnet id = 16 bits = 64K subnets

    1111111011 0 subnet ID interface ID

    10 bit 38 bit 16 bit 64 bit

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200736

    Site-local (2/3)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200737

    Aggregatable Global IPv6Addresses

    TLA Registry

    Sub-TLA Registry

    NLA Registry

    SLA Registry

    End-User (LAN)

    /23 Regional Registries

    /32 Local Internet Registries

    /48 Site

    /64 Link IANA



    CASPUR Roma Tre






    /48 /48


  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200738

    Multicast (1/3)Multicast = one to many

    No broadcast in IPv6. Multicast is used instead ofbroadcast, above all in the local links.

    Scoped addresses: it substitutes TTL in IPv4

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200739

    Multicast (2/3) Format:


    Identify by FP 11111111 (=FF)

    Flag = 0 permanent / 1 temporary

    Scope: node (1), link (2), site (5), organization (8), global(E)

    Group ID: It identifies a multicast group in a specific scope.

    1111-1111 Flag Scope Group ID

    8 4 4 112

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200740

    Multicast (3/3) For example:

    Considering the Group ID All-Nodes (1) :

    The address FF01::1 affects all the interfaces on the samenode

    The address FF02::1 affects all the interfaces on the samelink

    The address FF05::1 affects all the interfaces on the samesite

    The address FF0E::1 affects all the interfaces in Internet

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200741

    Multicast addressesSome reserved multicast addresses :


    FF01::1 Node All Nodes

    FF02 ::1 Link All Nodes

    FF01::2 Node All Routers

    FF02 ::2 Link All Routers

    FF05 ::2 Site All Routers

    FF02 ::1: FFXX :XXXX Link Solicited-Node

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200742

    AnycastOne-to-any The Anycast addresses are not distinguishable from

    unicast addresses

    They are unicast addresses assigned to a group ofinterfaces (usually in different nodes)

    They help to find the server closer to the source.

    Some anycast addresses are reserved for specific

    use: Router subnet

    Mobile IPv6 home-agent discovery

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200743

    Addresses for each hostEach IPv6 host has to recognize as its own this

    addresses: One link-local address for each interface

    Assigned unicast/anycast addresses (manually orautomatically)

    Loopback address

    All-Nodes group multicast address Solicited-node multicast addresses for each assigned

    unicast/anycast address

    All the other multicast addresses for each group it joins

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200744

    How to select an addressOne node can use different network connections

    Its possible to have more IPv6 addresses assigned on the

    same interface (more than one global address)

    For each flow node has to select source anddestination address.

    The choice is done following this rules : To use the right scope following the destination (global, site,


    To use the address more similar to the destination (IPv4,IPv6)

    The algorithm of choice can be overwritten by thestack or the application.

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200745

    DNS The use of IPv6 is not changing basic mechanism of

    Domain Name System This new record are introduced to manage IPv6

    addresses: A new resource record to associate IPv6 address to a name

    A new domain for reverse resolution of IPv6 addresses.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200746

    A name for an IPv6 addressAAAA record

    To define mapping between a domain name and an IPv6

    address Like A record in IPv4

    Supported in Bind from 4.9.5 version.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200747

    An IPv6 address for a namePTR record

    To define mapping between an IPv6 address and a domain

    name The same record used in IPv4

    A new Top Level domain used for IPv6: from

    to Divided by 4 bits. In IPv4 classful division. Easier to


  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200748

    BIND configurationAAAA record $ORIGIN 6net.garr.itwww IN AAAA 3ffe:b00:c18:1:290:27ff:fe17:fc1d

    PTR record ( $ORIGIN d.1.c.f.7.1.e.f.f.f. IN PTR

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200749

    ICMPv6 protocol It is the IPv6 version of ICMP with the same basic

    features Error discovery, control, debugging

    Add new functionalities Neighbor discovery

    Neighbor Solicitation, Unreachability, Autoconfiguration

    Multicast group management

    It has the same functionalities of ICMP, ARP, eIGMP protocols for IPv4.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200750

    ICMPv6: Message type Two class of messaged:

    From type 0 to 127 Error Messages

    From type 128 to 255 Informational Messages

    The most common error messages are: Destination Unreachable (1)

    Packet Too Big (2)

