eu funds operational program national co-funding priority axes schemes projects by institutions...


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Page 1: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors
Page 2: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

EU funds

Operational Program

National co-funding

Priority axes


Projects by Institutions

Projects by NGOs

Projects by Bulgarian Companies


Page 3: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Public procurement law requirements

Publication sites:• •

Page 4: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority - 1 - Development of knowledge-based economy and innovative activities

1.1. Support for the creation and commercialization of innovations in enterprises and protection of industrial property rights

- Two procedures to be open in the first half of 2009 - Beneficiaries: newly registered (not earlier than 3 years)

companies under the Bulgarian laws

Priority - 2 - Increasing efficiency of enterprises and promoting supportive business environment

2.1. Improvement of technologies and management in enterprises- One procedure to be open in the first half of 2009 - Beneficiaries: newly registered (not earlier than 3 years)

companies under the Bulgarian laws

Page 5: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority axis 1 - Development of railway infrastructure along the Trans-European and major national transport axes

Operations: Modernization, rehabilitation and electrification of railway sections along

the trans-European transport axes of nation-wide and EU importance; Modernization, rehabilitation and electrification of railway sections

connecting the main railway network of Republic of Bulgaria with the main railway networks of the neighboring countries

Potential Beneficiary of this priority axis is: National Railway Infrastructure Company

Potential projects: Modernisation of the Vidin-Sofia railway line; Modernisation of the Sofia – Plovdiv railway line; The project includes the following activities: Implementation of contracts on construction, signalisation,

telecommunication and IT systems, supervision and consulting. Indicative value of the project : 320 mil. Euro and 125 mil. Euro Indicative start of the project: 2010.

Page 6: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority Axis 4 - Improvement of the maritime and inland-waterway navigation

Operations: Removing the bottlenecks on the Danube River (TEN-T priority axes 18) Setting up and development of navigation information systemsPotential Beneficiary of this priority axis is:• Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River• Maritime Administration Executive AgencyPotential projects: Development of river information system in the Bulgarian part of Danube

river The project includes the following activities: Implementation of contracts on construction and delivery of equipment for

the development and implementation of river information system Indicative value of the project : 15 mil. Euro Indicative start of the project: the project indicative start was in 2008.

Page 7: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority axis 1: Improvement and development of water and wastewater infrastructure in settlements with over 2000 PE and in settlements below 2000 PE within urban agglomeration areas.

Potential Beneficiaries: Municipal administrations, Water Supply and Sewerage Companies

(WSSC) and River Basin Management Directorates.Indicative start of the project: 2009

Priority axis 3: Preservation and restoration of biodiversity Potential Beneficiaries: Municipal authorities, associations of municipalities, directorates within

the Ministry of environment and water and within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply that are responsible for managing national and natural parks respectively, as well as other units within these two ministries that are involved in/responsible for the management of NATURA 2000 sites and protected areas, NATURA 2000 management administrations, non–governmental organizations.

Indicative start of the project: 2009

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Priority axes 3: Quality of life Measure: 321 Basic Services for the Economy and Rural

Population Maximum funding 3 000 000 Euro for municipalities and 500 000

Euro for NGOs (70-100% of the eligible expenses depending on the candidate)

Potential beneficiaries: 178 municipalities in Bulgaria and NGOs

Page 9: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority axis 3: Improving the quality of education and training in correspondence with the labour market needs for building a knowledge-based economy

Area of intervention 3.1. Improving the quality of services in education and training

Priority axis 6. Improving the effectiveness of labour market institutions and of social and healthcare services

Area of intervention 6.1. Development and modernisation of the labour market system

Area of intervention 6.2. Strengthening the capacity of institutions for social inclusion and for provision of health services

Page 10: EU funds Operational Program National co-funding Priority axes Schemes Projects by Institutions Projects by NGOs Projects by Bulgarian Companies Subcontractors

Priority axis I: Good governance Sub-priority 1.2. Transparency and Integrity of the State

AdministrationPriority axis II: Human resources management Sub-priority 2.1. Modern human resources management in the

state administrationPriority axis III: Quality administrative service delivery and

e-governance development Sub-priority 3.1. Improvement of the service delivery to the

citizens and the business sector, including through e-governance development

Sub-priority 3.2. Standard information and communication environment and interoperability

Sub-priority 3.3. Improvement of the service delivery provided by the bodies of the judiciary through development of information technologies

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