ethno linguistic survey 22-02-13

c„ôv | 1 evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹… wZK m¤ú` I b„ fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwic: ‡cÖ ¶vcU, cÖ ‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iz Z¡ - mvBdzi ikx` 1 - nvmvb kvdx 2 GB wbe‡Üi Av‡jvP¨ welq nj evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwi‡ci ‡cª ¶vcU, cª ‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iæZ¡ | wbe‡Üi ïiæ‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôx msµvšÍ ‡jLv‡jwL I M‡elYv K‡g© i Dci GKwU msw¶ß ch© v‡jvPbv i‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki Awaevmx wewfbœ ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i fvlv I fvlvi ‰ewPΨ welqK Av‡jvPbv i‡q‡Q wØZxq As‡k| wbe‡Üi Z…Zxq As‡k, RvZxq ch© v‡qi wewfbœ Rwic I cwimsL¨v‡b ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôxi cª vwšÍ KZv I A`„k¨gvbZvi welqwU wewfbœ Z_¨-Dcv‡Ëi evsjv‡`‡ki GB f~LÛ eû kZvãx a‡i eû Rb‡Mvôxi wewPÎ fvlv, ms¯‹…wZ, ag© I HwZ‡n¨i mw¤§j‡bi GK Abb¨ ‡K›`ª wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡q Avm‡Q| GB GjvKvq cª bvbvb HwZnvwmK wb`k© b, cyivKxwZ© I ¯’vc‡Z¨i cvkvcvwk cª PwjZ bvbv AvPvi-HwZn¨, Drme-Abyôvb, fvlv, ag© -wek¦ vm e¨e¯v, ixwZ-bxwZ I ‰`bw›`b RxebhvÎvi wewfbœ aib GB Rbc‡`i my`xN© BwZnv‡mi ¯^ v¶i enb Ki‡Q| AvcvZ`„wó‡Z evOvwj Aay¨wlZ g‡b n‡jI, evsjv‡`‡k bvbv fvlv, ag© I ms¯‹…wZi gvbyl evm K‡i| cª wZwU RvwZ‡MvôxiB i‡q‡Q Abb¨ ms¯‹…wZ, AZxZ, fvlv, ‡ckv, ag© , AvPvi-Abyôvb, Drcvw`Z cY¨ I hš¿ cvwZ, mvgwRK msMVb Ges Ab¨ ms¯‹…wZi mv‡_ wg_w¯Œqvi we‡kl aib| hw`I g~jZ evsjvfvlx Rb‡MvôxB evsjv‡`‡k msL¨vMwiô, mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Î¨ mg…× evsjv‡`‡k wewfbœ fvlv, ag© I ms¯‹…wZi ‡Mvôxi cvkvcvwk wewfbœ ‡ckvRxwe ‡Mvôx¸‡jvi ¯^ ¯^ RxebhvÎv I HwZ‡n¨i Abb¨ mswgkª ‡Y evsjv‡`‡k GK ewY© j mvs¯‹…wZK aviv M‡o D‡V‡Q| `xN© mgq a‡i emevm K‡i Avmv Gme Rb‡Mvôxi g‡a¨ bvbv ai‡bi mvs¯‹…wZK Av`vb-cª `vb N‡U Pj‡jI ci¯ú‡ii fvlv, ms¯‹…wZ, ag© I RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© Avgiv Lye KgB AeMZ| Jcwb‡ewkK hy‡Mi K‡qKRb M‡elK, Jcwb‡ewkK kvmK I wgkbvix‡`i weeiY Qvov wewfbœ cª vwšÍ K Rb‡Mvôx, Zv‡`i RbmsL¨v I mvs¯‹…wZK msMVb m¤ú‡K© ‡Zgb wKQy Rvbv hvq bv| Jcwb‡ewkK hy‡Mi Gme wi‡cvU© I m~PK Abymi‡Y GLbI wewfbœ Av`gïgvwi wi‡cv‡U© Gme RvwZ‡Mvôx I Zv‡`i ms¯‹…wZ I RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© AZ¨šÍ mijxK…Z ev bvbv weåvwšÍ Ki Z_¨ cwi‡ekb Kiv nq| Gai‡bi weåvwšÍ Ki cª wZ‡e`‡b ïay ‡h wewfbœ Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú‡K© K…Z I wek` Z_¨ ‡bB Zv bq, eis, wewfbœ HwZnvwmK I ivR‰bwZK cª wµqvi AwfÁZvi ‡h mgKvjxb ev¯ÍeZvq Zv‡`i Rxebhvcb- ZvI GLv‡b Abycw¯Z| ‡h Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki RvwZMZ ‰ewPΨ I wewfbœ RvwZ‡Mvôxi RxebhvÎv msµvšÍ ch© vß I h_vh_ Z_¨ I Dcv‡Ëi h‡_ó NvUwZ i‡q‡Q| A_P, evsjv‡`‡ki GB mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨB RvZxq HK¨ I Dbœ qb mva‡bi cª wµqv‡K Av‡iv msnZ I Kvh© Kix Kivi ‡¶‡Î Abb¨ GKwU gva¨g n‡q DV‡Z cv‡i| BD‡b‡¯‹vi mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Î¨i me© Rbxb ‡NvlYv‡Z (UNESCO 2002) mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev‡`i bxwZ Abymi‡Y mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi Rb¨ we‡k¦ i wewfbœ ivóª ¸‡jv‡K we‡klfv‡e Avnevb Rvbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev‡`i Kvh© Kix A_© nj, evsjv‡`‡ki gZ GKwU eûgyLx ‰ewP‡Î¨i ‡`‡k RvZxq Dbœ q‡b wewfbœ ‡Mvôx I ms¯‹…wZi mKj e¨w³ I `‡ji AšÍ f© yw³KiY I AskMª nY wbwðZ Kiv (Danspeckgruber 2002; Ganguly & Phadnis 2001; Sheth 1989; Tierney 2004; Weinstock 1999)| BD‡b‡¯‹vi ‡NvlYvq mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ‡K Dbœ q‡bi GK Abb¨ wbqvgK wn‡m‡e wPwýZ K‡i ejv nq Ômvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ A‡bK¸‡jv m¤¢ vebvi Øvi D‡b¥vPb K‡i| GwU Dbœ q‡bi Ab¨Zg ‡gŠwjK welq, ‡Kbbv Dbœ q‡b ïaygvÎ A_© ‰bwZK gvcKvwV‡Z wePvh© bq, eis eyw×e…wËK, Av‡eMxq, ‰bwZK I AvwZ¥K Aw¯Í ‡Z¡ i GKwU KvswLZ ¯Í ‡i DËi‡Yi GK ¸iæZ¡ c~Y© ch© vqÕ (UNESCO 2002)| G Kvi‡Y wewfbœ ¯Í ‡i mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ ev`‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi ga¨ w`‡qB GKwU HK¨e× I kw³kvjx evsjv‡`kx ivóª MVb Kiv m¤¢ e| G Kvi‡Y c…w_exi Ab¨vb¨ ‡`‡ki gZ evsjv‡`‡k GKwU kw³kvjx RvwZ MVb, msnwZ I Dbœ q‡bi Ab¨Zg c~e© kZ© n‡jv G‡`‡ki mg…× mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú‡`i Rwic, wPÎvqY I wbix¶Y| 1 mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK I †Pqvig¨vb, b„weÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦ we`¨vjq| B‡gBj: [email protected] 2 mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK, b„weÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦ we`¨vjq| B‡gBj: [email protected]

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Ethno Linguistic Survey


Page 1: Ethno Linguistic Survey 22-02-13

c„ôv | 1

evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwic:

‡cÖ¶vcU, cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I ¸izZ¡ - mvBdzi ikx`


- nvmvb kvdx


GB wbe‡Üi Av‡jvP¨ welq nj evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwi‡ci ‡cª¶vcU, cª‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iæZ¡|

wbe‡Üi ïiæ‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôx msµvšÍ ‡jLv‡jwL I M‡elYv K‡g©i Dci GKwU msw¶ß ch©v‡jvPbv i‡q‡Q|

evsjv‡`‡ki Awaevmx wewfbœ ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i fvlv I fvlvi ‰ewPΨ welqK Av‡jvPbv i‡q‡Q wØZxq As‡k| wbe‡Üi Z…Zxq

As‡k, RvZxq ch©v‡qi wewfbœ Rwic I cwimsL¨v‡b ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôxi cªvwšÍKZv I A`„k¨gvbZvi welqwU wewfbœ Z_¨-Dcv‡Ëi

evsjv‡`‡ki GB f~LÛ eû kZvãx a‡i eû Rb‡Mvôxi wewPÎ fvlv, ms¯‹…wZ, ag© I HwZ‡n¨i mw¤§j‡bi GK Abb¨ ‡K› ª

wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡q Avm‡Q| GB GjvKvq c ªvß bvbvb HwZnvwmK wb`k©b, cyivKxwZ© I ’vc‡Z¨i cvkvcvwk c ªPwjZ bvbv

AvPvi-HwZn¨, Drme-Abyôvb, fvlv, ag©-wek¦vm e¨e ’v, ixwZ-bxwZ I ‰`bw›`b RxebhvÎvi wewfbœ aib GB Rbc‡`i my`xN©

BwZnv‡mi ¯v¶i enb Ki‡Q| AvcvZ`„wó‡Z evOvwj Aay wlZ g‡b n‡jI, evsjv‡`‡k bvbv fvlv, ag© I ms¯‹…wZi gvbyl evm

K‡i| cªwZwU RvwZ‡MvôxiB i‡q‡Q Abb¨ ms¯‹…wZ, AZxZ, fvlv, ‡ckv, ag©, AvPvi-Abyôvb, Drcvw`Z cY¨ I hš¿cvwZ,

mvgwRK msMVb Ges Ab¨ ms¯‹…wZi mv‡_ wg_w¯Œqvi we‡kl aib| hw`I g~jZ evsjvfvlx Rb‡MvôxB evsjv‡`‡k msL¨vMwiô,

mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Î¨ mg…× evsjv‡`‡k wewfbœ fvlv, ag© I ms¯‹…wZi ‡Mvôxi cvkvcvwk wewfbœ ‡ckvRxwe ‡Mvôx¸‡jvi ¯ ¯

RxebhvÎv I HwZ‡n¨i Abb¨ mswgkª‡Y evsjv‡`‡k GK ewY©j mvs¯‹…wZK aviv M‡o D‡V‡Q|

`xN© mgq a‡i emevm K‡i Avmv Gme Rb‡Mvôxi g‡a¨ bvbv ai‡bi mvs¯‹…wZK Av`vb-cª vb N‡U Pj‡jI ci¯ú‡ii fvlv,

ms¯‹…wZ, ag© I RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© Avgiv Lye KgB AeMZ| Jcwb‡ewkK hy‡Mi K‡qKRb M‡elK, Jcwb‡ewkK kvmK I

wgkbvix‡`i weeiY Qvov wewfbœ c ªvwšÍK Rb‡Mvôx, Zv‡`i RbmsL¨v I mvs¯‹…wZK msMVb m¤ú‡K© ‡Zgb wKQy Rvbv hvq bv|

Jcwb‡ewkK hy‡Mi Gme wi‡cvU© I m~PK Abymi‡Y GLbI wewfbœ Av`gïgvwi wi‡cv‡U© Gme RvwZ‡Mvôx I Zv‡`i ms¯‹…wZ I

RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© AZ¨šÍ mijxK…Z ev bvbv weåvwšÍKi Z_¨ cwi‡ekb Kiv nq| Gai‡bi weåvwšÍKi c ªwZ‡e`‡b ïay ‡h

wewfbœ Rb‡Mvôxi Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú‡K© cªK…Z I wek` Z_¨ ‡bB Zv bq, eis, wewfbœ HwZnvwmK I ivR‰bwZK c ªwµqvi

AwfÁZvi ‡h mgKvjxb ev ÍeZvq Zv‡`i Rxebhvcb- ZvI GLv‡b Abycw ’Z| ‡h Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki RvwZMZ ‰ewPΨ I

wewfbœ RvwZ‡Mvôxi RxebhvÎv msµvšÍ ch©vß I h_vh_ Z_¨ I Dcv‡Ëi h‡_ó NvUwZ i‡q‡Q| A_P, evsjv‡`‡ki GB

mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨB RvZxq HK¨ I Dbœqb mva‡bi cªwµqv‡K Av‡iv msnZ I Kvh©Kix Kivi ‡¶‡Î Abb¨ GKwU gva¨g n‡q

DV‡Z cv‡i| BD‡b‡¯‹vi mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Î¨i me©Rbxb ‡NvlYv‡Z (UNESCO 2002) mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev‡`i bxwZ

Abymi‡Y mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi Rb¨ we‡k¦i wewfbœ ivóª ‡jv‡K we‡klfv‡e Avnevb Rvbv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev‡`i Kvh©Kix A_© nj, evsjv‡`‡ki gZ GKwU eûgyLx ‰ewP‡Î¨i ‡`‡k RvZxq Dbœq‡b wewfbœ ‡Mvôx I

ms¯‹…wZi mKj e¨w³ I `‡ji AšÍf©yw³KiY I AskMªnY wbwðZ Kiv (Danspeckgruber 2002; Ganguly & Phadnis 2001; Sheth 1989; Tierney 2004; Weinstock 1999)| BD‡b‡¯‹vi ‡NvlYvq mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ‡K