    Time Exceeded (3)

    Parameter Problem (4)

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200751

    Path MTU Discovery (1/2) IPv6 fragmentation management is end-to-end

    Routers dont fragmented packets

    The fragmentation process is managed by host

    The host use Path MTU Discovery to know themaximum MTU available on the link. Based on ICMPv6 Packet too big messages

    A router creates a packet too big message when the MTUused is too large for the path

    Specifies the new MTU in the data field.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200752

    Path MTU Discovery (1/2) How MTU path discovery works:

    The host sends the first packet with the same dimension as

    MTU of its link If a Packet Too Big is reached the host sends another

    message with the new MTU

    The host repeats the process until no error is found

    The host sends packets periodically, to check if thepath has changed

    Minimum MTU for IPv6 is 1280 byte

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200753

    Neighbor Discovery Uses ICMPv6

    Manages the control information within a link

    Address resolution Neighbor Solicitation and Neighbor Advertisement

    Neighbor Unreachability Detection

    Autoconfiguration Router Solicitation e Router Advertisement


    Messages cannot be sent outside the link Valid messages have Hop Limit = 255

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200754

    Stateless Autoconfiguration Allows the IPv6 hosts to connect to the network without manual


    No need to use DHCP Uses specific multicast group

    Addresses are based on Interface ID

    On the link, hosts can communicate among them using link-

    local addresses Unlike DHCP, the DNS must be configured manually

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200755

    Stateful Configuration Addresses and other network parameters (ex. DNS)

    can be configured manually: Entirely manual configuration


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200756

    Configuration Basics


  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200757

    Configuration Basics Linux (1/3) IPv6 support is available since Linux kernel release


    The current support does not implement all RFCfeatures

    A patch (USAGI patch) is available to provide allextensions to the kernel.

    Further information:

    USAGI Project

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200758

    Configuration Basics Linux (2/3) If the IPv6 support is available on our kernel, the file


    must be present. If not, we can try to load the IPv6

    kernel module,

    # modprobe ipv6

    and then test it again. If the module is not available we must rebuild our


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200759

    Configuration Basics Linux (3/3)Resources:

    Kernel documentation

    Linux Kernel HOWTO


    I t f C fi ti Li

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200760

    Interface Configuration Linux

    (1/2) The configuration syntax for IPv6 is similar to IPv4.In the

    following examples, we will use ifconfig.

    Add an IPv6 address to an interface

    # /sbin/ifconfig inet6 add

    /# /sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet6 add 2001:760:ffff::126/64

    Delete an IPv6 address from an interface

    # /sbin/ifconfig inet6 del /

    # /sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet6 del 2001:760:ffff::126/64

    I t f C fi ti

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200761

    Show the interface configuration#ifconfig eth0eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10:B5:DA:59:B8

    inet addr: Bcast: addr: 2001:760:ffff::126/64 Scope:Globalinet6 addr: fe80::210:b5ff:feda:59b8/10 Scope:LinkUP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1

    RX packets:6262494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:7971062 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:100

    Interrupt:5 Base address:0xc000Global unicast address

    Link local address

    MAC ADDRESS EUI-64 format

    Interface Configuration


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200762

    Show the routing table

    #route --inet6Kernel IPv6 routing table

    Destination Next Hop Flags Metric Ref Use Iface

    ::1/128 :: U 0 0 0 lo

    2001:760:ffff::126/128 :: U 0 0 0 lo

    2001:760:ffff::/64 :: UA 256 0 0 eth0 ;route for the global address

    fe80::210:b5ff:feda:59b8/128 :: U 0 0 0 lo

    fe80::250:56ff:fec0:1/128 :: U 0 0 0 lofe80::250:56ff:fec0:8/128 :: U 0 0 0 lo

    fe80::/10 :: UA 256 0 0 eth0 ;route for the link-local

    ff00::/8 :: UA 256 0 0 eth0 ;generic route for multicast

    ::/0 :: UDA 256 0 0 eth0 ; automatic default route

    Routing table Linux (1/2)

    As for IPv4 we can operate on the routing table.

