ethics of biotechnology

Ethics of Biotechnology

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Ethics of Biotechnology. CLONING. What is CLONING?. Creating new and identical organisms using biotechnology. What does cloning PRODUCE?. A new organism identical to the donor organism. What are the STEPS to create a CLONE?. An EGG is taken from a Donor cell and the nucleus is removed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Ethics of Biotechnology

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What is CLONING?

• Creating new and identical organisms using biotechnology

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What does cloning PRODUCE?

• A new organism identical to the donor organism

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What are the STEPS to create a CLONE?

1. An EGG is taken from a Donor cell and the nucleus is removed

2. The egg cell is injected with the nucleus from another adult

3. When they fuse, the cell begins to divide

4. The single cell divides until an embryo forms and is then put into a female uterus

5. It develops into an offspring that is genetically identical to the donor nucleus

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What are the BENEFITS of cloning?

1. Population recovery

2. Produce organisms with medical benefits (like creating donor organs)

3. Creating tissues for transplants and cures for diseases

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What is the main CONCERN of cloning?

1. Fear of cloning humans

2. “Playing God”

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Who is DOLLY? What happened to her?

• Dolly is a sheep and was the first cloned animal

• Dolly suffered from many health issues and dies at an early age

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What are STEM cells?

• Undifferentiated cells

• This means they have no job in the body yet• They have the ability to become any cell in the


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How are stem cells DIFFERENT from other cells, like heart cells or blood cells?

• They are not yet specialized

• They do not have specific jobs yet

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What are TWO MAIN TYPES stem cells?

• Embryonic stem cells

• Adult stem cells

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Which type do scientists PREFER? And WHY?

• Embryonic stem cells because they are more flexible and hold more potential than adult stem cells

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Which type is more CONTROVERSIAL?

• Embryonic Stems cells because they come from embryos

• Using embryonic cells are controversial because it is believed that it could be ending a potential life

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WHY it is more controversial?

• The embryonic stems cells are being taken from a fertilized egg and sperm.

• If the stems cells are removed from the embryo the embryo will not be able to survive.

• If the embryo is left alone, it will develop into a child. • It is believed that taking the cells from an embryo

destroys a potential life.

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What are BENEFITS of stem cell research?

1. Holds the potential to cure diseases (such as diabetes and cystic fibrosis)

2. Used to replace worn out or old cells

3. Used to create new organs or tissue in the body

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What are CONCERNS of stem cell research?

1. Destroying a potential life (fertilized egg and sperm)

2. “Playing God”

3. Potential to create disease (like cancer) if the cells are programmed incorrectly

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What was the Human Genome Project (HGP)?

• Project to sequence the DNA of a human beings to make a map of every gene in the human body

• Scientist hope to use the information to detect and treat abnormalities that lead to disease

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What were two goals of the HGP?

• To identify the 30,000 – 40,000 genes in human DNA

• To determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA

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What did scientists do to complete the HGP?

• Scientists sequenced the DNA in human beings

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How has technology played a role in this project?

• Technology increased the speed at which the project was completed

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What is a GENOME?

• A complete set of an organisms DNA

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How might the map of the human genome play a role in preventative medicine?

• Understanding the DNA allows doctors to diagnose potential diseases and disorders early, allowing the patient a better chance at survival and a better quality of life

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What are BENEFITS of the HGP?

1. Finding cures and treatments for diseases

2. Better understanding human evolution

3. Advancements in the fields of forensics and agriculture

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What are CONCERNS of the HGP?

1. “Playing God”

2. Privacy and confidentiality of genetic information

3. Fairness in the use of genetic information by insurers, employers, courts, schools, adoption agencies, and the military, among others

4. Psychological impacts, stigmatization and discrimination due to an individuals genetic make-up

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What is it?

• Inserting a normal or healthy gene into a cell to replace a bad gene

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How does it work?

• Use a virus to deliver the good version of the gene to the cell

• Then the cell has the correct version of the gene

• The gene will then be used to make the

correct proteins for the individual

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What are two disorders that involve defective genes?

1. Cystic Fibrosis 2. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

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What is Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?

• Inherited disease that causes the body to make the wrong protein

• The protein codes for the body to make thick and sticky mucous

• This leads to infections and early death

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What is one way Cystic Fibrosis can be TREATED?

• Gene Therapy

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What is Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)?

• A faulty gene affects a persons ability to fight off infections and diseases

• Severely weakened immune system • Can lead to early death

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What is one way SCID can be TREATED?

• Gene therapy

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What are BENEFITS of Gene Therapy?

• helps cure disease at the genetic level

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What are CONCERNS of Gene Therapy?

1. Viruses may not insert the gene into the DNA properly

2. The technology is expensive and only

accessible to the rich

3. “Playing God”