Dbœq‡bi GK Abb¨ wbqvgK wn‡m‡e wPwýZ K‡i ejv nq Ômvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ A‡bK¸‡jv m¤¢vebvi Øvi D‡b¥vPb K‡i| GwU

Dbœq‡bi Ab¨Zg ‡gŠwjK welq, ‡Kbbv Dbœq‡b ïaygvÎ A_©‰bwZK gvcKvwV‡Z wePvh© bq, eis eyw×e…wËK, Av‡eMxq, ‰bwZK

I AvwZ¥K Aw ͇Z¡i GKwU KvswLZ ͇i DËi‡Yi GK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ch©vqÕ (UNESCO 2002)| G Kvi‡Y wewfbœ ͇i

mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev`‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi ga¨ w`‡qB GKwU HK¨e× I kw³kvjx evsjv‡`kx ivóª MVb Kiv m¤¢e| G Kvi‡Y

c…w_exi Ab¨vb¨ ‡`‡ki gZ evsjv‡`‡k GKwU kw³kvjx RvwZ MVb, msnwZ I Dbœq‡bi Ab¨Zg c~e©kZ© n‡jv G‡`‡ki mg…×

mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú‡`i Rwic, wPÎvqY I wbix¶Y|


mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK I †Pqvig¨vb, b„weÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq| B‡gBj: [email protected] 2

mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK, b„weÁvb wefvM, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq| B‡gBj: [email protected]

Page 2: Ethno Linguistic Survey 22-02-13

c„ôv | 2

ga¨ w`‡q Zy‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| G RvZxq Rwic I cwimsL¨v‡b Z_¨MZ ÎywU QvovI ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi bvgKi‡Yi wewfbœ

weåv‡Ui Kvi‡Y bvbv ai‡bi weåvwšÍ ‰Zwi nq| evsjv‡`kmn c…w_exi wewfbœ ‡`‡k ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôxi cªvwšÍK cwiwPwZ I

‰elg¨g~jK Ae ’v‡bi Av‡iKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© KviY n‡jv ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi cwiwPwZ wbg©v‡Yi cªZ¨qbMZ msKU| GB cªZ¨qbMZ

msK‡Ui welqwU‡K mvg‡b ‡i‡L wfbœ wfbœ mvgvwRK I ivR‰bwZK cwim‡i Ges wewfbœ HwZnvwmK cwi‡cªw¶‡Z ¶y ª b…‡Mvôxi

cwiwPwZ wbg©v‡Yi cªwµqv we‡kølY Kiv n‡q‡Q PZy_© As‡k| µgcwieZ©bkxj wek¦e¨e ’v, ivR‰bwZK I mvgvwRK AvMªvmb

Ges cªhyw³i we¯§qKi cwieZ©‡b ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôxi ms¯‹…wZ‡ZI bvbv ai‡bi cwieZ©b m~wPZ n‡q‡Q| ‡ekxi fvM ‡¶‡ÎB Zv‡`i

ms¯‹…wZ I fvlv n‡q‡Q wecbœ| evsjv‡`‡k ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi ms¯‹…wZ I fvlvi wecbœZv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv i‡q‡Q wbe‡Üi cÂg

As‡k| me‡k‡l, evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwi‡ci m¤¢ve¨ iƒc‡iLv, cª‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iæZ¡ Zy‡j

aivi cªqvm ‡bqv n‡q‡Q|

evsjv‡`‡k b„‡Mvôx I b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvi ‡cÖ¶vcU

fviZxq Dcgnv‡`‡k b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvi, ev Av‡iv wbw`©ó K‡i ej‡j, G_‡bvMªvwdK ev RvwZZvwË¡K weeiY ‡jLvi m~Pbv

nq Jcwb‡ewkK kvmbvg‡j| kvmb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi myweav‡_©B e„wUk cªkvmK‡`i wewfbœ A‡ji b„‡Mvôx, eY© I

†ckv‡Mvôxmg~‡ni Av_©-mvgvwRK Ae ’v m¤úwK©Z Z_¨ msMÖn Ki‡Z n‡Zv Ges GBme Z_¨ msKjb ‡_‡KB wewfbœ RvwZ I

mvgwRK ‡Mvôx m¤ú‡K© †ek wKQz cªwZ‡e`b I MÖš’ iwPZ n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`kmn GB A‡ji wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi Dci wKQz

M‡elYv Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ n†q‡Q Dbwesk kZvãxi †kl fvMI wesk kZvãxi cÖ_g w`‡K| Gmg‡q cÖKvwkZ M‡elYv

cªwZ‡e`b, MÖš’, iPbv I msKjb GLbI mgv`„Z I bvbvfv‡e e¨eüZ nq| Gi gv‡S Ab¨Zg K‡qKwU n‡”Q : BaThin 1931; Bernot 1953; Butler 1855; Campbell 1874a; Campbell 1874b; Chaudhury 1931; Dalton 1872; Furness 1902; Grierson 1921; Grierson 1904; Haram 1887; Hodson 1908; Hodson 1921; Hodson 1922; Hughes 1881; Hunter 1956; Hunter 1868; 1876; 1877; 1881; Hunter 1973; Hutchinson 1897; Hutchinson 1906; Hutchinson 1909; Lewin 1870a; Lewin 1866; Lewin 1869; 1870b; 1885; Mackenzie 1884; Mills 1931; O'Donel 1863; Pargiter & Ba 1886; Phayre 1841; Playfair 1909; Qanungo 1761; Riebeck et al 1885; Risley 1891a; Risley 1891b; Roy 1916a; Sen 1931; St-John 1873; Woodthorpe 1873| wek kZ‡Ki †k‡li w`K ch©šÍ

evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ RvwZ†Mvôxi ‡h weeiY cvIqv hvq Zv g~jZ e„wUk cÖkvmK‡`i Øviv iwPZ n‡qwQj| evsjv‡`‡ki

ZrKvjxb RvwZ‡Mvôxmgy‡ni mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewk‡ó¨i wKQz msw¶ß Z_¨ cvIqv hvq e„wUk kvmbvg‡ji wewfbœ

Av`gïgvix I †Rjv †M‡RUmgy‡n| G ai‡bi AwaKvsk weei‡Y cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg e¨wZZ evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ A‡ji

b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K© my¯úó ‡Kvb eY©bv †bB| GQvovI, AwaKvsk eY©bvq evsjv‡`‡ki AvÂwjK I †fŠMwjK †cÖ¶vcU cwiù~U

n‡q D‡V wb e‡j GB A‡ji wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi Rxebaviv m¤ú‡K©I c„_K †Kvb avibv cvIqv hvq bv|

cieZ©x‡Z, cvwK Ívb miKv‡ii Avg‡j miKvwi bw_c‡Î (1947-71), evsjv‡`‡ki RvwZ‡Mvôx msµvšÍ †Zgb †Kvb bZzb

Z‡_¨i ms‡hvRb, wKsev cwigvR©b N‡Uwb, eis AwaKvsk ‡¶‡ÎB cyi‡bv eY©bv I Z_¨mg~n ’vb †c‡q‡Q| Z‡e GB mg‡q,

we‡`kx b„weÁvbxiv, cÖavbZ evsjv‡`‡ki cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡g Ges ‡Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î DËiv‡ji RvwZ‡Mvôxmgy‡ni gv‡S wKQz

D‡jøL‡hvM¨ M‡elYv cwiPvjbv K‡ib : Bernot (1953), Bernot (1957, 1960), Bessaignet 1958; 1960; Brauns 1973; Brauns & Loffler 1990; Datta-Majumdar 1955; David 1964; Ehrenfels 1955; Kauffmann 1962; Khan & Choudhuri 1965; Khan & Khisha 1970; Levi-Strauss 1951; 1952; Loffler 1966; Loffler 1968; Majumdar 1948; Mey 1981; Mills 1931; Rajput 1963; Roy 1916b; Sen 1931; Serajuddin 1971; Shafer 1955; Sopher 1963| ¯vaxbZv‡Ëvi Kv‡j, †`kx I we‡`kx

D‡`¨v‡M wKQz MÖš’, M‡elYv cÖeÜ, I w_wmm iwPZ nq, †hgb : Ali 1998; Arefeen 1986; Arens & Van Beurden 1977; Aziz 1979; Bal 2007; Bertocci 1972; 1977; 1996; Bertocci & Qureshi 1984; Choudhury et al 1986; Chowdhury 1978; 1982; Chowdhury et al 1979; Ellickson 1972; Gomes 1988; Gomes 1984; Hartmann & Boyce 1983; Islam 1974; Islam 1984; Jahangir 1979; Jansen &

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Norbye 1990; Karim 1990; Khaleque 1995; Majumdar 1976; Maloney 1984; Mey 1978; 1984; Mollongea et al 1975; Mukherjee 1971; Qureshi 1984; Sattar 1971; Schendel 1981; Schendel & Faraizi 1984; Serajuddin 1984; Thorp 1978; Van Schendel 1992; Wallace & Harris 1989; Wood 1978| G‡`i gv‡S A‡b‡KB n‡”Qb b„weÁvbx I mgvRweÁvbx, Avevi †KD †KD mvaviY

Drmvnx †jLK| G‡`i †jLvq †Kv_vI †Kv_vI †hgb weåvwšÍi AeKvk i‡q‡Q, †Zgwb i‡q‡Q M‡elYvi ZvwË¡K I c×wZMZ

` ye©jZv| Avevi AwaKvsk †¶‡ÎB G mKj cÖKvkbvmg~n we‡kølYagx© bq eis wbZvšÍB ’wei I eY©bvg~jK| Gi GKwU

¸iæZ¡c~Y© KviY nj evsjv‡`‡k ZLbI b„weÁv‡bi cÖvwZôvwbK PP©v ïiæ nq wb|

evsjv‡`‡k wek¦we`¨vjq ch©v‡q b„weÁv‡bi hvÎv ïiæ nq Avwki `k‡K| Gici †_‡KB evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôx,

‡ckv‡Mvôx wKsev fvlv‡Mvôxi Dci msMwVZ c×wZwbf©i b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvi m~Pbv nq| cvk¦©eZx© fvi‡Z GKB ai‡bi

b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elbv cwiPvwjZ n‡q‡Q wesk kZ‡Ki †Mvov †_‡KB (van Schendel & Bal 2002; van Schendel & Bal 1998)| hvB ‡nvK, MZ `yB `kK a‡i evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ wek¦we`¨vj‡qi b„weÁvb wefvM¸‡jv ÿz`ª RvwZmËv‡`i Dci

wewfbœ ai‡bi M‡elYv cwiPvjbv K‡i Avm‡jI, AwaKvsk †¶‡ÎB GmKj M‡elYvq cÖvß Z_¨vejx h_vh_fv‡e m¤úvw`Z I

cÖKvwkZ nq wb|

Ab¨w`‡K, evsjv‡`‡ki fvlvMZ ˆewPΨ wb‡qI mymsMwVZ b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elYv †Zgb nqwb ej‡jB P‡j| Jcwb‡ewkK

kvmK‡Mvôx‡`i cÖkvmwbK cÖ‡qvR‡b fvwlK ˆewPΨ wb‡q wew”Qbœfv‡e wKQz wKQz M‡elYv n‡q‡Q| D`vniY¯iƒc, cve©Z¨

PÆMÖv‡gi wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi fvlvi Dci wKQz M‡elYv we‡ePbv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i : Bernot 1953; Bernot 1957; 1960; Bessaignet 1958; 1960; Brauns & Loffler 1990; Campbell 1874a; Campbell 1874b; Grierson 1904; Hutchinson 1897; Hutchinson 1906; Hutchinson 1909; Levi-Strauss 1951; 1952; Lewin 1866; Lewin 1869; 1885; Loffler 1968| GB M‡elYv¸‡jv †_‡K cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi fvlv, Avw`

wbevm, AwfMg‡bi BwZnvm I Zv‡`i ˆ`wnK Mob m¤ú‡K© wKQz aviYv cvIqv hvq| Z‡e ¯í cwim‡i Kiv GmKj M‡elYv

†_‡K evsjv‡`‡ki mvwe©K fvlv ˆewPΨ m¤ú‡K© †Kvb c~Y©v½ aviYv cvIqv m¤¢e bq| Aci w`‡K, wesk kZ‡Ki ïiæi w`‡K

fvi‡Z cÖwZwôZ Anthropological Survey of India fvi‡Z b„‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvi ‡ÿ‡Î Zvrch©c~Y© Ae`vb †i‡L‡Q|