    We will use for these functions the route command.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200763

    #route --inet6 add|del / gw [dev ]#route --inet6 add|del / [dev ]

    #route --inet6 add default gw 2001:760:ffff::11

    #route --inet6

    Kernel IPv6 routing table

    Destination Next Hop Flags Metric Ref Use Iface

    ::/0 2001:760:ffff::11 UG 1 0 0 eth0 ;default route

    ::/0 :: UDA 256 0 0 eth0 ; automatic default route

    Routing table Linux (2/2)

    Add or delete an entry on the routing table

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200764

    Host Configuration Fedora CoreLinuxEdit the file/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-

    (ifcfg-eth0for the first ethernet interface)Add the following lines



    Adding the following configuration to/etc/sysconfig/network



    Restart the network

    #service network restart

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200765

    Host Configuration Generic Linux

    The following configuration should be used if the IPv6 scripts are

    not available on the operating systemAdd the following lines to/etc/rc.local(it could be /etc/rc.d/rc.localon many distributions)


    /sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet6 add $IPV6_ADDRESS

    /sbin/route --inet6 add default gw $IPV6_GW

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200766

    Configuration BasicsMicrosoft Windows

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Configuration Basics Microsoft

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200768

    Configuration Basics Microsoft

    Windows (2/2)Windows IPv6 implementation supports:

    Autoconfiguration Tunnel


    Windows software is IPv6 ready: Internet Explorer.

    Ping, traceroute e telnet.


    Configuration Basics Microsoft

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200769

    Configuration Basics Microsoft

    Windows 2000 On Windows 2000 you need to install Service Pack-1,2 o 3.

    The installation kit must be modified as follow:

    Download the IPv6 kit from URL

    Extract the archive content to a temporary folder (e.g.C:\>ipv6kit);

    From this folder, execute setup.exe -x, A folder called files will be created; Edit the file Hotfix.inf and modify the key


    For SP2 NTServicePackVersion=512 For SP3 NTServicePackVersion=768

    Run Hotfix.exe and restart the computer.

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200770

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows 2000/XPWe can activate or deactivate the IPv6 stack using the

    command net

    net stop tcpip6

    Disable the IPv6 support and remove the related kernel moduleThe net command cannot deactivate IPv6 if an IPv6 socket is inuse.

    net start tcpip6

    Load the IPv6 kernel module (tcpip6.sys) and activate the IPv6support.

    Microsoft Windows 2000

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200771

    C:>ipv6 if 4

    Interface 4 (site 1):uses Neighbor Discoverylink-level address: 00-50-56-a3-00-01

    preferred address 2001:760::196, infinite/infinitepreferred address fe80::250:56ff:fea3:1, infinite/infinitemulticast address ff02::1, 1 refs, not reportablemulticast address ff02::1:ffa3:1, 1 refs, last reportermulticast address ff02::1:ff00:0, 1 refs, last reporter

    link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500)current hop limit 128reachable time 36000ms (base 30000ms)

    retransmission interval 1000msDAD transmits 1

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows 2000


    The ipv6 command manage the windows IPv6 stack.

    The following command show the interfaces configuration:

    Microsoft Windows 2000

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200772

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows 2000


    The ipv6.exe command is also used to:

    Add and delete IPv6 addresses on the network interfaces.View and modify the some protocol attributes(router advertisement, forward options etc.)Add or delete an interface

    Show and manage the routing table

    Microsoft Windows 2000

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200773

    C:\>ipv6usage: ipv6 if [ifindex]

    ipv6 ifc ifindex [forwards] [-forwards] [advertises] [-advertises] [mtu #bytes] [site site-identifer]

    ipv6 ifd ifindexipv6 adu ifindex/address [lifetime validlifetime[/preflifetime]] [anycast

    ] [unicast]ipv6 nc [ifindex [address]]ipv6 ncf [ifindex [address]]ipv6 rc [ifindex address]ipv6 rcf [ifindex [address]]ipv6 bcipv6 rtipv6 rtu prefix ifindex[/address] [lifetime L] [preference P] [publish] [

    age] [spl SitePrefixLength]ipv6 sptipv6 spu prefix ifindex [lifetime L]

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows 2000


    Microsoft Windows XP

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200774

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows XP


    In Windows XP the use of the netsh utility instead ofipv6.exe is

    suggestedA complete reference to migrate ipv6.exe command to netsh isavailable at the URL:

