etika tourism

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  • 8/13/2019 Etika Tourism


    English for Tourism

    (Ethical Tourism)


    Disusun oleh:

    1. Citra Mustika 10010650402. Citra Wilna Ayunani 1001065041





  • 8/13/2019 Etika Tourism



    A.Ethical TourismTraveling is no longer an activity reserved for the richest in society.

    With cheap flights and accommodation, most people managed to explore the

    farthest corners of the world and take a vacation at least once a year. And

    everyone knows that tourism is a great thing not only for the traveler but

    also for the countries they travel. For us vacationers, traveling is a chance to

    broaden our minds, explore different sights, meet new nationalities and learn

    about the culture and traditions of the world around us. For holiday

    destinations, tourism is an important, if not the principal, source of economic

    income and frequent travelers can even provide motivation to build precious

    infrastructure such as roads, and protect fragile environments and forests.

    However, with an intense influx of tourists, these countries, especially

    developing countries are beginning to feel that the economic benefits no

    longer outweigh the environmental and cultural destruction.

    14 out of todays 20 top tourist countries are developing nations. For a

    third of them tourism is the main money earner and has helped them develop

    and prosper. Yet, tourists often forget when they climb that sacred site to

    take a picture or tramp through that forest in search of endangered species

    that they are in the homes and backyards of others. Yes tourism is a vital

    source of income for locals but it is also a daily nuisance and sometimes a

    necessary evil. With the growth of tourism many fragile coastal ecosystem

    are being destroyed by trampling feet, water drying up due to overuse andsacred land or forests being destroyed to make way for tourist resorts and

    hotels. So, as these places we love to visit are being dragged downwards by

    the weight of greedy tourism, a new kind of traveling has been developed

    known as ethical tourism or ecotourism for short.

    B.What is ecotourism?With almost 30% of the worlds untouched landscapes being lost in

    recent decades and literally trampled underfoot by eager tourists, responsible

    travel is featuring higher and higher on tourist brochures and in the minds of

    ethical traveler. Ecotourism is an attempt to reduce the impact your vacation

    has on the environment, locals and community you visit. This means paying

    specific attention to the methods of transport you use, the hotel you stay in,

    the amount of water you use, the way you spend your money and the way

  • 8/13/2019 Etika Tourism



    you act towards the locals and customs of the country. The World Tourism

    Organization estimates that 20 per cent of global tourism today is ethical

    tourism and its growing three times as fast as the industry as a whole. So,

    how can you be an ethical tourist?

    1. Before you goEven before you pack your suitcase and touch ground in the

    holiday destination of your choice there are two things you should

    consider: how you book your holiday and how you get there.

    2. Tour operatorToday there are many tour operators who create responsible

    travel plans and organize vacations which give back to the local

    community. A great improvement to operators who can organize a

    whole vacation without given a cent to the community, these agencies

    ensure that your trip does not exploit or misuse the people of your

    holiday destination and may even detail how you are benefiting the

    local economy and culture. Another important step is to research your

    holiday destination. Websites like The Good Alternative Travel Guide

    by Tourist Concern provides a great starting point for planning a

    holiday to some of the most beautiful parts of the world, while those

    who live there. Tourists concerned about their impact on theenvironment can even find eco-certified travel companies online to

    ensure their trip is responsible and not harmful.

    3. Air TravelFlying is one of the biggest causes of global warming in our

    world today. Even if your holiday is organized by in an ethical way,

    long trips on a plane are undoing all the good youve done. For some

    of us, like those living in Australia, air travel is unfortunately a must.However, we can all do our part by reducing unnecessary flights.

    Choosing to take the train or bus when we can and cutting down on

    stopovers since take-offs and landings release the most carbon.

  • 8/13/2019 Etika Tourism



    4. While on holidayWhile relaxing and enjoying your much earned holiday, there

    are a million or more ways you can stay ethical and responsible. The

    best and easier way to be a responsible traveler is to think and go


    5. Spend locallyBy booking a foreign tour operator, taking a guided tour led by

    a foreigner, staying in a foreign hotel and eating at McDonalds you

    are effectively ensuring that none of your holiday budget goes to the

    local community you are visiting. By using local guides, buying local

    products and staying in family run hotels, you are not only ensuring

    that you give back to the community but also get a real sense of the

    country youre staying in and the people who live there.

    6. RespectWhen travelling in a foreign country we can sometimes forget

    that not everyone speaks our language or knows our customs. By

    reading up on the local traditions and way of life and respecting local

    traditions and holy sites you can avoid any faux pas, such as dressing

    inappropriately or offending the locals. It is also important to respect

    the local eco-system and environment so leave the shells where you

    found them and try not to trample on any coral while snorkeling.

    7. Learn the languageNo one is expecting you to become fluent but by learning some

    simple phrases, such as please and thank-you you will be surprised at

    how much nicer and more helpful people will be if they know youre

    making an effort to engage in their culture!

    8. Bargain fairly and with humorSometimes items at a local market can seem to be excessively

    priced and while bargaining may be part of the countrys culture, its

    not fair if one side feels degraded or cheated. When bargaining you

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    should always remember that for them this isnt a game but the only

    source of income they have to put food of their table, so try not to be


    9. Dont litterFor some countries waste disposal is a big problem.

    10. Use water sparinglyIn even some of the most developed countries a shortage of

    water is a reality and an influx of tourists who take 10 minute showers

    and leave the taps running isnt making their situation any easier.

  • 8/13/2019 Etika Tourism



    C. Example of Conversation between Seller and Tourist.Seller : Hello, may I help you?

    Tourist : Actually I want to look around first.

    Seller : Yes you may.Tourist : How much this frame cost?

    Seller : Its 20$ for one. If you buy 2 pieces you only pay for 30$.

    Tourist : Ouch, so expensive. I think it just 10$ for one. May you give me in 10$

    for one?

    Seller : Im sorry but its a fixed price.

    Tourist : Well, okay Ill buy it in 15$ for one. Deal?

    Seller : Okay then only for you as the first buyer in my outlet.

    Tourist : Thanks a lot.

    Seller : Thank you for coming and may you will come again.