Gai‡bi †Kvb cÖwZôvb evsjv‡`‡k bv _vKvq G‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK I fvlv ˆewP‡Î¨i mvgwMÖK I cÖK…Z Ae ’v m¤ú‡K© wewfbœ

ai‡bi A¯úóZv i‡q‡Q|

evsjv‡`‡ki ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i fvlv I fvlv-cwievi

fvlv gvby‡li GK Abb¨ mvs¯‹…wZK AR©b| fvlvi gva¨‡g gvbyl g‡bi fve cÖKvk K‡i| fvlv DrcwËi mgqKvj †_‡K AvR

ch©šÍ wewfbœ A‡ji I ms¯‹…wZi gvbyl wewPÎ fvlvq g‡bi fve cÖKvk K‡i‡Q| fvlvi GB wfbœZvB fvlvweÁvbx‡`i g‡a¨

wfbœ wfbœ Ôfvlv cwieviÕ aviYvi Rb¥ w`‡q‡Q| Z‡e fvlvweÁvbxMY g‡b K‡ib eZ©gvb c„w_ex‡Z cÖvq Qq nvRvi fvlv cÖPwjZ

i‡q‡Q| me wgwj‡q Gkxq A‡j Kg †ewk cÖvq †`o nvRvi fvlvi cÖPjb i‡q‡Q (Evans 1993; Gorter 2006; Hurford 2003; Prasithrathsint 1993)| c„w_ex‡Z cÖPwjZ fvlv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wKQy mv`„‡k¨i wfwˇZ fvlvweÁvbxiv

m`…k fvlv¸‡jv‡K GKB fvlv-cwievify³ e‡j wPwýZ K‡i‡Qb| evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi i‡q‡Q wfbœ wfbœ gvZ…fvlv|

G‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨iv cÖvq 30wU wfbœ wfbœ fvlv e¨envi K‡i| Zv‡`i cÖPwjZ wewfbœ fvlvi aib e¨vL¨v Ki‡j

†`Lv hvq †h, fvlv¸‡jvi wKQz c„_K ˆewkó¨ _vK‡jI wKQz wKQz fvlv Avevi ci¯úi Nwbô| mv`„k¨ I ˆemv`„‡k¨i wfwˇZ

evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi gv‡S cªPwjZ fvlv cÖavbZ PviwU wfbœ fvlv cwiev‡ii AšÍf©z³, h_v: (1) B‡›`v-BD‡ivcxq, (2)

wZeŸwZ-ewg©, (3) A‡÷ªv-GwkqvwUK Ges (4) `ªvweo fvlv‡Mvôx (†`Lyb mviwY- 01)|

mviwY- 01 : evsjv‡`‡k wewfbœ fvlv-cwievi I cwiev‡ii AšÍfy©³ fvlvmg~n|

fvlv-cwievi kvLv b„‡Mvôxmg~n

1. A‡÷ªv-GwkqvwUK †gvb&-L‡gi Lvwm|

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c„ôv | 4

gyÛvwi mvuIZvj, gyÛv BZ¨vw`|

2. Pxbv-wZeŸwZ

†ev‡ov gvw›` (Mv‡iv), KKeiK, †KvP, cwjqv, ivReskx BZ¨vw`|

KzwK-Pxb †gB‡ZB, Lywg, eg, †Lqvs, cvs‡Lv, jymvB, †gªv BZ¨vw`|

mvK&-jyBk PvK, Vvi ev †_K|

wZeŸwZ-evwg©R gvigv, ivLvBb BZ¨vw`|

3. `ªvweo

Kuyo–L I Avw` gvj‡Zv (eZ©gv‡b cÖvq jyß)|

4. B‡›`v-BD‡ivcxq evsjv, PvKgv, Zs½v, weòzwcÖqv, mv`wi, nvRs BZ¨vw`|

DrcwËi w`K †_‡K wePvi Ki‡j A‡bK fvlvB G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ mshy³| wewfbœ fvlvi gvby‡li g‡a¨ cªPzi mvs¯‹…wZK

Av`vbcÖ vbI †`Lv hvq| ZviciI cÖwZwU fvlv fve cÖKv‡ki gva¨g wn‡m‡e Abb¨ I AZzjbxq| †h †Kvb gvby‡li cwiP‡qi

GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ask n‡jv Zvi gvZ…fvlv| ïaygvÎ m„RbkxjZv I fve cÖKv‡ki Rb¨B †h fvlv Acwinvh© Zv bq, cÖwZwU

fvlvB mvs¯‹…wZK Ávb I AwfÁZv‡K aviY K‡i|

GB A‡ji me‡P‡q cyiv‡bv fvlv nj A‡÷ªv-GwkqvwUK cwiev‡ii AšÍf©z³ gyÛvwi kvLvi fvlv mg~n| eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`‡ki

DËi-cwð‡g emevmKvix mvuIZvj, ‡nv, gyÛv, gvn&‡j Ges wm‡j‡Ui Lvwm b„‡Mvôxi gvbyl GB A‡÷ªv-GwkqvwUK cwiev‡ii

AšÍf©z³ fvlvq K_v e‡j| evsjv‡`‡ki DËi-cwð‡g w`bvRcyi, ivRkvnx, VvKziM uvI, e¸ov, iscyi GjvKvq A‡÷ªv-

GwkqvwUK fvlv‡Mvôxi m uvIZvwj I gyÛv fvlvi e¨envi †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq| DËi-cwð‡gi IiuvI Ges cvnvwoqv b„‡Mvôxi

KuyoyL fvlv g~jZ `ªvweo cwievifz³| wZeŸwZ-ewg© fvlv‡Mvôxi †jv‡Kiv GB A‡j Av‡m cÖvq Qq †_‡K AvU nvRvi eQi

Av‡M| evsjv‡`‡ki Dˇii gvw›` (Mv‡iv),

wm‡j‡Ui †gB‡ZB gwYcywi I cv½vb gwYcywi,

cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi gvigv, wÎcyiv, Lywg, eg&, †gªv

cÖf…wZ b„‡Mvôxi fvlv wZeŸwZ-ewg© fvlv cwiev‡ii

AšÍf©~³| B‡›`v-BD‡ivcxq fvlv cwiev‡ii Avh©

Rb‡Mvôxi AvMgb cÖvq cuvP nvRvi eQi Av‡M|

GB cwiev‡ii AšÍM©Z evsjv fvlv-fvlx ‡jv‡Kiv

evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvq me©ÎB emevm K‡i| Z‡e evOvwj

QvovI PvKgv, wm‡j‡Ui weòywcÖqv gwYcywi Ges

DËie‡½i mv`wi fvlv‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i fvlv

B‡›`v-BD‡ivcxq cwievifz³|

RvZxq Rwic I cwimsL¨v‡b ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx

evsjv‡`kmn c„w_exi wewfbœ †`‡kB ¶y ª

b„‡Mvôx‡`i RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© ch©vß I wbf©i‡hvM¨

Z_¨-DcvË cvIqv hvq bv| GgbwK, mvaviY

RbwgwZK, wKsev Zv‡`i Ae ’vbMZ Z_¨I

Ach©vß| d‡j, ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i Rxebaviv wb‡q e¨vL¨v I we‡kølY AwaKvsk †¶‡ÎB nq Abygvbwbf©i| wKsev KLbI KLbI

cwiw ’wZ we‡kølY Kiv nq Zv‡`i Aay¨wlZ AÂj ev GjvKvi mvaviY Ae ’vi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z| GRb¨ †`Lv hvq, GKB †`‡ki

wewfbœ ¶ y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K© c„_K wKsev Zzjbvg~jK cwimsL¨vb wbZvšÍB yj©f| ivóªxq Z_¨-m¤¢v‡ii wewfbœ cwim‡i ¶y ª

b„‡Mvôxiv „k¨Z Abycw ’Z nevi d‡j Zv‡`i Pvwn`v I cÖ‡qvRbmg~n Abyave‡b Ges Zv‡`i Rxebavivi Dci wewfbœ

Kg©Kv‡Ûi cÖfve wbiƒc‡Yi †¶‡Î ivóªxq bxwZwba©viKiv Avkvbyiƒc f~wgKv ivL‡Z cv‡i bv| RvZxq ch©v‡qi wewfbœ

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c„ôv | 5

cwimsL¨vb I Rwi‡c c„_K cwiwPwZi wfwˇZ ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i mbv³KiY I AšÍfy©³ Kivi †¶‡Î wKQz mywbw`©ó cÖwZeÜKZv


1) b„‡Mvôx, ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx, Avw`evmx, RvwZeY© BZ¨vw` cÖZ¨q msÁvq‡bi †¶‡Î weåvwšÍ I weZ‡K©i Kvi‡Y

cÖv‡qvwMK cÖwZeÜKZv;

2) µgcwieZ©bkxj mvgvwRK ‡cÖ¶vc‡U iwPZ nq b„‡Mvôx‡`i mvs¯‹…wZK cwiwPwZ, ZvB ‡Kvb wbwg©Z cwiwPwZI

’wei bq, eis cwieZ©bkxj;

3) Awfevmb, Ø›Ø, hy×-weMÖn, Av‡›`vjb, msMÖvg BZ¨vw` cÖwµqv;

4) Ach©vß AvBwb myweav, KvVv‡gv Ges cÖ‡qvM;

5) cÖkvmwbK I ivR‰bwZK cwim‡i ¸iæZ¡nxbZv;

6) ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K© c„_Kfv‡e Z_¨ msMÖn I we‡køl‡Yi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Abyave‡b mxgve×Zv;

7) ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wel‡q Z_¨ msMÖn I we‡køl‡Yi wbwg‡Ë RvZxq ch©v‡q cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖv‡qvwMK b„‰eÁvwbK

Ávb I we‡klvwqZ `¶Zvi AcÖZzjZv;

8) Gai‡bi Rwi‡c, Z_¨ msMÖnKvix e¨w³‡`i b„‡MvôxMZ cwiPq wewfbœ ai‡bi cÖwZeÜKZv m„wó K‡i| A_©vr,

Z_¨ msMÖnKvixiv ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m`m¨ bv n‡j Z_¨ msMÖ‡ni †¶‡Î fvlvMZ ~iZ¡, Amn‡hvwMZv I

cÖwZ‡iv‡ai m¤§~Lxb n‡Z cv‡i (ILO 2007; 2010)|

Gme cÖwZeÜKZv †_‡K DËi‡Yi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb mKj

b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i gv‡S cvi¯úwiK mnbkxjZv I

mngwg©Zv e„w× Ges ˆewP‡Î¨i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i `„wófw½‡Z

¸YMZ cwieZ©b Avbv| Z‡e GwU `xN© cÖwµqvi welq|

wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi gv‡S avivevwnK msjvc wewbgq,

AvjvcPvwiZv I Av`vbcÖ v‡bi gva¨‡gB †KejgvÎ

Gai‡bi ¸YMZ cwieZ©b I AbyK~j cwi‡ek m„wó

m¤¢e| miKvi, `vZv‡Mvôx I we‡klÁ‡`i mw¤§wjZ

D‡`¨v‡M Gai‡bi AbyK ~j cwi‡ek m„wói cÖwµqv Pjgvb

i‡q‡Q `w¶Y Av‡gwiKv, Ggb wK, Gwkqvi †bcvj I

wdwjcvB‡bI (ILO 2007; 2010)| wKš‘ evsjv‡`‡k

Gai‡bi AbyK ~j cwi‡ek m„wó nq wb e‡j ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K© GL‡bv wbf©i‡hvM¨ †Kvb Z_¨-m¤¢viI M‡o I‡V wb|

evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cwimsL¨v‡b ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i cwiw ’wZ I cvwicvwk¦©KZv, wKsev Zv‡`i ga¨Kvi mv`„k¨ I cv_©K¨

m¤úwK©Z †h ‡Kvb Z_¨B cÖvq Abycw ’Z| 2011 mv‡ji mv¤úªwZK Av`gïgvwi‡Z, evsjv‡`‡ki b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K©

Avjv`vfv‡e †Kvb Z_¨B cÖKvwkZ nqwb| Z‡e Gi c~‡e©i wewfbœ mg‡qi miKvix Rwi‡c ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RbmsL¨v m¤ú‡K©

wKQz Z_¨ cvIqv hvq| 2001 mv‡ji RvZxq Rwic Abymv‡i evsjv‡`‡ki 06wU wefv‡M ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RbmsL¨v †gvU

14,10,169 (wPÎ- 01-G AvbycvwZK web¨vm †`Lv‡bv nj)| 1991 Ges 1981 mv‡ji Rwi‡cI ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RbmsL¨v

Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey ‡ivi wewfbœ cÖKvkbv‡Z ¶ y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RbmsL¨v m¤úwK©Z Z_¨mg~n A‡bKvs‡kB

weåvwšÍi m„wó K‡i‡Q| †hgb, wewfbœ Statistical Yearbook Gi cÖ Ë Z‡_¨i mv‡_ GKB mg‡qi ‡Rjv I KwgDwbwU

wmwi‡R †`qv Z‡_¨i †Kvb wgj †bB| evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡ivi g‡Z, ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx Ges ag©‡Mvôxmg~‡ni ms‡KZ ev

†Kv‡Wi fyj ‡kÖwbweb¨v‡mi Kvi‡Y GB Awg‡ji m„wó n‡q‡Q (BBS 2010: 136)| d‡j ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx m¤úwK©Z GB

cwimsL¨v‡bi cÖv‡qvwMK ¸iæZ¡ wbZvšÍB Kg| ¯vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki c~e©eZx© mgqKv‡j A_©vr cvwK Ívb I Jcwb‡ewkK Avg‡ji

wewfbœ Rwi‡c ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i Ae ’vb m¤ú‡K© wKQz LwÛZ wPÎ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| G mKj Rwi‡c ïaygvÎ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi

¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m¤ú‡K© avivevwnK wKQz Z‡_¨i mgvnvi †`Lv hvq (†`Lyb wPÎ- 02 Ges mviwY- 02)|


























wPÎ- 01: ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RbmsL¨v web¨vm, 2001

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c„ôv | 6

mviwY- 02 : cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi wewfbœ ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi RbmsL¨v web¨vm

b„‡Mvôxi bvg

wewfbœ Av`gïgvix‡Z wb‡ ©wkZ †gvU RbmsL¨v

1871 1901 1931 1941 1951 1981 1991

eg& 305 696 977 5,733 6,978

PvK&gv 28,097 44,392 103,102 105,677 133,075 230,273 239,417

w¶¨qvs 306 1,427 1,300 5,453 1,950

Lywg 534 1,053 1,549 1,941 1,188 1,241

KzwK 2,117 3,584 1,972

jymvB 678 1,144 3,341 1,041 662

gvigv 22,060 30,706 65,889 122,734 142,334

cv‡•Lvqv 177 241 627 2,278 3,227

‡gªv 2,378 10,540 7,328 12,932 16,121 17,811 22,041



Z½v 8,313 17,739 19,211

PvK& 910 2,000

wÎcyiv 8,100 23,341 38,213 35,246 37,246 54,375 61,129

Ab¨vb¨ 828

†gvU RbmsL¨v 61,957 113,074 153,453 157,439 270,802 459,535 501,138


Bessaignet 1958; Cole 1932; Francis 1902; Gazetteer 1908; Gazetteers 1975; Hastinos 1892; Mead & Macgregor 1912; Roy 2002; Roy 2012; Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 1991 & 1981; CHT Regional Council Act of 1998 (Act XII of 1998); The CHT Regulation of 1900.