    To install the IPv6 support type the following command in a

    command windownetsh interface ipv6 install

    Microsoft Windows XP

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200775

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows XP

    (2/3)Show the interface table

    C:>netsh interface ipv6 show interfaceIdx Met MTU State Name

    --- ---- ----- ------------ -----6 0 1500 Disconnected Wireless Network Connection5 0 1500 Connected Local Area Connection4 2 1280 Disconnected Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface3 1 1280 Connected 6to4 Pseudo-Interface2 1 1280 Connected Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface

    1 0 1500 Connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface

    Add the IPv6 address to the Local Area Connection Interface

    C:>netsh interface ipv6 add address interface=5 address=

    Add the default gateway route through the same interface

    C:>netsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 5

    Microsoft Windows XP

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200776

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows XP


    Check the routing table

    C:>netsh interface ipv6 show routeQuerying active state...

    Publish Type Met Prefix Idx Gateway/Interface Name------- ----- ---- ------------------ --- ---------------------no Manual 0 ::/0 5 2001:760::11

    Microsoft Windows

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200777

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows

    Vista (1/3)IPv6 is enabled by default !!!

    Includes GUI configuration

    New features: Complete IPsec support

    MLD v2

    IPv6 over PPP DHCPv6

    Teredo with symmetric NAT support

    Cant be uninstalled Can be disabled for a given interface

    Microsoft Windows

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200778

    Running IPv6 Microsoft Windows

    Vista (2/3)

    Running IPv6 Microsoft

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200779


    Windows Vista (3/3)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200780

    Running IPv6 Microsoft WindowsThe ping6 command is used to check the IPv6 connectivity


    Pinging [2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085]

    from 2001:760::73 with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085: bytes=32 time=310ms

    Reply from 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085: bytes=32 time=310msReply from 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085: bytes=32 time=310ms

    Reply from 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085: bytes=32 time=310ms

    Ping statistics for 2001:200:0:8002:203:47ff:fea5:3085:

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 310ms, Maximum = 310ms, Average = 310msnetsh interface ipv6 add addressinterface=5 address=

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200781

    IPv4-IPv6 transition

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200782

    Step 1

    Network Design Define Wide and Local network segments

    Define special areas (due to requirements and operations) -VLANs, DMZs etc.

    Define management entities and their areas of responsibility

    Network management information flow

    Security requirements: For users and applications

    For the network itself (protection of the management information,protection of network devices, security of management procedures)

    Plan the steps to transition to the new protocol. Examine the

    possibility of deploying transition mechanisms (for communicationsbetween IPv6 areas within an IPv4 network and vise-versa)

    A General Transition Roadmap(1/2)

    A General Transition Roadmap

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200783

    p(2/2)Step 2

    Implementation of a mixed IPv4/IPv6 environment

    Gradual transition of non-critical systems to IPv6 Allows the evaluation of the operation and stability of the network

    devices and non-critical systems under IPv6

    Develops the transition procedures

    Disseminates the usages of transition mechanisms (tunnels,

    gateways, etc.) for communications between exclusive IPv6 areasStep 3

    Transition of all systems to IPv6

    Exclusive usage of IPv6 in the network

    Maintaining transition mechanisms for legacy systems and contactswith IPv4 networks

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200784

    Transition mechanisms Three categories:

    Implemented on the host

    Dual Stack Host BIS, BIA, ...

    Implemented on the network layer Tunnel

    > Manuals,> ISATAP, Teredo, ...

    Dual Stack Network

    Based on protocol translators SIIT and NAT-PT

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200785

    Dual Stack Host (1/2)

    Its easyA dual stack node :

    Implements both the protocols

    Has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the same interface

    The IPv4-only applications use IPv4 For the application that support IPv6:

    DNS resolves both IPv4 and Ipv6 addresses If destination has an IPv6 address, the host uses IPv6

    If destination has only an IPv4 address, the host uses IPv4



    IPv4 IPv6



  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200786

    Dual Stack Host (2/2)Advantages:


    No particular support Limitations:

    No reduces the need of IPv4 addresses

    Needs a dual stack network

    Doesnt integrate the IPv6 network with IPv4 The two networks are completely separate

    Its a compatibility mechanism more than a transition one

    At present almost all of the IPv6 nodes are dual

    stack host.