Dc‡ii mviwY‡Z (mviwY- 02) cÖ Ë Z_¨mg~n ch©‡e¶Y I we‡kølY Ki‡j Avgiv ‡ek wKQz Miwgj I AmvgÄm¨ †`L‡Z

cve :

∆ cÖ_gZ: cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi mKj ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wewfbœ ïgvwi‡Z AšÍfy©³ Kiv nqwb| gv‡S gv‡S wKQz b„‡Mvôxi Z_¨

inm¨RbKfv‡e Abycw ’Z i‡q‡Q| Avevi †Kvb †Kvb ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i †¶‡Î c~‡e©i ïgvwi †_‡K cieZx© ïgvwi‡Z

RbmsL¨v Kg †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ïaygvÎ gvby‡li AwfMgb wKsev g„Zy¨i kZKiv nvi w`‡q GmKj AmvgÄm¨ e¨vL¨v Kiv

m¤¢e bq|

∆ wØZxqZ: Census Report of 1991-G ejv n‡q‡Q †gªv RbmsL¨v 22,041 Ges gy is RbmsL¨v 126 Rb| wKš‘

ev ͇e Giv GKB b„‡Mvôx (AIPP 2007; Shafie 2000)|

∆ Z…ZxqZ: Census Report of 1991-G ewY©Z ÔAb¨vb¨Õ b„‡Mvôxi 828 Rb m¤ú‡K© †Kvb my¯úó e¨vL¨v †`qv nq wb|
























1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1974 1981 1991 2001





)wPÎ- 02: wewfbœ Av`gïgvix‡Z wb‡`©wkZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi RbmsL¨v web¨vm

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c„ôv | 7

∆ PZz_©Z: 1981 mv‡ji ïgvwi‡Z wÎcyiv b„‡Mvôx‡K wn› y ag©‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv K‡i Zv‡`i RbmsL¨v evOvwj wn›`y‡`i

mv‡_ wgwj‡q MYbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxmg~n I evOvwj b„‡Mvôxi RbmsL¨vi AvbycvwZK ZviZg¨ I weåvwšÍi

m„wó n‡q‡Q (AIPP 2007)|

∆ cÂgZ: 1931, 1941 I 1951 mv‡j KzwK b„‡Mvôx bv‡g †h RbmsL¨v †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q †mwU AÁZvcÖm~Z| †Kbbv KzwK

e‡j GB A‡j †Kvb c„_K b„‡Mvôx †bB| KzwK-Pxb nj GKwU fvlvcwiev‡ii bvg Ges K‡qKwU b„‡Mvôxi fvlvB KzwK-

Pxb cwiev‡ii AšÍfy©³|

∆ lôZ: wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i mgqKv‡j †bcvj †_‡K AvMZ cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi emwZ ’vcbKvix b„‡Mvôx m¤ú‡K© †Kvb Rwi‡c

D‡jøL †bB| GgbwK, LvMovQwo cve©Z¨ †Rjvq `xN© w`b †_‡K emevmiZ mvuIZvj b„‡Mvôxi RbmsL¨v m¤ú‡K©I †Kvb

eY©bv †bB GmKj Rwi‡c (Ali & Shafie 2005; Shafie 2000)|

∆ mßgZ: wewfbœ mg‡qi ïgvwimg~‡n, GKB ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôxi bvg wfbœ evbv‡b I Avw½‡K Dc ’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j,

cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi †gvU b„‡Mvôxi msL¨v wb‡q AvR-Aewa weZK© i‡q‡Q| wb‡¤œi mviwY‡Z Gai‡bi bvg-weåv‡Ui wKQz

D`vniY †`qv nj:

mviwY- 03 : cve©Z¨ PÆMÖv‡gi ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i bvgKi‡Yi ˆewPΨ|

µg b„‡Mvôxi

bvg Ab¨vb¨ cÖPwjZ

bvg RbmsL¨v (1991)


1 eg


eb‡hvMx, KzwK


wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i wg‡Rv‡`i kvLv Rb‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e eY©bv

Kiv n‡q‡Q| †KD †KD G‡`i KzwK Rb‡Mvôx wn‡m‡eI eY©bv K‡i‡Qb|

2 PvK& AvPvK&, mvK 2,127

wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ GB b„‡Mvôx‡K wewfbœ bv‡g D‡jøL Kiv


3 PvK&gv

PvOugv, mvOgv,



Giv wb‡R‡`i PvOugv e‡j| RbmsL¨vi we‡ePbvq Giv evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËg

¶y ª b„‡Mvôx|

4 Lywg Ly‡gvB, †Lvwg 1,241

wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i bv‡gi evsjv I Bs‡iRx evbv‡b i‡q‡Q


5 w¶¨qvs ¶¨qvs 2,343

6 jymvB




wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ GB b„‡Mvôx‡K wewfbœ bv‡g D‡jøL Kiv


7 gvigv gM 157,301

HwZnvwmK `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i gM& wn‡m‡e eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q|

gvigv I ivLvBb‡`i fvlv I ms¯‹…wZ‡Z h‡_ó mv „k¨ i‡q‡Q|

8 ‡gªv gyiæs, gyiæ 22,304

wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ GB b„‡Mvôx‡K wewfbœ bv‡g D‡jøL Kiv


9 cv‡•Lvqv cv‡•Lv, cv•Ly 3,227

wg‡Rv‡`i kvLv Rb‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I

mvwn‡Z¨| †KD †KD G‡`i KzwK Rb‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e eY©bv K‡i‡Qb|

10 Zs½v





GKwU ¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx n‡jI A‡bK `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ Zs½v‡`i PvKgv

b„‡Mvôxi AšÍ³~©³ wn‡m‡e eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvovI wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I

mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i bv‡gi evsjv I Bs‡iRx evbv‡b i‡q‡Q wfbœZv|

11 wÎcyiv

wZc&iv, wZcÖv,

wZ‡civ, wÎcywi


fvi‡Zi wÎcyiv iv‡R¨ DrcwË e‡j evsjv‡`‡k Giv wÎcyiv bv‡g cwiwPZ|

wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ GB b„‡Mvôx‡K wewfbœ bv‡g D‡jøL Kiv

n‡q‡Q| Z‡e Giv wb‡R‡`i eªæ½ e‡j|

GKBfv‡e mgZ‡ji ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wb‡qI i‡q‡Q e¨vcK weåvwšÍ| ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wewfbœ msMVb KZ©„K cwiPvwjZ Rwi‡c

Ggb A‡bK ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi ZvwjKv i‡q‡Q hviv evsjv‡`k cwimsL¨vb ey ‡ivi RvZxq Rwi‡c G‡Kev‡iB Abycw ’Z|

evsjv‡`k Avw`evmx †dviv‡gi `vex Abymv‡i mgZj A‡j miKvix wnmve ewnf~©Z A‡bK¸‡jv ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx i‡q‡Q| †hgb:

Avmvwg, evMw`, evbvB, ‡ew`qv (†e‡`, ‡ew` I evBÏv), fuyBqv, f~wgj (f~Bgvwj), f~wgR, eª½, Wvjy, MÛ, nvw`, ‡nv, Kg©Kvi,

Lv›`, Lvwiqv, LwÎq, ‡Kv‡j, ‡Kviv, gv‡Pm, gvnvwj (gvwnwj), gv‡jv, gvj cvnvwoqv, gywiqvi, gymni, cvnvb, cvÎ, ivB,

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c„ôv | 8

iv‡Rvqvi, mvIwiqv cvnvwoqv, wms, Zzwi cÖf…wZ (Roy 2012)| Z‡e cÖK…Zc‡¶, G‡`i me¸‡jvB nqZ ¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx bq,

KviY ‡Kvb †Kvb †¶‡Î wn› y RvwZe‡Y©i AšÍ©MZ wKQz m¤úª vq‡K b„‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| D`vniY¯iƒc,

mgZ‡ji b„‡Mvôx‡`i ZvwjKv m¤ú‡K© weåvwšÍi wKQz bg~bv wb‡¤œi mviwY‡Z Zz‡j aiv nj :

mviwY- 04 : evsjv‡`‡ki mgZ‡ji ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i ˆewPΨKi bvgKi‡Yi wKQz D`vniY|

µg b„‡Mvôxi

bvg Ab¨vb¨ cÖPwjZ

bvg RbmsL¨v (1991)


1 ey‡bv 7,421

1991 Gi kygvwi Qvov Ab¨vb¨ miKvix cwimsL¨v‡b G‡`i †Kvb eb©bv


2 Mv‡iv gvbw`, AvwPK 64,280

†gNvj‡qi Mv‡iv cvnv‡o G‡`i e„nr Rb‡Mvôxi emevm e‡j Giv Mv‡iv

bv‡g cwiwPZ| Z‡e Giv wb‡R‡`i gvb&w` e‡j _v‡K Ges Zv‡`i fvlvi

bvg AvwPK|

3 nvRs 11,540

GKwU ¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx n‡jI A‡bK `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ nvRs‡`i Mv‡iv

b„‡Mvôxi AšÍfy©³ wn‡m‡e eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q|

4 nwiRb nvwiRb 1,132

nwiRbiv wK wn›`y ag©xq e¨e ’vi AšÍfy©³ GKwU RvwZeY©, bvwK c„_K

b„‡Mvôx- Gwel‡q wewfbœ weZK© i‡q‡Q|

5 Lvwm Lvwmqv 12,280

Giv AwóªK fvlv‡Mvôxi AšÍf©~³| Jcwb‡ewkK cÖkvmb G‡`i Lvwm

wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Ki‡jI A‡bK M‡elYv cÖe‡Ü G‡`i Lvwmqv wn‡m‡e D‡jøL

Kiv n‡q‡Q|

6 gwbcywi

‰g‡Zq, ˆg‰Z,

cv½vj, cv½vb,



fvi‡Zi gwbcyi ivR¨ †_‡K AvMZ wZbwU ¯Zš¿ b„‡MvôxB evsjv‡`‡k

gwYcywi bv‡g cwiwPZ| wewfbœ miKvix `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ GB wZbwU

¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx‡K gwbcywi‡`i kvLv wn‡m‡e eb©bv Kivq A‡bK RwUjZvi

m„wó n‡q‡Q|

7 IivIu DivI, IuivI 8,216

wewfbœ miKvix `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i bv‡gi evsjv I Bs‡iRx

evbv‡bi cv_©K¨ †`Lv hvq|

8 cvnvwoqv

cvnvwo, gvj



cvnvwoqv, cvnvwo I gvj cvnvwo RvwZmËvi ¯vZš¿ wel‡q h_vh_

b„ZvwZ¡K M‡elYv cÖ‡qvRb|

9 ivLvBb ivLvB½, gM 16,932

wewfbœ `wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i gvigv b„‡Mvôxi AšÍf~©³ ejv n‡q‡Q|

Avevi A‡b‡K G‡`i ¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx e‡j‡Qb|

10 muvIZvj mvb&Zvj 202,162

RbmsL¨vi we‡ePbvq Giv evsjv‡`‡ki wØZxq e„nËg ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx| wewfbœ

`wjjcÎ I mvwn‡Z¨ G‡`i bv‡gi evsjv I Bs‡iRx evbv‡b i‡q‡Q


cÖv¸³ wewfbœ M‡elYvq I cwimsL¨v‡b ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wewfbœ kvLv I †Mvθ‡jv‡KI c„_K c„_K b„‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Kiv

n‡q‡Q| Avevi KLbIev GKB b„‡Mvôx wfbœ wfbœ A‡j yB ev Z‡ZvwaK c„_K bv‡g wPwýZ n‡q‡Q| G‡ÿ‡Î Z_¨ msMÖnKvix

hv‡`i KvQ †_‡K Z_¨ wb‡q‡Qb ZvivB nq‡Zv Zv‡`i b„‡Mvôxi Ab¨vb¨ kvLv Ask‡K (hv, gyjZ Ab¨ GKwU g~j avivi

b„‡Mvôxi kvLv) GKwU c„_K b„‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e wPwýZ K‡i‡Q- hv GKw`‡K †hgb ‡gvU b„‡Mvôxi msL¨v evwo‡q w`‡q‡Q †Zgwb

KLbI KLbI Zv‡`i RbmsL¨v wba©vi‡YI mgm¨v m„wó Ki‡Q| b„‡Mvôxi BwZnvm, ms¯‹…wZ I fvlv m¤c‡K© mg¨K aviYv bv

_vK‡j Zv‡K c„_K b„‡Mvôx wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Kiv KwVb| b„‡Mvôx, ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx, fvlv‡Mvôx, ag©‡Mvôx ev ag© m¤úª vq, †ckvRxwe

†Mvôx I gvbe`j ev bi‡Mvôx GK K_v bq| miKvwi I AmiKvwi Rwicmg~‡ni GB RwUjZv I weåvwšÍi g~j KviY nj

b„‡Mvôx I ¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi msÁvqb m¤ú‡K© cÖK…Z aviYv I Áv‡bi `ye©jZv| evsjv‡`‡ki Awaevmx‡`i Dci AvR ch©šÍ †Kvb

wbqgvbyM b„‰eÁvwbK Rwic nq wb| ZvB wewfbœ b„‡Mvôx‡K Avjv`v fv‡e wPwýZ K‡i Avgv‡`i †`‡k KZ¸‡jv b„‡Mvôx Av‡Q

Zv wbw`©ó K‡i ejv m¤¢e n‡q I‡V wb AvRI| wewfbœ Z_¨m~Î Abyhvqx AvbygvwbKfv‡e ejv nq Avgv‡`i †`‡k 45wUiI †ewk

b„‡Mvôx i‡q‡Q| mwVK c×wZ‡Z b„‰eÁvwbK Rwic n‡j b„‡Mvôx msL¨v nqZ AviI †ewk n‡e e‡j Abygvb Kiv hvq|

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c„ôv | 9

evsjv‡`‡ki ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx: cÖZ¨qb I cwiwPwZ msKU

¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbvi c~‡e© Ôb„‡MvôxÕ m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i wKQz mvaviY aviYv _vKv cÖ‡qvRb| b„weÁv‡b Ôb„‡MvôxÕ ev

ÔG_wbK MÖæcÕ ej‡Z wK †evSvq ? Ôb„Õ k‡ãi A_© n‡jv gvbyl, Avi Ô‡MvôxÕ gv‡b n‡jv mvgvwRK `j| myZivs, gvby‡li wewfbœ

‡Mvôx ev mvgvwRK `j‡K Ôb„‡MvôxÕ ejv n‡q _v‡K| c„w_exi cÖ‡Z¨KwU gvbylB †Kvb bv †Kvb b„‡Mvôxi AšÍfy©³| cÖ‡Z¨KwU

b„‡MvôxB GKwU Av‡iKwU †_‡K Avjv`v| ci¯ú‡ii g‡a¨ cv_©‡K¨i GB mxgv‡iLv b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv me© vB eRvq iv‡L (Barth 1981; 1989; 1993; 1994; 2000; Jenkins 1994; 2003; 2008)| ZvB GKwU b„‡Mvôx‡K c„_Kfv‡e †Pbvi

Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K me mgq †mB b„‡Mvôxi mxgv‡iLv eRvq ivLv I m`m¨c` jv‡fi Dcvq m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z n‡e| mywbw`©ó wKQz

mvgvwRK wbq‡gi ga¨ w`‡q †Kvb b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨c` jvf Ki‡Z nq| Avi GB wbqg¸‡jv cvj‡bi mvgvwRK cÖwµqvi ga¨

w`‡q wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi cwiwPwZ I mxgv‡iLv Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q Avjv`vfv‡e ¯úó n‡q I‡V (Jacobson 1985)| †hgb, PvKgv,

gvigv, muvIZvj, gvw›`, evOvwj BZ¨vw`i cÖ‡Z¨KwU Avjv`v b„‡Mvôx| GKRb evOvwj e¨w³ wb‡Ri B”QvgZ KL‡bv PvKgv,

wKsev KL‡bv gvw›` n‡Z cvi‡e bv| A_ev GKRb PvKgv e¨w³I PvB‡jB KL‡bv muvIZvj b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨c` cv‡e bv|

†Kvb e¨w³i wbR¯ B”Qv Abyhvqx †h †Kvb b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨c` jvf Kiv m¤¢e bq| myZivs, PvKgv, gvigv, muvIZvj, gvw›`

wKsev evOvwj cÖ‡Z¨KwU b„‡MvôxB Zv‡`i Avjv`v mvgvwRK cwiwPwZ I mxgv‡iLv eRvq iv‡L Gi m`m¨c` wba©vi‡Yi gva¨‡g|

AwaKvsk †¶‡ÎB Avgiv Rb¥m~‡Î Avgv‡`i b„‡MvôxMZ cwiPq I m`m¨c` jvf K‡i _vwK Ges Ab¨vb¨ b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i

†_‡K Avjv`v cwiwPwZ aviY Kwi (Atran & Medin 2008; Barth 1969; 2000; Jenkins 2003; Jenkins et al 1986; Medin & Atran 1999; Medin & Aguilar 1999; Medin et al 2002)|

wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi g‡a¨ mvs¯‹…wZK Dcv`v‡b wKQz wgj ev mv`„k¨ _vK‡jI G‡`i m`m¨‡`i cwiwPwZ me mgqB c„_K _v‡K

(Epstein 1978; Glazer & Moynihan 1975)| †Kbbv, mvgvwRK mxgv‡iLv eRvq ivLvi ga¨ w`‡qB b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv

Zv‡`i cwiwPwZi ¯vZš¿ eRvq iv‡L (Atran et al 2005; Banks 1996; Barth 1969; 1994; 2000; Gluckman 1958; Jacobson 1985; Jenkins 2003; 2008)| mvaviY wKQz ˆewk‡ó¨i wfwˇZ b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi

mvs¯‹…wZK cwiPq I ¯vZš¿ M‡o I‡V| h_v:

∆ b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨c` I cwiwPwZi mvgvwRK ¯xK…wZ: †h †Kvb b„‡Mvôx Zvi m`m¨‡`i wbw ©ó cwiwPwZ †`q ev Av‡ivc K‡i| A_©vr,

cÖ‡Z¨KwU gvbyl Zvi wb‡Ri b„‡Mvôxi cwiwPwZ wb‡q ˆkke †_‡K †e‡o I‡V| GB b„‡MvôxMZ AvZ¥cwiwPwZ †hgb Avgiv

`vex Kwi †Zgwb Ab¨vb¨ b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨ivI GB `vexi ¯xK…wZ †`q| Gi gv‡b nj, †h †Kvb b„‡Mvôx I Gi m`m¨‡`i

cwiwPwZi e„nËi mvgvwRK ¯xK…wZ i‡q‡Q (Barth 1969; 1989; 1993; 1994; 2000; Jenkins 2003; 2008; Yelvington 1991)|

∆ b„‡Mvôxi AšÍf~©³ nIqvi †PZbv I †eva: mvaviYZ †h †Kvb b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i gv‡S b„‡MvôxMZ cwiP‡qi ‡PZbv ev †eva

_v‡K| A_©vr, GKwU b„‡Mvôxi mKj m`m¨‡`i gv‡S AvZ¥cwiP‡qi †PZbv I RvwZmËvi ‡eva KvR K‡i (Cohen 1969; Atran et al 2005; Barth 1969; 1994; Berreman 1972; Briggs 1970; Byrne 1997; Chapman et al 1989; Cohen 1981; Cohen 1994; 1998; Cohen 1977b; Eriksen 1996; Gravlee 2005; Hallowell & Hallowell 1955; Harris 1970; Heider 1991; Levine 1999; Lutz 1985; Medin & Aguilar 1999; Mitchell 1974; Nagel 1994; Piers & Singer 1953; Sanjek 1977)| ZvB Avgiv wewfbœ gvbyl‡K ej‡Z ïwb ‡h, ÔAvgiv evOvwjÕ, ÔAvgiv gvw›`Õ, ÔAvgiv muvIZvjÕ wKsev ÔAvgiv

gvigvÕ BZ¨vw`| GB †PZbv I †ev‡ai Rb¨B b„‡Mvôx‡K RvwZmËvI ejv nq|

∆ mvgvwRK Kg©KvÛ, fvewewbgq I Av`vb-cÖ v‡bi mvaviY †¶Î: GKB b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i Rxebaviv ev ms¯‹…wZ‡Z h‡_ó wgj ev

mv`„k¨ i‡q‡Q| mvaviYZ Zviv GKB fvlvq K_v e‡j I fvewewbgq K‡i, Zv‡`i RxweKv wbe©vn c×wZ KvQvKvwQ

ai‡bi wKsev Zv‡`i mvs¯‹…wZK g~j¨‡eva I Av`‡k©I h‡_ó wgj †`Lv hvq| A_©vr ms¯‹…wZi wewfbœ `„k¨gvb I A`„k¨

Dcv`vb¸‡jv GKB b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨iv mK‡jB Rv‡b I aviY K‡i (Barth 1956; 1966; 1970; 1981; 1987; 1989; 2000; 2005; Fox & King 2002)|

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evsjv‡`‡k bvbv fvlv, ag© I ms¯‹…wZi gvbyl emevm K‡i| RbmsL¨vi we‡ePbvq GB †`‡k evOvwj b„‡Mvôx nj msL¨vMwiô|

Aci w`‡K, evsjv‡`‡k emevmKvix evOvwj Qvov Ab¨vb¨ b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv msL¨vZvwË¡K w`K †_‡K ‡QvU †QvU Ae ’v‡b i‡q‡Q|

GmKj b„‡Mvôxi cÖZ¨qb wb‡q i‡q‡Q wewfbœ weZK©| wewfbœ HwZnvwmK `wjjcÎ, AvBb I cÖÁvcb, eB-cy ÍK I iPbv Ges

miKvwi bw_c‡Î evsjv‡`‡ki msL¨vjNy RvwZmËvmg~n‡K wfbœ wfbœ bv‡g mbv³ Kivi Kvi‡Y G‡`i mvaviY cÖZ¨q‡bi weZK©

AviI cÖej n‡q‡Q| GB weZK© ïay evsjv‡`‡kB bq, ‡`Lv hvq c„w_exi Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK †`‡kB Gai‡bi b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi

cwiwPwZ wewfbœfv‡e weKwkZ n‡q‡Q †hgb, ÔAvw`evmxÕ, ÔDcRvwZÕ, ÔUªvBeÕ, ÔGewiwRbvjÕ, ÔRbRvwZÕ, ÔZdwmwj RvwZÕ,

Ô¶z ª RvwZmËvÕ, Ôdv÷©-†bkvbÕ cÖf…wZ bvgKiY| GB msL¨vjNy b„‡Mvôx‡`i mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ msi¶Y I weKv‡ki Rb¨

evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm` GwcÖj 2010-G Ò¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx mvs¯‹…wZK cÖwZôvb AvBb 2010Ó bv‡g GKwU AvBb cÖYqb K‡i|

GB AvB‡b evsjv‡`‡ki ÔA-evOvwjÕ I HwZn¨evnx RvwZmËv¸‡jv‡K Ô¶z ª b„‡MvôxÕ bv‡g AvL¨vwqZ Kiv nq|

Ô¶z ª b„‡MvôxÕ, Ô¶z ª RvwZmËvÕ ev ÔG_wbK gvBbwiwUÕ cÖZ¨q¸‡jvi wfwËg~‡j i‡q‡Q ïaygvÎ GB ‡`‡k Zv‡`i RbmsL¨vMZ

Ae ’vb| RbmsL¨vi wfwˇZ †QvU n‡jI cÖwZwU b„‡MvôxB GK GKwU ¯Zš¿ b„‡Mvôx I Abb¨ RvwZmËv| Gai‡bi msÁvqb

†_‡K Zv‡`i ms¯‹…wZi avivevwnKZv, HwZn¨, aib wKsev Mob m¤ú‡K© †Kvb cÖZ¨qbMZ aviYv cvIqv hvq bv| Aciw`‡K,

GB Rb‡Mvôx‡`i cÖwZwbwaiv wb‡R‡`i‡K mvgwMÖKfv‡e ÔAvw`evmxÕ, ev ÔBbwW‡RbvmÕ wn‡m‡e msÁvwqZ Kivi `vex