    6 i 4 l (1/3)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200787

    IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel (1/3) Tunnels are usually used to

    transport a protocol through a

    network based on anotherprotocol IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels permits

    to use IPv6 without a native

    IPv6 infrastructure IPv6 packets are

    encapsulated in IPv4 packetsadding an IPv4 Header

    The Protocol field in the IPv4header is 41 I

    IPv6 Packet

    IHL LengthVerIdentification F Fragment Offset


    TTL Protocol Hdr checksumSource Address

    Destination Address

    IPv4 Header

    Ver Class Flow LabelLength Next Hdr Hop Limit

    Source Address


    Destination Address

    IP 6 i IP 4 T l (2/3) Li k IP 4

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200788

    IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel (2/3)

    On the tunnel Ingress interface IPv6 packets are encapsulatedin IPv4 packets

    The obtained IPv4 packets are routed over the IPv4 networksas all the other IPv4 packets

    At the tunnel egress interface packets are decapsulated

    The IPv6 packets are elaborated as they are arrived from anative IPv6 network.

    Router IPv4

    Router IPv6

    Router dual stack

    Link IPv4

    Link IPv6

    Tunnel IPv6 su IPv4

    Example of IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel

    IP 6 i IP 4 T l (3/3)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200789

    IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel (3/3) The end points have to be dual stack nodes In the path, tunnel is only an IPv6 hop

    From IPv6 point of view, the IPv4 network issomething like a layer 2 technology

    Tunnet MTU is - 20 byte for the IPv4 header

    Tunnels can be : Router to router

    Host to router

    Host to host

    Very useful for first experiences with IPv6 and in thefirst phase of transition

    T l B k (1/2)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200790

    Tunnel Broker(1/2)

    Web service in IPv4 It helps the host to create dynamically a tunnel with a preconfigured

    end point.

    A user asks for a tunnel using a web page

    The tunnel broker identifies the user The tunnel broker configures a router as tunnel end-point and sendsparameters to the user

    For occasional users





    T l B k (2/2)

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200791

    Tunnel Broker(2/2) (solo per gli utentiTelecom Italia) (solo per gli utentiFastweb)

    A t ti T li M h i

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200792

    Automatic Tunneling Mechanisms ISATAP

    Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol

    To connect nodes and routers IPv6 over an IPv4 onlyinfrastructure

    Teredo Tunneling IPv6 over UDP Through NATs

    Encapsulated IPv6 packets in UDP IPv4 packets instead oftunnel IPv4 packets

    To permit to use tunnel also behind IPv4 NAT

    T d (1/2)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200793

    Teredo (1/2) Useful for hosts behind NAT

    Encapsulates the IPv6 packets within UDP v4 packets tobypass the problem of NAT in many cases restricting protocol41 (IP encapsulated) packets

    The encapsulation takes place at the communicating nodeitself rather than at a border router (like it happens in 6to4)

    The Teredo-relay then forwards the packets to the native IPv6

    network Issues:

    Complex implementation

    Can operate only with specific NAT types

    Limited number of Teredo-relays available in the Internet Used only if there is no other available solution

    T d (2/2)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200794

    Teredo (2/2)

    IPv6Private IPv4


    Teredo tunnel: IPv6 in UDPv4

    Public IPv4

    Private IPv4



    Public IPv4









    Public IPv6

    Teredo address format

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200795

    Teredo address format

    Teredo IPv6 prefix

    IPv4 address: global address of the server Flags: Cone or Symmetric NAT

    Port: port number to be used with the IPv4 address

    The client IPv4 field contains the global address of the NAT


    32 bits

    IPv4 @

    32 bits


    16 bits

    Client IPv4

    32 bits


    16 bits

    Teredo limitations

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/200796

    Teredo limitationsVulnerability to DoS attacks on relay, The entity that operates the Teredo relay has little

    means in order to control who is using the serviceSome NATs are not supported Teredo relays are not deployed!

    Lack of implementation in routers

    Teredo prefix is not advertised in the IPv6 Internet

    Protocol Translators

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/200797

    Protocol Translators Its a method to permit communication between IPv4-only

    nodes with IPv6-only nodes

    An alternative to Dual Stack nodes

    Dual Stack needs an IPv4 address for each node

    Where ?