Rvwb‡q‡Q| GB msÁvq‡bi g~j wfwË n‡”Q wbw ©ó A‡j Zv‡`i emwZ ’vc‡bi BwZnvm| b„‡Mvôx‡`i emwZ ’vc‡bi

HwZnvwmK †cª¶vcU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© n‡q I‡V †m‡Þ¤i 2007-G RvwZms‡Ni †NvlYvc‡Î ÔBwÛ‡Rbvm wccj&Õ‡`i we‡kl

AwaKv‡ii ¯xK…wZ ‡`qvi Kvi‡Y| ÔBwÛ‡Rbvm wccj&Õ Gi evsjv AvwfavwbK A_© ÔAvw`evmx Rb‡MvôxÕ| RvwZms‡Ni e¨eüZ

ÔBwÛ‡Rbvm wccj&Õ- Gi aviYvi DrcwË g~jZ A‡óªwjqv I Av‡gwiKv gnv‡`‡ki cÖ_g Awaevmx Rb‡Mvôxi aviYv †_‡K|

eZ©gv‡b msL¨vMwiô n‡jI ‡k¦Zv½iv g~jZ †mLv‡b ewnivMZ Ges emwZ ’vcbKvix| ‡mLvbKvi Avw`evmx Rb‡Mvôxi my xN©

‰elg¨ I eÂbvi BwZnvm we‡ePbv (Freire 2004; Loewen 2008; Said 2000; Tran 2012; Zinn 2005; 2011; Zinn & Arnove 2004) K‡i RvwZmsN Zv‡`i AwaKvi we‡klfv‡e msi¶‡Yi D‡`¨vM MªnY K‡i| evsjv‡`‡kI

¶z ª RvwZmËvmg~n‡K ÔBwÛ‡Rbvm wccj&Õ ev ÔAvw`evmx Rb‡MvôxÕ ejv hv‡e wKbv Zv wb‡q miKvi, ivRbxwZwe`, eyw×Rxwemn

wewfbœ gn‡j i‡q‡Q Pjgvb weZK©| hvB‡nvK, eZ©gvb cÖe‡Üi welqe ‘i Av‡jv‡K GB weZK© wb‡q `xN© ch©v‡jvPbv wKsev

hyw³ Z‡K©i AeKvk †bB| eis ejv †h‡Z cv‡i, Ô¶z ª b„‡MvôxÕ ev ÔAvw`evmx Rb‡MvôxÕ m¤ú‡K© KwVb ev Abgbxq msÁvqb

ÒcÖ‡qvRbxq ev cªZ¨vwkZ bq, †Kbbv Gi d‡j wKQz wKQz b„‡Mvôx msÁvq‡bi AvIZvi evB‡i †_‡K †h‡Z cv‡iÓ (ACHPR 2003)| ZvB GLv‡b Avgiv †Póv Kie GmKj b„‡Mvôxi mvaviY mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewk‡ó¨i Av‡jv‡K cÖv‡qvwMK cÖZ¨qb wba©viY

K‡i evsjv‡`‡ki †cÖw¶‡Z Zvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Zz‡j ai‡Z|

Ô¶z ª b„‡MvôxÕ ev Ô¶z ª RvwZmËvÕ‡`i Rxebaviv I ms¯‹…wZ evOvwj b„‡Mvôx †_‡K c„_K I ¯Zš¿| mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewk‡ó¨i

we‡ePbvq evsjv‡`‡k Ô¶z ª b„‡MvôxÕ ev Ô¶z ª RvwZmËvÕ ej‡Z eySv‡bv nq g~jZ AZxZ ev Avw` HwZ‡n¨i aviK I

cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv‡K| GB b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv wewfbœ HwZnvwmK I mvgvwRK cU cwieZ©‡bi g‡a¨I wbR wbR HwZn¨ I

ms¯‹…wZ‡K A‡bKvs‡k a‡i †i‡L‡Q (Civallero 2007; Kleymeyer 1993; Nahmad et al; Van Nieuwkoop & Uquillas 2000)| Gfv‡e Zviv wbR¯ ms¯‹…wZi cÖvPxb ev Avw` HwZn¨ I ¯vZš¿ eRvq †i‡L‡Q| A_©vr, ‡`‡ki I

Avš©ÍRvwZK cÖhyw³ Ges ms¯‹…wZi cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ Zviv wg‡k hvqwb G‡Kev‡i| eis Zv‡`i mgvR e¨e ’v I ms¯‹…wZi wewfbœ

Dcv`v‡b A‡bKvs‡k wbR¯Zv eRvq †i‡L‡Q| ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewk‡ó¨ wKQz mvaviY mv`„k¨ i‡q‡Q| h_v:

(1) b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨‡`i gv‡S ¯Zš¿ cwiwPwZ I RvwZmËvi ‡PZbv|

(2) AZxZ HwZn¨, we‡klZ cÖvK-Jcwb‡ewkK hy‡Mi mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨i avivevwnKZv|

(3) ¯Zš¿ mvgvwRK, A_©‰bwZK ev ivR‰bwZK e¨e ’v|

(4) ¯Zš¿ fvlv, g~j¨‡eva, wek¦vm I Av`k©|

(5) emevmK„Z A‡ji cÖK…wZi mv‡_ wbweo I Mfxi m¤úK©|

(6) AvaywbK ivóª e¨e ’vq cÖvPxb HwZn¨evnx b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi Ae ’vb A‡c¶K…Z ye©j Ges AvwacZ¨nxb|

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¶y ª b„‡Mvôxi ms¯‹…wZi cwieZ©b I fvlvi wecbœZv

AvaywbK wek¦e¨e ’vq ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôxi gvbyl‡`i mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK e¨e ’vq A‡bK cwieZ©b G‡m‡Q| mv¤úªwZKKv‡j

†hvMv‡hvM e¨e ’vi bvbvwea ˆecøweK cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ wewfbœ ms¯‹…wZi g‡a¨ Av`vb-cÖ vb e„w× †c‡q‡Q eû ¸‡Y| d‡j

mvs¯‹…wZK cwieZ©b Z¡ivwšZ n‡q‡Q| GKBfv‡e, e„nËi evOvwj ms¯‹…wZi ms¯ú‡k© I wek¦vq‡bi cÖfv‡e ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôxi

gvbyl‡`i mgvR I ms¯‹…wZ‡ZI ax‡i ax‡i cwieZ©b G‡m‡Q| mvs¯‹…wZK cÖevn I cwie¨wß cÖwµqvi gva¨‡g ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i

Rxe‡b ‡h cwieZ©b G‡m‡Q Zvi aib I djvd‡jI i‡q‡Q ˆewPΨ| AvwacZ¨Kvix e„nËi ms¯‹…wZi mv‡_ `xN©Kvj a‡i

†hvMv‡hvM I Av`vbcÖ v‡bi gva¨‡g ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i m`m¨iv mvs¯‹…wZK AvZ¥xKiY (Acculturation) cÖwµqvq e„nËi

ms¯‹…wZi A‡bK Dcv`vb MÖnb K‡i‡Q ev AvqZ¡ K‡i‡Q (Anderson 2006; Atkinson 1990; Bentley et al 2007; Cohen 1977a; Datta-Majumder & Herskovits 1956; Eggan 2009; Gupta & Ferguson 1992; Ji et al 2001; Landrine & Klonoff 2004; Malinowski & Kaberry 1945; Nagel 1986; Singh 2000; Smith Marvin 1992; Spindler & Goldschmidt 1952; Spindler 1977; Steward 1955; Wallace & Fogelson 1961; Wells 1980)| ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡f‡` GB ms¯‹…wZK AvZ¥xKi‡Yi gvÎv, aib I djvdj n‡q‡Q wewfbœ :

(1) mvs¯‹…wZK mgxfe‡bi (Assimilation) d‡j wKQz wKQz ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx AvwacZ¨Kvix ms¯‹…wZi AvPvi-AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva

aviY K‡i eZ©gv‡b Zv‡`i wbR¯ ¯vZš¿ I cwiwPwZ nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q; (2) mvs¯‹…wZK cÖvwšÍKZv I wew”QbœZvi

(Marginalisation and Exclusion) d‡j AcÖavb ms¯‹…wZi gvby‡liv avivevwnKfv‡e cÖvwšÍK ev †KvYVvmv Ae ’v‡b P‡j

wM‡q‡Q, wKsev A‡bKvs‡k wew”Qbœ n‡q c‡o‡Q; Ges (3) mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú„³Ki‡Yi (Integration) ga¨ w`‡q †Kvb †Kvb ¶z ª

b„‡Mvôx GKw`‡K †hgb AvwacZ¨Kvix ms¯‹…wZi AvPvi-AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva MÖnY K‡i‡Q, ‡Zgwb GKB mv‡_ Zv‡`i wbR¯

ms¯‹…wZI jvjb Ki‡Q| A_©vr m¤ú„³Ki‡Yi gva¨‡g eZ©gv‡b AwaKvsk ¶z ª b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨iv AvwacZ¨Kvix e„nËi ms¯‹…wZi

mv‡_ hy³ †_‡KI wbR¯ Avw`-HwZn¨ I ms¯‹…wZ eRvq †i‡L ¯vZš¿ wUwK‡q ivLvi †Póv Ki‡Q|

Kv‡ji cwiµgvq bvbv ai‡bi ivóªxq I mvgvwRK ˆeixZvq GKw`‡K †hgb ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i ms¯‹…wZ I fvlv ûgwKi m¤§yLxb

n‡q‡Q, †Zgwb ivR‰bwZK I A_©‰bwZK cÖwZK~jZv, cÖwZeÜKZv I wbh©vZ‡bi Kvi‡b Zv‡`i Aw ÍZ¡I ûgwKi m¤§~Lxb

n‡q‡Q| nvwi‡q hv‡”Q Zv‡`i ms¯‹…wZ I fvlvi DcKiYmgyn| A‡bK RvwZ‡MvôxB AvR Zv‡`i AvZ¥cwiPq nvwi‡q Ab¨

‡Kvb e„nr RvwZ‡Mvôxi Ask wn‡m‡e Avwef~©Z n‡”Q, Avevi †Kvb †Kvb ‡ÿ‡Î GmKj RvwZ‡Mvôxmgyn ag©všÍwiZ n‡q ev½vjx,

wn›`y, gymjgvb wKsev wLªóvb m¤úª v‡qi Ask wn‡m‡e AšÍf©~³ n‡”Q| G‡`i †Kvb †Kvb Ask Avevi wb‡R‡`i b„‡MvôxMZ

cwiwPwZ †Mvcb †i‡L (†KŠkjMZ I mgvwRK Ae ’vbMZ Kvi‡b) e„nËi †Kvb RvwZ‡Mvôxi AšÍfy©³ n‡”Q| Gfv‡e mvs¯‹…wZK

HwZ‡n¨i Ôwe Í…Z avivÕ (Great tradition) Ges Ô ’vbxq avivÕi (Little tradition) mw¤§j‡b ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i mvgvwRK I

mvs¯‹…wZK Rxe‡bi †Kvb †Kvb cwim‡i beavivi mgwšZ HwZn¨ (Syncretic tradition) M‡o D‡V‡Q (Babadzan 2000; Brakel 2004; Corwin 1977; Duranti & Ochs 1996; Geertz 1957; Harriss 2003; Hobsbawm & Ranger; Miller 1966; Obeyesekere 1963; Orans 1965; Redfield 1955; Roy 1982; Sangren 1984; Spiro 1982; Stewart 1999)|

m¤ú‡`i Amg e›Ub, mvgvwRK ‰elg¨ Avi AmgZvi ev ÍeZv wb‡q wewfbœ e¨w³, †Mvôx Ges b„‡Mvôx‡`i ga¨Kvi mvgvwRK

m¤úK© iƒcvwqZ nq| †Mvôxwefw³ Ges mvgvwRK †kªwYKi‡Yi gva¨‡g gvby‡li AvšÍtm¤ú‡K© ˆelg¨ I AmgZvi m„wó nq

(Allport 1962 [1954])| Avi b„‡MvôxMZ cwiwPwZi wfwˇZ wefvRb I ˆel‡g¨i Kvi‡Y ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôxi gvbyliv e„nËi

mvgvwRK, ivR‰bwZK I A_©‰bwZK cwim‡i wew”QbœZv I eÂbvi wkKvi nq (Ali & Shafie 2005; Atkinson 1998; Barron 2008; Birdsall et al 1995; Birdsall & Sabot 1991; Contreras et al 2007; De Haan 2000; Haan & Maxwell 1998; Haan 2009; Medin & Aguilar 1999; Oyen 2005; Psacharopoulos & Patrinos 1994; 2004; Rashid et al 2009; Sen 2000; Shafie & Kilby 2009; Shafie & Mahmood 2003)| evsjv‡`‡kI e„nËg b„‡Mvôx I msL¨vjNy ev ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i ga¨Kvi AvšÍtm¤ú‡K©i

cÖK…wZ I ˆewkó¨I A‡bKUv GKB ai‡bi| GKB A‡j eû b„‡Mvôxi cvkvcvwk emevm I Ae ’v‡bi ‡¶‡Î Drcv`b

e¨e ’v‡K wN‡i Zv‡`i g‡a¨ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi m¤úK© M‡o I‡V (Barth 1956; 1959; 1969; 1994)| A_©‰bwZK m¤ú`

Avni‡Yi Rb¨ AvšÍtcÖwZ‡hvwMZvi djvdj wn‡m‡e A‡c¶vK…Z `ye©j ¶z ª b„‡Mvôxmg~n wewfbœfv‡e eÂbv, ˆelg¨, wbcxob I

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Aa ÍbZvi wkKvi n‡”Q (Atkinson 1998; Barron 2008; Barry 1998; Barth 2000; Becker 1975; Becker 1956; Corcoran et al 1984; De Haan 2000; Garcia-Aracil & Winter 2006; Haan & Maxwell 1998; Haan 2009; Hechter 1975; Hechter & Levi 1979; Hechter & Okamoto 2001; Jenkins 2003; Klitgaard 1995; Klitgaard & Fedderke 1995; Mincer 2008; Patrinos 1998; 2000; Patrinos & Skoufias 2007; Psacharopoulos & Patrinos 2004; Schultz 1961; Uquillas & Rivera 1993)| GB m¤ú` Avni‡Yi cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq

myweavRbK Ae ’v‡b _vKvi Rb¨ A‡bK †¶‡ÎB ¶z ª

b„‡Mvôxmg~‡ni cÖwZ ms¯‹viv”Qbœ `„wófw½i e¨envi Kiv nq

(Allport 1962 [1954]; Barry 1998; Haan 2009; Patrinos & Skoufias 2007; Rashid et al 2009; Shafie & Kilby 2009; Shafie & Mahmood 2003)| GB ms¯‹viv”Qbœ `„wófw½ ax‡i ax‡i weKwkZ

n‡q mvgvwRK ˆelg¨ I †kvl‡bi gva¨g n‡q I‡V (†`Lyb wPÎ- 03)|

evsjv‡`‡ki e„nËg b„‡Mvôx Ges msL¨vjNy ev ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i cvi¯úwiK mvs¯‹…wZK Av`vbcÖ v‡b bvbviKg cÖwZeÜKZv I

mgm¨v i‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki †gvU RbmsL¨vi gvÎ 1.28% nj ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx Ges ïaygvÎ evOvwj b„‡Mvôxi RbmsL¨v nj evwK

98.72% (BBS 2001)| RbmsL¨vMZ GB wekvj e¨eavb †_‡K evsjv‡`‡ki mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK †cÖ¶vc‡U ¶z ª

b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi Zzjbvg~jK `ye©j Ae ’vb mn‡RB Aby‡gq| GQvovI, eZ©gvb mg‡qi ˆewk¦K c uywRev`x evRvi e¨e ’v Ges

RvwZiv‡óªi Avwac‡Z¨i cÖfv‡e ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i Aw ÍZ¡ (Appadurai 1996; 2001; Baumann & Sunier 1995; Ferguson 2002; Foucault 2010; Gupta & Ferguson 1997a; b; Igoe 2006; Schutz 1972) GLb

SuywKi m¤§yLxb| Zv‡`i g~j¨‡eva GB wek¦ e¨e ’vi mv‡_ msMwZc~Y© bq| †mBmv‡_ eZ©gv‡b wek¦vq‡bi hy‡M ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i

Abb¨ mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewkó¨mg~n ax‡i ax‡i jyß n‡q hv‡”Q (Appadurai 1996; 2001; Baumann & Sunier 1995; Birdsall & Sabot 1991; Borofsky et al 2001; Gupta & Ferguson 1997a; b; Hall & Patrinos 2006; Hall 1992; 1996; Klitgaard & Fedderke 1995; Uquillas & Rivera 1993)|

HwZnvwmKfv‡e ¶y ª b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki cve©Z¨ AÂj I D”Pf~wg GjvKvi Awaevmx| evsjv‡`‡k gvÎ K‡qKkZ eQi

c~‡e©I RbmsL¨v ¯íZvi Kvi‡Y GK b„‡Mvôx Ab¨ b„‡Mvôxi emwZ A‡j cÖ‡ek K‡iwb| wKš‘ mv¤úªwZKKv‡j RbmsL¨v

e„w×mn wewfbœ ivR‰bwZK I A_©‰bwZK Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki HwZn¨evnx ¶y`ª b„‡Mvôx¸‡jvi emevm A‡ji cwiwa I mxgvbv

†QvU n‡q Avm‡Q (Birdsall et al 1995; Birdsall & Sabot 1991; Hall & Patrinos 2006; Uquillas & Rivera 1993) Ges e„nËi cwim‡i wew”QbœZv I eÂbvi Kvi‡Y Zviv cÖvwšÍK Rb‡Mvôx‡Z cwiYZ n‡”Q| evsjv‡`k Z_v

†MvUv we‡k¦B ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx¸‡jv mvgvwRK, A_©‰bwZK I ivR‰bwZKfv‡e cÖvwšÍK Ae ’v‡b i‡q‡Q (Appadurai 1998; Atkinson 1998; Barron 2008; Barry 1998; Buvinic et al 2004; Byrne 2005; Contreras et al 2007; Corcoran et al 1984; Fazio 2007; Garcia-Aracil & Winter 2006; Haan 2009; Jordan 1996; Mayes et al 2001; Mincer 1974a; Patrinos 1998; Patrinos & Skoufias 2007; Psacharopoulos & Patrinos 1994; Uquillas & Rivera 1993)| Gfv‡e ¶z ª b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨iv `wi ª

Rb‡Mvôx‡`i g‡a¨I nZ`wi ª Ae ’v‡b _v‡K| ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i RxebhvÎvq ` ye©j ¯v ’ e¨e ’v, e¨vwa, ¶yav, Acywó,

wk¶vnxbZv, A¯v ’ Ki evm¯’vb, AwaK †eKvi‡Z¡i cvkvcvwk weï× cvwb, cq:wb¯‹vkb I we y Zmn Ab¨vb¨ cÖv_wgK I

†gŠwjK myweav †_‡K ewÂZ nIqvi ev ÍeZv †_‡K Zv‡`i cÖvwšÍKZv mn‡RB cÖZxqgvb nq (Atkinson 1998; Chiswick 1997; Contreras et al 2007; Fazio 2007; Garcia-Aracil & Winter 2006; Jackson et al 1996;

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Mayes et al 2001; Mincer 1974b; Mincer 1974c; Oyen 2005; Psacharopoulos & Patrinos 1994; Psacharopoulos & Schultz 1984)|

mvs¯‹…wZK wecbœZvi cvkvcvwk ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i gvZ…fvlvI eZ©gv‡b wecbœ cÖvq| wewfbœ Av_©-mvgvwRK I ivR‰bwZK Kvi‡Y

Ges RbmsL¨vi ¯íZvi Kvi‡Y wKQz wKQz fvlv GLb jyßcÖvq| G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ jymvB, Lywg, eg, wLqvs, ‡gªv, cvs‡Lvqv

D‡jøL‡hvM¨| mgZj f~wgi ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx †ek wKQy fvlv B‡Zvg‡a¨ jyß n‡q‡Q| ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx cvnvwoqv I gvnvwj‡`i g‡a¨ GK

mgq `ªvweo cwiev‡ii gvj‡Zv fvlv cÖPwjZ wQj, wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b Zv Aejyß| Giv mevB GLb mv`wi e¨envi K‡i Ges

mv`wi‡K wb‡Ri fvlv e‡j g‡b K‡i| evsjv‡`‡k emevmKvix cÖvq 85 nvRvi IivIu-Gi g‡a¨ Zv‡`i ªvweo cwiev‡ii fvlv

Kzuo–L Rv‡b gvÎ 25 nvRvi| cvnvwoqv‡`i gv‡S GKKv‡j cÖPwjZ gvj‡Zv (`ªvweo cwievify³) fvlvI eZ©gv‡b cy‡ivcywi


¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i fvlv wecbœ nIqvi Avi GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© KviY nj wjwLZ eY©gvjvi Abycw ’wZ| ïaygvÎ PvKgv, gvigv I

gwYcywi‡`i i‡q‡Q eY©gvjv| GQvov AwaKvsk ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`iB wbR¯ wjwc ev †Kvb wjwLZ eY©gvjv †bB| hw`I eZ©gv‡b

A‡b‡KB †ivgvb wjwc e¨envi K‡i| †ivgvb wjwc e¨env‡ii `xN©w`‡bi BwZnvm i‡q‡Q muvIZvj, Mv‡iv Ges Lvwm‡`i|

muvIZvj I Mv‡iv‡`i g‡a¨ mxwgZ ch©v‡q evsjv wjwci cÖ‡qvM N‡U‡Q mv¤cÖwZK Kv‡j| Ab¨w`‡K mv`wi fvlvfvlxiv evsjv

wjwc e¨envi K‡i Avm‡Q A‡bKw`b †_‡KB| wgkbvwi‡`i cÖ‡Póvq eg&, PvK, cvs‡Lvqv, Lywg cÖf„wZ fvlvq †ivgvb nid

e¨envi n‡PQ| †gªv‡`i g‡a¨ †gb‡j †gªv cÖewZ©Z †ivgvb Ges ewg© wjwci 8wU ¯i I 23wU e¨Ä‡bi mgš‡q †gªv eY©gvjv

cÖPjb ïiæ n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k wÎcyiviv Zv‡`i KK‡eviK fvlvq †ivgvb nid e¨envi Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx

fvlv¸wj wewfbœ mg‡q cwiewZ©Z n‡q‡Q| ïay †h aŸwbMZ w`K †_‡K GB cwieZ©b N‡U‡Q Zv bq, bZzb bZzb k‡ãiI

AbycÖ‡ek N‡U‡Q|

gvby‡li RxebhvÎvq fvlvi f~wgKv A‡bK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© I e¨vc„Z| mvgvwRK m¤úK© I cwiwPwZ wbg©vY †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wkíKjv,

¶gZv, ivRbxwZ, wk¶v cÖf…wZ, GgbwK RxweKv-wbe©vn I kÖgevRv‡ii cÖK…wZ wba©vi‡YI fvlvi f~wgKv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©|

‰`bw›`b Rxe‡b GKwU fvlvi ¯xK…wZ I e¨env‡ii mvaviY †¶Î mg~n nj : (1) cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i gv‡S e¨eüZ fvlv;

(2) wewfbœ AvPvi Abyôvb I Drm‡e e¨eüZ fvlv; (3) eÜz-evÜe‡`i mv‡_ e¨eüZ fvlv; (4) N‡ii evB‡i †Nviv‡div I

‡Ljvayjvq AskMÖn‡Yi Rb¨ e¨eüZ fvlv; (5) cÖkvmwbK I AvBb-Av`vj‡Z e¨eüZ fvlv; (6) mncvVx‡`i mv‡_ e¨eüZ

fvlv; (7) wewfbœ MYgva¨‡g Abyôvb m¤úªPv‡ii fvlv; (8) cÎ-cwÎKvq e¨eüZ fvlv; (9) nvU-evRvi I †`vKvb-cv‡U

e¨eüZ fvlv; (10) wk¶K‡`i mv‡_ e¨eüZ fvlv; Ges (11) cÖPwjZ eBcy ͇K e¨eüZ fvlv| fvlv e¨env‡ii GBme

†¶Îmg~‡ni we‡ePbvq ejv †h‡Z cv‡i †h evsjv‡`‡k ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wbR¯ fvlvmg~‡ni cÖ‡qvM I cÖPj‡bi cwiwa AZ¨šÍ

mxwgZ| †mBmv‡_ evsjv‡`‡ki wk¶v I evRvi e¨e ’vmn e„nËi mvgvwRK cwim‡i mshy³ nIqvi Rb¨ ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i Rb¨

evsjv fvlv †kLv Qvov MZ¨šÍi †bB| ZvB ¶z ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i Rxeb-AwfÁZvq evsjv nj Avwac‡Z¨i fvlv (Abu-Lughod 1991; Bakhtin 1982; Bourdieu 1984; Bourdieu & Thompson 1991; Cole & Graham 2012; Conley & O'Barr 2005; Cummins 2000; d'Andrade 1995; Derrida 1996; Fairclough 1990; 2001; 2005; Fetterman 1993; Grenfell et al; Holland & Quinn 1987; Kiesling 2007; Lakoff 1990; McCarty 2005; Royle 2003; Tollefson & Tollefson 1995)| AwaKvsk ¶z ª b„‡Mvôxi m`m¨ivB

AšÍZ wØfvwlK Ges Zviv wbR¯ gvZ…fvlvi cvkvcvwk evsjv fvlv e¨envi K‡i|

cwievi †_‡K ïiæ K‡i mvgvwRK I ivóªxq cwim‡i GKwU fvlvi cÖPjb msKzwPZ n‡q Avm‡j ax‡i ax‡i †mB fvlv jyß n‡q

hvq (Curry 2008; Igoe 2006; Krauss et al 2004; Magga et al 2005; Mohanty 2000; Skutnabb-Kangas 1997; Skutnabb-Kangas & Aikio-Puoskari 2003)| evsjv‡`‡k ¶z`ª b„‡Mvôx‡`i wKQz fvlv eZ©gv‡b

jyßcÖvq| wek¦, ev ÍeZv Avi AwfÁZv‡K gvbyl aviY K‡i Zvi fvlvi gva¨‡g| c„w_ex I cÖK…wZ‡KI gvbyl iƒcvqb K‡i fvlv

w`‡q| fvlv gvby‡li wPšÍv‡K cwiPvwjZ K‡i Avi GB wPšÍvi-RMr †_‡K wbg©Z nq mvgvwRK ev ÍeZv (Foss & Hakes 1978; Hajime 1964; Nakamura 1991; Nisbett et al 2001; Norenzayan & Nisbett 2000;