    All the traffic (IPv4-to-IPv6 and vice versa) runs on the translatornode

    Limitations : Robustness




    NAT PT

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/200798

    NAT-PT Like NAT in IPv4

    The translator node has a pool of IPv4 addresses that can be assigned tothe nodes that ask for it

    The translator maintains IPv4-IPv6 connections table IPv4 address is represent by IPv6 address adding the 32 bits IPv4

    address to a 96 bits prefix

    IPv6 mapping dynamic IPv4, IPv4 deterministic IPv6

    Needs a translation mechanism for DNS queries (DNS ALG)

    In a static configuration, it can be used from IPv4 to IPv6.

    NAT PT : an example (1/4)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/200799

    NAT-PT : an example (1/4)

    A is an IPv6-only node that want to be connected to the webserver, that is using IPv4 only






    NAT PT : an example (2/4)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007100

    NAT-PT : an example (2/4)

    A ask for a DNS query for the IPv6 address DNS ALG of the NAT-PT resolves the query in the following

    way: It does the DNS query for the IPv4 address :

    It sends to A an IPv6 address : ::f00f:c1ce:9e02







    NAT-PT : an example (3/4)1 9 02 193 206 1 8 2

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007101

    NAT-PT : an example (3/4)

    A sends a packet to ::f00f:c1ce:9e02 NAT-PT elaborates the request

    Associated to A an dynamic IPv4 address from the pool:2001:760:4:f005::2

    Maintain the association information in a table Sends packets over the IPv4 network to using as

    source address







    2001:760:4:f005::2 ::f00f:c1ce:9e02

    NAT-PT : an example (4/4)2001:760:4:f005::2 ::f00f: c1ce:9e02 193 206 158 2193 204 161 12

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007102

    NAT-PT : an example (4/4)

    Reply packets to A are routed to NAT-PT and translated inIPv6 to be sent to A

    A received the IPv6 packets with the source address::f00f:c1cd:8be5






    2001:760:4:f005::2 ::f00f: c1ce:9e02

    NAT-PT: limitations and


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007103

    advantages Advantages:

    Transparent to the nodes

    Limitations: The same problems of IPv4 NAT Fragility

    Need of DNS ALG

    No direct connectivity

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007104

    IPv4-IPv6 transitionConfiguration

    How to configure a tunnel (Linux)(1/4)

  • 8/14/2019 EUChinaGRID IPv6 Tutorial Cataniav2 1


    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007105


    IPv4 Network


    IPv6 in IP


    How to configure a tunnel (Linux)(2/4)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR

    IPv6 Tutorial

    Catania, 06/06/2007106


    To configure use the iptunnel command that permits

    to create, to delete and to modify a tunnel ip-over-ip,gre, sit.

    iptunnel {add|change|del|show} NAME mode

    {ipip|gre|sit} remote local [ ttl TTL ] [ tos TOS ] [ nopmtudisc ] [ devPHYS_DEV ]

    How to configure a tunnel (Linux)(3/4)

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/2007107

    ( ) Tunnel configuration and creation of the tunnel interface;

    #iptunnel add sit1 remote local mode sit ttl 64

    IPv6 address configuration on the tunnel interface

    #ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:760:ffff::10/127

    Tunnel interface activation

    #ifconfig sit1 up

    Creation of a static route to the tunnel interface

    #route --inet6 add default gw 2001:760:ffff::11

    With this route, traffic is routed by default to the tunnel.

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    How to configure a tunnel


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/2007109


    IPv6 in IP192.168.1.10

    2001:760:ffff::10 2001:760:ffff::11

    c>ipv6 rtu ::0 2/:: pubc>ipv6 adu 2/2001:760:ffff::10

    interface tunnel0ipv6 address 2001:760:ffff::11tunnel source

    tunnel destination mode ipv6ip

    IPv6 enabled applications

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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/2007110

    v6 e ab ed app cat o s

    (Linux only)

    Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Thunderbird,Bind, VLC, SSH, Apache, Mozilla,Firefox , Internet Explorer, Irc, Xchat


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    Gabriella Paolini - GARR IPv6 Tutorial Catania, 06/06/2007111