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Prasithrathsint 1993; Traxler & Gernsbacher 2006)| Gfv‡e fvlvi gva¨‡gB gvby‡li Rxeb `k©b M‡o I‡V|

e¨w³ †h fvlvq K_v e‡j, †m fvlvB Zvi wPšÍv‡K cwiPvwjZ K‡i Ges wfbœ wfbœ fvlvi gvby‡li wPšÍvi RMrI wfbœ wfbœ n‡q

_v‡K| cÖwZwU fvlvi wKQy ¯Zš¿ I ‡gŠwjK KvVv‡gv Dcv`vb (phonemic inventory, lexicon, etc.) _v‡K hv wPiZ‡i

nvwi‡q hvq †mB fvlvi g„Zz¨i ga¨w`‡q| GKwU fvlvi g„Zy¨i ga¨ w`‡q GKwU mvs¯‹…wZK ÁvbKvÛ jyß n‡q hvq, GKwU ¯Zš¿

Rxebavivi g„Zz N‡U|

b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwic I evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú`

mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú‡`i h_v_©Zv I e¨vwß Abyave‡bi Kvh©Kix cªwµqv wn‡m‡e b…‰eÁvwbK Rwic ‡ek wKQy Kvj a‡i wewfbœ

eyw×Rxwe gnj I mvaviY gvby‡li Kv‡Q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© n‡q DV‡Q| MZ kZvãxi ïiæ ‡_‡K wewfbœ RvwZMZ Ø›Ø, mvs¯‹…wZK

wewfbœZv Ges ‰ewk¦K mgm¨vi ¯iƒc wba©vi‡Y wek¦e¨vcx gvbe mgvR I gvby‡li AvPiY wb‡q wk¶vg~jK I M‡elYvag©x

Kvh©µ‡gi cª‡qvRbxqZv ‡`Lv ‡`q| GiB cwi‡cªw¶‡Z we‡k¦i PvikÕiI ‡ewk ms¯‹…wZ, RvwZ‡Mvôx, ag©xq I Ab¨vb¨ mvgvwRK

`‡ji weeiY mg…× HRAF (Human Relations Area File) Collection of Ethnography n‡q I‡V GK Abb¨

m¤ú`| HRAF ‡_‡K c„w_exi wewfbœ GjvKvi gvby‡li wewPÎ RxebhvÎv m¤ú‡K© Zzjbvg~jK Ávb Avni‡Yi ga¨ w`‡q

gvby‡li AvPiY I ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú‡K© AšÍ „©wóg~jK ZË¡xq aviYv AR©b Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i| GB fvebv ‡_‡K 1937 mv‡j B‡qj

wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Institute of Human Relations Gi GK`j M‡elK GK GKwU mgv‡Ri mvs¯‹…wZK, AvPiYMZ I Ab¨vb¨

Z‡_¨i ‡kªwYe×KiY I wb‡ ©wkKv c ªYq‡bi ‡h cªwµqv ïiæ K‡ib Zv w`‡q GB e„n`vqZb Z_¨m~‡Îi KvR ïiæ nq|

GKBfv‡e, fvi‡Z 1946 mv‡j cªwZwôZ Anthropological Survey of India miKv‡ii Aax‡b wewfbœ b„‰eÁvwbK

M‡elYv ïiæ K‡i| fvi‡Zi eû wewPÎ ms¯‹…wZi ‡h wecyj cwiwa I e¨vwß, Zv Zy‡j aivi ‡¶‡Î Anthropological Survey of India i M‡elYvK‡g©i Ae`vb Ab¯xKvh©| GB ms ’vi wewfbœ cªKvkbv I G_‡bvMªvwdK Pjw”PÎ mviv we‡k¦

wewfbœ M‡elYv I cvV¨µ‡g e¨eüZ Ges cªkswmZ| GKBfv‡e evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewPΨ I m¤ú` wPwýZ I wPÎvq‡bi

Rb¨ b…‰eÁvwbK Rwic ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv ivL‡e|

mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I fvlv‰ewPΨ Rwi‡ci welqvejx wK n‡Z cv‡i Zv wb‡q A‡b‡KiB my¯úó aviYv bvI _vK‡Z cv‡i|

ms¯‹…wZ I fvlv ci¯úi wew”Qbœ bq, eis wewfbœ cwim‡i fvlv I ms¯‹…wZ G‡K Ac‡ii wbqvgK I aviK wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|

ZvB fvlvi ‰ewPΨMZ Z_¨vqb I Rwi‡ci ‡¶‡Î mvs¯‹…wZK cUf~wgi aviYv ‡hgb ¸iæZ¡c~Y©, ‡Zgwb mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú`

cªZ¨qb I Abyave‡bi ‡¶‡Î fvlv msµvšÍ Ávb Acwinvh©| mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` I fvlv ˆewPΨ Rwi‡ci Dcv`vbmg~n wb‡¤œi

wP‡Î †`Lv‡bv nj|

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b…‰eÁvwbK I b…fvlv‰eÁvwbK Rwi‡ci ‡¶‡Î ïaygvÎ wewfbœ b…‡Mvôx bq, eis wewfbœ ‡ckvRxwe, ag©xq I msL¨vjNy Rb‡Mvôxi

Z_¨¸‡jvI Riæix| ‡Kbbv, cª‡Z¨‡KiB i‡q‡Q ¯Zš¿ cwiwPwZ, Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZ| ‡MvôxMZ cwiwPwZ I web¨v‡mi Z_¨¸‡jv

mvs¯‹…wZK gvbwPÎvq‡bi cªv_wgK kZ©| GQvov wewfbœ HwZnvwmK I cªZœZvwË¡K wb`k©b, ’vcZ¨, emwZ, Drcvw`Z ªe¨vw` I

n Íwkí, cªvK…wZK m¤ú` BZ¨vw` wewfbœ b…‡Mvôxi e ‘MZ ms¯‹…wZi cwiPq enb K‡i| Ab¨w`‡K, ’vbxq Drme-Abyôvb,

‡jvKwkí, ‡Ljvayjv, ‡gjv, cªwZ‡hvwMZv BZ¨vw` ms¯‹…wZi A`…k¨ A_P cªengvb avivi cwiPvqK|

AwaKvsk ‡¶‡ÎB Avgiv wbR wbR ms¯‹…wZi wKQy welq Qvov Ab¨vb¨ wel‡q AÁ wKsev D`vmxb _vwK| Gi KviY n‡jv Ab¨

ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú‡K© h_vh_ Ávb ev aviYvi Afve| Avi wbR I Ab¨ ms¯‹…wZi cªwZ D`vmxbZvi djvdj¯iƒc Avgv‡`i gv‡S

‰Zwi nq bvbv we‡f` I ‰elg¨, RvZxq msnwZ nq LwÛZ Ges RvZxq I ivó«xq Dbœqb wejw¤Z A_ev ¶wZMª ’ n‡Z _v‡K|

A_P GB eû `„k¨gvb I cªengvb Dcv`v‡bi mgš‡q Avgv‡`i ewY©j ms¯‹…wZgvjvi ‡h AdyišÍ m¤ú` Zvi h_vh_ Z_¨vqb,

wjwce×KiY I cªPvi Kiv m¤¢e n‡j Avgv‡`i GB ‡`‡ki mKj ms¯‹…wZi gvby‡li gv‡S cvi¯úwiK kª×v‡eva ‰Zwi n‡e,

M‡o DV‡e mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ I m¤ú` msi¶‡Yi cªwZ `vqe×Zv I RvZxq msnwZ Ges Zv ‡`k I gvby‡li Dbœq‡bi

cª‡qvRbxq Aby‡cªiYv ‡hvMv‡e|

Ab¨w`‡K, G ai‡bi Rwic I gvbwPÎvq‡bi ga¨ w`‡q A‡bK jyßcªvq wKsev nviv‡bv fvlv I HwZn¨‡K wUwK‡q ivLv ev

wdwi‡q Avbv ‡h‡Z cv‡i| c…w_exi ‡ek wKQy ‡`‡k Zv m¤¢eI n‡q‡Q| m‡e©vcwi, evsjv‡`k evOvwj Aay¨wlZ I evsjvfvlx

GKwU ivóª e‡j mvaviYfv‡e cwiwPZ| Gi wecyj fvlv ‰ewPΨ I mvs¯‹…wZK mg…w× m¤ú‡K© we‡k¦i A‡b‡KB AewnZ bq| GB

Rwic I Z_¨vqb m¤úbœ n‡j Zv we‡k¦i Kv‡QI ‡KŠZ~n‡jvÏxcK I mgv`„Z n‡e, hv ïay wek¦mfvq evsjv‡`‡ki Ae ’vb‡K

mymsnZ I gh©v`vkxj Ki‡e ZvB bq, eis Av‡iv b~Zb mn‡hvwMZv I M‡elYvi ‡¶Î‡K D‡b¥vwPZ Ki‡e|


Rxe‰ewPΨ †hgb cÖK…wZi Rb¨ Acwinvh©, gvbeRvwZi Rb¨I fvlv I ms¯‹…wZi ˆewP‡Îi cÖ‡qvRbxqZvI Abyiƒc (UNESCO 2002)| ZvB ms¯‹…wZi ‰ewPΨ msi¶Y I weKv‡ki `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`i mK‡ji| evsjv‡`‡ki RbM‡Yi mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewPΨ,

mvgvwRK cªwZôvb, RvwZMZ ‰bK‡U¨i cwiwPwZi gva¨‡g msnZ I HK¨e× ivóª MV‡bi Rb¨ wek` b…‰eÁvwbK M‡elYv

cª‡qvRb| bvbvfv‡e wefvwRZ I weev`gvb wewfbœ b„‡Mvôx, mvs¯‹…wZK I ag©xq ‡Mvôxi g‡a¨ m¤cÖxwZ ’vcb Kiv nj GB

gyn~‡Z©i ‰bwZK `vwqZ¡ I Dbœq‡bi c~e©kZ©| evsjv‡`k I Gi Awaevmx‡`i b…‰eÁvwbK weei‡Yi Rb¨ cª‡qvRb h_vh_

‰eÁvwbK M‡elYv| Gi ga¨ w`‡q ïay Ávb AR©bB m¤¢e n‡e Zv bq, eis mKj we‡f` ~i K‡i mse×Zv I msnwZi GKwU

me©Rbxb I RvZxq ‡¶Î m„wó n‡e (Ahmed 1998; Flora et al 1999; Gagnon & Tully 2001; Ganguly & Phadnis 2001; McGarry 2002; Miguel 2004; Norman 2006; Weinstock 1999)|

evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK gvbwPÎ eû b„‡Mvôxi mgš‡q MwVZ| mKj b„‡Mvôx, RvwZmËv, m¤úª vq I †Mvôxi ˆewP†Î¨i mgvnv‡i

GKwU ’v‡bi mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ weKwkZ nq| evsjv‡`‡k mvs¯‹…wZK m¤ú` Rwic I b„fvlv‰eÁvwbK M‡elYvi gva¨‡g wewfbœ

b„‡Mvôx m¤ú‡K© cÖK…Z Z_¨ Ges cvi¯úwiK aviYvjv‡fi gva¨‡g b„‡Mvôx‡`i g‡a¨ Abv ’vi m¤úK© ~i K‡i Avgv‡`i †`k‡K

mvgwMÖK Dbœq‡bi w`‡K wb‡q hvIqv m¤¢e| evsjv‡`‡k Dbœq‡bi †cÖw¶‡Z b„‰eÁvwbK Rwic AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv ivL‡e|

Gai‡bi Rwi‡ci gva¨‡g b„‡Mvôxiv ci¯ú‡ii RxebhvÎvi m¤ú‡K© h_vh_fv‡e AewnZ n‡e| d‡j wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi cÖwZ

ms¯‹viv”Qbœ `„wófw½i Aemv‡bi ga¨ w`‡q mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewPΨ m¤ú‡K© †`‡ki gvbyl mnbkxj n‡q DV‡e| wewfbœ b„‡Mvôxi

g‡a¨ Amg m¤úK© I mvgvwRK ˆelg¨ cÖwZnZ K‡i h_vh_ Dbœqb bxwZ wba©viY I cÖYq‡Yi †¶‡Î evsjv‡`‡k b„‰eÁvwbK

Rwi‡ci †Kvb weKí †bB| Gfv‡e mKj RvwZmËvi mg mse×Zvq I AskMÖn‡Y ivóª MV‡bi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡ki mvgwMÖK

Dbœq‡bi evavmg~n‡K AwZµg Kiv m¤¢e|

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